/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * Header.js * * Created by Alexander Yuzhin on 2/14/14 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; Common.Views = Common.Views || {}; define([ 'backbone', 'text!common/main/lib/template/Header.template', 'core', 'common/main/lib/view/RenameDialog' ], function (Backbone, headerTemplate) { 'use strict'; Common.Views.Header = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend(function(){ var storeUsers, appConfig; var $userList, $panelUsers, $btnUsers, $btnUserName, $labelDocName; var _readonlyRights = false; var templateUserItem = '<li id="<%= user.get("iid") %>" class="<% if (!user.get("online")) { %> offline <% } if (user.get("view")) {%> viewmode <% } %>">' + '<div class="user-name">' + '<div class="color" style="background-color: <%= user.get("color") %>;"></div>'+ '<label><%= fnEncode(user.get("username")) %></label>' + '<% if (len>1) { %><label style="margin-left:3px;">(<%=len%>)</label><% } %>' + '</div>'+ '</li>'; var templateUserList = _.template( '<ul>' + '<% for (originalId in users) { %>' + '<%= usertpl({user: users[originalId][0], fnEncode: fnEncode, len: users[originalId].length}) %>' + '<% } %>' + '</ul>'); var templateRightBox = '<section>' + '<section id="box-doc-name">' + // '<input type="text" id="rib-doc-name" spellcheck="false" data-can-copy="false" style="pointer-events: none;" disabled="disabled">' + //'<label id="rib-doc-name" />' + '<input id="rib-doc-name" autofill="off" autocomplete="off"/></input>' + '</section>' + '<section style="display: inherit;">' + '<div class="hedset">' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-hbtn-edit"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-hbtn-print"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-hbtn-download"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="hedset" data-layout-name="header-users">' + // '<span class="btn-slot text" id="slot-btn-users"></span>' + '<section id="tlb-box-users" class="box-cousers dropdown">' + '<div class="btn-users dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hint="0" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' + '<div class="inner-box-icon">' + '<svg class=""><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-users"></use></svg>' + '</div>' + '<label class="caption"></label>' + '</div>' + '<div class="cousers-menu dropdown-menu">' + '<label id="tlb-users-menu-descr"><%= tipUsers %></label>' + '<div class="cousers-list"></div>' + '</div>' + '</section>'+ '</div>' + '<div class="hedset">' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-share"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="hedset">' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-mode"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-back"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-favorite"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-search"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="hedset">' + // '<div class="btn-slot slot-btn-user-name"></div>' + '<button type="button" class="btn btn-header slot-btn-user-name hidden">' + '<div class="color-user-name"></div>' + '</button>' + '<div class="btn-current-user hidden">' + '<div class="color-user-name"></div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</section>' + '</section>'; var templateLeftBox = '<section class="logo">' + '<div id="header-logo"><i></i></div>' + '</section>'; var templateTitleBox = '<section id="box-document-title">' + '<div class="extra"></div>' + '<div class="hedset">' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-home"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-save" data-layout-name="header-save"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-print"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-undo"></div>' + '<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-redo"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="lr-separator" id="id-box-doc-name">' + // '<label id="title-doc-name" /></label>' + '<input id="title-doc-name" autofill="off" autocomplete="off"/></input>' + '</div>' + '<div class="hedset">' + // '<div class="btn-slot slot-btn-user-name"></div>' + '<button type="button" class="btn btn-header slot-btn-user-name hidden">' + '<div class="color-user-name"></div>' + '</button>' + '<div class="btn-current-user hidden">' + '<div class="color-user-name"></div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</section>'; function onResetUsers(collection, opts) { var usercount = collection.getVisibleEditingCount(); if ( $userList ) { if (usercount > 1 && appConfig && (appConfig.isEdit || appConfig.isRestrictedEdit)) { $userList.html(templateUserList({ users: collection.chain().filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view') && !item.get('hidden')}).groupBy(function(item) {return item.get('idOriginal');}).value(), usertpl: _.template(templateUserItem), fnEncode: function(username) { return Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(username)); } })); $userList.