/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * ComboBox.js * * Created by Alexander Yuzhin on 1/22/14 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ /** * Using template * *
* * * *
* */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; define([ 'common/main/lib/component/BaseView', 'common/main/lib/component/Scroller' ], function () { 'use strict'; Common.UI.ComboBoxModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: function() { return { id: Common.UI.getId(), value: null, displayValue: null } } }); Common.UI.ComboBoxStore = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Common.UI.ComboBoxModel }); Common.UI.ComboBox = Common.UI.BaseView.extend((function() { return { options : { id : null, cls : '', style : '', hint : false, editable : true, disabled : false, menuCls : '', menuStyle : '', displayField: 'displayValue', valueField : 'value', search : false, scrollAlwaysVisible: false, takeFocusOnClose: false, dataHint: '', dataHintDirection: '', dataHintOffset: '' }, template: _.template([ '', '', '', '', '' ].join('')), initialize : function(options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); var me = this; this.id = me.options.id || Common.UI.getId(); this.cls = me.options.cls; this.style = me.options.style; this.menuCls = me.options.menuCls; this.menuStyle = me.options.menuStyle; this.template = me.options.template || me.template; this.itemsTemplate = me.options.itemsTemplate; this.hint = me.options.hint; this.editable = me.options.editable; this.disabled = me.options.disabled; this.store = me.options.store || new Common.UI.ComboBoxStore(); this.displayField = me.options.displayField; this.valueField = me.options.valueField; this.search = me.options.search; this.scrollAlwaysVisible = me.options.scrollAlwaysVisible; me.rendered = me.options.rendered || false; this.lastValue = null; me.store.add(me.options.data); if (me.options.el) { me.render(); } }, render : function(parentEl) { var me = this; if (!me.rendered) { var items = this.store.toJSON(); this.cmpEl = $(this.template({ id : this.id, cls : this.cls, style : this.style, menuCls : this.menuCls, menuStyle : this.menuStyle, items : items, scope : me, dataHint : this.options.dataHint, dataHintDirection: this.options.dataHintDirection, dataHintOffset: this.options.dataHintOffset, isRTL : Common.UI.isRTL() })); if (this.itemsTemplate) this.cmpEl.find('ul').html( $(this.itemsTemplate({ items : items, scope : me }))); if (parentEl) { this.setElement(parentEl, false); parentEl.html(this.cmpEl); } else { this.$el.html(this.cmpEl); } } else { this.cmpEl = me.$el || $(this.el); } if (!me.rendered) { var el = this.cmpEl; this._input = el.find('input'); this._button = el.find('.btn'); el.on('click', 'a', _.bind(this.itemClicked, this)); el.on('mousedown', 'a', _.bind(this.itemMouseDown, this)); if (this.editable) { el.on('change', 'input', _.bind(this.onInputChanged, this)); el.on('keydown', 'input', _.bind(this.onInputKeyDown, this)); el.on('focusin', 'input', _.bind(this.onInputFocusIn, this)); el.on('click', '.form-control', _.bind(this.onEditableInputClick, this)); } else { el.on('click', '.form-control', _.bind(this.onInputClick, this)); this._input.attr('readonly', 'readonly'); this._input.attr('data-can-copy', false); this._input.on('mousedown',function (e){e.preventDefault();}) } if (me.options.hint) { el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip'); el.tooltip({ title : me.options.hint, placement : me.options.hintAnchor||'cursor' }); var modalParents = el.closest('.asc-window'); if (modalParents.length > 0) { el.data('bs.tooltip').tip().css('z-index', parseInt(modalParents.css('z-index')) + 10); var onModalClose = function(dlg) { if (modalParents[0] !== dlg.$window[0]) return; var tip = el.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) { if (tip.dontShow===undefined) tip.dontShow = true; tip.hide(); } Common.NotificationCenter.off({'modal:close': onModalClose}); }; Common.NotificationCenter.on({'modal:close': onModalClose}); } el.find('.dropdown-menu').on('mouseenter', function(){ // hide tooltip when mouse is over menu var tip = el.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) { if (tip.dontShow===undefined) tip.dontShow = true; tip.hide(); } }); } var $list = el.find('.dropdown-menu'); if ($list.hasClass('menu-absolute')) { $list.css('min-width', el.outerWidth()); } el.on('show.