/** * Copyright (c) Ascensio System SIA 2013. All rights reserved * * http://www.onlyoffice.com */ ;(function(DocsAPI, window, document, undefined) { /* # Full # config = { type: 'desktop or mobile', width: '100% by default', height: '100% by default', documentType: 'word' | 'cell' | 'slide',// deprecate 'text' | 'spreadsheet' | 'presentation', document: { title: 'document title', url: 'document url' fileType: 'document file type', options: <advanced options>, key: 'key', vkey: 'vkey', info: { author: 'author name', // must be deprecated, use owner instead owner: 'owner name', folder: 'path to document', created: '<creation date>', // must be deprecated, use uploaded instead uploaded: '<uploaded date>', sharingSettings: [ { user: 'user name', permissions: '<permissions>', isLink: false }, ... ] }, permissions: { edit: <can edit>, // default = true download: <can download>, // default = true reader: <can view in readable mode>, review: <can review>, // default = edit print: <can print>, // default = true rename: <can rename>, // default = false changeHistory: <can change history>, // default = false // must be deprecated, check onRequestRestore event instead comment: <can comment in view mode> // default = edit, modifyFilter: <can add, remove and save filter in the spreadsheet> // default = true modifyContentControl: <can modify content controls in documenteditor> // default = true fillForms: <can edit forms in view mode> // default = edit || review, copy: <can copy data> // default = true } }, editorConfig: { mode: 'view or edit', lang: <language code>, location: <location>, canCoAuthoring: <can coauthoring documents>, canBackToFolder: <can return to folder> - deprecated. use "customization.goback" parameter, createUrl: 'create document url', sharingSettingsUrl: 'document sharing settings url', fileChoiceUrl: 'source url', // for mail merge or image from storage callbackUrl: <url for connection between sdk and portal>, mergeFolderUrl: 'folder for saving merged file', // must be deprecated, use saveAsUrl instead saveAsUrl: 'folder for saving files' licenseUrl: <url for license>, customerId: <customer id>, region: <regional settings> // can be 'en-us' or lang code user: { id: 'user id', name: 'user name' }, recent: [ { title: 'document title', url: 'document url', folder: 'path to document', }, ... ], templates: [ { title: 'template name', // name - is deprecated image: 'template icon url', url: 'http://...' }, ... ], customization: { logo: { image: url, imageEmbedded: url, url: http://... }, customer: { name: 'SuperPuper', address: 'New-York, 125f-25', mail: 'support@gmail.com', www: 'www.superpuper.com', info: 'Some info', logo: '' }, about: true, feedback: { visible: false, url: http://... }, goback: { url: 'http://...', text: 'Go to London', blank: true, requestClose: false // if true - goback send onRequestClose event instead opening url }, chat: true, comments: true, zoom: 100, compactToolbar: false, leftMenu: true, rightMenu: true, hideRightMenu: false, // hide or show right panel on first loading toolbar: true, statusBar: true, autosave: true, forcesave: false, commentAuthorOnly: false, showReviewChanges: false, help: true, compactHeader: false, toolbarNoTabs: false, toolbarHideFileName: false, reviewDisplay: 'original', spellcheck: true, compatibleFeatures: false, unit: 'cm' // cm, pt, inch, mentionShare : true // customize tooltip for mention, macros: true // can run macros in document plugins: true // can run plugins in document macrosMode: 'warn' // warn about automatic macros, 'enable', 'disable', 'warn' }, plugins: { autostart: ['asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}'], pluginsData: [ "helloworld/config.json", "chess/config.json", "speech/config.json", "clipart/config.json", ] } }, events: { 'onAppReady': <application ready callback>, 'onBack': <back to folder callback>, 'onDocumentStateChange': <document state changed callback> 'onDocumentReady': <document ready callback> } } # Embedded # config = { type: 'embedded', width: '100% by default', height: '100% by default', documentType: 'word' | 'cell' | 'slide',// deprecate 'text' | 'spreadsheet' | 'presentation', document: { title: 'document title', url: 'document url', fileType: 'document file type', key: 'key', vkey: 'vkey' }, editorConfig: { licenseUrl: <url for license>, customerId: <customer id>, autostart: 'document', // action for app's autostart. for presentations default value is 'player' embedded: { embedUrl: 'url', fullscreenUrl: 'url', saveUrl: 'url', shareUrl: 'url', toolbarDocked: 'top or bottom' } }, events: { 'onAppReady': <application ready callback>, 'onBack': <back to folder callback>, 'onError': <error callback>, 'onDocumentReady': <document ready callback>, 'onWarning': <warning callback> } } */ // TODO: allow several instances on one page simultaneously DocsAPI.DocEditor = function(placeholderId, config) { var _self = this, _config = config || {}; extend(_config, DocsAPI.DocEditor.defaultConfig); _config.editorConfig.canUseHistory = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestHistory; _config.editorConfig.canHistoryClose = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestHistoryClose; _config.editorConfig.canHistoryRestore = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestRestore; _config.editorConfig.canSendEmailAddresses = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestEmailAddresses; _config.editorConfig.canRequestEditRights = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestEditRights; _config.editorConfig.canRequestClose = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestClose; _config.editorConfig.canRename = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestRename; _config.editorConfig.canMakeActionLink = _config.events && !!