/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * Collaboration.js * * Created by Julia Svinareva on 12/7/19 * Copyright (c) 2019 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; Common.Controllers = Common.Controllers || {}; define([ 'core', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'common/mobile/lib/view/Collaboration' ], function (core, $, _, Backbone) { 'use strict'; Common.Controllers.Collaboration = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend((function() { // Private var rootView, _userId, editUsers = [], editor = !!window.DE ? 'DE' : !!window.PE ? 'PE' : 'SSE', displayMode = "Markup", arrChangeReview = [], dateChange = [], _fileKey; return { models: [], collections: [], views: [ 'Common.Views.Collaboration' ], initialize: function() { var me = this; me.addListeners({ 'Common.Views.Collaboration': { 'page:show' : me.onPageShow } }); Common.NotificationCenter.on('comments:filterchange', _.bind(this.onFilterChange, this)); }, setApi: function(api) { this.api = api; this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAuthParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onChangeEditUsers, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onChangeEditUsers, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAddComment', _.bind(this.onApiAddComment, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAddComments', _.bind(this.onApiAddComments, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onChangeCommentData', _.bind(this.onApiChangeCommentData, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onRemoveComment', _.bind(this.onApiRemoveComment, this)); if (editor === 'DE') { this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onShowRevisionsChange', _.bind(this.changeReview, this)); } }, onLaunch: function () { this.createView('Common.Views.Collaboration').render(); }, setMode: function(mode) { this.appConfig = mode; _userId = mode.user.id; if (editor === 'DE') { _fileKey = mode.fileKey; } return this; }, showModal: function() { var me = this, isAndroid = Framework7.prototype.device.android === true, modalView, appPrefix = !!window.DE ? DE : !!window.PE ? PE : SSE, mainView = appPrefix.getController('Editor').getView('Editor').f7View; uiApp.closeModal(); if (Common.SharedSettings.get('phone')) { modalView = $$(uiApp.pickerModal( '
' + '' + '
' )).on('opened', function () { if (_.isFunction(me.api.asc_OnShowContextMenu)) { me.api.asc_OnShowContextMenu() } }).on('close', function (e) { mainView.showNavbar(); }).on('closed', function () { if (_.isFunction(me.api.asc_OnHideContextMenu)) { me.api.asc_OnHideContextMenu() } }); mainView.hideNavbar(); } else { modalView = uiApp.popover( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', $$('#toolbar-collaboration') ); } if (Framework7.prototype.device.android === true) { $$('.view.collaboration-root-view.navbar-through').removeClass('navbar-through').addClass('navbar-fixed'); $$('.view.collaboration-root-view .navbar').prependTo('.view.collaboration-root-view > .pages > .page'); } rootView = uiApp.addView('.collaboration-root-view', { dynamicNavbar: true, domCache: true }); if (!Common.SharedSettings.get('phone')) { this.picker = $$(modalView); var $overlay = $('.modal-overlay'); $$(this.picker).on('opened', function () { $overlay.on('removeClass', function () { if (!$overlay.hasClass('modal-overlay-visible')) { $overlay.addClass('modal-overlay-visible') } }); }).on('close', function () { $overlay.off('removeClass'); $overlay.removeClass('modal-overlay-visible') }); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('collaborationcontainer:show'); this.onPageShow(this.getView('Common.Views.Collaboration')); appPrefix.getController('Toolbar').getView('Toolbar').hideSearch(); }, rootView : function() { return rootView; }, onPageShow: function(view, pageId) { var me = this; if ('#reviewing-settings-view' == pageId) { me.initReviewingSettingsView(); Common.Utils.addScrollIfNeed('.page[data-page=reviewing-settings-view]', '.page[data-page=reviewing-settings-view] .page-content'); } else if ('#display-mode-view' == pageId) { me.initDisplayMode(); Common.Utils.addScrollIfNeed('.page[data-page=display-mode-view]', '.page[data-page=display-mode-view] .page-content'); } else if('#change-view' == pageId) { me.initChange(); Common.Utils.addScrollIfNeed('.page[data-page=change-view]', '.page[data-page=change-view] .page-content'); } else