/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * ImageSettings.js * * Created by Julia Radzhabova on 4/11/14 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'text!presentationeditor/main/app/template/ImageSettings.template', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'common/main/lib/component/Button', 'common/main/lib/view/ImageFromUrlDialog', 'presentationeditor/main/app/view/ImageSettingsAdvanced' ], function (menuTemplate, $, _, Backbone) { 'use strict'; PE.Views.ImageSettings = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend({ el: '#id-image-settings', // Compile our stats template template: _.template(menuTemplate), // Delegated events for creating new items, and clearing completed ones. events: { }, options: { alias: 'ImageSettings' }, initialize: function () { this._initSettings = true; this._state = { Width: 0, Height: 0, DisabledControls: false, isOleObject: false, cropMode: false }; this.lockedControls = []; this._locked = false; this._noApply = false; this._originalProps = null; this.render(); this.labelWidth = $(this.el).find('#image-label-width'); this.labelHeight = $(this.el).find('#image-label-height'); }, render: function () { var el = $(this.el); el.html(this.template({ scope: this })); }, setApi: function(api) { this.api = api; if (this.api) { this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_ChangeCropState', _.bind(this._changeCropState, this)); } Common.NotificationCenter.on('storage:image-insert', _.bind(this.insertImageFromStorage, this)); return this; }, setMode: function(mode) { this.mode = mode; }, updateMetricUnit: function() { var value = Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(this._state.Width); this.labelWidth[0].innerHTML = this.textWidth + ': ' + value.toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName(); value = Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(this._state.Height); this.labelHeight[0].innerHTML = this.textHeight + ': ' + value.toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName(); }, createDelayedControls: function() { this.btnOriginalSize = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $('#image-button-original-size') }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnOriginalSize); this.btnSelectImage = new Common.UI.Button({ parentEl: $('#image-button-replace'), cls: 'btn-text-menu-default', caption: this.textInsert, style: "width:100%;", menu: new Common.UI.Menu({ style: 'min-width: 194px;', maxHeight: 200, items: [ {caption: this.textFromFile, value: 0}, {caption: this.textFromUrl, value: 1}, {caption: this.textFromStorage, value: 2} ] }), dataHint: '1', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big' }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnSelectImage); this.btnSelectImage.menu.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onImageSelect, this)); this.btnSelectImage.menu.items[2].setVisible(this.mode.canRequestInsertImage || this.mode.fileChoiceUrl && this.mode.fileChoiceUrl.indexOf("{documentType}")>-1); this.btnEditObject = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $('#image-button-edit-object') }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnEditObject); this.btnOriginalSize.on('click', _.bind(this.setOriginalSize, this)); this.btnEditObject.on('click', _.bind(function(btn){ if (this.api) { var oleobj = this.api.asc_canEditTableOleObject(true); if (oleobj) { var oleEditor = PE.getController('Common.Controllers.ExternalOleEditor').getView('Common.Views.ExternalOleEditor'); if (oleEditor) { oleEditor.setEditMode(true); oleEditor.show(); oleEditor.setOleData(Asc.asc_putBinaryDataToFrameFromTableOleObject(oleobj)); } } else this.api.asc_startEditCurrentOleObject(); } this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); }, this)); this.btnFitSlide = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $('#image-button-fit-slide') }); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnFitSlide); this.btnFitSlide.on('click', _.bind(this.setFitSlide, this)); var w = Math.max(this.btnOriginalSize.cmpEl.width(), this.btnFitSlide.cmpEl.width()); this.btnOriginalSize.cmpEl.width(w); this.btnFitSlide.cmpEl.width(w); w = this.btnOriginalSize.cmpEl.outerWidth(); this.btnCrop = new Common.UI.Button({ parentEl: $('#image-button-crop'), cls: 'btn-text-split-default', caption: this.textCrop, split: true, enableToggle: true, allowDepress: true, pressed: this._state.cropMode, width: w, menu : new Common.UI.Menu({ style : 'min-width:' + w + 'px;', items: [ { caption: this.textCrop, checkable: true, allowDepress: true, checked: this._state.cropMode, value: 0 }, { caption: this.textCropToShape, menu: new Common.UI.Menu({ menuAlign: 'tl-tl', cls: 'menu-shapes menu-change-shape', items: [] }) }, { caption: this.textCropFill, value: 1 }, { caption: this.textCropFit, value: 2 }] }), dataHint: '1', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'big' }); this.btnCrop.on('click', _.bind(this.onCrop, this)); this.btnCrop.menu.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onCropMenu, this)); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnCrop); this.btnChangeShape= this.btnCrop.menu.items[1]; this.btnRotate270 = new Common.UI.Button({ parentEl: $('#image-button-270', this.