/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ if (Common === undefined) { var Common = {}; } if (Common.define === undefined) { Common.define = {}; } define(function(){ 'use strict'; Common.define.c_oAscMathMainType = { Symbol : 0x00, Fraction : 0x01, Script : 0x02, Radical : 0x03, Integral : 0x04, LargeOperator: 0x05, Bracket : 0x06, Function : 0x07, Accent : 0x08, LimitLog : 0x09, Operator : 0x0a, Matrix : 0x0b }; // [translate, count cells, scroll] // equations sub groups // equations types Common.define.c_oAscMathType = { Symbol_pm : 0x00000000, Symbol_infinity : 0x00000001, Symbol_equals : 0x00000002, Symbol_neq : 0x00000003, Symbol_about : 0x00000004, Symbol_times : 0x00000005, Symbol_div : 0x00000006, Symbol_factorial : 0x00000007, Symbol_propto : 0x00000008, Symbol_less : 0x00000009, Symbol_ll : 0x0000000a, Symbol_greater : 0x0000000b, Symbol_gg : 0x0000000c, Symbol_leq : 0x0000000d, Symbol_geq : 0x0000000e, Symbol_mp : 0x0000000f, Symbol_cong : 0x00000010, Symbol_approx : 0x00000011, Symbol_equiv : 0x00000012, Symbol_forall : 0x00000013, Symbol_additional : 0x00000014, Symbol_partial : 0x00000015, Symbol_sqrt : 0x00000016, Symbol_cbrt : 0x00000017, Symbol_qdrt : 0x00000018, Symbol_cup : 0x00000019, Symbol_cap : 0x0000001a, Symbol_emptyset : 0x0000001b, Symbol_percent : 0x0000001c, Symbol_degree : 0x0000001d, Symbol_fahrenheit : 0x0000001e, Symbol_celsius : 0x0000001f, Symbol_inc : 0x00000020, Symbol_nabla : 0x00000021, Symbol_exists : 0x00000022, Symbol_notexists : 0x00000023, Symbol_in : 0x00000024, Symbol_ni : 0x00000025, Symbol_leftarrow : 0x00000026, Symbol_uparrow : 0x00000027, Symbol_rightarrow : 0x00000028, Symbol_downarrow : 0x00000029, Symbol_leftrightarrow : 0x0000002a, Symbol_therefore : 0x0000002b, Symbol_plus : 0x0000002c, Symbol_minus : 0x0000002d, Symbol_not : 0x0000002e, Symbol_ast : 0x0000002f, Symbol_bullet : 0x00000030, Symbol_vdots : 0x00000031, Symbol_cdots : 0x00000032, Symbol_rddots : 0x00000033, Symbol_ddots : 0x00000034, Symbol_aleph : 0x00000035, Symbol_beth : 0x00000036, Symbol_QED : 0x00000037, Symbol_alpha : 0x00010000, Symbol_beta : 0x00010001, Symbol_gamma : 0x00010002, Symbol_delta : 0x00010003, Symbol_varepsilon : 0x00010004, Symbol_epsilon : 0x00010005, Symbol_zeta : 0x00010006, Symbol_eta : 0x00010007, Symbol_theta : 0x00010008, Symbol_vartheta : 0x00010009, Symbol_iota : 0x0001000a, Symbol_kappa : 0x0001000b, Symbol_lambda : 0x0001000c, Symbol_mu : 0x0001000d, Symbol_nu : 0x0001000e, Symbol_xsi : 0x0001000f, Symbol_o : 0x00010010, Symbol_pi : 0x00010011, Symbol_varpi : 0x00010012, Symbol_rho : 0x00010013, Symbol_varrho : 0x00010014, Symbol_sigma : 0x00010015, Symbol_varsigma : 0x00010016, Symbol_tau : 0x00010017, Symbol_upsilon : 0x00010018, Symbol_varphi : 0x00010019, Symbol_phi : 0x0001001a, Symbol_chi : 0x0001001b, Symbol_psi : 0x0001001c, Symbol_omega : 0x0001001d, Symbol_Alpha : 0x00020000, Symbol_Beta : 0x00020001, Symbol_Gamma : 0x00020002, Symbol_Delta : 0x00020003, Symbol_Epsilon : 0x00020004, Symbol_Zeta : 0x00020005, Symbol_Eta : 0x00020006, Symbol_Theta : 0x00020007, Symbol_Iota : 0x00020008, Symbol_Kappa : 0x00020009, Symbol_Lambda : 0x0002000a, Symbol_Mu : 0x0002000b, Symbol_Nu : 0x0002000c, Symbol_Xsi : 0x0002000d, Symbol_O : 0x0002000e, Symbol_Pi : 0x0002000f, Symbol_Rho : 0x00020010, Symbol_Sigma : 0x00020011, Symbol_Tau : 0x00020012, Symbol_Upsilon : 0x00020013, Symbol_Phi : 0x00020014, Symbol_Chi : 0x00020015, Symbol_Psi : 0x00020016, Symbol_Omega : 0x00020017, FractionVertical : 0x01000000, FractionDiagonal : 0x01000001, FractionHorizontal : 0x01000002, FractionSmall : 