* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
], function () {
'use strict';
!SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels && (SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels = {});
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ViewSaveAs = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
el: '#panel-saveas',
menu: undefined,
formats: [[
{name: 'XLSX', imgCls: 'xlsx', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.XLSX},
{name: 'PDF', imgCls: 'pdf', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.PDF},
{name: 'PDFA', imgCls: 'pdfa', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.PDFA}
{name: 'ODS', imgCls: 'ods', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.ODS},
{name: 'CSV', imgCls: 'csv', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.CSV}
// ,[
// {name: 'HTML', imgCls: 'html', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.HTML}
// ]
template: _.template([
'<% _.each(rows, function(row) { %>',
'<% _.each(row, function(item) { %>',
' ',
'<% }) %>',
' ',
'<% }) %>',
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
$('.btn-doc-format',this.el).on('click', _.bind(this.onFormatClick,this));
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
onFormatClick: function(e) {
var type = e.currentTarget.attributes['format'];
if (!_.isUndefined(type) && this.menu) {
this.menu.fireEvent('saveas:format', [this.menu, parseInt(type.value)]);
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ViewSaveCopy = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
el: '#panel-savecopy',
menu: undefined,
formats: [[
{name: 'XLSX', imgCls: 'xlsx', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.XLSX, ext: '.xlsx'},
{name: 'PDF', imgCls: 'pdf', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.PDF, ext: '.pdf'},
{name: 'PDFA', imgCls: 'pdfa', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.PDFA, ext: '.pdf'}
{name: 'ODS', imgCls: 'ods', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.ODS, ext: '.ods'},
{name: 'CSV', imgCls: 'csv', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.CSV, ext: '.csv'}
// ,[
// {name: 'HTML', imgCls: 'html', type: Asc.c_oAscFileType.HTML, ext: '.html'}
// ]
template: _.template([
'<% _.each(rows, function(row) { %>',
'<% _.each(row, function(item) { %>',
' ',
'<% }) %>',
' ',
'<% }) %>',
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
$('.btn-doc-format',this.el).on('click', _.bind(this.onFormatClick,this));
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
onFormatClick: function(e) {
var type = e.currentTarget.attributes['format'],
ext = e.currentTarget.attributes['format-ext'];
if (!_.isUndefined(type) && !_.isUndefined(ext) && this.menu) {
this.menu.fireEvent('savecopy:format', [this.menu, parseInt(type.value), ext.value]);
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#panel-settings',
menu: undefined,
template: _.template([
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
this.generalSettings = new SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.MainSettingsGeneral({menu: this.menu});
this.generalSettings.options = {alias:'MainSettingsGeneral'};
this.printSettings = SSE.getController('Print').getView('MainSettingsPrint');
this.printSettings.menu = this.menu;
this.viewSettingsPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-settings-menu'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([
{name: this.txtGeneral, panel: this.generalSettings, iconCls:'mnu-settings-general', selected: true},
{name: this.txtPageSettings, panel: this.printSettings, iconCls:'mnu-print'}
itemTemplate: _.template([
this.viewSettingsPicker.on('item:select', _.bind(function(dataview, itemview, record) {
var panel = record.get('panel');
$('#id-settings-content > div').removeClass('active');
}, this));
return this;
show: function() {
var item = this.viewSettingsPicker.getSelectedRec();
if (item[0]) {
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = mode;
if (!this.mode.canPrint)
this.generalSettings && this.generalSettings.setMode(this.mode);
setApi: function(api) {
this.generalSettings && this.generalSettings.setApi(api);
txtGeneral: 'General',
txtPageSettings: 'Page Settings'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Settings || {}));
SSE.Views.MainSettingsPrint = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
menu: undefined,
template: _.template([
'<%= scope.textSettings %> ',
' ',' ',' ',
'<%= scope.textPageSize %> ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.textPageOrientation %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.textPageScaling %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strMargins %> ',
