import {action, observable, makeObservable} from 'mobx'; export class storeAppOptions { constructor() { makeObservable(this, { isEdit: observable, canViewComments: observable, setConfigOptions: action, setPermissionOptions: action, lostEditingRights: observable, changeEditingRights: action, isDocReady: observable, changeDocReady: action }); } isEdit = false; config = {}; canViewComments = false; lostEditingRights = false; changeEditingRights (value) { this.lostEditingRights = value; } isDocReady = false; changeDocReady (value) { this.isDocReady = value; } setConfigOptions (config, _t) { this.config = config; this.customization = config.customization; this.canRenameAnonymous = !((typeof (this.customization) == 'object') && (typeof (this.customization.anonymous) == 'object') && (this.customization.anonymous.request===false)); this.guestName = (typeof (this.customization) == 'object') && (typeof (this.customization.anonymous) == 'object') && (typeof (this.customization.anonymous.label) == 'string') && this.customization.anonymous.label.trim()!=='' ? Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(this.customization.anonymous.label) : _t.textGuest; const value = this.canRenameAnonymous ? Common.localStorage.getItem("guest-username") : null; this.user = Common.Utils.fillUserInfo(config.user, config.lang, value ? (value + ' (' + this.guestName + ')' ) : _t.textAnonymous); config.user = this.user; this.isDesktopApp = config.targetApp == 'desktop'; this.canCreateNew = !!config.createUrl && !this.isDesktopApp; this.canOpenRecent = config.recent !== undefined && !this.isDesktopApp; this.templates = config.templates; this.recent = config.recent; this.createUrl = config.createUrl; this.lang = config.lang; this.location = (typeof (config.location) == 'string') ? config.location.toLowerCase() : ''; this.region = (typeof (config.region) == 'string') ? config.region.toLowerCase() : config.region; this.sharingSettingsUrl = config.sharingSettingsUrl; this.fileChoiceUrl = config.fileChoiceUrl; this.isEditDiagram = config.mode == 'editdiagram'; this.isEditMailMerge = config.mode == 'editmerge'; this.mergeFolderUrl = config.mergeFolderUrl; this.canAnalytics = false; this.canRequestClose = config.canRequestClose; this.customization = config.customization; this.canBackToFolder = (config.canBackToFolder!==false) && (typeof (config.customization) == 'object') && (typeof (config.customization.goback) == 'object') && (!!(config.customization.goback.url) || config.customization.goback.requestClose && this.canRequestClose); this.canBack = this.canBackToFolder === true; this.canPlugins = false; } setPermissionOptions (document, licType, params, permissions) { permissions.edit = params.asc_getRights() !== Asc.c_oRights.Edit ? false : true; this.canAutosave = true; this.canAnalytics = params.asc_getIsAnalyticsEnable(); this.canLicense = (licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.Success || licType === Asc.c_oLicenseResult.SuccessLimit); this.isLightVersion = params.asc_getIsLight(); this.canCoAuthoring = !this.isLightVersion; this.isOffline = Common.EditorApi.get().asc_isOffline(); this.canRequestEditRights = this.config.canRequestEditRights; this.canEdit = permissions.edit !== false && // can edit or review (this.config.canRequestEditRights || this.config.mode !== 'view') && true; // if mode=="view" -> canRequestEditRights must be defined // (!this.isReviewOnly || this.canLicense) && // if isReviewOnly==true -> canLicense must be true // true /*isSupportEditFeature*/; this.isEdit = (this.canLicense || this.isEditDiagram || this.isEditMailMerge) && permissions.edit !== false && this.config.mode !== 'view' && true; this.canComments = this.canLicense && (permissions.comment === undefined ? this.isEdit : permissions.comment) && (this.config.mode !== 'view'); this.canComments = this.canComments && !((typeof (this.customization) == 'object') && this.customization.comments===false); this.canViewComments = this.canComments || !((typeof (this.customization) == 'object') && this.customization.comments===false); this.canEditComments = this.isOffline || !(typeof (this.customization) == 'object' && this.customization.commentAuthorOnly); this.canChat = this.canLicense && !this.isOffline && !((typeof (this.customization) == 'object') && === false); this.canPrint = (permissions.print !== false); this.isRestrictedEdit = !this.isEdit && this.canComments; this.trialMode = params.asc_getLicenseMode(); this.canDownloadOrigin = !== false; this.canDownload = !== false; this.canBranding = params.asc_getCustomization(); this.canBrandingExt = params.asc_getCanBranding() && (typeof this.customization == 'object'); this.canUseReviewPermissions = this.canLicense && this.customization && this.customization.reviewPermissions && (typeof (this.customization.reviewPermissions) == 'object'); } }