import React, { Component } from 'react' import Notifications from '../../../utils/notifications.js' import {observer, inject} from "mobx-react" import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import {PageReview, PageReviewChange} from "../../view/collaboration/Review"; import {LocalStorage} from "../../../utils/LocalStorage"; class InitReview extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props); Common.Notifications.on('engineCreated', api => { api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onShowRevisionsChange', this.onChangeReview.bind(this)); }); Common.Notifications.on('document:ready', () => { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); const appOptions = props.storeAppOptions; api.asc_SetTrackRevisions(appOptions.isReviewOnly || LocalStorage.getBool("de-mobile-track-changes-" + (appOptions.fileKey || ''))); // Init display mode if (!appOptions.canReview) { const canViewReview = appOptions.isEdit || api.asc_HaveRevisionsChanges(true); appOptions.setCanViewReview(canViewReview); if (canViewReview) { let viewReviewMode = LocalStorage.getItem("de-view-review-mode"); if (viewReviewMode === null) viewReviewMode = appOptions.customization && /^(original|final|markup)$/i.test(appOptions.customization.reviewDisplay) ? appOptions.customization.reviewDisplay.toLocaleLowerCase() : 'original'; viewReviewMode = (appOptions.isEdit || appOptions.isRestrictedEdit) ? 'markup' : viewReviewMode; const displayMode = viewReviewMode.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (displayMode === 'final') { api.asc_BeginViewModeInReview(true); } else if (displayMode === 'original') { api.asc_BeginViewModeInReview(false); } else { api.asc_EndViewModeInReview(); } props.storeReview.changeDisplayMode(displayMode); } } }); } onChangeReview (data) { const storeReview = this.props.storeReview; storeReview.changeArrReview(data); } render() { return null } } class Review extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onTrackChanges = this.onTrackChanges.bind(this); this.onDisplayMode = this.onDisplayMode.bind(this); this.appConfig = props.storeAppOptions; this.editorPrefix = window.editorType || ''; let trackChanges = typeof this.appConfig.customization == 'object' ? this.appConfig.customization.trackChanges : undefined; trackChanges = this.appConfig.isReviewOnly || trackChanges === true || trackChanges !== false && LocalStorage.getBool(`${this.editorPrefix}-mobile-track-changes-${this.appConfig.fileKey || ''}`); this.state = { trackChanges: trackChanges } } onTrackChanges (checked) { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); if ( this.appConfig.isReviewOnly ) { this.setState({trackChanges: true}); } else { this.setState({trackChanges: checked}); api.asc_SetTrackRevisions(checked); LocalStorage.setBool(`${this.editorPrefix}-mobile-track-changes-${this.appConfig.fileKey || ''}`, checked); } } onAcceptAll () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_AcceptAllChanges(); } onRejectAll () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_RejectAllChanges(); } onDisplayMode (mode) { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); if (mode === 'final') { api.asc_BeginViewModeInReview(true); } else if (mode === 'original') { api.asc_BeginViewModeInReview(false); } else { api.asc_EndViewModeInReview(); } !this.appConfig.canReview && LocalStorage.setItem("de-view-review-mode", mode); this.props.storeReview.changeDisplayMode(mode); } render() { const displayMode = this.props.storeReview.displayMode; const isReviewOnly = this.appConfig.isReviewOnly; const canReview = this.appConfig.canReview; const canUseReviewPermissions = this.appConfig.canUseReviewPermissions; const isRestrictedEdit = this.appConfig.isRestrictedEdit; return ( ) } } class ReviewChange extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); this.onAcceptCurrentChange = this.onAcceptCurrentChange.bind(this); this.onRejectCurrentChange = this.onRejectCurrentChange.bind(this); this.onGotoNextChange = this.onGotoNextChange.bind(this); this.onDeleteChange = this.onDeleteChange.bind(this); this.appConfig = props.storeAppOptions; if (this.appConfig && this.appConfig.canUseReviewPermissions) { const permissions = this.appConfig.customization.reviewPermissions; let arr = []; const groups = Common.Utils.UserInfoParser.getParsedGroups(Common.Utils.UserInfoParser.getCurrentName()); groups && groups.forEach(function(group) { const item = permissions[group.trim()]; item && (arr = arr.concat(item)); }); this.currentUserGroups = arr; } } intersection (arr1, arr2) { //Computes the list of values that are the intersection of all the arrays. const arr = []; arr1.forEach((item1) => { arr2.forEach((item2) => { if (item1 === item2) { arr.push(item2); } }); }); return arr; } getInitials (name) { const fio = Common.Utils.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(name).split(' '); let initials = fio[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); for (let i = fio.length-1; i>0; i--) { if (fio[i][0]!=='(' && fio[i][0]!