/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * Viewport.js * * This is out main controller which will do most of job * It will listen for view and collection events and manage all data-related operations * * Created by Alexander Yuzhin on 1/15/14 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'core', 'common/main/lib/view/Header', 'common/main/lib/view/SearchBar', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/Viewport', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/LeftMenu' ], function (Viewport) { 'use strict'; DE.Controllers.Viewport = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.assign({ // Specifying a Viewport model models: [], // Specifying a collection of out Viewport collections: [], // Specifying application views views: [ 'Viewport', // is main application layout 'Common.Views.Header' ], // When controller is created let's setup view event listeners initialize: function() { // This most important part when we will tell our controller what events should be handled var me = this; this.addListeners({ 'FileMenu': { 'menu:hide': me.onFileMenu.bind(me, 'hide'), 'menu:show': me.onFileMenu.bind(me, 'show'), 'settings:apply': me.applySettings.bind(me) }, 'Toolbar': { 'render:before' : function (toolbar) { var config = DE.getController('Main').appOptions; toolbar.setExtra('right', me.header.getPanel('right', config)); if (!config.isEdit || config.customization && !!config.customization.compactHeader) toolbar.setExtra('left', me.header.getPanel('left', config)); var value = Common.localStorage.getBool("de-settings-quick-print-button", true); Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set("de-settings-quick-print-button", value); if (me.header && me.header.btnPrintQuick) me.header.btnPrintQuick[value ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }, 'view:compact' : function (toolbar, state) { me.viewport.vlayout.getItem('toolbar').height = state ? Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get('toolbar-height-compact') : Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get('toolbar-height-normal'); }, 'undo:disabled' : function (state) { if ( me.header.btnUndo ) { if ( me.header.btnUndo.keepState ) me.header.btnUndo.keepState.disabled = state; else me.header.btnUndo.setDisabled(state); } }, 'redo:disabled' : function (state) { if ( me.header.btnRedo ) if ( me.header.btnRedo.keepState ) me.header.btnRedo.keepState.disabled = state; else me.header.btnRedo.setDisabled(state); }, 'print:disabled' : function (state) { if ( me.header.btnPrint ) me.header.btnPrint.setDisabled(state); if ( me.header.btnPrintQuick ) me.header.btnPrintQuick.setDisabled(state); }, 'save:disabled' : function (state) { if ( me.header.btnSave ) me.header.btnSave.setDisabled(state); } } }); }, setApi: function(api) { this.api = api; this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect',this.onApiCoAuthoringDisconnect.bind(this)); Common.NotificationCenter.on('api:disconnect', this.onApiCoAuthoringDisconnect.bind(this)); }, getApi: function() { return this.api; }, // When our application is ready, lets get started onLaunch: function() { // Create and render main view this.viewport = this.createView('Viewport').render(); this.api = new Asc.asc_docs_api({ 'id-view' : 'editor_sdk', 'translate': this.getApplication().getController('Main').translationTable }); this.header = this.createView('Common.Views.Header', { headerCaption: 'Document Editor', storeUsers: DE.getCollection('Common.Collections.Users') }); Common.NotificationCenter.on('layout:changed', _.bind(this.onLayoutChanged, this)); $(window).on('resize', _.bind(this.onWindowResize, this)); var leftPanel = $('#left-menu'), histPanel = $('#left-panel-history'); this.viewport.hlayout.on('layout:resizedrag', function() { this.api.Resize(); Common.localStorage.setItem('de-mainmenu-width', histPanel.is(':visible') ? (histPanel.width()+SCALE_MIN) : leftPanel.width() ); }, this); this.boxSdk = $('#editor_sdk'); this.boxSdk.css('border-left', 'none'); Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:face', this.onAppShowed.bind(this)); Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this)); Common.NotificationCenter.on('search:show', _.bind(this.onSearchShow, this)); }, onAppShowed: function (config) { var me = this; me.appConfig = config; var _intvars = Common.Utils.InternalSettings; var $filemenu = $('.toolbar-fullview-panel'); $filemenu.css('top', Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar') ? _intvars.get('toolbar-height-tabs') : 0); me.viewport.$el.attr('applang', me.appConfig.lang.split(/[\-_]/)[0]); if ( !