(function() { var router = null; var location = null; var lastRoute = null; var lastArgs = []; function onRoute(router, route, args) { lastRoute = route; lastArgs = args; } var Location = function(href) { this.replace(href); }; _.extend(Location.prototype, { replace: function(href) { _.extend(this, _.pick($('<a></a>', {href: href})[0], 'href', 'hash', 'host', 'search', 'fragment', 'pathname', 'protocol' )); // In IE, anchor.pathname does not contain a leading slash though // window.location.pathname does. if (!/^\//.test(this.pathname)) this.pathname = '/' + this.pathname; }, toString: function() { return this.href; } }); module("Backbone.Router", { setup: function() { location = new Location('http://example.com'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); router = new Router({testing: 101}); Backbone.history.interval = 9; Backbone.history.start({pushState: false}); lastRoute = null; lastArgs = []; Backbone.history.on('route', onRoute); }, teardown: function() { Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history.off('route', onRoute); } }); var ExternalObject = { value: 'unset', routingFunction: function(value) { this.value = value; } }; _.bindAll(ExternalObject); var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({ count: 0, routes: { "noCallback": "noCallback", "counter": "counter", "search/:query": "search", "search/:query/p:page": "search", "charñ": "charUTF", "char%C3%B1": "charEscaped", "contacts": "contacts", "contacts/new": "newContact", "contacts/:id": "loadContact", "route-event/:arg": "routeEvent", "optional(/:item)": "optionalItem", "named/optional/(y:z)": "namedOptional", "splat/*args/end": "splat", ":repo/compare/*from...*to": "github", "decode/:named/*splat": "decode", "*first/complex-*part/*rest": "complex", ":entity?*args": "query", "function/:value": ExternalObject.routingFunction, "*anything": "anything" }, initialize : function(options) { this.testing = options.testing; this.route('implicit', 'implicit'); }, counter: function() { this.count++; }, implicit: function() { this.count++; }, search: function(query, page) { this.query = query; this.page = page; }, charUTF: function() { this.charType = 'UTF'; }, charEscaped: function() { this.charType = 'escaped'; }, contacts: function(){ this.contact = 'index'; }, newContact: function(){ this.contact = 'new'; }, loadContact: function(){ this.contact = 'load'; }, optionalItem: function(arg){ this.arg = arg != void 0 ? arg : null; }, splat: function(args) { this.args = args; }, github: function(repo, from, to) { this.repo = repo; this.from = from; this.to = to; }, complex: function(first, part, rest) { this.first = first; this.part = part; this.rest = rest; }, query: function(entity, args) { this.entity = entity; this.queryArgs = args; }, anything: function(whatever) { this.anything = whatever; }, namedOptional: function(z) { this.z = z; }, decode: function(named, path) { this.named = named; this.path = path; }, routeEvent: function(arg) { } }); test("initialize", 1, function() { equal(router.testing, 101); }); test("routes (simple)", 4, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#search/news'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.query, 'news'); equal(router.page, void 0); equal(lastRoute, 'search'); equal(lastArgs[0], 'news'); }); test("routes (simple, but unicode)", 4, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#search/тест'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.query, "тест"); equal(router.page, void 0); equal(lastRoute, 'search'); equal(lastArgs[0], "тест"); }); test("routes (two part)", 2, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#search/nyc/p10'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.query, 'nyc'); equal(router.page, '10'); }); test("routes via navigate", 2, function() { Backbone.history.navigate('search/manhattan/p20', {trigger: true}); equal(router.query, 'manhattan'); equal(router.page, '20'); }); test("routes via navigate for backwards-compatibility", 2, function() { Backbone.history.navigate('search/manhattan/p20', true); equal(router.query, 'manhattan'); equal(router.page, '20'); }); test("reports matched route via nagivate", 1, function() { ok(Backbone.history.navigate('search/manhattan/p20', true)); }); test("route precedence via navigate", 6, function(){ // check both 0.9.x and backwards-compatibility options _.each([ { trigger: true }, true ], function( options ){ Backbone.history.navigate('contacts', options); equal(router.contact, 'index'); Backbone.history.navigate('contacts/new', options); equal(router.contact, 'new'); Backbone.history.navigate('contacts/foo', options); equal(router.contact, 'load'); }); }); test("loadUrl is not called for identical routes.", 0, function() { Backbone.history.loadUrl = function(){ ok(false); }; location.replace('http://example.com#route'); Backbone.history.navigate('route'); Backbone.history.navigate('/route'); Backbone.history.navigate('/route'); }); test("use implicit callback if none provided", 1, function() { router.count = 0; router.navigate('implicit', {trigger: true}); equal(router.count, 1); }); test("routes via navigate with {replace: true}", 1, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#start_here'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); location.replace = function(href) { strictEqual(href, new Location('http://example.com#end_here').href); }; Backbone.history.navigate('end_here', {replace: true}); }); test("routes (splats)", 1, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#splat/long-list/of/splatted_99args/end'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.args, 