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			<h1>Insert page numbers</h1>
			<p>To insert page numbers into your document,</p>
                <li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
                <li>click the <b>Header/Footer</b> <img alt="Header/Footer icon" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
				<li>choose the <b>Insert Page Number</b> submenu,</li>
				<li>select one of the following options:
						<li>To put a page number to each page of your document, select the page number position on the page.</li>
						<li>To insert a page number at the current cursor position, select the <b>To Current Position</b> option.
                            <p class="note">
                                <b>Note</b>: to insert a current page number at the current cursor position you can also use the <em>Ctrl+Shift+P</em> key combination.
            <p>To insert the total number of pages in your document (e.g. if you want to create the <em>Page X of Y</em> entry):</p>
                <li>put the cursor where you want to insert the total number of pages,</li>
                <li>click the <b>Header/Footer</b> <img alt="Header/Footer icon" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
                <li>select the <b>Insert number of pages</b> option.</li>
			<hr />
			<p>To edit the page number settings,</p>
				<li>double-click the page number added,</li>
				<li>change the current parameters at the right sidebar: 
				<p><img alt="Right Sidebar - Header and Footer Settings" src="../images/right_headerfooter.png" /></p>
				<li>Set the <b>Position</b> of page numbers on the page as well as relative to the top and bottom of the page.</li>
				<li>Check the <b>Different first page</b> box to apply a different page number to the very first page or in case you don't want to add any number to it at all. </li>
				<li>Use the <b>Different odd and even pages</b> box to insert different page numbers for odd and even pages. </li>
				<li>The <b>Link to Previous</b> option is available in case you've previously added <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sections</a> into your document. 
                    If not, it will be grayed out. Moreover, this option is also unavailable for the very first section (i.e. when a header or footer that belongs to the first section is selected). 
                    By default, this box is checked, so that unified numbering is applied to all the sections. If you select a header or footer area, you will see that the area is marked with the <b>Same as Previous</b> label. 
                    Uncheck the <b>Link to Previous</b> box to use different page numbering for each section of the document. The <b>Same as Previous</b> label will no longer be displayed.
                    <p><img alt="Same as previous label" src="../images/sameasprevious_label.png" /></p></li>
                <li>The <b>Page Numbering</b> section allows to adjust page numbering options across different <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sections</a> of the document. 
                    The <b>Continue from previous section</b> option is selected by default and allows to keep continuous page numbering after a section break. 
                    If you want to start page numbering with a specific number in the current section of the document, select the <b>Start at</b> radio button and enter the necessary starting value in the field on the right. </li>
			<p>To return to the document editing, double-click within the working area.</p>