Ext.define('DE.controller.toolbar.View', { extend: 'Ext.app.Controller', config: { refs: { viewToolbar : 'viewtoolbar', searchToolbar : 'searchtoolbar', doneButton : '#id-tb-btn-view-done', editModeButton : '#id-tb-btn-editmode', readModeButton : '#id-tb-btn-readable', searchButton : '#id-tb-btn-search', fullscreenButton : '#id-tb-btn-fullscreen', shareButton : '#id-tb-btn-view-share', incFontSizeButton : '#id-tb-btn-incfontsize', decFontSizeButton : '#id-tb-btn-decfontsize' }, control: { doneButton : { tap : 'onTapDoneButton' }, editModeButton : { tap : 'onTapEditModeButton' }, searchButton : { tap : 'onTapSearchButton' }, readModeButton : { tap : 'onTapReaderButton' }, shareButton : { tap : 'onTapShareButton' }, incFontSizeButton: { tap : 'onTapIncFontSizeButton' }, decFontSizeButton: { tap : 'onTapDecFontSizeButton' } }, searchMode : false, fullscreenMode : false, readableMode : false }, init: function() { this.control({ fullscreenButton: { tap: Ext.Function.createBuffered(this.onTapFullscreenButton, 500, this) } }); }, launch: function() { this.callParent(arguments); Common.Gateway.on('init', Ext.bind(this.loadConfig, this)); Common.Gateway.on('opendocument', Ext.bind(this.loadDocument, this)); Common.Gateway.on('applyeditrights',Ext.bind(this.onApplyEditRights, this)); }, initControl: function() { this.callParent(arguments); }, initApi: function() { // }, setApi: function(o){ this.api = o; if (this.api) { this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onTapEvent', Ext.bind(this.onSingleTapDocument, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect', Ext.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this)); } }, loadConfig: function(data) { var doneButton = this.getDoneButton(); if (doneButton && data && data.config && data.config.canBackToFolder !== false && data.config.customization && data.config.customization.goback && data.config.customization.goback.url){ this.gobackUrl = data.config.customization.goback.url; doneButton.show(); } }, loadDocument: function(data) { var permissions = {}; if (data.doc) { permissions = Ext.merge(permissions, data.doc.permissions); var editModeButton = this.getEditModeButton(); if (editModeButton) editModeButton.setHidden(permissions.edit === false); } }, onApplyEditRights: function(data) { Ext.Viewport.unmask(); if (data && data.allowed) { var mainController = this.getApplication().getController('tablet.Main'); if (this.getReadableMode()) this.setReadableMode(false); if (this.getFullscreenMode()) this.setFullscreenMode(false); if (mainController) mainController.setMode('edit'); } else { var editModeButton = this.getEditModeButton(); editModeButton && editModeButton.hide(); Ext.Msg.show({ title: this.requestEditFailedTitleText, message: (data && data.message) || this.requestEditFailedMessageText, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); } }, applySearchMode: function(search){ if (!Ext.isBoolean(search)) { Ext.Logger.error('Invalid parameters.'); } else { var me = this, searchToolbar = me.getSearchToolbar(), searchButton = me.getSearchButton(); if (searchToolbar) { if (search) { searchButton && searchButton.addCls('x-button-pressing'); if (me.getFullscreenMode()) { searchToolbar.show({ easing: 'ease-out', preserveEndState: true, autoClear: false, from: { opacity : 0.3 }, to: { opacity : 0.9 } }); } else { searchToolbar.show(); } } else { searchButton && searchButton.removeCls('x-button-pressing'); if (me.getFullscreenMode()) { searchToolbar.hide({ easing: 'ease-in', to: { opacity : 0.3 } }); } else { searchToolbar.hide(); } } } return search; } }, applyFullscreenMode: function(fullscreen) { if (!Ext.isBoolean(fullscreen)) { Ext.Logger.error('Invalid parameters.'); } else { var viewToolbar = this.getViewToolbar(), searchToolbar = this.getSearchToolbar(), fullscreenButton= this.getFullscreenButton(), popClipCmp = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('popclip'); if (popClipCmp.length > 0) { popClipCmp[0].hide(); } if (viewToolbar && searchToolbar) { if (fullscreen) { fullscreenButton && fullscreenButton.addCls('x-button-pressing'); viewToolbar.setStyle({ position : 'absolute', left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, opacity : 0.9, 'z-index' : 17 }); searchToolbar.setStyle({ position : 'absolute', left : 0, top : '44px', right : 0, opacity : 0.9, 'z-index' : 16 }); this.setHiddenToolbars(true); } else { viewToolbar.setStyle({ position : 'initial', opacity : 1 }); searchToolbar.setStyle({ position : 'initial', opacity : 1 }); viewToolbar.setDocked('top'); searchToolbar.setDocked('top'); } } return fullscreen; } }, applyReadableMode: function(readable) { if (!Ext.isBoolean(readable)) { Ext.Logger.error('Invalid parameters.'); } else { var searchButton = this.getSearchButton(), incFontSizeButton = this.getIncFontSizeButton(), decFontSizeButton = this.getDecFontSizeButton(), readModeButton = this.getReadModeButton(), popClipCmp = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('popclip'), shareButton = this.getShareButton(); if (popClipCmp.length > 0) { popClipCmp[0].hide(); } if (readable) { this.getSearchMode() && this.setSearchMode(false); readable && readModeButton && readModeButton.addCls('x-button-pressing'); searchButton && searchButton.hide(); incFontSizeButton && incFontSizeButton.show(); decFontSizeButton && decFontSizeButton.show(); shareButton && shareButton.setDisabled(true); } else { incFontSizeButton && incFontSizeButton.hide(); decFontSizeButton && decFontSizeButton.hide(); searchButton && searchButton.show(); shareButton && shareButton.setDisabled(false); } this.api && this.api.ChangeReaderMode(); return readable; } }, setHiddenToolbars: function(hide) { var viewToolbar = this.getViewToolbar(), searchToolbar = this.getSearchToolbar(); if (viewToolbar && searchToolbar){ if (hide){ viewToolbar.hide({ easing : 'ease-out', from : {opacity : 0.9}, to : {opacity : 0} }); searchToolbar.hide({ easing : 'ease-out', from : {opacity : 0.9}, to : {opacity : 0} }); } else { viewToolbar.show({ preserveEndState: true, easing : 'ease-in', from : {opacity : 0}, to : {opacity : 0.9} }); this.getSearchMode() && searchToolbar.show({ preserveEndState: true, easing : 'ease-in', from : {opacity : 0}, to : {opacity : 0.9} }); } } }, onTapDoneButton: function() { if (this.gobackUrl) window.parent.location.href = this.gobackUrl; }, onTapEditModeButton: function() { Ext.Viewport.mask(); Common.Gateway.requestEditRights(); }, onTapReaderButton: function() { this.setReadableMode(!this.getReadableMode()); }, onTapSearchButton: function(btn) { this.setSearchMode(!this.getSearchMode()); }, onTapFullscreenButton: function(btn) { this.setFullscreenMode(!this.getFullscreenMode()); }, onTapShareButton: function() { this.api && this.api.asc_Print(); Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar View', 'Share'); }, onSingleTapDocument: function() { var viewToolbar = this.getViewToolbar(); if (viewToolbar && this.getFullscreenMode()) { this.setHiddenToolbars(!viewToolbar.isHidden()); } }, onCoAuthoringDisconnect: function() { var editModeButton = this.getEditModeButton(); editModeButton && editModeButton.setHidden(true); }, onTapIncFontSizeButton: function() { this.api && this.api.IncreaseReaderFontSize(); }, onTapDecFontSizeButton: function() { this.api && this.api.DecreaseReaderFontSize(); }, requestEditFailedTitleText : 'Access denied', requestEditFailedMessageText: 'You can\'t edit the document right now. Please try again later.' });