var indexes = 
        "id": "Functions/abs.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ABS", 
        "body": "La funzione ABS è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il valore assolito di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ABS è: ABS(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ABS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ABS, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/accrint.htm", 
        "title": "ACCRINT Function", 
        "body": "The ACCRINT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest. The ACCRINT function syntax is: ACCRINT(issue, first-interest, settlement, rate, [par], frequency[, [basis]]) where issue is the issue date of the security. first-interest is the date when the first interest is paid. settlement is the date when the security is purchased. rate is the annual coupon rate of the security. par is the par value of the security. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume par to be $1000. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ACCRINT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ACCRINT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/accrintm.htm", 
        "title": "ACCRINTM Function", 
        "body": "The ACCRINTM function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity. The ACCRINTM function syntax is: ACCRINTM(issue, settlement, rate, [[par] [, [basis]]]) where issue is the issue date of the security. settlement is the maturity date of the security. rate is the annual interest rate of the security. par is the par value of the security. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume par to be $1000. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ACCRINTM function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ACCRINTM function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/acos.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ACOS", 
        "body": "La funzione ACOS è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire l'arcocoseno di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ACOS è: ACOS(number) dove number è il coseno dell'angolo da trovare, un valore numerico maggore o uguale a -1 ma minore o uguale a 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ACOS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ACOS, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/acosh.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ACOSH", 
        "body": "La funzione ACOSH è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il coseno iperbolico inverso di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ACOSH è: ACOSH(number) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ACOSH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ACOSH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/acot.htm", 
        "title": "ACOT Function", 
        "body": "The ACOT function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the principal value of the arccotangent, or inverse cotangent, of a number. The returned angle is measured in radians in the range 0 to Pi. The ACOT function syntax is: ACOT(x) where x is the cotangent of the angle you wish to find, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ACOT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the ACOT function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/acoth.htm", 
        "title": "ACOTH Function", 
        "body": "The ACOTH function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number. The ACOTH function syntax is: ACOTH(x) where x is a numeric value less than -1 or greater than 1 entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ACOTH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the ACOTH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/address.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ADDRESS", 
        "body": "La funzione ADDRESS è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire una rappresentazione testuale di un indirizzo di cella. La sintassi della funzione ADDRESS è: ADDRESS(row-number, col-number[ , [ref-type] [, [A1-ref-type-flag] [, sheet name]]]) dove row-number è il numero riga da utilizzare in un indirizzo di cella. col-number è il numero colonna da utilizzare in un indirizzo di cella. ref-type è un tipo di riferimento. Esso può essere di uno dei seguenti valori numerici: Valore numerico Significato 1 o assente Riferimento assoluto 2 Riga assoluta; colonna relativa 3 Riga relativa; colonna assoluta 4 Riferimento relativo A1-ref-type-flag è un valore logico opzionale: TRUE o FALSE. Se il valore inserito è TRUE o assente, la funzione analizza ref-text come un riferimento di stile A1. Se FALSE, la funzione analizza ref-text come un riferimento di stile R1C1. sheet name è il nome foglio da utilizzare in un indirizzo di cella. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, la funzione restituisce l'indirizzo di cella senza il nome foglio specificato. Questi argomenti possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ADDRESS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ADDRESS, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/aggregate.htm", 
        "title": "AGGREGATE Function", 
        "body": "The AGGREGATE function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. The function is used to return an aggregate in a list or database. The AGGREGATE function can apply different aggregate functions to a list or database with the option to ignore hidden rows and error values. The AGGREGATE function syntax is: AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1 [, ref2], ...) where function_num is a numeric value that specifies which function to use. The possible values are listed in the table below. function_num Function 1 AVERAGE 2 COUNT 3 COUNTA 4 MAX 5 MIN 6 PRODUCT 7 STDEV.S 8 STDEV.P 9 SUM 10 VAR.S 11 VAR.P 12 MEDIAN 13 MODE.SNGL 14 LARGE 15 SMALL 16 PERCENTILE.INC 17 QUARTILE.INC 18 PERCENTILE.EXC 19 QUARTILE.EXC options is a numeric value that specifies which values should be ignored. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 0 or omitted Ignore nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 1 Ignore hidden rows, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 2 Ignore error values, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 3 Ignore hidden rows, error values, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 4 Ignore nothing 5 Ignore hidden rows 6 Ignore error values 7 Ignore hidden rows and error values ref1(2) is up to 253 numeric values or a reference to the cell range containing the values for which you want the aggregate value. Note: if you want to use one of the following functions: LARGE, SMALL, PERCENTILE.INC, QUARTILE.INC, PERCENTILE.EXC, or QUARTILE.EXC, ref1 must be a reference to the cell range and ref2 must be the second argument that is required for these functions (k or quart). Function Syntax LARGE LARGE(array, k) SMALL SMALL(array, k) PERCENTILE.INC PERCENTILE.INC(array, k) QUARTILE.INC QUARTILE.INC(array, quart) PERCENTILE.EXC PERCENTILE.EXC(array, k) QUARTILE.EXC QUARTILE.EXC(array, quart) To apply the AGGREGATE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the AGGREGATE function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. The figure below displays the result returned by the AGGREGATE function when the SUM function is applied. The figure below displays the result returned by the AGGREGATE function when the LARGE function is applied, ref1 is a reference to the cell range, and k is equal to 2. The function returns the second largest value in cells A1-A4."
        "id": "Functions/amordegrc.htm", 
        "title": "AMORDEGRC Function", 
        "body": "The AMORDEGRC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for each accounting period using a degressive depreciation method. The AMORDEGRC function syntax is: AMORDEGRC(cost, date-purchased, first-period, salvage, period, rate[, [basis]]) where cost is the cost of the asset. date-purchased is the date when asset is purchased. first-period is the date when the first period ends. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. period is the period you wish to calculate depreciation for. rate is the rate of depreciation. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the AMORDEGRC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the AMORDEGRC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/amorintm.htm", 
        "title": "FV Function", 
        "body": "The FV function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the future value of an investment based on a specified interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The FV function syntax is: FV(rate, nper, pmt [, [pv] [,[type]]]) where rate is the interest rate for the investment. nper is a number of payments. pmt is a payment amount. pv is a present value of the payments. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume pv to be 0. type is a period when the payments are due. It is an optional argument. If it is set to 0 or omitted, the function will assume the payments to be due at the end of the period. If type is set to 1, the payments are due at the beginning of the period. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the FV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the FV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/amorlinc.htm", 
        "title": "AMORLINC Function", 
        "body": "The AMORLINC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for each accounting period using a linear depreciation method. The AMORLINC function syntax is: AMORLINC(cost, date-purchased, first-period, salvage, period, rate[, [basis]]) where cost is the cost of the asset. date-purchased is the date when asset is purchased. first-period is the date when the first period ends. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. period is the period you wish to calculate depreciation for. rate is the rate of depreciation. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the AMORLINC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the AMORLINC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/and.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione AND", 
        "body": "La funzione AND è una delle funzioni logiche. Si usa per verificare se il valore logico inserito è vero (TRUE) o falso (FALSE). La funzione restituisce TRUE se tutti gli argomenti sono VERI. La sintassi della funzione AND è: AND(logical1, logical2, ...) dove logical1/2/n è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione AND, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione AND, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, Nota: potete inserire fino a 265 valori logici. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. La funzione restituisce FALSE se almeno uno degli argomenti è FALSO. Esempio: Ci sono tre argomenti: logical1 = A1<100, logical2 = 34<100, logical3 = 50<100, dove A1 è 12. Tutte le espressioni logiche sono VERE. Allora la funzione restituisce TRUE. Se cambiamo il valore A1 da 12 a 112, la funzione restituisce FALSE:"
        "id": "Functions/arabic.htm", 
        "title": "ARABIC Function", 
        "body": "The ARABIC function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. The function is used to convert a Roman numeral to an Arabic numeral. The ARABIC function syntax is: ARABIC(x) where x is a text representation of a Roman numeral: a string enclosed in quotation marks or a reference to a cell containing text. Note: if an empty string (\"\") is used as an argument, the function returns the value 0. To apply the ARABIC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the ARABIC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/asc.htm", 
        "title": "ASC Function", 
        "body": "The ASC function is one of the text and data functions. Is used to change full-width (double-byte) characters to half-width (single-byte) characters for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS) like Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. The ASC function syntax is: ASC(text) where text is a data entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. If the text does not contain full-width characters it remains unchanged. To apply the ASC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Text and data function group from the list, click the ASC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/asin.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ASIN", 
        "body": "La funzione ASIN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire l'arcoseno di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ASIN è: ASIN(number) dove number è il seno dell'angolo da trovare, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a -1 ma minore o uguale a 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ASIN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ASIN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/asinh.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ASINH", 
        "body": "La funzione ASINH è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il seno iperbolico di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ASINH è: ASINH(number) dove number è qualsiasi valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ASINH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ASINH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/atan.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ATAN", 
        "body": "La funzione ATAN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire l'arcotangente di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ATAN è: ATAN(number) dove number è la tangente dell'angolo da trovare, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ATAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ATAN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/atan2.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ATAN2", 
        "body": "La funzione ATAN2 è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire l'arcotangente dalle coordinate x e y. La sintassi della funzione ATAN2 è: ATAN2(x, y) dove x, y sono le coordinate x e y di un punto, valori numerici inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ATAN2, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ATAN2, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/atanh.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ATANH", 
        "body": "La funzione ATANH è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la tangente iperbolica inversa di un numero. La sintassi della funzione ATANH è: ATANH(number) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore di - 1 ma minore di 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ATANH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ATANH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/avedev.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione AVEDEV", 
        "body": "La funzione AVEDEV è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e resituire la media delle deviazioni assolute dei numeri rispetto alla loro media. La sintassi della funzione AVEDEV è: AVEDEV(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione AVEDEV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione AVEDEV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/average.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione AVERAGE", 
        "body": "La funzione AVERAGE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare un valore medio. La sintassi della funzione AVERAGE è: AVERAGE(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione AVERAGE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione AVERAGE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/averagea.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione AVERAGEA", 
        "body": "La funzione AVERAGEA è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati, compresi i testi e i valori logici e trovare un valore medio. La funzione AVERAGEA considera il testo e il valore logico FALSE pari a 0 e TRUE pari a 1. La sintassi della funzione AVERAGEA è: AVERAGEA(argument-list) dove argumenti-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione AVERAGEA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione AVERAGEA, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/averageif.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione AVERAGEIF", 
        "body": "La funzione AVERAGEIF è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare e trovare il valore medio di tutti i numeri in un intervallo di celle a base di un determinato criterio. La sintassi della funzione AVERAGEIF è: AVERAGEIF(cell-range, selection-criteria [,average-range]) dove cell-range è un intervallo di celle al quale desiderate applicare il criterio. selection-criteria è il criterio da applicare, un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. average-range è un intervallo di celle selezionato nel quale desiderate trovare la media. Nota: average-range è un agomento opzionale. Se è assente, la funzione troverà la media in cell-range. Per applicare la funzione AVERAGEIF, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione AVERAGEIF, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/averageifs.htm", 
        "title": "AVERAGEIFS Function", 
        "body": "The AVERAGEIFS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the range of data and find the average value of all numbers in a range of cells, based on multiple criteria. The AVERAGEIFS function syntax is: AVERAGEIFS(average-range, criteria-range-1, criteria-1, [criteria-range-2, criteria-2], ...) where average-range is the selected range of cells you need to find the average in. It is a required argument. criteria-range-1 is the first selected range of cells to apply the criteria-1 to. It is a required argument. criteria-1 is the first condition that must be met. It is applied to the criteria-range-1 and used to determine the cells in the average-range to average. It can be a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. It is a required argument. criteria-range-2, criteria-2, ... are additional ranges of cells and their corresponding criteria. These arguments are optional. You can add up to 127 ranges and corresponding criteria. Note: you can use wildcard characters when specifying criteria. The question mark \"?\" can replace any single character and the asterisk \"*\" can be used instead of any number of characters. To apply the AVERAGEIFS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the AVERAGEIFS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/base.htm", 
        "title": "BASE Function", 
        "body": "The BASE function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to convert a number into a text representation with the given base. The BASE function syntax is: BASE(number, base[, min-lenght]) where number is a number you want to convert. An integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 2^53. base is a base you want to convert the number to. An integer greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 36. min-lenght is a minimum length of the returned string. An integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 256. It is an optional parameter. If the result is shorter than the minimum lenght specified, leading zeros are added to the string. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BASE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the BASE function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/besseli.htm", 
        "title": "BESSELI Function", 
        "body": "The BESSELI function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the modified Bessel function, which is equivalent to the Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments. The BESSELI function syntax is: BESSELI(X, N) where X is the value at which to evaluate the function, N is the order of the Bessel function, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the BESSELI function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BESSELI function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/besselj.htm", 
        "title": "BESSELJ Function", 
        "body": "The BESSELJ function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the Bessel function. The BESSELJ function syntax is: BESSELJ(X, N) where X is the value at which to evaluate the function, N is the order of the Bessel function, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the BESSELJ function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BESSELJ function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/besselk.htm", 
        "title": "BESSELK Function", 
        "body": "The BESSELK function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the modified Bessel function, which is equivalent to the Bessel functions evaluated for purely imaginary arguments. The BESSELK function syntax is: BESSELK(X, N) where X is the value at which to evaluate the function, a numeric value greater than 0, N is the order of the Bessel function, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the BESSELK function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BESSELK function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bessely.htm", 
        "title": "BESSELY Function", 
        "body": "The BESSELY function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the Bessel function, which is also called the Weber function or the Neumann function. The BESSELY function syntax is: BESSELY(X, N) where X is the value at which to evaluate the function, a numeric value greater than 0, N is the order of the Bessel function, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the BESSELY function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BESSELY function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/beta-dist.htm", 
        "title": "BETA.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The BETA.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the beta distribution. The BETA.DIST function syntax is: BETA.DIST(x, alpha, beta, cumulative, [,[A] [,[B]]) where x is the value between A and B at which the function should be calculated. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. A is the lower bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 0 is used. B is the upper bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BETA.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BETA.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/beta-inv.htm", 
        "title": "BETA.INV Function", 
        "body": "The BETA.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the beta cumulative probability density function (BETA.DIST). The BETA.INV function syntax is: BETA.INV(probability, alpha, beta, [,[A] [,[B]]) where probability is a probability associated with the beta distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. A is the lower bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 0 is used. B is the upper bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BETA.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BETA.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/betadist.htm", 
        "title": "BETADIST Function", 
        "body": "The BETADIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the cumulative beta probability density function. The BETADIST function syntax is: BETADIST(x, alpha, beta, [,[A] [,[B]]) where x is the value between A and B at which the function should be calculated. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. A is the lower bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 0 is used. B is the upper bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BETADIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BETADIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/betainv.htm", 
        "title": "BETAINV Function", 
        "body": "The BETAINV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function for a specified beta distribution. The BETAINV function syntax is: BETAINV(x, alpha, beta, [,[A] [,[B]]) where x is a probability associated with the beta distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. A is the lower bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 0 is used. B is the upper bound to the interval of x. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BETAINV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BETAINV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bin2dec.htm", 
        "title": "BIN2DEC Function", 
        "body": "The BIN2DEC function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a binary number into a decimal number. The BIN2DEC function syntax is: BIN2DEC(number) where number is a binary number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Note: if the argument is not recognised as a binary number, or contains more than 10 characters, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the BIN2DEC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BIN2DEC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bin2hex.htm", 
        "title": "BIN2HEX Function", 
        "body": "The BIN2HEX function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a binary number into a hexadecimal number. The BIN2HEX function syntax is: BIN2HEX(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a binary number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the argument is not recognised as a binary number, or contains more than 10 characters, or the resulting hexadecimal number requires more digits than you specified, or the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the BIN2HEX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BIN2HEX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bin2oct.htm", 
        "title": "BIN2OCT Function", 
        "body": "The BIN2OCT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a binary number into an octal number. The BIN2OCT function syntax is: BIN2OCT(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a binary number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the argument is not recognised as a binary number, or contains more than 10 characters, or the resulting octal number requires more digits than you specified, or the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the BIN2OCT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BIN2OCT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/binom-dist-range.htm", 
        "title": "BINOM.DIST.RANGE Function", 
        "body": "The BINOM.DIST.RANGE function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution. The BINOM.DIST.RANGE function syntax is: BINOM.DIST.RANGE(trials, probability-s, number-s [, number-s2]) where trials is the number of trials, a numeric value greater than or equal to number-s. probability-s is the success probability of each trial, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0 but less than or equal to 1. number-s is the minimum number of successes in the trials you want to calculate probability for, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. number-s2 is an optional argument. The maximum number of successes in the trials you want to calculate probability for, a numeric value greater than number-s and less than or equal to trials. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BINOM.DIST.RANGE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BINOM.DIST.RANGE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/binom-dist.htm", 
        "title": "BINOM.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The BINOM.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the individual term binomial distribution probability. The BINOM.DIST function syntax is: BINOM.DIST(number-s, trials, probability-s, cumulative) where number-s is the number of successes in the trials, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. trials is the number of trials, a numeric value greater than or equal to number-s. probability-s is the success probability of each trial, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0 but less than or equal to 1. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability mass function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BINOM.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BINOM.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/binom-inv.htm", 
        "title": "BINOM.INV Function", 
        "body": "The BINOM.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value. The BINOM.INV function syntax is: BINOM.INV(trials, probability-s, alpha) where trials is the number of trials, a numeric value greater than 0. probability-s is the success probability of each trial, a numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. alpha is the criterion, a numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the BINOM.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the BINOM.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/binomdist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione BINOMDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione BINOMDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per resisuire la distribuzione binomiale per il termine individuale. La sintassi della funzione BINOMDIST è: BINOMDIST(number-successes, number-trials, success-probability, cumulative-flag) dove number-successes è il numero di successi, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0. number-trials è il numero di prove, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a number-successes. success-probability è la probabilità di successo di ogni prova, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0 ma minore o uguale di 1. cumulative-flag è la forma di funzione. Questo è un valore logico: TRUE o FALSE. Se l'argomento è TRUE, la funzione restituisce la funzione di distribuzione cumulativa. Se FALSE, la funzione resituisce la funzione probabilità di massa. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione BINOMDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione BINOMDIST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/bitand.htm", 
        "title": "BITAND Function", 
        "body": "The BITAND function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return a bitwise 'AND' of two numbers. The BITAND function syntax is: BITAND(number1, number2) where number1 is a numeric value in decimal form greater than or equal to 0, number2 is a numeric value in decimal form greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. The value of each bit position is counted only if both parameter's bits at that position are 1. To apply the BITAND function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BITAND function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bitlshift.htm", 
        "title": "BITLSHIFT Function", 
        "body": "The BITLSHIFT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return a number shifted left by the specified number of bits. The BITLSHIFT function syntax is: BITLSHIFT(number, shift_amount) where number is an integer greater than or equal to 0, shift_amount is a number of bits by which you want to shift number, an integer. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Shifting a number left is equivalent to adding zeros (0) to the right of the binary representation of the number. To apply the BITLSHIFT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BITLSHIFT function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bitor.htm", 
        "title": "BITOR Function", 
        "body": "The BITOR function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return a bitwise 'OR' of two numbers. The BITOR function syntax is: BITOR(number1, number2) where number1 is a numeric value in decimal form greater than or equal to 0, number2 is a numeric value in decimal form greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. The value of each bit position is counted if either of the parameters has 1 at that position. To apply the BITOR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BITOR function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bitrshift.htm", 
        "title": "BITRSHIFT Function", 
        "body": "The BITRSHIFT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return a number shifted right by the specified number of bits. The BITRSHIFT function syntax is: BITRSHIFT(number, shift_amount) where number is an integer greater than or equal to 0, shift_amount is a number of bits by which you want to shift number, an integer. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Shifting a number right is equivalent to removing digits from the rightmost side of the binary representation of the number. To apply the BITRSHIFT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BITRSHIFT function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/bitxor.htm", 
        "title": "BITXOR Function", 
        "body": "The BITXOR function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return a bitwise 'XOR' of two numbers. The BITXOR function syntax is: BITXOR(number1, number2) where number1 is a numeric value in decimal form greater than or equal to 0, number2 is a numeric value in decimal form greater than or equal to 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. The value of each bit position is 1 when the bit positions of the parameters are different. To apply the BITXOR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the BITXOR function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ceiling.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CEILING", 
        "body": "La funzione CEILING è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare per eccesso un numero al multiplo del valore di riferimento più vicino. La sintassi della funzione CEILING è: CEILING(number, significance) dove number è il numero da arrotondare, significance è il valore di riferimento al quale desiderate arrotondare il numero, I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se number e significance hanno i segni diversi, la funzione restituisce l'errore #NUM!. Per applicare la funzione CEILING, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CEILING, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/ceilingmath.htm", 
        "title": "CEILING.MATH Function", 
        "body": "The CEILING.MATH function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to round a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. The CEILING.MATH function syntax is: CEILING.MATH(x [, [significance] [, [mode]]) where x is the number you wish to round up. significance is the multiple of significance you wish to round up to. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. mode specifies if negative numbers are rounded towards or away from zero. It is an optional parameter that does not affect positive numbers. If it is omitted or set to 0, negative numbers are rounded towards zero. If any other numeric value is specified, negative numbers are rounded away from zero. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the CEILING.MATH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the CEILING.MATH function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ceilingprecise.htm", 
        "title": "CEILING.PRECISE Function", 
        "body": "The CEILING.PRECISE function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. The number is always rounded up regardless of its sing. The CEILING.PRECISE function syntax is: CEILING.PRECISE(x [, significance]) where x is the number you wish to round up. significance is the multiple of significance you wish to round up to. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. If it is set to zero, the function returns 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the CEILING.PRECISE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the CEILING.PRECISE function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/char.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CHAR", 
        "body": "La funzione CHAR è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per restituire il carattere ASCII determinato da un numero. La sintassi della funzione CHAR è: CHAR(number) dove number (da 1 a 255) è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione CHAR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CHAR, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/chidist.htm", 
        "title": "CHIDIST Function", 
        "body": "The CHIDIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The CHIDIST function syntax is: CHIDIST(x, deg-freedom) where x is the value at which you want to evaluate the chi-squared distribution. A numeric value greater than or equal to 0. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom. A numeric value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHIDIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHIDIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chiinv.htm", 
        "title": "CHIINV Function", 
        "body": "The CHIINV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The CHIINV function syntax is: CHIINV(probability, deg-freedom) where probability is the probability associated with the chi-squared distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 and less than 1. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom. A numeric value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHIINV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHIINV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chisq-dist-rt.htm", 
        "title": "CHISQ.DIST.RT Function", 
        "body": "The CHISQ.DIST.RT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The CHISQ.DIST.RT function syntax is: CHISQ.DIST.RT(x, deg-freedom) where x is the value at which you want to evaluate the chi-squared distribution. A numeric value greater than or equal to 0. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom. A numeric value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHISQ.DIST.RT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHISQ.DIST.RT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chisq-dist.htm", 
        "title": "CHISQ.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The CHISQ.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the chi-squared distribution. The CHISQ.DIST function syntax is: CHISQ.DIST(x, deg-freedom, cumulative) where x is the value at which you want to evaluate the chi-squared distribution. A numeric value greater than or equal to 0. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom. A numeric value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 10^10. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHISQ.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHISQ.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chisq-inv-rt.htm", 
        "title": "CHISQ.INV.RT Function", 
        "body": "The CHISQ.INV.RT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The CHISQ.INV.RT function syntax is: CHISQ.INV.RT(probability, deg-freedom) where probability is the probability associated with the chi-squared distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 and less than 1. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom. A numeric value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHISQ.INV.RT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHISQ.INV.RT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chisq-inv.htm", 
        "title": "CHISQ.INV Function", 
        "body": "The CHISQ.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The CHISQ.INV function syntax is: CHISQ.INV(probability, deg-freedom) where probability is the probability associated with the chi-squared distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 and less than 1. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom. A numeric value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHISQ.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHISQ.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chisq-test.htm", 
        "title": "CHISQ.TEST Function", 
        "body": "The CHISQ.TEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the test for independence, the value from the chi-squared (χ2) distribution for the statistic and the appropriate degrees of freedom. The CHISQ.TEST function syntax is: CHISQ.TEST(actual-range, expected-range) where actual-range is the range of observed (actual) values. expected-range is the range of expected values. The ranges must contain the same number of values. Each of the expected values should be greater than or equal to 5. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHISQ.TEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHISQ.TEST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/chitest.htm", 
        "title": "CHITEST Function", 
        "body": "The CHITEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the test for independence, the value from the chi-squared (χ2) distribution for the statistic and the appropriate degrees of freedom. The CHITEST function syntax is: CHITEST(actual-range, expected-range) where actual-range is the range of observed (actual) values. expected-range is the range of expected values. The ranges must contain the same number of values. Each of the expected values should be greater than or equal to 5. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CHITEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CHITEST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/choose.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CHOOSE", 
        "body": "La funzione CHOOSE è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire un valore dall'elenco di valori in base all'indice specificato (posizione). La sintassi della funzione CHOOSE è: CHOOSE(index, argument-list) dove index è la posizione di un valore in argument-list, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 1 ma minore del numero di valori in argument-list, argument-list è un elenco di valori o un intervallo di celle da analizzare. Per applicare la funzione CHOOSE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CHOOSE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/clean.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CLEAN", 
        "body": "La funzione CLEAN è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per eliminare tutti i caratteri non stampabili da una determinata stringa. La sintassi della funzione CLEAN è: CLEAN(string) dove string è una stringa con i caratteri non stampabili da eliminare, dati inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione CLEAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CLEAN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/code.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CODE", 
        "body": "La funzione CODE è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per restituire il valore ASCII di un determinato carattere o del primo carattere in una cella. La sintassi della funzione CODE è: CODE(string) dove string sono i dati inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione CODE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CODE, inserite l'argomento richiesto, Nota: la funzione EXACT è sensibile a maiuscole/minuscole. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/column.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COLUMN", 
        "body": "La funzione COLUMN è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire il numero della colonna di una cella. La sintassi della funzione COLUMN è: COLUMN([reference]) dove reference è il riferimento ad una cella. Nota: reference è un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, la funzione restituisce il numero della colonna di una cella selezionata per visualizzare il risultato della funzione Column. Per applicare la funzione COLUMN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COLUMN, inserite un argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/columns.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COLUMNS", 
        "body": "COLUMNS Function La funzione COLUMNS è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire il numero di colonne in un riferimento di cella. La sintassi della funzione COLUMNS è: COLUMNS(array) dove array è il riferimento ad un intervallo di celle. Per applicare la funzione COLUMNS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COLUMNS, selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse o inseritelo a mano, come A1:B2, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/combin.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COMBIN", 
        "body": "La funzione COMBIN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il numero di combinazioni per un determinato numero di elementi. La sintassi della funzione COMBIN è: COMBIN(number, number-chosen) dove number è il numero di elementi, un valore numero maggiore o uguale a 0. number-chosen è il numero di elementi in una combinazione, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0 ma minore del number. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione COMBIN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COMBIN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgole, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/combina.htm", 
        "title": "COMBINA Function", 
        "body": "The COMBINA function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the number of combinations (with repetitions) for a given number of items. The COMBINA function syntax is: COMBINA(number, number-chosen) where number is the total number of items, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. number-chosen is a number of items in a combination, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0 but less than number. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the COMBINA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the COMBINA function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/complex.htm", 
        "title": "COMPLEX Function", 
        "body": "The COMPLEX function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a real part and an imaginary part into the complex number expressed in a + bi or a + bj form. The COMPLEX function syntax is: COMPLEX(real-number, imaginary-number [, suffix]) where real-number is the real part of the complex number. imaginary-number is the imaginary part of the complex number. suffix is an indicator of the imaginary part of the complex number. It can be either \"i\" or \"j\" in lowercase. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume suffix to be \"i\". The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COMPLEX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the COMPLEX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/concat.htm", 
        "title": "CONCAT Function", 
        "body": "The CONCAT function is one of the text and data functions. Is used to combine the data from two or more cells into a single one. This function replaces the CONCATENATE function. The CONCAT function syntax is: CONCAT(text1, text2, ...) where text1(2) is up to 265 data values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CONCAT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Text and data function group from the list, click the CONCAT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. For example: There are three arguments: text1 = A1 (John), text2 = \" \" (space), text3 = B1 (Adams). So the function will combine the first name, the space and the last name into one cell and return the result John Adams."
        "id": "Functions/concatenate.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CONCATENATE", 
        "body": "La funzione CONCATENATE è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per combinare i dati da due o più celle in una sola. La sintassi della funzione CONCATENATE è: CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ...) dove text1(2) sono fino a 265 dati inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione CONCATENATE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CONCATENATE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: Ci sono due argomenti: text1 = A1, text2 = B1, dove A1 è John, B1 è Adams. La funzione combina il nome con il cognome in una cella e restituisce il risultato John Adams."
        "id": "Functions/confidence-norm.htm", 
        "title": "CONFIDENCE.NORM Function", 
        "body": "The CONFIDENCE.NORM function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution. The CONFIDENCE.NORM function syntax is: CONFIDENCE.NORM(alpha, standard-dev, size) where alpha is the significance level used to compute the confidence level, a numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. standard-dev is the population standard deviation, a numeric value greater than 0. size is the sample size, a numeric value greater than or equal to 1. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CONFIDENCE.NORM function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CONFIDENCE.NORM function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/confidence-t.htm", 
        "title": "CONFIDENCE.T Function", 
        "body": "The CONFIDENCE.T function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student's t distribution. The CONFIDENCE.T function syntax is: CONFIDENCE.T(alpha, standard-dev, size) where alpha is the significance level used to compute the confidence level, a numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. standard-dev is the population standard deviation, a numeric value greater than 0. size is the sample size, a numeric value greater than 1. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the CONFIDENCE.T function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the CONFIDENCE.T function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/confidence.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CONFIDENCE", 
        "body": "La funzione CONFIDENCE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire l'intervallo di confidenza. La sintassi della funzione CONFIDENCE è: CONFIDENCE(alpha, standard-dev, size) dove alpha è il livello di significatività utilizzato per calcolare il livello di confidenza, un valore numerico maggiore di 0 ma minore di 1. standard-dev è la deviazione standard della popolazione, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. size è la dimenzione del campione, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 1. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione CONFIDENCE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CONFIDENCE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/convert.htm", 
        "title": "CONVERT Function", 
        "body": "The CONVERT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a number from one measurement system to another. For example, CONVERT can translate a table of distances in miles to a table of distances in kilometers. The CONVERT function syntax is: CONVERT(number, from_unit, to_unit) where number is the value to be converted, from_unit is the original measurement unit. A text string enclosed in quotes. The possible values are listed in the table below. to_unit is the measurement unit that the number should be converted to. A text string enclosed in quotes. The possible values are listed in the table below. Note: the from_unit and to_unit must be compatible, i.e. they should belong to the same measurement type. Weight and mass Unit Text value Gram \"g\" Slug \"sg\" Pound mass (avoirdupois) \"lbm\" U (atomic mass unit) \"u\" Ounce mass (avoirdupois) \"ozm\" Grain \"grain\" U.S. (short) hundredweight \"cwt\" or \"shweight\" Imperial hundredweight \"uk_cwt\" or \"lcwt\" (\"hweight\") Stone \"stone\" Ton \"ton\" Imperial ton \"uk_ton\" or \"LTON\" (\"brton\") Distance Unit Text value Meter \"m\" Statute mile \"mi\" Nautical mile \"Nmi\" Inch \"in\" Foot \"ft\" Yard \"yd\" Angstrom \"ang\" Ell \"ell\" Light-year \"ly\" Parsec \"parsec\" or \"pc\" Pica (1/72 inch) \"Picapt\" or \"Pica\" Pica (1/6 inch) \"pica\" U.S survey mile (statute mile) \"survey_mi\" Time Unit Text value Year \"yr\" Day \"day\" or \"d\" Hour \"hr\" Minute \"mn\" or \"min\" Second \"sec\" or \"s\" Pressure Unit Text value Pascal \"Pa\" (or \"p\") Atmosphere \"atm\" (or \"at\") mm of Mercury \"mmHg\" PSI \"psi\" Torr \"Torr\" Force Unit Text value Newton \"N\" Dyne \"dyn\" (or \"dy\") Pound force \"lbf\" Pond \"pond\" Energy Unit Text value Joule \"J\" Erg \"e\" Thermodynamic calorie \"c\" IT calorie \"cal\" Electron volt \"eV\" (or \"ev\") Horsepower-hour \"HPh\" (or \"hh\") Watt-hour \"Wh\" (or \"wh\") Foot-pound \"flb\" BTU \"BTU\" (or \"btu\") Power Unit Text value Horsepower \"HP\" (or \"h\") Pferdestärke \"PS\" Watt \"W\" (or \"w\") Magnetism Unit Text value Tesla \"T\" Gauss \"ga\" Temperature Unit Text value Degree Celsius \"C\" (or \"cel\") Degree Fahrenheit \"F\" (or \"fah\") Kelvin \"K\" (or \"kel\") Degrees Rankine \"Rank\" Degrees Réaumur \"Reau\" Volume (or l iquid measure ) Unit Text value Teaspoon \"tsp\" Modern teaspoon \"tspm\" Tablespoon \"tbs\" Fluid ounce \"oz\" Cup \"cup\" U.S. pint \"pt\" (or \"us_pt\") U.K. pint \"uk_pt\" Quart \"qt\" Imperial quart (U.K.) \"uk_qt\" Gallon \"gal\" Imperial gallon (U.K.) \"uk_gal\" Liter \"l\" or \"L\" (\"lt\") Cubic angstrom \"ang3\" or \"ang^3\" U.S. oil barrel \"barrel\" U.S. bushel \"bushel\" Cubic feet \"ft3\" or \"ft^3\" Cubic inch \"in3\" or \"in^3\" Cubic light-year \"ly3\" or \"ly^3\" Cubic meter \"m3\" or \"m^3\" Cubic Mile \"mi3\" or \"mi^3\" Cubic yard \"yd3\" or \"yd^3\" Cubic nautical mile \"Nmi3\" or \"Nmi^3\" Cubic Pica \"Picapt3\", \"Picapt^3\", \"Pica3\" or \"Pica^3\" Gross Registered Ton \"GRT\" (\"regton\") Measurement ton (freight ton) \"MTON\" Area Unit Text value International acre \"uk_acre\" U.S. survey/statute acre \"us_acre\" Square angstrom \"ang2\" or \"ang^2\" Are \"ar\" Square feet \"ft2\" or \"ft^2\" Hectare \"ha\" Square inches \"in2\" or \"in^2\" Square light-year \"ly2\" or \"ly^2\" Square meters \"m2\" or \"m^2\" Morgen \"Morgen\" Square miles \"mi2\" or \"mi^2\" Square nautical miles \"Nmi2\" or \"Nmi^2\" Square Pica \"Picapt2\", \"Pica2\", \"Pica^2\" or \"Picapt^2\" Square yards \"yd2\" or \"yd^2\" Information Unit Text value Bit \"bit\" Byte \"byte\" Speed Unit Text value Admiralty knot \"admkn\" Knot \"kn\" Meters per hour \"m/h\" or \"m/hr\" Meters per second \"m/s\" or \"m/sec\" Miles per hour \"mph\" It's also possible to use prefixes with the from_unit and to_unit values, e.g. if you add the \"k\" prefix before the \"g\" unit, you'll get the \"kg\" value that denotes kilograms. Prefixes Prefix Multiplier Text value yotta 1E+24 \"Y\" zetta 1E+21 \"Z\" exa 1E+18 \"E\" peta 1E+15 \"P\" tera 1E+12 \"T\" giga 1E+09 \"G\" mega 1E+06 \"M\" kilo 1E+03 \"k\" hecto 1E+02 \"h\" dekao 1E+01 \"da\" or \"e\" deci 1E-01 \"d\" centi 1E-02 \"c\" milli 1E-03 \"m\" micro 1E-06 \"u\" nano 1E-09 \"n\" pico 1E-12 \"p\" femto 1E-15 \"f\" atto 1E-18 \"a\" zepto 1E-21 \"z\" yocto 1E-24 \"y\" Binary Prefixes Prefix Prefix value Text value yobi 2^80 = 1 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 \"Yi\" zebi 2^70 = 1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 \"Zi\" exbi 2^60 = 1 152 921 504 606 846 976 \"Ei\" pebi 2^50 = 1 125 899 906 842 624 \"Pi\" tebi 2^40 = 1 099 511 627 776 \"Ti\" gibi 2^30 = 1 073 741 824 \"Gi\" mebi 2^20 = 1 048 576 \"Mi\" kibi 2^10 = 1024 \"ki\" To apply the CONVERT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the CONVERT function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/correl.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CORREL", 
        "body": "La funzione CORREL è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire il coefficiente di correlazione tra due intervalli di celle. La sintassi della funzione CORREL è: CORREL(array-1, array-2) dove array-1(2) sono gli intervalli di celle selezionati con lo stesso numero di elementi. Nota: se array-1(2) contiene testi, valori logici, o celle vuote, funzione ignora questi valori, però tratta le celle con il valore zero. Per applicare la funzione CORREL, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CORREL, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/cos.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COS", 
        "body": "La funzione COS è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il coseno di un angolo. La sintassi della funzione COS è: COS(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione COS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COS, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/cosh.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COSH", 
        "body": "La funzione COSH è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il coseno iperbolico di un numero. La sintassi della funzione COSH è: COSH(number) dove number è qualsiasi valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione COSH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COSH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/cot.htm", 
        "title": "COT Function", 
        "body": "The COT function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the cotangent of an angle specified in radians. The COT function syntax is: COT(x) where x is the angle in radians that you wish to calculate the cotangent of. A numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Its absolute value must be less than 2^27. To apply the COT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the COT function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/coth.htm", 
        "title": "COTH Function", 
        "body": "The COTH function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic cotangent of a hyperbolic angle. The COTH function syntax is: COTH(x) where x is the angle in radians that you wish to calculate the hyperbolic cotangent of. A numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Its absolute value must be less than 2^27. To apply the COTH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the COTH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/count.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COUNT", 
        "body": "La funzione COUNT è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per contare il numero di celle selezionate che contengono i numeri ignorando le celle vuote e quelle con il testo inserito. La sintassi della funzione COUNT è: COUNT(range) dove range è un intervallo di celle da contare. Per applicare la funzione COUNT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COUNT, selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse o i tasti di scelta rapida, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/counta.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COUNTA", 
        "body": "La funzione COUNTA è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare un intervallo di celle e restituire il numero di celle non vuote. La sintassi della funzione COUNTA è: COUNTA(argument-list) dove argument-list è un intervallo di celle da analizzare. Per applicare la funzione COUNTA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COUNTA, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/countblank.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COUNTBLANK", 
        "body": "La funzione COUNTBLANK è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare un intervallo di celle e restituire il numero di celle vuote. La sintassi della funzione COUNTBLANK è: COUNTBLANK(argument-list) dove argument-list è un intervallo di celle da analizzare. Per applicare la funzione COUNTBLANK, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COUNTBLANK, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/countif.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COUNTIF", 
        "body": "La funzione COUNTIF è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per contare il numero di celle selezionate a base di un determinato criterio. La sintassi della funzione COUNTIF è: COUNTIF(cell-range, selection-criteria) dove cell-range è un intervallo di celle selezionato da contare applicando un determinato criterio, selection-criteria è il criterio da applicare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: selection-criteria può contenere un carattere jolly — il punto interrogativo (?) che corrisponde ad un carattere e l'asterisco (*) che corrisponde a più caratteri. Per trovare un punto interrogativo o asterisco, aggiungete un tilde (~) prima del carattere. Per applicare la funzione COUNTIF, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COUNTIF, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/countifs.htm", 
        "title": "COUNTIFS Function", 
        "body": "The COUNTIFS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to count the number of the selected cells based on multiple criteria. The COUNTIFS function syntax is: COUNTIFS(criteria-range-1, criteria-1, [criteria-range-2, criteria-2], ...) where criteria-range-1 is the first selected range of cells to apply the criteria-1 to. It is a required argument. criteria-1 is the first condition that must be met. It is applied to the criteria-range-1 and used to determine the cells in the criteria-range-1 to count. It can be a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. It is a required argument. criteria-range-2, criteria-2, ... are additional ranges of cells and their corresponding criteria. These arguments are optional. You can add up to 127 ranges and corresponding criteria. Note: you can use wildcard characters when specifying criteria. The question mark \"?\" can replace any single character and the asterisk \"*\" can be used instead of any number of characters. If you want to find a question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character. To apply the COUNTIFS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the COUNTIFS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/coupdaybs.htm", 
        "title": "COUPDAYBS Function", 
        "body": "The COUPDAYBS function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date. The COUPDAYBS function syntax is: COUPDAYBS(settlement, maturity, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COUPDAYBS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the COUPDAYBS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/coupdays.htm", 
        "title": "COUPDAYS Function", 
        "body": "The COUPDAYS function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date. The COUPDAYS function syntax is: COUPDAYS(settlement, maturity, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COUPDAYS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the COUPDAYS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/coupdaysnc.htm", 
        "title": "COUPDAYSNC Function", 
        "body": "The COUPDAYSNC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon payment. The COUPDAYSNC function syntax is: COUPDAYSNC(settlement, maturity, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COUPDAYSNC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the COUPDAYSNC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/coupncd.htm", 
        "title": "COUPNCD Function", 
        "body": "The COUPNCD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the next coupon date after the settlement date. The COUPNCD function syntax is: COUPNCD(settlement, maturity, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COUPNCD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the COUPNCD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/coupnum.htm", 
        "title": "COUPNUM Function", 
        "body": "The COUPNUM function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the number of coupons between the settlement date and the maturity date. The COUPNUM function syntax is: COUPNUM(settlement, maturity, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COUPNUM function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the COUPNUM function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/couppcd.htm", 
        "title": "COUPPCD Function", 
        "body": "The COUPPCD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the previous coupon date before the settlement date. The COUPPCD function syntax is: COUPPCD(settlement, maturity, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the COUPPCD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the COUPPCD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/covar.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione COVAR", 
        "body": "La funzione COVAR è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la covarianza di due intervalli di dati. La sintassi della funzione COVAR è: COVAR(array-1, array-2) dove array-1(2) sono gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di elementi. Nota: se array-1(2) contiente testo, valori logici, o celle vuote, la funzione ignora questi valori, pero tratta le celle con il valore zero. Per applicare la funzione COVAR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione COVAR, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola a mano o selezionate con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/covariance-p.htm", 
        "title": "COVARIANCE.P Function", 
        "body": "The COVARIANCE.P function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return population covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair in two data sets; use covariance to determine the relationship between two data sets. The COVARIANCE.P function syntax is: COVARIANCE.P(array-1, array-2) where array-1(2) is the selected range of cells with the same number of elements. Note: if array-1(2) contains text, logical values, or empty cells, the function will ignore those values, but treat the cells with the zero values. To apply the COVARIANCE.P function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the COVARIANCE.P function, enter the required arguments manually or select them with the mouse separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/covariance-s.htm", 
        "title": "COVARIANCE.S Function", 
        "body": "The COVARIANCE.S function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the sample covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair in two data sets. The COVARIANCE.S function syntax is: COVARIANCE.S(array-1, array-2) where array-1(2) is the selected range of cells with the same number of elements. Note: if array-1(2) contains text, logical values, or empty cells, the function will ignore those values, but treat the cells with the zero values. To apply the COVARIANCE.S function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the COVARIANCE.S function, enter the required arguments manually or select them with the mouse separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/critbinom.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione CRITBINOM", 
        "body": "La funzione CRITBINOM è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire il valore minimo per il quale la distribuzione cumulativa binomiale è maggiore o uguale a un valore di alpha. La sintassi della funzione CRITBINOM è: CRITBINOM(number-trials, success-probability, alpha) dove number-trials è il numero di prove, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0. success-probability è la probabilità di successo di ogni prova, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0 ma minore o uguale a 1. alpha è il criterio, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0 ma minore o uguale a 1. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione CRITBINOM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione CRITBINOM, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/csc.htm", 
        "title": "CSC Function", 
        "body": "The CSC function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the cosecant of an angle specified in radians. The CSC function syntax is: CSC(x) where x is the angle in radians that you wish to calculate the cosecant of. A numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Its absolute value must be less than 2^27. To apply the CSC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the CSC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/csch.htm", 
        "title": "CSCH Function", 
        "body": "The CSCH function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle specified in radians. The CSCH function syntax is: CSCH(x) where x is the angle in radians that you wish to calculate the hyperbolic cosecant of. A numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Its absolute value must be less than 2^27. To apply the CSCH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the CSCH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/cumipmt.htm", 
        "title": "CUMIPMT Function", 
