/** * Comments.js * * View * * Created by Alexey Musinov on 16.01.14 * Copyright (c) 2014 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; Common.Views = Common.Views || {}; define([ 'text!common/main/lib/template/Comments.template', 'text!common/main/lib/template/CommentsPanel.template', 'text!common/main/lib/template/CommentsPopover.template', 'common/main/lib/util/utils', 'common/main/lib/component/Button', 'common/main/lib/component/ComboBox', 'common/main/lib/component/DataView', 'common/main/lib/component/Layout', 'common/main/lib/component/Window' ], function (commentsTemplate, panelTemplate, popoverTemplate) { 'use strict'; function replaceWords (template, words) { var word, value, tpl = template; for (word in words) { if (undefined !== word) { value = words[word]; tpl = tpl.replace(new RegExp(word,'g'), value); } } return tpl; } Common.Views.CommentsPopover = Common.UI.Window.extend({ // Window initialize : function (options) { var _options = {}; _.extend(_options, { closable : false, width : 265, height : 120, header : false, modal : false }, options); this.template = options.template || [ '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); this.store = options.store; this.delegate = options.delegate; _options.tpl = _.template(this.template, _options); this.arrow = {margin: 20, width: 12, height: 34}; this.sdkBounds = {width: 0, height: 0, padding: 10, paddingTop: 20}; Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, _options); }, render: function () { Common.UI.Window.prototype.render.call(this); var me = this, t = this.delegate, window = this.$window; window.css({ height: '', minHeight: '', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', zIndex: '990' }); // for spreadsheets - bug 23127 // if ($('#ws-h-scrollbar').length) { // window.css({zIndex: '5'}); // } var body = window.find('.body'); if (body) { body.css('position', 'relative'); } window.on('click', _.bind(function() { window.css({zIndex: '991'}); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('comments:click'); }, this)); Common.NotificationCenter.on('review:click', function() { window.css({zIndex: '990'}); }); var PopoverDataView = Common.UI.DataView.extend((function() { var parentView = me; return { options : { handleSelect: false, scrollable: true, template: _.template('
') }, getTextBox: function () { var text = $(this.el).find('textarea'); return (text && text.length) ? text : undefined; }, setFocusToTextBox: function (blur) { var text = $(this.el).find('textarea'); if (blur) { text.blur(); } else { if (text && text.length) { var val = text.val(); text.focus(); text.val(''); text.val(val); } } }, getActiveTextBoxVal: function () { var text = $(this.el).find('textarea'); return (text && text.length) ? text.val().trim() : ''; }, autoHeightTextBox: function () { var view = this, textBox = this.$el.find('textarea'), domTextBox = null, minHeight = 50, lineHeight = 0, scrollPos = 0, oldHeight = 0, newHeight = 0; function updateTextBoxHeight() { scrollPos = $(view.scroller.el).scrollTop(); if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) { textBox.css({height: (domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight) + 'px'}); parentView.calculateSizeOfContent(); } else { oldHeight = domTextBox.clientHeight; if (oldHeight >= minHeight) { textBox.css({height: minHeight + 'px'}); if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) { newHeight = Math.max(domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight, minHeight); textBox.css({height: newHeight + 'px'}); } parentView.calculateSizeOfContent(); parentView.setLeftTop(me.arrowPosX, me.arrowPosY, me.leftX); parentView.calculateSizeOfContent(); } } view.scroller.scrollTop(scrollPos); view.autoScrollToEditButtons(); } if (textBox && textBox.length) { domTextBox = textBox.get(0); if (domTextBox) { lineHeight = parseInt(textBox.css('lineHeight'), 10) * 0.25; updateTextBoxHeight(); textBox.bind('input propertychange', updateTextBoxHeight) } } this.textBox = textBox; }, clearTextBoxBind: function () { if (this.textBox) { this.textBox.unbind('input propertychange'); this.textBox = undefined; } }, autoScrollToEditButtons: function () { var button = $('#id-comments-change-popover'), // TODO: add to cache btnBounds = null, contentBounds = this.el.getBoundingClientRect(), moveY = 0, padding = 7; if (button.length) { btnBounds = button.