_config.events.onMakeActionLink; _config.editorConfig.canRequestUsers = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestUsers; _config.editorConfig.canRequestSendNotify = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestSendNotify; _config.editorConfig.mergeFolderUrl = _config.editorConfig.mergeFolderUrl || _config.editorConfig.saveAsUrl; _config.editorConfig.canRequestSaveAs = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestSaveAs; _config.editorConfig.canRequestInsertImage = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestInsertImage; _config.editorConfig.canRequestMailMergeRecipients = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestMailMergeRecipients; _config.editorConfig.canRequestCompareFile = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestCompareFile; _config.editorConfig.canRequestSharingSettings = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestSharingSettings; _config.editorConfig.canRequestCreateNew = _config.events && !!_config.events.onRequestCreateNew; _config.frameEditorId = placeholderId; _config.parentOrigin = window.location.origin; var onMouseUp = function (evt) { _processMouse(evt); }; var _attachMouseEvents = function() { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, false) } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onmouseup", onMouseUp); } }; var _detachMouseEvents = function() { if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, false) } else if (window.detachEvent) { window.detachEvent("onmouseup", onMouseUp); } }; var _onAppReady = function() { if (_config.type === 'mobile') { document.body.onfocus = function(e) { setTimeout(function(){ iframe.contentWindow.focus(); _sendCommand({ command: 'resetFocus', data: {} }) }, 10); }; } _attachMouseEvents(); if (_config.editorConfig) { _init(_config.editorConfig); } if (_config.document) { _openDocument(_config.document); } }; var _callLocalStorage = function(data) { if (data.cmd == 'get') { if (data.keys && data.keys.length) { var af = data.keys.split(','), re = af[0]; for (i = 0; ++i < af.length;) re += '|' + af[i]; re = new RegExp(re); k = {}; for (i in localStorage) if (re.test(i)) k[i] = localStorage[i]; } else { k = localStorage; } _sendCommand({ command: 'internalCommand', data: { type: 'localstorage', keys: k } }); } else if (data.cmd == 'set') { var k = data.keys, i; for (i in k) { localStorage.setItem(i, k[i]); } } }; var _onMessage = function(msg) { if ( msg ) { if ( msg.type === "onExternalPluginMessage" ) { _sendCommand(msg); } else if ( msg.frameEditorId == placeholderId ) { var events = _config.events || {}, handler = events[msg.event], res; if (msg.event === 'onRequestEditRights' && !handler) { _applyEditRights(false, 'handler isn\'t defined'); } else if (msg.event === 'onInternalMessage' && msg.data && msg.data.type == 'localstorage') { _callLocalStorage(msg.data.data); } else { if (msg.event === 'onAppReady') { _onAppReady(); } if (handler && typeof handler == "function") { res = handler.call(_self, {target: _self, data: msg.data}); } } } } }; var _checkConfigParams = function() { if (_config.document) { if (!_config.document.url || ((typeof _config.document.fileType !== 'string' || _config.document.fileType=='') && (typeof _config.documentType !== 'string' || _config.documentType==''))) { window.alert("One or more required parameter for the config object is not set"); return false; } var appMap = { 'text': 'docx', 'text-pdf': 'pdf', 'spreadsheet': 'xlsx', 'presentation': 'pptx', 'word': 'docx', 'cell': 'xlsx', 'slide': 'pptx' }, app; if (_config.documentType=='text' || _config.documentType=='spreadsheet' ||_config.documentType=='presentation') console.warn("The \"documentType\" parameter for the config object must take one of the values word/cell/slide."); if (typeof _config.documentType === 'string' && _config.documentType != '') { app = appMap[_config.documentType.toLowerCase()]; if (!app) { window.alert("The \"documentType\" parameter for the config object is invalid. Please correct it."); return false; } else if (typeof _config.document.fileType !== 'string' || _config.document.fileType == '') { _config.document.fileType = app; } } if (typeof _config.document.fileType === 'string' && _config.document.fileType != '') { _config.document.fileType = _config.document.fileType.toLowerCase(); var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx|fods|ots)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm|fodp|otp)|(doc|docx|doct|odt|gdoc|txt|rtf|pdf|mht|htm|html|epub|djvu|xps|docm|dot|dotm|dotx|fodt|ott))$/ .exec(_config.document.fileType); if (!type) { window.alert("The \"document.fileType\" parameter for the config object is invalid. Please correct it."); return false; } else if (typeof _config.documentType !== 'string' || _config.documentType == ''){ if (typeof type[1] === 'string') _config.documentType = 'cell'; else if (typeof type[2] === 'string') _config.documentType = 'slide'; else if (typeof type[3] === 'string') _config.documentType = 'word'; } } var type = /^(?:(pdf|djvu|xps))$/.exec(_config.document.fileType); if (type && typeof type[1] === 'string') { _config.editorConfig.canUseHistory = false; } if (!