        "body": "The CUMIPMT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the cumulative interest paid on an investment between two periods based on a specified interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The CUMIPMT function syntax is: CUMIPMT(rate, nper, pv, start_period, end_period, type) where rate is the interest rate for the investment. nper is a number of payments. pv is a present value of the payments. start_period is the first period included into the calculation. The value must be from 1 to nper. end_period is the last period included into the calculation. The value must be from 1 to nper. type is a period when the payments are due. If it is set to 0 or omitted, the function will assume the payments to be due at the end of the period. If type is set to 1, the payments are due at the beginning of the period. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. Units for rate and nper must be consistent: use N%/12 for rate and N*12 for nper in case of monthly payments, N%/4 for rate and N*4 for nper in case of quarterly payments, N% for rate and N for nper in case of annual payments. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the CUMIPMT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the CUMIPMT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/cumprinc.htm", 
        "title": "CUMPRINC Function", 
        "body": "The CUMPRINC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the cumulative principal paid on an investment between two periods based on a specified interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The CUMPRINC function syntax is: CUMPRINC(rate, nper, pv, start_period, end_period, type) where rate is the interest rate for the investment. nper is a number of payments. pv is a present value of the payments. start_period is the first period included into the calculation. The value must be from 1 to nper. end_period is the last period included into the calculation. The value must be from 1 to nper. type is a period when the payments are due. If it is set to 0 or omitted, the function will assume the payments to be due at the end of the period. If type is set to 1, the payments are due at the beginning of the period. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. Units for rate and nper must be consistent: use N%/12 for rate and N*12 for nper in case of monthly payments, N%/4 for rate and N*4 for nper in case of quarterly payments, N% for rate and N for nper in case of annual payments. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the CUMPRINC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the CUMPRINC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/date.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DATE", 
        "body": "La funzione DATE è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per aggiungere le date nel formato predefinito MM/dd/yyyy. La sintassi della funzione DATE è: DATE(year, month, day) dove year (anno), month (mese), day (giorno) sono i valori inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione DATE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DATE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/datedif.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DATEDIF", 
        "body": "La funzione DATEDIF è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire la differenza tra due valori data (data di inizio e data di fine), basata su un intervallo (unità) specificato. La sintassi della funzione DATEDIF è: DATEDIF(start-date, end-date, unit) dove start-date e end-date sono due dati tra le quali desiderate calcolare la differenza. unit è un intervallo specificato: Unità Esplicazione Y Numero di anni completi. M Numero di mesi completi. D Numero di giorni. MD Differenza tra giorni (mesi e anni ignorati). YM Differenza tra mesi (giorni e anni ignorati). YD Differenza tra giorni (anni ignorati). Per applicare la funzione DATEDIF, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DATEDIF, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/datevalue.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DATEVALUE", 
        "body": "La funzione DATEVALUE è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero di serie di una data specificata. La sintassi della funzione DATEVALUE è: DATEVALUE(date-time-string) dove date-time-string è una data dal 1 gennaio 1900 al 31 dicembre 9999, inserita a mano o inclusa nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione DATEVALUE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DATEVALUE, inserite un argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/daverage.htm", 
        "title": "DAVERAGE Function", 
        "body": "The DAVERAGE function is one of the database functions. It is used to average the values in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions you specify. The DAVERAGE function syntax is: DAVERAGE(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DAVERAGE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DAVERAGE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/day.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DAY", 
        "body": "La funzione DAY è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Restituisce il giorno (un numero da 1 a 31) di una data fornita nel formato numerico (MM/dd/yyyy di default). La sintassi della funzione DAY è: DAY(date-value) dove date-value un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione DAY, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Date and time dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DAY, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/days.htm", 
        "title": "DAYS Function", 
        "body": "The DAYS function is one of the date and time functions. Is used to return the number of days between two dates. The DAYS function syntax is: DAYS(end-date, start-date) where end-date and start-date are two dates you wish to calculate the number of days between. To apply the DAYS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Date and time function group from the list, click the DAYS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/days360.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DAYS360", 
        "body": "La funzione DAYS360 è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero di giorni tra due date (data di inzio e data di fine) basato sull'anno di 360 giorni usando uno di metodi di calcolo (US o Europeo). La sintassi della funzione DAYS360 è: DAYS360(start-date, end-date [,method-flag]) dove start-date e end-date sono due date tra quali desiderate calcolare il numero di giorni. method-flag è un valore logico opzionale: TRUE o FALSE. Se TRUE, il calcolo viene effettuato usando il metodo europeo, secondo il quale la data di inizio e la data di fine che avrà luogo il 31 di un mese sarà uguale al 30 dello stesso mese. Se l'argomento inserito è FALSE o assente, il calcolo viene effettuato usando il metodo US, secondo il quale se la data di inizio è l'ultimo giorno del mese, essa sarà uguale al 30 dello stesso mese. Se la data di fine è l'ultimo giorno di un mese e la data di inizio è prima del 30 di un mese, la data di fine sarà uguale al 1 del mese successivo. Altrimenti la data di fine sarà uguale al 30 dello stesso mese. Per applicare la funzione DAYS360, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DAYS360, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/db.htm", 
        "title": "DB Function", 
        "body": "The DB function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for a specified accounting period using the fixed-declining balance method. The DB function syntax is: DB(cost, salvage, life, period[, [month]]) where cost is the cost of the asset. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. life is the total number of the periods within the asset lifetime. period is the period you wish to calculate depreciation for. The value must be expressed in the same units as life. month is the number of months in the first year. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume month to be 12. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DB function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the DB function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dcount.htm", 
        "title": "DCOUNT Function", 
        "body": "The DCOUNT function is one of the database functions. It is used to count the cells that contain numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DCOUNT function syntax is: DCOUNT(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DCOUNT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DCOUNT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dcounta.htm", 
        "title": "DCOUNTA Function", 
        "body": "The DCOUNTA function is one of the database functions. It is used to count the nonblank cells (logical values and text are also counted) in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DCOUNTA function syntax is: DCOUNTA(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DCOUNTA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DCOUNTA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ddb.htm", 
        "title": "DDB Function", 
        "body": "The DDB function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for a specified accounting period using the double-declining balance method. The DDB function syntax is: DDB(cost, salvage, life, period[, [factor]]) where cost is the cost of the asset. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. life is the total number of the periods within the asset lifetime. period is the period you wish to calculate depreciation for. The value must be expressed in the same units as life. factor is the rate at which the balance declines. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume factor to be 2. Note: all the values must be positive numbers. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DDB function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the DDB function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dec2bin.htm", 
        "title": "DEC2BIN Function", 
        "body": "The DEC2BIN function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a decimal number into a binary number. The DEC2BIN function syntax is: DEC2BIN(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a decimal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the DEC2BIN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the DEC2BIN function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dec2hex.htm", 
        "title": "DEC2HEX Function", 
        "body": "The DEC2HEX function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a decimal number into a hexadecimal number. The DEC2HEX function syntax is: DEC2HEX(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a decimal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the DEC2HEX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the DEC2HEX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dec2oct.htm", 
        "title": "DEC2OCT Function", 
        "body": "The DEC2OCT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a decimal number into an octal number. The DEC2OCT function syntax is: DEC2OCT(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a decimal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the DEC2OCT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the DEC2OCT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/decimal.htm", 
        "title": "DECIMAL Function", 
        "body": "The DECIMAL function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to convert a text representation of a number in a given base into a decimal number. The DECIMAL function syntax is: DECIMAL(text, base) where text is the text representation of the number you want to convert. The string lenght must be less than or equal to 255 characters. base is the base of the number. An integer greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 36. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the DECIMAL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the DECIMAL function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/degrees.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DEGREES", 
        "body": "La funzione DEGREES è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per convertire i radianti in gradi. La sintassi della funzione DEGREES è: DEGREES(number) dove number un valore numerico (radianti) inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione DEGREES, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DEGREES, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/delta.htm", 
        "title": "DELTA Function", 
        "body": "The DELTA function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to test if two numbers are equal. The function returns 1 if the numbers are equal and 0 otherwise. The DELTA function syntax is: DELTA(number-1 [, number-2]) where number-1 is the first number. number-2 is the second number. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume number-2 to be 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DELTA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the DELTA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/devsq.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DEVSQ", 
        "body": "La funzione DEVSQ è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire la somma dei quadrati delle deviazioni dei numeri dalla loro media. La sintassi della funzione DEVSQ è: DEVSQ(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione DEVSQ, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DEVSQ, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/dget.htm", 
        "title": "DGET Function", 
        "body": "The DGET function is one of the database functions. It is used to extract a single value from a column of a list or database that matches conditions that you specify. The DGET function syntax is: DGET(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DGET function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DGET function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/disc.htm", 
        "title": "DISC Function", 
        "body": "The DISC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the discount rate for a security. The DISC function syntax is: DISC(settlement, maturity, pr, redemption[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. pr is the purchase price of the security, per $100 par value. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DISC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the DISC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dmax.htm", 
        "title": "DMAX Function", 
        "body": "The DMAX function is one of the database functions. It is used to return the largest number in a field (column) of records in a list or database that matches conditions that you specify. The DMAX function syntax is: DMAX(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DMAX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DMAX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dmin.htm", 
        "title": "DMIN Function", 
        "body": "The DMIN function is one of the database functions. It is used to return the smallest number in a field (column) of records in a list or database that matches conditions that you specify. The DMIN function syntax is: DMIN(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DMIN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DMIN function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dollar.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione DOLLAR", 
        "body": "La funzione DOLLAR è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per convertire un numero nel testo, usando il formato valuta $#.##. La sintassi della funzione DOLLAR è: DOLLAR(number [, num-decimal]) dove number è qualsiasi numero da convertire. num-decimal è il numero di posizioni decimali da visualizzare. Se questo argomento è assente, viene considerato pari a 2. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione DOLLAR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione DOLLAR, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/dollarde.htm", 
        "title": "DOLLARDE Function", 
        "body": "The DOLLARDE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to convert a dollar price represented as a fraction into a dollar price represented as a decimal number. The DOLLARDE function syntax is: DOLLARDE(fractional-dollar, fraction) where fractional-dollar is an integer part and a fraction part separated by a decimal symbol. fraction is an integer you wish to use as a denominator for the fraction part of the fractional-dollar value. Note: for example, the fractional-dollar value, expressed as 1.03, is interpreted as 1 + 3/n, where n is the fraction value. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DOLLARDE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the DOLLARDE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dollarfr.htm", 
        "title": "DOLLARFR Function", 
        "body": "The DOLLARFR function is one of the financial functions. It is used to convert a dollar price represented as a decimal number into a dollar price represented as a fraction. The DOLLARFR function syntax is: DOLLARFR(decimal-dollar, fraction) where decimal-dollar is a decimal number. fraction is an integer you wish to use as a denominator for a returned fraction. Note: for example, the returned value of 1.03 is interpreted as 1 + 3/n, where n is the fraction value. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DOLLARFR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the DOLLARFR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dproduct.htm", 
        "title": "DPRODUCT Function", 
        "body": "The DPRODUCT function is one of the database functions. It is used to multiply the values in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DPRODUCT function syntax is: DPRODUCT(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DPRODUCT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DPRODUCT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dstdev.htm", 
        "title": "DSTDEV Function", 
        "body": "The DSTDEV function is one of the database functions. It is used to estimate the standard deviation of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DSTDEV function syntax is: DSTDEV(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DSTDEV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DSTDEV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dstdevp.htm", 
        "title": "DSTDEVP Function", 
        "body": "The DSTDEVP function is one of the database functions. It is used to calculate the standard deviation of a population based on the entire population by using the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DSTDEVP function syntax is: DSTDEVP(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DSTDEVP function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DSTDEVP function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dsum.htm", 
        "title": "DSUM Function", 
        "body": "The DSUM function is one of the database functions. It is used to add the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DSUM function syntax is: DSUM(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DSUM function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DSUM function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/duration.htm", 
        "title": "DURATION Function", 
        "body": "The DURATION function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the Macaulay duration of a security with an assumed par value of $100. The DURATION function syntax is: DURATION(settlement, maturity, coupon, yld, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. coupon is the annual coupon rate of the security. yld is the annual yield of the security. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the DURATION function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the DURATION function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dvar.htm", 
        "title": "DVAR Function", 
        "body": "The DVAR function is one of the database functions. It is used to estimate the variance of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DVAR function syntax is: DVAR(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DVAR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DVAR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/dvarp.htm", 
        "title": "DVARP Function", 
        "body": "The DVARP function is one of the database functions. It is used to calculate the variance of a population based on the entire population by using the numbers in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions that you specify. The DVARP function syntax is: DVARP(database, field, criteria) where database is the range of cells that make up a database. It must contain column headings in the first row. field is an argument that specifies which field (i.e. column) should be used. It can be specified as a number of the necessary column, or the column heading enclosed in quotation marks. criteria is the range of cells that contain conditions. It must contain at least one field name (column heading) and at least one cell below that specifies the condition to be applied to this field in the database. The criteria cell range should not overlap the database range. To apply the DVARP function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Database function group from the list, click the DVARP function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ecma-ceiling.htm", 
        "title": "ECMA.CEILING Function", 
        "body": "The ECMA.CEILING function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to round the number up to the nearest multiple of significance. Negative numbers are rounded towards zero. The ECMA.CEILING function syntax is: ECMA.CEILING(x, significance) where x is the number you wish to round up, significance is the multiple of significance you wish to round up to, The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ECMA.CEILING function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the ECMA.CEILING function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/edate.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione EDATE", 
        "body": "La funzione EDATE è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero di serie di una data che viene al numero di mesi indicato (month-offset) prima o dopo la data specificata (start-date). La sintassi della funzione EDATE è: EDATE(start-date, month-offset) dove start-date è il numero rappresentante la prima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. month-offset è il numero di mesi prima o dopo start-day. Se month-offset è un numero negativo, la funzione restituisce il numero di serie della data prima della start-date specificata. Se month-offset è un numero positivo, la funzione restituisce il numero di serie della data dopo la start-date specificata. Per applicare la funzione EDATE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione EDATE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/effect.htm", 
        "title": "EFFECT Function", 
        "body": "The EFFECT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the effective annual interest rate for a security based on a specified nominal annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year. The EFFECT function syntax is: EFFECT(nominal-rate, npery) where nominal-rate is the nominal annual interest rate of the security. npery is the number of compounding periods per year. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the EFFECT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the EFFECT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/eomonth.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione EOMONTH", 
        "body": "La funzione EOMONTH è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero di serie dell'ultimo giorno del mese che viene al numero indicato prima o dopo la data di inizio specificata. La sintassi della funzione EOMONTH è: EOMONTH(start-date, month-offset) dove start-date è il numero rappresentante la prima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. month-offset è il numero di mesi prima o dopo start-day. Se month-offset è un numero negativo, la funzione restituisce il numero di serie della data prima della start-date specificata. Se month-offset è un numero positivo, la funzione restituisce il numero di serie della data dopo la start-date specificata. Per applicare la funzione EOMONTH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione EOMONTH, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/erf-precise.htm", 
        "title": "ERF.PRECISE Function", 
        "body": "The ERF.PRECISE function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the error function integrated between 0 and the specified lower limit. The ERF.PRECISE function syntax is: ERF.PRECISE(x) where x is the lower limit of integration. The numeric value can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ERF.PRECISE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the ERF.PRECISE function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/erf.htm", 
        "title": "ERF Function", 
        "body": "The ERF function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to calculate the error function integrated between the specified lower and upper limits. The ERF function syntax is: ERF(lower-bound [, upper-bound]) where lower-bound is the lower limit of integration. upper-bound is the upper limit of integration. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will calculate the error function integrated between 0 and lower-bound. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ERF function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the ERF function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/erfc-precise.htm", 
        "title": "ERFC.PRECISE Function", 
        "body": "The ERFC.PRECISE function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to calculate the complementary error function integrated between the specified lower limit and infinity. The ERFC.PRECISE function syntax is: ERFC.PRECISE(x) where x is the lower limit of integration entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ERFC.PRECISE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the ERFC.PRECISE function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/erfc.htm", 
        "title": "ERFC Function", 
        "body": "The ERFC function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to calculate the complementary error function integrated between the specified lower limit and infinity. The ERFC function syntax is: ERFC(lower-bound) where lower-bound is the lower limit of integration entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ERFC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the ERFC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/error.type.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ERROR.TYPE", 
        "body": "La funzione ERROR.TYPE è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per restituire la rappresentazione numerica di un errore esistente. La sintassi della funzione ERROR.TYPE è: ERROR.TYPE(value) dove value è un valore di errore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Questo può essere uno dei seguenti valori: Valore di errore Rappresentazione numerica #NULL! 1 #DIV/0! 2 #VALUE! 3 #REF! 4 #NAME? 5 #NUM! 6 #N/A 7 #GETTING_DATA 8 Altro #N/A Per applicare la funzione ERROR.TYPE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ERROR.TYPE, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/even.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione EVEN", 
        "body": "La funzione EVEN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare per eccesso il numero fino al numero intero il più vicino. La sintassi della funzione EVEN è: EVEN(number) dove number è il numero da arrotondare, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione EVEN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione EVEN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/exact.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione EXACT", 
        "body": "La funzione EXACT è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per confrontare i dati in due celle. La funzione restituisce TRUE se le celle contengono gli stessi dati, e FALSE se non. La sintassi della funzione EXACT è: EXACT(text1, text2) dove text1(2) sono i dati inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione EXACT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione EXACT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, Nota: la funzione EXACT è sensibile a maiuscole/minuscole. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: Ci sono due argomenti: text1 = A1; text2 = B1, dove A1 è MyPassword, B1 è mypassword. La funzione restituisce FALSE. Se cambiamo i dati nella cella A1 convertendo tutte le lettere maiuscole in minuscole, la funzione restituisce TRUE:"
        "id": "Functions/exp.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione EXP", 
        "body": "La funzione EXP è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la costante e elevata alla potenza desiderata. La costante e è uguale a 2,71828182845904. La sintassi della funzione EXP è: EXP(number) dove number è la potenza alla quale desiderate elevare la costante e, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione EXP, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione EXP, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/expon-dist.htm", 
        "title": "EXPON.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The EXPON.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the exponential distribution. The EXPON.DIST function syntax is: EXPON.DIST(x, lambda, cumulative) where x is the value of the function, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, lambda is the parameter of the value, a numeric value greater than 0, cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If cumulative is TRUE, the function will return the cumulative distribution function, if FALSE, it will return the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the EXPON.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the EXPON.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/expondist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione EXPONDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione EXPONDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la distribuzione esponenziale. La sintassi della funzione EXPONDIST è: EXPONDIST(x, lambda, cumulative-flag) dove x è il valore della funzione, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0, lambda è il parametro del valore, un valore numerico maggiore di 1, cumulative-flag è la forma della funzione da restituire, un valore logico: TRUE o FALSE. Se cumulative-flag è TRUE, la funzione restituisce la funzione di distribuzione cumulativa, se FALSE, viene restituita la funzione densità di probabilità. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione EXPONDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione EXPONDIST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/f-dist-rt.htm", 
        "title": "F.DIST.RT Function", 
        "body": "The F.DIST.RT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the (right-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets. You can use this function to determine whether two data sets have different degrees of diversity. The F.DIST.RT function syntax is: F.DIST.RT(x, deg-freedom1, deg-freedom2) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. deg-freedom1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1. deg-freedom2 is denominator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the F.DIST.RT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the F.DIST.RT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/f-dist.htm", 
        "title": "F.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The F.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the F probability distribution. You can use this function to determine whether two data sets have different degrees of diversity. The F.DIST function syntax is: F.DIST(x, deg-freedom1, deg-freedom2, cumulative) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0 deg-freedom1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 0. deg-freedom2 is denominator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the F.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the F.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/f-inv-rt.htm", 
        "title": "F.INV.RT Function", 
        "body": "The F.INV.RT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the (right-tailed) F probability distribution. The F distribution can be used in an F-test that compares the degree of variability in two data sets. The F.INV.RT function syntax is: F.INV.RT(probability, deg-freedom1, deg-freedom2) where probability is the probability associated with the F cumulative distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. deg-freedom1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1. deg-freedom2 is denominator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the F.INV.RT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the F.INV.RT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/f-inv.htm", 
        "title": "F.INV Function", 
        "body": "The F.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the (right-tailed) F probability distribution. The F distribution can be used in an F-test that compares the degree of variability in two data sets. The F.INV function syntax is: F.INV(probability, deg-freedom1, deg-freedom2) where probability is the probability associated with the F cumulative distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. deg-freedom1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1. deg-freedom2 is denominator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the F.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the F.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/f-test.htm", 
        "title": "F.TEST Function", 
        "body": "The F.TEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the result of an F-test, the two-tailed probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not significantly different. Use this function to determine whether two samples have different variances. The F.TEST function syntax is: F.TEST(array1, array2) where array1 is the first range of values. array2 is the second range of values. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Text, logical values and empty cells are ignored, cells that contain zero values are included. If the number of values in a data range is less than 2 or a variance of an array is 0, the function returns the #DIV/0! error value. To apply the F.TEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the F.TEST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/fact.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FACT", 
        "body": "La funzione FACT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il fattoriale di un numero. La sintassi della funzione FACT è: FACT(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FACT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FACT, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/factdouble.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FACTDOUBLE", 
        "body": "La funzione FACTDOUBLE è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il doppio fattoriale di un numero. La sintassi della funzione FACTDOUBLE è: FACTDOUBLE(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FACTDOUBLE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FACTDOUBLE, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/false.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FALSE", 
        "body": "La funzione FALSE è una delle funzioni logiche. La funzione restituisce FALSE e non richiede nessun argomento. La sintassi della funzione FALSE è: FALSE() Per applicare la funzione FALSE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FALSE, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/fdist.htm", 
        "title": "FDIST Function", 
        "body": "The FDIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the (right-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets. You can use this function to determine whether two data sets have different degrees of diversity. The FDIST function syntax is: FDIST(x, deg-freedom1, deg-freedom2) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. deg-freedom1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1 and less than 10^10. deg-freedom2 is denominator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1 and less than 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the FDIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FDIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/find.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FIND/FINDB", 
        "body": "La funzione FIND/FINDB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per trovare una determinata sottostringa (string-1) in una stringa (string-2). La funzione FIND è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre FINDB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione FIND/FINDB è: FIND(string-1, string-2 [,start-pos]) FINDB(string-1, string-2 [,start-pos]) dove string-1 è una sottostringa da trovare, string-2 è una stringa nella quale desiderate cercare una determinata sottostringa, start-pos è la posizione nella stringa da dove desiderate iniziare la ricerca. Questo è un argomento opzionale. Se è assente, la funzione effettua la ricerca dall'inizio di una stringa. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se la funzione non trova nessuna corrispondenza, viene restituito l'errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione FIND/FINDB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FIND/FINDB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, Nota: la funzione FIND/FINDB è sensibile a maiuscole/minuscole. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/finv.htm", 
        "title": "FINV Function", 
        "body": "The FINV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the (right-tailed) F probability distribution. The F distribution can be used in an F-test that compares the degree of variability in two data sets. The FINV function syntax is: FINV(probability, deg-freedom1, deg-freedom2) where probability is the probability associated with the F cumulative distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. deg-freedom1 is the numerator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1 and less than 10^10. deg-freedom2 is denominator degrees of freedom, a numeric value greater than 1 and less than 10^10. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the FINV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FINV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/fisher.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FISHER", 
        "body": "La funzione FISHER è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la trasformazione di Fisher di un numero. La sintassi della funzione FISHER è: FISHER(number) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore di - 1 ma minore di 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FISHER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FISHER, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/fisherinv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FISHERINV", 
        "body": "La funzione FISHERINV è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire l'inversa della trasformazione di Fisher. La sintassi della funzione FISHERINV è: FISHERINV(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FISHERINV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FISHERINV, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/fixed.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FIXED", 
        "body": "La funzione FIXED è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per restituire la rappresentazione testuale di un numero arrotondato ad un determinato numero di posizioni decimali. La sintassi della funzione FIXED è: FIXED(number [,[num-decimal] [,suppress-commas-flag]) dove number è il numero da arrotondare. num-decimal è il numero di posizioni decimali da visualizzare. Questo è un argomento opzionale, se l'argomento assente viene considerato pari a 2. suppress-commas-flag è un valore logico. Se questo argomento è TRUE, la funzione restituisce il risultato senza virgola. Se è FALSE o assente, il risultato viene visualizzato con virgole. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FIXED, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FIXED, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/floor.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FLOOR", 
        "body": "La funzione FLOOR è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare il numero per difetto al multiplo del valore di riferimento più vicino. La sintassi della funzione FLOOR è: FLOOR(number, significance) dove number è il numero da arrotondare. significance è il valore di riferimento al quale desiderate arrotondare il numero. Nota: se number e significance hanno i segni diversi, la funzione restituisce l'errore #NUM!. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alla quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FLOOR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FLOOR, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/floormath.htm", 
        "title": "FLOOR.MATH Function", 
        "body": "The FLOOR.MATH function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to round a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. The FLOOR.MATH function syntax is: FLOOR.MATH(x [, [significance] [, [mode]]) where x is the number you wish to round down. significance is the multiple of significance you wish to round down to. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. mode specifies if negative numbers are rounded towards or away from zero. It is an optional parameter that does not affect positive numbers. If it is omitted or set to 0, negative numbers are rounded away from zero. If any other numeric value is specified, negative numbers are rounded towards zero. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the FLOOR.MATH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the FLOOR.MATH function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/floorprecise.htm", 
        "title": "FLOOR.PRECISE Function", 
        "body": "The FLOOR.PRECISE function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return a number that is rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. The number is always rounded down regardless of its sing. The FLOOR.PRECISE function syntax is: FLOOR.PRECISE(x [, significance]) where x is the number you wish to round down. significance is the multiple of significance you wish to round down to. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. If it is set to zero, the function returns 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the FLOOR.PRECISE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the FLOOR.PRECISE function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/forecast-ets-confint.htm", 
        "title": "FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT Function", 
        "body": "The FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return a confidence interval for the forecast value at the specified target date. The FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT function syntax is: FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT(target_date, values, timeline, [confidence_level], [seasonality], [data_completion], [aggregation]) where target_date is a date for which you want to predict a new value. Must be after the last date in the timeline. values is a range of the historical values for which you want to predict a new point. timeline is a range of date/time values that correspond to the historical values. The timeline range must be of the same size as the values range. Date/time values must have a constant step between them (although up to 30% of missing values can be processed as specified by the data_completion argument and duplicate values can be aggregated as specified by the aggregation argument). confidence_level is a numeric value between 0 and 1 (exclusive) that specifies the confidence level for the calculated confidence interval. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the default value of 0.95 is used. seasonality is a numeric value that specifies which method should be used to detect the seasonality. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Seasonality is detected automatically. Positive, whole numbers are used for the length of the seasonal pattern. 0 No seasonality, the prediction will be linear. an integer greater than or equal to 2 The specified number is used for the length of the seasonal pattern. data_completion is a numeric value that specifies how to process the missing data points in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Missing points are calculated as the average of the neighbouring points. 0 Missing points are treated as zero values. aggregation is a numeric value that specifies which function should be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Function 1 or omitted AVERAGE 2 COUNT 3 COUNTA 4 MAX 5 MEDIAN 6 MIN 7 SUM To apply the FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/forecast-ets-seasonality.htm", 
        "title": "FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY Function", 
        "body": "The FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the length of the repetitive pattern the application detects for the specified time series. The FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY function syntax is: FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY(values, timeline, [data_completion], [aggregation]) where values is a range of the historical values for which you want to predict a new point. timeline is a range of date/time values that correspond to the historical values. The timeline range must be of the same size as the values range. Date/time values must have a constant step between them (although up to 30% of missing values can be processed as specified by the data_completion argument and duplicate values can be aggregated as specified by the aggregation argument). data_completion is a numeric value that specifies how to process the missing data points in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Missing points are calculated as the average of the neighbouring points. 0 Missing points are treated as zero values. aggregation is a numeric value that specifies which function should be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Function 1 or omitted AVERAGE 2 COUNT 3 COUNTA 4 MAX 5 MEDIAN 6 MIN 7 SUM To apply the FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/forecast-ets-stat.htm", 
        "title": "FORECAST.ETS.STAT Function", 
        "body": "The FORECAST.ETS.STAT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return a statistical value as a result of time series forecasting. Statistic type indicates which statistic is requested by this function. The FORECAST.ETS.STAT function syntax is: FORECAST.ETS.STAT(values, timeline, statistic_type, [seasonality], [data_completion], [aggregation]) where values is a range of the historical values for which you want to predict a new point. timeline is a range of date/time values that correspond to the historical values. The timeline range must be of the same size as the values range. Date/time values must have a constant step between them (although up to 30% of missing values can be processed as specified by the data_completion argument and duplicate values can be aggregated as specified by the aggregation argument). statistic_type is a numeric value between 1 and 8 that specifies which statistic will be returned. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Statistic 1 Alpha parameter of ETS algorithm - the base value parameter. 2 Beta parameter of ETS algorithm - the trend value parameter. 3 Gamma parameter of ETS algorithm - the seasonality value parameter. 4 MASE (mean absolute scaled error) metric - a measure of the accuracy of forecasts. 5 SMAPE (symmetric mean absolute percentage error) metric - a measure of the accuracy based on percentage errors. 6 MAE (mean absolute error) metric - a measure of the accuracy of forecasts. 7 RMSE (root mean squared error) metric - a measure of the differences between predicted and observed values. 8 Step size detected in the timeline. seasonality is a numeric value that specifies which method should be used to detect the seasonality. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Seasonality is detected automatically. Positive, whole numbers are used for the length of the seasonal pattern. 0 No seasonality, the prediction will be linear. an integer greater than or equal to 2 The specified number is used for the length of the seasonal pattern. data_completion is a numeric value that specifies how to process the missing data points in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Missing points are calculated as the average of the neighbouring points. 0 Missing points are treated as zero values. aggregation is a numeric value that specifies which function should be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Function 1 or omitted AVERAGE 2 COUNT 3 COUNTA 4 MAX 5 MEDIAN 6 MIN 7 SUM To apply the FORECAST.ETS.STAT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FORECAST.ETS.STAT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/forecast-ets.htm", 
        "title": "FORECAST.ETS Function", 
        "body": "The FORECAST.ETS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to calculate or predict a future value based on existing (historical) values by using the AAA version of the Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm. The FORECAST.ETS function syntax is: FORECAST.ETS(target_date, values, timeline, [seasonality], [data_completion], [aggregation]) where target_date is a date for which you want to predict a new value. Must be after the last date in the timeline. values is a range of the historical values for which you want to predict a new point. timeline is a range of date/time values that correspond to the historical values. The timeline range must be of the same size as the values range. Date/time values must have a constant step between them (although up to 30% of missing values can be processed as specified by the data_completion argument and duplicate values can be aggregated as specified by the aggregation argument). seasonality is a numeric value that specifies which method should be used to detect the seasonality. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Seasonality is detected automatically. Positive, whole numbers are used for the length of the seasonal pattern. 0 No seasonality, the prediction will be linear. an integer greater than or equal to 2 The specified number is used for the length of the seasonal pattern. data_completion is a numeric value that specifies how to process the missing data points in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Behavior 1 or omitted Missing points are calculated as the average of the neighbouring points. 0 Missing points are treated as zero values. aggregation is a numeric value that specifies which function should be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below. Numeric value Function 1 or omitted AVERAGE 2 COUNT 3 COUNTA 4 MAX 5 MEDIAN 6 MIN 7 SUM To apply the FORECAST.ETS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FORECAST.ETS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/forecast-linear.htm", 
        "title": "FORECAST.LINEAR Function", 
        "body": "The FORECAST.LINEAR function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to calculate, or predict, a future value by using existing values; the predicted value is a y-value for a given x-value. The known values are existing x-values and y-values, and the new value is predicted by using linear regression. The FORECAST.LINEAR function syntax is: FORECAST.LINEAR(x, known_y's, known_x's) where x is an x-value for which you want to predict a new y-value, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. known_y's is an array of known y-values. known_x's is an array of known x-values. To apply the FORECAST.LINEAR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FORECAST.LINEAR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/forecast.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FORECAST", 
        "body": "La funzione FORECAST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire un valore stima in base ai valori esistenti forniti. La sintassi della funzione FORECAST è: FORECAST(x, array-1, array-2) dove x è il valore x usato per stimare il valore y, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. array-1(2) sono gli intervalli di celle selezionati con lo stesso numero di elementi. Per applicare la funzione FORECAST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FORECAST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/formulatext.htm", 
        "title": "FORMULATEXT Function", 
        "body": "The FORMULATEXT function is one of the lookup and reference functions. It is used to return a formula as a string (i.e. the text string that is displayed in the formula bar if you select the cell that contains the formula). The FORMULATEXT function syntax is: FORMULATEXT(reference) where reference is a reference to a single cell or a range of cells. If the referenced cell range contains more than one formula, the FORMULATEXT function returns the value from the upper left cell of this range. If the referenced cell does not contain a formula, the FORMULATEXT function returns the N/A error value. To apply the FORMULATEXT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Lookup and Reference function group from the list, click the FORMULATEXT function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/frequency.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FREQUENCY", 
        "body": "La funzione FREQUENCY è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per calcolare la frequenza con cui si presentano i valori in un determinato intervallo di celle e visualizzare il primo valore della matrice di numeri restituita. La sintassi della funzione FREQUENCY è: FREQUENCY(data-array, bins-array) dove data-array è un intervallo di celle per il quale desiderate calcolare la frequenza, bins-array è un intervallo di celle contenente gli intervalli nei quali desiderate raggruppare i valori in data-array. Per applicare la funzione FREQUENCY, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FREQUENCY, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/ftest.htm", 
        "title": "FTEST Function", 
        "body": "The FTEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the result of an F-test. An F-test returns the two-tailed probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not significantly different. Use this function to determine whether two samples have different variances. The FTEST function syntax is: FTEST(array1, array2) where array1 is the first range of values. array2 is the second range of values. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Text, logical values and empty cells are ignored, cells that contain zero values are included. If the number of values in a data range is less than 2 or a variance of an array is 0, the function returns the #DIV/0! error value. To apply the FTEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the FTEST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/fv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione FV", 
        "body": "La funzione FV è una delle funzioni finanziarie. Si usa per calcolare il valore futuro di un investimento basato ad un tasso di interesse specificato e uno scadenzario dei pagamenti costante. La sintassi della funzione FV è: FV(rate, nper, pmt [, [pv] [,[type]]]) dove rate è il tasso di interesse per un investimento. nper è il numero di pagamenti. pmt è l'importo del pagamento. pv è il valore attuale dei pagamenti. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, pv sarà considerato pari a 0. type è il periodo quando i pagamenti devono essere effettuati. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è pari a 0 o assente, la funzione considererà che i pagamenti devono essere effettuati alla fine del periodo. Se type è pari a 1, i pagamenti devono essere effettuati all'inizio del periodo. Nota: il contante pagato in cambio (quali depositi di risparmio) è rappresentato da un numero negativo; il cantante ricevuto (quale dividendi) è rappresentato da un numero positivo. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione FV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Finanziarie dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione FV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/fvschedule.htm", 
        "title": "FVSCHEDULE Function", 
        "body": "The FVSCHEDULE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the future value of an investment based on a series of changeable interest rates. The FVSCHEDULE function syntax is: FVSCHEDULE(principal, schedule) where principal is the current value of an investment. schedule is an array or a range of interest rates. Note: schedule values can be numbers or empty cells (they are interpreted as 0). The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the FVSCHEDULE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the FVSCHEDULE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gamma-dist.htm", 
        "title": "GAMMA.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The GAMMA.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the gamma distribution. The GAMMA.DIST function syntax is: GAMMA.DIST(x, alpha, beta, cumulative) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. If beta is 1, the function returns the standard gamma distribution. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the GAMMA.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAMMA.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gamma-inv.htm", 
        "title": "GAMMA.INV Function", 
        "body": "The GAMMA.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution. The GAMMA.INV function syntax is: GAMMA.INV(probability, alpha, beta) where probability is the probability associated with the gamma distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. If beta is 1, the function returns the standard gamma distribution. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the GAMMA.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAMMA.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gamma.htm", 
        "title": "GAMMA Function", 
        "body": "The GAMMA function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the gamma function value. The GAMMA function syntax is: GAMMA(number) where number is a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Note: if the number is a negative integer or 0 the function returns the #NUM! error value. To apply the GAMMA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAMMA function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gammadist.htm", 
        "title": "GAMMADIST Function", 
        "body": "The GAMMADIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the gamma distribution. The GAMMADIST function syntax is: GAMMADIST(x, alpha, beta, cumulative) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. If beta is 1, the function returns the standard gamma distribution. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the GAMMADIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAMMADIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gammainv.htm", 
        "title": "GAMMAINV Function", 
        "body": "The GAMMAINV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution. The GAMMAINV function syntax is: GAMMAINV(probability, alpha, beta) where probability is the probability associated with the gamma distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. If beta is 1, the function returns the standard gamma distribution. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the GAMMAINV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAMMAINV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gammaln-precise.htm", 
        "title": "GAMMALN.PRECISE Function", 
        "body": "The GAMMALN.PRECISE function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the natural logarithm of the gamma function. The GAMMALN.PRECISE function syntax is: GAMMALN.PRECISE(x) where x is a numeric value greater than 0 entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the GAMMALN.PRECISE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAMMALN.PRECISE function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gammaln.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione GAMMALN", 
        "body": "La funzione GAMMALN è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire il logaritmo naturale della funzione gamma. La sintassi della funzione GAMMALN è: GAMMALN(number) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore di 0 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione GAMMALN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione GAMMALN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/gauss.htm", 
        "title": "GAUSS Function", 
        "body": "The GAUSS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to calculate the probability that a member of a standard normal population will fall between the mean and z standard deviations from the mean. The GAUSS function syntax is: GAUSS(z) where z is a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the GAUSS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the GAUSS function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/gcd.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione GCD", 
        "body": "La funzione GCD è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il massimo comun divisore di due o più numeri. La sintassi della funzione GCD è: GCD(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione GCD, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione GCD, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgole o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/geomean.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione GEOMEAN", 
        "body": "La funzione GEOMEAN è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per calcolare la media geometrica di una serie di dati. La sintassi della funzione GEOMEAN è: GEOMEAN(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione GEOMEAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione GEOMEAN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/gestep.htm", 
        "title": "GESTEP Function", 
        "body": "The GESTEP function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to test if a number is greater than a threshold value. The function returns 1 if the number is greater than or equal to the threshold value and 0 otherwise. The GESTEP function syntax is: GESTEP(number [, step]) where number is a number to compare with step. step is a threshold value. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume step to be 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the GESTEP function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the GESTEP function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/harmean.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione HARMEAN", 
        "body": "La funzione HARMEAN è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per calcolare la media armonica di una serie di dati. La sintassi della funzione HARMEAN è: HARMEAN(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici maggiori di 0 fino 30 elementiinseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione HARMEAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione HARMEAN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/hex2bin.htm", 
        "title": "HEX2BIN Function", 
        "body": "The HEX2BIN function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a hexadecimal number to a binary number. The HEX2BIN function syntax is: HEX2BIN(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a hexadecimal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the argument is not recognised as a hexadecimal number, or contains more than 10 characters, or the resulting binary number requires more digits than you specified, or the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the HEX2BIN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the HEX2BIN function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/hex2dec.htm", 
        "title": "HEX2DEC Function", 
        "body": "The HEX2DEC function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a hexadecimal number into a decimal number. The HEX2DEC function syntax is: HEX2DEC(number) where number is a hexadecimal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Note: if the argument is not recognised as a hexadecimal number, or contains more than 10 characters, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the HEX2DEC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the HEX2DEC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/hex2oct.htm", 
        "title": "HEX2OCT Function", 
        "body": "The HEX2OCT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert a hexadecimal number to an octal number. The HEX2OCT function syntax is: HEX2OCT(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is a hexadecimal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the argument is not recognised as a hexadecimal number, or contains more than 10 characters, or the resulting octal number requires more digits than you specified, or the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the HEX2OCT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the HEX2OCT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/hlookup.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione HLOOKUP", 
        "body": "La funzione HLOOKUP è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per effettuare la ricerca orizzontale di un valore nella riga superiore di una tabella o un intervallo e restituire il valore nella stessa colonna in base al numero di indice riga specificato. La sintassi della funzione HLOOKUP è: HLOOKUP (lookup-value, table-array, row-index-num[, [range-lookup-flag]]) dove lookup-value è un valore da cercare. table-array sono due o più righe contenenti i dati ordinati in ordine crescente. row-index-num è il numero riga in table-array, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 1 ma minore del numero di righe in table-array. range-lookup-flag è un argomento opzionale. E' un valore logico TRUE o FALSE. Inserite FALSE per trovare una corrispondenza esatta. Inserite TRUE per trovare una corrispondenza approssimativa, in questo caso se nessun valore corrisponde a lookup-value, la funzione seleziona il valore successivo più grande minore di lookup-value. Se questo argomento è assente, la funzione trova la corrispondenza approssimativa. Nota: se range-lookup-flag è impostato a FALSE, ma la corrispondenza esatta non è trovata, la funzione restituisce l'errore #N/A. Per applicare la funzione HLOOKUP, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione HLOOKUP, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/hour.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione HOUR", 
        "body": "La funzione HOUR è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Restituisce l'ora (numero da 0 a 23) di un valore temporale. La sintassi della funzione HOUR è: HOUR( time-value ) dove time-value è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: time-value può essere espresso come un valore stringa (es. \"13:39\"), un numero decimale (es. 0.56 corrisponde a 13:26) , o il risultato di una formula (es. il risultato della funzione NOW nel formato predefinito - 9/26/12 13:39) Per applicare la funzione HOUR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione HOUR, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/hyperlink.htm", 
        "title": "HYPERLINLK Function", 
        "body": "The HYPERLINLK function is one of the lookup and reference functions. It is used to create a shortcut that jumps to another location in the current workbook, or opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet. The HYPERLINLK function syntax is: HYPERLINLK(link_location [, friendly_name]) where link_location is the path and file name to the document to be opened. In the online version, the path can be a URL address only. link_location can also refer to a certain place in the current workbook, for example, to a certain cell or a named range. The value can be specified as a text string enclosed to the quotation marks or a reference to a cell containing the link as a text string. friendly_name is a text displayed in the cell. It is an optional value. If it is omitted, the link_location value is displayed in the cell. To apply the HYPERLINLK function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Lookup and Reference function group from the list, click the HYPERLINLK function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. To open the link click on it. To select a cell that contains a link without opening the link click and hold the mouse button."