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (btnBounds && contentBounds) { moveY = contentBounds.bottom - (btnBounds.bottom + padding); if (moveY < 0) { this.scroller.scrollTop(this.scroller.getScrollTop() - moveY); } } } } } })()); if (PopoverDataView) { if (this.commentsView) { this.commentsView.render($('#id-comments-popover')); this.commentsView.onResetItems(); } else { this.commentsView = new PopoverDataView({ el: $('#id-comments-popover'), store: me.store, itemTemplate: _.template(replaceWords(popoverTemplate, { textAddReply: t.textAddReply, textAdd: t.textAdd, textCancel: t.textCancel, textEdit: t.textEdit, textReply: t.textReply, textClose: t.textClose, maxCommLength: c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength }) ) }); var addtooltip = function (dataview, view, record) { if (view.tipsArray) { view.tipsArray.forEach(function(item){ item.remove(); }); } var arr = [], btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve'); btns.tooltip({title: t.textResolve, placement: 'cursor'}); btns.each(function(idx, item){ arr.push($(item).data('bs.tooltip').tip()); }); btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve-check'); btns.tooltip({title: t.textOpenAgain, placement: 'cursor'}); btns.each(function(idx, item){ arr.push($(item).data('bs.tooltip').tip()); }); view.tipsArray = arr; }; var onCommentsViewMouseOver = function() { me._isMouseOver = true; }; var onCommentsViewMouseOut = function() { me._isMouseOver = false; }; this.commentsView.on('item:add', addtooltip); this.commentsView.on('item:remove', addtooltip); this.commentsView.on('item:change', addtooltip); this.commentsView.cmpEl.on('mouseover', onCommentsViewMouseOver).on('mouseout', onCommentsViewMouseOut); this.commentsView.on('item:click', function (picker, item, record, e) { var btn, showEditBox, showReplyBox, commentId, replyId, hideAddReply; function readdresolves() { me.update(); } btn = $(e.target); if (btn) { showEditBox = record.get('editTextInPopover'); showReplyBox = record.get('showReplyInPopover'); hideAddReply = record.get('hideAddReply'); commentId = record.get('uid'); replyId = btn.attr('data-value'); if (record.get('hint')) { t.fireEvent('comment:disableHint', [record]); return; } if (btn.hasClass('btn-edit')) { if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) { t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]); t.fireEvent('comment:editReply', [commentId, replyId, true]); this.replyId = replyId; this.autoHeightTextBox(); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); me.setLeftTop(me.arrowPosX, me.arrowPosY, me.leftX); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); readdresolves(); me.hookTextBox(); this.autoScrollToEditButtons(); this.setFocusToTextBox(); } else { if (!showEditBox) { t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); record.set('editTextInPopover', true); t.fireEvent('comment:show', [commentId]); this.autoHeightTextBox(); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); me.setLeftTop(me.arrowPosX, me.arrowPosY, me.leftX); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); readdresolves(); me.hookTextBox(); this.autoScrollToEditButtons(); this.setFocusToTextBox(); } } } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-delete')) { if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) { t.fireEvent('comment:removeReply', [commentId, replyId]); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); me.setLeftTop(me.arrowPosX, me.arrowPosY, me.leftX); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); } else { t.fireEvent('comment:remove', [commentId]); } t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('user-reply')) { t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); record.set('showReplyInPopover', true); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); me.setLeftTop(me.arrowPosX, me.arrowPosY, me.leftX); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); readdresolves(); this.autoHeightTextBox(); me.hookTextBox(); this.autoScrollToEditButtons(); this.setFocusToTextBox(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-reply', false)) { if (showReplyBox) { this.clearTextBoxBind(); t.fireEvent('comment:addReply', [commentId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); readdresolves(); } } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-close', false)) { t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); t.fireEvent('comment:show', [commentId]); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-edit', false)) { if (record.get('dummy')) { t.fireEvent('comment:addDummyComment', [this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); return; } this.clearTextBoxBind(); if (!