<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Spell-checking</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Spell check the text in your language while editing a document" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../editor.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="../callback.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../search/js/page-search.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="mainpart"> <div class="search-field"> <input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)"> </div> <h1>Spell-checking</h1> <p><b>Document Editor</b> allows you to check the spelling of your text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing.</p> <p>First of all, <b>choose a language</b> for your document. Click the <img alt="Set Document Language icon" src="../images/document_language.png" /> <b>Set Document Language</b> icon at the status bar. In the window that appears, select the necessary language and click <b>OK</b>. The selected language will be applied to the whole document. </p> <p><img alt="Set Document Language window" src="../images/document_language_window.png" /></p> <p>To <b>choose a different language</b> for any piece of text within the document, select the necessary text passage with the mouse and use the <img alt="Spell-checking - Text Language selector" src="../images/spellchecking_language.png" /> menu at the status bar.</p> <p>To <b>enable</b> the spell checking option, you can:</p> <ul> <li>click the <img alt="Spell checking deactivated icon" src="../images/spellcheckdeactivated.png" /> <b>Spell checking</b> icon at the status bar, or</li> <li>open the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option, check the <b>Turn on spell checking option</b> box and click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li> </ul> <p>Incorrectly spelled words will be underlined by a red line.</p> <p>Right click on the necessary word to activate the menu and:</p> <ul> <li>choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly to replace the misspelled word with the suggested one. If too many variants are found, the <b>More variants...</b> option appears in the menu;</li> <li>use the <b>Ignore</b> option to skip just that word and remove underlining or <b>Ignore All</b> to skip all the identical words repeated in the text;</li> <li>select a different language for this word.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="Spell-checking" src="../images/spellchecking.png" /></p> <p>To <b>disable</b> the spell checking option, you can:</p> <ul> <li>click the <img alt="Spell checking activated icon" src="../images/spellcheckactivated.png" /> <b>Spell checking</b> icon at the status bar, or</li> <li>open the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option, uncheck the <b>Turn on spell checking option</b> box and click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>