(config.isEdit || config.isRestrictedEdit && config.canFillForms && config.isFormCreator) || ( !Common.localStorage.itemExists("de-compact-toolbar") && config.customization && config.customization.compactToolbar )) { var panel = me.viewport.vlayout.getItem('toolbar'); if ( panel ) panel.height = _intvars.get('toolbar-height-tabs'); } if ( config.customization ) { if ( config.customization.toolbarNoTabs ) me.viewport.vlayout.getItem('toolbar').el.addClass('style-off-tabs'); if ( config.customization.toolbarHideFileName ) me.viewport.vlayout.getItem('toolbar').el.addClass('style-skip-docname'); } if ( config.isEdit && (!(config.customization && config.customization.compactHeader))) { var $title = me.viewport.vlayout.getItem('title').el; $title.html(me.header.getPanel('title', config)).show(); $title.find('.extra').html(me.header.getPanel('left', config)); var toolbar = me.viewport.vlayout.getItem('toolbar'); toolbar.el.addClass('top-title'); toolbar.height -= _intvars.get('toolbar-height-tabs') - _intvars.get('toolbar-height-tabs-top-title'); var _tabs_new_height = _intvars.get('toolbar-height-tabs-top-title'); _intvars.set('toolbar-height-tabs', _tabs_new_height); _intvars.set('toolbar-height-compact', _tabs_new_height); _intvars.set('toolbar-height-normal', _tabs_new_height + _intvars.get('toolbar-height-controls')); $filemenu.css('top', (Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar') ? _tabs_new_height : 0) + _intvars.get('document-title-height')); toolbar = me.getApplication().getController('Toolbar').getView(); toolbar.btnCollabChanges = me.header.btnSave; } me.header.btnSearch.on('toggle', me.onSearchToggle.bind(this)); }, onAppReady: function (config) { }, onLayoutChanged: function(area) { switch (area) { default: this.viewport.vlayout.doLayout(); case 'rightmenu': this.viewport.hlayout.doLayout(); break; case 'history': var panel = this.viewport.hlayout.getItem('history'); if (panel.resize.el) { this.boxSdk.css('border-left', ''); panel.resize.el.show(); } this.viewport.hlayout.doLayout(); break; case 'leftmenu': var panel = this.viewport.hlayout.getItem('left'); if (panel.resize.el) { if (panel.el.width() > 40) { this.boxSdk.css('border-left', ''); panel.resize.el.show(); } else { panel.resize.el.hide(); this.boxSdk.css('border-left', '0 none'); } } this.viewport.hlayout.doLayout(); break; case 'header': case 'toolbar': case 'status': this.viewport.vlayout.doLayout(); break; } this.api.Resize(); }, onWindowResize: function(e) { this.onLayoutChanged('window'); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('window:resize'); }, onFileMenu: function (opts) { var me = this; var _need_disable = opts == 'show'; me.header.lockHeaderBtns( 'undo', _need_disable ); me.header.lockHeaderBtns( 'redo', _need_disable ); me.header.lockHeaderBtns( 'users', _need_disable ); }, applySettings: function () { var value = Common.localStorage.getBool("de-settings-quick-print-button", true); Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set("de-settings-quick-print-button", value); if (this.header && this.header.btnPrintQuick) this.header.btnPrintQuick[value ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }, onApiCoAuthoringDisconnect: function(enableDownload) { if (this.header) { if (this.header.btnDownload && !enableDownload) this.header.btnDownload.hide(); if (this.header.btnPrint && !enableDownload) this.header.btnPrint.hide(); if (this.header.btnPrintQuick && !enableDownload) this.header.btnPrintQuick.hide(); if (this.header.btnEdit) this.header.btnEdit.hide(); this.header.lockHeaderBtns( 'rename-user', true); } }, SetDisabled: function(disable) { this.header && this.header.lockHeaderBtns( 'rename-user', disable); }, onSearchShow: function () { this.header.btnSearch && this.header.btnSearch.toggle(true); }, onSearchToggle: function () { var leftMenu = this.getApplication().getController('LeftMenu'); if (leftMenu.isSearchPanelVisible()) { this.header.btnSearch.toggle(false, true); leftMenu.getView('LeftMenu').panelSearch.focus(); return; } if (!this.searchBar) { var hideLeftPanel = this.appConfig.canBrandingExt && (!Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('leftMenu') || this.appConfig.customization && this.appConfig.customization.leftMenu === false); this.searchBar = new Common.UI.SearchBar( hideLeftPanel ? { showOpenPanel: false, width: 303 } : {}); this.searchBar.on('hide', _.bind(function () { this.header.btnSearch.toggle(false, true); }, this)); } if (this.header.btnSearch.pressed) { var selectedText = this.api.asc_GetSelectedText(); this.searchBar.show(selectedText && selectedText.trim() || this.getApplication().getController('Search').getSearchText()); } else { this.searchBar.hide(); } }, isSearchBarVisible: function () { return this.searchBar && this.searchBar.isVisible(); }, textFitPage: 'Fit to Page', textFitWidth: 'Fit to Width', txtDarkMode: 'Dark mode' }, DE.Controllers.Viewport)); });