'<%= scope.strTop %> ',
'<%= scope.strBottom %> ',
' ',
' ',
'<%= scope.strLeft %> ',
'<%= scope.strRight %> ',
' ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strPrint %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',' ',
' ',
'<%= scope.okButtonText %> ',
' ',
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
this.spinners = [];
this._initSettings = true;
render: function(parentEl) {
if (parentEl)
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
$(this.el).html(this.template({scope: this}));
this.cmbSheet = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#advsettings-print-combo-sheets'),
style : 'width: 242px;',
menuStyle : 'min-width: 242px;max-height: 280px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : []
this.cmbPaperSize = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#advsettings-print-combo-pages'),
style : 'width: 242px;',
menuStyle : 'max-height: 280px; min-width: 242px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{value:'215.9|279.4', displayValue:'US Letter (21,59cm x 27,94cm)', caption: 'US Letter'},
{value:'215.9|355.6', displayValue:'US Legal (21,59cm x 35,56cm)', caption: 'US Legal'},
{value:'210|297', displayValue:'A4 (21cm x 29,7cm)', caption: 'A4'},
{value:'148|210', displayValue:'A5 (14,8cm x 21cm)', caption: 'A5'},
{value:'176|250', displayValue:'B5 (17,6cm x 25cm)', caption: 'B5'},
{value:'104.8|241.3', displayValue:'Envelope #10 (10,48cm x 24,13cm)', caption: 'Envelope #10'},
{value:'110|220', displayValue:'Envelope DL (11cm x 22cm)', caption: 'Envelope DL'},
{value:'279.4|431.8', displayValue:'Tabloid (27,94cm x 43,178m)', caption: 'Tabloid'},
{value:'297|420', displayValue:'A3 (29,7cm x 42cm)', caption: 'A3'},
{value:'304.8|457.1', displayValue:'Tabloid Oversize (30,48cm x 45,71cm)', caption: 'Tabloid Oversize'},
{value:'196.8|273', displayValue:'ROC 16K (19,68cm x 27,3cm)', caption: 'ROC 16K'},
{value:'119.9|234.9', displayValue:'Envelope Choukei 3 (11,99cm x 23,49cm)', caption: 'Envelope Choukei 3'},
{value:'330.2|482.5', displayValue:'Super B/A3 (33,02cm x 48,25cm)', caption: 'Super B/A3'}
this.cmbPaperOrientation = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#advsettings-print-combo-orient'),
style : 'width: 132px;',
menuStyle : 'min-width: 132px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: Asc.c_oAscPageOrientation.PagePortrait, displayValue: this.strPortrait },
{ value: Asc.c_oAscPageOrientation.PageLandscape, displayValue: this.strLandscape }
this.cmbLayout = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#advsettings-print-combo-layout'),
style : 'width: 242px;',
menuStyle : 'min-width: 242px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: 0, displayValue: this.textActualSize },
{ value: 1, displayValue: this.textFitPage },
{ value: 2, displayValue: this.textFitCols },
{ value: 3, displayValue: this.textFitRows }
this.chPrintGrid = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#advsettings-print-chb-grid'),
labelText: this.textPrintGrid
this.chPrintRows = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#advsettings-print-chb-rows'),
labelText: this.textPrintHeadings
this.spnMarginTop = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#advsettings-spin-margin-top'),
step: .1,
width: 110,
defaultUnit : "cm",
value: '0 cm',
maxValue: 48.25,
minValue: 0
this.spnMarginBottom = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#advsettings-spin-margin-bottom'),
step: .1,
width: 110,
defaultUnit : "cm",
value: '0 cm',
maxValue: 48.25,
minValue: 0
this.spnMarginLeft = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#advsettings-spin-margin-left'),
step: .1,
width: 110,
defaultUnit : "cm",
value: '0.19 cm',
maxValue: 48.25,
minValue: 0
this.spnMarginRight = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $('#advsettings-spin-margin-right'),
step: .1,
width: 110,
defaultUnit : "cm",
value: '0.19 cm',
maxValue: 48.25,
minValue: 0
this.btnOk = new Common.UI.Button({
el: '#advsettings-print-button-save'
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
this.fireEvent('render:after', this);
return this;
updateMetricUnit: function() {
if (this.spinners) {
for (var i=0; i',
/** coauthoring begin **/
'<%= scope.textAutoSave %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.textForceSave %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strCoAuthMode %> ',
<%= scope.strCoAuthModeDescFast %> ',
' ',' ',
/** coauthoring end **/
