/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * Statusbar.js * * Statusbar controller * * Created by Alexander Yuzhin on 1/15/14 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'core', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/Statusbar', 'common/main/lib/util/LanguageInfo' ], function () { 'use strict'; DE.Controllers.Statusbar = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend({ models: [], collections: [], views: [ 'Statusbar' ], initialize: function() { var me = this; this.addListeners({ 'Statusbar': { 'langchanged': this.onLangMenu, 'zoom:value': function(value) { this.api.zoom(value); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.statusbar); }.bind(this) }, 'Common.Views.Header': { 'statusbar:hide': _.bind(me.onChangeCompactView, me) }, 'ViewTab': { 'statusbar:hide': _.bind(me.onChangeCompactView, me) } }); }, events: function() { return { 'click #btn-zoom-down': _.bind(this.zoomDocument,this,'down'), 'click #btn-zoom-up': _.bind(this.zoomDocument,this,'up'), 'click #btn-zoom-topage': _.bind(this.onBtnZoomTo, this, 'topage'), 'click #btn-zoom-towidth': _.bind(this.onBtnZoomTo, this, 'towidth') }; }, onLaunch: function() { this.statusbar = this.createView('Statusbar', { // storeUsers: this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Users') }); var me = this; Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:face', function (cfg) { me.statusbar.render(cfg); me.statusbar.$el.css('z-index', 1); $('.statusbar #label-zoom').css('min-width', 80); if ( cfg.isEdit ) { var review = me.getApplication().getController('Common.Controllers.ReviewChanges').getView(); if (cfg.canReview) { me.btnTurnReview = review.getButton('turn', 'statusbar'); me.btnTurnReview.render(me.statusbar.$layout.find('#btn-doc-review')); me.statusbar.btnTurnReview = me.btnTurnReview; } else { me.statusbar.$el.find('.el-review').hide(); } me.btnSpelling = review.getButton('spelling', 'statusbar'); me.btnSpelling.render( me.statusbar.$layout.find('#btn-doc-spell') ); me.btnDocLang = review.getButton('doclang', 'statusbar'); me.btnDocLang.render( me.statusbar.$layout.find('#btn-doc-lang') ); var isVisible = (Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('statusBar-textLang') || Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('statusBar-docLang')) && Common.UI.FeaturesManager.canChange('spellcheck'); me.btnDocLang.$el.find('+.separator.space')[isVisible?'show':'hide'](); isVisible = Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('statusBar-textLang') || Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('statusBar-docLang') || Common.UI.FeaturesManager.canChange('spellcheck'); me.statusbar.$el.find('.el-lang')[isVisible?'show':'hide'](); } else { me.statusbar.$el.find('.el-edit, .el-review').hide(); } }); Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', me.onAppReady.bind(me)); }, onAppReady: function (config) { var me = this; (new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); })).then(function () { me.bindViewEvents(me.statusbar, me.events); var statusbarIsHidden = Common.localStorage.getBool("de-hidden-status"); if ( config.canReview && !statusbarIsHidden ) { var _process_changestip = function() { var showTrackChangesTip = !Common.localStorage.getBool("de-track-changes-tip"); if ( showTrackChangesTip ) { me.btnTurnReview.updateHint(''); if (me.changesTooltip === undefined) me.changesTooltip = me.createChangesTip(me.textTrackChanges, 'de-track-changes-tip'); me.hideTips(); me.changesTooltip.show(); } else { me.btnTurnReview.updateHint(me.tipReview); } } var trackRevisions = me.api.asc_IsTrackRevisions(), trackChanges = config.customization && config.customization.review ? config.customization.review.trackChanges : undefined; (trackChanges===undefined) && (trackChanges = config.customization ? config.customization.trackChanges : undefined); if ( config.isReviewOnly || trackChanges===true || (trackChanges!