'long-list/of/splatted_99args'); }); test("routes (github)", 3, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#backbone/compare/1.0...braddunbar:with/slash'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.repo, 'backbone'); equal(router.from, '1.0'); equal(router.to, 'braddunbar:with/slash'); }); test("routes (optional)", 2, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#optional'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); ok(!router.arg); location.replace('http://example.com#optional/thing'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.arg, 'thing'); }); test("routes (complex)", 3, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#one/two/three/complex-part/four/five/six/seven'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.first, 'one/two/three'); equal(router.part, 'part'); equal(router.rest, 'four/five/six/seven'); }); test("routes (query)", 5, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#mandel?a=b&c=d'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.entity, 'mandel'); equal(router.queryArgs, 'a=b&c=d'); equal(lastRoute, 'query'); equal(lastArgs[0], 'mandel'); equal(lastArgs[1], 'a=b&c=d'); }); test("routes (anything)", 1, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#doesnt-match-a-route'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.anything, 'doesnt-match-a-route'); }); test("routes (function)", 3, function() { router.on('route', function(name) { ok(name === ''); }); equal(ExternalObject.value, 'unset'); location.replace('http://example.com#function/set'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(ExternalObject.value, 'set'); }); test("Decode named parameters, not splats.", 2, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#decode/a%2Fb/c%2Fd/e'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); strictEqual(router.named, 'a/b'); strictEqual(router.path, 'c/d/e'); }); test("fires event when router doesn't have callback on it", 1, function() { router.on("route:noCallback", function(){ ok(true); }); location.replace('http://example.com#noCallback'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); }); test("#933, #908 - leading slash", 2, function() { location.replace('http://example.com/root/foo'); Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); Backbone.history.start({root: '/root', hashChange: false, silent: true}); strictEqual(Backbone.history.getFragment(), 'foo'); Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); Backbone.history.start({root: '/root/', hashChange: false, silent: true}); strictEqual(Backbone.history.getFragment(), 'foo'); }); test("#1003 - History is started before navigate is called", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history.navigate = function(){ ok(Backbone.History.started); }; Backbone.history.start(); // If this is not an old IE navigate will not be called. if (!Backbone.history.iframe) ok(true); }); test("#967 - Route callback gets passed encoded values.", 3, function() { var route = 'has%2Fslash/complex-has%23hash/has%20space'; Backbone.history.navigate(route, {trigger: true}); strictEqual(router.first, 'has/slash'); strictEqual(router.part, 'has#hash'); strictEqual(router.rest, 'has space'); }); test("correctly handles URLs with % (#868)", 3, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#search/fat%3A1.5%25'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); location.replace('http://example.com#search/fat'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); equal(router.query, 'fat'); equal(router.page, void 0); equal(lastRoute, 'search'); }); test("#2666 - Hashes with UTF8 in them.", 2, function() { Backbone.history.navigate('charñ', {trigger: true}); equal(router.charType, 'UTF'); Backbone.history.navigate('char%C3%B1', {trigger: true}); equal(router.charType, 'escaped'); }); test("#1185 - Use pathname when hashChange is not wanted.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/path/name#hash'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); Backbone.history.start({hashChange: false}); var fragment = Backbone.history.getFragment(); strictEqual(fragment, location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '')); }); test("#1206 - Strip leading slash before location.assign.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root/'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); Backbone.history.start({hashChange: false, root: '/root/'}); location.assign = function(pathname) { strictEqual(pathname, '/root/fragment'); }; Backbone.history.navigate('/fragment'); }); test("#1387 - Root fragment without trailing slash.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); Backbone.history.start({hashChange: false, root: '/root/', silent: true}); strictEqual(Backbone.history.getFragment(), ''); }); test("#1366 - History does not prepend root to fragment.", 2, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root/'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url) { strictEqual(url, '/root/x'); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ root: '/root/', pushState: true, hashChange: false }); Backbone.history.navigate('x'); strictEqual(Backbone.history.fragment, 'x'); }); test("Normalize root.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url) { strictEqual(url, '/root/fragment'); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: '/root', hashChange: false }); Backbone.history.navigate('fragment'); }); test("Normalize root.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root#fragment'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url) {}, replaceState: function(state, title, url) { strictEqual(url, '/root/fragment'); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: '/root' }); }); test("Normalize root.