_.isUndefined(this.replyId)) { t.fireEvent('comment:changeReply', [commentId, this.replyId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); this.replyId = undefined; t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); } else if (showEditBox) { t.fireEvent('comment:change', [commentId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); } readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-close', false)) { if (record.get('dummy')) { me.hide(); return; } if (hideAddReply && this.getActiveTextBoxVal().length > 0) { me.saveText(); record.set('hideAddReply', false); this.getTextBox().val(me.textVal); this.autoHeightTextBox(); } else { this.clearTextBoxBind(); t.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]); } this.replyId = undefined; me.calculateSizeOfContent(); me.setLeftTop(me.arrowPosX, me.arrowPosY, me.leftX); me.calculateSizeOfContent(); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve', false)) { var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) tip.dontShow = true; t.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check', false)) { var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) tip.dontShow = true; t.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]); readdresolves(); } } }); me.on({ 'show': function () { // me.calculateSizeOfContent(); me.commentsView.autoHeightTextBox(); var text = me.$window.find('textarea'); if (text && text.length) text.focus(); text.keydown(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC) { me.hide(); } }); } }); } } }, show: function (animate, loadText, focus, showText) { this.options.animate = animate; var me = this,textBox = this.commentsView.getTextBox(); if (loadText && this.textVal) { textBox && textBox.val(this.textVal); } if (showText && showText.length) { textBox && textBox.val(showText); } // this.calculateSizeOfContent(); // this.commentsView.autoHeightTextBox(); Common.UI.Window.prototype.show.call(this); if (this.commentsView.scroller) { this.commentsView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); } this.hookTextBox(); }, hide: function () { if (this.handlerHide) { this.handlerHide (); } Common.UI.Window.prototype.hide.call(this); if (!_.isUndefined(this.e) && this.e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC) { this.e.preventDefault(); this.e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.e = undefined; } }, // CommentsPopover update: function () { if (this.commentsView && this.commentsView.scroller) { this.commentsView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); } }, isVisible: function () { return (this.$window && this.$window.is(':visible')); }, setLeftTop: function (posX, posY, leftX, loadInnerValues, retainContent) { if (!this.$window) this.render(); if (loadInnerValues) { posX = this.arrowPosX; posY = this.arrowPosY; leftX = this.leftX; } if (_.isUndefined(posX) && _.isUndefined(posY)) return; this.arrowPosX = posX; this.arrowPosY = posY; this.leftX = leftX; var commentsView = $('#id-comments-popover'), arrowView = $('#id-comments-arrow'), editorView = $('#editor_sdk'), editorBounds = null, sdkBoundsHeight = 0, sdkBoundsTop = 0, sdkBoundsLeft = 0, sdkPanelRight = '', sdkPanelRightWidth = 0, sdkPanelLeft = '', sdkPanelLeftWidth = 0, sdkPanelThumbs = '', // for PE sdkPanelThumbsWidth = 0, // for PE sdkPanelTop = '', sdkPanelHeight = 0, leftPos = 0, windowWidth = 0, outerHeight = 0, topPos = 0, sdkBoundsTopPos = 0; if (commentsView && arrowView && editorView && editorView.get(0)) { editorBounds = editorView.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (editorBounds) { sdkBoundsHeight = editorBounds.height - this.sdkBounds.padding * 2; this.$window.css({maxHeight: sdkBoundsHeight + 'px'}); this.sdkBounds.width = editorBounds.width; this.sdkBounds.height = editorBounds.height; // LEFT CORNER if (!_.isUndefined(posX)) { sdkPanelRight = $('#id_vertical_scroll'); if (sdkPanelRight.length) { sdkPanelRightWidth = (sdkPanelRight.