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({ el: $userList.find('ul'), useKeyboard: true, minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true }); $userList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength : 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); } else { $userList.empty(); } } applyUsers( usercount, collection.getVisibleEditingOriginalCount() ); }; function onUsersChanged(model) { onResetUsers(model.collection); }; function applyUsers(count, originalCount) { if (!$btnUsers) return; var has_edit_users = count > 1 && appConfig && (appConfig.isEdit || appConfig.isRestrictedEdit); // has other user(s) who edit document if ( has_edit_users ) { $panelUsers['show'](); $btnUsers.find('.caption').html(originalCount); } else { $panelUsers['hide'](); } updateDocNamePosition(appConfig); } function onLostEditRights() { _readonlyRights = true; this.btnShare && this.btnShare.setVisible(false); updateDocNamePosition(appConfig); } function onUsersClick(e) { var usertip = $btnUsers.data('bs.tooltip'); if ( usertip ) { if ( usertip.dontShow===undefined) usertip.dontShow = true; usertip.hide(); } } function updateDocNamePosition(config) { if ( $labelDocName && config) { var $parent = $labelDocName.parent(); if (!config.isEdit) { var _left_width = $parent.position().left, _right_width = $parent.next().outerWidth(); $parent.css('padding-left', _left_width < _right_width ? Math.max(2, _right_width - _left_width) : 2); $parent.css('padding-right', _left_width < _right_width ? 2 : Math.max(2, _left_width - _right_width)); } else if (!(config.customization && config.customization.compactHeader)) { var _left_width = $parent.position().left, _right_width = $parent.next().outerWidth(), outerWidth = $labelDocName.outerWidth(), cssWidth = $labelDocName[0].style.width; cssWidth = cssWidth ? parseFloat(cssWidth) : outerWidth; if (cssWidth - outerWidth > 0.1) { $parent.css('padding-left', _left_width < _right_width ? Math.max(2, $parent.outerWidth() - 2 - cssWidth) : 2); $parent.css('padding-right', _left_width < _right_width ? 2 : Math.max(2, $parent.outerWidth() - 2 - cssWidth)); } else { $parent.css('padding-left', _left_width < _right_width ? Math.max(2, Math.min(_right_width - _left_width + 2, $parent.outerWidth() - 2 - cssWidth)) : 2); $parent.css('padding-right', _left_width < _right_width ? 2 : Math.max(2, Math.min(_left_width - _right_width + 2, $parent.outerWidth() - 2 - cssWidth))); } } if (!(config.customization && config.customization.toolbarHideFileName) && (!config.isEdit || config.customization && config.customization.compactHeader)) { var basis = parseFloat($parent.css('padding-left') || 0) + parseFloat($parent.css('padding-right') || 0) + parseInt($labelDocName.css('min-width') || 50); // 2px - box-shadow config.isCrypted && (basis += 20); $parent.css('flex-basis', Math.ceil(basis) + 'px'); $parent.closest('.extra.right').css('flex-basis', Math.ceil(basis) + $parent.next().outerWidth() + 'px'); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:resize'); } } } function onResize() { if (appConfig && appConfig.isEdit && !(appConfig.customization && appConfig.customization.compactHeader)) { updateDocNamePosition(appConfig); } } function onAppShowed(config) { // config.isCrypted =true; //delete fore merge! if ( $labelDocName ) { if ( config.isCrypted ) { $labelDocName.before( '<div class="inner-box-icon crypted hidden">' + '<svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-crypted"></use></svg>' + '</div>'); this.imgCrypted = $labelDocName.parent().find('.crypted'); this._showImgCrypted = true; } updateDocNamePosition(config); } } function onAppReady(mode) { appConfig = mode; var me = this; me.btnGoBack.on('click', function (e) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('goback'); }); me.btnFavorite.on('click', function (e) { // wait for setFavorite method // me.options.favorite = !me.options.favorite; // me.btnFavorite.changeIcon(me.options.favorite ? {next: 'btn-in-favorite'} : {curr: 'btn-in-favorite'}); // me.btnFavorite.updateHint(!me.options.favorite ? me.textAddFavorite : me.textRemoveFavorite); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('markfavorite', !me.options.favorite); }); if (me.btnShare) { me.btnShare.on('click', function (e) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('collaboration:sharing'); }); me.btnShare.updateHint(me.tipAccessRights); me.btnShare.setVisible(!