Ext.define('Common.component.slider.Vertical', { extend: 'Ext.slider.Slider', xtype: 'verticalslider', config: { baseCls: 'x-slider-vertical', // cls: 'vertical', thumbConfig: { draggable: { direction: 'vertical' } } }, refreshOffsetValueRatio: function() { var valueRange = this.getMaxValue() - this.getMinValue(), trackHeight = this.elementHeight - this.thumbHeight; this.offsetValueRatio = trackHeight / valueRange; }, refreshElementHeight: function() { this.elementHeight = this.element.dom.offsetHeight; var thumb = this.getThumb(0); if (thumb) { this.thumbHeight = thumb.getElementWidth(); } }, refresh: function() { this.refreshElementHeight(); this.refreshValue(); }, onThumbDragStart: function(thumb, e) { if (e.absDeltaY <= e.absDeltaX) { return false; } else { e.stopPropagation(); } if (this.getAllowThumbsOverlapping()) { this.setActiveThumb(thumb); } this.dragStartValue = this.getValue()[this.getThumbIndex(thumb)]; this.fireEvent('dragstart', this, thumb, this.dragStartValue, e); }, onThumbDrag: function(thumb, e, offsetX, offsetY) { var index = this.getThumbIndex(thumb), offsetValueRatio = this.offsetValueRatio, constrainedValue = this.constrainValue(offsetY / offsetValueRatio); e.stopPropagation(); this.setIndexValue(index, constrainedValue); this.fireEvent('drag', this, thumb, this.getValue(), e); return false; }, setIndexValue: function(index, value, animation) { var thumb = this.getThumb(index), values = this.getValue(), offsetValueRatio = this.offsetValueRatio, draggable = thumb.getDraggable(); draggable.setOffset(null, value * offsetValueRatio, animation); values[index] = this.constrainValue(draggable.getOffset().y / offsetValueRatio); }, updateValue: function(newValue, oldValue) { var thumbs = this.getThumbs(), ln = newValue.length, i; this.setThumbsCount(ln); for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { thumbs[i].getDraggable().setExtraConstraint(null) .setOffset(0, newValue[i] * this.offsetValueRatio); } for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { this.refreshThumbConstraints(thumbs[i]); } }, refreshThumbConstraints: function(thumb) { var allowThumbsOverlapping = this.getAllowThumbsOverlapping(), offsetY = thumb.getDraggable().getOffset().y, thumbs = this.getThumbs(), index = this.getThumbIndex(thumb), previousThumb = thumbs[index - 1], nextThumb = thumbs[index + 1], thumbHeight = this.thumbHeight; if (previousThumb) { previousThumb.getDraggable().addExtraConstraint({ max: { y: offsetY - ((allowThumbsOverlapping) ? 0 : thumbHeight) } }); } if (nextThumb) { nextThumb.getDraggable().addExtraConstraint({ min: { y: offsetY + ((allowThumbsOverlapping) ? 0 : thumbHeight) } }); } }, // @private onTap: function(e) { if (this.isDisabled()) { return; } var targetElement = Ext.get(e.target); if (!targetElement || targetElement.hasCls('x-thumb')) { return; } var touchPointY = e.touch.point.y, element = this.element, elementY = element.getY(), offset = touchPointY - elementY - (this.thumbHeight / 2), value = this.constrainValue(offset / this.offsetValueRatio), values = this.getValue(), minDistance = Infinity, ln = values.length, i, absDistance, testValue, closestIndex, oldValue, thumb; if (ln === 1) { closestIndex = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { testValue = values[i]; absDistance = Math.abs(testValue - value); if (absDistance < minDistance) { minDistance = absDistance; closestIndex = i; } } } oldValue = values[closestIndex]; thumb = this.getThumb(closestIndex); this.setIndexValue(closestIndex, value, this.getAnimation()); this.refreshThumbConstraints(thumb); if (oldValue !== value) { this.fireEvent('change', this, thumb, value, oldValue); } } }, function() { // /** * @cfg {Boolean} animationDuration * Animation duration in ms. * @removed 2.0.0 Use the duration property on the animation config instead. */ Ext.deprecateProperty(this, 'animationDuration', null, "Ext.slider.Slider.animationDuration has been removed"); // });