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelRight.width() : 0; } else { sdkPanelRight = $('#ws-v-scrollbar'); if (sdkPanelRight.length) { sdkPanelRightWidth = (sdkPanelRight.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelRight.width() : 0; } } this.sdkBounds.width -= sdkPanelRightWidth; sdkPanelLeft = $('#id_panel_left'); if (sdkPanelLeft.length) { sdkPanelLeftWidth = (sdkPanelLeft.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelLeft.width() : 0; } sdkPanelThumbs = $('#id_panel_thumbnails'); if (sdkPanelThumbs.length) { sdkPanelThumbsWidth = (sdkPanelThumbs.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelThumbs.width() : 0; this.sdkBounds.width -= sdkPanelThumbsWidth; } leftPos = Math.min(sdkBoundsLeft + posX + this.arrow.width, sdkBoundsLeft + this.sdkBounds.width - this.$window.outerWidth() - 25); leftPos = Math.max(sdkBoundsLeft + sdkPanelLeftWidth + this.arrow.width, leftPos); arrowView.removeClass('right').addClass('left'); if (!_.isUndefined(leftX)) { windowWidth = this.$window.outerWidth(); if (windowWidth) { if ((posX + windowWidth > this.sdkBounds.width - this.arrow.width + 5) && (this.leftX > windowWidth)) { leftPos = this.leftX - windowWidth + sdkBoundsLeft - this.arrow.width; arrowView.removeClass('left').addClass('right'); } else { leftPos = sdkBoundsLeft + posX + this.arrow.width; } } } this.$window.css('left', leftPos + 'px'); } // TOP CORNER if (!_.isUndefined(posY)) { sdkPanelTop = $('#id_panel_top'); sdkBoundsTopPos = sdkBoundsTop; if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; sdkBoundsTopPos += this.sdkBounds.paddingTop; } else { sdkPanelTop = $('#ws-h-scrollbar'); if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; } } this.sdkBounds.height -= sdkPanelHeight; outerHeight = this.$window.outerHeight(); topPos = Math.min(sdkBoundsTop + sdkBoundsHeight - outerHeight, this.arrowPosY + sdkBoundsTop - this.arrow.height); topPos = Math.max(topPos, sdkBoundsTopPos); this.$window.css('top', topPos + 'px'); } } } if (!retainContent) this.calculateSizeOfContent(); }, calculateSizeOfContent: function (testVisible) { if (testVisible && !this.$window.is(':visible')) return; this.$window.css({overflow: 'hidden'}); var arrowView = $('#id-comments-arrow'), commentsView = $('#id-comments-popover'), contentBounds = null, editorView = null, editorBounds = null, sdkBoundsHeight = 0, sdkBoundsTop = 0, sdkBoundsLeft = 0, sdkPanelTop = '', sdkPanelHeight = 0, arrowPosY = 0, windowHeight = 0, outerHeight = 0, topPos = 0, sdkBoundsTopPos = 0; if (commentsView && arrowView && commentsView.get(0)) { commentsView.css({height: '100%'}); contentBounds = commentsView.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (contentBounds) { editorView = $('#editor_sdk'); if (editorView && editorView.get(0)) { editorBounds = editorView.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (editorBounds) { sdkBoundsHeight = editorBounds.height - this.sdkBounds.padding * 2; sdkBoundsTopPos = sdkBoundsTop; windowHeight = this.$window.outerHeight(); // TOP CORNER sdkPanelTop = $('#id_panel_top'); if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; sdkBoundsTopPos += this.sdkBounds.paddingTop; } else { sdkPanelTop = $('#ws-h-scrollbar'); if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; } } outerHeight = Math.max(commentsView.outerHeight(), this.$window.outerHeight()); if (sdkBoundsHeight <= outerHeight) { this.$window.css({ maxHeight: sdkBoundsHeight - sdkPanelHeight + 'px', top: sdkBoundsTop + sdkPanelHeight + 'px'}); commentsView.css({height: sdkBoundsHeight - sdkPanelHeight - 3 + 'px'}); // arrowPosY = Math.max(this.arrow.margin, this.arrowPosY - sdkPanelHeight - this.arrow.width); arrowPosY = Math.min(arrowPosY, sdkBoundsHeight - (sdkPanelHeight + this.arrow.margin + this.arrow.width)); arrowView.css({top: arrowPosY + 'px'}); } else { outerHeight = windowHeight; if (outerHeight > 0) { if (contentBounds.top + outerHeight > sdkBoundsHeight + sdkBoundsTop || contentBounds.height === 0) { topPos = Math.min(sdkBoundsTop + sdkBoundsHeight - outerHeight, this.arrowPosY + sdkBoundsTop - this.arrow.height); topPos = Math.max(topPos, sdkBoundsTopPos); this.$window.css({top: topPos + 'px'}); } } arrowPosY = Math.max(this.arrow.margin, this.arrowPosY - (sdkBoundsHeight - outerHeight) - this.arrow.width); arrowPosY = Math.min(arrowPosY, outerHeight - this.arrow.margin - this.arrow.width); arrowView.css({top: arrowPosY + 'px'}); } } } } } this.