        "id": "Functions/hypgeom-dist.htm", 
        "title": "HYPGEOM.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The HYPGEOM.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the hypergeometric distribution, the probability of a given number of sample successes, given the sample size, population successes, and population size. The HYPGEOM.DIST function syntax is: HYPGEOM.DIST(sample_s, number_sample, population_s, number_pop, cumulative) where sample_s is the number of the successes in the given sample, a numeric value greater than 0, but less than the lesser of number_sample or population_s. number_sample - the size of the sample, a numeric value greater than 0, but less than number_pop. population_s - the number of the successes in the population, a numeric value greater than 0, but less than number_pop. number_pop - the size of the population, a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative - is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability mass function. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the HYPGEOM.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the HYPGEOM.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/hypgeomdist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione HYPGEOMDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione HYPGEOMDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la distribuzione ipergeometrica, la probabilità di un determinato numero di campioni riusciti, a base di una determinata dimensione del campione, i successi, e la dimensione della popolazione. La sintassi della funzione HYPGEOMDIST è: HYPGEOMDIST(sample-successes , number-sample , population-successes , number-population) dove sample-successes è il numero di successi in una determinata prova, un valore numerico maggiore di 0, ma minore del valore minimo di number-sample o population-successes. number-sample è la dimensione del campione, un valore numerico maggiore di 0, ma minore di number-population. population-successes è il numero di successi nella popolazione, un valore numerico maggiore di 0, ma minore di number-population. number-population è la dimensione della popolazione, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione HYPGEOMDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione HYPGEOMDIST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/if.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione IF", 
        "body": "La funzione IF è una delle funzioni logiche. Si usa per verificare l'espressione logica e restituire uno dei valori se questo è Vero, o un altro se è FALSO. La sintassi della funzione IF è: IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) dove logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false sono i valori inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione IF, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione IF, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: Ci sono tre argomenti: logical_test = A1<100, value_if_true = 0, value_if_false = 1, dove A1 è 12. Questa espressione logica è VERA. Allora la funzione restituisce 0. Se cambiamo il valore A1 da 12 a 112, la funzione restituisce 1:"
        "id": "Functions/iferror.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione IFERROR", 
        "body": "La funzione IFERROR è una delle funzioni logiche. Si usa per per verificare se si è verificato un errore nella formula nel primo argomento. La funzione restituisce il risultato della formula se non c'è nessun errore, o value_if_error se c'è un errore. La sintassi della funzione IFERROR è: IFERROR(value, value_if_error,) dove value e value_if_error sono i valori inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione IFERROR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione IFERROR, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: Ci sono due argomenti: value = A1/B1, value_if_error = \"error\", dove A1 è 12, B1 è 3. La formula nel primo argomento non contiene errori. Allora la funzione restituisce il risultato del calcolo. Se cambiamo il valore B1 da 3 a 0, come la divisione per zero non è possibile, la funzione restituisce un errore:"
        "id": "Functions/ifna.htm", 
        "title": "IFNA Function", 
        "body": "The IFNA function is one of the logical functions. It is used to check if there is an error in the formula in the first argument. The function returns the value you specify if the formula returns the #N/A error value, otherwise returns the result of the formula. The IFNA function syntax is: IFNA(value, value_if_na) where value is the argument that is checked for the #N/A error value. value_if_na is the value to return if the formula evaluates to the #N/A error value. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the IFNA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Logical function group from the list, click the IFNA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ifs.htm", 
        "title": "IFS Function", 
        "body": "The IFS function is one of the logical functions. It checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. The IFS function syntax is: IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, [logical_test2, value_if_true2], ...) where logical_test1 is the first condition to be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. value_if_true1 is the value that returns if the logical_test1 is TRUE. logical_test2, value_if_true2, ... are additional conditions and values to return. These arguments are optional. You can check up to 127 conditions. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IFS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Logical function group from the list, click the IFS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. For example: There are the following arguments: logical_test1 = A1&lt;100, value_if_true1 = 1, logical_test2 = A1&gt;100, value_if_true2 = 2, where A1 is 120. The second logical expression is TRUE. So the function returns 2."
        "id": "Functions/imabs.htm", 
        "title": "IMABS Function", 
        "body": "The IMABS function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the absolute value of a complex number. The IMABS function syntax is: IMABS(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMABS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMABS function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imaginary.htm", 
        "title": "IMAGINARY Function", 
        "body": "The IMAGINARY function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the imaginary part of the specified complex number. The IMAGINARY function syntax is: IMAGINARY(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMAGINARY function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMAGINARY function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imargument.htm", 
        "title": "IMARGUMENT Function", 
        "body": "The IMARGUMENT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the argument Theta, an angle expressed in radians. The IMARGUMENT function syntax is: IMARGUMENT(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMARGUMENT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMARGUMENT function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imconjugate.htm", 
        "title": "IMCONJUGATE Function", 
        "body": "The IMCONJUGATE function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the complex conjugate of a complex number. The IMCONJUGATE function syntax is: IMCONJUGATE(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex-number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMCONJUGATE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMCONJUGATE function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imcos.htm", 
        "title": "IMCOS Function", 
        "body": "The IMCOS function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the cosine of a complex number. The IMCOS function syntax is: IMCOS(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMCOS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMCOS function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imcosh.htm", 
        "title": "IMCOSH Function", 
        "body": "The IMCOSH function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number. The IMCOSH function syntax is: IMCOSH(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMCOSH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMCOSH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imcot.htm", 
        "title": "IMCOT Function", 
        "body": "The IMCOT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the cotangent of a complex number. The IMCOT function syntax is: IMCOT(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMCOT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMCOT function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imcsc.htm", 
        "title": "IMCSC Function", 
        "body": "The IMCSC function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the cosecant of a complex number. The IMCSC function syntax is: IMCSC(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMCSC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMCSC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imcsch.htm", 
        "title": "IMCSCH Function", 
        "body": "The IMCSCH function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number. The IMCSCH function syntax is: IMCSCH(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMCSCH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMCSCH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imdiv.htm", 
        "title": "IMDIV Function", 
        "body": "The IMDIV function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the quotient of two complex numbers expressed in x + yi or x + yj form. The IMDIV function syntax is: IMDIV(complex-number-1, complex-number-2) where complex-number-1 is a dividend. complex-number-2 is a divisor. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMDIV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMDIV function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imexp.htm", 
        "title": "IMEXP Function", 
        "body": "The IMEXP function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the e constant raised to the to the power specified by a complex number. The e constant is equal to 2,71828182845904. The IMEXP function syntax is: IMEXP(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMEXP function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMEXP function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imln.htm", 
        "title": "IMLN Function", 
        "body": "The IMLN function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the natural logarithm of a complex number. The IMLN function syntax is: IMLN(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMLN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMLN function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imlog10.htm", 
        "title": "IMLOG10 Function", 
        "body": "The IMLOG10 function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the logarithm of a complex number to a base of 10. The IMLOG10 function syntax is: IMLOG10(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMLOG10 function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMLOG10 function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imlog2.htm", 
        "title": "IMLOG2 Function", 
        "body": "The IMLOG2 function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the logarithm of a complex number to a base of 2. The IMLOG2 function syntax is: IMLOG2(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMLOG2 function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMLOG2 function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/impower.htm", 
        "title": "IMPOWER Function", 
        "body": "The IMPOWER function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the result of a complex number raised to the desired power. The IMPOWER function syntax is: IMPOWER(complex-number, power) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. power is a power you wish to raise the complex number to. To apply the IMPOWER function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMPOWER function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/improduct.htm", 
        "title": "IMPRODUCT Function", 
        "body": "The IMPRODUCT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the product of the specified complex numbers. The IMPRODUCT function syntax is: IMPRODUCT(argument-list) where argument-list is up to 30 complex numbers expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the IMPRODUCT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMPRODUCT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imreal.htm", 
        "title": "IMREAL Function", 
        "body": "The IMREAL function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the real part of the specified complex number. The IMREAL function syntax is: IMREAL(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMREAL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMREAL function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsec.htm", 
        "title": "IMSEC Function", 
        "body": "The IMSEC function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the secant of a complex number. The IMSEC function syntax is: IMSEC(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex-number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMSEC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSEC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsech.htm", 
        "title": "IMSECH Function", 
        "body": "The IMSECH function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic secant of a complex number. The IMSECH function syntax is: IMSECH(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex-number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMSECH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSECH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsin.htm", 
        "title": "IMSIN Function", 
        "body": "The IMSIN function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the sine of a complex number. The IMSIN function syntax is: IMSIN(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMSIN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSIN function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsinh.htm", 
        "title": "IMSINH Function", 
        "body": "The IMSINH function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic sine of a complex number. The IMSINH function syntax is: IMSINH(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMSINH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSINH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsqrt.htm", 
        "title": "IMSQRT Function", 
        "body": "The IMSQRT function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the square root of a complex number. The IMSQRT function syntax is: IMSQRT(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex-number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMSQRT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSQRT function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsub.htm", 
        "title": "IMSUB Function", 
        "body": "The IMSUB function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the difference of two complex numbers expressed in x + yi or x + yj form. The IMSUB function syntax is: IMSUB(complex-number-1, complex-number-2) where complex-number-1 is a complex number from which complex-number-2 is to be subtracted. complex-number-2 is a complex number to subtract from complex-number-1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMSUB function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSUB function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imsum.htm", 
        "title": "IMSUM Function", 
        "body": "The IMSUM function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the sum of the specified complex numbers. The IMSUM function syntax is: IMSUM(argument-list) where argument-list is up to 30 complex numbers expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the IMSUM function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMSUM function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/imtan.htm", 
        "title": "IMTAN Function", 
        "body": "The IMTAN function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to return the tangent of a complex number. The IMTAN function syntax is: IMTAN(complex-number) where complex-number is a complex number expressed in x + yi or x + yj form entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IMTAN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the IMTAN function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/index.htm", 
        "title": "INDEX Function", 
        "body": "The INDEX function is one of the lookup and reference functions. It is used to return a value within a range of cells on the base of a specified row and column number. The INDEX function has two forms. The INDEX function syntax in the array form is: INDEX(array, [row-number][, [column-number]]) The INDEX function syntax in the reference form is: INDEX(reference, [row-number][, [column-number][, [area-number]]]) where array is a range of cells. reference is a reference to a range of cells. row-number is a row number you wish to return a value from. If it is omitted, column-number is required. column-number is a column number you wish to return a value from. If it is omitted, row-number is required. area-number is an area to use in case the array contains several ranges. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume area-number to be 1. These arguments can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the INDEX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Lookup and Reference function group from the list, click the INDEX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/indirect.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione INDIRECT", 
        "body": "La funzione INDIRECT è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire il riferimento ad una cella basato sulla sua rappresentazione di stringa. La sintassi della funzione INDIRECT è: INDIRECT(ref-text [, A1-ref-style-flag]) dove ref-text è la rappresentazione testuale di una cella. A1-ref-style-flag è lo stile di rappresentazione. E' un valore logico opzionale: TRUE o FALSE. Se il valore inserito è TRUE o assente, la funzione analizza ref-text come un riferimento di stile A1. Se FALSE, la funzione analizza ref-text come un riferimento di stile R1C1. Per applicare la funzione INDIRECT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione INDIRECT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/int.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione INT", 
        "body": "La funzione INT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per analizzare e restituire la parte intera del numero specificato. La sintassi della funzione INT è: INT(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se il numero è negativo, la funzione restituisce il primo numero negativo minore o uguale al numero specificato. Per applicare la funzione INT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione INT, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/intercept.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione INTERCEPT", 
        "body": "La funzione INTERCEPT è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare la prima matrice di valori e la seconda matrice di valore per determinare il punto di intersezione. La sintassi della funzione INTERCEPT è: INTERCEPT(array-1, array-2) dove array-1(2) sono gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di elementi (colonne e righe). Per applicare la funzione INTERCEPT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione INTERCEPT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/intrate.htm", 
        "title": "INTRATE Function", 
        "body": "The INTRATE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the interest rate for a fully invested security that pays interest only at maturity. The INTRATE function syntax is: INTRATE(settlement, maturity, pr, redemption[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. pr is the amount paid for the security. redemption is the amount received for the security at maturity. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the INTRATE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the INTRATE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ipmt.htm", 
        "title": "IPMT Function", 
        "body": "The IPMT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the interest payment for an investment based on a specified interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The IPMT function syntax is: IPMT(rate, per, nper, pv [, [fv] [,[type]]]) where rate is the interest rate for the investment. per is the period you want to find the interest payment for. The value must be from 1 to nper. nper is a number of payments. pv is a present value of the payments. fv is a future value (i.e. a cash balance remaining after the last payment is made). It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume fv to be 0. type is a period when the payments are due. It is an optional argument. If it is set to 0 or omitted, the function will assume the payments to be due at the end of the period. If type is set to 1, the payments are due at the beginning of the period. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. Units for rate and nper must be consistent: use N%/12 for rate and N*12 for nper in case of monthly payments, N%/4 for rate and N*4 for nper in case of quarterly payments, N% for rate and N for nper in case of annual payments. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IPMT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the IPMT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/irr.htm", 
        "title": "IRR Function", 
        "body": "The IRR function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. The IRR function syntax is: IRR(values [,[guess]]) where values is an array that contains the series of payments occuring at regular periods. At least one of the values must be negative and at least one positive. guess is an estimate at what the internal rate of return will be. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume guess to be 10%. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the IRR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the IRR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/isblank.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISBLANK", 
        "body": "La funzione ISBLANK è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella scelta è vuota o non. Se la cella non contiene nessun valore, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), altrimenti la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISBLANK è: ISBLANK(value) dove value è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISBLANK, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISBLANK, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/iserr.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISERR", 
        "body": "La funzione ISERR è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se с'è un valore errato o non. Se la cella contiene un valore di errore (eccetto #N/A), la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), altrimenti la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISERR è: ISERR(value) dove value un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISERR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISERR, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/iserror.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISERROR", 
        "body": "La funzione ISERROR è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se c'è un valore di errore o non. Se la cella contiene uno dei seguenti valori: #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME? o #NULL, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), altrimenti la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISERROR è: ISERROR(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISERROR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISERROR, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/iseven.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISEVEN", 
        "body": "La funzione ISEVEN è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella contiene un valore pari. Se la cella contiene un valore pari, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO). Se il valore è dispari, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISEVEN è: ISEVEN(number) dove number è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se number è un valore non numerico, ISEVEN restituisce il valore di errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione ISEVEN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISEVEN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/isformula.htm", 
        "title": "ISFORMULA Function", 
        "body": "The ISFORMULA function is one of the information functions. It is used to check whether there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula. If the cell contains a formula, the function returns TRUE, otherwise the function returns FALSE. The ISFORMULA function syntax is: ISFORMULA(value) where value is a reference to a cell. To apply the ISFORMULA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Information function group from the list, click the ISFORMULA function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/islogical.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISLOGICAL", 
        "body": "La funzione ISLOGICAL è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella contiene un valore logico (TRUE o FALSE). Se la cella contiene un valore logico, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), se non la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISLOGICAL è: ISLOGICAL(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISLOGICAL, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISLOGICAL, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/isna.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISNA", 
        "body": "La funzione ISNA è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella contiene l'errore #N/A o non. Se la cella contiene il valore di errore #N/A, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), se non, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISNA è: ISNA(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISNA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISNA, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/isnontext.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISNONTEXT", 
        "body": "La funzione ISNONTEXT è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la valore nella cella contiene un testo o non. Se la cella non contiene un valore testuale, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), se non, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISNONTEXT è: ISNONTEXT(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISNONTEXT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISNONTEXT, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/isnumber.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISNUMBER", 
        "body": "La funzione ISNUMBER è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella contiene un valore numerico o non. Se la cella contiene un valore numerico, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), se non, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISNUMBER è: ISNUMBER(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISNUMBER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISNUMBER, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/isoceiling.htm", 
        "title": "ISO.CEILING Function", 
        "body": "The ISO.CEILING function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. The number is always rounded up regardless of its sing. The ISO.CEILING function syntax is: ISO.CEILING(number [, significance]) where number is the number you wish to round up. significance is the multiple of significance you wish to round up to. It is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, the default value of 1 is used. If it is set to zero, the function returns 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ISO.CEILING function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the ISO.CEILING function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/isodd.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISODD", 
        "body": "La funzione ISODD è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella contiene un valore dispari o non. Se il valore nella cella è un valore dispari, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO). Se il valore è pari, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISODD è: ISODD(number) dove number è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se number è un valore non numerico, ISODD restituisce il valore di errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione ISODD, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISODD, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/isoweeknum.htm", 
        "title": "ISOWEEKNUM Function", 
        "body": "The ISOWEEKNUM function is one of the date and time functions. It used to return number of the ISO week number of the year for a given date. Returns a number between 1 and 54. The ISOWEEKNUM function syntax is: ISOWEEKNUM(date) where date is a date you want to find the ISO week number of. Can be a reference to a cell containing a date or a date returned by the Date function or other date and time function. To apply the ISOWEEKNUM function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Date and time function group from the list, click the ISOWEEKNUM function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ispmt.htm", 
        "title": "ISPMT Function", 
        "body": "The ISPMT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the interest payment for a specified period of an investment based on a constant payment schedule. The ISPMT function syntax is: ISPMT(rate, per, nper, pv) where rate is the interest rate for the investment. per is the period you want to find the interest payment for. The value must be from 1 to nper. nper is a number of payments. pv is a present value of the payments. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. Units for rate and nper must be consistent: use N%/12 for rate and N*12 for nper in case of monthly payments, N%/4 for rate and N*4 for nper in case of quarterly payments, N% for rate and N for nper in case of annual payments. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ISPMT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ISPMT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/isref.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISREF", 
        "body": "La funzione ISREF è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la casella contiene un riferimento o non. Se il valore è un riferimento, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), se non, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISREF è: ISREF(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISREF, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISREF, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/istext.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ISTEXT", 
        "body": "La funzione ISTEXT è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per verificare se la cella contiene un testo o non. Se il valore nella cella è un testo, la funzione restituisce TRUE (VERO), se non, la funzione restituisce FALSE (FALSO). La sintassi della funzione ISTEXT è: ISTEXT(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ISTEXT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ISTEXT, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/kurt.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione KURT", 
        "body": "La funzione KURT è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la curtosi di una serie di dati. La sintassi della funzione KURT è: KURT(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione KURT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione KURT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/large.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LARGE", 
        "body": "La funzione LARGE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare un determinato intervallo di celle e restituire il valore massimo specificato. La sintassi della funzione LARGE è: LARGE(array, k) dove array è un intervallo di celle da analizzare. k è la posizione del numero dal valore massimo, un valore numerico maggiore di 0 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LARGE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LARGE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/lcm.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LCM", 
        "body": "La funzione LCM è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il minimo comune multiplo di un o più numeri. La sintassi della funzione LCM è: LCM(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LCM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LCM, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgole o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/left.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LEFT/LEFTB", 
        "body": "La funzione LEFT/LEFTB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per estrarre la sottostringa da una determinata stringa a partire al carattere sinistro. La funzione LEFT è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre LEFTB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione LEFT/LEFTB è: LEFT(string [, number-chars]) LEFTB(string [, number-chars]) dove string è una stringa dalla quale desiderate estrarre la sottostringa, number-chars è il numero di caratteri. Questo è un argomento opzionale. L'argomento assente viene considerato pari a 1. I dati possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LEFT/LEFTB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LEFT/LEFTB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/len.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LEN/LENB", 
        "body": "La funzione LEN/LENB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per analizzare la determinata stringa e restituire il numero di caratteri che contiene. La funzione LEN è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre LENB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione LEN/LENB è: LEN(string) LENB(string) dove string sono i dati inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LEN/LENB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LEN/LENB, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/ln.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LN", 
        "body": "La funzione LN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il logaritmo naturale di un numero. La sintassi della funzione LN è: LN(number) è un valore numerico maggiore di 0 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/log.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LOG", 
        "body": "La funzione LOG è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il logaritmo di un numero in una base specificata. La sintassi della funzione LOG è: LOG(number [,base]) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore di 0 base è la base usata per calcolare il logaritmo di un numero. è un parametro opzionle. Se non è specificato, la funzione usa la base di 10. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LOG, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LOG, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/log10.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LOG10", 
        "body": "La funzione LOG10 è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il logaritmo di un numero nella base di 10. La sintassi della funzione LOG10 è: LOG10(number) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore di 0 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LOG10, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LOG10, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/loginv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LOGINV", 
        "body": "La funzione LOGINV è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire l'inversa della distribuzione lognormale cumulativa di un determinato valore x con i parametri specificati. La sintassi della funzione LOGINV è: LOGINV(x, mean, standard-deviation) dove x è la probabilità associata alla distribuzione lognormale, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0 ma minore o uguale a 1. mean è la media della distribuzione lognormale di x, un valore numerico. standard-deviation è la deviazione standard della distribuzione lognormale di x, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LOGINV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LOGINV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/lognorm-dist.htm", 
        "title": "LOGNORM.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The LOGNORM.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard-dev. The LOGNORM.DIST function syntax is: LOGNORM.DIST(x, mean, standard-dev, cumulative) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. mean is the mean of ln(x), a numeric value. standard-dev is the standard deviation of ln(x), a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the LOGNORM.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the LOGNORM.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/lognorm-inv.htm", 
        "title": "LOGNORM.INV Function", 
        "body": "The LOGNORM.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard-dev. The LOGNORM.INV function syntax is: LOGNORM.INV(probability, mean, standard-dev) where probability is the probability associated with the lognormal distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. mean is the mean of ln(x), a numeric value. standard-dev is the standard deviation of ln(x), a numeric value greater than 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the LOGNORM.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the LOGNORM.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/lognormdist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LOGNORMDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione LOGNORMDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare i dati trasformati logaritmicamente e restituire la distribuzione lognormale di un determinato valore x con i parametri specificati. La sintassi della funzione LOGNORMDIST è: LOGNORMDIST(x, mean, standard-deviation) dove x è la probabilità associata alla distribuzione lognormale, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. mean è la media della distribuzione lognormale di x, un valore numericco. standard-deviation è la deviazione standard of the lognormal distribution della distribuzione lognormale di x, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LOGNORMDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LOGNORMDIST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/lookup.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LOOKUP", 
        "body": "La funzione LOOKUP è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire un valore da un intervallo scelto (riga o colonna contenente i dati in ordine crescente). La sintassi della funzione LOOKUP è: LOOKUP(lookup-value, lookup-vector, result-vector) dove lookup-value è un valore da cercare. lookup-vector è una singola riga o colonna contenente i dati in ordine crescente. lookup-result è una singola riga o colonna della stessa dimensione che lookup-vector. La funzione cerca lookup-value in lookup-vector e restituisce il valore nella stessa posizione in lookup-result. Nota: se lookup-value è più piccolo che tutti i valori in lookup-vector, la funzione restituisce l'errore #N/A. Se nessun valore corrisponde a lookup-value, la funzione trova il valore più grande in lookup-vector minore o uguale al valore. Per applicare la funzione LOOKUP, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LOOKUP, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/lower.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione LOWER", 
        "body": "La funzione LOWER è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per convertire le maiuscole in minuscole nella cella scelta. La sintassi della funzione LOWER è: LOWER(text) dove text son i dati inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione LOWER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione LOWER, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/match.htm", 
        "title": "MATCH Function", 
        "body": "The MATCH function is one of the lookup and reference functions. It is used to return a relative position of a specified item in a range of cells. The MATCH function syntax is: MATCH(lookup-value, lookup-array[ , [match-type]]) where lookup-value is a value in the lookup-array to search for. It can be a numeric, logical or text value, or a cell reference. lookup-array is a single row or column you need to analyze. match-type is a type of match. It's an optional argument. It can be one of the following numeric values: Numeric value Meaning 1 or omitted The values must be sorted in ascending order. If the the exact match is not found, the function will return the largest value that is less than lookup-value. 0 The values can be sorted in any order. If the the exact match is not found, the function will return the #N/A error. -1 The values must be sorted in descending order. If the the exact match is not found, the function will return the smallest value that is greater than lookup-value. To apply the MATCH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Lookup and Reference function group from the list, click the MATCH function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/max.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MAX", 
        "body": "La funzione MAX è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare il numero il più grande. La sintassi della funzione MAX è: MAX(number1, number2, ...) dove number1(2) è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MAX, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MAX, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/maxa.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MAXA", 
        "body": "La funzione MAXA è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare il valore il più grande. La sintassi della funzione MAXA è: MAXA(number1, number2, ...) dove number1(2) sono i dati (numero, testo, valore logico) inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MAXA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MAXA, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/maxifs.htm", 
        "title": "MAXIFS Function", 
        "body": "The MAXIFS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the maximum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria. The MAXIFS function syntax is: MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1 [, criteria_range2, criteria2], ...) max_range is the range of cells in which the maximum will be determined. criteria_range1 is the first selected range of cells to apply the criteria1 to. criteria1 is the first condition that must be met. It is applied to the criteria_range1 and used to determine which cells in the max_range will be evaluated as maximum. It can be a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. criteria_range2, criteria2, ... are additional ranges of cells and their corresponding criteria. These arguments are optional. Note: you can use wildcard characters when specifying criteria. The question mark \"?\" can replace any single character and the asterisk \"*\" can be used instead of any number of characters. To apply the MAXIFS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the MAXIFS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/mdeterm.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MDETERM", 
        "body": "La funzione MDETERM è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il determinante di una matrice. La sintassi della funzione MDETERM è: MDETERM(array) dove array is an array of numbers. Nota: se una cella nella matrice è vuota o non contiene i valori numerici, la funzione restituisce l'errore #N/A. Se il numero di righe nella matrice non è uguale al numero di colonne, la funzione restituisce l'errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione MDETERM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MDETERM, selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse o inserite l'argomento richiesto a mano, come A1:B2, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mduration.htm", 
        "title": "MDURATION Function", 
        "body": "The MDURATION function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the modified Macaulay duration of a security with an assumed par value of $100. The MDURATION function syntax is: MDURATION(settlement, maturity, coupon, yld, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. coupon is the annual coupon rate of the security. yld is the annual yield of the security. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the MDURATION function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the MDURATION function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/median.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MEDIAN", 
        "body": "La funzione MEDIAN è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per calcolare la media della serie di dati. La sintassi della funzione MEDIAN è: MEDIAN(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MEDIAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MEDIAN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mid.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MID/MIDB", 
        "body": "La funzione MID/MIDB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per estrarre i caratteri da una determinata stringa a partire da qualsiasi posizione. La funzione MID è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre MIDB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione MID/MIDB è: MID(string, start-pos, number-chars]) MIDB(string, start-pos, number-chars]) dove string è una stringa dalla quale desiderate estrarre i caratteri. start-pos è la posizione iniziale. number-chars è il numero di caratteri da estrarre. I dati possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MID/MIDB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MID/MIDB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/min.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MIN", 
        "body": "La funzione MIN è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare il numero il più piccolo. La sintassi della funzione MIN è: MIN(number1, number2, ...) dove number1(2) è una serie di valori numerici fino a 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MIN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MIN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mina.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MINA", 
        "body": "La funzione MINA è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare il valore il più piccolo. La sintassi della funzione MINA è: MINA(number1, number2, ...) dove number1(2) sono i dati (numero, testo, valore logico) inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MINA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MINA, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/minifs.htm", 
        "title": "MINIFS Function", 
        "body": "The MINIFS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the minimum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria. The MINIFS function syntax is: MINIFS(min_range, criteria_range1, criteria1 [, criteria_range2, criteria2], ...) min_range is the range of cells in which the minimum will be determined. criteria_range1 is the first selected range of cells to apply the criteria1 to. criteria1 is the first condition that must be met. It is applied to the criteria_range1 and used to determine which cells in the min_range will be evaluated as minimum. It can be a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. criteria_range2, criteria2, ... are additional ranges of cells and their corresponding criteria. These arguments are optional. Note: you can use wildcard characters when specifying criteria. The question mark \"?\" can replace any single character and the asterisk \"*\" can be used instead of any number of characters. To apply the MINIFS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the MINIFS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/minute.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MINUTE", 
        "body": "La funzione MINUTE è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituisce le minute (un numero da 0 a 59) di un valore temporale. La sintassi della funzione MINUTE è: MINUTE( time-value ) dove time-value è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: time-value può essere espresso come un valore stringa (es. \"13:39\"), un numero decimale (es. 0.56 corrisponde a 13:26) , o il risultato di una formula (es. il risultato della funzione NOW nel formato predefinito - 9/26/12 13:39) Per applicare la funzione MINUTE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MINUTE, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/minverse.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MINVERSE", 
        "body": "La funzione MINVERSE è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la matrice inversa si una determina matrice e visualizzare il primo valore della matrice di numeri restituita. La sintassi della funzione MINVERSE è: MINVERSE(array) dove array è una matrice di numeri. Nota: se una cella nella matrice è vuota o non contiene i valori numerici, la funzione restituisce l'errore #N/A. Se il numero di righe nella matrice non è uguale al numero di colonne, la funzione restituisci l'errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione MINVERSE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MINVERSE, selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse o inserite l'argomento richiesto a mano, come A1:B2, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mirr.htm", 
        "title": "MIRR Function", 
        "body": "The MIRR function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. The MIRR function syntax is: MIRR(values, finance-rate, reinvest-rate) where values is an array that contains the series of payments occuring at regular periods. At least one of the values must be negative and at least one positive. finance-rate is the interest rate paid on the money used in the cash flows. reinvest-rate is the interest rate received on the cash reinvestment. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the MIRR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the MIRR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/mmult.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MMULT", 
        "body": "La funzione MMULT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il prodotto di due matrici e visualizzare il primo valore della matrice di numeri restituita. La sintassi della funzione MMULT è: MMULT(array1, array2) dove array1, array2 è una matrice di numeri. Nota: se una cella nella matrice è vuota o non contiene i valori numerici, la funzione restituisce l'errore #N/A. Se il numero di colonne in array1 non è uguale al numero di righe in array2, la funzione restituisce l'errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione MMULT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MMULT, inserite gli argomenti separati da virgole, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mod.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MOD", 
        "body": "La funzione MOD è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il resto della divisione di un numero per un divisore specificato. La sintassi della funzione MOD è: MOD(number, divisor) dove number è il numero da dividere. divisor è il numero per cui desiderate dividere. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se divisor è 0, la funzione restituisce l'errore #DIV/0!. Per applicare la funzione MOD, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MOD, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mode-mult.htm", 
        "title": "MODE.MULT Function", 
        "body": "The MODE.MULT function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the most frequently occurring, or repetitive value in an array or range of data. The MODE.MULT function syntax is: MODE.MULT(number1, [, number2],...) where number1, number2... is up to 255 numeric values entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Note: if there is no repetitive value in the argument list, the function will return the #VALUE! error. To apply the MODE.MULT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the MODE.MULT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/mode-sngl.htm", 
        "title": "MODE.SNGL Function", 
        "body": "The MODE.SNGL function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in an array or range of data. The MODE.SNGL function syntax is: MODE.SNGL(number1, [, number2],...) where number1, number2... is up to 255 numeric values entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Note: if there is no repetitive value in the argument list, the function will return the #VALUE! error. To apply the MODE.SNGL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the MODE.SNGL function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/mode.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MODE", 
        "body": "La funzione MODE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire il valore più ricorrente. La sintassi della funzione MODE è: MODE(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino 255 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Nota: se la serie di argumenti non contiene i valori ripetitivi, la funzione restituisce l'errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione MODE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MODE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/month.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MONTH", 
        "body": "La funzione MONTH è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il mese (un numero da 1 a 12) della data specificata nel formato numerico (MM/dd/yyyy di default). La sintassi della funzione MONTH è: MONTH(date-value) dove date-value è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MONTH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MONTH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/mround.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MROUND", 
        "body": "La funzione MROUND è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare il numero al multiplo desiderato. La sintassi della funzione MROUND è: MROUND(number, multiple) dove number è il numero da arrotondare. multiple è il multiplo al quale desiderate arrotondare. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Nota: se number e multiple hanno i segni diversi, la funzione restituisce l'errore #NUM!. Per applicare la funzione MROUND, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MROUND, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/multinomial.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione MULTINOMIAL", 
        "body": "La funzione MULTINOMIAL è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il rapporto tra il fattoriale di una somma di numeri e il prodotto dei fattoriali. La sintassi della funzione MULTINOMIAL è: MULTINOMIAL(argument-list) dove argument-list è fino al 30 valori numerici inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione MULTINOMIAL, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione MULTINOMIAL, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgole o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/n.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione N", 
        "body": "La funzione N è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per convertire un valore in un numero. La sintassi della funzione N è: N(value) dove value è un valore da convertire inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Qui sotto trovate i valori possibili e il risultato della loro conversione: Valore Numero numero numero data data come numero seriale TRUE 1 FALSE 0 errore valore di errore Altro 0 Per applicare la funzione N, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione N, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/na.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NA", 
        "body": "La funzione NA è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per restituire il valore di errore #N/A. Questa funzione non richiede un argomento. La sintassi della funzione NA è: NA() Per applicare la funzione NA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NA, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/negbinom-dist.htm", 
        "title": "NEGBINOM.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The NEGBINOM.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the negative binomial distribution, the probability that there will be Number_f failures before the Number_s-th success, with Probability_s probability of a success. The NEGBINOM.DIST function syntax is: NEGBINOM.DIST(number-f, number-s, probability-s, cumulative) where number-f is the number of failures, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. number-s is the the threshold number of successes, a numeric value greater than or equal to 1. probability-s is the success propability of each trial, a numeric value greater than 0, but less than 1. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the NEGBINOM.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the NEGBINOM.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/negbinomdist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NEGBINOMDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione NEGBINOMDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per resituire la distribuzione binomiale negativa. La sintassi della funzione NEGBINOMDIST è: NEGBINOMDIST(number-failures, number-successes, success-probability) dove number-failures è il numero di insuccessi, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0. number-successes è il numero soglia per i successi, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0. success-probability è la probabilità di successo di ogni prova, un valore numerico maggiore di 0, ma minore di 1. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NEGBINOMDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NEGBINOMDIST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/networkdays-intl.htm", 
        "title": "NETWORKDAYS.INTL Function", 
        "body": "The NETWORKDAYS.INTL function is one of the date and time functions. It is used to return the number of whole workdays between two dates using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days. The NETWORKDAYS.INTL function syntax is: NETWORKDAYS.INTL(start_date, end_date, [, weekend], [, holidays]) where start_date is the first date of the period, entered using the Date function or other date and time function. end_date is the last date of the period, entered using the Date function or other date and time function. weekend is an optional argument, a number or a string that specifies which days to consider weekends. The possible numbers are listed in the table below. Number Weekend days 1 or omitted Saturday, Sunday 2 Sunday, Monday 3 Monday, Tuesday 4 Tuesday, Wednesday 5 Wednesday, Thursday 6 Thursday, Friday 7 Friday, Saturday 11 Sunday only 12 Monday only 13 Tuesday only 14 Wednesday only 15 Thursday only 16 Friday only 17 Saturday only A string that specifies weekend days must contain 7 characters. Each character represents a day of the week, starting from Monday. 0 represents a workday, 1 represents a weekend day. E.g. \"0000011\" specifies that weekend days are Saturday and Sunday. The string \"1111111\" is not valid. holidays is an optional argument that specifies which dates in addition to weekend are nonworking. You can enter them using the Date function or other date and time function or specify a reference to a range of cells containing dates. To apply the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Date and time function group from the list, click the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/networkdays.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NETWORKDAYS", 
        "body": "La funzione NETWORKDAYS è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero di giornate lavorative tra due date (data di inizio e data di fine), esclusi weekend e date considerate come gioni festivi. La sintassi della funzione NETWORKDAYS è: NETWORKDAYS(start-date, end-date [,holidays]) dove start-date è il numero rappresentante la prima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. end-date è il numero rappresentante l'ultima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. holidays sono gli argomenti opzionali inseriti a mano come numeri di serie elencati o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NETWORKDAYS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NETWORKDAYS, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/nominal.htm", 
        "title": "NOMINAL Function", 
        "body": "The NOMINAL function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the nominal annual interest rate for a security based on a specified effective annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year. The NOMINAL function syntax is: NOMINAL(effect-rate, npery) where effect-rate is the effective annual interest rate of the security. npery is the number of compounding periods per year. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the NOMINAL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the NOMINAL function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/norm-dist.htm", 
        "title": "NORM.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The NORM.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. The NORM.DIST function syntax is: NORM.DIST(x, mean, standard-dev, cumulative) where x is the value you want to calculate the distribution for, any numeric value. mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution, any numeric value. standard-dev is the standard deviation of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is the form of the function, a logical value: TRUE or FALSE. If cumulative is TRUE, the function will return the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it will return the probability mass function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the NORM.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the NORM.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/norm-inv.htm", 
        "title": "NORM.INV Function", 
        "body": "The NORM.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. The NORM.INV function syntax is: NORM.INV(probability, mean, standard-dev) where probability is the probability corresponding to the normal distribution, any numeric value greater than 0, but less than 1. mean is the arithmetic mean of the distribution, any numeric value. standard-dev is the standard deviation of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the NORM.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the NORM.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/norm-s-dist.htm", 
        "title": "NORM.S.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The NORM.S.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the standard normal distribution (has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one). The NORM.S.DIST function syntax is: NORM.S.DIST(z, cumulative) where z is the value at which the function should be calculated, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability mass function. To apply the NORM.S.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the NORM.S.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/norm-s-inv.htm", 
        "title": "NORM.S.INV Function", 
        "body": "The NORM.S.INV function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution; the distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. The NORM.S.INV function syntax is: NORM.S.INV(probability) where probability is a numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1 entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the NORM.S.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the NORM.S.INV function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/normdist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NORMDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione NORMDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la distribuzione normale per la media e la deviazione standard specificate. La sintassi della funzione NORMDIST è: NORMDIST(x , mean , standard-deviation , cumulative-flag) dove x è il valore la cui distribuzione desiderate calcolare, qualsiasi valore numerico. mean è la media aritmetica della distribuzione, qualsiasi valore numerico. standard-deviation è la deviazione standard della distribuzione, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. cumulative-flag è la forma della funzione, un valore logico: TRUE o FALSE. Se cumulative-flag è TRUE, la funzione restituisce la funzione di distribuzione cumulativa; se FALSE, viene restituita la funzione probabilità di masse. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NORMDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NORMDIST, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/norminv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NORMINV", 
        "body": "La funzione NORMINV è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire l'inversa della distribuzione normale cumulativa per la media e la deviazione standard specificate. La sintassi della funzione NORMINV è: NORMINV(x, mean, standard-deviation) dove x è la probabilità corrispondente alla distribuzione normale, qualsiasi valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0, ma minore o uguale a 1. mean è la media aritmetica della distribuzione, qualsiasi valore numerico. standard-deviation è la deviazione standard della distribuzione, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NORMINV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NORMINV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/normsdist.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NORMSDIST", 
        "body": "La funzione NORMSDIST è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la distribuzione normale cumulativa standard. La sintassi della funzione NORMSDIST è: NORMSDIST(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NORMSDIST, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NORMSDIST, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/normsinv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NORMSINV", 
        "body": "La funzione NORMSINV è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire l'inversa della distribuzione normale cumulativa standard. La sintassi della funzione NORMSINV è: NORMSINV(probability) dove probability è un valore numerico maggiore di 0 ma minore di 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NORMSINV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NORMSINV, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/not.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NOT", 
        "body": "La funzione NOT è una delle funzioni logiche. Si usa per verificare se il valore logico inserito è VERO (TRUE) o FALSO (FALSE). La funzione restituisce TRUE se l'argomento è FALSO e FALSE se l'argomento è VERO. La sintassi della funzione NOT è: NOT(logical) dove logical è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NOT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logical dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NOT, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: C'è un argomento: logical = A1<100, dove A1 è 12. Questa espressione logica è VERA. Allora la funzione restituisce FALSE. Se cambiamo il valore A1 da 12 a 112, la funzione restituisce TRUE:"
        "id": "Functions/now.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NOW", 
        "body": "La funzione NOW è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per aggiungere la data corrente nel vostro foglio di lavoro nel seguente formato MM/dd/yy hh:mm. Questa funzione non richiede un argomento. La sintassi della funzione NOW è: NOW() Per applicare la funzione NOW, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NOW, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/nper.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NPER", 
        "body": "La funzione NPER è una delle funzioni finanziarie. Si usa per calcolare il numero di periodi per un investimento basato su un tasso di interesse specificato e uno scadenzario dei pagamenti costante. La sintassi della funzione NPER è: NPER(rate, pmt, pv [, [fv] [,[type]]]) dove rate è il tasso di interesse. pmt è l'importo del pagamento. pv è il valore attuale dei pagamenti. fv è il valore futuro di un investimento. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, fv sarà considerato pari a 0. type è il periodo quando i pagamenti devono essere effettuati. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è pari a 0 o assente, la funzione considererà che i pagamenti devono essere effettuati alla fine del periodo. Se type è pari a 1, i pagamenti devono essere effettuati all'inizio del periodo. Nota: il contante pagato in cambio (quali depositi di risparmio) è rappresentato da un numero negativo; il cantante ricevuto (quale dividendi) è rappresentato da un numero positivo. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NPER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Finanziarie dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NPER, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/npv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione NPV", 
        "body": "La funzione NPV è una delle funzioni finanziarie. Si usa per calcolare il valore attuale netto di un investimento basato su un tasso di sconto specificato. La sintassi della funzione NPV è: NPV(rate, argument-list) dove rate è il tasso di sconto. argument-list è l'elenco dei pagamenti futuri. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione NPV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Finanziarie dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione NPV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/numbervalue.htm", 
        "title": "NUMBERVALUE Function", 
        "body": "The NUMBERVALUE function is one of the text and data functions. Is used to convert text to a number, in a locale-independent way. If the converted text is not a number, the function will return a #VALUE! error. The NUMBERVALUE function syntax is: NUMBERVALUE(text [, [decimal-separator] [, [group-separator]]) where text is text data that represents a number. decimal-separator is the character used to separate the integer and fractional part of the result. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the current locale is used. group-separator is the character used to separate groupings of numbers, such as thousands from hundreds and millions from thousands. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the current locale is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the NUMBERVALUE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Text and data function group from the list, click the NUMBERVALUE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/oct2bin.htm", 
        "title": "OCT2BIN Function", 
        "body": "The OCT2BIN function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert an octal number to a binary number. The OCT2BIN function syntax is: OCT2BIN(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is an octal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the argument is not recognised as an octal number, or contains more than 10 characters, or the resulting binary number requires more digits than you specified, or the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the OCT2BIN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the OCT2BIN function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/oct2dec.htm", 
        "title": "OCT2DEC Function", 
        "body": "The OCT2DEC function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert an octal number to a decimal number. The OCT2DEC function syntax is: OCT2DEC(number) where number is an octal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Note: if the argument is not recognised as an octal number, or contains more than 10 characters, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the OCT2DEC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the OCT2DEC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/oct2hex.htm", 