$el), cls: 'btn-toolbar', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-rotate-270', value: 0, hint: this.textHint270, dataHint: '1', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'small' }); this.btnRotate270.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnRotateClick, this)); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnRotate270); this.btnRotate90 = new Common.UI.Button({ parentEl: $('#image-button-90', this.$el), cls: 'btn-toolbar', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-rotate-90', value: 1, hint: this.textHint90, dataHint: '1', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'small' }); this.btnRotate90.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnRotateClick, this)); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnRotate90); this.btnFlipV = new Common.UI.Button({ parentEl: $('#image-button-flipv', this.$el), cls: 'btn-toolbar', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-flip-vert', value: 0, hint: this.textHintFlipV, dataHint: '1', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'small' }); this.btnFlipV.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnFlipClick, this)); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnFlipV); this.btnFlipH = new Common.UI.Button({ parentEl: $('#image-button-fliph', this.$el), cls: 'btn-toolbar', iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-flip-hor', value: 1, hint: this.textHintFlipH, dataHint: '1', dataHintDirection: 'bottom', dataHintOffset: 'small' }); this.btnFlipH.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnFlipClick, this)); this.lockedControls.push(this.btnFlipH); this.linkAdvanced = $('#image-advanced-link'); $(this.el).on('click', '#image-advanced-link', _.bind(this.openAdvancedSettings, this)); }, createDelayedElements: function() { this.createDelayedControls(); this.updateMetricUnit(); this.onApiAutoShapes(); this._initSettings = false; }, onApiAutoShapes: function() { var me = this; var onShowBefore = function(menu) { me.fillAutoShapes(); menu.off('show:before', onShowBefore); }; me.btnChangeShape.menu.on('show:before', onShowBefore); }, fillAutoShapes: function() { var me = this, recents = Common.localStorage.getItem('pe-recent-shapes'); var menuitem = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ template: _.template('<div id="id-img-change-shape-menu" class="menu-insertshape"></div>'), index: 0 }); me.btnChangeShape.menu.addItem(menuitem); var shapePicker = new Common.UI.DataViewShape({ el: $('#id-img-change-shape-menu'), itemTemplate: _.template('<div class="item-shape" id="<%= id %>"><svg width="20" height="20" class=\"icon\"><use xlink:href=\"#svg-icon-<%= data.shapeType %>\"></use></svg></div>'), groups: me.application.getCollection('ShapeGroups'), parentMenu: me.btnChangeShape.menu, restoreHeight: 652, textRecentlyUsed: me.textRecentlyUsed, recentShapes: recents ? JSON.parse(recents) : null, hideTextRect: true }); shapePicker.on('item:click', function(picker, item, record, e) { if (me.api) { PE.getController('Toolbar').toolbar.cmbInsertShape.updateComboView(record); me.api.ChangeShapeType(record.get('data').shapeType); me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me); } if (e.type !== 'click') me.btnCrop.menu.hide(); }); }, ChangeSettings: function(props) { if (this._initSettings) this.createDelayedElements(); this.disableControls(this._locked); if (props ){ this._originalProps = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(props); var value = props.get_Width(); if ( Math.abs(this._state.Width-value)>0.001 ) { this.labelWidth[0].innerHTML = this.textWidth + ': ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName(); this._state.Width = value; } value = props.get_Height(); if ( Math.abs(this._state.Height-value)>0.001 ) { this.labelHeight[0].innerHTML = this.textHeight + ': ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName(); this._state.Height = value; } this.btnOriginalSize.setDisabled(props.get_ImageUrl()===null || props.get_ImageUrl()===undefined || this._locked); var pluginGuid = props.asc_getPluginGuid(); value = (pluginGuid !== null && pluginGuid !== undefined); // undefined - only images are selected, null - selected images and ole-objects if (this._state.isOleObject!==value) { this.btnSelectImage.setVisible(!value); this.btnEditObject.setVisible(value); this.btnRotate270.setDisabled(value); this.btnRotate90.setDisabled(value); this.btnFlipV.setDisabled(value); this.btnFlipH.setDisabled(value); this._state.isOleObject=value; } if (this._state.isOleObject) { var plugin = PE.getCollection('Common.Collections.Plugins').findWhere({guid: pluginGuid}); this.btnEditObject.setDisabled(!this.api.asc_canEditTableOleObject() && (plugin===null || plugin ===undefined) || this._locked); } else { this.btnSelectImage.setDisabled(pluginGuid===null || this._locked); } } }, setOriginalSize: function() { if (this.api) { var imgsize = this.api.get_OriginalSizeImage(); var w = imgsize.get_ImageWidth(); var h = imgsize.get_ImageHeight(); this.labelWidth[0].innerHTML = this.textWidth + ': ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(w).