_readonlyRights && appConfig && (appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length || appConfig.canRequestSharingSettings)); updateDocNamePosition(appConfig); } if ( me.logo ) me.logo.children(0).on('click', function (e) { var _url = !!me.branding && !!me.branding.logo && (me.branding.logo.url!==undefined) ? me.branding.logo.url : '{{PUBLISHER_URL}}'; if (_url) { var newDocumentPage = window.open(_url); newDocumentPage && newDocumentPage.focus(); } }); if ( $panelUsers ) { onResetUsers(storeUsers); $panelUsers.on('shown.bs.dropdown', function () { $userList.scroller && $userList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); }); $panelUsers.find('.cousers-menu') .on('click', function(e) { return false; }); var editingUsers = storeUsers.getVisibleEditingCount(); $btnUsers.tooltip({ title: me.tipUsers, placement: 'bottom', html: true }); $btnUsers.on('click', onUsersClick.bind(me)); $panelUsers[(editingUsers > 1 && appConfig && (appConfig.isEdit || appConfig.isRestrictedEdit)) ? 'show' : 'hide'](); updateDocNamePosition(appConfig); } if (appConfig.user.guest && appConfig.canRenameAnonymous) { if (me.btnUserName) { me.btnUserName.on('click', function (e) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('user:rename'); }); } } if ( me.btnPrint ) { me.btnPrint.updateHint(me.tipPrint + Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl+P')); me.btnPrint.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('print', me); }); } if ( me.btnSave ) { me.btnSave.updateHint(me.tipSave + Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl+S')); me.btnSave.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('save', me); }); } if ( me.btnUndo ) { me.btnUndo.updateHint(me.tipUndo + Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl+Z')); me.btnUndo.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('undo', me); }); } if ( me.btnRedo ) { me.btnRedo.updateHint(me.tipRedo + Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl+Y')); me.btnRedo.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('redo', me); }); } if ( !mode.isEdit ) { if ( me.btnDownload ) { me.btnDownload.updateHint(me.tipDownload); me.btnDownload.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('downloadas', ['original']); }); } if ( me.btnEdit ) { me.btnEdit.updateHint(me.tipGoEdit); me.btnEdit.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('go:editor', me); }); } } if (me.btnSearch) me.btnSearch.updateHint(me.tipSearch + Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl+F')); if (appConfig.isEdit && !(appConfig.customization && appConfig.customization.compactHeader)) Common.NotificationCenter.on('window:resize', onResize); } function onFocusDocName(e){ var me = this; me.imgCrypted && me.imgCrypted.toggleClass('hidden', true); me.isSaveDocName =false; if(me.withoutExt) return; var name = me.cutDocName($labelDocName.val()); me.withoutExt = true; _.delay(function(){ me.setDocTitle(name); $labelDocName.select(); },100); } function onDocNameKeyDown(e) { var me = this; var name = $labelDocName.val(); if ( e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN ) { name = name.trim(); if ( !_.isEmpty(name) && me.cutDocName(me.documentCaption) !== name ) { me.isSaveDocName =true; if ( /[\t*\+:\"<>?|\\\\/]/gim.test(name) ) { _.defer(function() { Common.UI.error({ msg: (new Common.Views.RenameDialog).txtInvalidName + "*+:\"<>?|\/" , callback: function() { _.delay(function() { $labelDocName.focus(); me.isSaveDocName =true; }, 50); } }); }) } else if(me.withoutExt) { name = me.cutDocName(name); me.options.wopi ? me.api.asc_wopi_renameFile(name) : Common.Gateway.requestRename(name); name += me.fileExtention; me.withoutExt = false; me.setDocTitle(name); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me); } } else { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me); } } else if ( e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC ) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this); } else { _.delay(function(){ me.setDocTitle(); },10); } } return { options: { branding: {}, documentCaption: '', canBack: false }, el: '#header', // Compile our stats template template: _.template(headerTemplate), // Delegated events for creating new items, and clearing completed ones. events: { // 'click #header-logo': function (e) {} }, initialize: function (options) { var me = this; this.options = this.options ? _.extend(this.options, options) : options; this.documentCaption = this.options.documentCaption; this.branding = this.options.customization; this.isModified = false; me.btnGoBack = new Common.UI.Button({ id: 'btn-goback', cls: 'btn-header', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-goback', dataHint: '0', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big' }); storeUsers = this.options.storeUsers; storeUsers.bind({ add : onUsersChanged, change : onUsersChanged, reset : onResetUsers }); me.btnSearch = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-header no-caret', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-menu-search', enableToggle: true, dataHint: '0', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big' }); me.btnFavorite = new Common.UI.Button({ id: 'btn-favorite', cls: 'btn-header', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-favorite', dataHint: '0', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big' }); Common.NotificationCenter.on({ 'app:ready': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onAppReady, me, mode);}, 'app:face': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onAppShowed, me, mode);}, 'tab:visible': function() {Common.Utils.asyncCall(updateDocNamePosition, me, appConfig);}, 'collaboration:sharingdeny': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onLostEditRights, me, mode);} }); Common.NotificationCenter.on('uitheme:changed', this.changeLogo.bind(this)); }, render: function (el, role) { $(el).html(this.getPanel(role)); return this; }, getPanel: function (role, config) { var me = this; function createTitleButton(iconid, slot, disabled, hintDirection, hintOffset, hintTitle) { return (new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-header', iconCls: iconid, disabled: disabled === true, dataHint:'0', dataHintDirection: hintDirection ? hintDirection : (config.isDesktopApp ? 'right' : 'left'), dataHintOffset: hintOffset ? hintOffset : (config.isDesktopApp ? '10, -18' : '10, 10'), dataHintTitle: hintTitle })).render(slot); } if ( role == 'left' && (!config || !config.isDesktopApp)) { $html = $(templateLeftBox); this.logo = $html.find('#header-logo'); if (this.branding && this.branding.logo && (this.branding.logo.image || this.branding.logo.imageDark) && this.logo) { var image = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() ? (this.branding.logo.imageDark || this.branding.logo.image) : (this.branding.logo.image || this.branding.logo.imageDark); this.logo.html('<img src="' + image + '" style="max-width:100px; max-height:20px; margin: 0;"/>'); this.logo.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto'}); (this.branding.logo.url || this.branding.logo.url===undefined) && this.logo.addClass('link'); } return $html; } else if ( role == 'right' ) { var $html = $(_.template(templateRightBox)({ tipUsers: this.labelCoUsersDescr, textShare: this.textShare })); if ( !$labelDocName ) { $labelDocName = $html.find('#rib-doc-name'); if ( me.documentCaption ) { setTimeout(function() { me.setDocTitle(me.documentCaption); }, 50); } } else { $html.find('#rib-doc-name').hide(); } this.setCanRename(!!this.options.canRename); if ( this.options.canBack === true ) { me.btnGoBack.render($html.find('#slot-btn-back')); } else { $html.find('#slot-btn-back').hide(); } if ( this.options.favorite !== undefined && this.options.favorite!==null) { me.btnFavorite.render($html.find('#slot-btn-favorite')); me.btnFavorite.changeIcon(!!me.options.favorite ? {next: 'btn-in-favorite'} : {curr: 'btn-in-favorite'}); me.btnFavorite.updateHint(!me.options.favorite ? me.textAddFavorite : me.textRemoveFavorite); } else { $html.find('#slot-btn-favorite').hide(); } if ( !config.isEdit ) { if ( (config.canDownload || config.canDownloadOrigin) && !config.isOffline ) this.btnDownload = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-download', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-download'), undefined, 'bottom', 'big'); if ( config.canPrint ) this.btnPrint = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-print', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-print'), undefined, 'bottom', 'big', 'P'); if ( config.canEdit && config.canRequestEditRights ) this.btnEdit = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-edit', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-edit'), undefined, 'bottom', 'big'); } me.btnSearch.render($html.find('#slot-btn-search')); if (!config.isEdit || config.customization && !!config.customization.compactHeader) { if (config.user.guest && config.canRenameAnonymous) { me.btnUserName = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $html.findById('.slot-btn-user-name'), cls: 'btn-header', dataHint:'0', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big', visible: true }); me.btnUserName.cmpEl.removeClass('hidden'); } else { me.elUserName = $html.find('.btn-current-user'); me.elUserName.removeClass('hidden'); } $btnUserName = $html.find('.color-user-name'); me.setUserName(me.options.userName); } if (!