/** * @aside guide forms * * The checkbox field is an enhanced version of the native browser checkbox and is great for enabling your user to * choose one or more items from a set (for example choosing toppings for a pizza order). It works like any other * {@link Ext.field.Field field} and is usually found in the context of a form: * * ## Example * * @example miniphone preview * var form = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * fullscreen: true, * items: [ * { * xtype: 'checkboxfield', * name : 'tomato', * label: 'Tomato', * value: 'tomato', * checked: true * }, * { * xtype: 'checkboxfield', * name : 'salami', * label: 'Salami' * }, * { * xtype: 'toolbar', * docked: 'bottom', * items: [ * { xtype: 'spacer' }, * { * text: 'getValues', * handler: function() { * var form = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('formpanel')[0], * values = form.getValues(); * * Ext.Msg.alert(null, * "Tomato: " + ((values.tomato) ? "yes" : "no") + * "
Salami: " + ((values.salami) ? "yes" : "no") * ); * } * }, * { xtype: 'spacer' } * ] * } * ] * }); * * * The form above contains two check boxes - one for Tomato, one for Salami. We configured the Tomato checkbox to be * checked immediately on load, and the Salami checkbox to be unchecked. We also specified an optional text * {@link #value} that will be sent when we submit the form. We can get this value using the Form's * {@link Ext.form.Panel#getValues getValues} function, or have it sent as part of the data that is sent when the * form is submitted: * * form.getValues(); //contains a key called 'tomato' if the Tomato field is still checked * form.submit(); //will send 'tomato' in the form submission data * */ Ext.define('Ext.field.Checkbox', { extend: 'Ext.field.Field', alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.Checkbox', xtype: 'checkboxfield', qsaLeftRe: /[\[]/g, qsaRightRe: /[\]]/g, isCheckbox: true, /** * @event change * Fires just before the field blurs if the field value has changed. * @param {Ext.field.Checkbox} this This field. * @param {Boolean} newValue The new value. * @param {Boolean} oldValue The original value. */ /** * @event check * Fires when the checkbox is checked. * @param {Ext.field.Checkbox} this This checkbox. * @param {Ext.EventObject} e This event object. */ /** * @event uncheck * Fires when the checkbox is unchecked. * @param {Ext.field.Checkbox} this This checkbox. * @param {Ext.EventObject} e This event object. */ config: { /** * @cfg * @inheritdoc */ ui: 'checkbox', /** * @cfg {String} value The string value to submit if the item is in a checked state. * @accessor */ value: '', /** * @cfg {Boolean} checked `true` if the checkbox should render initially checked. * @accessor */ checked: false, /** * @cfg {Number} tabIndex * @hide */ tabIndex: -1, /** * @cfg * @inheritdoc */ component: { xtype : 'input', type : 'checkbox', useMask : true, cls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'input-checkbox' } }, // @private initialize: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.getComponent().on({ scope: me, order: 'before', masktap: 'onMaskTap' }); }, // @private doInitValue: function() { var me = this, initialConfig = me.getInitialConfig(); // you can have a value or checked config, but checked get priority if (initialConfig.hasOwnProperty('value')) { me.originalState = initialConfig.value; } if (initialConfig.hasOwnProperty('checked')) { me.originalState = initialConfig.checked; } me.callParent(arguments); }, // @private updateInputType: function(newInputType) { var component = this.getComponent(); if (component) { component.setType(newInputType); } }, // @private updateName: function(newName) { var component = this.getComponent(); if (component) { component.setName(newName); } }, /** * Returns the field checked value. * @return {Mixed} The field value. */ getChecked: function() { // we need to get the latest value from the {@link #input} and then update the value this._checked = this.getComponent().getChecked(); return this._checked; }, /** * Returns the submit value for the checkbox which can be used when submitting forms. * @return {Boolean/String} value The value of {@link #value} or `true`, if {@link #checked}. */ getSubmitValue: function() { return (this.getChecked()) ? this._value || true : null; }, setChecked: function(newChecked) { this.updateChecked(newChecked); this._checked = newChecked; }, updateChecked: function(newChecked) { this.getComponent().setChecked(newChecked); // only call onChange (which fires events) if the component has been initialized if (this.initialized) { this.onChange(); } }, // @private onMaskTap: function(component, e) { var me = this, dom = component.input.dom; if (me.getDisabled()) { return false; } //we must manually update the input dom with the new checked value dom.checked = !dom.checked; me.onChange(e); //return false so the mask does not disappear return false; }, /** * Fires the `check` or `uncheck` event when the checked value of this component changes. * @private */ onChange: function(e) { var me = this, oldChecked = me._checked, newChecked = me.getChecked(); // only fire the event when the value changes if (oldChecked != newChecked) { if (newChecked) { me.fireEvent('check', me, e); } else { me.fireEvent('uncheck', me, e); } me.fireEvent('change', me, newChecked, oldChecked); } }, /** * @method * Method called when this {@link Ext.field.Checkbox} has been checked. */ doChecked: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @method * Method called when this {@link Ext.field.Checkbox} has been unchecked. */ doUnChecked: Ext.emptyFn, /** * Returns the checked state of the checkbox. * @return {Boolean} `true` if checked, `false` otherwise. */ isChecked: function() { return this.getChecked(); }, /** * Set the checked state of the checkbox to `true`. * @return {Ext.field.Checkbox} This checkbox. */ check: function() { return this.setChecked(true); }, /** * Set the checked state of the checkbox to `false`. * @return {Ext.field.Checkbox} This checkbox. */ uncheck: function() { return this.setChecked(false); }, getSameGroupFields: function() { var component = this.up('formpanel') || this.up('fieldset'), name = this.getName(), replaceLeft = this.qsaLeftRe, replaceRight = this.qsaRightRe, components = [], elements, element, i, ln; if (!component) { // Ext.Logger.warn('Ext.field.Radio components must always be descendants of an Ext.form.Panel or Ext.form.FieldSet.'); // component = Ext.Viewport; } // This is to handle ComponentQuery's lack of handling [name=foo[bar]] properly name = name.replace(replaceLeft, '\\['); name = name.replace(replaceRight, '\\]'); elements = Ext.query('[name=' + name + ']', component.element.dom); ln = elements.length; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { element = elements[i]; element = Ext.fly(element).up('.x-field-' + element.getAttribute('type')); if (element && element.id) { components.push(Ext.getCmp(element.id)); } } return components; }, /** * Returns an array of values from the checkboxes in the group that are checked. * @return {Array} */ getGroupValues: function() { var values = []; this.getSameGroupFields().forEach(function(field) { if (field.getChecked()) { values.push(field.getValue()); } }); return values; }, /** * Set the status of all matched checkboxes in the same group to checked. * @param {Array} values An array of values. * @return {Ext.field.Checkbox} This checkbox. */ setGroupValues: function(values) { this.getSameGroupFields().forEach(function(field) { field.setChecked((values.indexOf(field.getValue()) !== -1)); }); return this; }, /** * Resets the status of all matched checkboxes in the same group to checked. * @return {Ext.field.Checkbox} This checkbox. */ resetGroupValues: function() { this.getSameGroupFields().forEach(function(field) { field.setChecked(field.originalState); }); return this; }, reset: function() { this.setChecked(this.originalState); return this; } });