        "title": "OCT2HEX Function", 
        "body": "The OCT2HEX function is one of the engineering functions. It is used to convert an octal number to a hexadecimal number. The OCT2HEX function syntax is: OCT2HEX(number [, num-hex-digits]) where number is an octal number entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. num-hex-digits is the number of digits to display. If omitted, the function will use the minimum number. Note: if the argument is not recognised as an octal number, or contains more than 10 characters, or the resulting hexadecimal number requires more digits than you specified, or the specified num-hex-digits number is less than or equal to 0, the function will return the #NUM! error. To apply the OCT2HEX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Engineering function group from the list, click the OCT2HEX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/odd.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ODD", 
        "body": "La funzione ODD è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare il numero per eccesso al numero intero pari più vicino. La sintassi della funzione ODD è: ODD(number) dove number è il numero da arrotondare, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ODD, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ODD, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/oddfprice.htm", 
        "title": "ODDFPRICE Function", 
        "body": "The ODDFPRICE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the price per $100 par value for a security that pays periodic interest but has an odd first period (it is shorter or longer than other periods). The ODDFPRICE function syntax is: ODDFPRICE(settlement, maturity, issue, first-coupon, rate, yld, redemption, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. issue is the issue date of the security. first-coupon is the first coupon date. This date must be after the settlement date but before the maturity date. rate is the security interest rate. yld is the annual yield of the security. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ODDFPRICE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ODDFPRICE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/oddfyield.htm", 
        "title": "ODDFYIELD Function", 
        "body": "The ODDFYIELD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the yield of a security that pays periodic interest but has an odd first period (it is shorter or longer than other periods). The ODDFYIELD function syntax is: ODDFYIELD(settlement, maturity, issue, first-coupon, rate, pr, redemption, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. issue is the issue date of the security. first-coupon is the first coupon date. This date must be after the settlement date but before the maturity date. rate is the security interest rate. pr is the purchase price of the security, per $100 par value. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ODDFYIELD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ODDFYIELD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/oddlprice.htm", 
        "title": "ODDLPRICE Function", 
        "body": "The ODDLPRICE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the price per $100 par value for a security that pays periodic interest but has an odd last period (it is shorter or longer than other periods). The ODDLPRICE function syntax is: ODDLPRICE(settlement, maturity, last-interest, rate, yld, redemption, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. last-interest is the last coupon date. This date must be before the settlement date. rate is the security interest rate. yld is the annual yield of the security. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ODDLPRICE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ODDLPRICE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/oddlyield.htm", 
        "title": "ODDLYIELD Function", 
        "body": "The ODDLYIELD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the yield of a security that pays periodic interest but has an odd last period (it is shorter or longer than other periods). The ODDLYIELD function syntax is: ODDLYIELD(settlement, maturity, last-interest, rate, pr, redemption, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. last-interest is the last coupon date. This date must be before the settlement date. rate is the security interest rate. pr is the purchase price of the security, per $100 par value. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ODDLYIELD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the ODDLYIELD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/offset.htm", 
        "title": "OFFSET Function", 
        "body": "The OFFSET function is one of the lookup and reference functions. It is used to return a reference to a cell displaced from the specified cell (or the upper-left cell in the range of cells) to a certain number of rows and columns. The OFFSET function syntax is: OFFSET(reference, rows, cols[, [height] [, [width]]]) where reference is a reference to an initial cell or range of cells. rows is a number of rows, up or down, that you want the upper-left cell in the returned reference to refer to. Positive numbers mean the result will shift below the initial cell. Negative values mean it will shift above the initial cell. cols is a number of columns, to the left or right, that you want the upper-left cell in the returned reference to refer to. Positive numbers mean the result will shift to the right of the initial cell. Negative values mean it will shift to the left of the initial cell. height is a number of rows in the returned reference. The value must be a positive number. It's an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume it to be equal to the initial range height. width is a number of columns in the returned reference. The value must be a positive number. It's an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume it to be equal to the initial range width. To apply the OFFSET function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Lookup and Reference function group from the list, click the OFFSET function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/or.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione OR", 
        "body": "La funzione OR è una delle funzioni logiche. Si usa per verificare se il valore logico inserito è VERO (TRUE) o FALSO (FALSE). La funzione restituisce FALSE se tutti gli argomenti sono FALSI. La sintassi della funzione OR è: OR(logical1, logical2, ...) dove logical1 è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione OR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione OR, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, Nota: potete inserire fino a 265 valori logici. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. La funzione restituisce TRUE se almeno uno degli argomenti è VERO. Esempio: Ci sono tre argomenti: logical1 = A1<10, logical2 = 34<10, logical3 = 50<10, dove A1 è 12. Tutte queste espressioni sono FALSE. Allora la funzione restituisce FALSE. Se cambiamo il valore A1 da 12 a 2, la funzione restituisce TRUE:"
        "id": "Functions/pduration.htm", 
        "title": "PDURATION Function", 
        "body": "The PDURATION function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value. The PDURATION function syntax is: PDURATION(rate, pv, fv) where rate is the interest rate per period. pv is the present value of the investment. fv is the desired future value of the investment. Note: all arguments must be represented by positive numbers. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PDURATION function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the PDURATION function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/pearson.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PEARSON", 
        "body": "La funzione PEARSON è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire il coefficiente di correlazione prodotto-momento di Pearson. La sintassi della funzione PEARSON è: PEARSON(array-1, array-2) dove array-1 e array-2 sono le matrici o gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di elementi. Nota: se array-1(2) contiene testi, valori logici, o celle vuote, la funzione ignora questi valori, però tratta le celle con i valori zero. Per applicare la funzione PEARSON, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PEARSON, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/percentile-exc.htm", 
        "title": "PERCENTILE.EXC Function", 
        "body": "The PERCENTILE.EXC function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, exclusive. The PERCENTILE.EXC function syntax is: PERCENTILE.EXC(array, k) where array is the selected range of cells for which you want to calculate the k-th percentile. k is the percentile value, a numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1, entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PERCENTILE.EXC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the PERCENTILE.EXC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/percentile-inc.htm", 
        "title": "PERCENTILE.INC Function", 
        "body": "The PERCENTILE.INC function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, inclusive. The PERCENTILE.INC function syntax is: PERCENTILE.INC(array, k) where array is the selected range of cells for which you want to calculate the k-th percentile. k is the percentile value, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0 but less than or equal to 1, entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PERCENTILE.INC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the PERCENTILE.INC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/percentile.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PERCENTILE", 
        "body": "La funzione PERCENTILE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire il dato percentile. La sintassi della funzione PERCENTILE è: PERCENTILE(array, k) dove array è una matrice o un intervallo di celle. k è il valore del percentile, un valore numerico maggiore di 0 ma minore di 1 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione PERCENTILE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PERCENTILE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/percentrank-exc.htm", 
        "title": "PERCENTRANK.EXC Function", 
        "body": "The PERCENTRANK.EXC function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage (0..1, exclusive) of the data set. The PERCENTRANK.EXC function syntax is: PERCENTRANK.EXC(array, x[, significance]) where array is the selected range of cells containing the numeric values. x is the value you want to find the rank for, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. significance is the number of significant digits to return the rank for. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume significance to be 3. To apply the PERCENTRANK.EXC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the PERCENTRANK.EXC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/percentrank-inc.htm", 
        "title": "PERCENTRANK.INC Function", 
        "body": "The PERCENTRANK.INC function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage (0..1, inclusive) of the data set. The PERCENTRANK.INC function syntax is: PERCENTRANK.INC(array, x[, significance]) where array is the selected range of cells containing the numeric values. x is the value you want to find the rank for, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. significance is the number of significant digits to return the rank for. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume significance to be 3. To apply the PERCENTRANK.INC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the PERCENTRANK.INC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/percentrank.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PERCENTRANK", 
        "body": "La funzione PERCENTRANK è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire il rango di un valore in un insieme di dati come percentuale dell'insieme. La sintassi della funzione PERCENTRANK è: PERCENTRANK(array, x[, significance]) dove array è una matrice o un intervallo di celle contenente i valori numerici. x è il valore il cui rango desiderate trovare, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. significance è il numero di cifre significative. Questo è un argomento opzionale. Se l'argomento è assente significance viene considerato pari a 3. Per applicare la funzione PERCENTRANK, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PERCENTRANK, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/permut.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PERMUT", 
        "body": "La funzione PERMUT è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire il numero di permutazioni per un numero di elementi specificato. La sintassi della funzione PERMUT è: PERMUT(number, number-chosen) dove number è il numero di elementi. number-chosen è il numero di elementi in una permutazione. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione PERMUT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PERMUT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/permutationa.htm", 
        "title": "PERMUTATIONA Function", 
        "body": "The PERMUTATIONA function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the number of permutations for a given number of objects (with repetitions) that can be selected from the total objects. The PERMUTATIONA function syntax is: PERMUTATIONA(number, number-chosen) where number is a number of items in the set, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. number-chosen is a number of items in one permutation, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0 and less than number. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PERMUTATIONA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the PERMUTATIONA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/phi.htm", 
        "title": "PHI Function", 
        "body": "The PHI function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the value of the density function for a standard normal distribution. The PHI function syntax is: PHI(x) where x is the value you want to calculate the density function for, any numeric value. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PHI function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the PHI function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/pi.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PI", 
        "body": "La funzione PI è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la costante matematica pi, uguale a 3.14159265358979. Questa funzione non richiede un argomento. La sintassi della funzione PI è: PI() Per applicare la funzione PI, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PI, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/pmt.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PMT", 
        "body": "La funzione PMT è una delle funzioni finanziarie. Si usa per calcolare l'importo del pagamento per un prestito basato su un tasso di interesse specificato e uno scadenzario dei pagamenti costante. La sintassi della funzione PMT è: PMT(rate, nper, pv [, [fv] [,[type]]]) dove rate è il tasso di interesse. nper è il numero di pagamenti. pv è il valore attuale. fv è il valore futuro rimanente dopo che tutti i pagamenti sono effettuati. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, fv è considerato pari a 0. type è il periodo quando i pagamenti devono essere effettuati. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è pari a 0 o assente, la funzione considererà che i pagamenti devono essere effettuati alla fine del periodo. Se type è pari a 1, i pagamenti devono essere effettuati all'inizio del periodo. Nota: il contante pagato in cambio (quali depositi di risparmio) è rappresentato da un numero negativo; il cantante ricevuto (quale dividendi) è rappresentato da un numero positivo. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione PMT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Finanziarie dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PMT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/poisson-dist.htm", 
        "title": "POISSON.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The POISSON.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the Poisson distribution; a common application of the Poisson distribution is predicting the number of events over a specific time, such as the number of cars arriving at a toll plaza in 1 minute. The POISSON.DIST function syntax is: POISSON.DIST(x, mean, cumulative) where x is the number of events, a numeric value greater than 0. mean is the expected numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is the form of the function, a logical value: TRUE or FALSE. If cumulative is TRUE, the function will return the cumulative Poisson probability; if FALSE, it will return the Poisson probability mass function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the POISSON.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the POISSON.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/poisson.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione POISSON", 
        "body": "La funzione POISSON è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la distribuzione Poisson. La sintassi della funzione POISSON è: POISSON(x, mean, cumulative-flag) dove x è il numero di eventi, un valore numerico maggiore di 0. mean è il valore numerico previsto maggiore di 0. cumulative-flag è la forma della funzione, un valore logico: TRUE o FALSE. Se cumulative-flag è TRUE, la funzione restituisce la probabilità Poisson cumulativa; se FALSE, viene restituita la funzione probabilità Poisson di massa. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione POISSON, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione POISSON, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/power.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione POWER", 
        "body": "La funzione POWER è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il risultato di un numero elevato alla potenza desiderata. La sintassi della funzione POWER è: POWER(number, power) dove number è il numero da elevare. power è la potenza alla quale desiderate elevare il numero. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione POWER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione POWER, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/ppmt.htm", 
        "title": "PPMT Function", 
        "body": "The PPMT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the principal payment for an investment based on a specified interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The PPMT function syntax is: PPMT(rate, per, nper, pv [, [fv] [,[type]]]) where rate is the interest rate for the investment. per is the period you want to find the principal payment for. The value must be from 1 to nper. nper is a number of payments. pv is a present value of the payments. fv is a future value (i.e. a cash balance remaining after the last payment is made). It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume fv to be 0. type is a period when the payments are due. It is an optional argument. If it is set to 0 or omitted, the function will assume the payments to be due at the end of the period. If type is set to 1, the payments are due at the beginning of the period. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. Units for rate and nper must be consistent: use N%/12 for rate and N*12 for nper in case of monthly payments, N%/4 for rate and N*4 for nper in case of quarterly payments, N% for rate and N for nper in case of annual payments. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PPMT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the PPMT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/price.htm", 
        "title": "PRICE Function", 
        "body": "The PRICE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the price per $100 par value for a security that pays periodic interest. The PRICE function syntax is: PRICE(settlement, maturity, rate, yld, redemption, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. rate is the annual coupon rate of the security. yld is the annual yield of the security. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PRICE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the PRICE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/pricedisc.htm", 
        "title": "PRICEDISC Function", 
        "body": "The PRICEDISC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the price per $100 par value for a discounted security. The PRICEDISC function syntax is: PRICEDISC(settlement, maturity, discount, redemption[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. discount is the security discount rate. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PRICEDISC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the PRICEDISC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/pricemat.htm", 
        "title": "PRICEMAT Function", 
        "body": "The PRICEMAT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the price per $100 par value for a security that pays interest at maturity. The PRICEMAT function syntax is: PRICEMAT(settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yld[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. issue is the issue date of the security. rate is the security interest rate at the issue date. yld is the annual yield of the security. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the PRICEMAT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the PRICEMAT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/prob.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PROB", 
        "body": "La funzione PROB è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la probabilità dei valori in una serie entro certi limiti. La sintassi della funzione PROB è: PROB(x-range, probability-range, lower-limit[, upper-limit]) dove x-range è un intervallo di celle contenente i valori numerici ai quali desiderate associare le probabilità. probability-range è un insieme delle probabilità associate ai valori in x-range, un intervallo di celle selezionato contenente i valori numerici maggiori di 0 ma minori di 1. La somma dei valori in probability-range deve essere pari a 1, altrimenti viene restituito l'errore #NUM!. Nota: x-range deve contenere lo stesso numero di elementi che probability-range. lower-limit è il limite inferiore di un valore, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. upper-limit è il limite superiore di un valore, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Questo è un argomento opzionale. Se l'argomento è assente, la funzione restituisce la probabilità pari a lower-limit. Per applicare la funzione PROB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PROB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/product.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PRODUCT", 
        "body": "La funzione PRODUCT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa moltiplicare tutti i numeri dell'intervallo di celle scelto e restituire il prodotto. La sintassi della funzione PRODUCT è: PRODUCT(number1, number2, ...) dove number1(2) sono i valori numerici inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione PRODUCT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PRODUCT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/proper.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PROPER", 
        "body": "La funzione PROPER è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per convertire in maiuscolo la prima lettera di ciascuna parola mentre tutti gli altri caratteri rimangono in minuscolo. La sintassi della funzione PROPER è: PROPER(text) dove text sono i dati inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione PROPER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PROPER, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/pv.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione PV", 
        "body": "La funzione PV è una delle funzioni finanziarie. Si usa per calcolare il valore attuale di un investimento basato sul tasso di interesse specificato e uno scadenzario dei pagamenti costante. La sintassi della funzione PV è: PV(rate, nper, pmt [, [fv] [,[type]]]) dove rate è il tasso di interesse. nper è il numero di pagamenti. pmt è l'importo del pagamento. fv è il valore futuro. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, fv sara considerata pari a 0. type è il periodo quando i pagamenti devono essere effettuati. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è pari a 0 o assente, la funzione considererà che i pagamenti devono essere effettuati alla fine del periodo. Se type è pari a 1, i pagamenti devono essere effettuati all'inizio del periodo. Nota: il contante pagato in cambio (quali depositi di risparmio) è rappresentato da un numero negativo; il cantante ricevuto (quale dividendi) è rappresentato da un numero positivo. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione PV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Finanziarie dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione PV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/quartile-exc.htm", 
        "title": "QUARTILE.EXC Function", 
        "body": "The QUARTILE.EXC function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the quartile of the data set, based on percentile values from 0..1, exclusive. The QUARTILE.EXC function syntax is: QUARTILE.EXC(array, quart) where array is the selected range of cells you want to analyse, quart is the quartile value that you wish to return, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. The quartile value can be one of the following: Numeric value Quartile 1 First quartile (25th percentile) 2 Second quartile (50th percentile) 3 Third quartile (75th percentile) To apply the QUARTILE.EXC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the QUARTILE.EXC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/quartile-inc.htm", 
        "title": "QUARTILE.INC Function", 
        "body": "The QUARTILE.INC function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the quartile of the data set, based on percentile values from 0..1, inclusive. The QUARTILE.INC function syntax is: QUARTILE.INC(array, quart) where array is the selected range of cells you want to analyse, quart is the quartile value that you wish to return, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. The quartile value can be one of the following: Numeric value Quartile 0 Smallest value in the range of data 1 First quartile (25th percentile) 2 Second quartile (50th percentile) 3 Third quartile (75th percentile) 4 Largest value in the data set To apply the QUARTILE.INC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the QUARTILE.INC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/quartile.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione QUARTILE", 
        "body": "La funzione QUARTILE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire il quartile. La sintassi della funzione QUARTILE è: QUARTILE(array , result-category) dove array è una matrice o un intervallo di celle da analizzare, result-category è il valore quartile che desiderate restituire, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Il valore quartile può essere uno dei seguenti: Valore numerico Quartile 0 Valore più piccolo in una serie di dati 1 Primo quartile (venticinquesimo percentile) 2 Secondo quartile (cinquantesimo percentile) 3 Terzo quartile (settantacinquesimo percentile) 4 Valore più grande in una serie di dati Per applicare la funzione QUARTILE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione QUARTILE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/quotient.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione QUOTIENT", 
        "body": "La funzione QUOTIENT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la parte intera di una divisione. La sintassi della funzione QUOTIENT è: QUOTIENT(dividend, divisor) dove dividend e divisor sono i valori numerici inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione QUOTIENT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione QUOTIENT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/radians.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione RADIANS", 
        "body": "La funzione RADIANS è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per convertire i gradi in radianti. La sintassi della funzione RADIANS è: RADIANS(number) dove number è un valore numerico (gradi) inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione RADIANS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione RADIANS, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/rand.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione RAND", 
        "body": "La funzione RAND è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire un numero casuale maggiore o uguale a 0 ed minore di 1. La funzione non richiede un argomento. La sintassi della funzione RAND è: RAND() Per applicare la funzione RAND, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione RAND, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/randbetween.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione RANDBETWEEN", 
        "body": "La funzione RANDBETWEEN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per resituire un numero casuale maggiore o uguale a lower-bound e minore o uguale a upper-bound. La sintassi della funzione RANDBETWEEN è: RANDBETWEEN(lower-bound, upper-bound) dove lower-bound è il valore intero minimo. upper-bound è il valore intero massimo. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Nota: se lower-bound è superiore a upper-bound, la funzione restituisce l'errore #NUM!. Per applicare la funzione RANDBETWEEN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione RANDBETWEEN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/rank-avg.htm", 
        "title": "RANK.AVG Function", 
        "body": "The RANK.AVG function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the rank of a number in a list of numbers. The rank of a number is its size relative to other values in a list (if you were to sort the list, the rank of the number would be its position). If more than one value has the same rank, the average rank is returned. The RANK.AVG function syntax is: RANK.AVG(number, ref[, order]) where number is the value you want to find the rank for. ref is the selected range of cells containing the specified number. order is the numeric value that specifyes how to order the ref array. It is an optional argument. If it is 0 or omitted, the function ranks number as if ref were a list sorted in descending order. Аny other numeric value is treated as the value 1 and the function ranks number as if ref were a list sorted in ascending order. To apply the RANK.AVG function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the RANK.AVG function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/rank-eq.htm", 
        "title": "RANK.EQ Function", 
        "body": "The RANK.EQ function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the rank of a number in a list of numbers. The rank of a number is its size relative to other values in a list (if you were to sort the list, the rank of the number would be its position). If more than one value has the same rank, the top rank of that set of values is returned. The RANK.EQ function syntax is: RANK.EQ(number, ref[, order]) where number is the value you want to find the rank for. ref is the selected range of cells containing the specified number. order is the numeric value that specifyes how to order the ref array. It is an optional argument. If it is 0 or omitted, the function ranks number as if ref were a list sorted in descending order. Аny other numeric value is treated as the value 1 and the function ranks number as if ref were a list sorted in ascending order. To apply the RANK.EQ function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the RANK.EQ function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/rank.htm", 
        "title": "RANK Function", 
        "body": "The RANK function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the rank of a number in a list of numbers. The rank of a number is its size relative to other values in a list (if you were to sort the list, the rank of the number would be its position). The RANK function syntax is: RANK(number, ref[, order]) where number is the value you want to find the rank for. ref is the selected range of cells containing the specified number. order is the numeric value that specifyes how to order the ref array. It is an optional argument. If it is 0 or omitted, the function ranks number as if ref were a list sorted in descending order. Аny other numeric value is treated as the value 1 and the function ranks number as if ref were a list sorted in ascending order. To apply the RANK function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the RANK function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/rate.htm", 
        "title": "RATE Function", 
        "body": "The RATE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the interest rate for an investment based on a constant payment schedule. The RATE function syntax is: RATE(nper, pmt, pv [, [[fv] [,[[type] [,[guess]]]]]]) where nper is a number of payments. pmt is a payment amount. pv is a present value of the payments. fv is a future value (i.e. a cash balance remaining after the last payment is made). It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume fv to be 0. type is a period when the payments are due. It is an optional argument. If it is set to 0 or omitted, the function will assume the payments to be due at the end of the period. If type is set to 1, the payments are due at the beginning of the period. guess is an estimate at what the rate will be. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume guess to be 10%. Note: cash paid out (such as deposits to savings) is represented by negative numbers; cash received (such as dividend checks) is represented by positive numbers. Units for guess and nper must be consistent: use N%/12 for guess and N*12 for nper in case of monthly payments, N%/4 for guess and N*4 for nper in case of quarterly payments, N% for guess and N for nper in case of annual payments. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the RATE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the RATE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/received.htm", 
        "title": "RECEIVED Function", 
        "body": "The RECEIVED function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security. The RECEIVED function syntax is: RECEIVED(settlement, maturity, investment, discount[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. investment is the amount paid for the security. discount is the security discount rate. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the RECEIVED function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the RECEIVED function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/replace.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione REPLACE/REPLACEB", 
        "body": "La funzione REPLACE/REPLACEB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per sostituire un set di caratteri, sulla base del numero di caratteri e la determinata posizione iniziale, da un nuovo set di caratteri. La funzione REPLACE è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre REPLACEB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione REPLACE/REPLACEB è: REPLACE(string-1, start-pos, number-chars, string-2) REPLACEB(string-1, start-pos, number-chars, string-2) dove string-1 è il testo originale da sostituire. start-pos è l'inizio del set da sostituire. number-chars è il numero di caratteri da sostituire. string-2 è un nuovo testo. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione REPLACE/REPLACEB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione REPLACE/REPLACEB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, Nota: la funzione EXACT è sensibile a maiuscole/minuscole. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/rept.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione REPT", 
        "body": "La funzione REPT è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per ripetere i dati nella cella selezionata quante volte desiderate. La sintassi della funzione REPT è: REPT(text, number_of_times) dove text sono i dati da ripetere. number_of_times è il numero di ripetizioni. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione REPT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione REPT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virogla, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/right.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione RIGHT/RIGHTB", 
        "body": "La funzione RIGHT/RIGHTB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per estrarre una sottostringa da una stringa a partire dal carattere destro sulla base di un determinato numero di caratteri. La funzione RIGHT è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre RIGHTB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione RIGHT/RIGHTB è: RIGHT(string [, number-chars]) RIGHTB(string [, number-chars]) dove string è una stringa dalla quale desiderate estrarre una sottostringa, number-chars è il numero di caratteri da estrarre. Questo è un argomento opzionale. L'argomento assente viene considerato pari a 1. I dati possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione RIGHT/RIGHTB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione RIGHT/RIGHTB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/roman.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ROMAN", 
        "body": "La funzione ROMAN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per convertire un numero ad una cifra romana. La sintassi della funzione ROMAN è: ROMAN(number, form) dove number è un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 1 e minore di 3999 inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. form è il tipo di cifra romana che può essere uno dei seguenti: Valore Tipo 0 Classico 1 Più conciso 2 Più conciso 3 Più conciso 4 Semplificato TRUE Classico FALSE Semplificato Per applicare la funzione ROMAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ROMAN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/round.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ROUND", 
        "body": "La funzione ROUND è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare il numero al numero di cifre desiderato. La sintassi della funzione ROUND è: ROUND(number, num_digits) dove number è il numero da arrotondare. num_digits è il numero di cifre al quale desiderate arrotondare. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ROUND, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ROUND, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/rounddown.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ROUNDDOWN", 
        "body": "La funzione ROUNDDOWN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare per difetto un numero al numero di cifre desiderato. La sintassi della funzione ROUNDDOWN è: ROUNDDOWN(number, num_digits) where number è il numero da arrotondare. num_digits è il numero di cifre al quale desiderate arrotondare per difetto. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ROUNDDOWN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ROUNDDOWN, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/roundup.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ROUNDUP", 
        "body": "La funzione ROUNDUP è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per arrotondare per eccesso un numero al numero di cifre desiderato. La sintassi della funzione ROUNDUP è: ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) where number è il numero da arrotondare. num_digits è il numero di cifre al quale desiderate arrotondare. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione ROUNDUP, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ROUNDUP, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/row.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ROW", 
        "body": "La funzione ROW è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire il numiro della riga in un riferimento di cella. La sintassi della funzione ROW è: ROW([reference]) dove reference è un riferimento ad una cella. Nota: reference è un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, la funzione restituisce il numero della riga della cella nella quale la funzione Row è inserita. Per applicare la funzione ROW, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ROW, inserite un argomentio richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/rows.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione ROWS", 
        "body": "La funzione ROWS è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per restituire il numero di righe in un riferimento di cella. La sintassi della funzione ROWS è: ROWS(array) dove array è un riferimento ad un intervallo di celle. Per applicare la funzione ROWS, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione ROWS, inserite un argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/rri.htm", 
        "title": "RRI Function", 
        "body": "The RRI function is one of the financial functions. It is used to return an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment. The RRI function syntax is: RRI(nper, pv, fv) where nper is a number of periods for the investment. pv is a present value of the investment. fv is a future value of the investment. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the RRI function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the RRI function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/rsq.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione RSQ", 
        "body": "La funzione RSQ è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire il quadrato del coefficiente di correlazione prodotto-momento di Pearson. La sintassi della funzione RSQ è: RSQ(array-1 , array-2) dove array-1 e array-2 sono le matrici o gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di elementi. Nota: se array-1(2) contiene testi, valori logici, o celle vuote, la funzione ignora questi valori, però prende in considerazione le celle con i valori zero. Per applicare la funzione RSQ, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione RSQ, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/search.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SEARCH/SEARCHB", 
        "body": "La funzione SEARCH/SEARCHB è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per restituire la locazione di una determinata sottostringa in una stringa. La funzione SEARCH è destinata alle lingue che usano il set di caratteri a un byte (SBCS), mentre SEARCHB per le lingue che usano il set di caratteri a due byte (DBCS) come giapponese, cinese, koreano ecc. La sintassi della funzione SEARCH/SEARCHB è: SEARCH(string-1, string-2 [,start-pos]) SEARCHB(string-1, string-2 [,start-pos]) dove string-1 è una sottostringa da trovare. string-2 è una stringa nella quale desiderate cercare una determinata sottostringa. start-pos è la posizione nella stringa da dove desiderate iniziare la ricerca. Questo è un argomento opzionale. Se è assente, la funzione effettua la ricerca dall'inizio di string-2. I dati possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se la funzione non trova nessuna corrispondenza, viene restituito l'errore #VALUE!. Per applicare la funzione SEARCH/SEARCHB, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SEARCH/SEARCHB, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, Nota: la funzione SEARCH/SEARCHB è sensibile a maiuscole/minuscole. premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sec.htm", 
        "title": "SEC Function", 
        "body": "The SEC function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the secant of an angle specified in radians. The SEC function syntax is: SEC(x) where x is the angle in radians that you wish to calculate the secant of. A numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Its absolute value must be less than 2^27. To apply the SEC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the SEC function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/sech.htm", 
        "title": "SECH Function", 
        "body": "The SECH function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to return the hyperbolic secant of an angle specified in radians. The SECH function syntax is: SECH(x) where x is the angle in radians that you wish to calculate the hyperbolic secant of. A numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. Its absolute value must be less than 2^27. To apply the SECH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the SECH function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/second.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SECOND", 
        "body": "La funzione SECOND è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire i secondi (un numero da 0 a 59) di un valore temporale. La sintassi della funzione SECOND è: SECOND( time-value ) dove time-value è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: time-value può essere espresso come un valore stringa (es. \"13:39:15\"), un numero decimale (es. 0.56 corrisponde a 13:26:24) , o il risultato di una formula (es. il risultato della funzione NOW - 9/26/12 13:39) Per applicare la funzione SECOND, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SECOND, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/seriessum.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SERIESSUM", 
        "body": "La funzione SERIESSUM è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la somma di una serie di potenze. La sintassi della funzione SERIESSUM è: SERIESSUM(input-value, intial-power, step, coefficients) dove input-value è il valore di input di una serie di potenze. intial-power è la potenza iniziale alla quale desiderate elevare input-value. step è l'intervallo tra le potenze nelle serie. coefficients sono i coefficienti ai quali viene moltiplicato ogni potenza successiva di input-value. Il numero di coefficients determina il numero di termini nella serie di potenze. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SERIESSUM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SERIESSUM, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sheet.htm", 
        "title": "SHEET Function", 
        "body": "The SHEET function is one of the information functions. It is used to return the sheet number of the reference sheet. The SHEET function syntax is: SHEET(value) where value is the name of a sheet or a reference for which you want the sheet number. If value is omitted, the current sheet number is returned. To apply the SHEET function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Information function group from the list, click the SHEET function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/sheets.htm", 
        "title": "SHEETS Function", 
        "body": "The SHEETS function is one of the information functions. It is used to return the number of sheets in a reference. The SHEETS function syntax is: SHEETS(reference) where reference is a reference for which you want to find out the number of sheets it contains. If reference is omitted, the number of sheets in the current workbook is returned. To apply the SHEETS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Information function group from the list, click the SHEETS function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/sign.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SIGN", 
        "body": "La funzione SIGN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il segno di un numero. Se il numero è positivo, la funzione restituisce 1. Se il numero è negativo, la funzione restituisce -1. Se il numero è 0, la funzione restituisce 0. La sintassi della funzione SIGN è: SIGN(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SIGN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SIGN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: L'argomento richiesto è A1, dove A1 è 12. Il numero è positivo, allora la funzione restituisce 1. Se cambiamo il valore A1 da 12 a -12, la funzione restituisce -1:"
        "id": "Functions/sin.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SIN", 
        "body": "La funzione SIN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il seno di un angolo. La sintassi della funzione SIN è: SIN(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SIN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SIN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sinh.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SINH", 
        "body": "La funzione SINH è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire il seno iperbolico di un numero. La sintassi della funzione SINH è: SINH(number) dove number è qualsiasi valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SINH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SINH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/skew-p.htm", 
        "title": "SKEW.P Function", 
        "body": "The SKEW.P function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the skewness of a distribution based on a population: a characterization of the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its mean. The SKEW.P function syntax is: SKEW.P(number-1 [, number 2], ...) where number-1(2) is up to 254 numeric values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: if a reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, the function will ignore those values, but treat the cells with the zero values. To apply the SKEW.P function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the SKEW.P function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/skew.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SKEW", 
        "body": "La funzione SKEW è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire il grado di asimmetria di una distribuzione. La sintassi della funzione SKEW è: SKEW(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino a 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SKEW, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SKEW, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sln.htm", 
        "title": "SLN Function", 
        "body": "The SLN function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for one accounting period using the straight-line depreciation method. The SLN function syntax is: SLN(cost, salvage, life) where cost is the cost of the asset. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. life is the total number of the periods within the asset lifetime. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the SLN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the SLN function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/slope.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SLOPE", 
        "body": "La funzione SLOPE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire la pendenza della retta di regressione lineare tra i dati in due matrici. La sintassi della funzione SLOPE è: SLOPE(array-1 , array-2) dove array-1 e array-2 sono gli intervalli di celle selezionati con lo stesso numero di celle. Nota: se array-1(2) contiene testi, valori logici, o celle vuote, la funzione ignora questi valori però prende in considerazione le celle con i valori zero. Per applicare la funzione SLOPE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SLOPE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/small.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SMALL", 
        "body": "La funzione SMALL è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e trovare k-esimo valore più piccolo. La sintassi della funzione SMALL è: SMALL(array , k) dove array è una matrice o un intervallo di celle selezionato. k è la posizione del numero dal valore più piccolo, un valore numerci inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SMALL, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SMALL, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sqrt.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SQRT", 
        "body": "La funzione SQRT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la radice quadrata di un numero. La sintassi della funzione SQRT è: SQRT(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se number è un valore negativo, la funzione restituisce l'errore #NUM!. Per applicare la funzione SQRT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SQRT, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sqrtpi.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SQRTPI", 
        "body": "La funzione SQRTPI è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la radice quadrata della costante pi (3.14159265358979) moltiplicata al numero specificato. La sintassi della funzione SQRTPI è: SQRTPI(number) dove number è il numero al quale desiderate moltiplicare la costante pi, un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Nota: se number è un valore negativo, la funzione restituisce l'errore #NUM!. Per applicare la funzione SQRTPI, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SQRTPI, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/standardize.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione STANDARDIZE", 
        "body": "La funzione STANDARDIZE è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per restituire un valore normalizzato da una distribuzione caratterizzata dai parametri specificati. La sintassi della funzione STANDARDIZE è: STANDARDIZE(x, mean, standard-deviation) dove x è il valore da normalizzare. mean è la media aritmetica della distribuzione. standard-deviation è la deviazione standard della distribuzione, maggiore di 0. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione STANDARDIZE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione STANDARDIZE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/stdev-p.htm", 
        "title": "STDEV.P Function", 
        "body": "The STDEV.P function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to calculate standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments (ignores logical values and text). The STDEV.P function syntax is: STDEV.P(number1 [, number2], ...) where number-1(2) is up to 254 numeric values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: if a reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, the function will ignore those values, but treat the cells with the zero values. To apply the STDEV.P function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the STDEV.P function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/stdev-s.htm", 
        "title": "STDEV.S Function", 
        "body": "The STDEV.S function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to estimate standard deviation based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample). The STDEV.S function syntax is: STDEV.S(number1 [, number2], ...) where number-1(2) is up to 255 numeric values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: if a reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, the function will ignore those values, but treat the cells with the zero values. To apply the STDEV.S function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the STDEV.S function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/stdev.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione STDEV", 
        "body": "La funzione STDEV è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire la deviazione standard di una popolazione in base a un insieme dei numeri. La sintassi della funzione STDEV è: STDEV(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino a 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione STDEV, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione STDEV, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/stdeva.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione STDEVA", 
        "body": "La funzione STDEVA è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire la deviazione standard di una popolazione in base a un insieme dei numeri, testi, e valori logici (TRUE o FALSE). I testi e il valore FALSE vengono considerati pari a 0, TRUE pari a 1. La sintassi della funzione STDEVA è: STDEVA(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di dati fino a 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione STDEVA, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione STDEVA, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/stdevp.htm", 
        "title": "STDEVP Function", 
        "body": "The STDEVP function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the range of data and return the standard deviation of an entire population. The STDEVP function syntax is: STDEVP(argument-list) where argument-list is up to 255 numeric values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the STDEVP function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the STDEVP function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/stdevpa.htm", 
        "title": "STDEVPA Function", 
        "body": "The STDEVPA function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the range of data and return the standard deviation of an entire population. The STDEVPA function syntax is: STDEVPA(argument-list) where argument-list is up to 255 numeric values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: text and FALSE values are counted as 0, TRUE values are counted as 1, empty cells are ignored. To apply the STDEVPA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the STDEVPA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/steyx.htm", 
        "title": "STEYX Function", 
        "body": "The STEYX function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression line. The STEYX function syntax is: STEYX(known-ys, known-xs) where known-ys is an array of the dependent variables. known-xs is an array of the independent variables. The data values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Empty cells, logical values, text, or error values supplied as part of an array are ignored. If they are supplied directly to the function, text representations of numbers and logical values are interpreted as numbers. Note: the known-ys and known-xs must contain the same number of data values otherwise the function will return the #N/A error value. To apply the STEYX function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the STEYX function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/substitute.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUBSTITUTE", 
        "body": "La funzione SUBSTITUTE è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per sostituire un set di caratteri da un nuovo. La sintassi della funzione SUBSTITUTE è: SUBSTITUTE(string, old-string, new-string [, occurence]) dove string è una stringa nella quale desiderate sostituire un set di caratteri. old-string è une stringa da sostituire. new-string è una stringa nuova. occurence è il numero di occorenze da sostituire. Questo è un argomento opzionale, se assente, la funzione sostituisce tutte le occorenze in string. I dati possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SUBSTITUTE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUBSTITUTE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/subtotal.htm", 
        "title": "SUBTOTAL Function", 
        "body": "The SUBTOTAL function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. The function is used to return a subtotal in a list or database. The SUBTOTAL function syntax is: SUBTOTAL(function-number, argument-list) where function-number is a numeric value that specifies which function to use for the subtotal. The possible values are listed in the table below. For the function-number arguments 1 to 11, the SUBTOTAL function includes values of the rows that have been hidden manually. For the function-number arguments 101 to 111, the SUBTOTAL function ignores values of the rows that have been hidden manually. Values hidden by the filter are always excluded. argument-list is a reference to the cell range containing the values for which you want the subtotal. function-number (includes hidden values) function-number (excludes hidden values) Function 1 101 AVERAGE 2 102 COUNT 3 103 COUNTA 4 104 MAX 5 105 MIN 6 106 PRODUCT 7 107 STDEV 8 108 STDEVP 9 109 SUM 10 110 VAR 11 111 VARP To apply the SUBTOTAL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the SUBTOTAL function, enter the required arguments separating them by comma, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. The figure below displays the result returned by the SUBTOTAL function when several rows are hidden."
        "id": "Functions/sum.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUM", 
        "body": "La funzione SUM è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per aggiungere tutti i numeri dell'intervallo selezionato e restituire il risultato. La sintassi della funzione SUM è: SUM(number1, number2, ...) dove number1(2) sono i valori numerici inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SUM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu, o cliccate sull'icona sulla barra della formula e selezionate la funzione SUM dal gruppo Matematiche e trigonometriche, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sumif.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUMIF", 
        "body": "La funzione SUMIF è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la somma di tutti i numeri in un intervallo di celle scelto in base ad un determinato criterio. La sintassi della funzione SUMIF è: SUMIF(cell-range, selection-criteria [, sum-range]) dove cell-range è l'intervallo di celle al quale viene applicato il criterio. selection-criteria è il criterio usato per determinare le celle da riassumere, un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. sum-range è l'intervallo di celle da riassumere. E' un argomento opzionale, se assente, la funzione riassume i numeri in cell-range. Per applicare la funzione SUMIF, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUMIF, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sumifs.htm", 
        "title": "SUMIFS Function", 
        "body": "The SUMIFS function is one of the math and trigonometry functions. It is used to add all the numbers in the selected range of cells based on multiple criteria and return the result. The SUMIFS function syntax is: SUMIFS(sum-range, criteria-range1, criteria1, [criteria-range2, criteria2], ...) where sum-range is the range of cells to sum. criteria-range1 is the first selected range of cells to apply the criteria1 to. criteria1 is the first condition that must be met. It is applied to the criteria-range1 and used to determine the cells in the sum-range to sum. It can be a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. criteria-range2, criteria2, ... are additional ranges of cells and their corresponding criteria. These arguments are optional. Note: you can use wildcard characters when specifying criteria. The question mark \"?\" can replace any single character and the asterisk \"*\" can be used instead of any number of characters. To apply the SUMIFS function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Math and trigonometry function group from the list, click the SUMIFS function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/sumproduct.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUMPRODUCT", 
        "body": "La funzione SUMPRODUCT è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per moltiplicare i valori negli intervalli di celle scelte o matrici e restituire la somma dei prodotti. La sintassi della funzione SUMPRODUCT è: SUMPRODUCT(argument-lists) dove argument-lists sono i valori numerici insclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Potete inserire fino a 30 intervalli di celle o matrici. Nota: se argument-list contiene i valori non numerici, questi valori vengono considerati pari a 0. Per applicare la funzione SUMPRODUCT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUMPRODUCT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sumsq.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUMSQ", 
        "body": "La funzione SUMSQ è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la somma dei quadrati dei numeri. La sintassi della funzione SUMSQ è: SUMSQ(argument-list) dove argument-list è fino al 30 valori numerici inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione SUMSQ, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUMSQ, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sumx2my2.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUMX2MY2", 
        "body": "La funzione SUMX2MY2 è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la somma delle differenze dei quadrati tra due matrici. La sintassi della funzione SUMX2MY2 è: SUMX2MY2(array-1, array-2) dove array-1 e array-2 sono gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di colonne e righe. Per applicare la funzione SUMX2MY2, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUMX2MY2, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sumx2py2.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUMX2PY2", 
        "body": "La funzione SUMX2PY2 è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la somma dei quadrati dei numeri delle determinate matrici. La sintassi della funzione SUMX2PY2 è: SUMX2PY2(array-1, array-2) dove array-1 e array-2 sono gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di colonne e righe. Per applicare la funzione SUMX2PY2, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUMX2PY2, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/sumxmy2.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione SUMXMY2", 
        "body": "La funzione SUMXMY2 è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la somma dei quadrati delle differenze tra gli elementi corrispondenti nelle matrici. La sintassi della funzione SUMXMY2 è: SUMXMY2(array-1, array-2) dove array-1 e array-2 sono gli intervalli di celle con lo stesso numero di colonne e righe. Per applicare la funzione SUMXMY2, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonametriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione SUMXMY2, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/switch.htm", 
        "title": "SWITCH Function", 
        "body": "The SWITCH function is one of the logical functions. It is used to evaluate one value (called the expression) against a list of values, and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value. If there is no match, an optional default value may be returned. The SWITCH function syntax is: SWITCH(expression, value1, result1 [, [default or value2] [, [result2]], ...[default or value3, result3]]) where expression is the value that will be compared against value1 ...value126. value1 ...value126 is the value that will be compared against expression. result1 ...result126 is the result to be returned if the value1 ...value126 matches to the expression. default is the result to be returned if there are no matches. If the default argument is not specified and there are no matches, the function returns the #N/A error. Note: you can enter up to 254 arguments i.e. up to 126 pairs of values and results. To apply the SWITCH function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Logical function group from the list, click the SWITCH function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/syd.htm", 
        "title": "SYD Function", 
        "body": "The SYD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for a specified accounting period using the sum of the years' digits method. The SYD function syntax is: SYD(cost, salvage, life, per) where cost is the cost of the asset. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. life is the total number of the periods within the asset lifetime. per is the period you wish to calculate depreciation for. The value must be expressed in the same units as life. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the SYD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the SYD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t-dist-2t.htm", 
        "title": "T.DIST.2T Function", 
        "body": "The T.DIST.2T function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the two-tailed Student's t-distribution. The Student's t-distribution is used in the hypothesis testing of small sample data sets. Use this function in place of a table of critical values for the t-distribution. The T.DIST.2T function syntax is: T.DIST.2T(x, deg-freedom) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the T.DIST.2T function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the T.DIST.2T function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t-dist-rt.htm", 
        "title": "T.DIST.RT Function", 
        "body": "The T.DIST.RT function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the right-tailed Student's t-distribution. The t-distribution is used in the hypothesis testing of small sample data sets. Use this function in place of a table of critical values for the t-distribution. The T.DIST.RT function syntax is: T.DIST.RT(x, deg-freedom) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the T.DIST.RT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the T.DIST.RT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t-dist.htm", 
        "title": "T.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The T.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the Student's left-tailed t-distribution. The t-distribution is used in the hypothesis testing of small sample data sets. Use this function in place of a table of critical values for the t-distribution. The T.DIST function syntax is: T.DIST(x, deg-freedom, cumulative) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the T.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the T.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t-inv-2t.htm", 
        "title": "T.INV.2T Function", 
        "body": "The T.INV.2T function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution. The T.INV.2T function syntax is: T.INV.2T(probability, deg-freedom) where probability is the probability associated with the Student's t-distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the T.INV.2T function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the T.INV.2T function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t-inv.htm", 
        "title": "T.INV Function", 
        "body": "The T.INV function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the left-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution. The T.INV function syntax is: T.INV(probability, deg-freedom) where probability is the probability associated with the Student's t-distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than 1. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the T.INV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the T.INV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t-test.htm", 
        "title": "T.TEST Function", 
        "body": "The T.TEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the probability associated with a Student's t-Test. Use T.TEST to determine whether two samples are likely to have come from the same two underlying populations that have the same mean. The T.TEST function syntax is: T.TEST(array1, array2, tails, type) where array1 is the first range of numeric values. array2 is the second range of numeric values. tails is the number of distribution tails. If it is 1, the function uses the one-tailed distribution. If it is 2, the function uses the two-tailed distribution. type is a numeric value that specifies the kind of t-Test to be performed. The value can be one of the following: Numeric value The kind of t-Test 1 Paired 2 Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic) 3 Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic) The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the T.TEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the T.TEST function, enter the required arguments separating by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/t.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione T", 
        "body": "La funzione T è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per verificare se il valore nella cella (o usato come argomento) è un testo o non. Se questo non è un testo, la funzione restituisce il vuoto. Se il valore/argomento è un testo, la funzione restituisce lo stesso testo. La sintassi della funzione T è: T(value) dove value sono i dati inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione T, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione T, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta. Esempio: C'è un argomento: value = A1, dove A1 è date and time. Allora la funzione restituisce date and time. Se cambiamo i dati nella cella A1 dal testo ad un valore numerico, la funzione restituisce un vuoto."