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, {location: location}); Backbone.history.loadUrl = function() { ok(true); }; Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: '/root' }); }); test("Normalize root - leading slash.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(){}, replaceState: function(){} } }); Backbone.history.start({root: 'root'}); strictEqual(Backbone.history.root, '/root/'); }); test("Transition from hashChange to pushState.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root#x/y'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(){}, replaceState: function(state, title, url){ strictEqual(url, '/root/x/y'); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ root: 'root', pushState: true }); }); test("#1619: Router: Normalize empty root", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(){}, replaceState: function(){} } }); Backbone.history.start({root: ''}); strictEqual(Backbone.history.root, '/'); }); test("#1619: Router: nagivate with empty root", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url) { strictEqual(url, '/fragment'); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: '', hashChange: false }); Backbone.history.navigate('fragment'); }); test("Transition from pushState to hashChange.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root/x/y?a=b'); location.replace = function(url) { strictEqual(url, '/root/?a=b#x/y'); }; Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: null, replaceState: null } }); Backbone.history.start({ root: 'root', pushState: true }); }); test("#1695 - hashChange to pushState with search.", 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root?a=b#x/y'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(){}, replaceState: function(state, title, url){ strictEqual(url, '/root/x/y?a=b'); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ root: 'root', pushState: true }); }); test("#1746 - Router allows empty route.", 1, function() { var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: {'': 'empty'}, empty: function(){}, route: function(route){ strictEqual(route, ''); } }); new Router; }); test("#1794 - Trailing space in fragments.", 1, function() { var history = new Backbone.History; strictEqual(history.getFragment('fragment '), 'fragment'); }); test("#1820 - Leading slash and trailing space.", 1, function() { var history = new Backbone.History; strictEqual(history.getFragment('/fragment '), 'fragment'); }); test("#1980 - Optional parameters.", 2, function() { location.replace('http://example.com#named/optional/y'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); strictEqual(router.z, undefined); location.replace('http://example.com#named/optional/y123'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); strictEqual(router.z, '123'); }); test("#2062 - Trigger 'route' event on router instance.", 2, function() { router.on('route', function(name, args) { strictEqual(name, 'routeEvent'); deepEqual(args, ['x']); }); location.replace('http://example.com#route-event/x'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); }); test("#2255 - Extend routes by making routes a function.", 1, function() { var RouterBase = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: function() { return { home: "root", index: "index.html" }; } }); var RouterExtended = RouterBase.extend({ routes: function() { var _super = RouterExtended.__super__.routes; return _.extend(_super(), { show: "show", search: "search" }); } }); var router = new RouterExtended(); deepEqual({home: "root", index: "index.html", show: "show", search: "search"}, router.routes); }); test("#2538 - hashChange to pushState only if both requested.", 0, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); location.replace('http://example.com/root?a=b#x/y'); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(){}, replaceState: function(){ ok(false); } } }); Backbone.history.start({ root: 'root', pushState: true, hashChange: false }); }); test('No hash fallback.', 0, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(){}, replaceState: function(){} } }); var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { hash: function() { ok(false); } } }); var router = new Router; location.replace('http://example.com/'); Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, hashChange: false }); location.replace('http://example.com/nomatch#hash'); Backbone.history.checkUrl(); }); test('#2656 - No trailing slash on root.', 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url){ strictEqual(url, '/root'); } } }); location.replace('http://example.com/root/path'); Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root: 'root'}); Backbone.history.navigate(''); }); test('#2656 - No trailing slash on root.', 1, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url) { strictEqual(url, '/'); } } }); location.replace('http://example.com/path'); Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}); Backbone.history.navigate(''); }); test('#2765 - Fragment matching sans query/hash.', 2, function() { Backbone.history.stop(); Backbone.history = _.extend(new Backbone.History, { location: location, history: { pushState: function(state, title, url) { strictEqual(url, '/path?query#hash'); } } }); var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { path: function() { ok(true); } } }); var router = new Router; location.replace('http://example.com/'); Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}); Backbone.history.navigate('path?query#hash', true); }); })();