if('#edit-users-view' == pageId) { me.initEditUsers(); Common.Utils.addScrollIfNeed('.page[data-page=edit-users-view]', '.page[data-page=edit-users-view] .page-content'); } else if ('#comments-view' == pageId) { me.initComments(); Common.Utils.addScrollIfNeed('.page[data-page=comments-view]', '.page[data-page=comments-view] .page-content'); } else { if(editor === 'DE' && !this.appConfig.canReview) { this.canViewReview = me.api.asc_HaveRevisionsChanges(true); if (!this.canViewReview) { $('#reviewing-settings').hide(); } } } }, //Edit users onChangeEditUsers: function(users) { editUsers = users; }, initEditUsers: function() { var usersArray = []; _.each(editUsers, function(item){ var fio = item.asc_getUserName().split(' '); var initials = fio[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); if (fio.length > 1) { initials += fio[fio.length - 1].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); } if(!item.asc_getView()) { var userAttr = { color: item.asc_getColor(), id: item.asc_getId(), idOriginal: item.asc_getIdOriginal(), name: item.asc_getUserName(), view: item.asc_getView(), initial: initials }; if(item.asc_getIdOriginal() == _userId) { usersArray.unshift(userAttr); } else { usersArray.push(userAttr); } } }); var userSort = _.chain(usersArray).groupBy('idOriginal').value(); var templateUserItem = _.template([ '<% _.each(users, function (user) { %>', '
  • ' + '
    ' + '
    <%= user[0].initial %>
    '+ '' + '<% if (user.length>1) { %><% } %>' + '
    '+ '
  • ', '<% }); %>'].join('')); var templateUserList = _.template( '
    ' + this.textEditUser + '
    ' + ''); $('#user-list').html(templateUserList()); }, //Review initReviewingSettingsView: function () { var me = this; $('#settings-review input:checkbox').attr('checked', this.appConfig.isReviewOnly || Common.localStorage.getBool("de-mobile-track-changes-" + (_fileKey || ''))); $('#settings-review input:checkbox').single('change', _.bind(me.onTrackChanges, me)); $('#settings-accept-all').single('click', _.bind(me.onAcceptAllClick, me)); $('#settings-reject-all').single('click', _.bind(me.onRejectAllClick, me)); if(this.appConfig.isReviewOnly || displayMode == "Final" || displayMode == "Original" ) { $('#settings-accept-all').addClass('disabled'); $('#settings-reject-all').addClass('disabled'); $('#settings-review').addClass('disabled'); } else { $('#settings-accept-all').removeClass('disabled'); $('#settings-reject-all').removeClass('disabled'); $('#settings-review').removeClass('disabled'); } if (!this.appConfig.canReview) { $('#settings-review').hide(); $('#settings-accept-all').hide(); $('#settings-reject-all').hide(); } }, onTrackChanges: function(e) { var $checkbox = $(e.currentTarget), state = $checkbox.is(':checked'); if ( this.appConfig.isReviewOnly ) { $checkbox.attr('checked', true); } else { this.api.asc_SetTrackRevisions(state); var prefix = !!window.DE ? 'de' : !!window.PE ? 'pe' : 'sse'; Common.localStorage.setItem(prefix + "-mobile-track-changes-" + (_fileKey || ''), state ? 1 : 0); } }, onAcceptAllClick: function() { if (this.api) { this.api.asc_AcceptAllChanges(); } }, onRejectAllClick: function() { if (this.api) { this.api.asc_RejectAllChanges(); } }, initDisplayMode: function() { var me = this; $('input:radio').single('change', _.bind(me.onReviewViewClick, me)); var value = displayMode; if (value == null || value === "Markup") { $('input[value="Markup"]').attr('checked', true); } else if (value === 'Final') { $('input[value="Final"]').attr('checked', true); } else if (value === 'Original') { $('input[value="Original"]').attr('checked', true); } }, getDisplayMode: function() { return displayMode; }, onReviewViewClick: function(event) { var value = $(event.currentTarget).val(); this.turnDisplayMode(value); }, turnDisplayMode: function(value) { displayMode = value; if (this.api) { if (value === 'Final') this.api.asc_BeginViewModeInReview(true); else if (value === 'Original') this.api.asc_BeginViewModeInReview(false); else this.api.asc_EndViewModeInReview(); } this.initReviewingSettingsView(); DE.getController('Toolbar').setDisplayMode(value); }, initChange: function() { var goto = false; if(arrChangeReview.length == 0) { this.api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); } if(arrChangeReview.length == 