/** * HyperlinkSettingsDialog.js * * Created by Alexander Yuzhin on 2/20/14 * Copyright (c) 2014 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; define([ 'common/main/lib/util/utils', 'common/main/lib/component/InputField', 'common/main/lib/component/Window' ], function () { 'use strict'; DE.Views.HyperlinkSettingsDialog = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({ options: { width: 350, style: 'min-width: 230px;', cls: 'modal-dlg' }, initialize : function(options) { _.extend(this.options, { title: this.textTitle }, options || {}); this.template = [ '
', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '', '
', '' ].join(''); this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template, this.options); this.api = this.options.api; Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options); }, render: function() { Common.UI.Window.prototype.render.call(this); var me = this, $window = this.getChild(); me.inputUrl = new Common.UI.InputField({ el : $('#id-dlg-hyperlink-url'), allowBlank : false, blankError : me.txtEmpty, style : 'width: 100%;', validateOnBlur: false, validation : function(value) { var urltype = me.api.asc_getUrlType($.trim(value)); me.isEmail = (urltype==2); return (urltype>0) ? true : me.txtNotUrl; } }); me.inputDisplay = new Common.UI.InputField({ el : $('#id-dlg-hyperlink-display'), allowBlank : true, validateOnBlur: false, style : 'width: 100%;' }).on('changed:after', function() { me.isTextChanged = true; }); me.inputTip = new Common.UI.InputField({ el : $('#id-dlg-hyperlink-tip'), style : 'width: 100%;', maxLength : c_oAscMaxTooltipLength }); $window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this)); $window.find('input').on('keypress', _.bind(this.onKeyPress, this)); }, show: function() { Common.UI.Window.prototype.show.apply(this, arguments); var me = this; _.delay(function(){ me.inputUrl.cmpEl.find('input').focus(); },500); }, setSettings: function (props) { if (props) { var me = this; if (props.get_Value()) { me.inputUrl.setValue(props.get_Value().replace(new RegExp(" ",'g'), "%20")); } else { me.inputUrl.setValue(''); } if (props.get_Text() !== null) { me.inputDisplay.setValue(props.get_Text()); me.inputDisplay.setDisabled(false); } else { me.inputDisplay.setValue(this.textDefault); me.inputDisplay.setDisabled(true); } this.isTextChanged = false; me.inputTip.setValue(props.get_ToolTip()); } }, getSettings: function () { var me = this, props = new CHyperlinkProperty(), url = $.trim(me.inputUrl.getValue()); if (! /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/)|(^mailto:)/i.test(url) ) url = ( (me.isEmail) ? 'mailto:' : 'http://' ) + url; url = url.replace(new RegExp("%20",'g')," "); props.put_Value(url); if (!me.inputDisplay.isDisabled() && ( this.isTextChanged || _.isEmpty(me.inputDisplay.getValue()))) { if (_.isEmpty(me.inputDisplay.getValue())) me.inputDisplay.setValue(url); props.put_Text(me.inputDisplay.getValue()); } else { props.put_Text(null); } props.put_ToolTip(me.inputTip.getValue()); return props; }, onBtnClick: function(event) { this._handleInput(event.currentTarget.attributes['result'].value); }, onKeyPress: function(event) { if (event.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) { this._handleInput('ok'); return false; } }, _handleInput: function(state) { if (this.options.handler) { if (state == 'ok') { var checkurl = this.inputUrl.checkValidate(), checkdisp = this.inputDisplay.checkValidate(); if (checkurl !== true) { this.inputUrl.cmpEl.find('input').focus(); return; } if (checkdisp !== true) { this.inputDisplay.cmpEl.find('input').focus(); return; } } this.options.handler.call(this, this, state); } this.close(); }, textUrl: 'Link to', textDisplay: 'Display', cancelButtonText: 'Cancel', okButtonText: 'Ok', txtEmpty: 'This field is required', txtNotUrl: 'This field should be a URL in the format \"http://www.example.com\"', textTooltip: 'ScreenTip text', textDefault: 'Selected text', textTitle: 'Hyperlink Settings' }, DE.Views.HyperlinkSettingsDialog || {})) });