'<%= scope.strZoom %> ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strFontRender %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strUnit %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strFuncLocale %> ',
<%= scope.strFuncLocaleEx %> ',
' ',' ',
'<%= scope.strRegSettings %> ',
' ',
' ',' ',
' ',
'<%= scope.okButtonText %> ',
' ',
' '
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
$(this.el).html(this.template({scope: this}));
/** coauthoring begin **/
this.chLiveComment = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#fms-chb-live-comment'),
labelText: this.strLiveComment
}).on('change', _.bind(function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
}, this));
this.chResolvedComment = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#fms-chb-resolved-comment'),
labelText: this.strResolvedComment
this.cmbCoAuthMode = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#fms-cmb-coauth-mode'),
style : 'width: 160px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: 1, displayValue: this.strFast, descValue: this.strCoAuthModeDescFast},
{ value: 0, displayValue: this.strStrict, descValue: this.strCoAuthModeDescStrict }
}).on('selected', _.bind(function(combo, record) {
if (record.value == 1 && (this.chAutosave.getValue()!=='checked'))
}, this));
this.lblCoAuthMode = $('#fms-lbl-coauth-mode');
/** coauthoring end **/
this.cmbZoom = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#fms-cmb-zoom'),
style : 'width: 160px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle : 'max-height: 210px;',
data : [
{ value: 50, displayValue: "50%" },
{ value: 60, displayValue: "60%" },
{ value: 70, displayValue: "70%" },
{ value: 80, displayValue: "80%" },
{ value: 90, displayValue: "90%" },
{ value: 100, displayValue: "100%" },
{ value: 110, displayValue: "110%" },
{ value: 120, displayValue: "120%" },
{ value: 150, displayValue: "150%" },
{ value: 175, displayValue: "175%" },
{ value: 200, displayValue: "200%" }
this.cmbFontRender = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#fms-cmb-font-render'),
style : 'width: 160px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: Asc.c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.hintingAndSubpixeling, displayValue: this.txtWin },
{ value: Asc.c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.noHinting, displayValue: this.txtMac },
{ value: Asc.c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.hinting, displayValue: this.txtNative }
this.chAutosave = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#fms-chb-autosave'),
labelText: this.strAutosave
}).on('change', _.bind(function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (field.getValue()!=='checked' && this.cmbCoAuthMode.getValue()) {
}, this));
this.lblAutosave = $('#fms-lbl-autosave');
this.chForcesave = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#fms-chb-forcesave'),
labelText: this.strForcesave
this.cmbUnit = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#fms-cmb-unit'),
style : 'width: 160px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits['cm'], displayValue: this.txtCm },
{ value: Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits['pt'], displayValue: this.txtPt },
{ value: Common.Utils.Metric.c_MetricUnits['inch'], displayValue: this.txtInch }
this.cmbFuncLocale = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#fms-cmb-func-locale'),
style : 'width: 160px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: 'en', displayValue: this.txtEn, exampleValue: this.txtExampleEn },
{ value: 'de', displayValue: this.txtDe, exampleValue: this.txtExampleDe },
{ value: 'es', displayValue: this.txtEs, exampleValue: this.txtExampleEs },
{ value: 'fr', displayValue: this.txtFr, exampleValue: this.txtExampleFr },
{ value: 'ru', displayValue: this.txtRu, exampleValue: this.txtExampleRu },
{ value: 'pl', displayValue: this.txtPl, exampleValue: this.txtExamplePl }
}).on('selected', _.bind(function(combo, record) {
}, this));
var regdata = [{ value: 0x042C }, { value: 0x0405 }, { value: 0x0407 }, {value: 0x0807}, { value: 0x0408 }, { value: 0x0C09 }, { value: 0x0809 }, { value: 0x0409 }, { value: 0x0C0A }, { value: 0x080A },
{ value: 0x040B }, { value: 0x040C }, { value: 0x0410 }, { value: 0x0411 }, { value: 0x0412 }, { value: 0x0426 }, { value: 0x0413 }, { value: 0x0415 }, { value: 0x0416 },
{ value: 0x0816 }, { value: 0x0419 }, { value: 0x041B }, { value: 0x0424 }, { value: 0x041F }, { value: 0x0422 }, { value: 0x042A }, { value: 0x0804 }];
regdata.forEach(function(item) {
var langinfo = Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageName(item.value);
