* StatusBar View
* Created by Maxim Kadushkin on 8 April 2014
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function(template, Backbone){
'use strict';
function _onCountPages(count){
this.pages.set('count', count);
var isDisabled = (count<=0);
if (this.btnPreview.isDisabled() !== isDisabled)
function _onCurrentPage(number){
this.pages.set('current', number+1);
var _tplPages = _.template('Slide <%= current %> of <%= count %>');
function _updatePagesCaption(model,value,opts) {
Common.Utils.String.format(this.pageIndexText, model.get('current'), model.get('count')) );
PE.Views.Statusbar = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend({
el: '#statusbar',
template: _.template(template),
storeUsers: undefined,
tplUser: ['
" class="<% if (!user.get("online")) { %> offline <% } if (user.get("view")) {%> viewmode <% } %>">',
';" >',
templateUserList: _.template('' +
'<% _.each(users, function(item) { %>' +
'<%= _.template(usertpl, {user: item, scope: scope}) %>' +
'<% }); %>' +
events: {
api: undefined,
pages: undefined,
initialize: function (options) {
_.extend(this, options);
this.pages = new PE.Models.Pages({current:1, count:1});
this.pages.on('change', _.bind(_updatePagesCaption,this));
render: function () {
var me = this;
scope: this
this.btnZoomToPage = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#btn-zoom-topage',this.el),
hint: this.tipFitPage,
hintAnchor: 'top',
toggleGroup: 'status-zoom',
enableToggle: true
this.btnZoomToWidth = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#btn-zoom-towidth',this.el),
hint: this.tipFitWidth,
hintAnchor: 'top',
toggleGroup: 'status-zoom',
enableToggle: true
this.btnZoomDown = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#btn-zoom-down',this.el),
hint: this.tipZoomOut+Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl+-'),
hintAnchor: 'top'
this.btnZoomUp = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#btn-zoom-up',this.el),
hint: this.tipZoomIn+Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Ctrl++'),
hintAnchor: 'top-right'
this.cntZoom = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('.cnt-zoom',this.el),
hint: this.tipZoomFactor,
hintAnchor: 'top'
this.cntZoom.cmpEl.on('show.bs.dropdown', function () {
}, 100);
this.cntZoom.cmpEl.on('hide.bs.dropdown', function () {
}, 100);
this.zoomMenu = new Common.UI.Menu({
style: 'margin-top:-5px;',
menuAlign: 'bl-tl',
items: [
{ caption: "50%", value: 50 },
{ caption: "75%", value: 75 },
{ caption: "100%", value: 100 },
{ caption: "125%", value: 125 },
{ caption: "150%", value: 150 },
{ caption: "175%", value: 175 },
{ caption: "200%", value: 200 }
this.zoomMenu.cmpEl.attr({tabindex: -1});
/** coauthoring begin **/
this.panelUsersList = $('#status-users-list', this.el);
add : _.bind(this._onAddUser, this),
change : _.bind(this._onUsersChanged, this),
reset : _.bind(this._onResetUsers, this)
this.panelUsers = $('#status-users-ct', this.el);
this.panelUsers.on('shown.bs.dropdown', function () {
me.panelUsersList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength : 40, alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.panelUsersBlock = this.panelUsers.find('#status-users-block');
title: this.tipAccessRights,
html: true,
placement: 'top'
this.panelUsersBlock.on('click', _.bind(this.onUsersClick, this));
this.lblUserCount = this.panelUsers.find('#status-users-count');
this.lblChangeRights = this.panelUsers.find('#status-change-rights');
this.lblChangeRights.on('click', _.bind(this.onUsersClick, this));
this.$el.find('#status-users-menu').on('click', function() {
return false;
/** coauthoring end **/
this.txtGoToPage = new Common.UI.InputField({
el : $('#status-goto-page'),
allowBlank : true,
validateOnChange: true,
style : 'width: 60px;',
maskExp: /[0-9]/,
validation : function(value) {
if (/(^[0-9]+$)/.test(value)) {
value = parseInt(value);
if (undefined !== value && value > 0 && value <= me.pages.get('count'))
return true;
return me.txtPageNumInvalid;
}).on('keypress:after', function(input, e) {
var box = me.$el.find('#status-goto-box');
if (e.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) {
var edit = box.find('input[type=text]'), page = parseInt(edit.val());
if (!page || page-- > me.pages.get('count') || page < 0) {
return false;
box.focus(); // for IE
return false;