0) { $('#current-change').css('display','none'); } else { $('#current-change #date-change').html(arrChangeReview[0].date); $('#current-change #user-name').html(arrChangeReview[0].user); $('#current-change #text-change').html(arrChangeReview[0].changetext); goto = arrChangeReview[0].goto; } if (goto) { $('#btn-goto-change').show(); } else { $('#btn-goto-change').hide(); } $('#btn-prev-change').single('click', _.bind(this.onPrevChange, this)); $('#btn-next-change').single('click', _.bind(this.onNextChange, this)); $('#btn-accept-change').single('click', _.bind(this.onAcceptCurrentChange, this)); $('#btn-reject-change').single('click', _.bind(this.onRejectCurrentChange, this)); $('#btn-goto-change').single('click', _.bind(this.onGotoNextChange, this)); if(this.appConfig.isReviewOnly) { $('#btn-accept-change').remove(); $('#btn-reject-change').remove(); if(arrChangeReview.length != 0 && arrChangeReview[0].editable) { $('.accept-reject').html('
    '); $('#btn-delete-change').single('click', _.bind(this.onDeleteChange, this)); } } if(displayMode == "Final" || displayMode == "Original") { $('#btn-accept-change').addClass('disabled'); $('#btn-reject-change').addClass('disabled'); $('#btn-prev-change').addClass('disabled'); $('#btn-next-change').addClass('disabled'); } if (!this.appConfig.canReview) { $('#btn-accept-change').addClass('disabled'); $('#btn-reject-change').addClass('disabled'); } }, onPrevChange: function() { this.api.asc_GetPrevRevisionsChange(); }, onNextChange: function() { this.api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); }, onAcceptCurrentChange: function() { var me = this; if (this.api) { this.api.asc_AcceptChanges(dateChange[0]); setTimeout(function () { me.api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); }, 10); } }, onRejectCurrentChange: function() { var me = this; if (this.api) { this.api.asc_RejectChanges(dateChange[0]); setTimeout(function () { me.api.asc_GetNextRevisionsChange(); }, 10); } }, updateInfoChange: function() { if($("[data-page=change-view]").length > 0) { if (arrChangeReview.length == 0) { $('#current-change #date-change').empty(); $('#current-change #user-name').empty(); $('#current-change #text-change').empty(); $('#current-change').hide(); $('#btn-goto-change').hide(); $('#btn-delete-change').hide(); } else { $('#current-change').show(); this.initChange(); } } }, changeReview: function (data) { if (data && data.length>0) { var me = this, arr = []; _.each(data, function (item) { var changetext = '', proptext = '', value = item.get_Value(), movetype = item.get_MoveType(), settings = false; switch (item.get_Type()) { case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TextAdd: changetext = (movetype==Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.NoMove) ? me.textInserted : me.textParaMoveTo; if (typeof value == 'object') { _.each(value, function (obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') changetext += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(obj)); else { switch (obj) { case 0: changetext += (' <' + me.textImage + '>'); break; case 1: changetext += (' <' + me.textShape + '>'); break; case 2: changetext += (' <' + me.textChart + '>'); break; case 3: changetext += (' <' + me.textEquation + '>'); break; } } }) } else if (typeof value === 'string') { changetext += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(value)); } break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TextRem: changetext = (movetype==Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.NoMove) ? me.textDeleted : (item.is_MovedDown() ? me.textParaMoveFromDown : me.textParaMoveFromUp); if (typeof value == 'object') { _.each(value, function (obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') changetext += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(obj)); else { switch (obj) { case 0: changetext += (' <' + me.textImage + '>'); break; case 1: changetext += (' <' + me.textShape + '>'); break; case 2: changetext += (' <' + me.textChart + '>'); break; case 3: changetext += (' <' + me.textEquation + '>'); break; } } }) } else if (typeof value === 'string') { changetext += (' ' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(value)); } break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaAdd: changetext = me.textParaInserted; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaRem: changetext = me.textParaDeleted; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TextPr: changetext = '' + me.textFormatted; if (value.Get_Bold() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Bold() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textBold + ', '); if (value.Get_Italic() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Italic() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textItalic + ', '); if (value.Get_Underline() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Underline() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textUnderline + ', '); if (value.Get_Strikeout() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Strikeout() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textStrikeout + ', '); if (value.Get_DStrikeout() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_DStrikeout() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textDStrikeout + ', '); if (value.Get_Caps() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_Caps() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textCaps + ', '); if (value.Get_SmallCaps() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_SmallCaps() ? '' : me.textNot) + me.textSmallCaps + ', '); if (value.Get_VertAlign() !== undefined) proptext += (((value.Get_VertAlign() == 1) ? me.textSuperScript : ((value.Get_VertAlign() == 2) ? me.textSubScript : me.textBaseline)) + ', '); if (value.Get_Color() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textColor + ', '); if (value.Get_Highlight() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textHighlight + ', '); if (value.Get_Shd() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textShd + ', '); if (value.Get_FontFamily() !== undefined) proptext += (value.Get_FontFamily() + ', '); if (value.Get_FontSize() !== undefined) proptext += (value.Get_FontSize() + ', '); if (value.Get_Spacing() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textSpacing + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_Spacing()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_Position() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textPosition + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_Position()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_Lang() !== undefined) proptext += (Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageName(value.Get_Lang())[1] + ', '); if (!_.isEmpty(proptext)) { changetext += ': '; proptext = proptext.substring(0, proptext.length - 2); } changetext += ''; changetext += proptext; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.ParaPr: changetext = '' + me.textParaFormatted; if (value.Get_ContextualSpacing()) proptext += ((value.Get_ContextualSpacing() ? me.textContextual : me.textNoContextual) + ', '); if (value.Get_IndLeft() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textIndentLeft + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_IndLeft()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_IndRight() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textIndentRight + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_IndRight()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_IndFirstLine() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textFirstLine + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_IndFirstLine()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_Jc() !== undefined) { switch (value.Get_Jc()) { case 0: proptext += (me.textRight + ', '); break; case 1: proptext += (me.textLeft + ', '); break; case 2: proptext += (me.textCenter + ', '); break; case 3: proptext += (me.textJustify + ', '); break; } } if (value.Get_KeepLines() !== undefined) proptext += ((value.Get_KeepLines() ? me.textKeepLines : me.textNoKeepLines) + ', '); if (value.Get_KeepNext()) proptext += ((value.Get_KeepNext() ? me.textKeepNext : me.textNoKeepNext) + ', '); if (value.Get_PageBreakBefore()) proptext += ((value.Get_PageBreakBefore() ? me.textBreakBefore : me.textNoBreakBefore) + ', '); if (value.Get_SpacingLineRule() !== undefined && value.Get_SpacingLine() !