/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * * RolesManagerDlg.js * * Created by Julia.Radzhabova on 12.04.22 * Copyright (c) 2022 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'text!documenteditor/main/app/template/RolesManagerDlg.template', 'common/main/lib/view/AdvancedSettingsWindow', 'common/main/lib/component/ListView' ], function (contentTemplate) { 'use strict'; DE.Views = DE.Views || {}; DE.Views.RolesManagerDlg = Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.extend(_.extend({ options: { alias: 'RolesManagerDlg', contentWidth: 525, height: 353, buttons: null }, initialize: function (options) { var me = this; _.extend(this.options, { title: this.txtTitle, template: [ '
', '
' + _.template(contentTemplate)({scope: this}) + '
', '
', '
', '' ].join('') }, options); this.api = options.api; this.handler = options.handler; this.props = options.props; this.rolesStore = new Common.UI.DataViewStore(); this.wrapEvents = { onRefreshRolesList: _.bind(this.onRefreshRolesList, this) }; Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options); }, render: function () { Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.prototype.render.call(this); var me = this; this.rolesList = new Common.UI.ListView({ el: $('#name-manager-range-list', this.$window), store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(), simpleAddMode: true, emptyText: this.textEmpty, itemTemplate: _.template([ '
', '
', '
<%= Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(name) %>
', '
<%= scopeName %>
', '
<%= range %>
', '<% if (lock) { %>', '
', '<% } %>', '
' ].join('')), tabindex: 1 }); this.rolesList.store.comparator = function(item1, item2) { var n1 = item1.get(me.sort.type).toLowerCase(), n2 = item2.get(me.sort.type).toLowerCase(); if (n1==n2) return 0; return (n10) ? this.textnoNames : this.textEmpty); } var me = this, store = this.rolesList.store, models = this.rolesStore.models, val = this.cmbFilter.getValue(), isTableFilter = (val<3) ? (val==2) : -1, isWorkbook = (val>2) ? (val==4) : -1; if (val>0) models = this.rolesStore.filter(function(item) { if (isTableFilter!==-1) return (isTableFilter===item.get('isTable')); if (isWorkbook!==-1) return (isWorkbook===(item.get('scope')===null)); return false; }); store.reset(models, {silent: false}); val = store.length; this.btnEditRole.setDisabled(!val); this.btnDeleteRole.setDisabled(!val); if (val>0) { if (selectedItem===undefined || selectedItem===null) selectedItem = 0; if (_.isNumber(selectedItem)) { if (selectedItem>val-1) selectedItem = val-1; this.rangeList.selectByIndex(selectedItem); setTimeout(function() { me.rangeList.scrollToRecord(store.at(selectedItem)); }, 50); } else if (selectedItem){ // object var rec = store.findWhere({name: selectedItem.asc_getName(true), scope: selectedItem.asc_getScope()}); if (rec) { this.rangeList.selectRecord(rec); setTimeout(function() { me.rangeList.scrollToRecord(rec); }, 50); } } if (this.userTooltip===true && this.rangeList.cmpEl.find('.lock-user').length>0) this.rangeList.cmpEl.on('mouseover', _.bind(me.onMouseOverLock, me)).on('mouseout', _.bind(me.onMouseOutLock, me)); } _.delay(function () { me.rangeList.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true}); }, 100, this); }, onEditRange: function (isEdit) { if (this._isWarningVisible) return; if (this.locked) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('namedrange:locked'); return; } var me = this, xy = me.$window.offset(), rec = this.rangeList.getSelectedRec(), idx = _.indexOf(this.rangeList.store.models, rec), oldname = (isEdit && rec) ? new Asc.asc_CDefName(rec.get('name'), rec.get('range'), rec.get('scope'), rec.get('type'), undefined, undefined, undefined, true) : null; var win = new SSE.Views.NamedRangeEditDlg({ api: me.api, sheets : this.sheets, props : (isEdit) ? oldname : this.props, isEdit : isEdit, handler : function(result, settings) { if (result == 'ok' && settings) { if (isEdit) { me.currentNamedRange = settings; me.api.asc_editDefinedNames(oldname, settings); } else { me.cmbFilter.setValue(0); me.currentNamedRange = settings; me.api.asc_setDefinedNames(settings); } } } }).on('close', function() { me.show(); setTimeout(function(){ me.getDefaultFocusableComponent().focus(); }, 100); }); me.hide(); win.show(xy.left + 65, xy.top + 77); }, onDeleteRange: function () { var rec = this.rangeList.getSelectedRec(); if (rec) { var me = this; me._isWarningVisible = true; Common.UI.warning({ msg: Common.Utils.String.format(me.warnDelete, rec.get('name')), buttons: ['ok', 'cancel'], callback: function(btn) { if (btn == 'ok') { me.currentNamedRange = _.indexOf(me.rangeList.store.models, rec); me.api.asc_delDefinedNames(new Asc.asc_CDefName(rec.get('name'), rec.get('range'), rec.get('scope'), rec.get('type'), undefined, undefined, undefined, true)); } setTimeout(function(){ me.getDefaultFocusableComponent().focus(); }, 100); me._isWarningVisible = false; } }); } }, getSettings: function() { return this.sort; }, onPrimary: function() { return true; }, onDlgBtnClick: function(event) { this.handler && this.handler.call(this, event.currentTarget.attributes['result'].value); this.close(); }, onSelectRoleItem: function(lisvView, itemView, record) { if (!record) return; this.userTipHide(); var rawData = {}, isViewSelect = _.isFunction(record.toJSON); if (isViewSelect){ if (record.get('selected')) { rawData = record.toJSON(); } else {// record deselected return; } this.currentNamedRange = _.indexOf(this.rangeList.store.models, record); this.btnEditRange.setDisabled(rawData.lock); this.btnDeleteRange.setDisabled(rawData.lock || rawData.isTable || rawData.isSlicer); } }, hide: function () { this.userTipHide(); Common.UI.Window.prototype.hide.call(this); }, close: function () { this.userTipHide(); this.api.asc_unregisterCallback('asc_onRefreshRolesList', this.wrapEvents.onRefreshRolesList); Common.UI.Window.prototype.close.call(this); }, onKeyDown: function (lisvView, record, e) { if (e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.DELETE && !this.btnDeleteRange.isDisabled()) this.onDeleteRange(); }, onDblClickItem: function (lisvView, record, e) { if (!this.btnEditRole.isDisabled()) this.onEditRole(true); }, txtTitle: 'Manage Roles', closeButtonText : 'Close', textNew: 'New', textEdit: 'Edit', textDelete: 'Delete', textEmpty: 'No named ranges have been created yet.
Create at least one named range and it will appear in this field.', warnDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete the role {0}?' }, DE.Views.RolesManagerDlg || {})); });