item.displayValue = langinfo[1];
item.langName = langinfo[0];
this.cmbRegSettings = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#fms-cmb-reg-settings'),
style : 'width: 160px;',
menuStyle: 'max-height: 185px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : regdata,
template: _.template([
' ',
' ',
' ',
' '].join(''))
}).on('selected', _.bind(function(combo, record) {
}, this));
if (this.cmbRegSettings.scroller) this.cmbRegSettings.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.btnApply = new Common.UI.Button({
el: '#fms-btn-apply'
this.btnApply.on('click', _.bind(this.applySettings, this));
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
show: function() {
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = mode;
$('tr.edit', this.el)[mode.isEdit ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('tr.autosave', this.el)[mode.isEdit ? 'show' : 'hide']();
if (this.mode.isDesktopApp && this.mode.isOffline) {
$('tr.forcesave', this.el)[mode.canForcesave ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('tr.comments', this.el)[mode.canCoAuthoring && (mode.isEdit || mode.canComments) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$('tr.coauth.changes', this.el)[mode.isEdit && !mode.isOffline && mode.canCoAuthoring? 'show' : 'hide']();
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
updateSettings: function() {
var value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("sse-settings-zoom");
value = (value!==null) ? parseInt(value) : (this.mode.customization && this.mode.customization.zoom ? parseInt(this.mode.customization.zoom) : 100);
var item = this.cmbZoom.store.findWhere({value: value});
this.cmbZoom.setValue(item ? parseInt(item.get('value')) : (value>0 ? value+'%' : 100));
/** coauthoring begin **/
var fast_coauth = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("sse-settings-coauthmode");
item = this.cmbCoAuthMode.store.findWhere({value: fast_coauth ? 1 : 0});
this.cmbCoAuthMode.setValue(item ? item.get('value') : 1);
this.lblCoAuthMode.text(item ? item.get('descValue') : this.strCoAuthModeDescFast);
/** coauthoring end **/
value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("sse-settings-fontrender");
item = this.cmbFontRender.store.findWhere({value: parseInt(value)});
this.cmbFontRender.setValue(item ? item.get('value') : (window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? Asc.c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.noHinting : Asc.c_oAscFontRenderingModeType.hintingAndSubpixeling));
value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("sse-settings-unit");
item = this.cmbUnit.store.findWhere({value: value});
this.cmbUnit.setValue(item ? parseInt(item.get('value')) : Common.Utils.Metric.getDefaultMetric());
this._oldUnits = this.cmbUnit.getValue();
value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("sse-settings-autosave");
this.chAutosave.setValue(value == 1);
if (this.mode.canForcesave) {
value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("sse-settings-func-locale");
item = this.cmbFuncLocale.store.findWhere({value: value});
if (!item)
item = this.cmbFuncLocale.store.findWhere({value: value.split(/[\-\_]/)[0]});
this.cmbFuncLocale.setValue(item ? item.get('value') : 'en');
this.updateFuncExample(item ? item.get('exampleValue') : this.txtExampleEn);
value = this.api.asc_getLocale();
if (value) {
item = this.cmbRegSettings.store.findWhere({value: value});
this.cmbRegSettings.setValue(item ? item.get('value') : Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageName(value)[1]);
item && (value = this.cmbRegSettings.getValue());
} else {
value = this.mode.lang ? parseInt(Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageCode(this.mode.lang)) : 0x0409;
applySettings: function() {
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-zoom", this.cmbZoom.getValue());
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set("sse-settings-zoom", Common.localStorage.getItem("sse-settings-zoom"));
/** coauthoring begin **/
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-livecomment", this.chLiveComment.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-resolvedcomment", this.chResolvedComment.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
if (this.mode.isEdit && !this.mode.isOffline && this.mode.canCoAuthoring)
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-coauthmode", this.cmbCoAuthMode.getValue());
/** coauthoring end **/
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-fontrender", this.cmbFontRender.getValue());
