$(document).ready(function() { module("Functions"); test("bind", function() { var context = {name : 'moe'}; var func = function(arg) { return "name: " + (this.name || arg); }; var bound = _.bind(func, context); equal(bound(), 'name: moe', 'can bind a function to a context'); bound = _(func).bind(context); equal(bound(), 'name: moe', 'can do OO-style binding'); bound = _.bind(func, null, 'curly'); equal(bound(), 'name: curly', 'can bind without specifying a context'); func = function(salutation, name) { return salutation + ': ' + name; }; func = _.bind(func, this, 'hello'); equal(func('moe'), 'hello: moe', 'the function was partially applied in advance'); func = _.bind(func, this, 'curly'); equal(func(), 'hello: curly', 'the function was completely applied in advance'); func = function(salutation, firstname, lastname) { return salutation + ': ' + firstname + ' ' + lastname; }; func = _.bind(func, this, 'hello', 'moe', 'curly'); equal(func(), 'hello: moe curly', 'the function was partially applied in advance and can accept multiple arguments'); func = function(context, message) { equal(this, context, message); }; _.bind(func, 0, 0, 'can bind a function to `0`')(); _.bind(func, '', '', 'can bind a function to an empty string')(); _.bind(func, false, false, 'can bind a function to `false`')(); // These tests are only meaningful when using a browser without a native bind function // To test this with a modern browser, set underscore's nativeBind to undefined var F = function () { return this; }; var Boundf = _.bind(F, {hello: "moe curly"}); var newBoundf = new Boundf(); equal(newBoundf.hello, undefined, "function should not be bound to the context, to comply with ECMAScript 5"); equal(Boundf().hello, "moe curly", "When called without the new operator, it's OK to be bound to the context"); ok(newBoundf instanceof F, "a bound instance is an instance of the original function"); }); test("partial", function() { var obj = {name: 'moe'}; var func = function() { return this.name + ' ' + _.toArray(arguments).join(' '); }; obj.func = _.partial(func, 'a', 'b'); equal(obj.func('c', 'd'), 'moe a b c d', 'can partially apply'); }); test("bindAll", function() { var curly = {name : 'curly'}, moe = { name : 'moe', getName : function() { return 'name: ' + this.name; }, sayHi : function() { return 'hi: ' + this.name; } }; curly.getName = moe.getName; _.bindAll(moe, 'getName', 'sayHi'); curly.sayHi = moe.sayHi; equal(curly.getName(), 'name: curly', 'unbound function is bound to current object'); equal(curly.sayHi(), 'hi: moe', 'bound function is still bound to original object'); curly = {name : 'curly'}; moe = { name : 'moe', getName : function() { return 'name: ' + this.name; }, sayHi : function() { return 'hi: ' + this.name; } }; raises(function() { _.bindAll(moe); }, Error, 'throws an error for bindAll with no functions named'); _.bindAll(moe, 'sayHi'); curly.sayHi = moe.sayHi; equal(curly.sayHi(), 'hi: moe'); }); test("memoize", function() { var fib = function(n) { return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); }; equal(fib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results'); fib = _.memoize(fib); // Redefine `fib` for memoization equal(fib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results'); var o = function(str) { return str; }; var fastO = _.memoize(o); equal(o('toString'), 'toString', 'checks hasOwnProperty'); equal(fastO('toString'), 'toString', 'checks hasOwnProperty'); }); asyncTest("delay", 2, function() { var delayed = false; _.delay(function(){ delayed = true; }, 100); setTimeout(function(){ ok(!delayed, "didn't delay the function quite yet"); }, 50); setTimeout(function(){ ok(delayed, 'delayed the function'); start(); }, 150); }); asyncTest("defer", 1, function() { var deferred = false; _.defer(function(bool){ deferred = bool; }, true); _.delay(function(){ ok(deferred, "deferred the function"); start(); }, 50); }); asyncTest("throttle", 2, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); equal(counter, 1, "incr was called immediately"); _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 2, "incr was throttled"); start(); }, 64); }); asyncTest("throttle arguments", 2, function() { var value = 0; var update = function(val){ value = val; }; var throttledUpdate = _.throttle(update, 32); throttledUpdate(1); throttledUpdate(2); _.delay(function(){ throttledUpdate(3); }, 64); equal(value, 1, "updated to latest value"); _.delay(function(){ equal(value, 3, "updated to latest value"); start(); }, 96); }); asyncTest("throttle once", 2, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ return ++counter; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32); var result = throttledIncr(); _.delay(function(){ equal(result, 1, "throttled functions return their value"); equal(counter, 1, "incr was called once"); start(); }, 64); }); asyncTest("throttle twice", 1, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 2, "incr was called twice"); start(); }, 64); }); asyncTest("more throttling", 3, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 30); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); ok(counter == 1); _.delay(function(){ ok(counter == 2); throttledIncr(); ok(counter == 3); start(); }, 85); }); asyncTest("throttle repeatedly with results", 6, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ return ++counter; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 