$window.css({overflow: ''}); }, saveText: function (clear) { if (this.commentsView && this.commentsView.cmpEl.find('.lock-area').length<1) { this.textVal = undefined; if (!clear) { this.textVal = this.commentsView.getActiveTextBoxVal(); } else { this.commentsView.clearTextBoxBind(); } } }, loadText: function () { if (this.textVal && this.commentsView) { this.commentsView.getTextBox().val(this.textVal); } }, getEditText: function () { if (this.commentsView) { return this.commentsView.getActiveTextBoxVal(); } return undefined; }, hookTextBox: function () { var me = this, textBox = this.commentsView.getTextBox(); textBox && textBox.keydown(function (event) { if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey && event.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) { var buttonChangeComment = $('#id-comments-change-popover'); if (buttonChangeComment && buttonChangeComment.length) { buttonChangeComment.click(); } event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (event.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.TAB) { var $this, end, start; start = this.selectionStart; end = this.selectionEnd; $this = $(this); $this.val($this.val().substring(0, start) + '\t' + $this.val().substring(end)); this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } me.e = event; }); }, hideTips: function() { if (this.commentsView) _.each(this.commentsView.dataViewItems, function(item) { if (item.tipsArray) { item.tipsArray.forEach(function(item){ item.hide(); }); } }, this); }, isCommentsViewMouseOver: function() { return this._isMouseOver; } }); Common.Views.Comments = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({ el: '#left-panel-comments', template: _.template(panelTemplate), addCommentHeight: 45, newCommentHeight: 110, textBoxAutoSizeLocked: undefined, // disable autosize textbox initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); this.store = this.options.store; this.popoverComments = this.options.popoverComments; }, render: function () { var me = this; this.$el.html(this.template({ textAddCommentToDoc: me.textAddCommentToDoc, textAddComment: me.textAddComment, textCancel: me.textCancel, textEnterCommentHint: me.textEnterCommentHint, maxCommLength: c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength })); this.buttonAddCommentToDoc = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $('.btn.new',this.$el), enableToggle: false }); this.buttonAdd = new Common.UI.Button({ action: 'add', el: $('.btn.add', this.$el), enableToggle: false }); this.buttonCancel = new Common.UI.Button({ el: $('.btn.cancel', this.$el), enableToggle: false }); this.buttonAddCommentToDoc.on('click', _.bind(this.onClickShowBoxDocumentComment, this)); this.buttonAdd.on('click', _.bind(this.onClickAddDocumentComment, this)); this.buttonCancel.on('click', _.bind(this.onClickCancelDocumentComment, this)); this.txtComment = $('#comment-msg-new', this.el); this.txtComment.keydown(function (event) { if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey && event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) { me.onClickAddDocumentComment(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (event.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.TAB) { var $this, end, start; start = this.selectionStart; end = this.selectionEnd; $this = $(this); $this.val($this.val().substring(0, start) + '\t' + $this.val().substring(end)); this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }); var CommentsPanelDataView = Common.UI.DataView.extend((function() { var parentView = me; return { options : { handleSelect: false, scrollable: true, listenStoreEvents: false, template: _.template('