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-unit", this.cmbUnit.getValue());
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-autosave", this.chAutosave.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
if (this.mode.canForcesave)
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-forcesave", this.chForcesave.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-func-locale", this.cmbFuncLocale.getValue());
if (this.cmbRegSettings.getSelectedRecord())
Common.localStorage.setItem("sse-settings-reg-settings", this.cmbRegSettings.getValue());
if (this.menu) {
this.menu.fireEvent('settings:apply', [this.menu]);
if (this._oldUnits !== this.cmbUnit.getValue())
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('settings:unitschanged', this);
updateRegionalExample: function(landId) {
if (this.api) {
var text = '';
if (landId) {
var info = new Asc.asc_CFormatCellsInfo();
var arr = this.api.asc_getFormatCells(info); // all formats
text = this.api.asc_getLocaleExample(arr[4], 1000.01, landId);
text = text + ' ' + this.api.asc_getLocaleExample(arr[5], Asc.cDate().getExcelDateWithTime(), landId);
text = text + ' ' + this.api.asc_getLocaleExample(arr[6], Asc.cDate().getExcelDateWithTime(), landId);
$('#fms-lbl-reg-settings').text(_.isEmpty(text) ? '' : this.strRegSettingsEx + text);
var icon = this.cmbRegSettings.$el.find('.input-icon'),
plang = icon.attr('lang'),
langName = Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageName(landId)[0];
if (plang) icon.removeClass(plang);
updateFuncExample: function(text) {
$('#fms-lbl-func-locale').text(_.isEmpty(text) ? '' : this.strRegSettingsEx + text);
strLiveComment: 'Turn on option',
strZoom: 'Default Zoom Value',
okButtonText: 'Apply',
/** coauthoring begin **/
txtLiveComment: 'Live Commenting',
/** coauthoring end **/
txtWin: 'as Windows',
txtMac: 'as OS X',
txtNative: 'Native',
strFontRender: 'Font Hinting',
strUnit: 'Unit of Measurement',
txtCm: 'Centimeter',
txtPt: 'Point',
strAutosave: 'Turn on autosave',
textAutoSave: 'Autosave',
txtEn: 'English',
txtDe: 'Deutsch',
txtRu: 'Russian',
txtPl: 'Polish',
txtEs: 'Spanish',
txtFr: 'French',
txtExampleEn: ' SUM; MIN; MAX; COUNT',
txtExampleDe: ' SUMME; MIN; MAX; ANZAHL',
txtExampleRu: ' СУММ; МИН; МАКС; СЧЁТ',
txtExamplePl: ' SUMA; MIN; MAX; ILE.LICZB',
txtExampleEs: ' SUMA; MIN; MAX; CALCULAR',
txtExampleFr: ' SOMME; MIN; MAX; NB',
strFuncLocale: 'Formula Language',
strFuncLocaleEx: 'Example: SUM; MIN; MAX; COUNT',
strRegSettings: 'Regional Settings',
strRegSettingsEx: 'Example: ',
strCoAuthMode: 'Co-editing mode',
strCoAuthModeDescFast: 'Other users will see your changes at once',
strCoAuthModeDescStrict: 'You will need to accept changes before you can see them',
strFast: 'Fast',
strStrict: 'Strict',
textAutoRecover: 'Autorecover',
strAutoRecover: 'Turn on autorecover',
txtInch: 'Inch',
textForceSave: 'Save to Server',
strForcesave: 'Always save to server (otherwise save to server on document close)',
strResolvedComment: 'Turn on display of the resolved comments'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.MainSettingsGeneral || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.RecentFiles = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
el: '#panel-recentfiles',
menu: undefined,
template: _.template([
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
this.recent = options.recent;
render: function() {
this.viewRecentPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-recent-view'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(this.recent),
itemTemplate: _.template([
<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(title) %>
<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(folder) %>
this.viewRecentPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onRecentFileClick, this));
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
onRecentFileClick: function(view, itemview, record){
if ( this.menu )
this.menu.fireEvent('recent:open', [this.menu, record.get('url')]);
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.CreateNew = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#panel-createnew',
menu: undefined,
events: function() {
return {
'click .blank-document-btn':_.bind(this._onBlankDocument, this),
'click .thumb-list .thumb-wrap': _.bind(this._onDocumentTemplate, this)
template: _.template([
'<%= scope.fromBlankText %> ',
' ',
' ',
<%= scope.newDocumentText %> ',
'<%= scope.newDescriptionText %>',
'<%= scope.fromTemplateText %> ',
'<% _.each(docs, function(item) { %>',
\")' +
' } else { ' +
'print(\"> \")' +
' } %>',
<%= item.name %>