0x01000003, FractionDifferential_1 : 0x01010000, FractionDifferential_2 : 0x01010001, FractionDifferential_3 : 0x01010002, FractionDifferential_4 : 0x01010003, FractionPi_2 : 0x01010004, ScriptSup : 0x02000000, ScriptSub : 0x02000001, ScriptSubSup : 0x02000002, ScriptSubSupLeft : 0x02000003, ScriptCustom_1 : 0x02010000, ScriptCustom_2 : 0x02010001, ScriptCustom_3 : 0x02010002, ScriptCustom_4 : 0x02010003, RadicalSqrt : 0x03000000, RadicalRoot_n : 0x03000001, RadicalRoot_2 : 0x03000002, RadicalRoot_3 : 0x03000003, RadicalCustom_1 : 0x03010000, RadicalCustom_2 : 0x03010001, Integral : 0x04000000, IntegralSubSup : 0x04000001, IntegralCenterSubSup : 0x04000002, IntegralDouble : 0x04000003, IntegralDoubleSubSup : 0x04000004, IntegralDoubleCenterSubSup : 0x04000005, IntegralTriple : 0x04000006, IntegralTripleSubSup : 0x04000007, IntegralTripleCenterSubSup : 0x04000008, IntegralOriented : 0x04010000, IntegralOrientedSubSup : 0x04010001, IntegralOrientedCenterSubSup : 0x04010002, IntegralOrientedDouble : 0x04010003, IntegralOrientedDoubleSubSup : 0x04010004, IntegralOrientedDoubleCenterSubSup : 0x04010005, IntegralOrientedTriple : 0x04010006, IntegralOrientedTripleSubSup : 0x04010007, IntegralOrientedTripleCenterSubSup : 0x04010008, Integral_dx : 0x04020000, Integral_dy : 0x04020001, Integral_dtheta : 0x04020002, LargeOperator_Sum : 0x05000000, LargeOperator_Sum_CenterSubSup : 0x05000001, LargeOperator_Sum_SubSup : 0x05000002, LargeOperator_Sum_CenterSub : 0x05000003, LargeOperator_Sum_Sub : 0x05000004, LargeOperator_Prod : 0x05010000, LargeOperator_Prod_CenterSubSup : 0x05010001, LargeOperator_Prod_SubSup : 0x05010002, LargeOperator_Prod_CenterSub : 0x05010003, LargeOperator_Prod_Sub : 0x05010004, LargeOperator_CoProd : 0x05010005, LargeOperator_CoProd_CenterSubSup : 0x05010006, LargeOperator_CoProd_SubSup : 0x05010007, LargeOperator_CoProd_CenterSub : 0x05010008, LargeOperator_CoProd_Sub : 0x05010009, LargeOperator_Union : 0x05020000, LargeOperator_Union_CenterSubSup : 0x05020001, LargeOperator_Union_SubSup : 0x05020002, LargeOperator_Union_CenterSub : 0x05020003, LargeOperator_Union_Sub : 0x05020004, LargeOperator_Intersection : 0x05020005, LargeOperator_Intersection_CenterSubSup : 0x05020006, LargeOperator_Intersection_SubSup : 0x05020007, LargeOperator_Intersection_CenterSub : 0x05020008, LargeOperator_Intersection_Sub : 0x05020009, LargeOperator_Disjunction : 0x05030000, LargeOperator_Disjunction_CenterSubSup : 0x05030001, LargeOperator_Disjunction_SubSup : 0x05030002, LargeOperator_Disjunction_CenterSub : 0x05030003, LargeOperator_Disjunction_Sub : 0x05030004, LargeOperator_Conjunction : 0x05030005, LargeOperator_Conjunction_CenterSubSup : 0x05030006, LargeOperator_Conjunction_SubSup : 0x05030007, LargeOperator_Conjunction_CenterSub : 0x05030008, LargeOperator_Conjunction_Sub : 0x05030009, LargeOperator_Custom_1 : 0x05040000, LargeOperator_Custom_2 : 0x05040001, LargeOperator_Custom_3 : 0x05040002, LargeOperator_Custom_4 : 0x05040003, LargeOperator_Custom_5 : 0x05040004, Bracket_Round : 0x06000000, Bracket_Square : 0x06000001, Bracket_Curve : 0x06000002, Bracket_Angle : 0x06000003, Bracket_LowLim : 0x06000004, Bracket_UppLim : 0x06000005, Bracket_Line : 0x06000006, Bracket_LineDouble : 0x06000007, Bracket_Square_OpenOpen : 0x06000008, Bracket_Square_CloseClose : 0x06000009, Bracket_Square_CloseOpen : 0x0600000a, Bracket_SquareDouble : 0x0600000b, Bracket_Round_Delimiter_2 : 0x06010000, Bracket_Curve_Delimiter_2 : 0x06010001, Bracket_Angle_Delimiter_2 : 0x06010002, Bracket_Angle_Delimiter_3 : 0x06010003, Bracket_Round_OpenNone : 0x06020000, Bracket_Round_NoneOpen : 0x06020001, Bracket_Square_OpenNone : 0x06020002, Bracket_Square_NoneOpen : 0x06020003, Bracket_Curve_OpenNone : 0x06020004, Bracket_Curve_NoneOpen : 0x06020005, Bracket_Angle_OpenNone : 0x06020006, Bracket_Angle_NoneOpen : 0x06020007, Bracket_LowLim_OpenNone : 0x06020008, Bracket_LowLim_NoneNone : 0x06020009, Bracket_UppLim_OpenNone : 0x0602000a, Bracket_UppLim_NoneOpen : 0x0602000b, Bracket_Line_OpenNone : 0x0602000c, Bracket_Line_NoneOpen : 0x0602000d, Bracket_LineDouble_OpenNone : 0x0602000e, Bracket_LineDouble_NoneOpen : 0x0602000f, Bracket_SquareDouble_OpenNone : 0x06020010, Bracket_SquareDouble_NoneOpen : 0x06020011, Bracket_Custom_1 : 0x06030000, Bracket_Custom_2 : 0x06030001, Bracket_Custom_3 : 0x06030002, Bracket_Custom_4 : 0x06030003, Bracket_Custom_5 : 0x06040000, Bracket_Custom_6 : 0x06040001, Bracket_Custom_7 : 0x06040002, Function_Sin : 0x07000000, Function_Cos : 0x07000001, Function_Tan : 0x07000002, Function_Csc : 0x07000003, Function_Sec : 0x07000004, Function_Cot : 0x07000005, Function_1_Sin : 0x07010000, Function_1_Cos : 0x07010001, Function_1_Tan : 0x07010002, Function_1_Csc : 0x07010003, Function_1_Sec : 0x07010004, Function_1_Cot : 0x07010005, Function_Sinh : 0x07020000, Function_Cosh : 0x07020001, Function_Tanh : 0x07020002, Function_Csch : 0x07020003, Function_Sech : 0x07020004, Function_Coth : 0x07020005, Function_1_Sinh : 0x07030000, Function_1_Cosh : 0x07030001, Function_1_Tanh : 0x07030002, Function_1_Csch : 0x07030003, Function_1_Sech : 0x07030004, Function_1_Coth : 0x07030005, Function_Custom_1 : 0x07040000, Function_Custom_2 : 0x07040001, Function_Custom_3 : 0x07040002, Accent_Dot : 0x08000000, Accent_DDot : 0x08000001, Accent_DDDot : 0x08000002, Accent_Hat : 0x08000003, Accent_Check : 0x08000004, Accent_Accent : 0x08000005, Accent_Grave : 0x08000006, Accent_Smile : 0x08000007, Accent_Tilde : 0x08000008, Accent_Bar : 0x08000009, Accent_DoubleBar : 0x0800000a, Accent_CurveBracketTop : 0x0800000b, Accent_CurveBracketBot : 0x0800000c, Accent_GroupTop : 0x0800000d, Accent_GroupBot : 0x0800000e, Accent_ArrowL : 0x0800000f, Accent_ArrowR : 0x08000010, Accent_ArrowD : 0x08000011, Accent_HarpoonL : 0x08000012, Accent_HarpoonR : 0x08000013, Accent_BorderBox : 0x08010000, Accent_BorderBoxCustom : 0x08010001, Accent_BarTop : 0x08020000, Accent_BarBot : 0x08020001, Accent_Custom_1 : 0x08030000, Accent_Custom_2 : 0x08030001, Accent_Custom_3 : 0x08030002, LimitLog_LogBase : 0x09000000, LimitLog_Log : 0x09000001, LimitLog_Lim : 0x09000002, LimitLog_Min : 0x09000003, LimitLog_Max : 0x09000004, LimitLog_Ln : 0x09000005, LimitLog_Custom_1 : 0x09010000, LimitLog_Custom_2 : 0x09010001, Operator_ColonEquals : 0x0a000000, Operator_EqualsEquals : 0x0a000001, Operator_PlusEquals : 0x0a000002, Operator_MinusEquals : 0x0a000003, Operator_Definition : 0x0a000004, Operator_UnitOfMeasure : 0x0a000005, Operator_DeltaEquals : 0x0a000006, Operator_ArrowL_Top : 0x0a010000, Operator_ArrowR_Top : 0x0a010001, Operator_ArrowL_Bot : 0x0a010002, Operator_ArrowR_Bot : 0x0a010003, Operator_DoubleArrowL_Top : 0x0a010004, Operator_DoubleArrowR_Top : 0x0a010005, Operator_DoubleArrowL_Bot : 0x0a010006, Operator_DoubleArrowR_Bot : 0x0a010007, Operator_ArrowD_Top : 0x0a010008, Operator_ArrowD_Bot : 0x0a010009, Operator_DoubleArrowD_Top : 0x0a01000a, Operator_DoubleArrowD_Bot : 0x0a01000b, Operator_Custom_1 : 0x0a020000, Operator_Custom_2 : 0x0a020001, Matrix_1_2 : 0x0b000000, Matrix_2_1 : 0x0b000001, Matrix_1_3 : 0x0b000002, Matrix_3_1 : 0x0b000003, Matrix_2_2 : 0x0b000004, Matrix_2_3 : 0x0b000005, Matrix_3_2 : 0x0b000006, Matrix_3_3 : 