var goto = this.$el.find('#status-goto-box');
goto.on('click', function() {
return false;
function () {
me.txtGoToPage.setValue(me.api.getCurrentPage() + 1);
var edit = me.txtGoToPage.$el.find('input');
_.defer(function(){edit.focus(); edit.select();}, 100);
function () { var box = me.$el.find('#status-goto-box');
if (me.api && box) {
box.focus(); // for IE
this.btnPreview = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#status-btn-preview',this.el),
hint: this.tipPreview,
hintAnchor: 'top'
return this;
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
if (this.api) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCountPages', _.bind(_onCountPages, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCurrentPage', _.bind(_onCurrentPage, this));
/** coauthoring begin **/
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAuthParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onApiUsersChanged, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onApiUsersChanged, this));
/** coauthoring end **/
return this;
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = mode;
this.lblChangeRights[(!this.mode.isOffline && this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl&&this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length)?'show':'hide']();
this.panelUsers[(!this.mode.isOffline && this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl&&this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length)?'show':'hide']();
setVisible: function(visible) {
? this.show()
: this.hide();
/** coauthoring begin **/
onUsersClick: function() {
this.fireEvent('click:users', this);
onApiUsersChanged: function(users) {
var length = 0;
_.each(users, function(item){
if (!item.asc_getView())
this.panelUsers[(length>1 || this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl&&this.mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length)?'show':'hide']();
'font-size': (length > 1 ? '11px' : '14px'),
'font-weight': (length > 1 ? 'bold' : 'normal'),
'margin-top': (length > 1 ? '0' : '-1px')
this.lblUserCount.text(length > 1 ? length : '+');
$('#status-users-icon').css('margin-bottom', length > 1 ? '0' : '2px');
var usertip = this.panelUsersBlock.data('bs.tooltip');
if (usertip) {
usertip.options.title = (length > 1) ? this.tipViewUsers : this.tipAccessRights;
(length > 1) ? this.panelUsersBlock.attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown') : this.panelUsersBlock.removeAttr('data-toggle');
(length > 1) ? this.panelUsersBlock.off('click') : this.panelUsersBlock.on('click', _.bind(this.onUsersClick, this));
_onAddUser: function(m, c, opts) {
if (this.panelUsersList) {
this.panelUsersList.find('ul').append(_.template(this.tplUser, {user: m, scope: this}));
this.panelUsersList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength : 40, alwaysVisibleY: true});
_onUsersChanged: function(m) {
if (m.changed.online != undefined && this.panelUsersList) {
this.panelUsersList.find('#status-chat-user-'+ m.get('id'))[m.changed.online?'removeClass':'addClass']('offline');
this.panelUsersList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength : 40, alwaysVisibleY: true});
_onResetUsers: function(c, opts) {
if (this.panelUsersList) {
this.panelUsersList.html(this.templateUserList({users: c.models, usertpl: this.tplUser, scope: this}));
this.panelUsersList.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el : $('#status-users-list ul'),
useKeyboard : true,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
alwaysVisibleY: true
getUserName: function (username) {
return Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(username);
/** coauthoring end **/
showStatusMessage: function(message) {
clearStatusMessage: function() {
pageIndexText : 'Slide {0} of {1}',
goToPageText : 'Go to Slide',
tipUsers : 'Document is currently being edited by several users.',
tipMoreUsers : 'and %1 users.',
tipShowUsers : 'To see all users click the icon below.',
tipFitPage : 'Fit Slide',
tipFitWidth : 'Fit Width',
tipZoomIn : 'Zoom In',
tipZoomOut : 'Zoom Out',
tipZoomFactor : 'Magnification',
txtPageNumInvalid: 'Slide number invalid',
tipPreview : 'Start Preview',
tipAccessRights : 'Manage document access rights',
tipViewUsers : 'View users and manage document access rights',
txAccessRights : 'Change access rights'
}, PE.Views.Statusbar || {}));