==')') { initials += fio[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); break; } } return initials; } checkUserGroups (username) { const groups = Common.Utils.UserInfoParser.getParsedGroups(username); return this.currentUserGroups && groups && (this.intersection(this.currentUserGroups, (groups.length>0) ? groups : [""]).length>0); } dateToLocaleTimeString (date) { const format = (date) => { let strTime, hours = date.getHours(), minutes = date.getMinutes(), ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; hours = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12' minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes; strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; }; // MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM return (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (date.getDate()) + '/' + date.getFullYear() + ' ' + format(date); } getArrChangeReview (data) { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); const { t } = this.props; const _t = t("Common.Collaboration", { returnObjects: true }); if (data.length === 0) return []; const arr = []; const c_paragraphLinerule = { LINERULE_LEAST: 0, LINERULE_AUTO: 1, LINERULE_EXACT: 2 }; data.forEach((item) => { let changeText = '', proptext = '', value = item.get_Value(), movetype = item.get_MoveType(); switch (item.get_Type()) { case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TextAdd: changeText = (movetype === Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.NoMove) ? _t.textInserted : _t.textParaMoveTo; if (typeof value == 'object') { value.forEach( (obj) => { if (typeof obj === 'string') changeText += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(obj)); else { switch (obj) { case 0: changeText += (' <' + _t.textImage + '>'); break; case 1: changeText += (' <' + _t.textShape + '>'); break; case 2: changeText += (' <' + _t.textChart + '>'); break; case 3: changeText += (' <' + _t.textEquation + '>'); break; } } }) } else if (typeof value === 'string') { changeText += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(value)); } break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TextRem: changeText = (movetype === Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.NoMove) ? _t.textDeleted : (item.is_MovedDown() ? _t.textParaMoveFromDown : _t.textParaMoveFromUp); if (typeof value == 'object') { value.forEach( (obj) => { if (typeof obj === 'string') changeText += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(obj)); else { switch (obj) { case 0: changeText += (' <' + _t.textImage + '>'); break; case 1: changeText += (' <' + _t.textShape + '>'); break; case 2: changeText += (' <' + _t.textChart + '>'); break; case 3: changeText += (' <' + _t.textEquation + '>'); break; } } }) } else if (typeof value === 'string') { changeText += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(value)); } break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaAdd: changeText = _t.textParaInserted; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaRem: changeText = _t.textParaDeleted; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TextPr: changeText = '' + _t.textFormatted; if (value.Get_Bold() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Bold() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textBold + ', '); if (value.Get_Italic() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Italic() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textItalic + ', '); if (value.Get_Underline() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Underline() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textUnderline + ', '); if (value.Get_Strikeout() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Strikeout() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textStrikeout + ', '); if (value.Get_DStrikeout() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_DStrikeout() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textDStrikeout + ', '); if (value.Get_Caps() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Caps() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textCaps + ', '); if (value.Get_SmallCaps() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_SmallCaps() ? '' : _t.textNot) + _t.textSmallCaps + ', '); if (value.Get_VertAlign() !== undefined) proptext += (((value.Get_VertAlign() == 1) ? _t.textSuperScript : ((value.Get_VertAlign() == 2) ? _t.textSubScript : _t.textBaseline)) + ', '); if (value.Get_Color() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textColor + ', '); if (value.Get_Highlight() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textHighlight + ', '); if (value.Get_Shd() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textShd + ', '); if (value.Get_FontFamily() !== undefined) proptext += (value.Get_FontFamily() + ', '); if (value.Get_FontSize() !== undefined) proptext += (value.Get_FontSize() + ', '); if (value.Get_Spacing() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textSpacing + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_Spacing()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_Position() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textPosition + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_Position()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_Lang() !== undefined) proptext += (Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageName(value.Get_Lang())[1] + ', '); if (proptext.length > 0) { changeText += ': '; proptext = proptext.substring(0, proptext.length - 2); } changeText += ''; changeText += proptext; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaPr: changeText = '' + _t.textParaFormatted; if (value.Get_ContextualSpacing()) proptext += ((value.Get_ContextualSpacing() ? _t.textContextual : _t.textNoContextual) + ', '); if (value.Get_IndLeft() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textIndentLeft + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_IndLeft()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_IndRight() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textIndentRight + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_IndRight()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_IndFirstLine() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textFirstLine + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_IndFirstLine()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_Jc() !