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onBeforeShowMenu, me)); el.on('shown.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterShowMenu, me)); el.on('hide.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onBeforeHideMenu, me)); el.on('hidden.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterHideMenu, me)); el.on('keydown.after.bs.dropdown', _.bind(me.onAfterKeydownMenu, me)); Common.NotificationCenter.on('menumanager:hideall', _.bind(me.closeMenu, me)); // set default selection this.setDefaultSelection(); this.listenTo(this.store, 'reset', this.onResetItems); } me.rendered = true; if (me.disabled) me.setDisabled(me.disabled); return this; }, setData: function(data) { this.store.reset([]); this.store.add(data); this.setRawValue(''); this.onResetItems(); }, openMenu: function(delay) { var me = this; if ( !this.scroller ) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({ el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl), minScrollbarLength: 40, includePadding: true, wheelSpeed: 10, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible }, this.options.scroller)); } _.delay(function(){ me.cmpEl.addClass('open'); }, delay || 0); }, closeMenu: function() { this.cmpEl.removeClass('open'); }, isMenuOpen: function() { return this.cmpEl.hasClass('open'); }, onBeforeShowMenu: function(e) { if ( !this.scroller ) { this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({ el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl), minScrollbarLength: 40, includePadding: true, wheelSpeed: 10, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible }, this.options.scroller)); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('menu:show'); this.trigger('show:before', this, e); if (this.options.hint) { var tip = this.cmpEl.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) { if (tip.dontShow===undefined) tip.dontShow = true; tip.hide(); } } var $list = this.cmpEl.find('ul'); if ($list.hasClass('menu-absolute')) { var offset = this.cmpEl.offset(); var left = offset.left; if (left + $list.outerWidth()>Common.Utils.innerWidth()) left += (this.cmpEl.outerWidth() - $list.outerWidth()); $list.css({left: left, top: offset.top + this.cmpEl.outerHeight() + 2}); } else if ($list.hasClass('menu-aligned')) { var offset = this.cmpEl.offset(); $list.toggleClass('show-top', offset.top + this.cmpEl.outerHeight() + $list.outerHeight() > Common.Utils.innerHeight()); } }, onAfterShowMenu: function(e) { var $list = $(this.el).find('ul'), $selected = $list.find('> li.selected'); if ($selected.length) { var itemTop = $selected.position().top, itemHeight = $selected.outerHeight(), listHeight = $list.outerHeight(); if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) { var height = $list.scrollTop() + itemTop + (itemHeight - listHeight)/2; height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight); $list.scrollTop(height); } setTimeout(function(){$selected.find('a').focus();}, 1); } else { var me = this; setTimeout(function(){me.cmpEl.find('ul li:first a').focus();}, 1); } if (this.scroller) this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible}); this.trigger('show:after', this, e); this._search = {}; }, onBeforeHideMenu: function(e) { this.trigger('hide:before', this, e); if (Common.UI.Scroller.isMouseCapture()) e.preventDefault(); }, onAfterHideMenu: function(e, isFromInputControl) { this.cmpEl.find('.dropdown-toggle').blur(); this.trigger('hide:after', this, e, isFromInputControl); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('menu:hide', this, isFromInputControl); if (this.options.takeFocusOnClose) { var me = this; (me._input && me._input.length>0 && !me.editable) && (me._input[0].selectionStart===me._input[0].selectionEnd) && setTimeout(function() { me._input[0].selectionStart = me._input[0].selectionEnd = 0; },1); setTimeout(function(){me.focus();}, 1); } }, onAfterKeydownMenu: function(e) { if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.DOWN && !this.editable && !this.isMenuOpen()) { this.openMenu(); this.onAfterShowMenu(); return false; } else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN && (this.editable || this.isMenuOpen())) { var isopen = this.isMenuOpen(); $(e.target).click(); if (this.rendered) { if (Common.Utils.isIE) this._input.trigger('change', { onkeydown: true }); else this._input.blur(); } return !isopen; } else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC && this.isMenuOpen()) { this._input.val(this.lastValue); this.closeMenu(); this.onAfterHideMenu(e); return false; } else if (this.search && e.keyCode > 64 && e.keyCode < 91 && e.key){ if (typeof this._search !