/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * Links.js * * Created by Julia Radzhabova on 22.12.2017 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'core', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/Links', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/NoteSettingsDialog', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/HyperlinkSettingsDialog', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/TableOfContentsSettings', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/BookmarksDialog', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/CaptionDialog' ], function () { 'use strict'; DE.Controllers.Links = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend({ models : [], collections : [ ], views : [ 'Links' ], sdkViewName : '#id_main', initialize: function () { this.addListeners({ 'Links': { 'links:contents': this.onTableContents, 'links:update': this.onTableContentsUpdate, 'links:notes': this.onNotesClick, 'links:hyperlink': this.onHyperlinkClick, 'links:bookmarks': this.onBookmarksClick, 'links:caption': this.onCaptionClick }, 'DocumentHolder': { 'links:contents': this.onTableContents, 'links:update': this.onTableContentsUpdate } }); }, onLaunch: function () { this._state = { prcontrolsdisable:undefined, in_object: false }; Common.Gateway.on('setactionlink', function (url) { console.log('url with actions: ' + url); }.bind(this)); }, setApi: function (api) { if (api) { this.api = api; this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onFocusObject', this.onApiFocusObject.bind(this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCanAddHyperlink', _.bind(this.onApiCanAddHyperlink, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect',_.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this)); Common.NotificationCenter.on('api:disconnect', _.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onShowContentControlsActions',_.bind(this.onShowContentControlsActions, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onHideContentControlsActions',_.bind(this.onHideContentControlsActions, this)); } return this; }, setConfig: function(config) { this.toolbar = config.toolbar; this.view = this.createView('Links', { toolbar: this.toolbar.toolbar }); }, SetDisabled: function(state) { this.view && this.view.SetDisabled(state); }, getView: function(name) { return !name && this.view ? this.view : Backbone.Controller.prototype.getView.call(this, name); }, onCoAuthoringDisconnect: function() { this.SetDisabled(true); }, onApiFocusObject: function(selectedObjects) { if (!this.toolbar.editMode) return; var pr, i = -1, type, paragraph_locked = false, header_locked = false, in_header = false, in_equation = false, in_image = false, in_table = false, frame_pr = null; while (++i < selectedObjects.length) { type = selectedObjects[i].get_ObjectType(); pr = selectedObjects[i].get_ObjectValue(); if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Paragraph) { paragraph_locked = pr.get_Locked(); frame_pr = pr; } else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Header) { header_locked = pr.get_Locked(); in_header = true; } else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Image) { in_image = true; } else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Math) { in_equation = true; } else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Table) { in_table = true; } } this._state.prcontrolsdisable = paragraph_locked || header_locked; this._state.in_object = in_image || in_table || in_equation; var control_props = this.api.asc_IsContentControl() ? this.api.asc_GetContentControlProperties() : null, control_plain = (control_props) ? (control_props.get_ContentControlType()==Asc.c_oAscSdtLevelType.Inline) : false; var rich_del_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_DeleteBlockContentControl() : true, rich_edit_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_EditBlockContentControl() : true, plain_del_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_DeleteInlineContentControl() : true, plain_edit_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_EditInlineContentControl() : true; var need_disable = paragraph_locked || in_equation || in_image || in_header || control_plain || rich_edit_lock || plain_edit_lock; this.view.btnsNotes.setDisabled(need_disable); need_disable = paragraph_locked || header_locked || in_header || control_plain; this.view.btnBookmarks.setDisabled(need_disable); need_disable = in_header || rich_edit_lock || plain_edit_lock || rich_del_lock || plain_del_lock; this.view.btnsContents.setDisabled(need_disable); }, onApiCanAddHyperlink: function(value) { this.toolbar.editMode && this.view.btnsHyperlink.setDisabled(!value || this._state.prcontrolsdisable); }, onHyperlinkClick: function(btn) { var me = this, win, props, text; if (me.api){ var handlerDlg = function(dlg, result) { if (result == 'ok') { props = dlg.getSettings(); (text!==false) ? me.api.add_Hyperlink(props) : me.api.change_Hyperlink(props); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); }; text = me.api.can_AddHyperlink(); if (text !