') }, getTextBox: function () { var text = $(this.el).find('textarea'); return (text && text.length) ? text : undefined; }, setFocusToTextBox: function () { var text = $(this.el).find('textarea'); if (text && text.length) { var val = text.val(); text.focus(); text.val(''); text.val(val); } }, getActiveTextBoxVal: function () { var text = $(this.el).find('textarea'); return (text && text.length) ? text.val().trim() : ''; }, autoHeightTextBox: function () { var view = this, textBox = $(this.el).find('textarea'), domTextBox = null, minHeight = 50, lineHeight = 0, scrollPos = 0, oldHeight = 0, newHeight = 0; function updateTextBoxHeight() { if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) { textBox.css({height: (domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight) + 'px'}); } else { oldHeight = domTextBox.clientHeight; if (oldHeight >= minHeight) { textBox.css({height: minHeight + 'px'}); if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) { newHeight = Math.max(domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight, minHeight); textBox.css({height: newHeight + 'px'}); } } } view.autoScrollToEditButtons(); } if (textBox && textBox.length) { domTextBox = textBox.get(0); if (domTextBox) { lineHeight = parseInt(textBox.css('lineHeight'), 10) * 0.25; updateTextBoxHeight(); textBox.bind('input propertychange', updateTextBoxHeight) } } this.textBox = textBox; }, clearTextBoxBind: function () { if (this.textBox) { this.textBox.unbind('input propertychange'); this.textBox = undefined; } }, autoScrollToEditButtons: function () { var button = $('#id-comments-change'), // TODO: add to cache btnBounds = null, contentBounds = this.el.getBoundingClientRect(), moveY = 0, padding = 7; if (button.length) { btnBounds = button.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (btnBounds && contentBounds) { moveY = contentBounds.bottom - (btnBounds.bottom + padding); if (moveY < 0) { this.scroller.scrollTop(this.scroller.getScrollTop() - moveY); } } } } } })()); if (CommentsPanelDataView) { if (this.commentsView) { this.commentsView.render($('.messages-ct',me.el)); this.commentsView.onResetItems(); } else { this.commentsView = new CommentsPanelDataView({ el: $('.messages-ct',me.el), store: me.store, itemTemplate: _.template(replaceWords(commentsTemplate, { textAddReply: me.textAddReply, textAdd: me.textAdd, textCancel: me.textCancel, textEdit: me.textEdit, textReply: me.textReply, textClose: me.textClose, maxCommLength: c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength })) }); var addtooltip = function (dataview, view, record) { if (view.tipsArray) { view.tipsArray.forEach(function(item){ item.remove(); }); } var arr = [], btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve'); btns.tooltip({title: me.textResolve, placement: 'cursor'}); btns.each(function(idx, item){ arr.push($(item).data('bs.tooltip').tip()); }); btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-resolve-check'); btns.tooltip({title: me.textOpenAgain, placement: 'cursor'}); btns.each(function(idx, item){ arr.push($(item).data('bs.tooltip').tip()); }); view.tipsArray = arr; }; this.commentsView.on('item:add', addtooltip); this.commentsView.on('item:remove', addtooltip); this.commentsView.on('item:change', addtooltip); this.commentsView.on('item:click', function (picker, item, record, e) { var btn, showEditBox, showReplyBox, commentId, replyId, hideAddReply; function readdresolves() { me.update(); } btn = $(e.target); if (btn) { showEditBox = record.get('editText'); showReplyBox = record.get('showReply'); commentId = record.get('uid'); replyId = btn.attr('data-value'); if (btn.hasClass('btn-edit')) { if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) { me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]); me.fireEvent('comment:editReply', [commentId, replyId]); me.commentsView.reply = replyId; this.autoHeightTextBox(); readdresolves(); me.hookTextBox(); this.autoScrollToEditButtons(); this.setFocusToTextBox(); } else { if (!showEditBox) { me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); record.set('editText', true); this.autoHeightTextBox(); readdresolves(); this.setFocusToTextBox(); me.hookTextBox(); } } } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-delete')) { if (!_.isUndefined(replyId)) { me.fireEvent('comment:removeReply', [commentId, replyId]); } else { me.fireEvent('comment:remove', [commentId]); } me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('user-reply')) { me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); record.set('showReply', true); readdresolves(); this.autoHeightTextBox(); me.hookTextBox(); this.autoScrollToEditButtons(); this.setFocusToTextBox(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-reply', false)) { if (showReplyBox) { me.fireEvent('comment:addReply', [commentId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); readdresolves(); } } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-close', false)) { me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing', [commentId]); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-edit', false)) { if (!