 * @license RequireJS Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
 * Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
 * see: http://github.com/jrburke/requirejs for details

To run this file:

> node dist-site.js


/*jslint regexp: false, nomen: false, plusplus: false, strict: false */
/*global require: false, console: false */

var files, htmlFile, transFile, fileContents,
    preContents, postContents, h1, homePath, cssPath,
    ieCssPath, jsPath, length, j, title,
    isTopPage = false,
    fileIndex = 0,
    h1RegExp = /<h1>([^<]+)<\/h1>/,
    file = require('./file'),
    child_process = require('child_process');

//Copy all the text files to a dist directory
file.copyFile("init.js", "./dist-site/init.js");
file.copyDir("fonts", "./dist-site/fonts", /\w/);
file.copyFile("../index.html", "./dist-site/index.html");
file.copyDir("../docs/", "./dist-site/docs/", /\w/);

preContents = file.readFile("pre.html");
postContents = file.readFile("post.html");

//Convert each .html file to a full HTML file
files = file.getFilteredFileList("./dist-site", /\.html$/, true);

function processFile() {
    htmlFile = files[fileIndex];
    fileIndex += 1;
    if (!htmlFile) {
        //Done processing files.

    transFile = htmlFile + '.trans';

    console.log("Creating " + htmlFile);

    //Do Markdown
        "./Markdown.pl --html4tags " + htmlFile + " > " + transFile,
        function (error, stdout, stderr) {
            if (error) {
                console.log('Could not markdown ' + htmlFile);

            //Build up a complete HTML file.
            fileContents = file.readFile(transFile);

            //Find the page title.
            title = h1RegExp.exec(fileContents);
            title = title && title[1];

            fileContents = preContents + fileContents + postContents;

            //Set the title of the HTML page
            h1 = fileContents.match(/<h1>([^<]+)<\/h1>/);
            if (h1 && h1[1]) {
                h1 = h1[1];
            } else {
                h1 = "";

            fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\$\{title\}/, h1);

            //Change any .md references to .html references, and remove tree/master
            fileContents = fileContents
                           .replace(/href="requirejs\/tree\/master\/docs\//g, 'href="docs/')
                           .replace(/href="([^"]+)\.md/g, 'href="$1.html');

            //Adjust the path the home and main.css
            homePath = htmlFile.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, "").replace(/^\.\/dist-site\//, "");
            if (!homePath || homePath === "dist-site") {
                isTopPage = true;
                homePath = "./";
                cssPath = "main.css";
                ieCssPath = "ie.css";
                jsPath = "init.js";
            } else {
                isTopPage = false;
                length = homePath.split("/").length;
                homePath = "";
                for (j = 0; j < length - 1; j++) {
                    homePath += "../";
                cssPath = homePath + "main.css";
                ieCssPath = homePath + "ie.css";
                jsPath = homePath + "init.js";
            fileContents = fileContents.replace(/HOMEPATH/g, homePath);
            fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\main\.css/, cssPath);
            fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\ie\.css/, ieCssPath);
            fileContents = fileContents.replace(/\init\.js/, jsPath);

            //Set the page title to be the first h1 tag name
            if (title) {
                fileContents = fileContents.replace(/<title>[^<]*<\/title>/, '<title>' + title + '</title>');

            //If it is the top page, adjust the header links
            if (isTopPage) {
                fileContents = fileContents
                               .replace(/href="\.\.\/"/g, 'href="./"')
                               .replace(/class="local" href="([^"]+)"/g, 'class="local" href="docs/$1"');

            file.saveFile(htmlFile, fileContents);