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName(); this.labelHeight[0].innerHTML = this.textHeight + ': ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(h).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName(); var properties = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); properties.put_Width(w); properties.put_Height(h); properties.put_ResetCrop(true); properties.put_Rot(0); this.api.ImgApply(properties); this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); } }, setImageUrl: function(url, token) { var props = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); props.put_ImageUrl(url, token); this.api.ImgApply(props); }, insertImageFromStorage: function(data) { if (data && data._urls && data.c=='change') { this.setImageUrl(data._urls[0], data.token); } }, onImageSelect: function(menu, item) { if (item.value==1) { var me = this; (new Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog({ handler: function(result, value) { if (result == 'ok') { if (me.api) { var checkUrl = value.replace(/ /g, ''); if (!_.isEmpty(checkUrl)) { me.setImageUrl(checkUrl); } } } me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me); } })).show(); } else if (item.value==2) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('storage:image-load', 'change'); } else { if (this._isFromFile) return; this._isFromFile = true; if (this.api) this.api.ChangeImageFromFile(); this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); this._isFromFile = false; } }, openAdvancedSettings: function(e) { if (this.linkAdvanced.hasClass('disabled')) return; var me = this; if (me.api && !this._locked){ var selectedElements = me.api.getSelectedElements(); if (selectedElements && selectedElements.length>0){ var elType, elValue; for (var i = selectedElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { elType = selectedElements[i].get_ObjectType(); elValue = selectedElements[i].get_ObjectValue(); if (Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Image == elType) { var imgsizeOriginal; if (!me.btnOriginalSize.isDisabled()) { imgsizeOriginal = me.api.get_OriginalSizeImage(); if (imgsizeOriginal) imgsizeOriginal = {width:imgsizeOriginal.get_ImageWidth(), height:imgsizeOriginal.get_ImageHeight()}; } (new PE.Views.ImageSettingsAdvanced( { imageProps: elValue, sizeOriginal: imgsizeOriginal, slideSize: PE.getController('Toolbar').currentPageSize, handler: function(result, value) { if (result == 'ok') { if (me.api) { me.api.ImgApply(value.imageProps); } } me.fireEvent('editcomplete', me); } })).show(); break; } } } } }, _changeCropState: function(state) { this._state.cropMode = state; if (!this.btnCrop) return; this.btnCrop.toggle(state, true); this.btnCrop.menu.items[0].setChecked(state, true); }, onCrop: function(btn, e) { if (this.api) { btn.pressed ? this.api.asc_startEditCrop() : this.api.asc_endEditCrop(); } this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); }, onCropMenu: function(menu, item) { if (this.api) { if (item.value == 1) { this.api.asc_cropFill(); } else if (item.value == 2) { this.api.asc_cropFit(); } else { item.checked ? this.api.asc_startEditCrop() : this.api.asc_endEditCrop(); } } this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); }, setFitSlide: function() { this.api && this.api.asc_FitImagesToSlide(); this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); }, onBtnRotateClick: function(btn) { var properties = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); properties.asc_putRotAdd((btn.options.value==1 ? 90 : 270) * 3.14159265358979 / 180); this.api.ImgApply(properties); this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); }, onBtnFlipClick: function(btn) { var properties = new Asc.asc_CImgProperty(); if (btn.options.value==1) properties.asc_putFlipHInvert(true); else properties.asc_putFlipVInvert(true); this.api.ImgApply(properties); this.fireEvent('editcomplete', this); }, setLocked: function (locked) { this._locked = locked; }, disableControls: function(disable) { if (this._initSettings) return; if (this._state.DisabledControls!==disable) { this._state.DisabledControls = disable; _.each(this.lockedControls, function(item) { item.setDisabled(disable); }); this.linkAdvanced.toggleClass('disabled', disable); } this.btnCrop.setDisabled(disable || !this.api.asc_canEditCrop()); }, textSize: 'Size', textWidth: 'Width', textHeight: 'Height', textOriginalSize: 'Actual Size', textInsert: 'Replace Image', textFromUrl: 'From URL', textFromFile: 'From File', textAdvanced: 'Show advanced settings', textEditObject: 'Edit Object', textEdit: 'Edit', textRotation: 'Rotation', textRotate90: 'Rotate 90°', textFlip: 'Flip', textHint270: 'Rotate 90° Counterclockwise', textHint90: 'Rotate 90° Clockwise', textHintFlipV: 'Flip Vertically', textHintFlipH: 'Flip Horizontally', textCrop: 'Crop', textCropFill: 'Fill', textCropFit: 'Fit', textFitSlide: 'Fit to Slide', textCropToShape: 'Crop to shape', textFromStorage: 'From Storage', textRecentlyUsed: 'Recently Used' }, PE.Views.ImageSettings || {})); });