_.isUndefined(me.commentsView.reply)) { me.fireEvent('comment:changeReply', [commentId, me.commentsView.reply, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); me.commentsView.reply = undefined; } else if (showEditBox) { me.fireEvent('comment:change', [commentId, this.getActiveTextBoxVal()]); } me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-inner-close', false)) { me.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); me.commentsView.reply = undefined; readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve', false)) { var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) tip.dontShow = true; me.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]); readdresolves(); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check', false)) { var tip = btn.data('bs.tooltip'); if (tip) tip.dontShow = true; me.fireEvent('comment:resolve', [commentId]); readdresolves(); } else if (!btn.hasClass('msg-reply') && !btn.hasClass('btn-resolve-check') && !btn.hasClass('btn-resolve')) { me.fireEvent('comment:show', [commentId, false]); } } }); } } this.setupLayout(); this.update(); return this; }, update: function () { this.updateLayout(); this.updateScrolls(); }, updateScrolls: function () { if (this.commentsView && this.commentsView.scroller) { this.commentsView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); } }, getPopover: function (sdkViewName) { if (_.isUndefined(this.popover)) { this.popover = new Common.Views.CommentsPopover({ store : this.popoverComments, delegate : this, renderTo : sdkViewName }); } return this.popover; }, showEditContainer: function (show) { var addCommentLink = $('.add-link-ct', this.el), newCommentBlock = $('.new-comment-ct', this.el), commentMsgBlock = $('.messages-ct', this.el), container = $('#comments-box', this.el); this.layout.freezePanels(!show); if (!show) { addCommentLink.css({display: 'table-row'}); newCommentBlock.css({display: 'none'}); } else { addCommentLink.css({display: 'none'}); newCommentBlock.css({display: 'table-row'}); this.txtComment.val(''); this.txtComment.focus(); this.textBoxAutoSizeLocked = undefined; } this.updateLayout(); this.updateScrolls(); }, onClickShowBoxDocumentComment: function () { this.fireEvent('comment:closeEditing'); this.showEditContainer(true); }, onClickAddDocumentComment: function () { this.fireEvent('comment:add', [this, this.txtComment.val().trim(), undefined, false, true]); this.txtComment.val(''); }, onClickCancelDocumentComment: function () { this.showEditContainer(false); }, hookTextBox: function () { var me = this, textBox = this.commentsView.getTextBox(); textBox && textBox.keydown(function (event) { if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey && event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) { var buttonChangeComment = $('#id-comments-change'); if (buttonChangeComment && buttonChangeComment.length) { buttonChangeComment.click(); } event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (event.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.TAB) { var $this, end, start; start = this.selectionStart; end = this.selectionEnd; $this = $(this); $this.val($this.val().substring(0, start) + '\t' + $this.val().substring(end)); this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }); }, setupLayout: function () { var me = this, parent = $(me.el); var add = $('.new-comment-ct', me.el), to = $('.add-link-ct', me.el), container = $('#comments-box', me.el), items = container.find(' > .layout-item'); me.layout = new Common.UI.VBoxLayout({ box: container, freeze: true, items: [ {el: items[0], rely: true, resize: { hidden: false, autohide: false, fmin: (function () { var height = container.height(); if (add.css('display') !== 'none') { if (height * 0.5 < me.newCommentHeight) return height - me.newCommentHeight; } return height * 0.5; }), fmax: (function () { if (add.css('display') !== 'none') return container.height() - me.newCommentHeight; return container.height() - me.addCommentHeight; }) }}, {el: items[1], stretch: true}, {el: items[2], stretch: true} ] }); me.layout.on('layout:resizedrag', function() { me.updateScrolls(); me.textBoxAutoSizeLocked = true; }, this); $(window).on('resize', function() { if (parent.css('display') !