Insert images

Spreadsheet Editor allows you to insert images in the most popular formats into your worksheet. The following image formats are supported: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG.

Insert an image

To insert an image into the spreadsheet,

  1. place the cursor where you want the image to be put,
  2. switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar,
  3. click the Picture icon Picture icon at the top toolbar,
  4. select one of the following options to load the image:
    • the Picture from File option will open the standard Windows dialog window for file selection. Browse your computer hard disk drive for the necessary file and click the Open button
    • the Picture from URL option will open the window where you can enter the necessary image web address and click the OK button

After that the image will be added to the worksheet.

Adjust the image settings

Once the image is added you can change its size and position.

To specify exact image dimensions:

  1. select the image you wish to resize with the mouse,
  2. click the Image settings Image settings icon icon at the right sidebar,

    Image Settings Right-Side Panel window

  3. in the Size section, set the necessary Width and Height values. If the Constant proportions Constant proportions icon button is clicked (in this case it looks like this Constant proportions icon activated), the width and height will be changed together preserving the original image aspect ratio. To restore the default size of the added image, click the Default Size button.

To replace the inserted image,

  1. select the image you wish to replace with the mouse,
  2. click the Image settings Image settings icon icon at the right sidebar,
  3. in the Replace Image section click the button you need: From File or From URL and select the desired image.

    Note: alternatively, you can right-click the image and use the Replace image option from the contextual menu.

The selected image will be replaced.

When the image is selected, the Shape settings Shape settings icon icon is also available on the right. You can click this icon to open the Shape settings tab at the right sidebar and adjust the shape Stroke type, size and color as well as change the shape type selecting another shape from the Change Autoshape menu. The shape of the image will change correspondingly.

Shape Settings tab

To change its advanced settings, click the image with the right mouse button and select the Image Advanced Settings option from the right-click menu or just click the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar. The image properties window will open:

Image - Advanced Settings

The Alternative Text tab allows to specify a Title and Description which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the image.

To delete the inserted image, click it and press the Delete key.