_config.document.title || _config.document.title=='') _config.document.title = 'Unnamed.' + _config.document.fileType; if (!_config.document.key) { _config.document.key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[x]/g, function (c) {var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0; return r.toString(16);}); } else if (typeof _config.document.key !== 'string') { window.alert("The \"document.key\" parameter for the config object must be string. Please correct it."); return false; } _config.document.token = _config.token; } return true; }; (function() { var result = /[\?\&]placement=(\w+)&?/.exec(window.location.search); if (!!result && result.length) { if (result[1] == 'desktop') { _config.editorConfig.targetApp = result[1]; // _config.editorConfig.canBackToFolder = false; if (!_config.editorConfig.customization) _config.editorConfig.customization = {}; _config.editorConfig.customization.about = false; _config.editorConfig.customization.compactHeader = false; } } })(); var target = document.getElementById(placeholderId), iframe; if (target && _checkConfigParams()) { iframe = createIframe(_config); if (iframe.src) { var pathArray = iframe.src.split('/'); this.frameOrigin = pathArray[0] + '//' + pathArray[2]; } target.parentNode && target.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, target); var _msgDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(_onMessage, this); } /* cmd = { command: 'commandName', data: <command specific data> } */ var _destroyEditor = function(cmd) { var target = document.createElement("div"); target.setAttribute('id', placeholderId); if (iframe) { _msgDispatcher && _msgDispatcher.unbindEvents(); _detachMouseEvents(); iframe.parentNode && iframe.parentNode.replaceChild(target, iframe); } }; var _sendCommand = function(cmd) { if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) postMessage(iframe.contentWindow, cmd); }; var _init = function(editorConfig) { _sendCommand({ command: 'init', data: { config: editorConfig } }); }; var _openDocument = function(doc) { _sendCommand({ command: 'openDocument', data: { doc: doc } }); }; var _showMessage = function(title, msg) { msg = msg || title; _sendCommand({ command: 'showMessage', data: { msg: msg } }); }; var _applyEditRights = function(allowed, message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'applyEditRights', data: { allowed: allowed, message: message } }); }; var _processSaveResult = function(result, message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'processSaveResult', data: { result: result, message: message } }); }; // TODO: remove processRightsChange, use denyEditingRights var _processRightsChange = function(enabled, message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'processRightsChange', data: { enabled: enabled, message: message } }); }; var _denyEditingRights = function(message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'processRightsChange', data: { enabled: false, message: message } }); }; var _refreshHistory = function(data, message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'refreshHistory', data: { data: data, message: message } }); }; var _setHistoryData = function(data, message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setHistoryData', data: { data: data, message: message } }); }; var _setEmailAddresses = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setEmailAddresses', data: { data: data } }); }; var _setActionLink = function (data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setActionLink', data: { url: data } }); }; var _processMailMerge = function(enabled, message) { _sendCommand({ command: 'processMailMerge', data: { enabled: enabled, message: message } }); }; var _downloadAs = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'downloadAs', data: data }); }; var _setUsers = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setUsers', data: data }); }; var _showSharingSettings = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'showSharingSettings', data: data }); }; var _setSharingSettings = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setSharingSettings', data: data }); }; var _insertImage = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'insertImage', data: data }); }; var _setMailMergeRecipients = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setMailMergeRecipients', data: data }); }; var _setRevisedFile = function(data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'setRevisedFile', data: data }); }; var _processMouse = function(evt) { var r = iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); var data = { type: evt.type, x: evt.x - r.left, y: evt.y - r.top, event: evt }; _sendCommand({ command: 'processMouse', data: data }); }; var _serviceCommand = function(command, data) { _sendCommand({ command: 'internalCommand', data: { command: command, data: data } }); }; return { showMessage : _showMessage, processSaveResult : _processSaveResult, processRightsChange : _processRightsChange, denyEditingRights : _denyEditingRights, refreshHistory : _refreshHistory, setHistoryData : _setHistoryData, setEmailAddresses : _setEmailAddresses, setActionLink : _setActionLink, processMailMerge : _processMailMerge, downloadAs : _downloadAs, serviceCommand : _serviceCommand, attachMouseEvents : _attachMouseEvents, detachMouseEvents : _detachMouseEvents, destroyEditor : _destroyEditor, setUsers : _setUsers, showSharingSettings : _showSharingSettings, setSharingSettings : _setSharingSettings, insertImage : _insertImage, setMailMergeRecipients: _setMailMergeRecipients, setRevisedFile : _setRevisedFile } }; DocsAPI.DocEditor.defaultConfig = { type: 'desktop', width: '100%', height: '100%', editorConfig: { lang: 'en', canCoAuthoring: true, customization: { about: true, feedback: false } } }; DocsAPI.DocEditor.version = function() { return '{{PRODUCT_VERSION}}'; }; MessageDispatcher = function(fn, scope) { var _fn = fn, _scope = scope || window, eventFn = function(msg) { _onMessage(msg); }; var _bindEvents = function() { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("message", eventFn, false) } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onmessage", eventFn); } }; var _unbindEvents = function() { if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener("message", eventFn, false) } else if (window.detachEvent) { window.detachEvent("onmessage", eventFn); } }; var _onMessage = function(msg) { // TODO: check message origin if (msg && window.JSON && _scope.frameOrigin==msg.origin ) { try { var msg = window.JSON.parse(msg.data); if (_fn) { _fn.call(_scope, msg); } } catch(e) {} } }; 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if (type) { if (typeof type[1] === 'string') app = appMap['cell']; else if (typeof type[2] === 'string') app = appMap['slide']; } } var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), check = function(regex){ return regex.test(userAgent); }, isIE = !check(/opera/) && (check(/msie/) || check(/trident/) || check(/edge/)), isChrome = !isIE && check(/\bchrome\b/), isSafari_mobile = !isIE && !isChrome && check(/safari/) && (navigator.maxTouchPoints>0); path += app + "/"; path += (config.type === "mobile" || isSafari_mobile) ? "mobile" : config.type === "embedded" ? "embed" : "main"; var index = "/index.html"; if (config.editorConfig) { var customization = config.editorConfig.customization; if ( typeof(customization) == 'object' && ( customization.toolbarNoTabs || (config.editorConfig.targetApp!=='desktop') && (customization.loaderName || customization.loaderLogo))) { index = "/index_loader.html"; } else if (config.editorConfig.mode == 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode == 'editmerge') index = "/index_internal.html"; } path += index; return path; } function getAppParameters(config) { var params = "?_dc=0"; if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.lang) params += "&lang=" + config.editorConfig.lang; if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.targetApp!=='desktop') { if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName) { if (config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName !== 'none') params += "&customer=" + config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName; } else params += "&customer={{APP_CUSTOMER_NAME}}"; if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo) { if (config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo !== '') params += "&logo=" + config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo; } else if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.logo) { if (config.type=='embedded' && config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded) params += "&headerlogo=" + config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded; else if (config.type!='embedded' && config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image) params += "&headerlogo=" + config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image; } } if (config.editorConfig && (config.editorConfig.mode == 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode == 'editmerge')) params += "&internal=true"; if (config.frameEditorId) params += "&frameEditorId=" + config.frameEditorId; if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.mode == 'view' || config.document && config.document.permissions && (config.document.permissions.edit === false && !config.document.permissions.review )) params += "&mode=view"; if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.customization && !!config.editorConfig.customization.compactHeader) params += "&compact=true"; if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.customization && (config.editorConfig.customization.toolbar===false)) params += "&toolbar=false"; if (config.parentOrigin) params += "&parentOrigin=" + config.parentOrigin; return params; } function createIframe(config) { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = getAppPath(config) + getAppParameters(config); iframe.width = config.width; iframe.height = config.height; iframe.align = "top"; iframe.frameBorder = 0; iframe.name = "frameEditor"; iframe.allowFullscreen = true; iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""); // for IE11 iframe.setAttribute("onmousewheel",""); // for Safari on Mac iframe.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay"); if (config.type == "mobile") { iframe.style.position = "fixed"; iframe.style.overflow = "hidden"; document.body.style.overscrollBehaviorY = "contain"; } return iframe; } function postMessage(wnd, msg) { if (wnd && wnd.postMessage && window.JSON) { // TODO: specify explicit origin wnd.postMessage(window.JSON.stringify(msg), "*"); } } function extend(dest, src) { for (var prop in src) { if (src.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (typeof dest[prop] === 'undefined') { dest[prop] = src[prop]; } else if (typeof dest[prop] === 'object' && typeof src[prop] === 'object') { extend(dest[prop], src[prop]) } } } return dest; } })(window.DocsAPI = window.DocsAPI || {}, window, document);