== undefined) { switch (value.Get_Jc()) { case 0: proptext += (_t.textRight + ', '); break; case 1: proptext += (_t.textLeft + ', '); break; case 2: proptext += (_t.textCenter + ', '); break; case 3: proptext += (_t.textJustify + ', '); break; } } if (value.Get_KeepLines() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_KeepLines() ? _t.textKeepLines : _t.textNoKeepLines) + ', '); if (value.Get_KeepNext()) proptext += ((value.Get_KeepNext() ? _t.textKeepNext : _t.textNoKeepNext) + ', '); if (value.Get_PageBreakBefore()) proptext += ((value.Get_PageBreakBefore() ? _t.textBreakBefore : _t.textNoBreakBefore) + ', '); if (value.Get_SpacingLineRule() !== undefined && value.Get_SpacingLine() !== undefined) { proptext += _t.textLineSpacing; proptext += (((value.Get_SpacingLineRule() == c_paragraphLinerule.LINERULE_LEAST) ? _t.textAtLeast : ((value.Get_SpacingLineRule() == c_paragraphLinerule.LINERULE_AUTO) ? _t.textMultiple : _t.textExact)) + ' '); proptext += (((value.Get_SpacingLineRule() == c_paragraphLinerule.LINERULE_AUTO) ? value.Get_SpacingLine() : Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_SpacingLine()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName()) + ', '); } if (value.Get_SpacingBeforeAutoSpacing()) proptext += (_t.textSpacingBefore + ' ' + _t.textAuto + ', '); else if (value.Get_SpacingBefore() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textSpacingBefore + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_SpacingBefore()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_SpacingAfterAutoSpacing()) proptext += (_t.textSpacingAfter + ' ' + _t.textAuto + ', '); else if (value.Get_SpacingAfter() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textSpacingAfter + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_SpacingAfter()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_WidowControl()) proptext += ((value.Get_WidowControl() ? _t.textWidow : _t.textNoWidow) + ', '); if (value.Get_Tabs() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textTabs + ', '); if (value.Get_NumPr() !== undefined) proptext += (_t.textNum + ', '); if (value.Get_PStyle() !== undefined) { const style = api.asc_GetStyleNameById(value.Get_PStyle()); if (style.length > 0) proptext += (style + ', '); } if (proptext.length > 0) { changeText += ': '; proptext = proptext.substring(0, proptext.length - 2); } changeText += ''; changeText += proptext; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TablePr: changeText = _t.textTableChanged; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.RowsAdd: changeText = _t.textTableRowsAdd; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.RowsRem: changeText = _t.textTableRowsDel; break; } let date = (item.get_DateTime() == '') ? new Date() : new Date(item.get_DateTime()); const user = item.get_UserName(); const userColor = item.get_UserColor(); const goto = (item.get_MoveType() == Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.MoveTo || item.get_MoveType() == Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.MoveFrom); date = this.dateToLocaleTimeString(date); const editable = this.appConfig.isReviewOnly && (item.get_UserId() == || !this.appConfig.isReviewOnly && (!this.appConfig.canUseReviewPermissions || this.checkUserGroups(item.get_UserName())); arr.push({date: date, user: user, userColor: userColor, changeText: changeText, goto: goto, editable: editable}); }); return arr; } onPrevChange () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_GetPrevRevisionsChange(); } onNextChange () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); } onAcceptCurrentChange () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_AcceptChanges(this.dataChanges[0]); setTimeout(() => { api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); }); } onRejectCurrentChange () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_RejectChanges(this.dataChanges[0]); setTimeout(() => { api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); }); } onGotoNextChange () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_FollowRevisionMove(this.dataChanges[0]); } onDeleteChange () { const api = Common.EditorApi.get(); api.asc_RejectChanges(this.dataChanges[0]); } render() { this.dataChanges = this.props.storeReview.dataChanges; const arrChangeReview = this.getArrChangeReview(this.dataChanges); let change; let goto = false; if (arrChangeReview.length > 0) { change = { date: arrChangeReview[0].date, user: arrChangeReview[0].user, userName: Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(Common.Utils.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(arrChangeReview[0].user)), color: arrChangeReview[0].userColor.get_hex(), text: arrChangeReview[0].changeText, initials: this.getInitials(arrChangeReview[0].user), editable: arrChangeReview[0].editable }; goto = arrChangeReview[0].goto; } const isReviewOnly = this.appConfig.isReviewOnly; const canReview = this.appConfig.canReview; const displayMode = this.props.storeReview.displayMode; return ( ) } } const InitReviewController = inject("storeAppOptions", "storeReview")(observer(InitReview)); const ReviewController = inject("storeAppOptions", "storeReview")(observer(Review)); const ReviewChangeController = withTranslation()(inject("storeAppOptions", "storeReview")(observer(ReviewChange))); export {InitReviewController, ReviewController, ReviewChangeController};