== 'none') { var height = $('#comments-box', me.el).height(); var addcmt = $('.new-comment-ct', me.el); var tocmt = $('.add-link-ct', me.el); if (addcmt.css('display') !== 'none') { me.layout.setResizeValue(0, Math.max(-me.newCommentHeight, Math.min(height - (addcmt.height() + 4), height - me.newCommentHeight))); } else { me.layout.setResizeValue(0, Math.max(-me.addCommentHeight, Math.min(height - (tocmt.height()), height - me.addCommentHeight))); } me.updateScrolls(); } }); this.autoHeightTextBox(); }, updateLayout: function () { var container = $('#comments-box', this.el), add = $('.new-comment-ct', this.el); if (add.css('display') !== 'none') { this.layout.setResizeValue(0, container.height() - this.newCommentHeight); } else { this.layout.setResizeValue(0, container.height() - this.addCommentHeight); } }, autoHeightTextBox: function () { var me = this, domTextBox = null, lineHeight = 0, minHeight = 44; var textBox = $('#comment-msg-new', this.el); function updateTextBoxHeight() { var textBox, controlHeight, contentHeight, height, oldHeight, textBoxMinHeightIndent = 44 + 4; // 4px - autosize line height + big around border textBox = $('#comment-msg-new', me.el); height = $('#comments-box', me.el).height(); if (0 == textBox.val().length) { me.layout.setResizeValue(0, Math.max(-me.newCommentHeight, height - me.newCommentHeight)); me.textBoxAutoSizeLocked = undefined; return; } if (!_.isUndefined(me.textBoxAutoSizeLocked)) return; controlHeight = textBox.height(); contentHeight = textBox.get(0).scrollHeight; // calculate text content height textBox.css({height: minHeight + 'px'}); controlHeight = textBox.height(); contentHeight = Math.max(textBox.get(0).scrollHeight + lineHeight, textBoxMinHeightIndent); textBox.css({height: '100%'}); height = $('#comments-box', me.el).height(); me.layout.setResizeValue(0, Math.max(-me.newCommentHeight, Math.min(height - contentHeight - textBoxMinHeightIndent, height - me.newCommentHeight))); } lineHeight = parseInt(textBox.css('lineHeight'), 10) * 0.25; updateTextBoxHeight(); textBox.bind('input propertychange', updateTextBoxHeight); this.textBox = textBox; }, getFixedQuote: function (quote) { return Common.Utils.String.ellipsis(Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(quote), 120, true); }, getUserName: function (username) { return Common.Utils.String.ellipsis(Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(username), 22, true); }, pickLink: function (message) { var arr = [], offset, len; message = Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message); message.replace(Common.Utils.emailStrongRe, function(subStr) { offset = arguments[arguments.length-2]; arr.push({start: offset, end: subStr.length+offset, str: '' + subStr + ''}); return ''; }); message.replace(Common.Utils.ipStrongRe, function(subStr) { offset = arguments[arguments.length-2]; len = subStr.length; var elem = _.find(arr, function(item){ return ( (offset>=item.start) && (offsetitem.start)); }); if (!elem) arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '' + subStr + ''}); return ''; }); if (message.length<1000 || message.search(/\S{255,}/)<0) message.replace(Common.Utils.hostnameStrongRe, function(subStr) { var ref = (! /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/)/i.test(subStr) ) ? ('http://' + subStr) : subStr; offset = arguments[arguments.length-2]; len = subStr.length; var elem = _.find(arr, function(item){ return ( (offset>=item.start) && (offsetitem.start)); }); if (!elem) arr.push({start: offset, end: len+offset, str: '' + subStr + ''}); return ''; }); arr = _.sortBy(arr, function(item){ return item.start; }); var str_res = (arr.length>0) ? ( message.substring(0, arr[0].start) + arr[0].str) : message; for (var i=1; i0) { str_res += message.substring(arr[i-1].end, message.length); } return str_res; }, textComments : 'Comments', textAnonym : 'Guest', textAddCommentToDoc : 'Add Comment to Document', textAddComment : 'Add Comment', textCancel : 'Cancel', textAddReply : 'Add Reply', textReply : 'Reply', textClose : 'Close', textResolved : 'Resolved', textResolve : 'Resolve', textEnterCommentHint : 'Enter your comment here', textEdit : 'Edit', textAdd : "Add", textOpenAgain : "Open Again" }, Common.Views.Comments || {})) });