        "id": "Functions/tan.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TAN", 
        "body": "La funzione TAN è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la tangente di un angolo. La sintassi della funzione TAN è: TAN(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TAN, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TAN, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/tanh.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TANH", 
        "body": "La funzione TANH è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire la tangente iperbolica di un numero. La sintassi della funzione TANH è: TANH(number) dove number è un valore numerico inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TANH, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TANH, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/tbilleq.htm", 
        "title": "TBILLEQ Function", 
        "body": "The TBILLEQ function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the bond-equivalent yield of a Treasury bill. The TBILLEQ function syntax is: TBILLEQ(settlement, maturity, discount) where settlement is the date when the Treasury bill is purchased. maturity is the date when the Treasury bill expires. This date must be within one year of the settlement date. discount is the discount rate of the Treasury bill. Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the TBILLEQ function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the TBILLEQ function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/tbillprice.htm", 
        "title": "TBILLPRICE Function", 
        "body": "The TBILLPRICE function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the price per $100 par value for a Treasury bill. The TBILLPRICE function syntax is: TBILLPRICE(settlement, maturity, discount) where settlement is the date when the Treasury bill is purchased. maturity is the date when the Treasury bill expires. This date must be within one year of the settlement date. discount is the discount rate of the Treasury bill. Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the TBILLPRICE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the TBILLPRICE function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/tbillyield.htm", 
        "title": "TBILLYIELD Function", 
        "body": "The TBILLYIELD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the yield of a Treasury bill. The TBILLYIELD function syntax is: TBILLYIELD(settlement, maturity, pr) where settlement is the date when the Treasury bill is purchased. maturity is the date when the Treasury bill expires. This date must be within one year of the settlement date. pr is the purchase price of the Treasury bill, per $100 par value. Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the TBILLYIELD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the TBILLYIELD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/tdist.htm", 
        "title": "TDIST Function", 
        "body": "The TDIST function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-distribution where a numeric value (x) is a calculated value of t for which the Percentage Points are to be computed. The t-distribution is used in the hypothesis testing of small sample data sets. Use this function in place of a table of critical values for the t-distribution. The TDIST function syntax is: TDIST(x, deg-freedom, tails) where x is the value at which the function should be calculated. A numeric value greater than 0. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. tails is a numeric value that specifies the number of distribution tails to return. If it is set to 1, the function returns the one-tailed distribution. If it is set to 2, the function returns the two-tailed distribution. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the TDIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the TDIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/text.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TEXT", 
        "body": "La funzione TEXT è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per convertire un valore in un testo in un determinato formato. La sintassi della funzione TEXT è: TEXT(value, format) dove value è un valore da convertire in un testo. format è il formato di visualizzazione del testo. I dati possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TEXT, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TEXT, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/textjoin.htm", 
        "title": "TEXTJOIN Function", 
        "body": "The TEXTJOIN function is one of the text and data functions. Is used to combine the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, and includes a delimiter you specify between each text value that will be combined; if the delimiter is an empty text string, this function will effectively concatenate the ranges. This function is similar to the CONCAT function, but the difference is that the CONCAT function cannot accept a delimiter. The TEXTJOIN function syntax is: TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1 [, text2], …) where delimiter is the delimiter to be inserted between the text values. Can be specified as a text string enclosed by double quotes (e.g. \",\" (comma), \" \" (space), \"\\\" (backslash) etc.) or as a reference to a cell or range of cells. ignore_empty is a logical value that specifies whether empty cells should be ignored. When the value is set to TRUE, empty cells are ignored. text1(2) is up to 252 data values. Each value can be a text string or a reference to a range of cells. To apply the TEXTJOIN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Text and data function group from the list, click the TEXTJOIN function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/time.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TIME", 
        "body": "La funzione TIME è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per aggiungere un'ora particolare nel formato scelto (hh:mm tt di default). La sintassi della funzione TIME è: TIME(hour, minute, second) dove hour è un numero da 0 a 23. minute è un numero da 0 a 59. second è un numero da 0 a 59. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TIME, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TIME, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/timevalue.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TIMEVALUE", 
        "body": "La funzione TIMEVALUE è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero di serie di un'ora. La sintassi della funzione TIMEVALUE è: TIMEVALUE(date-time-string) dove date-time-string è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TIMEVALUE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TIMEVALUE, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/tinv.htm", 
        "title": "TINV Function", 
        "body": "The TINV function is one of the statistical functions. Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution. The TINV function syntax is: TINV(probability, deg-freedom) where probability is the probability associated with the two-tailed Student's t-distribution. A numeric value greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1. deg-freedom is the number of degrees of freedom, an integer greater than or equal to 1. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the TINV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the TINV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/today.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TODAY", 
        "body": "La funzione TODAY è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per aggiungere la data corrente nel seguente formato MM/dd/yy. Questa funzione non richiede un argomento. La sintassi della funzione TODAY è: TODAY() Per applicare la funzione TODAY, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TODAY, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/transpose.htm", 
        "title": "TRANSPOSE Function", 
        "body": "The TRANSPOSE function is one of the lookup and reference functions. It is used to return the first element of an array. The TRANSPOSE function syntax is: TRANSPOSE(array) where array is a reference to a range of cells. To apply the TRANSPOSE function, select a cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Lookup and Reference function group from the list, click the TRANSPOSE function, select a range of cells with the mouse or enter it manually, like this A1:B2, press the Enter key. The result will be displayed in the selected range of cells."
        "id": "Functions/trim.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TRIM", 
        "body": "La funzione TRIM è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per eliminare gli spazi iniziali o finali da una stringa. La sintassi della funzione TRIM è: TRIM(string) dove string è un valore testuale inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TRIM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TRIM, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/trimmean.htm", 
        "title": "TRIMMEAN Function", 
        "body": "The TRIMMEAN function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the mean of the interior of a data set. TRIMMEAN calculates the mean taken by excluding a percentage of data points from the top and bottom tails of a data set. The TRIMMEAN function syntax is: TRIMMEAN(array, percent) where array is the range of numeric values to trim and average. percent is a total percent of data points to exclude from the calculation. A numeric value greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1. The number of excluded data points is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 2. E.g., if array contains 30 values and percent is 0.1, 10 percent of 30 points is 3. This value is rounded down to 2, so 1 point is trimmed from each tail of the data set: 1 from the top and 1 from the bottom of the set. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the TRIMMEAN function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the TRIMMEAN function, enter the required arguments separating by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/true.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TRUE", 
        "body": "La funzione TRUE è una delle funzioni logiche. Si usa per restituire TRUE. Questa funzione non richiede un argomento. La sintassi della funzione TRUE è: TRUE() Per applicare la funzione TRUE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Logiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TRUE, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/trunc.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TRUNC", 
        "body": "La funzione TRUNC è una delle funzioni matematiche e trigonometriche. Si usa per restituire un numero troncato ad un determinato numero di cifre. La sintassi della funzione TRUNC è: TRUNC(x [,number-digits]) dove x è il numero da troncare. number-digits è il numero di posizioni decimali da visualizzare. E' un argomento opzionale. Se questo argomento è assente, sara considerato uguale a 0. I valori numerici possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione TRUNC, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Matematiche e trigonometriche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TRUNC, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/ttest.htm", 
        "title": "TTEST Function", 
        "body": "The TTEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the probability associated with a Student's t-Test. Use TTEST to determine whether two samples are likely to have come from the same two underlying populations that have the same mean. The TTEST function syntax is: TTEST(array1, array2, tails, type) where array1 is the first range of numeric values. array2 is the second range of numeric values. tails is the number of distribution tails. If it is 1, the function uses the one-tailed distribution. If it is 2, the function uses the two-tailed distribution. type is a numeric value that specifies the kind of t-Test to be performed. The value can be one of the following: Numeric value The kind of t-Test 1 Paired 2 Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic) 3 Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic) The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the TTEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the TTEST function, enter the required arguments separating by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/type.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione TYPE", 
        "body": "La funzione TYPE è una delle funzioni della categoria Informazione. Si usa per determinare il tipo di un valore ricevuto o visualizzato. La sintassi della funzione TYPE è: TYPE(value) dove value è un valore da verificare inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Qui sotto trovate i valori possibili e il risultato che la funzione TYPE restituisce: Valore Risultato numero 1 testo 2 valore logico 4 valore di errore 16 freccia 64 Per applicare la funzione TYPE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Informazione dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione TYPE, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/unichar.htm", 
        "title": "UNICHAR Function", 
        "body": "The UNICHAR function is one of the text and data functions. Is used to return the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value. The UNICHAR function syntax is: UNICHAR(number) where number is the Unicode number that represents the character. It can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the UNICHAR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Text and data function group from the list, click the UNICHAR function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/unicode.htm", 
        "title": "UNICODE Function", 
        "body": "The UNICODE function is one of the text and data functions. Is used to return the number (code point) corresponding to the first character of the text. The UNICODE function syntax is: UNICODE(text) where text is the text string beginning with the character you want to get the Unicode value for. It can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the UNICODE function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Text and data function group from the list, click the UNICODE function, enter the required argument, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/upper.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione UPPER", 
        "body": "La funzione UPPER è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per convertire le minuscole in maiuscole nella cella scelta. La sintassi della funzione UPPER è: UPPER(text) dove text son i dati inclusi nella nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione UPPER, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione UPPER, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/value.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione VALUE", 
        "body": "La funzione VALUE è una delle funzioni della categoria Testo e dati. Si usa per convertire un valore testuale che rappresenta un numero in un numero. Se il testo convertito non è un numero, la funzione restituisce l'errore #VALUE!. La sintassi della funzione VALUE è: VALUE(string) dove string è un testo rappresentato da un numero inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alle quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione VALUE, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Testo e dati dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione VALUE, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/var-p.htm", 
        "title": "VAR.P Function", 
        "body": "The VAR.P function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to calculate variance based on the entire population (ignores logical values and text in the population). The VAR.P function syntax is: VAR.P(number1 [, number2], ...) where number1(2) is up to 254 numerical values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: empty cells, logical values, text, or error values supplied as part of an array are ignored. If they are supplied directly to the function, text representations of numbers and logical values are interpreted as numbers. To apply the VAR.P function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the VAR.P function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/var-s.htm", 
        "title": "VAR.S Function", 
        "body": "The VAR.S function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to estimate variance based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample). The VAR.S function syntax is: VAR.S(number1 [, number2], ...) where number1(2) is up to 254 numerical values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: empty cells, logical values, text, or error values supplied as part of an array are ignored. If they are supplied directly to the function, text representations of numbers and logical values are interpreted as numbers. To apply the VAR.S function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the VAR.S function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/var.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione VAR", 
        "body": "La funzione VAR è una delle funzioni statistiche. Si usa per analizzare una serie di dati e restituire la varianza di una popolazione in base a un insieme dei numeri. La sintassi della funzione VAR è: VAR(argument-list) dove argument-list è una serie di valori numerici fino a 30 elementi inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle celle alle quali fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione VAR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Statistiche dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione VAR, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola o selezionate un intervallo di celle con il mouse, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/vara.htm", 
        "title": "VARA Function", 
        "body": "The VARA function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the set of values and calculate the sample variance. The VARA function syntax is: VARA(argument-list) where argument-list is a set of values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: text and FALSE values are counted as 0, TRUE values are counted as 1, empty cells are ignored. To apply the VARA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the VARA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/varp.htm", 
        "title": "VARP Function", 
        "body": "The VARP function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the set of values and calculate the variance of an entire population. The VARP function syntax is: VARP(argument-list) where argument-list is a set of numerical values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: empty cells, logical values, text, or error values supplied as part of an array are ignored. If they are supplied directly to the function, text representations of numbers and logical values are interpreted as numbers. To apply the VARP function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the VARP function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/varpa.htm", 
        "title": "VARPA Function", 
        "body": "The VARPA function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to analyze the set of values and return the variance of an entire population. The VARPA function syntax is: VARPA(argument-list) where argument-list is a set of values entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. Note: text and FALSE values are counted as 0, TRUE values are counted as 1, empty cells are ignored. To apply the VARPA function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the VARPA function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/vdb.htm", 
        "title": "VDB Function", 
        "body": "The VDB function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partial accounting period using the variable declining balance method. The VDB function syntax is: VDB(cost, salvage, life, start-period, end-period[, [[factor][, [no-switch-flag]]]]]) where cost is the cost of the asset. salvage is the salvage value of the asset at the end of its lifetime. life is the total number of the periods within the asset lifetime. start-period is a starting period you wish to calculate depreciation for. The value must be expressed in the same units as life. end-period is an ending period you wish to calculate depreciation for. The value must be expressed in the same units as life. factor is the rate at which the balance declines. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume factor to be 2. no-switch-flag is the optional argument that specifies whether to use straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation. If it is set to FALSE or omitted, the function uses the straight-line depreciation method. If it is set to TRUE, the function uses the declining balance method. Note: all the numeric values must be positive numbers. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the VDB function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the VDB function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/vlookup.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione VLOOKUP", 
        "body": "La funzione VLOOKUP è una delle funzioni della categoria Ricerca e riferimento. Si usa per effettuare la ricerca verticale di un valore nella colonna sinistra di una tabella o un intervallo e restituire il valore nella stessa riga in base al numero di indice colonna specificato. La sintassi della funzione VLOOKUP è: VLOOKUP (lookup-value, table-array, col-index-num[, [range-lookup-flag]]) where lookup-value è un valore da cercare. table-array sono due o più colonne contenenti i dati ordinati in ordine crescente. col-index-num è il numero colonna in table-array, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 1 ma minore del numero di colonne in table-array range-lookup-flag è un valore logico TRUE o FALSE. E' un argomento opzionale. Inserite FALSE per trovare una corrispondenza esatta. Inserite TRUE per trovare una corrispondenza approssimativa, in questo caso se nessun valore corrisponde a lookup-value, la funzione seleziona il valore successivo più grande minore di lookup-value. Se questo argomento è assente, la funzione trova la corrispondenza approssimativa. Nota: se range-lookup-flag è impostato a FALSE, ma la corrispondenza esatta non è trovata, la funzione restituisce l'errore #N/A. Per applicare la funzione VLOOKUP, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Ricerca e riferimento dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione VLOOKUP, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/weekday.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione WEEKDAY", 
        "body": "La funzione WEEKDAY è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per determinare il giorno della settimana di una certa data. La sintassi della funzione WEEKDAY è: WEEKDAY(serial-value [,weekday-start-flag]) dove serial-value è il numero rappresentante la data del giorno da trovare, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. weekday-start-flag è un valore numerico usato per determinare il tipo del valore da restituire. Può essere uno dei seguenti tipi: Valore numerico Esplicazione 1 o assente Restituisce un numero da 1 (domenica) a 7 (sabato) 2 Restituisce un numero da 1 (lunedì) a 7 (domenica). 3 Restituisce un numero da 0 (lunedì) ф 6 (domenica). Per applicare la funzione WEEKDAY, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione WEEKDAY, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/weeknum.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione WEEKNUM", 
        "body": "La funzione WEEKNUM è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire il numero della settimana dove cade la data specificata all'interno dell'anno. La sintassi della funzione WEEKNUM è: WEEKNUM(serial-value [,weekday-start-flag]) dove serial-value è un numero rappresentante la data all'interno della settimana, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. weekday-start-flag è un valore numerico usato per determinare il tipo del valore da restituire. Può essere uno dei seguenti tipi: Valore numerico Sequenza dei giorni della settimana 1 o assente da domenica a sabato 2 da lunedì a domenica Per applicare la funzione WEEKNUM, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione WEEKNUM, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/weibull-dist.htm", 
        "title": "WEIBULL.DIST Function", 
        "body": "The WEIBULL.DIST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the Weibull distribution. Use this distribution in reliability analysis, such as calculating a device's mean time to failure. The WEIBULL.DIST function syntax is: WEIBULL.DIST(x, alpha, beta, cumulative) where x is the value between at which the function should be calculated, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the WEIBULL.DIST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the WEIBULL.DIST function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/weibull.htm", 
        "title": "WEIBULL Function", 
        "body": "The WEIBULL function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the Weibull distribution. Use this distribution in reliability analysis, such as calculating a device's mean time to failure. The WEIBULL function syntax is: WEIBULL(x, alpha, beta, cumulative) where x is the value between at which the function should be calculated, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0. alpha is the first parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. beta is the second parameter of the distribution, a numeric value greater than 0. cumulative is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) that determines the function form. If it is TRUE, the function returns the cumulative distribution function. If it is FALSE, the function returns the probability density function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cells you make reference to. To apply the WEIBULL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the WEIBULL function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/workday-intl.htm", 
        "title": "WORKDAY.INTL Function", 
        "body": "The WORKDAY.INTL function is one of the date and time functions. It is used to return the date before or after a specified number of workdays with custom weekend parameters; weekend parameters indicate which and how many days are weekend days. The WORKDAY.INTL function syntax is: WORKDAY.INTL(start_date, days, [, weekend], [, holidays]) where start_date is the first date of the period entered using the Date function or other date and time function. days is a number of workdays before or after start_date. If the days has the negative sign, the function will return the date which comes before the specified start_date. If the days has the positive sign, the function will return the date which follows after the specified start_date. weekend is an optional argument, a number or a string that specifies which days to consider weekends. The possible numbers are listed in the table below. Number Weekend days 1 or omitted Saturday, Sunday 2 Sunday, Monday 3 Monday, Tuesday 4 Tuesday, Wednesday 5 Wednesday, Thursday 6 Thursday, Friday 7 Friday, Saturday 11 Sunday only 12 Monday only 13 Tuesday only 14 Wednesday only 15 Thursday only 16 Friday only 17 Saturday only A string that specifies weekend days must contain 7 characters. Each character represents a day of the week, starting from Monday. 0 represents a workday, 1 represents a weekend day. E.g. \"0000011\" specifies that weekend days are Saturday and Sunday. The string \"1111111\" is not valid. holidays is an optional argument that specifies which dates in addition to weekend are nonworking. You can enter them using the Date function or other date and time function or specify a reference to a range of cells containing dates. To apply the WORKDAY.INTL function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Date and time function group from the list, click the WORKDAY.INTL function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/workday.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione WORKDAY", 
        "body": "La funzione WORKDAY è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire la data che viene al numero di giorni indicato (day-offset) prima o dopo la data di inizio specificata, esclusi weekend e date considerate come giorni festivi. La sintassi della funzione WORKDAY è: WORKDAY(start-day, day-offset [,holidays]) dove start-day è il numero rappresentante la prima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. day-offset è il numero di gionate lavorative prima o dopo start-day. Se day-offset è un numero negativo, la funzione restituisce il numero di serie della data che viene prima della determinata start-date. Se day-offset è un numero positivo, la funzione restituisce il numero di serie della data dopo la determinata start-date. holidays sono le giornate non lavorative. E' un argomento opzionale. I valori possono essere inseriti a mano o inclusi nelle cella alle quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione WORKDAY, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione WORKDAY, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/xirr.htm", 
        "title": "XIRR Function", 
        "body": "The XIRR function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the internal rate of return for a series of irregular cash flows. The XIRR function syntax is: XIRR(values, dates [,[guess]]) where values is an array that contains the series of payments occuring irregularly. At least one of the values must be negative and at least one positive. dates is an array that contains the payment dates when the payments are made or received. Dates must be entered by using the DATE function. guess is an estimate at what the internal rate of return will be. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will assume guess to be 10%. The numeric values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the XIRR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the XIRR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/xnpv.htm", 
        "title": "XNPV Function", 
        "body": "The XNPV function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the net present value for an investment based on a specified interest rate and a schedule of irregular payments. The XNPV function syntax is: XNPV(rate, values, dates) where rate is the discount rate for the investment. values is an array that contains the income (positive values) or payment (negative values) amounts. At least one of the values must be negative and at least one positive. dates is an array that contains the payment dates when the payments are made or received. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the XNPV function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the XNPV function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/xor.htm", 
        "title": "XOR Function", 
        "body": "The XOR function is one of the logical functions. It is used to return a logical Exclusive Or of all arguments. The function returns TRUE when the number of TRUE inputs is odd and FALSE when the number of TRUE inputs is even. The XOR function syntax is: XOR(logical1 [, logical2], ...) where logical1 is a value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the XOR function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Logical function group from the list, click the XOR function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, Note: you can enter up to 254 logical values. press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. For example: There are two arguments: logical1 = 1&gt;0, logical2 = 2&gt;0. The number of TRUE inputs is even, so the function returns FALSE. There are two arguments: logical1 = 1&gt;0, logical2 = 2&lt;0. The number of TRUE inputs is odd, so the function returns TRUE."
        "id": "Functions/year.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione YEAR", 
        "body": "La funzione YEAR è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire l'anno (numero da 1900 a 9999) della data specificata nel formato numerico (MM/dd/yyyy di default). La sintassi della funzione YEAR è: YEAR(date-value) dove date-value è un valore inserito a mano o incluso nella cella alla quale fate riferimento. Per applicare la funzione YEAR, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione YEAR, inserite l'argomento richiesto, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/yearfrac.htm", 
        "title": "Funzione YEARFRAC", 
        "body": "La funzione YEARFRAC è una delle funzioni della categoria Data e ora. Si usa per restituire la frazione di un anno rappresentata dal numero di giorni completi dalla data di inzio alla data di fine calcolato sulla base specificata. La sintassi della funzione YEARFRAC è: YEARFRAC(start-date, end-date [,basis]) dove start-date è il numero rappresentante la prima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. end-date è il numero rappresentante l'ultima data del periodo, inserita per mezzo della funzione Date o un'altra funzione della categoria Data e ora. basis è la base usata per il conto dei giorni, un valore numerico maggiore o uguale a 0, ma minore o uguale a 4. Può essere una delle seguenti: Valore numerico Base per il conto 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Effettivo/effettivo 2 Effettivo/360 3 Effettivo/365 4 Europeo 30/360 Note: se start-date, end-date o basis è un valore decimale, la funzione ignora i numeri a destra della virgola decimale. Per applicare la funzione YEARFRAC, selezionate la cella dove desiderate visualizzare il risultato, cliccate sull'icona Inserisci funzione sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, o cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cella scelta e selezionate l'opzione Inserisci funzione dal menu contestuale, o cliccate sull'icona prima della barra della formula, selezionate il gruppo di funzioni Data e ora dall'elenco, cliccate sulla funzione YEARFRAC, inserite gli argomenti richiesti separati da virgola, premete il tasto Enter. Il risultato sarà visualizzato nella cella scelta."
        "id": "Functions/yield.htm", 
        "title": "YIELD Function", 
        "body": "The YIELD function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the yield of a security that pays periodic interest. The YIELD function syntax is: YIELD(settlement, maturity, rate, pr, redemption, frequency[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. rate is the annual coupon rate of the security. pr is the purchase price of the security, per $100 par value. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. frequency is the number of interest payments per year. The possible values are: 1 for annual payments, 2 for semiannual payments, 4 for quarterly payments. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the YIELD function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the YIELD function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/yielddisc.htm", 
        "title": "YIELDDISC Function", 
        "body": "The YIELDDISC function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the annual yield of a discounted security. The YIELDDISC function syntax is: YIELDDISC(settlement, maturity, pr, redemption,[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. pr is the purchase price of the security, per $100 par value. redemption is the redemption value of the security, per $100 par value. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the YIELDDISC function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the YIELDDISC function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/yieldmat.htm", 
        "title": "YIELDMAT Function", 
        "body": "The YIELDMAT function is one of the financial functions. It is used to calculate the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity. The YIELDMAT function syntax is: YIELDMAT(settlement, maturity, issue, rate, pr[, [basis]]) where settlement is the date when the security is purchased. maturity is the date when the security expires. issue is the issue date of the security. rate is the interest rate of the security at the issue date. pr is the purchase price of the security, per $100 par value. basis is the day count basis to use, a numeric value greater than or equal to 0, but less than or equal to 4. It is an optional argument. It can be one of the following: Numeric value Count basis 0 US (NASD) 30/360 1 Actual/actual 2 Actual/360 3 Actual/365 4 European 30/360 Note: dates must be entered by using the DATE function. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the YIELDMAT function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Financial function group from the list, click the YIELDMAT function, enter the required arguments separating them by commas, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/z-test.htm", 
        "title": "Z.TEST Function", 
        "body": "The Z.TEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the one-tailed P-value of a z-test. For a given hypothesized population mean, x, Z.TEST returns the probability that the sample mean would be greater than the average of observations in the data set (array) — that is, the observed sample mean. The Z.TEST function syntax is: Z.TEST(array, x [, sigma]) where array is the range of numeric values against which to test x. x is the value to test. sigma is a population standard deviation. This is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the sample standard deviation is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the Z.TEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the Z.TEST function, enter the required arguments separating by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "Functions/ztest.htm", 
        "title": "ZTEST Function", 
        "body": "The ZTEST function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test. For a given hypothesized population mean, μ0, ZTEST returns the probability that the sample mean would be greater than the average of observations in the data set (array) — that is, the observed sample mean. The ZTEST function syntax is: ZTEST(array, x [, sigma]) where array is the range of numeric values against which to test x. x is the value to test. sigma is a population standard deviation. This is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the sample standard deviation is used. The values can be entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. To apply the ZTEST function, select the cell where you wish to display the result, click the Insert function icon situated at the top toolbar, or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu, or click the icon situated at the formula bar, select the Statistical function group from the list, click the ZTEST function, enter the required arguments separating by commas or select a range of cells with the mouse, press the Enter button. The result will be displayed in the selected cell."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/About.htm", 
        "title": "About Spreadsheet Editor", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor is an online application that lets you edit your spreadsheets directly in your browser . Using Spreadsheet Editor, you can perform various editing operations like in any desktop editor, print the edited spreadsheets keeping all the formatting details or download them onto your computer hard disk drive as XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV, XLTX, PDF/A, OTS file. To view the current software version and licensor details in the online version, click the icon at the left sidebar. To view the current software version and licensor details in the desktop version, select the About menu item at the left sidebar of the main program window."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm", 
        "title": "Advanced Settings of Spreadsheet Editor", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor lets you change its general advanced settings. To access them, open the File tab at the top toolbar and select the Advanced Settings... option. You can also click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select the Advanced settings option. The general advanced settings are: Commenting Display is used to turn on/off the live commenting option: Turn on display of the comments - if you disable this feature, the commented cells will be marked on the sheet only if you click the Comments icon at the left sidebar. Turn on display of the resolved comments - this feature is disabled by default so that the resolved comments were hidden on the sheet. You can view such comments only if you click the Comments icon at the left sidebar. Enable this option if you want to display resolved comments on the sheet. Autosave is used in the online version to turn on/off automatic saving of changes you make while editing. Autorecover - is used in the desktop version to turn on/off the option that allows to automatically recover spreadsheets in case of the unexpected program closing. Reference Style is used to turn on/off the R1C1 reference style. By default, this option is disabled and the A1 reference style is used. When the A1 reference style is used, columns are designated by letters, and rows are designated by numbers. If you select the cell located in row 3 and column 2, its address displayed in the box to the left of the the formula bar looks like this: B3. If the R1C1 reference style is enabled, both rows and columns are designated by numbers. If you select the cell at the intersection of row 3 and column 2, its address will look like this: R3C2. Letter R indicates the row number and letter C indicates the column number. In case you refer to other cells using the R1C1 reference style, the reference to a target cell is formed based on the distance from an active cell. For example, when you select the cell in row 5 and column 1 and refer to the cell in row 3 and column 2, the reference is R[-2]C[1]. Numbers in square brackets designate the position of the cell you refer to relative to the current cell position, i.e. the target cell is 2 rows up and 1 column to the right of the active cell. If you select the cell in row 1 and column 2 and refer to the same cell in row 3 and column 2, the reference is R[2]C, i.e. the target cell is 2 rows down from the active cell and in the same column. Co-editing Mode is used to select the display of the changes made during the co-editing: By default the Fast mode is selected, the users who take part in the document co-editing will see the changes in real time once they are made by other users. If you prefer not to see other user changes (so that they do not disturb you, or for some other reason), select the Strict mode and all the changes will be shown only after you click the Save icon notifying you that there are changes from other users. Default Zoom Value is used to set the default zoom value selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 200%. Font Hinting is used to select the type a font is displayed in Spreadsheet Editor: Choose As Windows if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on Windows, i.e. using Windows font hinting. Choose As OS X if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on a Mac, i.e. without any font hinting at all. Choose Native if you want your text to be displayed with the hinting embedded into font files. Default cache mode - used to select the cache mode for the font characters. It’s not recommended to switch it without any reason. It can be helpful in some cases only, for example, when an issue in the Google Chrome browser with the enabled hardware acceleration occurs. Spreadsheet Editor has two cache modes: In the first cache mode, each letter is cached as a separate picture. In the second cache mode, a picture of a certain size is selected where letters are placed dynamically and a mechanism of allocating/removing memory in this picture is also implemented. If there is not enough memory, a second picture is created, etc. The Default cache mode setting applies two above mentioned cache modes separately for different browsers: When the Default cache mode setting is enabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the second cache mode, other browsers use the first cache mode. When the Default cache mode setting is disabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the first cache mode, other browsers use the second cache mode. Unit of Measurement is used to specify what units are used for measuring elements parameters such as width, height, spacing, margins etc. You can select the Centimeter, Point, or Inch option. Formula Language is used to select the language for displaying and entering formula names. Regional Settings is used to select the default display format for currency and date and time. Separator is used to specify the characters that you want to use as separators for decimals and thousands. The Use separators based on regional settings option is selected by default. If you want to use custom separators, uncheck this box and enter the necessary characters in the Decimal separator and Thousands separator fields below. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm", 
        "title": "Collaborative Spreadsheet Editing", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor offers you the possibility to work at a spreadsheet collaboratively with other users. This feature includes: simultaneous multi-user access to the edited spreadsheet visual indication of cells that are being edited by other users real-time changes display or synchronization of changes with one button click chat to share ideas concerning particular spreadsheet parts comments containing the description of a task or problem that should be solved (it's also possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the online version) Connecting to the online version In the desktop editor, open the Connect to cloud option of the left-side menu in the main program window. Connect to your cloud office specifying your account login and password. Co-editing Spreadsheet Editor allows to select one of the two available co-editing modes: Fast is used by default and shows the changes made by other users in real time. Strict is selected to hide other user changes until you click the Save icon to save your own changes and accept the changes made by others. The mode can be selected in the Advanced Settings. It's also possible to choose the necessary mode using the Co-editing Mode icon at the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar: Note: when you co-edit a spreadsheet in the Fast mode, the possibility to Undo/Redo the last operation is not available. When a spreadsheet is being edited by several users simultaneously in the Strict mode, the edited cells as well as the tab of the sheet where these cells are situated are marked with dashed lines of different colors. By hovering the mouse cursor over one of the edited cells, the name of the user who is editing it at the moment is displayed. The Fast mode will show the actions and the names of the co-editors once they are editing the text. The number of users who are working at the current spreadsheet is specified on the right side of the editor header - . If you want to see who exactly are editing the file now, you can click this icon or open the Chat panel with the full list of the users. When no users are viewing or editing the file, the icon in the editor header will look like allowing you to manage the users who have access to the file right from the spreadsheet: invite new users giving them permissions to edit, read or comment the spreadsheet, or deny some users access rights to the file. Click this icon to manage the access to the file; this can be done both when there are no other users who view or co-edit the spreadsheet at the moment and when there are other users and the icon looks like . It's also possible to set access rights using the Sharing icon at the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar. As soon as one of the users saves his/her changes by clicking the icon, the others will see a note in the upper left corner stating that they have updates. To save the changes you made, so that other users can view them, and get the updates saved by your co-editors, click the icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar. Chat You can use this tool to coordinate the co-editing process on-the-fly, for example, to arrange with your collaborators about who is doing what, which part of the spreadsheet you are going to edit now etc. The chat messages are stored during one session only. To discuss the spreadsheet content it is better to use comments which are stored until you decide to delete them. To access the chat and leave a message for other users, click the icon at the left sidebar, or switch to the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar and click the Chat button, enter your text into the corresponding field below, press the Send button. All the messages left by users will be displayed on the panel on the left. If there are new messages you haven't read yet, the chat icon will look like this - . To close the panel with chat messages, click the icon once again. Comments It's possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the online version. To leave a comment, select a cell where you think there is an error or problem, switch to the Insert or Collaboration tab of the top toolbar and click the Comment button, or use the icon at the left sidebar to open the Comments panel and click the Add Comment to Document link, or right-click within the selected cell and select the Add Сomment option from the menu, enter the needed text, click the Add Comment/Add button. The comment will be seen on the panel on the left. The orange triangle will appear in the upper right corner of the cell you commented. If you need to disable this feature, click the File tab at the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option and uncheck the Turn on display of the comments box. In this case the commented cells will be marked only if you click the icon. If you are using the Strict co-editing mode, new comments added by other users will become visible only after you click the icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar. To view the comment, just click within the cell. You or any other user can answer to the added comment asking questions or reporting on the work he/she has done. For this purpose, use the Add Reply link, type in your reply text in the entry field and press the Reply button. You can manage the added comments using the icons in the comment balloon or at the Comments panel on the left: edit the currently selected by clicking the icon, delete the currently selected by clicking the icon, close the currently selected discussion by clicking the icon if the task or problem you stated in your comment was solved, after that the discussion you opened with your comment gets the resolved status. To open it again, click the icon. If you want to hide resolved comments, click the File tab at the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option, uncheck the Turn on display of the resolved comments box and click Apply. In this case the resolved comments will be highlighted only if you click the icon. Adding mentions When entering comments, you can use the mentions feature that allows to attract somebody's attention to the comment and send a notification to the mentioned user via email and Talk. To add a mention enter the \"+\" or \"@\" sign anywhere in the comment text - a list of the portal users will open. To simplify the search process, you can start typing a name in the comment field - the user list will change as you type. Select the necessary person from the list. If the file has not yet been shared with the mentioned user, the Sharing Settings window will open. Read only access type is selected by default. Change it if necessary and click OK. The mentioned user will receive an email notification that he/she has been mentioned in a comment. If the file has been shared, the user will also receive a corresponding notification. To remove comments, click the Remove button at the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar, select the necessary option from the menu: Remove Current Comments - to remove the currently selected comment. If some replies have beed added to the comment, all its replies will be removed as well. Remove My Comments - to remove comments you added without removing comments added by other users. If some replies have beed added to your comment, all its replies will be removed as well. Remove All Comments - to remove all the comments in the spreadsheet that you and other users added. To close the panel with comments, click the icon at the left sidebar once again."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm", 
        "title": "Keyboard Shortcuts", 
        "body": "Windows/LinuxMac OS Working with Spreadsheet Open 'File' panel Alt+F ⌥ Option+F Open the File panel to save, download, print the current spreadsheet, view its info, create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one, access Spreadsheet Editor help or advanced settings. Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box Ctrl+F ^ Ctrl+F, &#8984; Cmd+F Open the Find and Replace dialog box to start searching for a cell containing the characters you need. Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box with replacement field Ctrl+H ^ Ctrl+H Open the Find and Replace dialog box with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters. Open 'Comments' panel Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H, &#8984; Cmd+⇧ Shift+H Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments. Open comment field Alt+H ⌥ Option+H Open a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment. Open 'Chat' panel Alt+Q ⌥ Option+Q Open the Chat panel and send a message. Save spreadsheet Ctrl+S ^ Ctrl+S, &#8984; Cmd+S Save all the changes to the spreadsheet currently edited with Spreadsheet Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format. Print spreadsheet Ctrl+P ^ Ctrl+P, &#8984; Cmd+P Print your spreadsheet with one of the available printers or save it to a file. Download as... Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S, &#8984; Cmd+⇧ Shift+S Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited spreadsheet to the computer hard disk drive in one of the supported formats: XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV, XLTX, PDF/A, OTS. Full screen F11 Switch to the full screen view to fit Spreadsheet Editor into your screen. Help menu F1 F1 Open Spreadsheet Editor Help menu. Open existing file (Desktop Editors) Ctrl+O On the Open local file tab in Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file. Close file (Desktop Editors) Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 ^ Ctrl+W, &#8984; Cmd+W Close the current spreadsheet window in Desktop Editors. Element contextual menu ⇧ Shift+F10 ⇧ Shift+F10 Open the selected element contextual menu. Navigation Move one cell up, down, left, or right ← → ↑ ↓ ← → ↑ ↓ Outline a cell above/below the currently selected one or to the left/to the right of it. Jump to the edge of the current data region Ctrl+← → ↑ ↓ &#8984; Cmd+← → ↑ ↓ Outline a cell at the edge of the current data region in a worksheet. Jump to the beginning of the row Home Home Outline a cell in the column A of the current row. Jump to the beginning of the spreadsheet Ctrl+Home ^ Ctrl+Home Outline the cell A1. Jump to the end of the row End, Ctrl+→ End, &#8984; Cmd+→ Outline the last cell of the current row. Jump to the end of the spreadsheet Ctrl+End ^ Ctrl+End Outline the lower right used cell on the worksheet situated at the bottommost row with data of the rightmost column with data. If the cursor is in the formula bar, it will be placed to the end of the text. Move to the previous sheet Alt+Page Up ⌥ Option+Page Up Move to the previous sheet in your spreadsheet. Move to the next sheet Alt+Page Down ⌥ Option+Page Down Move to the next sheet in your spreadsheet. Move up one row ↑, ⇧ Shift+↵ Enter ⇧ Shift+↵ Return Outline the cell above the current one in the same column. Move down one row ↓, ↵ Enter ↵ Return Outline the cell below the current one in the same column. Move left one column ←, ⇧ Shift+↹ Tab ←, ⇧ Shift+↹ Tab Outline the previous cell of the current row. Move right one column →, ↹ Tab →, ↹ Tab Outline the next cell of the current row. Move down one screen Page Down Page Down Move one screen down in the worksheet. Move up one screen Page Up Page Up Move one screen up in the worksheet. Zoom In Ctrl++ ^ Ctrl+=, &#8984; Cmd+= Zoom in the currently edited spreadsheet. Zoom Out Ctrl+- ^ Ctrl+-, &#8984; Cmd+- Zoom out the currently edited spreadsheet. Data Selection Select all Ctrl+A, Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar &#8984; Cmd+A Select the entire worksheet. Select column Ctrl+␣ Spacebar ^ Ctrl+␣ Spacebar Select an entire column in a worksheet. Select row ⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar ⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar Select an entire row in a worksheet. Select fragment ⇧ Shift+→ ← ⇧ Shift+→ ← Select the cell by cell. Select from cursor to beginning of row ⇧ Shift+Home ⇧ Shift+Home Select a fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current row. Select from cursor to end of row ⇧ Shift+End ⇧ Shift+End Select a fragment from the cursor to the end of the current row. Extend the selection to beginning of worksheet Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Home ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Home Select a fragment from the current selected cells to the beginning of the worksheet. Extend the selection to the last used cell Ctrl+⇧ Shift+End ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+End Select a fragment from the current selected cells to the last used cell on the worksheet (at the bottommost row with data of the rightmost column with data). If the cursor is in the formula bar, this will select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end without affecting the height of the formula bar. Select one cell to the left ⇧ Shift+↹ Tab ⇧ Shift+↹ Tab Select one cell to the left in a table. Select one cell to the right ↹ Tab ↹ Tab Select one cell to the right in a table. Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell to the right ⇧ Shift+Alt+End, Ctrl+⇧ Shift+→ ⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+End Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same row to the right of the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell. Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell to the left ⇧ Shift+Alt+Home, Ctrl+⇧ Shift+← ⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Home Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same row to the left of the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell. Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell up/down the column Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↑ ↓ Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same column up/down from the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell. Extend the selection down one screen ⇧ Shift+Page Down ⇧ Shift+Page Down Extend the selection to include all the cells one screen down from the active cell. Extend the selection up one screen ⇧ Shift+Page Up ⇧ Shift+Page Up Extend the selection to include all the cells one screen up from the active cell. Undo and Redo Undo Ctrl+Z &#8984; Cmd+Z Reverse the latest performed action. Redo Ctrl+Y &#8984; Cmd+Y Repeat the latest undone action. Cut, Copy, and Paste Cut Ctrl+X, ⇧ Shift+Delete &#8984; Cmd+X Cut the the selected data and send them to the computer clipboard memory. The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same worksheet, into another spreadsheet, or into some other program. Copy Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert &#8984; Cmd+C Send the selected data to the computer clipboard memory. The copied data can be later inserted to another place in the same worksheet, into another spreadsheet, or into some other program. Paste Ctrl+V, ⇧ Shift+Insert &#8984; Cmd+V Insert the previously copied/cut data from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The data can be previously copied from the same worksheet, from another spreadsheet, or from some other program. Data Formatting Bold Ctrl+B ^ Ctrl+B, &#8984; Cmd+B Make the font of the selected text fragment bold giving it more weight or remove bold formatting. Italic Ctrl+I ^ Ctrl+I, &#8984; Cmd+I Make the font of the selected text fragment italicized giving it some right side tilt or remove italic formatting. Underline Ctrl+U ^ Ctrl+U, &#8984; Cmd+U Make the selected text fragment underlined with the line going under the letters or remove underlining. Strikeout Ctrl+5 ^ Ctrl+5, &#8984; Cmd+5 Make the selected text fragment struck out with the line going through the letters or remove strikeout formatting. Add Hyperlink Ctrl+K &#8984; Cmd+K Insert a hyperlink to an external website or another worksheet. Edit active cell F2 F2 Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. If editing in a cell is turned off, the insertion point will be moved into the Formula Bar. Data Filtering Enable/Remove Filter Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L, &#8984; Cmd+⇧ Shift+L Enable a filter for a selected cell range or remove the filter. Format as table template Ctrl+L ^ Ctrl+L, &#8984; Cmd+L Apply a table template to a selected cell range. Data Entry Complete cell entry and move down ↵ Enter ↵ Return Complete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar, and move to the cell below. Complete cell entry and move up ⇧ Shift+↵ Enter ⇧ Shift+↵ Return Complete a cell entry in the selected cell, and move to the cell above. Start new line Alt+↵ Enter Start a new line in the same cell. Cancel Esc Esc Cancel an entry in the selected cell or the formula bar. Delete to the left ← Backspace ← Backspace Delete one character to the left in the formula bar or in the selected cell when the cell editing mode is activated. Also removes the content of the active cell. Delete to the right Delete Delete, Fn+← Backspace Delete one character to the right in the formula bar or in the selected cell when the cell editing mode is activated. Also removes the cell contents (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting cell formats or comments. Clear cell content Delete, ← Backspace Delete, ← Backspace Remove the content (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting cell format or comments. Complete a cell entry and move to the right ↹ Tab ↹ Tab Complete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and move to the cell on the right. Complete a cell entry and move to the left ⇧ Shift+↹ Tab ⇧ Shift+↹ Tab Complete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and move to the cell on the left . Functions SUM function Alt+= ⌥ Option+= Insert the SUM function into the selected cell. Open drop-down list Alt+↓ Open a selected drop-down list. Open contextual menu ≣ Menu Open a contextual menu for the selected cell or cell range. Recalculate functions F9 F9 Recalculate the entire workbook. Recalculate functions ⇧ Shift+F9 ⇧ Shift+F9 Recalculate the current worksheet. Data Formats Open the 'Number Format' dialog box Ctrl+1 ^ Ctrl+1 Open the Number Format dialog box. Apply the General format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+~ ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+~ Applies the General number format. Apply the Currency format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+$ ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+$ Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses). Apply the Percentage format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+% ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+% Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places. Apply the Exponential format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+^ ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+^ Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places. Apply the Date format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+# ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+# Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year. Apply the Time format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+@ ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+@ Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM. Apply the Number format Ctrl+⇧ Shift+! ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+! Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values. Modifying Objects Constrain movement ⇧ Shift + drag ⇧ Shift + drag Constrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically. Set 15-degree rotation ⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating) ⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating) Constrain the rotation angle to 15-degree increments. Maintain proportions ⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing) ⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing) Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing. Draw straight line or arrow ⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows) ⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows) Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow. Movement by one-pixel increments Ctrl+← → ↑ ↓ Hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by one pixel at a time."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm", 
        "title": "View Settings and Navigation Tools", 
        "body": "To help you view and select cells in a large spreadsheet Spreadsheet Editor offers several tools: adjustable bars, scrollbars, sheet navigation buttons, sheet tabs and zoom. Adjust the View Settings To adjust default view settings and set the most convenient mode to work with the spreadsheet, click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select which interface elements you want to be hidden or shown. You can select the following options from the View settings drop-down list: Hide Toolbar - hides the top toolbar that contains commands while tabs remain visible. When this option is enabled, you can click any tab to display the toolbar. The toolbar is displayed until you click anywhere outside it. To disable this mode, click the View settings icon and click the Hide Toolbar option once again. The top toolbar will be displayed all the time. Note: alternatively, you can just double-click any tab to hide the top toolbar or display it again. Hide Formula Bar - hides the bar situated below the top toolbar and used to enter and review the formula and its content. To show the hidden Formula Bar click this option once again. Hide Headings - hides the column heading at the top and row heading at the left of the worksheet. To show the hidden Headings click this option once again. Hide Gridlines - hides the lines that appear around the cells. To show the hidden Gridlines click this option once again. Freeze Panes - freezes all the rows above the active cell and all the columns to the left of the active cell so that they remain visible when you scroll the spreadsheet to the right or down. To unfreeze the panes just click this option once again or right-click anywhere within the worksheet and select the Unfreeze Panes option from the menu. The right sidebar is minimized by default. To expand it, select any object (e.g. image, chart, shape) and click the icon of the currently activated tab on the right. To minimize the right sidebar, click the icon once again. You can also change the size of the opened Comments or Chat panel using the simple drag-and-drop: move the mouse cursor over the left sidebar border so that it turns into the bidirectional arrow and drag the border to the right to extend the sidebar width. To restore its original width move the border to the left. Use the Navigation Tools To navigate through your spreadsheet, use the following tools: The Scrollbars (on the bottom or right side) are used to scroll up/down and left/right the current sheet. To navigate a spreadsheet using the scrollbars: click the up/down or right/left arrows on the scrollbars; drag the scroll box; click any area to the left/right or above/below the scroll box on the scrollbar. You can also use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll your spreadsheet up or down. The Sheet Navigation buttons are situated in the left lower corner and are used to scroll the sheet list to the right/left and navigate among the sheet tabs. click the Scroll to first sheet button to scroll the sheet list to the first sheet tab of the current spreadsheet; click the Scroll sheet list left button to scroll the sheet list of the current spreadsheet to the left; click the Scroll sheet list right button to scroll the sheet list of the current spreadsheet to the right; click the Scroll to last sheet button to scroll the sheet list to the last sheet tab of the current spreadsheet. To activate an appropriate sheet click its Sheet Tab at the bottom next to the Sheet Navigation buttons. The Zoom buttons are situated in the lower right corner and are used to zoom in and out the current sheet. To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list or use the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons. Zoom settings are also available in the View settings drop-down list."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/Search.htm", 
        "title": "Search and Replace Functions", 
        "body": "To search for the needed characters, words or phrases used in the current spreadsheet, click the icon situated at the left sidebar or use the Ctrl+F key combination. If you want to search for/replace values within a certain area on the current sheet only, select the necessary cell range and then click the icon. The Find and Replace window will open: Type in your inquiry into the corresponding data entry field. Specify search options clicking the icon next to the data entry field and checking the necesary options: Case sensitive - is used to find only the occurrences typed in the same case as your inquiry (e.g. if your inquiry is 'Editor' and this option is selected, such words as 'editor' or 'EDITOR' etc. will not be found). Entire cell contents - is used to find only the cells that do not contain any other characters besides the ones specified in your inquiry (e.g. if your inquiry is '56' and this option is selected, the cells containing such data as '0.56' or '156' etc. will not be found). Highlight results - is used to highlight all found occurrences at once. To disable this option and remove the highlight click the option once again. Within - is used to search within the active Sheet only or the whole Workbook. If you want to perform a search within the selected area on the sheet, make sure that the Sheet option is selected. Search - is used to specify the direction that you want to search: to the right by rows or down by columns. Look in - is used to specify whether you want to search the Value of the cells or their underlying Formulas. Click one of the arrow buttons on the right. The search will be performed either towards the beginning of the worksheet (if you click the button) or towards the end of the worksheet (if you click the button) from the current position. The first occurrence of the required characters in the selected direction will be highlighted. If it is not the word you are looking for, click the selected button again to find the next occurrence of the characters you entered. To replace one or more occurrences of the found characters click the Replace link below the data entry field or use the Ctrl+H key combination. The Find and Replace window will change: Type in the replacement text into the bottom data entry field. Click the Replace button to replace the currently selected occurrence or the Replace All button to replace all the found occurrences. To hide the replace field, click the Hide Replace link."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/SpellChecking.htm", 
        "title": "Spell-checking", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor allows you to check the spelling of the text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing. In the desktop version, it's also possible to add words into a custom dictionary which is common for all three editors. Click the Spell checking icon at the left sidebar to open the spell checking panel. The upper left cell that contains a misspelled text value will be automatically selected on the current worksheet. The first misspelled word will be displayed in the spell checking field, and the suggested similar words spelled correctly will appear in the field below. Use the Go to the next word button to navigate between misspelled word. Replace misspelled words To replace the currently selected misspelled word with the suggested one, choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly and use the Change option: click the Change button, or click the downward arrow next to the Change button and select the Change option. The current word will be replaced and you will proceed to the next misspelled word. To quickly replace all the identical words repeated on the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the the Change button and select the Change all option. Ignore words To skip the current word: click the Ignore button, or click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore option. The current word will be skipped and you will proceed to the next misspelled word. To skip all the all the identical words repeated on the worksheet, click the downward arrow next to the Ignore button and select the Ignore all option. If the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary using the Add to Dictionary button at the spell checking panel. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the desktop version. The Dictionary Language which is used for spell checking is displayed in the list below. You can change it, if necessary. Once you verify all the words on the worksheet, the Spellcheck has been complete message will appear at the spell checking panel. To close the spell checking panel, click the Spell checking icon at the left sidebar. Change the spell check settings To change the spell check settings, go to the spreadsheet editor advanced settings (File tab -> Advanced Settings...) and switch to the Spell checking tab. Here you can adjust the following parameters: Dictionary language - select one of the available languages from the list. The Dictionary Language at the spell checking panel will be changed correspondingly. Ignore words in UPPERCASE - check this option to ignore words written in capital letters, e.g. acronyms like SMB. Ignore words with numbers - check this option to ignore words containing numbers, e.g. acronyms like B2B. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button."