'<% }) %>',
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
scope: this,
docs: this.options[0].docs
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
_onBlankDocument: function() {
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this.menu.fireEvent('create:new', [this.menu, 'blank']);
_onDocumentTemplate: function(e) {
if ( this.menu )
this.menu.fireEvent('create:new', [this.menu, e.currentTarget.attributes['template'].value]);
fromBlankText : 'From Blank',
newDocumentText : 'New Spreadsheet',
newDescriptionText : 'Create a new blank text document which you will be able to style and format after it is created during the editing. Or choose one of the templates to start a document of a certain type or purpose where some styles have already been pre-applied.',
fromTemplateText : 'From Template'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.CreateNew || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#panel-info',
menu: undefined,
initialize: function(options) {
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'' + this.txtTitle + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
'' + this.txtAuthor + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
'' + this.txtPlacement + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
'' + this.txtDate + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
' ',
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
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this.lblPlacement = $('#id-info-placement');
this.lblDate = $('#id-info-date');
this.lblAuthor = $('#id-info-author');
this.rendered = true;
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
show: function() {
hide: function() {
updateInfo: function(doc) {
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this.lblTitle.text((doc.title) ? doc.title : '-');
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this._ShowHideInfoItem('date', doc.info.created!==undefined && doc.info.created!==null);
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this._ShowHideInfoItem('placement', doc.info.folder!==undefined && doc.info.folder!==null);
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_ShowHideDocInfo: function(visible) {
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this._ShowHideInfoItem('placement', visible);
this._ShowHideInfoItem('author', visible);
setMode: function(mode) {
return this;
txtTitle: 'Document Title',
txtAuthor: 'Author',
txtPlacement: 'Placement',
txtDate: 'Creation Date'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentRights = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#panel-rights',
menu: undefined,
initialize: function(options) {
this.rendered = false;
this.template = _.template([
'' + this.txtRights + ' ',
' ',
'' + this.txtBtnAccessRights + ' ',
' ',
this.templateRights = _.template([
'<% _.each(users, function(item) { %>',
'<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item.user) %> ',
'<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item.permissions) %> ',
' ',
'<% }); %>',
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
this.cntRights = $('#id-info-rights');
this.btnEditRights = new Common.UI.Button({
el: '#id-info-btn-edit'
this.btnEditRights.on('click', _.bind(this.changeAccessRights, this));
this.rendered = true;
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
Common.NotificationCenter.on('collaboration:sharing', _.bind(this.changeAccessRights, this));
return this;
show: function() {
hide: function() {
updateInfo: function(doc) {
this.doc = doc;
if (!this.rendered)
doc = doc || {};
if (doc.info) {
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this.cntRights.html(this.templateRights({users: doc.info.sharingSettings}));
this._ShowHideInfoItem('rights', doc.info.sharingSettings!==undefined && doc.info.sharingSettings!==null && doc.info.sharingSettings.length>0);
this._ShowHideInfoItem('edit-rights', !!this.sharingSettingsUrl && this.sharingSettingsUrl.length && this._readonlyRights!==true);
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_ShowHideInfoItem: function(cls, visible) {
$('tr.'+cls, this.el)[visible?'show':'hide']();
_ShowHideDocInfo: function(visible) {
this._ShowHideInfoItem('rights', visible);
this._ShowHideInfoItem('edit-rights', visible);
setMode: function(mode) {
this.sharingSettingsUrl = mode.sharingSettingsUrl;
return this;
changeAccessRights: function(btn,event,opts) {
if (this._docAccessDlg) return;
var me = this;
me._docAccessDlg = new Common.Views.DocumentAccessDialog({
settingsurl: this.sharingSettingsUrl