100); var results = []; var saveResult = function() { results.push(throttledIncr()); }; saveResult(); saveResult(); _.delay(saveResult, 50); _.delay(saveResult, 150); _.delay(saveResult, 160); _.delay(saveResult, 230); _.delay(function() { equal(results[0], 1, "incr was called once"); equal(results[1], 1, "incr was throttled"); equal(results[2], 1, "incr was throttled"); equal(results[3], 2, "incr was called twice"); equal(results[4], 2, "incr was throttled"); equal(results[5], 3, "incr was called trailing"); start(); }, 300); }); asyncTest("throttle triggers trailing call when invoked repeatedly", 2, function() { var counter = 0; var limit = 48; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 32); var stamp = new Date; while ((new Date - stamp) < limit) { throttledIncr(); } var lastCount = counter; ok(counter > 1); _.delay(function() { ok(counter > lastCount); start(); }, 96); }); asyncTest("throttle does not trigger leading call when leading is set to false", 2, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 60, {leading: false}); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); ok(counter === 0); _.delay(function() { ok(counter == 1); start(); }, 96); }); asyncTest("more throttle does not trigger leading call when leading is set to false", 3, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 100, {leading: false}); throttledIncr(); _.delay(throttledIncr, 50); _.delay(throttledIncr, 60); _.delay(throttledIncr, 200); ok(counter === 0); _.delay(function() { ok(counter == 1); }, 250); _.delay(function() { ok(counter == 2); start(); }, 350); }); asyncTest("one more throttle with leading: false test", 2, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 100, {leading: false}); var time = new Date; while (new Date - time < 350) throttledIncr(); ok(counter <= 3); _.delay(function() { ok(counter <= 4); start(); }, 200); }); asyncTest("throttle does not trigger trailing call when trailing is set to false", 4, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var throttledIncr = _.throttle(incr, 60, {trailing: false}); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); ok(counter === 1); _.delay(function() { ok(counter == 1); throttledIncr(); throttledIncr(); ok(counter == 2); _.delay(function() { ok(counter == 2); start(); }, 96); }, 96); }); asyncTest("debounce", 1, function() { var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ counter++; }; var debouncedIncr = _.debounce(incr, 32); debouncedIncr(); debouncedIncr(); _.delay(debouncedIncr, 16); _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 1, "incr was debounced"); start(); }, 96); }); asyncTest("debounce asap", 4, function() { var a, b; var counter = 0; var incr = function(){ return ++counter; }; var debouncedIncr = _.debounce(incr, 64, true); a = debouncedIncr(); b = debouncedIncr(); equal(a, 1); equal(b, 1); equal(counter, 1, 'incr was called immediately'); _.delay(debouncedIncr, 16); _.delay(debouncedIncr, 32); _.delay(debouncedIncr, 48); _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 1, "incr was debounced"); start(); }, 128); }); asyncTest("debounce asap recursively", 2, function() { var counter = 0; var debouncedIncr = _.debounce(function(){ counter++; if (counter < 10) debouncedIncr(); }, 32, true); debouncedIncr(); equal(counter, 1, "incr was called immediately"); _.delay(function(){ equal(counter, 1, "incr was debounced"); start(); }, 96); }); test("once", function() { var num = 0; var increment = _.once(function(){ num++; }); increment(); increment(); equal(num, 1); }); test("Recursive onced function.", 1, function() { var f = _.once(function(){ ok(true); f(); }); f(); }); test("wrap", function() { var greet = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; }; var backwards = _.wrap(greet, function(func, name){ return func(name) + ' ' + name.split('').reverse().join(''); }); equal(backwards('moe'), 'hi: moe eom', 'wrapped the salutation function'); var inner = function(){ return "Hello "; }; var obj = {name : "Moe"}; obj.hi = _.wrap(inner, function(fn){ return fn() + this.name; }); equal(obj.hi(), "Hello Moe"); var noop = function(){}; var wrapped = _.wrap(noop, function(fn){ return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); }); var ret = wrapped(['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor'); deepEqual(ret, [noop, ['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor']); }); test("compose", function() { var greet = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; }; var exclaim = function(sentence){ return sentence + '!'; }; var composed = _.compose(exclaim, greet); equal(composed('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'can compose a function that takes another'); composed = _.compose(greet, exclaim); equal(composed('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'in this case, the functions are also commutative'); }); test("after", function() { var testAfter = function(afterAmount, timesCalled) { var afterCalled = 0; var after = _.after(afterAmount, function() { afterCalled++; }); while (timesCalled--) after(); return afterCalled; }; equal(testAfter(5, 5), 1, "after(N) should fire after being called N times"); equal(testAfter(5, 4), 0, "after(N) should not fire unless called N times"); equal(testAfter(0, 0), 0, "after(0) should not fire immediately"); equal(testAfter(0, 1), 1, "after(0) should fire when first invoked"); }); });