        "id": "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", 
        "title": "Supported Formats of Spreadsheets", 
        "body": "A spreadsheet is a table of data organized in rows and columns. It is most frequently used to store the financial information because of its ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell. Spreadsheet Editor allows you to open, view and edit the most popular spreadsheet file formats. Formats Description View Edit Download XLS File extension for a spreadsheet file created by Microsoft Excel + + XLSX Default file extension for a spreadsheet file written in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (or later versions) + + + XLTX Excel Open XML Spreadsheet Template Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for spreadsheet templates. An XLTX template contains formatting settings, styles etc. and can be used to create multiple spreadsheets with the same formatting + + + ODS File extension for a spreadsheet file used by OpenOffice and StarOffice suites, an open standard for spreadsheets + + + OTS OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template OpenDocument file format for spreadsheet templates. An OTS template contains formatting settings, styles etc. and can be used to create multiple spreadsheets with the same formatting + + + CSV Comma Separated Values File format used to store tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form + + + PDF Portable Document Format File format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems + PDF/A Portable Document Format / A An ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for use in the archiving and long-term preservation of electronic documents. + +"
        "id": "ProgramInterface/CollaborationTab.htm", 
        "title": "Collaboration tab", 
        "body": "The Collaboration tab allows to organize collaborative work on the spreadsheet. In the online version, you can share the file, select a co-editing mode, manage comments. In the commenting mode, you can add and remove comments and use chat. In the desktop version, you can manage comments. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: specify sharing settings (available in the online version only), switch between the Strict and Fast co-editing modes (available in the online version only), add or remove comments to the spreadsheet, open the Chat panel (available in the online version only)."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/DataTab.htm", 
        "title": "Data tab", 
        "body": "The Data tab allows to manage data on a sheet. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: sort and filter your data, convert text to columns, group and ungroup data."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/FileTab.htm", 
        "title": "File tab", 
        "body": "The File tab allows to perform some basic operations on the current file. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: in the online version, save the current file (in case the Autosave option is disabled), download as (save the spreadsheet in the selected format to the computer hard disk drive), save copy as (save a copy of the spreadsheet in the selected format to the portal documents), print or rename it, in the desktop version, save the current file keeping the current format and location using the Save option or save the current file with a different name, location or format using the Save as option, print the file. protect the file using a password, change or remove the password (available in the desktop version only); create a new spreadsheet or open a recently edited one (available in the online version only), view general information about the spreadsheet or change some file properties, manage access rights (available in the online version only), access the editor Advanced Settings, in the desktop version, open the folder where the file is stored in the File explorer window. In the online version, open the folder of the Documents module where the file is stored in a new browser tab."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/FormulaTab.htm", 
        "title": "Formula tab", 
        "body": "The Formula tab allows to easily work with all functions. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: insert functions using the Insert Function dialog window, quickly access Autosum formulas, access 10 recently used formulas, work with formulas classified into categories, use the calculation options: calculate the entire workbook, or the current worksheet only."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/HomeTab.htm", 
        "title": "Home tab", 
        "body": "The Home tab opens by default when you open a spreadsheet. It allows to format cells and data within them, apply filters, insert functions. Some other options are also available here, such as color schemes, Format as table template feature and so on. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: set font type, size, style, and colors, align your data in cells, add cell borders and merge cells, insert functions and create named ranges, sort and filter data, change number format, add or remove cells, rows, columns, copy/clear cell formatting, apply a table template to a selected cell range."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/InsertTab.htm", 
        "title": "Insert tab", 
        "body": "The Insert tab allows to add visual objects and comments into your spreadsheet. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: insert formatted tables, insert images, shapes, text boxes and Text Art objects, charts, insert comments and hyperlinks, insert headers/footers, insert equations and symbols."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/LayoutTab.htm", 
        "title": "Layout tab", 
        "body": "The Layout tab allows to adjust the appearance of a spreadsheet: set up page parameters and define the arrangement of visual elements. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: adjust page margins, orientation, size, specify a print area, insert headers or footers, scale a worksheet, align and arrange objects (images, charts, shapes)."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/PivotTableTab.htm", 
        "title": "Pivot Table tab", 
        "body": "Note: this option is available in the online version only. The Pivot Table tab allows to change the appearance of an existing pivot table. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Using this tab, you can: select an entire pivot table with a single click, emphasize certain rows/columns applying a specific formatting to them, choose one of the predefined tables styles."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/PluginsTab.htm", 
        "title": "Plugins tab", 
        "body": "The Plugins tab allows to access advanced editing features using available third-party components. Here you can also use macros to simplify routine operations. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: The Settings button allows to open the window where you can view and manage all installed plugins and add your own ones. The Macros button allows to open the window where you can create your own macros and run them. To learn more about macros you can refer to our API Documentation. Currently, the following plugins are available: Send allows to send the spreadsheet via email using the default desktop mail client (available in the desktop version only), Highlight code allows to highlight syntax of the code selecting the necessary language, style, background color, PhotoEditor allows to edit images: crop, flip, rotate them, draw lines and shapes, add icons and text, load a mask and apply filters such as Grayscale, Invert, Sepia, Blur, Sharpen, Emboss, etc., Symbol Table allows to insert special symbols into your text (available in the desktop version only), Thesaurus allows to search for synonyms and antonyms of a word and replace it with the selected one, Translator allows to translate the selected text into other languages, YouTube allows to embed YouTube videos into your spreadsheet. To learn more about plugins please refer to our API Documentation. All the currently existing open source plugin examples are available on GitHub."
        "id": "ProgramInterface/ProgramInterface.htm", 
        "title": "Introducing the Spreadsheet Editor user interface", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor uses a tabbed interface where editing commands are grouped into tabs by functionality. Online Spreadsheet Editor window: Desktop Spreadsheet Editor window: The editor interface consists of the following main elements: Editor header displays the logo, opened documents tabs, spreadsheet name and menu tabs. In the left part of the Editor header there are the Save, Print file, Undo and Redo buttons. In the right part of the Editor header the user name is displayed as well as the following icons: Open file location - in the desktop version, it allows to open the folder where the file is stored in the File explorer window. In the online version, it allows to open the folder of the Documents module where the file is stored in a new browser tab. - allows to adjust View Settings and access the editor Advanced Settings. Manage document access rights - (available in the online version only) allows to set access rights for the documents stored in the cloud. Top toolbar displays a set of editing commands depending on the selected menu tab. Currently, the following tabs are available: File, Home, Insert, Layout, Formula, Data, Pivot Table, Collaboration, Protection, Plugins. The Copy and Paste options are always available at the left part of the Top toolbar regardless of the selected tab. Formula bar allows to enter and edit formulas or values in the cells. Formula bar displays the content of the currently selected cell. Status bar at the bottom of the editor window contains some navigation tools: sheet navigation buttons, sheet tabs, and zoom buttons. The Status bar also displays the number of filtered records if you apply a filter, or results of the automatic calculations if you select several cells containing data. Left sidebar contains the following icons: - allows to use the Search and Replace tool, - allows to open the Comments panel, - (available in the online version only) allows to open the Chat panel, as well as the icons that allow to contact our support team and view the information about the program. Right sidebar allows to adjust additional parameters of different objects. When you select a particular object on a worksheet, the corresponding icon is activated at the right sidebar. Click this icon to expand the right sidebar. Working area allows to view spreadsheet content, enter and edit data. Horizontal and vertical Scroll bars allow to scroll up/down and left/right the current sheet. For your convenience you can hide some components and display them again when it is necessary. To learn more on how to adjust view settings please refer to this page."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/AddBorders.htm", 
        "title": "Add cell background and borders", 
        "body": "Add cell background To apply and format cell background, select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, Note: you can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. to apply a solid color fill to the cell background, click the Background color icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar and choose the necessary color. to use other fill types, such as a gradient fill or pattern, click the Cell settings icon at the right sidebar and use the Fill section: Color Fill - select this option to specify the solid color you want to fill the selected cells with. Click the colored box below and select one of the theme colors, or standard colors on the palette, or specify a custom color. Gradient Fill - fill the selected cells with two colors which smoothly change from one to another. Angle - manually specify an exact value in degrees that defines the gradient direction (colors change in a straight line at the specified angle). Direction - choose a predefined template from the menu. The following directions are available: top-left to bottom-right (45&deg;), top to bottom (90&deg;), top-right to bottom-left (135&deg;), right to left (180&deg;), bottom-right to top-left (225&deg;), bottom to top (270&deg;), bottom-left to top-right (315&deg;), left to right (0&deg;). Gradient - click on the left slider under the gradient bar to activate the color box which corresponds to the first color. Click on the color box on the right to choose the first color in the palette. Drag the slider to set the gradient stop i.e. the point where one color changes into another. Use the right slider under the gradient bar to specify the second color and set the gradient stop. Pattern - select this option to fill the selected cells with a two-colored design composed of regularly repeated elements. Pattern - select one of the predefined designs from the menu. Foreground color - click this color box to change the color of the pattern elements. Background color - click this color box to change the color of the pattern background. No Fill - select this option if you don't want to use any fill. Add cell borders To add and format borders to a worksheet, select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, Note: you can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. click the Borders icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar or click the Cell settings icon at the right sidebar and use the Borders Style section, select the border style you wish to apply: open the Border Style submenu and select one of the available options, open the Border Color submenu or use the Color palette at the right sidebar and select the color you need from the palette, select one of the available border templates: Outside Borders , All Borders , Top Borders , Bottom Borders , Left Borders , Right Borders , No Borders , Inside Borders , Inside Vertical Borders , Inside Horizontal Borders , Diagonal Up Border , Diagonal Down Border ."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm", 
        "title": "Add hyperlinks", 
        "body": "To add a hyperlink, select a cell where a hyperlink will be added, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Hyperlink icon at the top toolbar, after that the Hyperlink Settings will appear where you can specify the hyperlink settings: Select a link type you wish to insert: Use the External Link option and enter a URL in the format in the Link to field below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to an external website. Use the Internal Data Range option and select a worksheet and a cell range in the fields below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to a certain cell range in the same spreadsheet. Display - enter a text that will become clickable and lead to the web address specified in the upper field. Note: if the selected cell already contains data, it will be automatically displayed in this field. ScreenTip Text - enter a text that will become visible in a small pop-up window that provides a brief note or label pertaining to the hyperlink being pointed to. click the OK button. To add a hyperlink, you can also use the Ctrl+K key combination or click with the right mouse button at a position where a hyperlink will be added and select the Hyperlink option in the right-click menu. When you hover the cursor over the added hyperlink, the ScreenTip will appear containing the text you specified. To follow the link click the link in your spreadsheet. To select a cell that contains a link without opening the link click and hold the mouse button. To delete the added hyperlink, activate the cell containing the added hyperlink and press the Delete key, or right-click the cell and select the Clear All option from the drop-down list."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm", 
        "title": "Align data in cells", 
        "body": "You can align your data horizontally and vertically or even rotate data within a cell. To do that, select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination. You can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. Then perform one of the following operations using the icons situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar. Apply one of the horizontal alignment of the data within a cell, click the Align left icon to align your data by the left side of the cell (the right side remains unaligned); click the Align center icon to align your data by the center of the cell (the right and the left sides remains unaligned); click the Align right icon to align your data by the right side of the cell (the left side remains unaligned); click the Justified icon to align your data by both the left and the right sides of the cell (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment). Change the vertical alignment of the data within a cell, click the Align top icon to align your data to the top of the cell; click the Align middle icon to align your data to the middle of the cell; click the Align bottom icon to align your data to the bottom of the cell. Change the angle of the data within a cell, clicking the Orientation icon and choosing one of the options: use the Horizontal Text option to place the text horizontally (default option), use the Angle Counterclockwise option to place the text from the bottom left corner to the top right corner of a cell, use the Angle Clockwise option to place the text from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of a cell, use the Rotate Text Up option to place the text from bottom to top of a cell, use the Rotate Text Down option to place the text from top to bottom of a cell. To rotate the text by an exactly specified angle, click the Cell settings icon at the right sidebar and use the Orientation. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the Angle field or adjust it using the arrows on the right. Fit your data to the column width clicking the Wrap text icon. Note: if you change the column width, data wrapping adjusts automatically."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/ChangeNumberFormat.htm", 
        "title": "Change number format", 
        "body": "Apply a number format You can easily change the number format, i.e. the way the numbers you enter appear in your spreadsheet. To do that, select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, Note: you can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. drop-down the Number format list situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar or right-click the selected cells and use the Number Format option from the contextual menu. Select the number format you wish to apply: General - is used to display the data you enter as plain numbers in the most compact way without any additional signs, Number - is used to display the numbers with 0-30 digits after the decimal point where a thousand separator is added between each group of three digits before the decimal point, Scientific (exponential) - is used to keep short the numbers converting in a string of type d.dddE+ddd or d.dddE-ddd where each d is a digit 0 to 9, Accounting - is used to display monetary values with the default currency symbol and two decimal places. To apply another currency symbol or number of decimal places, follow the instructions below. Unlike the Currency format, the Accounting format aligns currency symbols by the left side of the cell, represents zero values as dashes and displays negative values in parentheses. Note: to quickly apply the Accounting format to the selected data, you can also click the Accounting style icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary currency symbol: one of the following currency symbols: &#36; Dollar, &euro; Euro, &pound Pound, &#8381; Rouble, &yen Yen. Currency - is used to display monetary values with the default currency symbol and two decimal places. To apply another currency symbol or number of decimal places, follow the instructions below. Unlike the Accounting format, the Currency format places a currency symbol directly before the first digit and displays negative values with the negative sign (-). Date - is used to display dates, Time - is used to display time, Percentage - is used to display the data as a percentage accompanied by a percent sign %, Note: to quickly apply the percent style to your data you can also use the Percent style icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar. Fraction - is used to display the numbers as common fractions rather than decimals. Text - is used to display the numeric values as a plain text with as much precision as available. More formats - is used to customize the already applied number formats specifying additional parameters (see the description below). change the number of decimal places, if needed: use the Increase decimal icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar to display more digits after the decimal point, use the Decrease decimal icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar to display fewer digits after the decimal point. Note: to change a number format you can also use keyboard shortcuts. Customize the number format You can customize the applied number format in the following way: select the cells you want to customize the number format for, drop-down the Number format list at the Home tab of the top toolbar or right-click the selected cells and use the Number Format option from the contextual menu, select the More formats option, in the Number Format window that opens, adjust the available parameters. The options differ depending on the number format that is applied to the selected cells. You can use the Category list to change the number format. for the Number format, you can set the number of Decimal points, specify if you want to Use 1000 separator or not and choose one of the available Formats for displaying negative values. for the Scientific and Persentage formats, you can set the number of Decimal points. for the Accounting and Currency formats, you can set the number of Decimal points, choose one of the available currency Symbols and one of the available Formats for displaying negative values. for the Date format, you can select one of the available date formats: 4/15, 4/15/06, 04/15/06, 4/15/2006, 4/15/06 0:00, 4/15/06 12:00 AM, A, April 15 2006, 15-Apr, 15-Apr-06, Apr-06, April-06, A-06, 06-Apr, 15-Apr-2006, 2006-Apr-15, 06-Apr-15, 15/Apr, 15/Apr/06, Apr/06, April/06, A/06, 06/Apr, 15/Apr/2006, 2006/Apr/15, 06/Apr/15, 15 Apr, 15 Apr 06, Apr 06, April 06, A 06, 06 Apr, 15 Apr 2006, 2006 Apr 15, 06 Apr 15, 06/4/15, 06/04/15, 2006/4/15. for the Time format, you can select one of the available time formats: 12:48:58 PM, 12:48, 12:48 PM, 12:48:58, 48:57.6, 36:48:58. for the Fraction format, you can select one of the available formats: Up to one digit (1/3), Up to two digits (12/25), Up to three digits (131/135), As halves (1/2), As fourths (2/4), As eighths (4/8), As sixteenths (8/16), As tenths (5/10) , As hundredths (50/100). click the OK button to apply the changes."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/ClearFormatting.htm", 
        "title": "Clear text, format in a cell, copy cell format", 
        "body": "Clear format You can quickly remove the text or the format within the selected cell. To do that, select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, Note: you can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. click the Clear icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar and select one of the available options: use the All option if you wish to remove all including text, format, function etc; use the Text option if you wish to remove the text from the selected range of cells; use the Format option if you wish to clear the format of the selected range of cells. The text and functions, if present, will remain; use the Comments option if you wish to remove comments from the selected range of cells; use the Hyperlinks option if you wish to clear hyperlinks within the selected range of cells. Note: all these options are also available from the right-click menu. Copy cell format You can quickly copy a certain cell format and apply it to other cells. To apply the copied format to a single cell or several adjacent cells, select the cell/range of cells which format you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard, click the Copy style icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar, (the mouse pointer will look like this ), select the cell/range of cells you want to apply the same format to. To apply the copied format to multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges, select the cell/range of cells which format you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard, double-click the Copy style icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar, (the mouse pointer will look like this and the Copy style icon will remain selected: ), click single cells or select cell ranges one by one to apply the same format to all of them, to exit this mode, click the Copy style icon once again or press the Esc key on the keyboard."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/CopyPasteData.htm", 
        "title": "Cut/copy/paste data", 
        "body": "Use basic clipboard operations To cut, copy and paste data in the current spreadsheet make use of the right-click menu or use the corresponding icons available at any tab of the top toolbar, Cut - select data and use the Cut option from the right-click menu to delete the selected data and send them to the computer clipboard memory. The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same spreadsheet. Copy - select data and either use the Copy icon at the top toolbar or right-click and select the Copy option from the menu to send the selected data to the computer clipboard memory. The copied data can be later inserted to another place in the same spreadsheet. Paste - select a place and either use the Paste icon at the top toolbar or right-click and select the Paste option to insert the previously copied/cut data from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The data can be previously copied from the same spreadsheet. In the online version, the following key combinations are only used to copy or paste data from/into another spreadsheet or some other program, in the desktop version, both the corresponding buttons/menu options and key combinations can be used for any copy/paste operations: Ctrl+X key combination for cutting; Ctrl+C key combination for copying; Ctrl+V key combination for pasting. Note: instead of cutting and pasting data within the same worksheet you can select the necessary cell/range of cells, hover the mouse cursor over the selection border so that it turns into the icon and drag and drop the selection to the necessary position. Use the Paste Special feature Once the copied data is pasted, the Paste Special button appears next to the lower right corner of the inserted cell/cell range. Click this button to select the necessary paste option. When pasting a cell/cell range with formatted data, the following options are available: Paste - allows to paste all the cell contents including data formatting. This option is selected by default. The following options can be used if the copied data contains formulas: Paste only formula - allows to paste formulas without pasting the data formatting. Formula + number format - allows to paste formulas with the formatting applied to numbers. Formula + all formatting - allows to paste formulas with all the data formatting. Formula without borders - allows to paste formulas with the all the data formatting excepting cell borders. Formula + column width - allows to paste formulas with all the data formatting and set the source column width for the cell range you paste the data to. The following options allow to paste the result that the copied formula returns without pasting the formula itself: Paste only value - allows to paste the formula results without pasting the data formatting. Value + number format - allows to paste the formula results with the formatting applied to numbers. Value + all formatting - allows to paste the formula results with all the data formatting. Paste only formatting - allows to paste the cell formatting only without pasting the cell contents. Transpose - allows to paste data changing columns to rows and rows to columns. This option is available for regular data ranges, but not for formatted tables. When pasting the contents of a single cell or some text within autoshapes, the following options are available: Source formatting - allows to keep the source formatting of the copied data. Destination formatting - allows to apply the formatting that is already used for the cell/autoshape you paste the data to. Paste delimited text When pasting delimited text copied from a .txt file, the following options are available: The delimited text can contain several records where each record corresponds to a single table row. Each record can contain several text values separated with a delimiters (such as comma, semicolon, colon, tab, space or some other character). The file should be saved as a plain text .txt file. Keep text only - allows to paste text values into a single column where each cell contents corresponds to a row in a source text file. Use text import wizard - allows to open the Text Import Wizard which helps to easily split the text values into multiple columns where each text value separated by a delimiter will be placed into a separate cell. When the Text Import Wizard window opens, select the text delimiter used in the delimited data from the Delimiter drop-down list. The data splitted into columns will be displayed in the Preview field below. If you are satisfied with the result, press the OK button. If you pasted delimited data from a source that is not a plain text file (e.g. text copied from a web page etc.), or if you applied the Keep text only feature and now want to split the data from a single column into several columns, you can use the Text to Columns option. To split data into multiple columns: Select the necessary cell or column that contains data with delimiters. Switch to the Data tab. Click the Text to columns button at the top toolbar. The Text to Columns Wizard opens. In the Delimiter drop-down list, select the delimiter used in the delimited data, preview the result in the field below and click OK. After that, each text value separated by the delimiter will be located in a separate cell. If there is some data in the cells to the right of the column you want to split, the data will be overwritten. Use the Auto Fill option To quickly fill multiple cells with the same data use the Auto Fill option: select a cell/range of cells containing the necessary data, move the mouse cursor over the fill handle in the right lower corner of the cell. The cursor will turn into the black cross: drag the handle over the adjacent cells you want to fill with the selected data. Note: if you need to create a series of numbers (such as 1, 2, 3, 4...; 2, 4, 6, 8... etc.) or dates, you can enter at least two starting values and quickly extend the series selecting these cells and dragging the fill handle. Fill cells in the column with text values If a column in your spreadsheet contains some text values, you can easily replace any value within this column or fill the next blank cell selecting one of already existing text values. Right-click the necessary cell and choose the Select from drop-down list option in the contextual menu. Select one of the available text values to replace the current one or fill an empty cell."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeStyle.htm", 
        "title": "Set font type, size, style, and colors", 
        "body": "You can select the font type and its size, apply one of the decoration styles and change the font and background colors using the corresponding icons situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar. Note: in case you want to apply the formatting to the data already present in the spreadsheet, select them with the mouse or using the keyboard and apply the formatting. If you need to apply the formatting to multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. Font Is used to select one of the fonts from the list of the available ones. If a required font is not available in the list, you can download and install it on your operating system, after that the font will be available for use in the desktop version. Font size Is used to select among the preset font size values from the dropdown list (the default values are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 and 96). It's also possible to manually enter a custom value to the font size field and then press Enter. Increment font size Is used to change the font size making it larger one point each time the icon is clicked. Decrement font size Is used to change the font size making it smaller one point each time the icon is clicked. Bold Is used to make the font bold giving it more weight. Italic Is used to make the font italicized giving it some right side tilt. Underline Is used to make the text underlined with the line going under the letters. Strikeout Is used to make the text struck out with the line going through the letters. Subscript/Superscript Allows to choose the Superscript or Subscript option. The Superscript option is used to make the text smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions. The Subscript option is used to make the text smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas. Font color Is used to change the color of the letters/characters in cells. Background color Is used to change the color of the cell background. Using this icon you can apply a solid color fill. The cell background color can also be changed using the Fill section at the Cell settings tab of the right sidebar. Change color scheme Is used to change the default color palette for worksheet elements (font, background, chats and chart elements) selecting one of the available ones: Office, Grayscale, Apex, Aspect, Civic, Concourse, Equity, Flow, Foundry, Median, Metro, Module, Odulent, Oriel, Origin, Paper, Solstice, Technic, Trek, Urban, or Verve. Note: it's also possible to apply one of the formatting presets selecting the cell you wish to format and choosing the desired preset from the list at the Home tab of the top toolbar: To change the font color or use a solid color fill as the cell background, select characters/cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet using the Ctrl+A key combination, click the corresponding icon at the top toolbar, select any color in the available palettes Theme Colors - the colors that correspond to the selected color scheme of the spreadsheet. Standard Colors - the default colors set. Custom Color - click this caption if there is no needed color in the available palettes. Select the necessary colors range moving the vertical color slider and set the specific color dragging the color picker within the large square color field. Once you select a color with the color picker, the appropriate RGB and sRGB color values will be displayed in the fields on the right. You can also specify a color on the base of the RGB color model entering the necessary numeric values into the R, G, B (red, green, blue) fields or enter the sRGB hexadecimal code into the field marked with the # sign. The selected color appears in the New preview box. If the object was previously filled with any custom color, this color is displayed in the Current box so you can compare the original and modified colors. When the color is specified, click the Add button: The custom color will be applied to the selected text/cell and added to the Custom color palette. To clear the background color of a certain cell, select a cell, or a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet using the Ctrl+A key combination, click the Background color icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar, select the icon."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/GroupData.htm", 
        "title": "Group data", 
        "body": "The possibility to group rows and columns as well as create an outline allows you to make it easier to work with a spreadsheet that contains a large amount of data. You can collapse or expand grouped rows and columns to display the necessary data only. It's also possible to create a multi-level structure of the grouped rows/columns. When it's necessary, you can ungroup previously grouped rows or columns. Group rows and columns To group rows or columns: Select the range of cells that you need to group. Switch to the Data tab and use one of the necessary options at the top toolbar: click the Group button, then choose the Rows or Columns option in the Group window that appears and click OK, click the downwards arrow below the Group button and choose the Group rows option from the menu, click the downwards arrow below the Group button and choose the Group columns option from the menu. The selected rows or columns will be grouped and the created outline will be displayed to the left of the rows or/and above the columns. To hide grouped rows/columns click the Collapse icon. To show collapsed rows/columns click the Expand icon. Change the outline To change the outline of grouped rows or columns you can use options from the Group drop-down menu. The Summary rows below detail and Summary columns to right of detail options are checked by default. They allow to change the location of the Collapse and Expand buttons: Uncheck the Summary rows below detail option if you want to display the summary rows above details. Uncheck the Summary columns to right of detail option if you want to display the summary columns to the left of details. Create multi-level groups To create a multi-level structure, select a cell range within the previously created group of rows/columns and group the new selected range as described above. After that, you can hide and show groups by level using the icons with the level number: . For example, if you create a nested group within the parent group, three levels will be available. It's possible to create up to 8 levels. Click the first level icon to switch to the level which hides all grouped data: Click the second level icon to switch to the level which displays details of the parent group, but hides the nested group data: Click the third level icon to switch to the level which displays all details: It's also possible to use the Collapse and Expand icons within the outline to display or hide the data corresponding to a certain level. Ungroup previously grouped rows and columns To ungroup previously grouped rows or columns: Select the range of grouped cells that you need to ungroup. Switch to the Data tab and use one of the necessary options at the top toolbar: click the Ungroup button, then choose the Rows or Columns option in the Group window that appears and click OK, click the downwards arrow below the Ungroup button, then choose the Ungroup rows option from the menu to ungroup rows and clear the outline of rows, click the downwards arrow below the Ungroup button and choose the Ungroup columns option from the menu to ungroup columns and clear the outline of columns, click the downwards arrow below the Ungroup button and choose the Clear outline option from the menu to clear the outline of rows and columns without removing existing groups."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm", 
        "title": "Insert and format autoshapes", 
        "body": "Insert an autoshape To add an autoshape to your spreadsheet, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Shape icon at the top toolbar, select one of the available autoshape groups: basic shapes, figured arrows, math, charts, stars &amp; ribbons, callouts, buttons, rectangles, lines, click the necessary autoshape within the selected group, place the mouse cursor where you want the shape to be put, once the autoshape is added you can change its size and position as well as its settings. Adjust the autoshape settings Some of the autoshape settings can be altered using the Shape settings tab of the right sidebar that opens if you select the inserted autoshape with the mouse and click the Shape settings icon. Here you can change the following settings: Fill - use this section to select the autoshape fill. You can choose the following options: Color Fill - select this option to specify the solid color you want to fill the inner space of the selected autoshape with. Click the colored box below and select the necessary color from the available color sets or specify any color you like: Theme Colors - the colors that correspond to the selected color scheme of the spreadsheet. Standard Colors - the default colors set. Custom Color - click this caption if there is no needed color in the available palettes. Select the necessary colors range moving the vertical color slider and set the specific color dragging the color picker within the large square color field. Once you select a color with the color picker, the appropriate RGB and sRGB color values will be displayed in the fields on the right. You can also specify a color on the base of the RGB color model entering the necessary numeric values into the R, G, B (red, green, blue) fields or enter the sRGB hexadecimal code into the field marked with the # sign. The selected color appears in the New preview box. If the object was previously filled with any custom color, this color is displayed in the Current box so you can compare the original and modified colors. When the color is specified, click the Add button. The custom color will be applied to your autoshape and added to the Custom color palette.</p> Gradient Fill - fill the shape with two colors which smoothly change from one to another. Style - choose one of the available options: Linear (colors change in a straight line i.e. along a horizontal/vertical axis or diagonally at a 45 degree angle) or Radial (colors change in a circular path from the center to the edges). Direction - choose a template from the menu. If the Linear gradient is selected, the following directions are available : top-left to bottom-right, top to bottom, top-right to bottom-left, right to left, bottom-right to top-left, bottom to top, bottom-left to top-right, left to right. If the Radial gradient is selected, only one template is available. Gradient - click on the left slider under the gradient bar to activate the color box which corresponds to the first color. Click on the color box on the right to choose the first color in the palette. Drag the slider to set the gradient stop i.e. the point where one color changes into another. Use the right slider under the gradient bar to specify the second color and set the gradient stop. Picture or Texture - select this option to use an image or a predefined texture as the shape background. If you wish to use an image as a background for the shape, you can add an image From File selecting it on your computer HDD or From URL inserting the appropriate URL address into the opened window. If you wish to use a texture as a background for the shape, open the From Texture menu and select the necessary texture preset. Currently, the following textures are available: canvas, carton, dark fabric, grain, granite, grey paper, knit, leather, brown paper, papyrus, wood. In case the selected Picture has less or more dimensions than the autoshape has, you can choose the Stretch or Tile setting from the dropdown list. The Stretch option allows you to adjust the image size to fit the autoshape size so that it could fill the space completely. The Tile option allows you to display only a part of the bigger image keeping its original dimensions or repeat the smaller image keeping its original dimensions over the autoshape surface so that it could fill the space completely. Note: any selected Texture preset fills the space completely, but you can apply the Stretch effect if necessary. Pattern - select this option to fill the shape with a two-colored design composed of regularly repeated elements. Pattern - select one of the predefined designs from the menu. Foreground color - click this color box to change the color of the pattern elements. Background color - click this color box to change the color of the pattern background. No Fill - select this option if you don't want to use any fill. Opacity - use this section to set an Opacity level dragging the slider or entering the percent value manually. The default value is 100%. It corresponds to the full opacity. The 0% value corresponds to the full transparency. Stroke - use this section to change the autoshape stroke width, color or type. To change the stroke width, select one of the available options from the Size dropdown list. The available options are: 0.5 pt, 1 pt, 1.5 pt, 2.25 pt, 3 pt, 4.5 pt, 6 pt. Alternatively, select the No Line option if you don't want to use any stroke. To change the stroke color, click on the colored box below and select the necessary color. To change the stroke type, select the necessary option from the corresponding dropdown list (a solid line is applied by default, you can change it to one of the available dashed lines). Rotation is used to rotate the shape by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as well as to flip the shape horizontally or vertically. Click one of the buttons: to rotate the shape by 90 degrees counterclockwise to rotate the shape by 90 degrees clockwise to flip the shape horizontally (left to right) to flip the shape vertically (upside down) Change Autoshape - use this section to replace the current autoshape with another one selected from the dropdown list. Show shadow - check this option to display shape with shadow. Adjust shape advanced settings To change the advanced settings of the autoshape, use the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar. The 'Shape - Advanced Settings' window will open: The Size tab contains the following parameters: Width and Height - use these options to change the autoshape width and/or height. If the Constant proportions button is clicked (in this case it looks like this ), the width and height will be changed together preserving the original shape aspect ratio. The Rotation tab contains the following parameters: Angle - use this option to rotate the shape by an exactly specified angle. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the field or adjust it using the arrows on the right. Flipped - check the Horizontally box to flip the shape horizontally (left to right) or check the Vertically box to flip the shape vertically (upside down). The Weights &amp; Arrows tab contains the following parameters: Line Style - this option group allows to specify the following parameters: Cap Type - this option allows to set the style for the end of the line, therefore it can be applied only to the shapes with the open outline, such as lines, polylines etc.: Flat - the end points will be flat. Round - the end points will be rounded. Square - the end points will be square. Join Type - this option allows to set the style for the intersection of two lines, for example, it can affect a polyline or the corners of the triangle or rectangle outline: Round - the corner will be rounded. Bevel - the corner will be cut off angularly. Miter - the corner will be pointed. It goes well to shapes with sharp angles. Note: the effect will be more noticeable if you use a large outline width. Arrows - this option group is available if a shape from the Lines shape group is selected. It allows to set the arrow Start and End Style and Size by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown lists. The Text Padding tab allows to change the autoshape Top, Bottom, Left and Right internal margins (i.e. the distance between the text within the shape and the autoshape borders). Note: this tab is only available if text is added within the autoshape, otherwise the tab is disabled. The Columns tab allows to add columns of text within the autoshape specifying the necessary Number of columns (up to 16) and Spacing between columns. Once you click OK, the text that already exists or any other text you enter within the autoshape will appear in columns and will flow from one column to another. The Cell Snapping tab contains the following parameters: Move and size with cells - this option allows to snap the shape to the cell behind it. If the cell moves (e.g. if you insert or delete some rows/columns), the shape will be moved together with the cell. If you increase or decrease the width or height of the cell, the shape will change its size as well. Move but don't size with cells - this option allows to snap the shape to the cell behind it preventing the image from being resized. If the cell moves, the shape will be moved together with the cell, but if you change the cell size, the shape dimensions remain unchanged. Don't move or size with cells - this option allows to prevent the shape from being moved or resized if the cell position or size was changed. The Alternative Text tab allows to specify a Title and Description which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the shape. Insert and format text within the autoshape To insert a text into the autoshape select the shape with the mouse and start typing your text. The text you add in this way becomes a part of the autoshape (when you move or rotate the shape, the text moves or rotates with it). All the formatting options you can apply to the text within the autoshape are listed here. Join autoshapes using connectors You can connect autoshapes using lines with connection points to demonstrate dependencies between the objects (e.g. if you want to create a flowchart). To do that, click the Shape icon at the Insert tab of the top toolbar, select the Lines group from the menu, click the necessary shape within the selected group (excepting the last three shapes which are not connectors, namely Curve, Scribble and Freeform), hover the mouse cursor over the first autoshape and click one of the connection points that appear on the shape outline, drag the mouse cursor towards the second autoshape and click the necessary connection point on its outline. If you move the joined autoshapes, the connector remains attached to the shapes and moves together with them. You can also detach the connector from the shapes and then attach it to any other connection points."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertChart.htm", 
        "title": "Insert chart", 