== 'object') return; var me = this; clearTimeout(this._search.timer); this._search.timer = setTimeout(function () { me._search = {}; }, 1000); (!this._search.text) && (this._search.text = ''); (!this._search.char) && (this._search.char = e.key); (this._search.char !== e.key) && (this._search.full = true); this._search.text += e.key; if (this._search.index===undefined) { var $items = this.cmpEl.find('ul > li').find('> a'); this._search.index = $items.index($items.filter(':focus')); } this.selectCandidate(); } }, selectCandidate: function() { var index = (this._search.index && this._search.index != -1) ? this._search.index : 0, re = new RegExp('^' + ((this._search.full) ? this._search.text : this._search.char), 'i'), isFirstCharsEqual = re.test(this.store.at(index).get(this.displayField)), itemCandidate, idxCandidate; for (var i=0; iindex) { itemCandidate = item; idxCandidate = i; break; } } } if (itemCandidate) { this._search.index = idxCandidate; var item = $('#' + itemCandidate.get('id') + ' a', $(this.el)); if (this.scroller) { this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible}); var $list = $(this.el).find('ul'); var itemTop = item.position().top, itemHeight = item.outerHeight(), listHeight = $list.outerHeight(); if (itemTop < 0 || itemTop + itemHeight > listHeight) { var height = $list.scrollTop() + itemTop; height = (Math.floor(height/itemHeight) * itemHeight); $list.scrollTop(height); } } item.focus(); } }, onInputKeyDown: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC){ this._input.val(this.lastValue); this.closeMenu(); this.onAfterHideMenu(e); } else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.UP || e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.DOWN) { if (!this.isMenuOpen()) this.openMenu(); _.delay(function() { me._skipInputChange = true; me.cmpEl.find('ul li:first a').focus(); }, 10); } else if (e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN && $(e.target).val() === me.lastValue){ this._input.trigger('change', { reapply: true }); } else me._skipInputChange = false; }, onInputFocusIn: function(e) { this.trigger('combo:focusin', this, e); }, onInputChanged: function(e, extra) { // skip processing for internally-generated synthetic event // to avoid double processing if (extra && extra.synthetic) return; if (this._skipInputChange) { this._skipInputChange = false; return; } var val = $(e.target).val(), record = {}; if (this.lastValue === val && !(extra && extra.reapply)) { if (extra && extra.onkeydown) this.trigger('combo:blur', this, e); return; } record[this.valueField] = val; this.trigger('changed:before', this, record, e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return; var obj; this._selectedItem = this.store.findWhere((obj={}, obj[this.displayField]=val, obj)); if (this._selectedItem) { record = this._selectedItem.toJSON(); $('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected'); $('#' + this._selectedItem.get('id'), $(this.el)).addClass('selected'); } // trigger changed event this.trigger('changed:after', this, record, e); }, onInputClick: function(e) { if (this._button) this._button.dropdown('toggle'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, onEditableInputClick: function(e) { if (this.options.hint) { var tip = this.cmpEl.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) { if (tip.dontShow===undefined) tip.dontShow = true; tip.hide(); } } if (this.isMenuOpen() && e.which == 1) e.stopPropagation(); }, setDefaultSelection: function () { if (!this.rendered) return; var val = this._input.val(), obj; if (val) { this._selectedItem = this.store.findWhere((obj={}, obj[this.displayField]=val, obj)); if (this._selectedItem) { $('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected'); $('#' + this._selectedItem.get('id'), $(this.el)).addClass('selected'); } } }, setDisabled: function(disabled) { disabled = !!disabled; this.disabled = disabled; if (!this.rendered) return; disabled ? this._input.attr('disabled', true) : this._input.removeAttr('disabled'); this.cmpEl.toggleClass('disabled', disabled); this._button.toggleClass('disabled', disabled); }, isDisabled: function() { return this.disabled; }, setRawValue: function(value) { if (this.rendered) { this._input.val(value).trigger('change', { synthetic: true }); this.lastValue = (value!