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        <h1>Replace a word by a synonym</h1>
            If you are using the same word multiple times, or a word is just not quite the word you are looking for, ONLYOFFICE <a target="_blank" href="https://www.onlyoffice.com/en/presentation-editor.aspx" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Presentation Editor</b></a> lets you look up synonyms.
            It will show you the antonyms too.
            <li>Select the word in your presentation.</li>
            <li>Switch to the <b>Plugins</b> tab and choose <img alt="Thesaurus plugin icon" src="../images/thesaurus_icon.png" /> <b>Thesaurus</b>.</li>
            <li>The synonyms and antonyms will show up in the left sidebar.</li>
            <li>Click a word to replace the word in your presentation.</li>
        <img class="gif" alt="Thesaurus plugin gif" src="../images/thesaurus_plugin.gif" width="600" />