0x0b000007, Matrix_Dots_Center : 0x0b010000, Matrix_Dots_Baseline : 0x0b010001, Matrix_Dots_Vertical : 0x0b010002, Matrix_Dots_Diagonal : 0x0b010003, Matrix_Identity_2 : 0x0b020000, Matrix_Identity_2_NoZeros : 0x0b020001, Matrix_Identity_3 : 0x0b020002, Matrix_Identity_3_NoZeros : 0x0b020003, Matrix_2_2_RoundBracket : 0x0b030000, Matrix_2_2_SquareBracket : 0x0b030001, Matrix_2_2_LineBracket : 0x0b030002, Matrix_2_2_DLineBracket : 0x0b030003, Matrix_Flat_Round : 0x0b040000, Matrix_Flat_Square : 0x0b040001 }; Common.define.chartData = _.extend( new(function() { return { textLine: 'Line', textColumn: 'Column', textBar: 'Bar', textArea: 'Area', textPie: 'Pie', textPoint: 'XY (Scatter)', textStock: 'Stock', textSurface: 'Surface', textCharts: 'Charts', textSparks: 'Sparklines', textLineSpark: 'Line', textColumnSpark: 'Column', textWinLossSpark: 'Win/Loss', textCombo: 'Combo', textBarNormal: 'Clustered column', textBarStacked: 'Stacked column', textBarStackedPer: '100% Stacked column', textBarNormal3d: '3-D Clustered column', textBarStacked3d: '3-D Stacked column', textBarStackedPer3d: '3-D 100% Stacked column', textBarNormal3dPerspective: '3-D column', textLineStacked: 'Stacked line', textLineStackedPer: '100% Stacked line', textLineMarker: 'Line with markers', textLineStackedMarker: 'Stacked line with markers', textLineStackedPerMarker: '100% Stacked line with markers', textLine3d: '3-D line', textDoughnut: 'Doughnut', textPie3d: '3-D pie', textHBarNormal: 'Clustered bar', textHBarStacked: 'Stacked bar', textHBarStackedPer: '100% Stacked bar', textHBarNormal3d: '3-D Clustered bar', textHBarStacked3d: '3-D Stacked bar', textHBarStackedPer3d: '3-D 100% Stacked bar', textAreaStacked: 'Stacked area', textAreaStackedPer: '100% Stacked area', textScatter: 'Scatter', textScatterSmoothMarker: 'Scatter with smooth lines and markers', textScatterSmooth: 'Scatter with smooth lines', textScatterLineMarker: 'Scatter with straight lines and markers', textScatterLine: 'Scatter with straight lines', textComboBarLine: 'Clustered column - line', textComboBarLineSecondary: 'Clustered column - line on secondary axis', textComboAreaBar: 'Stacked area - clustered column', textComboCustom: 'Custom combination', getChartGroupData: function(headername) { return [ {id: 'menu-chart-group-bar', caption: this.textColumn, headername: (headername) ? this.textCharts : undefined}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-line', caption: this.textLine}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-pie', caption: this.textPie}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', caption: this.textBar}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-area', caption: this.textArea, inline: true}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-stock', caption: this.textStock, inline: true}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', caption: this.textPoint}, {id: 'menu-chart-group-combo', caption: this.textCombo} // {id: 'menu-chart-group-surface', caption: this.textSurface} ]; }, getChartData: function() { return [ { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal, iconCls: 'column-normal', tip: this.textBarNormal}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked, iconCls: 'column-stack', tip: this.textBarStacked}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer, iconCls: 'column-pstack', tip: this.textBarStackedPer}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal', tip: this.textBarNormal3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStacked3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-stack', tip: this.textBarStacked3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'column-3d-pstack', tip: this.textBarStackedPer3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-bar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.barNormal3dPerspective, iconCls: 'column-3d-normal-per', tip: this.textBarNormal3dPerspective, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormal, iconCls: 'line-normal', tip: this.textLine}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStacked, iconCls: 'line-stack', tip: this.textLineStacked}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPer, iconCls: 'line-pstack', tip: this.textLineStackedPer}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineNormalMarker, iconCls: 'line-normal-marker', tip: this.textLineMarker}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedMarker, iconCls: 'line-stack-marker', tip: this.textLineStackedMarker}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.lineStackedPerMarker,iconCls: 'line-pstack-marker', tip: this.textLineStackedPerMarker}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-line', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.line3d, iconCls: 'line-3d', tip: this.textLine3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie, iconCls: 'pie-normal', tip: this.textPie}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.doughnut, iconCls: 'pie-doughnut', tip: this.textDoughnut}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-pie', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.pie3d, iconCls: 'pie-3d-normal', tip: this.textPie3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal, iconCls: 'bar-normal', tip: this.textHBarNormal}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked, iconCls: 'bar-stack', tip: this.textHBarStacked}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer, iconCls: 'bar-pstack', tip: this.textHBarStackedPer}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarNormal3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-normal', tip: this.textHBarNormal3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStacked3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-stack', tip: this.textHBarStacked3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-hbar', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.hBarStackedPer3d, iconCls: 'bar-3d-pstack', tip: this.textHBarStackedPer3d, is3d: true}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaNormal, iconCls: 'area-normal', tip: this.textArea}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStacked, iconCls: 'area-stack', tip: this.textAreaStacked}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-area', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.areaStackedPer, iconCls: 'area-pstack', tip: this.textAreaStackedPer}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatter, iconCls: 'point-normal', tip: this.textScatter}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterSmoothMarker,iconCls: 'point-smooth-marker', tip: this.textScatterSmoothMarker}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterSmooth, iconCls: 'point-smooth', tip: this.textScatterSmooth}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterLineMarker, iconCls: 'point-line-marker', tip: this.textScatterLineMarker}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-scatter', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.scatterLine, iconCls: 'point-line', tip: this.textScatterLine}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-stock', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.stock, iconCls: 'stock-normal', tip: this.textStock}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-combo', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.comboBarLine, iconCls: 'combo-bar-line', tip: this.textComboBarLine}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-combo', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.comboBarLineSecondary, iconCls: 'combo-bar-line-sec', tip: this.textComboBarLineSecondary}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-combo', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.comboAreaBar, iconCls: 'combo-area-bar', tip: this.textComboAreaBar}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-combo', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.comboCustom, iconCls: 'combo-custom', tip: this.textComboCustom} // { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.surfaceNormal, iconCls: 'surface-normal'}, // { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.surfaceWireframe, iconCls: 'surface-wireframe'}, // { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.contourNormal, iconCls: 'contour-normal'}, // { group: 'menu-chart-group-surface', type: Asc.c_oAscChartTypeSettings.contourWireframe, iconCls: 'contour-wireframe'} ]; }, getSparkGroupData: function(headername) { return [ { id: 'menu-chart-group-sparkcolumn', inline: true, headername: (headername) ? this.textSparks : undefined }, { id: 'menu-chart-group-sparkline', inline: true }, { id: 'menu-chart-group-sparkwin', inline: true } ]; }, getSparkData: function() { return [ { group: 'menu-chart-group-sparkcolumn', type: Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Column, allowSelected: true, iconCls: 'spark-column', tip: this.textColumnSpark}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-sparkline', type: Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Line, allowSelected: true, iconCls: 'spark-line', tip: this.textLineSpark}, { group: 'menu-chart-group-sparkwin', type: Asc.c_oAscSparklineType.Stacked, allowSelected: true, iconCls: 'spark-win', tip: this.textWinLossSpark} ]; } } })(), Common.define.chartData || {}); Common.define.conditionalData = _.extend( new(function() { return { textDate: 'Date', textYesterday: 'Yesterday', textToday: 'Today', textTomorrow: 'Tomorrow', textLast7days: 'In the last 7 days', textLastWeek: 'Last week', textThisWeek: 'This week', textNextWeek: 'Next week', textLastMonth: 'Last month', textThisMonth: 'This month', textNextMonth: 'Next month', textText: 'Text', textContains: 'Contains', textNotContains: 'Does not contain', textBegins: 'Begins with', textEnds: 'Ends with', textAverage: 'Average', textAbove: 'Above', textBelow: 'Below', textEqAbove: 'Equal to or above', textEqBelow: 'Equal to or below', text1Above: '1 std dev above', text1Below: '1 std dev below', text2Above: '2 std dev above', text2Below: '2 std dev below', text3Above: '3 std dev above', text3Below: '3 std dev below', textGreater: 'Greater than', textGreaterEq: 'Greater than or equal to', textLess: 'Less than', textLessEq: 'Less than or equal to', textEqual: 'Equal to', textNotEqual: 'Not equal to', textBetween: 'Between', textNotBetween: 'Not between', textTop: 'Top', textBottom: 'Bottom', textBlank: 'Blank', textError: 'Error', textBlanks: 'Contains blanks', textNotBlanks: 'Does not contain blanks', textErrors: 'Contains errors', textNotErrors: 'Does not contain errors', textDuplicate: 'Duplicate', textUnique: 'Unique', textDataBar: 'Data bar', textIconSets: 'Icon sets', textFormula: 'Formula', exampleText: 'AaBbCcYyZz', noFormatText: 'No format set', textValue: 'Value is' } })(), Common.define.conditionalData || {}); });