_readonlyRights && config && (config.sharingSettingsUrl && config.sharingSettingsUrl.length || config.canRequestSharingSettings)) { me.btnShare = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-header btn-header-share', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-users-share', caption: me.textShare, dataHint: '0', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big' }); me.btnShare.render($html.find('#slot-btn-share')); } else { $html.find('#slot-btn-share').hide(); } $userList = $html.find('.cousers-list'); $panelUsers = $html.find('.box-cousers'); $btnUsers = $panelUsers.find('> .btn-users'); $panelUsers.hide(); return $html; } else if ( role == 'title' ) { var $html = $(_.template(templateTitleBox)()); !!$labelDocName && $labelDocName.hide().off(); // hide document title if it was created in right box $labelDocName = $html.find('#title-doc-name'); setTimeout(function() { me.setDocTitle(me.documentCaption); }, 50); me.options.wopi && $labelDocName.attr('maxlength', me.options.wopi.FileNameMaxLength); if (config.user.guest && config.canRenameAnonymous) { me.btnUserName = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $html.findById('.slot-btn-user-name'), cls: 'btn-header', dataHint:'0', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big', visible: true }); me.btnUserName.cmpEl.removeClass('hidden'); } else { me.elUserName = $html.find('.btn-current-user'); me.elUserName.removeClass('hidden'); } $btnUserName = $html.find('.color-user-name'); me.setUserName(me.options.userName); if ( config.canPrint && config.isEdit ) { me.btnPrint = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-print', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-print'), true, undefined, undefined, 'P'); } me.btnSave = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-save', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-save'), true, undefined, undefined, 'S'); me.btnUndo = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-undo', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-undo'), true, undefined, undefined, 'Z'); me.btnRedo = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-redo', $html.findById('#slot-btn-dt-redo'), true, undefined, undefined, 'Y'); return $html; } }, setVisible: function (visible) { // visible // ? this.show() // : this.hide(); }, setBranding: function (value) { var element; this.branding = value; if ( value ) { if ( value.logo &&(value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark)) { var image = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() ? (value.logo.imageDark || value.logo.image) : (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark); element = $('#header-logo'); if (element) { element.html('<img src="' + image + '" style="max-width:100px; max-height:20px; margin: 0;"/>'); element.css({'background-image': 'none', width: 'auto'}); (value.logo.url || value.logo.url===undefined) && element.addClass('link'); } } } }, changeLogo: function () { var value = this.branding; if ( value && value.logo && value.logo.image && value.logo.imageDark && (value.logo.image !== value.logo.imageDark)) { // change logo when image and imageDark are different var image = Common.UI.Themes.isDarkTheme() ? (value.logo.imageDark || value.logo.image) : (value.logo.image || value.logo.imageDark); $('#header-logo img').attr('src', image); } }, setDocumentCaption: function(value) { !value && (value = ''); this.documentCaption = value; var idx = this.documentCaption.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx>0) this.fileExtention = this.documentCaption.substring(idx); this.isModified && (value += '*'); if ( $labelDocName ) { this.setDocTitle( value ); } return value; }, getDocumentCaption: function () { return this.documentCaption; }, setDocumentChanged: function (changed) { this.isModified = changed; var _name = this.documentCaption; changed && (_name += '*'); this.setDocTitle(_name); }, setCanBack: function (value, text) { this.options.canBack = value; this.btnGoBack[value ? 'show' : 'hide'](); if (value) this.btnGoBack.updateHint((text && typeof text == 'string') ? text : this.textBack); updateDocNamePosition(appConfig); return this; }, getCanBack: function () { return this.options.canBack; }, setFavorite: function (value) { this.options.favorite = value; this.btnFavorite[value!==undefined && value!==null ? 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