Save/download/print your document

By default, Document Editor automatically saves your file each 2 seconds when you work on it preventing your data loss in case of the unexpected program closing. When the file is being co-edited, changes are automatically saved at 10-minute intervals. If you need, you can easily disable the Autosave feature on the Advanced Settings page.

To save your current document manually,

To download the resulting document onto your computer hard disk drive,

  1. click the File File icon icon at the left sidebar,
  2. select the Download as... option,
  3. choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: PDF, TXT, DOCX, DOC, ODT, RTF, HTML, EPUB.

To print out the current document,

After that a PDF file will be generated on the basis of the edited document. You can open and print it out, or save onto your computer hard disk drive or removable medium to print it out later.