        "body": "Insert a chart To insert a chart into the speadsheet, Select the cell range that contain the data you wish to use for the chart, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, Click the Chart icon at the top toolbar, Select a chart Type you wish to insert: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY (Scatter), or Stock. Note: for Column, Line, Pie, or Bar charts, a 3D format is also available. After that the chart will be added to the worksheet. Adjust the chart settings Now you can change the inserted chart settings. To change the chart type, select the chart with the mouse, click the Chart settings icon at the right sidebar, open the Type drop-down list and select the type you need, open the Style drop-down list below and select the style which suits you best. The selected chart type and style will be changed. If you need to edit the data used to create the chart, click the Show advanced settings link situated at the right-side panel, or choose the Chart Advanced Settings option from the right-click menu, or just double-click the chart, in the opened Chart - Advanced Settings window make all the necessary changes, click the OK button to apply the changes and close the window. The description of the chart settings that can be edited using the Chart - Advanced Settings window you can find below. The Type &amp Data tab allows you to change the chart type as well as the data you wish to use to create a chart. Change the chart Type selecting one of the available options: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY (Scatter), or Stock. Check the selected Data Range and modify it, if necessary, clicking the Select Data button and entering the desired data range in the following format: Sheet1!A1:B4. Choose the way to arrange the data. You can either select the Data series to be used on the X axis: in rows or in columns. The Layout tab allows you to change the layout of chart elements. Specify the Chart Title position in regard to your chart selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list: None to not display a chart title, Overlay to overlay and center a title on the plot area, No Overlay to display the title above the plot area. Specify the Legend position in regard to your chart selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list: None to not display a legend, Bottom to display the legend and align it to the bottom of the plot area, Top to display the legend and align it to the top of the plot area, Right to display the legend and align it to the right of the plot area, Left to display the legend and align it to the left of the plot area, Left Overlay to overlay and center the legend to the left on the plot area, Right Overlay to overlay and center the legend to the right on the plot area. Specify the Data Labels (i.e. text labels that represent exact values of data points) parameters: specify the Data Labels position relative to the data points selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list. The available options vary depending on the selected chart type. For Column/Bar charts, you can choose the following options: None, Center, Inner Bottom, Inner Top, Outer Top. For Line/XY (Scatter)/Stock charts, you can choose the following options: None, Center, Left, Right, Top, Bottom. For Pie charts, you can choose the following options: None, Center, Fit to Width, Inner Top, Outer Top. For Area charts as well as for 3D Column, Line and Bar charts, you can choose the following options: None, Center. select the data you wish to include into your labels checking the corresponding boxes: Series Name, Category Name, Value, enter a character (comma, semicolon etc.) you wish to use for separating several labels into the Data Labels Separator entry field. Lines - is used to choose a line style for Line/XY (Scatter) charts. You can choose one of the following options: Straight to use straight lines between data points, Smooth to use smooth curves between data points, or None to not display lines. Markers - is used to specify whether the markers should be displayed (if the box is checked) or not (if the box is unchecked) for Line/XY (Scatter) charts. Note: the Lines and Markers options are available for Line charts and XY (Scatter) charts only. The Axis Settings section allows to specify if you wish to display Horizontal/Vertical Axis or not selecting the Show or Hide option from the drop-down list. You can also specify Horizontal/Vertical Axis Title parameters: Specify if you wish to display the Horizontal Axis Title or not selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list: None to not display a horizontal axis title, No Overlay to display the title below the horizontal axis. Specify the Vertical Axis Title orientation selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list: None to not display a vertical axis title, Rotated to display the title from bottom to top to the left of the vertical axis, Horizontal to display the title horizontally to the left of the vertical axis. The Gridlines section allows to specify which of the Horizontal/Vertical Gridlines you wish to display selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list: Major, Minor, or Major and Minor. You can hide the gridlines at all using the None option. Note: the Axis Settings and Gridlines sections will be disabled for Pie charts since charts of this type have no axes and gridlines. Note: the Vertical/Horizontal Axis tabs will be disabled for Pie charts since charts of this type have no axes. The Vertical Axis tab allows you to change the parameters of the vertical axis also referred to as the values axis or y-axis which displays numeric values. Note that the vertical axis will be the category axis which displays text labels for the Bar charts, therefore in this case the Vertical Axis tab options will correspond to the ones described in the next section. For the XY (Scatter) charts, both axes are value axes. The Axis Options section allows to set the following parameters: Minimum Value - is used to specify a lowest value displayed at the vertical axis start. The Auto option is selected by default, in this case the minimum value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the Fixed option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right. Maximum Value - is used to specify a highest value displayed at the vertical axis end. The Auto option is selected by default, in this case the maximum value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the Fixed option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right. Axis Crosses - is used to specify a point on the vertical axis where the horizontal axis should cross it. The Auto option is selected by default, in this case the axes intersection point value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the Value option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right, or set the axes intersection point at the Minimum/Maximum Value on the vertical axis. Display Units - is used to determine a representation of the numeric values along the vertical axis. This option can be useful if you're working with great numbers and wish the values on the axis to be displayed in more compact and readable way (e.g. you can represent 50 000 as 50 by using the Thousands display units). Select desired units from the drop-down list: Hundreds, Thousands, 10 000, 100 000, Millions, 10 000 000, 100 000 000, Billions, Trillions, or choose the None option to return to the default units. Values in reverse order - is used to display values in an opposite direction. When the box is unchecked, the lowest value is at the bottom and the highest value is at the top of the axis. When the box is checked, the values are ordered from top to bottom. The Tick Options section allows to adjust the appearance of tick marks on the vertical scale. Major tick marks are the larger scale divisions which can have labels displaying numeric values. Minor tick marks are the scale subdivisions which are placed between the major tick marks and have no labels. Tick marks also define where gridlines can be displayed, if the corresponding option is set at the Layout tab. The Major/Minor Type drop-down lists contain the following placement options: None to not display major/minor tick marks, Cross to display major/minor tick marks on both sides of the axis, In to display major/minor tick marks inside the axis, Out to display major/minor tick marks outside the axis. The Label Options section allows to adjust the appearance of major tick mark labels which display values. To specify a Label Position in regard to the vertical axis, select the necessary option from the drop-down list: None to not display tick mark labels, Low to display tick mark labels to the left of the plot area, High to display tick mark labels to the right of the plot area, Next to axis to display tick mark labels next to the axis. The Horizontal Axis tab allows you to change the parameters of the horizontal axis also referred to as the categories axis or x-axis which displays text labels. Note that the horizontal axis will be the value axis which displays numeric values for the Bar charts, therefore in this case the Horizontal Axis tab options will correspond to the ones described in the previous section. For the XY (Scatter) charts, both axes are value axes. The Axis Options section allows to set the following parameters: Axis Crosses - is used to specify a point on the horizontal axis where the vertical axis should cross it. The Auto option is selected by default, in this case the axes intersection point value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the Value option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right, or set the axes intersection point at the Minimum/Maximum Value (that corresponds to the first and last category) on the horizontal axis. Axis Position - is used to specify where the axis text labels should be placed: On Tick Marks or Between Tick Marks. Values in reverse order - is used to display categories in an opposite direction. When the box is unchecked, categories are displayed from left to right. When the box is checked, the categories are ordered from right to left. The Tick Options section allows to adjust the appearance of tick marks on the horizontal scale. Major tick marks are the larger divisions which can have labels displaying category values. Minor tick marks are the smaller divisions which are placed between the major tick marks and have no labels. Tick marks also define where gridlines can be displayed, if the corresponding option is set at the Layout tab. You can adjust the following tick mark parameters: Major/Minor Type - is used to specify the following placement options: None to not display major/minor tick marks, Cross to display major/minor tick marks on both sides of the axis, In to display major/minor tick marks inside the axis, Out to display major/minor tick marks outside the axis. Interval between Marks - is used to specify how many categories should be displayed between two adjacent tick marks. The Label Options section allows to adjust the appearance of labels which display categories. Label Position - is used to specify where the labels should be placed in regard to the horizontal axis. Select the necessary option from the drop-down list: None to not display category labels, Low to display category labels at the bottom of the plot area, High to display category labels at the top of the plot area, Next to axis to display category labels next to the axis. Axis Label Distance - is used to specify how closely the labels should be placed to the axis. You can specify the necessary value in the entry field. The more the value you set, the more the distance between the axis and labels is. Interval between Labels - is used to specify how often the labels should be displayed. The Auto option is selected by default, in this case labels are displayed for every category. You can select the Manual option from the drop-down list and specify the necessary value in the entry field on the right. For example, enter 2 to display labels for every other category etc. The Cell Snapping tab contains the following parameters: Move and size with cells - this option allows to snap the chart to the cell behind it. If the cell moves (e.g. if you insert or delete some rows/columns), the chart will be moved together with the cell. If you increase or decrease the width or height of the cell, the chart will change its size as well. Move but don't size with cells - this option allows to snap the chart to the cell behind it preventing the image from being resized. If the cell moves, the chart will be moved together with the cell, but if you change the cell size, the chart dimensions remain unchanged. Don't move or size with cells - this option allows to prevent the chart from being moved or resized if the cell position or size was changed. The Alternative Text tab allows to specify a Title and Description which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the chart. Edit chart elements To edit the chart Title, select the default text with the mouse and type in your own one instead. To change the font formatting within text elements, such as the chart title, axes titles, legend entries, data labels etc., select the necessary text element by left-clicking it. Then use icons at the Home tab of the top toolbar to change the font type, style, size, or color. When the chart is selected, the Shape settings icon is also available on the right, since a shape is used as a background for the chart. You can click this icon to open the Shape Settings tab at the right sidebar and adjust the shape Fill and Stroke. Note that you cannot change the shape type. Using the Shape Settings tab at the right panel you can not only adjust the chart area itself, but also change the chart elements, such as plot area, data series, chart title, legend etc and apply different fill types to them. Select the chart element clicking it with the left mouse button and choose the preferred fill type: solid color, gradient, texture or picture, pattern. Specify the fill parameters and set the Opacity level if necessary. When you select a vertical or horizontal axis or gridlines, the stroke settings are only available at the Shape Settings tab: color, width and type. For more details on how to work with shape colors, fills and stroke, you can refer to this page. Note: the Show shadow option is also available at the Shape settings tab, but it is disabled for chart elements. To delete a chart element, select it by left-clicking and press the Delete key on the keyboard. You can also rotate 3D charts using the mouse. Left-click within the plot area and hold the mouse button. Drag the cursor without releasing the mouse button to change the 3D chart orientation. If necessary, you can change the chart size and position. To delete the inserted chart, click it and press the Delete key. Edit sparklines Sparkline is a little chart that fits in one cell. Sparklines can be useful if you want to visually represent information for each row or column in large data sets. This makes it easier to show trends in multiple data series. If your spreadsheet contains existing sparklines created using some other application, you can change sparkline properties. To do that, select the cell that contains a sparkline with the mouse and click the Chart settings icon at the right sidebar. If the selected sparkline is included into a sparkline group, the changes will be applied to all sparklines in the group. Use the Type drop-down list to select one of the available sparkline types: Column - this type is similar to a regular Column Chart. Line - this type is similar to a regular Line Chart. Win/Loss - this type is suitable for representing data that include both positive and negative values. In the Style section, you can do the following: select the style which suits you best from the Template drop-down list. choose the necessary Color for the sparkline. choose the necessary Line Weight (available for the Line type only). The Show section allows to select which sparkline elements you want to highlight so that make them clearly visible. Check the box to the left of the element to be highlighted and select the necessary color clicking the colored box: High Point - to highlight points that represent maximum values, Low Point - to highlight points that represent minimum values, Negative Point - to highlight points that represent negative values, First/Last Point - to highlight the point that represents the first/last value, Markers (available for the Line type only) - to highlight all values. Click the Show advanced settings link situated at the right-side panel to open the Sparkline - Advanced Settings window. The Type &amp Data tab allows you to change the sparkline Type and Style as well as specify the Hidden and Empty cells display settings: Show empty cells as - this option allows to control how sparklines are displayed if some cells in a data range are empty. Select the necessary option from the list: Gaps - to display the sparkline with gaps in place of missing data, Zero - to display the sparkline as if the value in an empty cell was zero, Connect data points with line (available for the Line type only) - to ignore empty cells and display a connecting line between data points. Show data in hidden rows and columns - check this box if you want to include values from the hidden cells into sparklines. The Axis Options tab allows you to specify the following Horizontal/Vertical Axis parameters: In the Horizontal Axis section, the following parameters are available: Show axis - check this box to display the horizontal axis. If the source data contain negative values, this option helps to display them more vividly. Reverse order - check this box to display data in the reverse sequence. In the Vertical Axis section, the following parameters are available: Minimum/Maximum Value Auto for Each - this option is selected by default. It allows to use own minimum/maximum values for each sparkline. The minimum/maximum values are taken from the separate data series that are used to plot each sparkline. The maximum value for each sparkline will be located on the top of the cell, and the minimum value will be on the bottom. Same for All - this option allows to use the same minimum/maximum value for the entire sparkline group. The minimum/maximum values are taken from the whole data range that is used to plot the sparkline group. The maximum/minimum values for each sparkline will be scaled relative to the highest/lowest value within the range. If you select this option, it will be easier to compare several sparklines. Fixed - this option allows to set a custom minimum/maximum value. The values which are lower or higher than the specified ones are not displayed in the sparklines."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertDeleteCells.htm", 
        "title": "Manage cells, rows, and columns", 
        "body": "You can insert blank cells above or to the left of the selected cell on a worksheet. You can also insert an entire row above the selected one or a column to the left of the selected column. To make it easy to view a large amount of information, you can hide some rows or columns and display them again. It's also possible to specify a certain row height and column width. Insert cells, rows, columns To insert a blank cell to the left of the selected cell: right-click the cell to the left of which you wish to insert a new one, click the Insert cells icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar or select the Insert item from the right-click menu and use the Shift cells right option. The program will shift the selected cell to the right to insert a blank one. To insert a blank cell above the selected cell: right-click the cell above which you wish to insert a new one, click the Insert cells icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar or select the Insert item from the right-click menu and use the Shift cells down option. The program will shift the selected cell down to insert a blank one. To insert an entire row: select either the whole row by clicking its heading or a cell in the row above which you wish to insert a new one, Note: to insert multiple rows, select the same number of rows as you wish to insert. click the Insert cells icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar and use the Entire row option, or right-click the selected cell, select the Insert item from the right-click menu, then choose the Entire row option, or right-click the selected row(s) and use the Insert Top option from the right-click menu. The program will shift the selected row down to insert a blank one. To insert an entire column: select either the whole column by clicking its heading or a cell in the column to the left of which you wish to insert a new one, Note: to insert multiple columns, select the same number of columns as you wish to insert. click the Insert cells icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar and use the Entire column option, or right-click the selected cell, select the Insert item from the right-click menu, then choose the Entire column option, or right-click the selected column(s) and use the Insert Left option from the right-click menu. The program will shift the selected column to the right to insert a blank one. Hide and show rows and columns To hide a row or column: select rows or columns you wish to hide, right-click the selected rows or columns and use the Hide option from the right-click menu. To display hidden rows or columns, select visible rows above and below the hidden rows or visible columns to the left and to the right of the hidden columns, right-click them and use the Show option from the right-click menu. Change column width and row height The column width determines how many characters with default formatting can be displayed in the column cell. The default value is set to 8.43 symbols. To change it: select columns you wish to change, right-click the selected columns and use the Set Column Width option from the right-click menu, choose one of the available options: select the Auto Fit Column Width option to automatically adjust the width of each column according to its content, or select the Custom Column Width option and specify a new value from 0 to 255 in the Custom Column Width window, then click OK. To change the width of a single column manually, move the mouse cursor over the right border of the column heading so that the cursor turns into the bidirectional arrow . Drag the border to the left or right to set a custom width or double-click the mouse to automatically change the column width according to its content. The default row height value is 14.25 points. To change it: select rows you wish to change, right-click the selected rows and use the Set Row Height option from the right-click menu, choose one of the available options: select the Auto Fit Row Height option to automatically adjust the height of each row according to its content, or select the Custom Row Height option and specify a new value from 0 to 408.75 in the Custom Row Height window, then click OK. To change the height of a single row manually, drag the bottom border of the row heading. Delete cells, rows, columns To delete an unnecessary cell, row, or column: select cells, rows, or columns you wish to delete, click the Delete cells icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar or select the Delete item from the right-click menu and select the appropriate option: if you use the Shift cells left option a cell to the right of the deleted one will be moved to the left; if you use the Shift cells up option a cell below the deleted one will be moved up; if you use the Entire row option a row below the selected one will be moved up; if you use the Entire column option a column to the right of the deleted one will be moved to the left; You can always restore the deleted data using the Undo icon at the top toolbar."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertEquation.htm", 
        "title": "Insert equations", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor allows you to build equations using the built-in templates, edit them, insert special characters (including mathematical operators, Greek letters, accents etc.). Add a new equation To insert an equation from the gallery, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the arrow next to the Equation icon at the top toolbar, in the opened drop-down list select the equation category you need. The following categories are currently available: Symbols, Fractions, Scripts, Radicals, Integrals, Large Operators, Brackets, Functions, Accents, Limits and Logarithms, Operators, Matrices, click the certain symbol/equation in the corresponding set of templates. The selected symbol/equation will be added to the worksheet. The upper left corner of the equation box will coincide with the upper left corner of the currently selected cell, but the equation box can be freely moved, resized or rotated on the sheet. To do that click on the equation box border (it will be displayed as a solid line) and use corresponding handles. Each equation template represents a set of slots. Slot is a position for each element that makes up the equation. An empty slot (also called as a placeholder) has a dotted outline . You need to fill in all the placeholders specifying the necessary values. Enter values The insertion point specifies where the next character you enter will appear. To position the insertion point precisely, click within a placeholder and use the keyboard arrows to move the insertion point by one character left/right. Once the insertion point is positioned, you can fill in the placeholder: enter the desired numeric/literal value using the keyboard, insert a special character using the Symbols palette from the Equation menu at the Insert tab of the top toolbar, add another equation template from the palette to create a complex nested equation. The size of the primary equation will be automatically adjusted to fit its content. The size of the nested equation elements depends on the primary equation placeholder size, but it cannot be smaller than the sub-subscript size. To add some new equation elements you can also use the right-click menu options: To add a new argument that goes before or after the existing one within Brackets, you can right-click on the existing argument and select the Insert argument before/after option from the menu. To add a new equation within Cases with several conditions from the Brackets group, you can right-click on an empty placeholder or entered equation within it and select the Insert equation before/after option from the menu. To add a new row or a column in a Matrix, you can right-click on a placeholder within it, select the Insert option from the menu, then select Row Above/Below or Column Left/Right. Note: currently, equations cannot be entered using the linear format, i.e. \\sqrt(4&x^3). When entering the values of the mathematical expressions, you do not need to use Spacebar as the spaces between the characters and signs of operations are set automatically. If the equation is too long and does not fit to a single line within the equation box, automatic line breaking occurs as you type. You can also insert a line break in a specific position by right-clicking on a mathematical operator and selecting the Insert manual break option from the menu. The selected operator will start a new line. To delete the added manual line break, right-click on the mathematical operator that starts a new line and select the Delete manual break option. Format equations By default, the equation within the equation box is horizontally centered and vertically aligned to the top of the equation box. To change its horizontal/vertical alignment, put the cursor within the the equation box (the equation box borders will be displayed as dashed lines) and use the corresponding icons at the top toolbar. To increase or decrease the equation font size, click anywhere within the equation box and use the and buttons at the Home tab of the top toolbar or select the necessary font size from the list. All the equation elements will change correspondingly. The letters within the equation are italicized by default. If necessary, you can change the font style (bold, italic, strikeout) or color for a whole equation or its part. The underlined style can be applied to the entire equation only, not to individual characters. Select the necessary part of the equation by clicking and dragging. The selected part will be highlighted blue. Then use the necessary buttons at the Home tab of the top toolbar to format the selection. For example, you can remove the italic format for ordinary words that are not variables or constants. To modify some equation elements you can also use the right-click menu options: To change the Fractions format, you can right-click on a fraction and select the Change to skewed/linear/stacked fraction option from the menu (the available options differ depending on the selected fraction type). To change the Scripts position relating to text, you can right-click on the equation that includes scripts and select the Scripts before/after text option from the menu. To change the argument size for Scripts, Radicals, Integrals, Large Operators, Limits and Logarithms, Operators as well as for overbraces/underbraces and templates with grouping characters from the Accents group, you can right-click on the argument you want to change and select the Increase/Decrease argument size option from the menu. To specify whether an empty degree placeholder should be displayed or not for a Radical, you can right-click on the radical and select the Hide/Show degree option from the menu. To specify whether an empty limit placeholder should be displayed or not for an Integral or Large Operator, you can right-click on the equation and select the Hide/Show top/bottom limit option from the menu. To change the limits position relating to the integral or operator sign for Integrals or Large Operators, you can right-click on the equation and select the Change limits location option from the menu. The limits can be displayed to the right of the operator sign (as subscripts and superscripts) or directly above and below the operator sign. To change the limits position relating to text for Limits and Logarithms and templates with grouping characters from the Accents group, you can right-click on the equation and select the Limit over/under text option from the menu. To choose which of the Brackets should be displayed, you can right-click on the expression within them and select the Hide/Show opening/closing bracket option from the menu. To control the Brackets size, you can right-click on the expression within them. The Stretch brackets option is selected by default so that the brackets can grow according to the expression within them, but you can deselect this option to prevent brackets from stretching. When this option is activated, you can also use the Match brackets to argument height option. To change the character position relating to text for overbraces/underbraces or overbars/underbars from the Accents group, you can right-click on the template and select the Char/Bar over/under text option from the menu. To choose which borders should be displayed for a Boxed formula from the Accents group, you can right-click on the equation and select the Border properties option from the menu, then select Hide/Show top/bottom/left/right border or Add/Hide horizontal/vertical/diagonal line. To specify whether empty placeholders should be displayed or not for a Matrix, you can right-click on it and select the Hide/Show placeholder option from the menu. To align some equation elements you can use the right-click menu options: To align equations within Cases with several conditions from the Brackets group, you can right-click on an equation, select the Alignment option from the menu, then select the alignment type: Top, Center, or Bottom. To align a Matrix vertically, you can right-click on the matrix, select the Matrix Alignment option from the menu, then select the alignment type: Top, Center, or Bottom. To align elements within a Matrix column horizontally, you can right-click on a placeholder within the column, select the Column Alignment option from the menu, then select the alignment type: Left, Center, or Right. Delete equation elements To delete a part of the equation, select the part you want to delete by dragging the mouse or holding down the Shift key and using the arrow buttons, then press the Delete key on the keyboard. A slot can only be deleted together with the template it belongs to. To delete the entire equation, click on the equation box border (it will be displayed as a solid line) and and press the Delete key on the keyboard. To delete some equation elements you can also use the right-click menu options: To delete a Radical, you can right-click on it and select the Delete radical option from the menu. To delete a Subscript and/or Superscript, you can right-click on the expression that contains them and select the Remove subscript/superscript option from the menu. If the expression contains scripts that go before text, the Remove scripts option is available. To delete Brackets, you can right-click on the expression within them and select the Delete enclosing characters or Delete enclosing characters and separators option from the menu. If the expression within Brackets inclides more than one argument, you can right-click on the argument you want to delete and select the Delete argument option from the menu. If Brackets enclose more than one equation (i.e. Cases with several conditions), you can right-click on the equation you want to delete and select the Delete equation option from the menu. To delete a Limit, you can right-click on it and select the Remove limit option from the menu. To delete an Accent, you can right-click on it and select the Remove accent character, Delete char or Remove bar option from the menu (the available options differ depending on the selected accent). To delete a row or a column of a Matrix, you can right-click on the placeholder within the row/column you need to delete, select the Delete option from the menu, then select Delete Row/Column."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertFunction.htm", 
        "title": "Insert function", 
        "body": "The ability to perform basic calculations is the principal reason for using a spreadsheet. Some of them are performed automatically when you select a range of cells in your spreadsheet: Average is used to analyze the selected range of cells and find the average value. Count is used to count the number of the selected cells containing values ignoring empty cells. Min is used to analyze the range of data and find the smallest number. Max is used to analyze the range of data and find the largest number. Sum is used to add all the numbers in the selected range ignoring empty cells or those contaning text. The results of these calculations are displayed in the right lower corner at the status bar. To perform any other calculations you can insert a needed formula manually using the common mathematical operators or insert a predefined formula - Function. The possibilities to work with Functions are accessible from both Home and Formula tab. At the Home tab, you can use the Insert function button to add one of commonly used functions (SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT) or open the Insert Function window that contains all available functions classified by category. At the Formula tab you can use the following buttons: Function - to open the Insert Function window that contains all available functions classified by category. Autosum - to quickly access the SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT functions. When you select a functions from this group, it automatically performs calculations for all cells in the column above the selected cell so that you don't need to enter arguments. Recently used - to quickly access 10 recently used functions. Financial, Logical, Text and data, Date and time, Lookup and references, Math and trigonometry - to quickly access functions that belongs to the corresponding categories. More functions - to access the functions from the following groups: Database, Engineering, Information and Statistical. Calculation - to force the program to recalculate functions. To insert a function, select a cell you wish to insert a function into, proceed in one of the following ways: switch to the Formula tab and use the buttons available at the top toolbar to access a function from a specific group, or use the Additional option from the menu to open the Insert Function window; switch to the Home tab, click the Insert function icon, select one of the commonly used functions (SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT) or click the Additional option, right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the contextual menu, click the icon before the formula bar, in the Insert Function window that opens, select the necessary function group, then choose the function you need from the list and click OK. enter the function arguments either manually or dragging to select a range of cells to be included as an argument. If the function requires several arguments, they must be separated by commas. Note: generally, numeric values, logical values (TRUE, FALSE), text values (must be quoted), cell references, cell range references, names assigned to ranges and other functions can be used as function arguments. Press the Enter key. To enter a function manually using the keyboard, select a cell, enter the equal sign (=) Each formula must begin with the equal sign (=). enter the function name Once you type the initial letters, the Formula Autocomplete list will be displayed. As you type, the items (formulas and names) that match the entered characters are displayed in it. If you hover the mouse pointer over a formula, a tooltip with the formula description will be displayed. You can select the necessary formula from the list and insert it by clicking it or pressing the Tab key. enter the function arguments Arguments must be enclosed into parentheses. The opening parenthesis '(' is added automatically if you select a function from the list. When you enter arguments, a tooltip that contains the formula syntax is also displayed. when all the agruments are specified, enter the closing parenthesis ')' and press Enter. If you enter new data or change values used as arguments, recalculation of functions is performed automatically by default. You can force the program to recalculate functions by using the Calculation button at the Formula tab. Click the Calculation button itself to recalculate the entire workbook, or click the arrow below the button and choose the necessary option from the menu: Calculate workbook or Calculate current sheet. You can also use the following key combinations: F9 to recalculate the workbook, Shift +F9 to recalculate the current worksheet. Here is the list of the available functions grouped by categories: Function Category Description Functions Text and Data Functions Are used to correctly display the text data in your spreadsheet. ASC; CHAR; CLEAN; CODE; CONCATENATE; CONCAT; DOLLAR; EXACT; FIND; FINDB; FIXED; LEFT; LEFTB; LEN; LENB; LOWER; MID; MIDB; NUMBERVALUE; PROPER; REPLACE; REPLACEB; REPT; RIGHT; RIGHTB; SEARCH; SEARCHB; SUBSTITUTE; T; TEXT; TEXTJOIN; TRIM; UNICHAR; UNICODE; UPPER; VALUE Statistical Functions Are used to analyze data: finding the average value, the largest or smallest values in a range of cells. AVEDEV; AVERAGE; AVERAGEA; AVERAGEIF; AVERAGEIFS; BETADIST; BETA.DIST; BETA.INV; BETAINV; BINOMDIST; BINOM.DIST; BINOM.DIST.RANGE; BINOM.INV; CHIDIST; CHIINV; CHISQ.DIST; CHISQ.DIST.RT; CHISQ.INV; CHISQ.INV.RT; CHITEST; CHISQ.TEST; CONFIDENCE; CONFIDENCE.NORM; CONFIDENCE.T; CORREL; COUNT; COUNTA; COUNBLANK; COUNTIF; COUNTIFS; COVAR; COVARIANCE.P; COVARIANCE.S; CRITBINOM; DEVSQ; EXPON.DIST; EXPONDIST; F.DIST; FDIST; F.DIST.RT; F.INV; FINV; F.INV.RT; FISHER; FISHERINV; FORECAST; FORECAST.ETS; FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT; FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY; FORECAST.ETS.STAT; FORECAST.LINEAR; FREQUENCY; FTEST; F.TEST; GAMMA; GAMMA.DIST; GAMMADIST; GAMMA.INV; GAMMAINV; GAMMALN; GAMMALN.PRECISE; GAUSS; GEOMEAN; HARMEAN; HYPGEOMDIST; HYPGEOM.DIST; INTERCEPT; KURT; LARGE; LOGINV; LOGNORM.DIST; LOGNORM.INV; LOGNORMDIST; MAX; MAXA; MAXIFS; MEDIAN; MIN; MINA; MINIFS; MODE; MODE.MULT; MODE.SNGL; NEGBINOMDIST; NEGBINOM.DIST; NORMDIST; NORM.DIST; NORMINV; NORM.INV; NORMSDIST; NORM.S.DIST; NORMSINV; NORM.S.INV; PEARSON; PERCENTILE; PERCENTILE.EXC; PERCENTILE.INC; PERCENTRANK; PERCENTRANK.EXC; PERCENTRANK.INC; PERMUT; PERMUTATIONA; PHI; POISSON; POISSON.DIST; PROB; QUARTILE; QUARTILE.EXC; QUARTILE.INC; RANK; RANK.AVG; RANK.EQ; RSQ; SKEW; SKEW.P; SLOPE; SMALL; STANDARDIZE; STDEV; STDEV.S; STDEVA; STDEVP; STDEV.P; STDEVPA; STEYX; TDIST; T.DIST; T.DIST.2T; T.DIST.RT; T.INV; T.INV.2T; TINV; TRIMMEAN; TTEST; T.TEST; VAR; VARA; VARP; VAR.P; VAR.S; VARPA; WEIBULL; WEIBULL.DIST; ZTEST; Z.TEST Math and Trigonometry Functions Are used to perform basic math and trigonometry operations such as adding, multiplying, dividing, rounding, etc. ABS; ACOS; ACOSH; ACOT; ACOTH; AGGREGATE; ARABIC; ASIN; ASINH; ATAN; ATAN2; ATANH; BASE; CEILING; CEILING.MATH; CEILING.PRECISE; COMBIN; COMBINA; COS; COSH; COT; COTH; CSC; CSCH; DECIMAL; DEGREES; ECMA.CEILING; EVEN; EXP; FACT; FACTDOUBLE; FLOOR; FLOOR.PRECISE; FLOOR.MATH; GCD; INT; ISO.CEILING; LCM; LN; LOG; LOG10; MDETERM; MINVERSE; MMULT; MOD; MROUND; MULTINOMIAL; ODD; PI; POWER; PRODUCT; QUOTIENT; RADIANS; RAND; RANDBETWEEN; ROMAN; ROUND; ROUNDDOWN; ROUNDUP; SEC; SECH; SERIESSUM; SIGN; SIN; SINH; SQRT; SQRTPI; SUBTOTAL; SUM; SUMIF; SUMIFS; SUMPRODUCT; SUMSQ; SUMX2MY2; SUMX2PY2; SUMXMY2; TAN; TANH; TRUNC Date and Time Functions Are used to correctly display date and time in your spreadsheet. DATE; DATEDIF; DATEVALUE; DAY; DAYS; DAYS360; EDATE; EOMONTH; HOUR; ISOWEEKNUM; MINUTE; MONTH; NETWORKDAYS; NETWORKDAYS.INTL; NOW; SECOND; TIME; TIMEVALUE; TODAY; WEEKDAY; WEEKNUM; WORKDAY; WORKDAY.INTL; YEAR; YEARFRAC Engineering Functions Are used to perform some engineering calculations: converting between different bases, finding complex numbers etc. BESSELI; BESSELJ; BESSELK; BESSELY; BIN2DEC; BIN2HEX; BIN2OCT; BITAND; BITLSHIFT; BITOR; BITRSHIFT; BITXOR; COMPLEX; CONVERT; DEC2BIN; DEC2HEX; DEC2OCT; DELTA; ERF; ERF.PRECISE; ERFC; ERFC.PRECISE; GESTEP; HEX2BIN; HEX2DEC; HEX2OCT; IMABS; IMAGINARY; IMARGUMENT; IMCONJUGATE; IMCOS; IMCOSH; IMCOT; IMCSC; IMCSCH; IMDIV; IMEXP; IMLN; IMLOG10; IMLOG2; IMPOWER; IMPRODUCT; IMREAL; IMSEC; IMSECH; IMSIN; IMSINH; IMSQRT; IMSUB; IMSUM; IMTAN; OCT2BIN; OCT2DEC; OCT2HEX Database Functions Are used to perform calculations for the values in a certain field of the database that correspond to the specified criteria. DAVERAGE; DCOUNT; DCOUNTA; DGET; DMAX; DMIN; DPRODUCT; DSTDEV; DSTDEVP; DSUM; DVAR; DVARP Financial Functions Are used to perform some financial calculations calculating the net present value, payments etc. ACCRINT; ACCRINTM; AMORDEGRC; AMORLINC; COUPDAYBS; COUPDAYS; COUPDAYSNC; COUPNCD; COUPNUM; COUPPCD; CUMIPMT; CUMPRINC; DB; DDB; DISC; DOLLARDE; DOLLARFR; DURATION; EFFECT; FV; FVSCHEDULE; INTRATE; IPMT; IRR; ISPMT; MDURATION; MIRR; NOMINAL; NPER; NPV; ODDFPRICE; ODDFYIELD; ODDLPRICE; ODDLYIELD; PDURATION; PMT; PPMT; PRICE; PRICEDISC; PRICEMAT; PV; RATE; RECEIVED; RRI; SLN; SYD; TBILLEQ; TBILLPRICE; TBILLYIELD; VDB; XIRR; XNPV; YIELD; YIELDDISC; YIELDMAT Lookup and Reference Functions Are used to easily find the information from the data list. ADDRESS; CHOOSE; COLUMN; COLUMNS; FORMULATEXT; HLOOKUP; HYPERLINLK; INDEX; INDIRECT; LOOKUP; MATCH; OFFSET; ROW; ROWS; TRANSPOSE; VLOOKUP Information Functions Are used to give you the information about the data in the selected cell or a range of cells. ERROR.TYPE; ISBLANK; ISERR; ISERROR; ISEVEN; ISFORMULA; ISLOGICAL; ISNA; ISNONTEXT; ISNUMBER; ISODD; ISREF; ISTEXT; N; NA; SHEET; SHEETS; TYPE Logical Functions Are used to check if a condition is true or false. AND; FALSE; IF; IFERROR; IFNA; IFS; NOT; OR; SWITCH; TRUE; XOR"
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertHeadersFooters.htm", 
        "title": "Insert headers and footers", 
        "body": "Headers and footers allow to add some additional info on a printed worksheet, such as date and time, page number, sheet name etc. Headers and footers are displayed in the printed version of a spreadsheet. To insert a header or footer in a worksheet: switch to the Insert or Layout tab, click the Edit Header/Footer button at the top toolbar, the Header/Footer Settings window will open, where you can adjust the following settings: check the Different first page box to apply a different header or footer to the very first page or in case you don't want to add any header/ footer to it at all. The First page tab will appear below. check the Different odd and even page box to add different headers/footer for odd and even pages. The Odd page and Even page tabs will appear below. the Scale with document option allows to scale the header and footer together with the worksheet. This parameter is enabled by default. the Align with page margins option allows to align the left header/footer to the left margin and the right header/footer to the right margin. This option is enable by default. insert the necessary data. Depending on the selected options, you can adjust settings for All pages or set up the header/footer for the first page as well as for odd and even pages individually. Switch to the necessary tab and adjust the available parameters. You can use one of the ready-made presets or insert the necessary data to the left, center and right header/footer field manually: choose one of the available presets from the Presets list: Page 1; Page 1 of ?; Sheet1; Confidential, dd/mm/yyyy, Page 1; Spreadsheet name.xlsx; Sheet1, Page 1; Sheet1, Confidential, Page 1; Spreadsheet name.xlsx, Page 1; Page 1, Sheet1; Page 1, Spreadsheet name.xlsx; Author, Page 1, dd/mm/yyyy; Prepared by Author dd/mm/yyyy, Page 1. The corresponding variables will be added. place the cursor into the left, center or right field of the header/footer and use the Insert list to add Page number, Page count, Date, Time, File name, Sheet name. format the text inserted into header/footer using the corresponding controls. You can change the default font, its size, color, apply some font styles, such as bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, use subscript or superscript characters. when ready, click the OK button to apply the changes. To edit the added headers and footers, click the Edit Header/Footer button at the top toolbar, make the necessary changes in the Header/Footer Settings window, and click OK to save the changes. The added header and/or footer will be displayed in the printed version of the spreadsheet."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm", 
        "title": "Insert images", 
        "body": "Spreadsheet Editor allows you to insert images in the most popular formats into your worksheet. The following image formats are supported: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG. Insert an image To insert an image into the spreadsheet, place the cursor where you want the image to be put, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Image icon at the top toolbar, select one of the following options to load the image: the Image from File option will open the standard dialog window for file selection. Browse your computer hard disk drive for the necessary file and click the Open button the Image from URL option will open the window where you can enter the necessary image web address and click the OK button the Image from Storage option will open the Select data source window. Select an image stored on your portal and click the OK button After that the image will be added to the worksheet. Adjust the image settings Once the image is added you can change its size and position. To specify exact image dimensions: select the image you wish to resize with the mouse, click the Image settings icon at the right sidebar, in the Size section, set the necessary Width and Height values. If the Constant proportions button is clicked (in this case it looks like this ), the width and height will be changed together preserving the original image aspect ratio. To restore the actual size of the added image, click the Actual Size button. To crop the image: Click the Crop button to activate cropping handles which appear on the image corners and in the center of each its side. Manually drag the handles to set the cropping area. You can move the mouse cursor over the cropping area border so that it turns into the icon and drag the area. To crop a single side, drag the handle located in the center of this side. To simultaneously crop two adjacent sides, drag one of the corner handles. To equally crop two opposite sides of the image, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging the handle in the center of one of these sides. To equally crop all sides of the image, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging any of the corner handles. When the cropping area is specified, click the Crop button once again, or press the Esc key, or click anywhere outside of the cropping area to apply the changes. After the cropping area is selected, it's also possible to use the Fill and Fit options available from the Crop drop-down menu. Click the Crop button once again and select the option you need: If you select the Fill option, the central part of the original image will be preserved and used to fill the selected cropping area, while other parts of the image will be removed. If you select the Fit option, the image will be resized so that it fits the cropping area height or width. No parts of the original image will be removed, but empty spaces may appear within the selected cropping area. To rotate the image: select the image you wish to rotate with the mouse, click the Image settings icon at the right sidebar, in the Rotation section click one of the buttons: to rotate the image by 90 degrees counterclockwise to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise to flip the image horizontally (left to right) to flip the image vertically (upside down) Note: alternatively, you can right-click the image and use the Rotate option from the contextual menu. To replace the inserted image, select the image you wish to replace with the mouse, click the Image settings icon at the right sidebar, in the Replace Image section click the button you need: From File or From URL and select the desired image. Note: alternatively, you can right-click the image and use the Replace image option from the contextual menu. The selected image will be replaced. When the image is selected, the Shape settings icon is also available on the right. You can click this icon to open the Shape settings tab at the right sidebar and adjust the shape Stroke type, size and color as well as change the shape type selecting another shape from the Change Autoshape menu. The shape of the image will change correspondingly. At the Shape Settings tab, you can also use the Show shadow option to add a shadow to the image. Adjust the image advanced settings To change its advanced settings, click the image with the right mouse button and select the Image Advanced Settings option from the right-click menu or just click the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar. The image properties window will open: The Rotation tab contains the following parameters: Angle - use this option to rotate the image by an exactly specified angle. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the field or adjust it using the arrows on the right. Flipped - check the Horizontally box to flip the image horizontally (left to right) or check the Vertically box to flip the image vertically (upside down). The Cell Snapping tab contains the following parameters: Move and size with cells - this option allows to snap the image to the cell behind it. If the cell moves (e.g. if you insert or delete some rows/columns), the image will be moved together with the cell. If you increase or decrease the width or height of the cell, the image will change its size as well. Move but don't size with cells - this option allows to snap the image to the cell behind it preventing the image from being resized. If the cell moves, the image will be moved together with the cell, but if you change the cell size, the image dimensions remain unchanged. Don't move or size with cells - this option allows to prevent the image from being moved or resized if the cell position or size was changed. The Alternative Text tab allows to specify a Title and Description which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the image. To delete the inserted image, click it and press the Delete key."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertSymbols.htm", 
        "title": "Inserire simboli e caratteri", 
        "body": "Durante il processo di lavoro potrebbe essere necessario inserire un simbolo che non si trova sulla tastiera. Per inserire tali simboli nel tuo documento, usa l’opzione Inserisci simbolo e segui questi semplici passaggi: posiziona il cursore nella posizione in cui deve essere inserito un simbolo speciale, passa alla scheda Inserisci della barra degli strumenti in alto, fai clic sull’icona Simbolo, viene visualizzata la scheda di dialogo Simbolo da cui è possibile selezionare il simbolo appropriato, utilizza la sezione Intervallo per trovare rapidamente il simbolo necessario. Tutti i simboli sono divisi in gruppi specifici, ad esempio seleziona \"Simboli di valuta” se desideri inserire un carattere di valuta. se questo carattere non è nel set, seleziona un carattere diverso. Molti di loro hanno anche caratteri diversi dal set standard. in alternativa, immetti il valore esadecimale Unicode del simbolo desiderato nel campo valore Unicode HEX. Questo codice si trova nella Mappa caratteri. i simboli utilizzati in precedenza vengono visualizzati anche nel campo Simboli usati di recente, fai clic su Inserisci. Il carattere selezionato verrà aggiunto al documento. Inserire simboli ASCII La tabella ASCII viene anche utilizzata per aggiungere caratteri. Per fare ciò, tieni premuto il tasto ALT e usa il tastierino numerico per inserire il codice carattere. Nota: assicurarsi di utilizzare il tastierino numerico, non i numeri sulla tastiera principale. Per abilitare il tastierino numerico, premere il tasto Bloc Num. Ad esempio, per aggiungere ad un paragrafo il carattere (§), premere e tenere premuto il tasto ALT mentre si digita 789 e quindi rilasciare il tasto ALT. Inserire simboli usando la tabella Unicode Ulteriori caratteri e simboli possono essere trovati anche nella tabella dei simboli di Windows. Per aprire questa tabella, effettuate una delle seguenti operazioni: nel campo Ricerca scrivi 'Tabella caratteri' e aprila, in alternativa premi contemporaneamente Win + R, quindi nella seguente finestra digita charmap.exe e fai clic su OK. Nella Mappa caratteri aperta, selezionare uno dei Set di caratteri, Gruppi e Caratteri. Quindi, fai clic sui caratteri necessari, copiali negli appunti e incollali nella posizione corretta del documento."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/InsertTextObjects.htm", 
        "title": "Insert text objects", 
