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			<h1>Align data in cells</h1>
			<p>You can align data horizontally and vertically or even rotate data within a cell. To do that, select a cell or a cell range with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination. You can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the <b>Ctrl</b> key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. Then perform one of the following operations using the icons situated on the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
				<li>Apply one of the horizontal alignment styles to the data within a cell,
						<li>click the <b>Align left</b> <img alt="Align left icon" src="../images/alignleft.png" /> icon to align the data to the left side of the cell (the right side remains unaligned);</li>
						<li>click the <b>Align center</b> <img alt="Align center icon" src="../images/aligncenter.png" /> icon to align the data in the center of the cell (the right and the left sides remains unaligned);</li>
						<li>click the <b>Align right</b> <img alt="Align right icon" src="../images/alignright.png" /> icon to align the data to the right side of the cell (the left side remains unaligned);</li>
						<li>click the <b>Justified</b> <img alt="Justified icon" src="../images/justify.png" /> icon to align the data both to the left and the right sides of the cell (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment).</li>
				<li>Change the vertical alignment of the data within a cell,
						<li>click the <b>Align top</b> <img alt="Align top icon" src="../images/aligntop.png" /> icon to align your data to the top of the cell;</li>
						<li>click the <b>Align middle</b> <img alt="Align middle icon" src="../images/alignmiddle.png" /> icon to align your data to the middle of the cell;</li>
						<li>click the <b>Align bottom</b> <img alt="Align bottom icon" src="../images/alignbottom.png" /> icon to align your data to the bottom of the cell.</li>
				<li>Change the angle of the data within a cell by clicking the <b>Orientation</b> <img alt="Orientation icon" src="../images/orientation.png" /> icon and choosing one of the following options:
						<li>use the <b>Horizontal Text</b> <img alt="Horizontal Text icon" src="../images/horizontaltext.png" /> option to place the text horizontally (default option),</li>
						<li>use the <b>Angle Counterclockwise</b> <img alt="Angle Counterclockwise" src="../images/anglecounterclockwise.png" /> option to place the text from the bottom left corner to the top right corner of a cell,</li>
						<li>use the <b>Angle Clockwise</b> <img alt="Angle Clockwise" src="../images/angleclockwise.png" /> option to place the text from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of a cell,</li>
						<li>use the <b>Vertical text</b> <img alt="Rotate Text Up" src="../images/verticaltext.png" /> option to place the text from vertically,</li></li>
						<li>use the <b>Rotate Text Up</b> <img alt="Rotate Text Up" src="../images/rotateup.png" /> option to place the text from bottom to top of a cell,</li>
						<li>use the <b>Rotate Text Down</b> <img alt="Rotate Text Down" src="../images/rotatedown.png" /> option to place the text from top to bottom of a cell.
                        <p>To rotate the text by an exactly specified angle, click the <b>Cell settings</b> <img alt="Cell settings icon" src="../images/cellsettings_rightpanel.png" /> icon on the right sidebar and use the <b>Orientation</b>. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the <b>Angle</b> field or adjust it using the arrows on the right.</p>
				<li>Fit your data to the column width by clicking the <b>Wrap text</b> <img alt="Wrap text icon" src="../images/wraptext.png" /> icon on the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar or by checking the <b>Wrap text</b> checkbox on the right sidebar.
					<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: if you change the column width, data wrapping adjusts automatically.
				<li>Fit your data to the cell width by checking the <b>Shrink to fit</b> on the right sidebar. Using this function, the contents of the cell will be reduced in size to such an extent that it can fit in it.</li>