==null && value !== undefined) ? value.toString() : value; } }, getRawValue: function() { return this.rendered ? this._input.val() : null; }, setValue: function(value, defValue) { if (!this.rendered) return; var obj; this._selectedItem = this.store.findWhere((obj={}, obj[this.valueField]=value, obj)); $('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected'); if (this._selectedItem) { this.setRawValue(this._selectedItem.get(this.displayField)); $('#' + this._selectedItem.get('id'), $(this.el)).addClass('selected'); } else { this.setRawValue((defValue!==undefined) ? defValue : value); } }, getValue: function() { if (!this.rendered) return null; if (this._selectedItem && !_.isUndefined(this._selectedItem.get(this.valueField))) { return this._selectedItem.get(this.valueField); } return this._input.val(); }, getDisplayValue: function(record) { return Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(record[this.displayField]); }, getSelectedRecord: function() { if (!this.rendered) return null; if (this._selectedItem && !_.isUndefined(this._selectedItem.get(this.valueField))) { return _.extend({}, this._selectedItem.toJSON()); } return null; }, selectRecord: function(record) { if (!this.rendered || !record) return; this._selectedItem = record; $('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected'); this.setRawValue(this._selectedItem.get(this.displayField)); $('#' + this._selectedItem.get('id'), $(this.el)).addClass('selected'); }, itemClicked: function (e) { var el = $(e.target).closest('li'); this._selectedItem = this.store.findWhere({ id: el.attr('id') }); if (this._selectedItem) { // set input text and trigger input change event marked as synthetic this.lastValue = this._selectedItem.get(this.displayField); this._input.val(this.lastValue).trigger('change', { synthetic: true }); $('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected'); el.addClass('selected'); // trigger changed event this.trigger('selected', this, _.extend({}, this._selectedItem.toJSON()), e); e.preventDefault(); } this._isMouseDownMenu = false; }, itemMouseDown: function(e) { if (e.which != 1) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } this._isMouseDownMenu = true; }, onResetItems: function() { if (this.itemsTemplate) { $(this.el).find('ul').html( $(this.itemsTemplate({ items: this.store.toJSON(), scope: this }))); } else { $(this.el).find('ul').html(_.template([ '<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>', '
  • <%= scope.getDisplayValue(item) %>
  • ', '<% }); %>' ].join(''))({ items: this.store.toJSON(), scope: this })); } if (!_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) { this.scroller.destroy(); delete this.scroller; } this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller(_.extend({ el: $('.dropdown-menu', this.cmpEl), minScrollbarLength : 40, includePadding : true, wheelSpeed: 10, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible }, this.options.scroller)); }, focus: function() { this._input && this._input.focus(); } } })()); Common.UI.ComboBoxCustom = Common.UI.ComboBox.extend(_.extend({ itemClicked: function (e) { Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.itemClicked.call(this, e); if (this.options.updateFormControl) this.options.updateFormControl.call(this, this._selectedItem); }, setValue: function(value, defValue) { Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.setValue.call(this, value, defValue); if (this.options.updateFormControl) this.options.updateFormControl.call(this, this._selectedItem); }, selectRecord: function(record) { Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.selectRecord.call(this, record); if (this.options.updateFormControl) this.options.updateFormControl.call(this, this._selectedItem); }, focus: function() { this.cmpEl && this.cmpEl.find('.form-control').focus(); } }, Common.UI.ComboBoxCustom || {})); });