me._docAccessDlg.on('accessrights', function(obj, rights){
me.doc.info.sharingSettings = rights;
me._ShowHideInfoItem('rights', me.doc.info.sharingSettings!==undefined && me.doc.info.sharingSettings!==null && me.doc.info.sharingSettings.length>0);
me.cntRights.html(me.templateRights({users: me.doc.info.sharingSettings}));
}).on('close', function(obj){
me._docAccessDlg = undefined;
onLostEditRights: function() {
this._readonlyRights = true;
if (!this.rendered)
this._ShowHideInfoItem('edit-rights', false);
txtRights: 'Persons who have rights',
txtBtnAccessRights: 'Change access rights'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentRights || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Help = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
el: '#panel-help',
menu: undefined,
template: _.template([
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
this.urlPref = 'resources/help/en/';
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{"src": "ProgramInterface/ProgramInterface.htm", "name": "Introducing Spreadsheet Editor user interface", "headername": "Program Interface"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/FileTab.htm", "name": "File tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/HomeTab.htm", "name": "Home Tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/InsertTab.htm", "name": "Insert tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/PluginsTab.htm", "name": "Plugins tab"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", "name": "Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one", "headername": "Basic operations" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CopyPasteData.htm", "name": "Cut/copy/paste data" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/UndoRedo.htm", "name": "Undo/redo your actions"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ManageSheets.htm", "name": "Manage sheets", "headername": "Operations with sheets"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeStyle.htm", "name": "Set font type, size, style, and colors", "headername": "Cell text formatting" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm", "name": "Add hyperlinks" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ClearFormatting.htm", "name": "Clear text, format in a cell, copy cell format"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddBorders.htm", "name": "Add borders", "headername": "Editing cell properties"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm", "name": "Align data in cells"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/MergeCells.htm", "name": "Merge cells" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ChangeNumberFormat.htm", "name": "Change number format" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertDeleteCells.htm", "name": "Manage cells, rows, and columns", "headername": "Editing rows/columns" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SortData.htm", "name": "Sort and filter data" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertFunction.htm", "name": "Insert function", "headername": "Work with functions"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/UseNamedRanges.htm", "name": "Use named ranges"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm", "name": "Insert images", "headername": "Operations on objects"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertChart.htm", "name": "Insert chart"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm", "name": "Insert and format autoshapes" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertTextObjects.htm", "name": "Insert text objects" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ManipulateObjects.htm", "name": "Manipulate objects" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertEquation.htm", "name": "Insert equations", "headername": "Math equations"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm", "name": "Collaborative spreadsheet editing", "headername": "Spreadsheet co-editing"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", "name": "View file information", "headername": "Tools and settings"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", "name": "Save/print/download your spreadsheet"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm", "name": "Advanced settings of Spreadsheet Editor"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm", "name": "View settings and navigation tools"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Search.htm", "name": "Search and replace functions"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/About.htm", "name": "About Spreadsheet Editor", "headername": "Helpful hints"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", "name": "Supported formats of spreadsheets"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm", "name": "Keyboard shortcuts"}