== false) { win = new DE.Views.HyperlinkSettingsDialog({ api: me.api, handler: handlerDlg }); props = new Asc.CHyperlinkProperty(); props.put_Text(text); win.show(); win.setSettings(props); } else { var selectedElements = me.api.getSelectedElements(); if (selectedElements && _.isArray(selectedElements)){ _.each(selectedElements, function(el, i) { if (selectedElements[i].get_ObjectType() == Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Hyperlink) props = selectedElements[i].get_ObjectValue(); }); } if (props) { win = new DE.Views.HyperlinkSettingsDialog({ api: me.api, handler: handlerDlg }); win.show(); win.setSettings(props); } } } Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Add Hyperlink'); }, onTableContents: function(type, currentTOC){ currentTOC = !!currentTOC; var props = this.api.asc_GetTableOfContentsPr(currentTOC); switch (type) { case 0: if (!props) { props = new Asc.CTableOfContentsPr(); props.put_OutlineRange(1, 9); } props.put_Hyperlink(true); props.put_ShowPageNumbers(true); props.put_RightAlignTab(true); props.put_TabLeader( Asc.c_oAscTabLeader.Dot); (currentTOC) ? this.api.asc_SetTableOfContentsPr(props) : this.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(null, props); break; case 1: if (!props) { props = new Asc.CTableOfContentsPr(); props.put_OutlineRange(1, 9); } props.put_Hyperlink(true); props.put_ShowPageNumbers(false); props.put_TabLeader( Asc.c_oAscTabLeader.None); (currentTOC) ? this.api.asc_SetTableOfContentsPr(props) : this.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(null, props); break; case 'settings': var me = this, win = new DE.Views.TableOfContentsSettings({ api: this.api, props: props, handler: function(result, value) { if (result == 'ok') { (props) ? me.api.asc_SetTableOfContentsPr(value) : me.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(null, value); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); } }); win.show(); break; case 'remove': currentTOC = (currentTOC && props) ? props.get_InternalClass() : undefined; this.api.asc_RemoveTableOfContents(currentTOC); break; } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar); }, onTableContentsUpdate: function(type, currentTOC){ var props = this.api.asc_GetTableOfContentsPr(currentTOC); if (props) { if (currentTOC && props) currentTOC = props.get_InternalClass(); this.api.asc_UpdateTableOfContents(type == 'pages', currentTOC); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar); }, onNotesClick: function(type) { var me = this; switch (type) { case 'ins_footnote': this.api.asc_AddFootnote(); break; case 'delele': Common.UI.warning({ msg: this.view.confirmDeleteFootnotes, buttons: ['yes', 'no'], primary: 'yes', callback: _.bind(function (btn) { if (btn == 'yes') { this.api.asc_RemoveAllFootnotes(); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar); }, this) }); break; case 'settings': (new DE.Views.NoteSettingsDialog({ api: me.api, handler: function (result, settings) { if (settings) { me.api.asc_SetFootnoteProps(settings.props, settings.applyToAll); if (result == 'insert') setTimeout(function() { me.api.asc_AddFootnote(settings.custom); }, 1); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); }, props: me.api.asc_GetFootnoteProps() })).show(); break; case 'prev': this.api.asc_GotoFootnote(false); setTimeout(function() { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); }, 50); break; case 'next': this.api.asc_GotoFootnote(true); setTimeout(function() { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); }, 50); break; } }, onBookmarksClick: function(btn) { var me = this; (new DE.Views.BookmarksDialog({ api: me.api, appOptions: me.toolbar.appOptions, props: me.api.asc_GetBookmarksManager(), handler: function (result, settings) { if (settings) { } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); } })).show(); }, onCaptionClick: function(btn) { var me = this; (new DE.Views.CaptionDialog({ isObject: this._state.in_object, handler: function (result, settings) { if (result == 'ok') { me.api.asc_AddObjectCaption(settings); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar); } })).show(); }, onShowTOCActions: function(obj, x, y) { var action = obj.button, menu = (action==AscCommon.CCButtonType.Toc) ? this.view.contentsUpdateMenu : this.view.contentsMenu, documentHolderView = this.getApplication().getController('DocumentHolder').documentHolder, menuContainer = documentHolderView.cmpEl.find(Common.Utils.String.format('#menu-container-{0}', menu.id)), me = this; if (!menu) return; this._fromShowContentControls = true; Common.UI.Menu.Manager.hideAll(); if (!menu.rendered) { // Prepare menu container if (menuContainer.length < 1) { menuContainer = $(Common.Utils.String.format('', menu.id)); documentHolderView.cmpEl.append(menuContainer); } menu.render(menuContainer); menu.cmpEl.attr({tabindex: "-1"}); menu.on('hide:after', function(){ if (!me._fromShowContentControls) me.api.asc_UncheckContentControlButtons(); }); } menuContainer.css({left: x, top : y}); menuContainer.attr('data-value', 'prevent-canvas-click'); documentHolderView._preventClick = true; menu.show(); menu.alignPosition(); _.delay(function() { menu.cmpEl.focus(); }, 10); this._fromShowContentControls = false; }, onHideContentControlsActions: function() { this.view.contentsMenu && this.view.contentsMenu.hide(); this.view.contentsUpdateMenu && this.view.contentsUpdateMenu.hide(); }, onShowContentControlsActions: function(obj, x, y) { (obj.type == Asc.c_oAscContentControlSpecificType.TOC) && this.onShowTOCActions(obj, x, y); } }, DE.Controllers.Links || {})); });