'<% _.each(docs, function(item) { %>',
style="background-image: url(<%= item.icon %>);" <% } %> />',
<%= item.name %>
'<% }) %>',
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
scope: this,
docs: this.options[0].docs
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_onBlankDocument: function() {
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if ( this.menu )
this.menu.fireEvent('create:new', [this.menu, e.currentTarget.attributes['template'].value]);
fromBlankText : 'From Blank',
newDocumentText : 'New Spreadsheet',
newDescriptionText : 'Create a new blank text document which you will be able to style and format after it is created during the editing. Or choose one of the templates to start a document of a certain type or purpose where some styles have already been pre-applied.',
fromTemplateText : 'From Template'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.CreateNew || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
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initialize: function(options) {
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'- ',
' ',
'' + this.txtAuthor + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
'' + this.txtPlacement + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
'' + this.txtDate + ' ',
'- ',
' ',
' ',
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
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this.lblAuthor = $('#id-info-author');
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this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
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hide: function() {
updateInfo: function(doc) {
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this.lblTitle.text((doc.title) ? doc.title : '-');
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_ShowHideDocInfo: function(visible) {
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this._ShowHideInfoItem('author', visible);
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txtTitle: 'Document Title',
txtAuthor: 'Author',
txtPlacement: 'Placement',
txtDate: 'Creation Date'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentInfo || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentRights = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#panel-rights',
menu: undefined,
initialize: function(options) {
this.rendered = false;
this.template = _.template([
'' + this.txtRights + ' ',
' ',
'' + this.txtBtnAccessRights + ' ',
' ',
this.templateRights = _.template([
'<% _.each(users, function(item) { %>',
'<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item.user) %> ',
'<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item.permissions) %> ',
' ',
'<% }); %>',
this.menu = options.menu;
render: function() {
this.cntRights = $('#id-info-rights');
this.btnEditRights = new Common.UI.Button({
el: '#id-info-btn-edit'
this.btnEditRights.on('click', _.bind(this.changeAccessRights, this));
this.rendered = true;
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this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el),
suppressScrollX: true
return this;
show: function() {
hide: function() {
updateInfo: function(doc) {
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doc = doc || {};
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this._ShowHideInfoItem('edit-rights', !!this.sharingSettingsUrl && this.sharingSettingsUrl.length && this._readonlyRights!==true);
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$('tr.'+cls, this.el)[visible?'show':'hide']();
_ShowHideDocInfo: function(visible) {
this._ShowHideInfoItem('rights', visible);
this._ShowHideInfoItem('edit-rights', visible);
setMode: function(mode) {
this.sharingSettingsUrl = mode.sharingSettingsUrl;
return this;
changeAccessRights: function(btn,event,opts) {
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me._docAccessDlg = new Common.Views.DocumentAccessDialog({
settingsurl: this.sharingSettingsUrl
me._docAccessDlg.on('accessrights', function(obj, rights){
me.doc.info.sharingSettings = rights;
me._ShowHideInfoItem('rights', me.doc.info.sharingSettings!==undefined && me.doc.info.sharingSettings!==null && me.doc.info.sharingSettings.length>0);
me.cntRights.html(me.templateRights({users: me.doc.info.sharingSettings}));
}).on('close', function(obj){
me._docAccessDlg = undefined;
onLostEditRights: function() {
this._readonlyRights = true;
if (!this.rendered)
this._ShowHideInfoItem('edit-rights', false);
txtRights: 'Persons who have rights',
txtBtnAccessRights: 'Change access rights'
}, SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.DocumentRights || {}));
SSE.Views.FileMenuPanels.Help = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
el: '#panel-help',
menu: undefined,
template: _.template([
initialize: function(options) {
this.menu = options.menu;
this.urlPref = 'resources/help/en/';
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{src: "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", name: "Create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one", headername: "Usage Instructions", selected: true},
{src: "UsageInstructions/ManageSheets.htm", name: "Manage sheets"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/InsertDeleteCells.htm", name: "Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/CopyPasteData.htm", name: "Copy and paste data"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeStyle.htm", name: "Set font type, size, style, and colors"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm", name: "Align data in cells"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/AddBorders.htm", name: "Add borders"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/MergeCells.htm", name: "Merge cells"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/ClearFormatting.htm", name: "Clear text, format in a cell"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/SortData.htm", name: "Sort data"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/InsertFunction.htm", name: "Insert function"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/ChangeNumberFormat.htm", name: "Change number format"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/UndoRedo.htm", name: "Undo/redo your actions"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", name: "View file information"},
{src: "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", name: "Save/print/download your spreadsheet"},
{src: "HelpfulHints/About.htm", name: "About ONLYOFFICE Spreadsheet Editor", headername: "Helpful Hints"},
{src: "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", name: "Supported Formats of Spreadsheets"},
{src: "HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm", name: "Navigation through Your Spreadsheet"},
{src: "HelpfulHints/Search.htm", name: "Search Function"},
{src: "HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm", name: "Keyboard Shortcuts"}
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window.onhelp = function () { return false; }
render: function() {
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this.viewHelpPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
el: $('#id-help-contents'),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore([]),
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this.viewHelpPicker.on('item:add', function(dataview, itemview, record) {
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return (src.indexOf(record.get('src'))>0);
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me.viewHelpPicker.selectRecord(rec, true);
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setLangConfig: function(lang) {
var me = this;
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error: function () {
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store.url = 'resources/help/en/Contents.json';
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success: function () {
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store.url = 'resources/help/' + lang + '/Contents.json';
this.urlPref = 'resources/help/' + lang + '/';
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