/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * FileMenu.js * * Describes menu 'File' for the left tool menu * * Created by Maxim Kadushkin on 14 February 2014 * Copyright (c) 2014 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/FileMenu.template', 'underscore', 'common/main/lib/component/BaseView' ], function (tpl, _) { 'use strict'; DE.Views.FileMenu = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ el: '#file-menu-panel', template: _.template(tpl), events: function() { return { 'click .fm-btn': _.bind(function(event){ var $item = $(event.currentTarget); if (!$item.hasClass('active')) { $('.fm-btn',this.el).removeClass('active'); $item.addClass('active'); } var item = _.findWhere(this.items, {el: event.currentTarget}); if (item) { var panel = this.panels[item.options.action]; this.fireEvent('item:click', [this, item.options.action, !!panel]); if (panel) { this.$el.find('.content-box:visible').hide(); this.active = item.options.action; panel.show(); } } }, this) }; }, initialize: function () { }, render: function () { this.$el = $(this.el); this.$el.html(this.template()); this.items = []; this.items.push( new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-return',this.el), action : 'back', caption : this.btnCloseMenuCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-save',this.el), action : 'save', caption : this.btnSaveCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-edit',this.el), action : 'edit', caption : this.btnToEditCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-download',this.el), action : 'saveas', caption : this.btnDownloadCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-save-desktop',this.el), action : 'save-desktop', caption : this.btnSaveAsCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-print',this.el), action : 'print', caption : this.btnPrintCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-rename',this.el), action : 'rename', caption : this.btnRenameCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-recent',this.el), action : 'recent', caption : this.btnRecentFilesCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-create',this.el), action : 'new', caption : this.btnCreateNewCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-info',this.el), action : 'info', caption : this.btnInfoCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-rights',this.el), action : 'rights', caption : this.btnRightsCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-history',this.el), action : 'history', caption : this.btnHistoryCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-settings',this.el), action : 'opts', caption : this.btnSettingsCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-help',this.el), action : 'help', caption : this.btnHelpCaption, canFocused: false }), new Common.UI.MenuItem({ el : $('#fm-btn-back',this.el), action : 'exit', caption : this.btnBackCaption, canFocused: false }) ); var me = this; this.panels = {}; require(['documenteditor/main/app/view/FileMenuPanels'], function(){ me.panels = { // 'saveas' : (new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ViewSaveAs({menu:me})).render(), 'opts' : (new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings({menu:me})).render(), 'info' : (new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo({menu:me})).render(), 'rights' : (new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentRights({menu:me})).render(), 'help' : (new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Help({menu:me})).render() }; me.$el.find('.content-box').hide(); }); return this; }, show: function(panel, opts) { if (this.isVisible() && panel===undefined) return; if (!panel) panel = this.active || ((this.mode.canDownload && (!this.mode.isDesktopApp || !this.mode.isOffline)) ? 'saveas' : 'info'); this.$el.show(); this.selectMenu(panel, opts); if (this.mode.isEdit) DE.getController('Toolbar').DisableToolbar(true); this.api.asc_enableKeyEvents(false); }, hide: function() { this.$el.hide(); if (this.mode.isEdit) DE.getController('Toolbar').DisableToolbar(false); this.fireEvent('filemenu:hide', [this]); this.api.asc_enableKeyEvents(true); }, applyMode: function() { this.items[5][this.mode.canPrint?'show':'hide'](); this.items[6][(this.mode.canRename && !this.mode.isDesktopApp) ?'show':'hide'](); this.items[7][this.mode.canOpenRecent?'show':'hide'](); this.items[8][this.mode.canCreateNew?'show':'hide'](); this.items[8].$el.find('+.devider')[this.mode.canCreateNew?'show':'hide'](); this.items[3][((this.mode.canDownload || this.mode.canDownloadOrigin) && (!this.mode.isDesktopApp || !this.mode.isOffline))?'show':'hide'](); this.items[4][((this.mode.canDownload || this.mode.canDownloadOrigin) && this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline)?'show':'hide'](); // this.hkSaveAs[this.mode.canDownload?'enable':'disable'](); this.items[1][this.mode.isEdit?'show':'hide'](); this.items[2][!this.mode.isEdit && this.mode.canEdit && this.mode.canRequestEditRights ?'show':'hide'](); this.items[10][(!this.mode.isOffline && !this.mode.isReviewOnly && this.document&&this.document.info && (this.document.info.sharingSettings&&this.document.info.sharingSettings.length>0 || this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl&&this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length))?'show':'hide'](); this.mode.canBack ? this.$el.find('#fm-btn-back').show().prev().show() : this.$el.find('#fm-btn-back').hide().prev().hide(); this.panels['opts'].setMode(this.mode); this.panels['info'].setMode(this.mode).updateInfo(this.document); this.panels['rights'].setMode(this.mode).updateInfo(this.document); if ( this.mode.canCreateNew ) { if (this.mode.templates && this.mode.templates.length) { $('a',this.items[8].$el).text(this.btnCreateNewCaption + '...'); this.panels['new'] = ((new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.CreateNew({menu: this, docs: this.mode.templates})).render()); } } if ( this.mode.canOpenRecent ) { if (this.mode.recent){ this.panels['recent'] = (new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.RecentFiles({menu:this, recent: this.mode.recent})).render(); } } if (this.mode.isDesktopApp) { // this.$el.find('#fm-btn-back').hide(); } if (this.mode.canDownload) { this.panels['saveas'] = ((new DE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ViewSaveAs({menu: this})).render()); } else if (this.mode.canDownloadOrigin) $('a',this.items[3].$el).text(this.textDownload); this.panels['help'].setLangConfig(this.mode.lang); this.items[11][this.mode.canUseHistory?'show':'hide'](); this.items[11].setDisabled(this.mode.isDisconnected); }, setMode: function(mode, delay) { if (mode.isDisconnected) { this.mode.canEdit = this.mode.isEdit = false; this.mode.canOpenRecent = this.mode.canCreateNew = false; this.mode.isDisconnected = mode.isDisconnected; this.mode.canRename = false; } else { this.mode = mode; } if (!delay) this.applyMode(); }, setApi: function(api) { this.api = api; this.panels['info'].setApi(api); }, loadDocument: function(data) { this.document = data.doc; }, selectMenu: function(menu, opts) { if ( menu ) { var item = this._getMenuItem(menu), panel = this.panels[menu]; if ( item && panel ) { $('.fm-btn',this.el).removeClass('active'); item.$el.addClass('active'); this.$el.find('.content-box:visible').hide(); panel.show(opts); this.active = menu; } } }, _getMenuItem: function(action) { return _.find(this.items, function(item) { return item.options.action == action; }); }, SetDisabled: function(disable) { this.items[1][(disable || !this.mode.isEdit)?'hide':'show'](); this.items[6][(disable || !this.mode.canRename || this.mode.isDesktopApp) ?'hide':'show'](); }, btnSaveCaption : 'Save', btnDownloadCaption : 'Download as...', btnInfoCaption : 'Document Info...', btnRightsCaption : 'Access Rights...', btnCreateNewCaption : 'Create New', btnRecentFilesCaption : 'Open Recent...', btnPrintCaption : 'Print', btnHelpCaption : 'Help...', btnReturnCaption : 'Back to Document', btnToEditCaption : 'Edit Document', btnBackCaption : 'Go to Documents', btnSettingsCaption : 'Advanced Settings...', btnHistoryCaption : 'Versions History', btnSaveAsCaption : 'Save as', textDownload : 'Download', btnRenameCaption : 'Rename...', btnCloseMenuCaption : 'Close Menu' }, DE.Views.FileMenu || {})); });