Insert tables

Insert a table

To insert a table into the document text,

  1. place the cursor where you want the table to be put,
  2. switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar,
  3. click the Table icon Table icon at the top toolbar,
  4. select the option to create a table:
    • either a table with predefined number of cells (10 by 8 cells maximum)

      If you want to quickly add a table, just select the number of rows (8 maximum) and columns (10 maximum).

    • or a custom table

      In case you need more than 10 by 8 cell table, select the Insert Custom Table option that will open the window where you can enter the necessary number of rows and columns respectively, then click the OK button.

      Custom table

  5. once the table is added you can change its properties, size and position.

To resize a table, hover the mouse cursor over the Square icon handle in its lower right corner and drag it until the table reaches the necessary size.

Resize table

You can also manually change the width of a certain column or the height of a row. Move the mouse cursor over the right border of the column so that the cursor turns into the bidirectional arrow Mouse Cursor when changing column width and drag the border to the left or right to set the necessary width. To change the height of a single row manually, move the mouse cursor over the bottom border of the row until the cursor turns into the bidirectional arrow Mouse Cursor when changing row height and drag it up or down.

To move a table, hold down the Move table icon handle in its upper left corner and drag it to the necessary place in the document.

Select a table or its part

To select an entire table, click the Select table icon icon in its upper left corner.

To select a certain cell, move the mouse cursor to the left side of the necessary cell so that the cursor turns into the black arrow Select cell, then left-click.

To select a certain row, move the mouse cursor to the left border of the table next to the necessary row so that the cursor turns into the horizontal black arrow Select row, then left-click.

To select a certain column, move the mouse cursor to the top border of the necessary column so that the cursor turns into the downward black arrow Select column, then left-click.

It's also possible to select a cell, row, column or table using options from the contextual menu or from the Rows & Columns section at the right sidebar.

Adjust table settings

Some of the table properties as well as its structure can be altered using the right-click menu. The menu options are:

Right Sidebar - Table Settings

You can also change the table properties at the right sidebar:

To change the advanced table properties, click the table with the right mouse button and select the Table Advanced Settings option from the right-click menu or use the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar. The table properties window will open:

Table - Advanced Settings

The Table tab allows to change properties of the entire table.

Table - Advanced Settings

The Cell tab allows to change properties of individual cells. First you need to select the cell you want to apply the changes to or select the entire table to change properties of all its cells.

Table - Advanced Settings

The Borders & Background tab contains the following parameters:

Table - Advanced Settings

The Table Position tab is available only if the Flow option at the Text Wrapping tab is selected and contains the following parameters:

Table - Advanced Settings

The Text Wrapping tab contains the following parameters:

Table - Advanced Settings

The Alternative Text tab allows to specify a Title and Description which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the table.