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el: $('#id-help-contents'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([]),
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this.viewHelpPicker.on('item:add', function(dataview, itemview, record) {
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var src = data.data;
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return (src.indexOf(record.get('src'))>0);
if (rec) {
me.viewHelpPicker.selectRecord(rec, true);
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var me = this;
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SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ProtectDoc = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#panel-protect',
menu: undefined,
template: _.template([
'<%= scope.txtEncrypted %> ',
' ',
' ',
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
var me = this;
this.templateSignature = _.template([
'<%= tipText %> ',
' ',
'' + me.txtView + ' ',
'' + me.txtEdit + ' ',
' ',
render: function() {
$(this.el).html(this.template({scope: this}));
var protection = SSE.getController('Common.Controllers.Protection').getView();
this.btnAddPwd = protection.getButton('add-password');
this.btnAddPwd.on('click', _.bind(this.closeMenu, this));
this.btnChangePwd = protection.getButton('change-password');
this.btnChangePwd.on('click', _.bind(this.closeMenu, this));
this.btnDeletePwd = protection.getButton('del-password');
this.btnDeletePwd.on('click', _.bind(this.closeMenu, this));
this.cntPassword = $('#id-fms-password');
this.cntPasswordView = $('#id-fms-view-pwd');
this.btnAddInvisibleSign = protection.getButton('signature');
this.btnAddInvisibleSign.on('click', _.bind(this.closeMenu, this));
this.cntSignature = $('#id-fms-signature');
this.cntSignatureView = $('#id-fms-signature-view');
if (_.isUndefined(this.scroller)) {
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
this.$el.on('click', '.signature-edit-link', _.bind(this.onEdit, this));
this.$el.on('click', '.signature-view-link', _.bind(this.onView, this));
return this;
show: function() {
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = mode;
this.cntSignature.toggleClass('hidden', !this.mode.isSignatureSupport);
this.cntPassword.toggleClass('hidden', !this.mode.isPasswordSupport);
setApi: function(o) {
this.api = o;
return this;
closeMenu: function() {
this.menu && this.menu.hide();
onEdit: function() {
this.menu && this.menu.hide();
var me = this;
title: this.notcriticalErrorTitle,
msg: this.txtEditWarning,
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel'],
primary: 'ok',
callback: function(btn) {
if (btn == 'ok') {
onView: function() {
this.menu && this.menu.hide();
SSE.getController('RightMenu').rightmenu.SetActivePane(Common.Utils.documentSettingsType.Signature, true);
updateSignatures: function(){
var requested = this.api.asc_getRequestSignatures(),
valid = this.api.asc_getSignatures(),
hasRequested = requested && requested.length>0,
hasValid = false,
hasInvalid = false;
_.each(valid, function(item, index){
if (item.asc_getValid()==0)
hasValid = true;
hasInvalid = true;
// hasRequested = true;
// hasValid = true;
// hasInvalid = true;
var tipText = (hasInvalid) ? this.txtSignedInvalid : (hasValid ? this.txtSigned : "");
if (hasRequested)
tipText = this.txtRequestedSignatures + (tipText!="" ? " " : "")+ tipText;
this.cntSignatureView.html(this.templateSignature({tipText: tipText, hasSigned: (hasValid || hasInvalid), hasRequested: hasRequested}));
updateEncrypt: function() {
this.cntPasswordView.toggleClass('hidden', this.btnAddPwd.isVisible());
strProtect: 'Protect Workbook',
strSignature: 'With Signature',
txtView: 'View signatures',
txtEdit: 'Edit workbook',
txtSigned: 'Valid signatures has been added to the workbook. The workbook is protected from editing.',
txtSignedInvalid: 'Some of the digital signatures in workbook are invalid or could not be verified. The workbook is protected from editing.',
txtRequestedSignatures: 'This workbook needs to be signed.',
notcriticalErrorTitle: 'Warning',
txtEditWarning: 'Editing will remove the signatures from the workbook. Are you sure you want to continue?',
strEncrypt: 'With Password',
txtEncrypted: 'This workbook has been protected by password'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.ProtectDoc || {}));