        "body": "To draw attention to a specific part of the spreadsheet, you can insert a text box (a rectangular frame that allows to enter text within it) or a Text Art object (a text box with a predefined font style and color that allows to apply some text effects). Add a text object You can add a text object anywhere on the worksheet. To do that: switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, select the necessary text object type: to add a text box, click the Text Box icon at the top toolbar, then click where you want to insert the text box, hold the mouse button and drag the text box border to specify its size. When you release the mouse button, the insertion point will appear in the added text box, allowing you to enter your text. Note: it's also possible to insert a text box by clicking the Shape icon at the top toolbar and selecting the shape from the Basic Shapes group. to add a Text Art object, click the Text Art icon at the top toolbar, then click on the desired style template – the Text Art object will be added in the center of the worksheet. Select the default text within the text box with the mouse and replace it with your own text. click outside of the text object to apply the changes and return to the worksheet. The text within the text object is a part of the latter (when you move or rotate the text object, the text moves or rotates with it). As an inserted text object represents a rectangular frame with text in it (Text Art objects have invisible text box borders by default) and this frame is a common autoshape, you can change both the shape and text properties. To delete the added text object, click on the text box border and press the Delete key on the keyboard. The text within the text box will also be deleted. Format a text box Select the text box clicking on its border to be able to change its properties. When the text box is selected, its borders are displayed as solid (not dashed) lines. to manually resize, move, rotate the text box use the special handles on the edges of the shape. to edit the text box fill, stroke, replace the rectangular box with a different shape, or access the shape advanced settings, click the Shape settings icon on the right sidebar and use the corresponding options. to arrange text boxes as related to other objects, align several text boxes as related to each other, rotate or flip a text box, right-click on the text box border and use the contextual menu options. To learn more on how to arrange and align objects you can refer to this page. to create columns of text within the text box, right-click on the text box border, click the Shape Advanced Settings option and switch to the Columns tab in the Shape - Advanced Settings window. Format the text within the text box Click the text within the text box to be able to change its properties. When the text is selected, the text box borders are displayed as dashed lines. Note: it's also possible to change text formatting when the text box (not the text itself) is selected. In such a case, any changes will be applied to all the text within the text box. Some font formatting options (font type, size, color and decoration styles) can be applied to a previously selected portion of the text separately. Adjust font formatting settings (change the font type, size, color and apply decoration styles) using the corresponding icons situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar. Some additional font settings can be also altered at the Font tab of the paragraph properties window. To access it, right-click the text in the text box and select the Text Advanced Settings option. Align the text horizontally within the text box using the corresponding icons situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar or in the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. Align the text vertically within the text box using the corresponding icons situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar. You can also right-click the text, select the Vertical Alignment option and then choose one of the available options: Align Top, Align Center or Align Bottom. Rotate the text within the text box. To do that, right-click the text, select the Text Direction option and then choose one of the available options: Horizontal (is selected by default), Rotate Text Down (sets a vertical direction, from top to bottom) or Rotate Text Up (sets a vertical direction, from bottom to top). Create a bulleted or numbered list. To do that, right-click the text, select the Bullets and Numbering option from the contextual menu and then choose one of the available bullet characters or numbering styles. The List Settings option allows to open the List Settings window. The bulleted list settings window looks like this: The numbered list settings window looks like this: Size - allows to select the necessary bullet/number size depending on the current size of the text. It can take a value from 25% to 400%. Color - allows to select the necessary bullet/number color. You can select one of the theme colors, or standard colors on the palette, or specify a custom color. Bullet - allows to select the necessary character used for the bulleted list. When you click on the Change bullet field, the Symbol window opens that allows to choose one of the available characters. To learn more on how to work with symbols, you can refer to this article. Start at - allows to set the necessary numeric value you want to start numbering from. Insert a hyperlink. Set line and paragraph spacing for the multi-line text within the text box using the Text settings tab of the right sidebar that opens if you click the Text settings icon. Here you can set the line height for the text lines within the paragraph as well as the margins between the current and the preceding or the subsequent paragraph. Line Spacing - set the line height for the text lines within the paragraph. You can select among three options: at least (sets the minimum line spacing that is needed to fit the largest font or graphic on the line), multiple (sets line spacing that can be expressed in numbers greater than 1), exactly (sets fixed line spacing). You can specify the necessary value in the field on the right. Paragraph Spacing - set the amount of space between paragraphs. Before - set the amount of space before the paragraph. After - set the amount of space after the paragraph. Note: these parameters can also be found in the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. Adjust paragraph advanced settings Change the advanced settings of the paragraph (you can adjust paragraph indents and tab stops for the multi-line text within the text box and apply some font formatting settings). Put the cursor within the paragraph you need - the Text settings tab will be activated at the right sidebar. Click the Show advanced settings link. It's also possible to right-click the text in a text box and use the Text advanced settings item from the contextual menu. The paragraph properties window will be opened: The Indents & Spacing tab allows to: change the alignment type for the paragraph text, change the paragraph indents as related to internal margins of the text box, Left - set the paragraph offset from the left internal margin of the text box specifying the necessary numeric value, Right - set the paragraph offset from the right internal margin of the text box specifying the necessary numeric value, Special - set an indent for the first line of the paragraph: select the corresponding menu item ((none), First line, Hanging) and change the default numeric value specified for First Line or Hanging, change the paragraph line spacing. The Font tab contains the following parameters: Strikethrough is used to make the text struck out with the line going through the letters. Double strikethrough is used to make the text struck out with the double line going through the letters. Superscript is used to make the text smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions. Subscript is used to make the text smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas. Small caps is used to make all letters lower case. All caps is used to make all letters upper case. Character Spacing is used to set the space between the characters. Increase the default value to apply the Expanded spacing, or decrease the default value to apply the Condensed spacing. Use the arrow buttons or enter the necessary value in the box. All the changes will be displayed in the preview field below. The Tab tab allows to change tab stops i.e. the position the cursor advances to when you press the Tab key on the keyboard. Default Tab is set at 2.54 cm. You can decrease or increase this value using the arrow buttons or enter the necessary one in the box. Tab Position - is used to set custom tab stops. Enter the necessary value in this box, adjust it more precisely using the arrow buttons and click the Specify button. Your custom tab position will be added to the list in the field below. Alignment - is used to set the necessary alignment type for each of the tab positions in the list above. Select the necessary tab position in the list, choose the Left, Center or Right option in the Alignment drop-down list and click the Specify button. Left - lines up your text by the left side at the tab stop position; the text moves to the right from the tab stop as you type. Center - centres the text at the tab stop position. Right - lines up your text by the right side at the tab stop position; the text moves to the left from the tab stop as you type. To delete tab stops from the list select a tab stop and click the Remove or Remove All button. Edit a Text Art style Select a text object and click the Text Art settings icon on the right sidebar. Change the applied text style selecting a new Template from the gallery. You can also change the basic style additionally by selecting a different font type, size etc. Change the font fill and stroke. The available options are the same as the ones for autoshapes. Apply a text effect by selecting the necessary text transformation type from the Transform gallery. You can adjust the degree of the text distortion by dragging the pink diamond-shaped handle."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/ManageSheets.htm", 
        "title": "Manage sheets", 
        "body": "By default a newly created spreadsheet has a single sheet. The most simple way to add a new one is to click the button located to the right of the Sheet Navigation buttons in the left lower corner. Another way to add a new sheet is to: right-click the sheet tab after which you wish to insert a new one, select the Insert option from the right-click menu. A new sheet will be inserted after the selected one. To activate the necessary sheet use the sheet tabs in the left lower corner of each spreadsheet. Note: if you have a lot of sheets to find the necessary one make use of the Sheet Navigation buttons situated in the left lower corner. To delete an unnecessary sheet: right-click the sheet tab you wish to delete, select the Delete option from the right-click menu. The selected sheet will be deleted from the current spreadsheet. To rename an existing sheet: right-click the sheet tab you wish to rename, select the Rename option from the right-click menu, enter the Sheet Name in the dialog box and click OK. The selected sheet name will be changed. To copy an existing sheet: right-click the sheet tab you wish to copy, select the Copy option from the right-click menu, select the sheet before which you wish to insert the copied one or use the Copy to end option to insert the copied sheet after all the existing ones, click the OK button to confirm your choice. The selected sheet will be copied and inserted in the selected place. To move an existing sheet: right-click the sheet tab you wish to move, select the Move option from the right-click menu, select the sheet before which you wish to insert the selected one or use the Move to end option to move the selected sheet after all the existing ones, click the OK button to confirm your choice. Or simply drag the necessary sheet tab and drop it to a new location. The selected sheet will be moved. If you have a lot of sheets, you can hide some of them you don't need for the moment to facilitate the work. To do that, right-click the sheet tab you wish to hide, select the Hide option from the right-click menu, To display the hidden sheet tab, right-click any sheet tab, open the Hidden list and select the sheet tab you wish to display. To differentiate the sheets you can assign different colors to the sheet tabs. To do that, right-click the sheet tab you wish to color, select the Tab Color option from the right-click menu, select any color in the available palettes Theme Colors - the colors that correspond to the selected color scheme of the spreadsheet. Standard Colors - the default colors set. Custom Color - click this caption if there is no needed color in the available palettes. Select the necessary colors range moving the vertical color slider and set the specific color dragging the color picker within the large square color field. Once you select a color with the color picker, the appropriate RGB and sRGB color values will be displayed in the fields on the right. You can also specify a color on the base of the RGB color model entering the necessary numeric values into the R, G, B (red, green, blue) fields or enter the sRGB hexadecimal code into the field marked with the # sign. The selected color appears in the New preview box. If the object was previously filled with any custom color, this color is displayed in the Current box so you can compare the original and modified colors. When the color is specified, click the Add button: The custom color will be applied to the selected tab and added to the Custom color palette. You can work with multiple sheets simultaneously: select the first sheet you want to include into the group, press and hold the Shift key to select several adjacent sheets you want to group, or use the Ctrl key to select several non-adjacent sheets you want to group, right-click one of the selected sheets tab to open the contextual menu, choose the necessary option from the menu: Insert - to insert the same number of new blank sheets as the selected group contains, Delete - to delete all the selected sheets at once (you cannot delete all sheets in the workbook, as the workbook must contain at least one visible sheet), Rename - this option can be applied to each separate sheet only, Copy - to create a copies of all the selected sheets at once and paste them to the selected place, Move - to move all the selected sheets at once and paste them to the selected place, Hide - to hide all the selected sheets at once (you cannot hide all sheets in the workbook, as the workbook must contain at least one visible sheet), Tab color - to assign the same color to all the selected sheet tabs at once, Select All Sheets - to select all the sheets in the current workbook, Ungroup Sheets - to ungroup the selected sheets. it's also possible to ungroup sheets by double-clicking on a sheet which is included into the group, or by clicking any sheet which is not included into the group."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/ManipulateObjects.htm", 
        "title": "Manipulate objects", 
        "body": "You can resize, move, rotate and arrange autoshapes, images and charts inserted into your worksheet. Note: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available here. Resize objects To change the autoshape/image/chart size, drag small squares situated on the object edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected object while resizing, hold down the Shift key and drag one of the corner icons. Note: to resize the inserted chart or image you can also use the right sidebar that will be activated once you select the necessary object. To open it, click the Chart settings or the Image settings icon to the right. Move objects To alter the autoshape/image/chart position, use the icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the object. Drag the object to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button. To move the object by the one-pixel increments, hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows. To move the object strictly horizontally/vertically and prevent it from moving in a perpendicular direction, hold down the Shift key when dragging. Rotate objects To manually rotate the autoshape/image, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the Shift key while rotating. To rotate a shape or image by 90 degrees counterclockwise/clockwise or flip the object horizontally/vertically you can use the Rotation section of the right sidebar that will be activated once you select the necessary object. To open it, click the Shape settings or the Image settings icon to the right. Click one of the buttons: to rotate the object by 90 degrees counterclockwise to rotate the object by 90 degrees clockwise to flip the object horizontally (left to right) to flip the object vertically (upside down) It's also possible to right-click the image or shape, choose the Rotate option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available rotation options. To rotate a shape or image by an exactly specified angle, click the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar and use the Rotation tab of the Advanced Settings window. Specify the necessary value measured in degrees in the Angle field and click OK. Reshape autoshapes When modifying some shapes, for example Figured arrows or Callouts, the yellow diamond-shaped icon is also available. It allows to adjust some aspects of the shape, for example, the length of the head of an arrow. Align objects To align two or more selected objects in relation to each other, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the objects with the mouse, then click the Align icon at the Layout tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary alignment type from the list: Align Left - to align objects in relation to each other by the left edge of the leftmost object, Align Center - to align objects in relation to each other by their centers, Align Right - to align objects in relation to each other by the right edge of the rightmost object, Align Top - to align objects in relation to each other by the top edge of the topmost object, Align Middle - to align objects in relation to each other by their middles, Align Bottom - to align objects in relation to each other by the bottom edge of the bottommost object. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected objects, choose the Align option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available alignment options. Note: the alignment options are disabled if you select less than two objects. Distribute objects To distribute three or more selected objects horizontally or vertically between two outermost selected objects so that the equal distance appears between them, click the Align icon at the Layout tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary distribution type from the list: Distribute Horizontally - to distribute objects evenly between the leftmost and rightmost selected objects. Distribute Vertically - to distribute objects evenly between the topmost and bottommost selected objects. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected objects, choose the Align option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available distribution options. Note: the distribution options are disabled if you select less than three objects. Group several objects To manipulate several objects at once, you can group them. Hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the objects with the mouse, then click the arrow next to the Group icon at the Layout tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary option from the list: Group - to join several objects into a group so that they can be simultaneously rotated, moved, resized, aligned, arranged, copied, pasted, formatted like a single object. Ungroup - to ungroup the selected group of the previously joined objects. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected objects, choose the Arrange option from the contextual menu and then use the Group or Ungroup option. Note: the Group option is disabled if you select less than two objects. The Ungroup option is available only when a group of the previously joined objects is selected. Arrange several objects To arrange the selected object or several objects (e.g. to change their order when several objects overlap each other), you can use the Bring Forward and Send Backward icons at the Layout tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary arrangement type from the list. To move the selected object(s) forward, click the arrow next to the Bring Forward icon at the Layout tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary arrangement type from the list: Bring To Foreground - to move the object(s) in front of all other objects, Bring Forward - to move the selected object(s) by one level forward as related to other objects. To move the selected object(s) backward, click the arrow next to the Send Backward icon at the Layout tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary arrangement type from the list: Send To Background - to move the object(s) behind all other objects, Send Backward - to move the selected object(s) by one level backward as related to other objects. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected object(s), choose the Arrange option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available arrangement options."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/MergeCells.htm", 
        "title": "Merge cells", 
        "body": "You can merge two or more adjacent cells into one cell. To do that, select two cells or a range of cells with the mouse, Note: the selected cells MUST be adjacent. click the Merge icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar and select one of the available options: Note: only the data in the upper-left cell of the selected range will remain in the merged cell. Data in other cells of the selected range will be deleted. if you select the Merge &amp; Center option the cells of the selected range will be merged and the data in the merged cell will be centered; if you select the Merge Across option the cells of each row of the selected range will be merged and the data in the merged cells will be aligned by the left side (for text) or by the right side (for numeric values); if you select the Merge Cells option the cells of the selected range will be merged and the data will be aligned by the left side (for text) or by the right side (for numeric values). To split the previously merged cell use the Unmerge Cells option from the Merge drop-down list. The data of the merged cell will be displayed in the upper-left cell."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", 
        "title": "Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one", 
        "body": "To create a new spreadsheet In the online editor click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Create New option. In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Spreadsheet menu item from the Create new section of the left sidebar - a new file will open in a new tab, when all the necessary changes are made, click the Save icon in the upper left corner or switch to the File tab and choose the Save as menu item. in the file manager window, select the file location, specify its name, choose the format you want to save the spreadsheet to (XLSX, Spreadsheet template (XLTX), ODS, OTS, CSV, PDF or PDFA) and click the Save button. To open an existing document In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Open local file menu item at the left sidebar, choose the necessary spreadsheet from the file manager window and click the Open button. You can also right-click the necessary spreadsheet in the file manager window, select the Open with option and choose the necessary application from the menu. If the office documents files are associated with the application, you can also open spreadsheets by double-clicking the file name in the file explorer window. All the directories that you have accessed using the desktop editor will be displayed in the Recent folders list so that you can quickly access them afterwards. Click the necessary folder to select one of the files stored in it. To open a recently edited spreadsheet In the online editor click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Open Recent... option, choose the spreadsheet you need from the list of recently edited documents. In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Recent files menu item at the left sidebar, choose the spreadsheet you need from the list of recently edited documents. To open the folder where the file is stored in a new browser tab in the online version, in the file explorer window in the desktop version, click the Open file location icon on the right side of the editor header. Alternatively, you can switch to the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Open file location option."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/PivotTables.htm", 
        "title": "Edit pivot tables", 
        "body": "Note: this option is available in the online version only. You can change the appearance of existing pivot tables in a spreadsheet using the editing tools available at the Pivot Table tab of the top toolbar. Select at least one cell within the pivot table with the mouse to activate the editing tools at the top toolbar. The Select button allows to select the entire pivot table. The rows and columns options allow you to emphasize certain rows/columns applying a specific formatting to them, or highlight different rows/columns with the different background colors to clearly distinguish them. The following options are available: Row Headers - allows to highlight the row headers with a special formatting. Column Headers - allows to highlight the column headers with a special formatting. Banded Rows - enables the background color alternation for odd and even rows. Banded Columns - enables the background color alternation for odd and even columns. The template list allows you to choose one of the predefined pivot table styles. Each template combines certain formatting parameters, such as a background color, border style, row/column banding etc. Depending on the options checked for rows and columns, the templates set will be displayed differently. For example, if you've checked the Row Headers and Banded Columns options, the displayed templates list will include only templates with the row headers highlighted and banded columns enabled."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", 
        "title": "Save/print/download your spreadsheet", 
        "body": "Saving By default, online Spreadsheet Editor automatically saves your file each 2 seconds when you work on it preventing your data loss in case of the unexpected program closing. If you co-edit the file in the Fast mode, the timer requests for updates 25 times a second and saves the changes if they have been made. When the file is being co-edited in the Strict mode, changes are automatically saved at 10-minute intervals. If you need, you can easily select the preferred co-editing mode or disable the Autosave feature on the Advanced Settings page. To save your current spreadsheet manually in the current format and location, click the Save icon in the left part of the editor header, or use the Ctrl+S key combination, or click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Save option. Note: in the desktop version, to prevent data loss in case of the unexpected program closing you can turn on the Autorecover option at the Advanced Settings page. In the desktop version, you can save the spreadsheet with another name, in a new location or format, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Save as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: XLSX, ODS, CSV, PDF, PDFA. You can also choose the Spreadsheet template (XLTX or OTS) option. Downloading In the online version, you can download the resulting spreadsheet onto your computer hard disk drive, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Download as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV, XLTX, PDF/A, OTS. Note: if you select the CSV format, all features (font formatting, formulas etc.) except the plain text will not be preserved in the CSV file. If you continue saving, the Choose CSV Options window will open. By default, Unicode (UTF-8) is used as the Encoding type. The default Delimiter is comma (,), but the following options are also available: semicolon (;), colon (:), Tab, Space and Other (this option allows you to set a custom delimiter character). Saving a copy In the online version, you can save a copy of the file on your portal, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Save Copy as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV, XLTX, PDF/A, OTS, select a location of the file on the portal and press Save. Printing To print out the current spreadsheet, click the Print icon in the left part of the editor header, or use the Ctrl+P key combination, or click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Print option. The Print Settings window will open, where you can change the default print settings. Click the Show Details button at the bottom of the window to display all the parameters. Note: you can also adjust the print settings on the Advanced Settings... page: click the File tab of the top toolbar and follow Advanced Settings... &gt;&gt; Page Settings. Some of these settings (page Margins, Orientation, Size, Print Area as well as Scale to Fit) are also available at the Layout tab of the top toolbar. Here you can adjust the following parameters: Print Range - specify what to print: the whole Current Sheet, All Sheets of your spreadsheet or previously selected range of cells (Selection), If you previously set a constant print area but want to print the entire sheet, check the Ignore Print Area box. Sheet Settings - specify individual print settings for each separate sheet, if you have selected the All Sheets option in the Print Range drop-down list, Page Size - select one of the available sizes from the drop-down list, Page Orientation - choose the Portrait option if you wish to print vertically on the page, or use the Landscape option to print horizontally, Scaling - if you do not want some columns or rows to be printed on a second page, you can shrink sheet contents to fit it on one page selecting the corresponding option: Fit Sheet on One Page, Fit All Columns on One Page or Fit All Rows on One Page. Leave the Actual Size option to print the sheet without adjusting. If you choose the Custom Options item from the menu, the Scale Settings window opens: Fit To: allows to select the necessary number of pages you want to fit the printed worksheet to. Select the necessary number of pages from the Width and Height lists. Scale To: allows to enlarge or reduce the scale of the worksheet to fit printed pages by manually specifying the percentage of normal size. Margins - specify the distance between the worksheet data and the edges of the printed page changing the default sizes in the Top, Bottom, Left and Right fields, Print - specify the worksheet elements to print checking the corresponding boxes: Print Gridlines and Print Row and Column Headings. In the desktop version, the file will be printed directly. In the online version, a PDF file will be generated on the basis of the document. You can open and print it out, or save onto your computer hard disk drive or removable medium to print it out later. Some browsers (e.g. Chrome and Opera) support direct printing. Setting up a print area If you want to print a selected cell range only instead of an entire worksheet, you can use the Selection option from the Print Range drop-down list. When the workbook is saved, this setting is not saved, it is intended for single use. If a cell range should be printed frequently, you can set a constant print area on the worksheet. When the workbook is saved, the print area is also saved, it can be used when you open the spreadsheet next time. It's also possible to set several constant print areas on a sheet, in this case each area will be printed on a separate page. To set a print area: select the necessary cell range on the worksheet. To select multiple cell ranges, hold down the Ctrl key, switch to the Layout tab of the top toolbar, click the arrow next to the Print Area button and select the Set Print Area option. The created print area is saved when the workbook is saved. When you open the file next time, the specified print area will be printed. Note: when you create a print area, a Print_Area named range is also automatically created, which is displayed in the Name Manager. To highlight the borders of all the print areas on the current worksheet, you can click the arrow in the name box located to the left of the the formula bar and select the Print_Area name from the name list. To add cells to a print area: open the necessary worksheet where the print area is added, select the necessary cell range on the worksheet, switch to the Layout tab of the top toolbar, click the arrow next to the Print Area button and select the Add to Print Area option. A new print area will be added. Each print area will be printed on a separate page. To remove a print area: open the necessary worksheet where the print area is added, switch to the Layout tab of the top toolbar, click the arrow next to the Print Area button and select the Clear Print Area option. All the existing print areas on this sheet will be removed. Then the entire sheet will be printed."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/ScaleToFit.htm", 
        "title": "Scale a worksheet", 
        "body": "If you want to fit in an entire spreadsheet on one page to print, you may use the Scale to Fit function. This function helps scale data on a designated number of pages. To do so, follow these simple steps: on the top toolbar, enter the Layout tab and select the Scale to fit function, in the Height section select 1 page and set Width on Auto to print all sheets on one page. The scale value will be changed automatically. This value is displayed in the Scale section; you can also change the scale value manually. To do this, set the Height and Width parameters on Auto and use the «+» and «-» buttons to change the scale of the worksheet. The borders of the printing page will be covered with dashed lines on the spreadsheet, on the File tab, click Print, or use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + P and in the following window adjust the print settings. For example, if there are many columns on a sheet, it might be useful to change the Page Orientation to Portrait. Or print a pre-selected range of cells. Find out more about print settings in this article. Note: keep in mind, however, that the printout may be difficult to read because the editor shrinks the data to fit."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/SortData.htm", 
        "title": "Sort and filter data", 
        "body": "Sort Data You can quickly sort your data in a spreadsheet using one of the available options: Ascending is used to sort your data in ascending order - A to Z alphabetically or smallest to largest for numerical data. Descending is used to sort your data in descending order - Z to A alphabetically or largest to smallest for numerical data. Note: the Sort options are accessible from both Home and Data tab. To sort your data, select a range of cells you wish to sort (you can select a single cell in a range to sort the entire range), click the Sort ascending icon situated at the Home or Data tab of the top toolbar to sort your data in ascending order, OR click the Sort descending icon situated at the Home or Data tab of the top toolbar to sort your data in descending order. Note: if you select a single column/row within a cell range or a part of the column/row, you will be asked if you want to expand the selection to include adjacent cells or sort the selected data only. You can also sort your data using the contextual menu options. Right-click the selected range of cells, select the Sort option from the menu and then select Ascending or Descending option from the submenu. It's also possible to sort the data by a color using the contextual menu: right-click a cell containing the color you want to sort your data by, select the Sort option from the menu, select the necessary option from the submenu: Selected Cell Color on top - to display the entries with the same cell background color on the top of the column, Selected Font Color on top - to display the entries with the same font color on the top of the column. Filter Data To display only the rows that meet certain criteria and hide other ones, make use of the Filter option. Note: the Filter options are accessible from both Home and Data tab. To enable a filter, Select a range of cells containing data to filter (you can select a single cell in a range to filter the entire range), Click the Filter icon situated at the Home or Data tab of the top toolbar. The drop-down arrow will appear in the first cell of each column of the selected cell range. It means that the filter is enabled. To apply a filter, Click the drop-down arrow . The Filter option list will open: Note: you can adjust the filter window size by dragging its right border to the right or to the left to display the data as convenient as possible. Adjust the filter parameters. You can proceed in one of the following three ways: select the data to display, filter data by certain criteria or filter data by color. Select the data to display Uncheck the boxes near the data you need to hide. For your convenience all the data wintin the Filter option list are sorted in ascending order. The number of unique values in the filtered range is displayed to the right of each value within the filter window. Note: the {Blanks} check box corresponds to the empty cells. It is available if the selected range of cells contains at least one empty cell. To facilitate the process make use of the search field on the top. Enter your query, entirely or partially, in the field - the values that include these characters will be displayed in the list below. The following two options will also be available: Select All Search Results - is checked by default. It allows to select all the values that correspond to your query in the list. Add current selection to filter - if you check this box, the selected values will not be hidden when you apply the filter. After you select all the necessary data, click the OK button in the Filter option list to apply the filter. Filter data by certain criteria Depending on the data contained in the selected column, you can choose either the Number filter or the Text filter option in the right part of the Filter options list, and then select one of the options from the submenu: For the Number filter the following options are available: Equals..., Does not equal..., Greater than..., Greater than or equal to..., Less than..., Less than or equal to..., Between, Top 10, Above Average, Below Average, Custom Filter.... For the Text filter the following options are available: Equals..., Does not equal..., Begins with..., Does not begin with..., Ends with..., Does not end with..., Contains..., Does not contain..., Custom Filter.... After you select one of the above options (apart from the Top 10 and Above/Below Average ones), the Custom Filter window will open. The corresponding criterion will be selected in the upper drop-down list. Enter the necessary value in the field on the right. To add one more criterion, use the And radiobutton if you need the data to satisfy both criteria or click the Or radiobutton if either or both criteria can be satisfied. Then select the second criterion from the lower drop-down list and enter the necessary value on the right. Click OK to apply the filter. If you choose the Custom Filter... option from the Number/Text filter option list, the first criterion is not selected automatically, you can set it yourself. If you choose the Top 10 option from the Number filter option list, a new window will open: The first drop-down list allows to choose if you wish to display the highest (Top) or lowest (Bottom) values. The second field allows to specify how many entries from the list or which percent of the overall entries number you want to display (you can enter a number from 1 to 500). The third drop-down list allows to set units of measure: Item or Percent. Once the necessary parameters are set, click OK to apply the filter. If you choose the Above/Below Average option from the Number filter option list, the filter will be applied right now. Filter data by color If the cell range you want to filter contains some cells you have formatted changing their background or font color (manually or using predefined styles), you can use one of the following options: Filter by cells color - to display only the entries with a certain cell background color and hide other ones, Filter by font color - to display only the entries with a certain cell font color and hide other ones. When you select the necessary option, a palette that contains colors used in the selected cell range will open. Choose one of the colors to apply the filter. The Filter button will appear in the first cell of the column. It means that the filter is applied. The number of filtered records will be displayed at the status bar (e.g. 25 of 80 records filtered). Note: when the filter is applied, the rows that are filtered out cannot be modified when autofilling, formatting, deleting the visible contents. Such actions affect the visible rows only, the rows that are hidden by the filter remain unchanged. When copying and pasting the filtered data, only visible rows can be copied and pasted. This is not equivalent to manually hidden rows which are affected by all similar actions. Sort filtered data You can set the sorting order of the data you have enabled or applied filter for. Click the drop-down arrow or the Filter button and select one of the options in the Filter option list: Sort Lowest to Highest - allows to sort your data in ascending order, displaying the lowest value on the top of the column, Sort Highest to Lowest - allows to sort your data in descending order, displaying the highest value on the top of the column, Sort by cells color - allows to select one of the colors and display the entries with the same cell background color on the top of the column, Sort by font color - allows to select one of the colors and display the entries with the same font color on the top of the column. The latter two options can be used if the cell range you want to sort contains some cells you have formatted changing their background or font color (manually or using predefined styles). The sorting direction will be indicated by an arrow in the filter buttons. if the data is sorted in ascending order, the drop-down arrow in the first cell of the column looks like this: and the Filter button looks the following way: . if the data is sorted in descending order, the drop-down arrow in the first cell of the column looks like this: and the Filter button looks the following way: . You can also quickly sort the data by a color using the contextual menu options: right-click a cell containing the color you want to sort your data by, select the Sort option from the menu, select the necessary option from the submenu: Selected Cell Color on top - to display the entries with the same cell background color on the top of the column, Selected Font Color on top - to display the entries with the same font color on the top of the column. Filter by the selected cell contents You can also quickly filter your data by the selected cell contents using the contextual menu options. Right-click a cell, select the Filter option from the menu and then select one of the available options: Filter by Selected cell's value - to display only the entries with the same value as the selected cell contains. Filter by cell's color - to display only the entries with the same cell background color as the selected cell has. Filter by font color - to display only the entries with the same cell font color as the selected cell has. Format as Table Template To facilitate the work with your data Spreadsheet Editor allows you to apply a table template to a selected cell range automatically enabling the filter. To do that, select a range of cells you need to format, click the Format as table template icon situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar. select the template you need in the gallery, in the opened pop-up window check the range of cells to be formatted as a table, check the Title if you wish the table headers to be included in the selected range of cells, otherwise the header row will be added at the top while the selected range of cells will be moved one row down, click the OK button to apply the selected template. The template will be applied to the selected range of cells and you will be able to edit the table headers and apply the filter to work with your data. It's also possible to insert a formatted table using the Table button at the Insert tab. In this case, the default table template is applied. Note: once you create a new formatted table, a default name (Table1, Table2 etc.) will be automatically assigned to the table. You can change this name making it more meaningful and use it for further work. If you enter a new value in a cell below the table last row (if the table does not have the Total row) or in a cell to the right of the table last column, the formatted table will be automatically extended to include a new row or column. If you do not want to expand the table, click the button that appears and select the Undo table autoexpansion option. Once you undo this action, the Redo table autoexpansion option will be available in this menu. Some of the table settings can be altered using the Table settings tab of the right sidebar that opens if you select at least one cell within the table with the mouse and click the Table settings icon on the right. The Rows and Columns sections on the top allow you to emphasize certain rows/columns applying a specific formatting to them, or highlight different rows/columns with the different background colors to clearly distinguish them. The following options are available: Header - allows to display the header row. Total - adds the Summary row at the bottom of the table. Banded - enables the background color alternation for odd and even rows. Filter button - allows to display the drop-down arrows in the header row cells. This option is only available when the Header option is selected. First - emphasizes the leftmost column in the table with a special formatting. Last - emphasizes the rightmost column in the table with a special formatting. Banded - enables the background color alternation for odd and even columns. The Select From Template section allows you to choose one of the predefined tables styles. Each template combines certain formatting parameters, such as a background color, border style, row/column banding etc. Depending on the options checked in the Rows and/or Columns sections above, the templates set will be displayed differently. For example, if you've checked the Header option in the Rows section and the Banded option in the Columns section, the displayed templates list will include only templates with the header row and banded columns enabled: If you want to clear the current table style (background color, borders etc.) without removing the table itself, apply the None template from the template list: The Resize table section allows you to change the cell range the table formatting is applied to. Click the Select Data button - a new pop-up window will open. Change the link to the cell range in the entry field or select the necessary cell range on the worksheet with the mouse and click the OK button. The Rows & Columns section allows you to perform the following operations: Select a row, column, all columns data excluding the header row, or the entire table including the header row. Insert a new row above or below the selected one as well as a new column to the left or to the right of the selected one. Delete a row, column (depending on the cursor position or the selection), or the entire table. Note: the options of the Rows & Columns section are also accessible from the right-click menu. The Convert to range button can be used if you want to transform the table into a regular data range removing the filter but preserving the table style (i.e. cell and font colors etc.). Once you apply this option, the Table settings tab at the right sidebar will be unavailable. To change the advanced table properties, use the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar. The table properties window will open: The Alternative Text tab allows to specify a Title and Description which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the table. Reapply Filter If the filtered data has been changed, you can refresh the filter to display an up-to-date result: click the Filter button in the first cell of the column that contains the filtered data, select the Reapply option in the Filter option list that opens. You can also right-click a cell within the column that contains the filtered data and select the Reapply option from the contextual menu. Clear Filter To clear the filter, click the Filter button in the first cell of the column that contains the filtered data, select the Clear option in the Filter option list that opens. You can also proceed in the following way: select the range of cells containing the filtered data, click the Clear filter icon situated at the Home or Data tab of the top toolbar. The filter will remain enabled, but all the applied filter parameters will be removed, and the Filter buttons in the first cells of the columns will change into the drop-down arrows . Remove Filter To remove the filter, select the range of cells containing the filtered data, click the Filter icon situated at the Home or Data tab of the top toolbar. The filter will be disabled, and the drop-down arrows will disappear from the first cells of the columns. Sort data by several columns/rows To sort data by several columns/rows you can create several sorting levels using the Custom Sort function. select a range of cells you wish to sort (you can select a single cell in a range to sort the entire range), click the Custom Sort icon situated at the Data tab of the top toolbar, the Sort window opens. Sorting by columns is selected by default. To change sort orientation (i.e. sort data by rows instead of columns) click the Options button on the top. The Sort Options window will open: check the My data has headers box, if necessary, choose the necessary Orientation: Sort top to bottom to sort data by columns or Sort left to right to sort data by rows, click OK to apply the changes and close the window. set the first sorting level in the Sort by field: in the Column / Row section, select the first column / row you want to sort, in the Sort on list choose one of the following options: Values, Cell color, or Font color, in the Order list, specify the necessary sorting order. The available options differ depending on the option chosen in the Sort on list: if the Values option is selected, choose the Ascending / Descending option if the cell range contains numbers or A to Z / Z to A option if the cell range contains text values, if the Cell color option is selected, choose the necessary cell color and select the Top / Below option for columns or Left / Right option for rows, if the Font color option is selected, choose the necessary font color and select the Top / Below option for columns or Left / Right option for rows. add the next sorting level by clicking the Add level button, select the second column / row you want to sort and specify other sorting parameters in the Then by field as described above. If necessary, add more levels in the same way. manage the added levels using the buttons at the top of the window: Delete level, Copy level or change the level order by using the arrow buttons Move the level up / Move the level down, click OK to apply the changes and close the window. The data will be sorted according to the specified sorting levels."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/UndoRedo.htm", 
        "title": "Undo/redo your actions", 
        "body": "To perform the undo/redo operations, use the corresponding icons available at the left part of the editor header: Undo – use the Undo icon to undo the last operation you performed. Redo – use the Redo icon to redo the last undone operation. The undo/redo operations can be also performed using the Keyboard Shortcuts. Note: when you co-edit a spreadsheet in the Fast mode, the possibility to Undo/Redo the last operation is not available."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/UseNamedRanges.htm", 
        "title": "Use named ranges", 
        "body": "Names are meaningful notations that can be assigned for a cell or cell range and used to simplify working with formulas. Creating a formula, you can insert a name as its argument instead of using a reference to a cell range. For example, if you assign the Annual_Income name for a cell range, it will be possible to enter =SUM(Annual_Income) instead of =SUM(B1:B12). In such a form, formulas become clearer. This feature can also be useful in case a lot of formulas are referred to one and the same cell range. If the range address is changed, you can make the correction once using the Name Manager instead of editing all the formulas one by one. There are two types of names that can be used: Defined name – an arbitrary name that you can specify for a certain cell range. Defined names also include the names created automatically when setting up print areas. Table name – a default name that is automatically assigned to a new formatted table (Table1, Table2 etc.). You can edit such a name later. Names are also classified by Scope, i.e. the location where a name is recognized. A name can be scoped to the whole workbook (it will be recognized for any worksheet within this workbook) or to a separate worksheet (it will be recognized for the specified worksheet only). Each name must be unique within a single scope, the same names can be used within different scopes. Create new names To create a new defined name for a selection: Select a cell or cell range you want to assign a name to. Open a new name window in a suitable way: Right-click the selection and choose the Define Name option from the contextual menu, or click the Named ranges icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the New name option from the menu. The New Name window will open: Enter the necessary Name in the text entry field. Note: a name cannot start from a number, contain spaces or punctuation marks. Underscores (_) are allowed. Case does not matter. Specify the name Scope. The Workbook scope is selected by default, but you can specify an individual worksheet selecting it from the list. Check the selected Data Range address. If necessary, you can change it. Click the Select Data button - the Select Data Range window will open. Change the link to the cell range in the entry field or select a new range on the worksheet with the mouse and click OK. Click OK to save the new name. To quickly create a new name for the selected range of cells, you can also enter the desired name into the name box located to the left of the the formula bar and press Enter. A name created in such a way is scoped to the Workbook. Manage names All the existing names can be accessed via the Name Manager. To open it: click the Named ranges icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the Name manager option from the menu, or click the arrow in the name field and select the Name Manager option. The Name Manager window will open: For your convenience, you can filter the names selecting the name category you want to be displayed: All, Defined names, Table names, Names Scoped to Sheet or Names Scoped to Workbook. The names that belong to the selected category will be displayed in the list, the other names will be hidden. To change the sort order for the displayed list you can click on the Named Ranges or Scope titles in this window. To edit a name, select it in the list and click the Edit button. The Edit Name window will open: For a defined name, you can change the name and the data range it refers to. For a table name, you can change the name only. When all the necessary changes are made, click OK to apply them. To discard the changes, click Cancel. If the edited name is used in a formula, the formula will be automatically changed accordingly. To delete a name, select it in the list and click the Delete button. Note: if you delete the name that is used in a formula, the formula will no longer work (it will return the #NAME? error). You can also create a new name in the Name Manager window by clicking the New button. Use names when working with the spreadsheet To quickly navigate between cell ranges you can click the arrow in the name box and select the necessary name from the name list – the data range that corresponds to this name will be selected on the worksheet. Note: the name list displays the defined names and table names scoped to the current worksheet and to the whole workbook. To add a name as an argument of a formula: Place the insertion point where you need to add a name. Do one of the following: enter the name of the necessary named range manually using the keyboard. Once you type the initial letters, the Formula Autocomplete list will be displayed. As you type, the items (formulas and names) that match the entered characters are displayed in it. You can select the necessary name from the list and insert it into the formula by double-clicking it or pressing the Tab key. or click the Named ranges icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar, select the Paste name option from the menu, choose the necessary name from the Paste Name window and click OK: Note: the Paste Name window displays the defined names and table names scoped to the current worksheet and to the whole workbook."
        "id": "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", 
        "title": "View file information", 
        "body": "To access the detailed information about the currently edited spreadsheet, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Spreadsheet Info option. General Information The spreadsheet information includes a number of the file properties which describe the spreadsheet. Some of these properties are updated automatically, and some of them can be edited. Location - the folder in the Documents module where the file is stored. Owner - the name of the user who have created the file. Uploaded - the date and time when the file has been created. These properties are available in the online version only. Title, Subject, Comment - these properties allow to simplify your documents classification. You can specify the necessary text in the properties fields. Last Modified - the date and time when the file was last modified. Last Modified By - the name of the user who have made the latest change in the spreadsheet if the spreadsheet has been shared and it can be edited by several users. Application - the application the spreadsheet was created with. Author - the person who have created the file. You can enter the necessary name in this field. Press Enter to add a new field that allows to specify one more author. If you changed the file properties, click the Apply button to apply the changes. Note: Online Editors allow you to change the spreadsheet title directly from the editor interface. To do that, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Rename... option, then enter the necessary File name in a new window that opens and click OK. Permission Information In the online version, you can view the information about permissions to the files stored in the cloud. Note: this option is not available for users with the Read Only permissions. To find out, who have rights to view or edit the spreadsheet, select the Access Rights... option at the left sidebar. You can also change currently selected access rights clicking the Change access rights button in the Persons who have rights section. To close the File pane and return to your spreadsheet, select the Close Menu option."