==false) && trackRevisions) { _process_changestip(); } else if ( trackRevisions ) { var showNewChangesTip = !Common.localStorage.getBool("de-new-changes"); if ( me.api.asc_HaveRevisionsChanges() && showNewChangesTip ) { me.btnTurnReview.updateHint(''); if (me.newChangesTooltip === undefined) me.newChangesTooltip = me.createChangesTip(me.textHasChanges, 'de-new-changes'); me.hideTips(); me.newChangesTooltip.show(); } else me.btnTurnReview.updateHint(me.tipReview); } } }); }, onChangeCompactView: function (view, status) { this.statusbar.setVisible(!status); Common.localStorage.setBool('de-hidden-status', status); if (view.$el.closest('.btn-slot').prop('id') === 'slot-btn-options') { this.statusbar.fireEvent('view:hide', [this, status]); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('layout:changed', 'status'); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.statusbar); }, onApiTrackRevisionsChange: function(localFlag, globalFlag, userId) { var global = (localFlag===null), state = global ? globalFlag : localFlag; if (this.btnTurnReview) { if (!state) { this.hideTips(); this.btnTurnReview.updateHint(this.tipReview); } else if (userId && state && global ) { if (this.globalChangesTooltip === undefined) this.globalChangesTooltip = this.createChangesTip(this.textSetTrackChanges); if (!this.globalChangesTooltip.isVisible()) { this.hideTips(); this.globalChangesTooltip.show(); } } } }, setApi: function(api) { this.api = api; this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onZoomChange', _.bind(this._onZoomChange, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onTextLanguage', _.bind(this._onTextLanguage, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onOnTrackRevisionsChange', _.bind(this.onApiTrackRevisionsChange, this)); this.statusbar.setApi(api); }, onBtnZoomTo: function(d, e) { var _btn, _func; if ( d == 'topage' ) { _btn = 'btnZoomToPage'; _func = 'zoomFitToPage'; } else { _btn = 'btnZoomToWidth'; _func = 'zoomFitToWidth'; } if ( !this.statusbar[ _btn ].pressed ) this.api.zoomCustomMode(); else this.api[ _func ](); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.statusbar); }, zoomDocument: function(d,e) { switch (d) { case 'up': this.api.zoomIn(); break; case 'down': this.api.zoomOut(); break; } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.statusbar); }, /* * api events * */ _onZoomChange: function(percent, type) { this.statusbar.btnZoomToPage.toggle(type == 2, true); this.statusbar.btnZoomToWidth.toggle(type == 1, true); $('.statusbar #label-zoom').text(Common.Utils.String.format(this.zoomText, percent)); }, _onTextLanguage: function(langId) { var info = Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageName(langId); this.statusbar.setLanguage({ value: info[0], displayValue: info[1], code: langId }); }, setLanguages: function(langs) { this.langs = langs; this.statusbar.reloadLanguages(langs); }, setStatusCaption: function(text, force, delay) { if (this.timerCaption && ( ((new Date()) < this.timerCaption) || text.length==0 ) && !force ) return; this.timerCaption = undefined; if (text.length) { this.statusbar.showStatusMessage(text); if (delay>0) this.timerCaption = (new Date()).getTime() + delay; } else this.statusbar.clearStatusMessage(); }, createDelayedElements: function() { this.statusbar.$el.css('z-index', ''); }, onLangMenu: function(obj, langid, title) { this.api.put_TextPrLang(langid); }, synchronizeChanges: function() { this.setStatusCaption(''); }, hideTips: function () { this.changesTooltip && this.changesTooltip.isVisible() && this.changesTooltip.hide(); this.newChangesTooltip && this.newChangesTooltip.isVisible() && this.newChangesTooltip.hide(); this.globalChangesTooltip && this.globalChangesTooltip.isVisible() && this.globalChangesTooltip.hide(); }, createChangesTip: function (text, storage) { var me = this; var tip = new Common.UI.SynchronizeTip({ target : me.btnTurnReview.$el, text : text, placement: 'top-left', showLink: !!storage }); tip.on({ 'dontshowclick': function() { Common.localStorage.setItem(storage, 1); tip.hide(); me.btnTurnReview.updateHint(me.tipReview); }, 'closeclick': function() { tip.hide(); me.btnTurnReview.updateHint(me.tipReview); } }); return tip; }, zoomText : 'Zoom {0}%', textHasChanges : 'New changes have been tracked', textTrackChanges: 'The document is opened with the Track Changes mode enabled', tipReview : 'Review', textSetTrackChanges: 'You are in Track Changes mode' }, DE.Controllers.Statusbar || {})); });