== undefined) { proptext += me.textLineSpacing; proptext += (((value.Get_SpacingLineRule() == c_paragraphLinerule.LINERULE_LEAST) ? me.textAtLeast : ((value.Get_SpacingLineRule() == c_paragraphLinerule.LINERULE_AUTO) ? me.textMultiple : me.textExact)) + ' '); proptext += (((value.Get_SpacingLineRule() == c_paragraphLinerule.LINERULE_AUTO) ? value.Get_SpacingLine() : Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_SpacingLine()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName()) + ', '); } if (value.Get_SpacingBeforeAutoSpacing()) proptext += (me.textSpacingBefore + ' ' + me.textAuto + ', '); else if (value.Get_SpacingBefore() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textSpacingBefore + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_SpacingBefore()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_SpacingAfterAutoSpacing()) proptext += (me.textSpacingAfter + ' ' + me.textAuto + ', '); else if (value.Get_SpacingAfter() !== undefined) proptext += (me.textSpacingAfter + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(value.Get_SpacingAfter()).toFixed(2) + ' ' + Common.Utils.Metric.getCurrentMetricName() + ', '); if (value.Get_WidowControl()) proptext += ((value.Get_WidowControl() ? me.textWidow : me.textNoWidow) + ', '); if (value.Get_Tabs() !== undefined) proptext += proptext += (me.textTabs + ', '); if (value.Get_NumPr() !== undefined) proptext += proptext += (me.textNum + ', '); if (value.Get_PStyle() !== undefined) { var style = me.api.asc_GetStyleNameById(value.Get_PStyle()); if (!_.isEmpty(style)) proptext += (style + ', '); } if (!_.isEmpty(proptext)) { changetext += ': '; proptext = proptext.substring(0, proptext.length - 2); } changetext += ''; changetext += proptext; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.TablePr: changetext = me.textTableChanged; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.RowsAdd: changetext = me.textTableRowsAdd; break; case Asc.c_oAscRevisionsChangeType.RowsRem: changetext = me.textTableRowsDel; break; } var date = (item.get_DateTime() == '') ? new Date() : new Date(item.get_DateTime()), user = item.get_UserName(), goto = (item.get_MoveType() == Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.MoveTo || item.get_MoveType() == Asc.c_oAscRevisionsMove.MoveFrom); date = me.dateToLocaleTimeString(date); var editable = (item.get_UserId() == _userId); arr.push({date: date, user: user, changetext: changetext, goto: goto, editable: editable}); }); arrChangeReview = arr; dateChange = data; } else { arrChangeReview = []; dateChange = []; } this.updateInfoChange(); }, dateToLocaleTimeString: function (date) { function format(date) { var strTime, hours = date.getHours(), minutes = date.getMinutes(), ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; hours = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12' minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes; strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } // MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM return (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (date.getDate()) + '/' + date.getFullYear() + ' ' + format(date); }, onDeleteChange: function() { if (this.api) { this.api.asc_RejectChanges(dateChange[0]); } }, onGotoNextChange: function() { if (this.api) { this.api.asc_FollowRevisionMove(dateChange[0]); } }, //Comments groupCollectionComments: [], collectionComments: [], groupCollectionFilter: [], filter: [], initComments: function() { this.getView('Common.Views.Collaboration').renderComments((this.groupCollectionFilter.length !== 0) ? this.groupCollectionFilter : (this.collectionComments.length !== 0) ? this.collectionComments : false); $('.comment-quote').single('click', _.bind(this.onSelectComment, this)); }, readSDKReplies: function (data) { var i = 0, replies = [], date = null; var repliesCount = data.asc_getRepliesCount(); if (repliesCount) { for (i = 0; i < repliesCount; ++i) { date = (data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getOnlyOfficeTime()) ? new Date(this.stringOOToLocalDate(data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getOnlyOfficeTime())) : ((data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getTime() == '') ? new Date() : new Date(this.stringUtcToLocalDate(data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getTime()))); var user = _.findWhere(editUsers, {idOriginal: data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getUserId()}); replies.push({ userid : data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getUserId(), username : data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getUserName(), usercolor : (user) ? user.asc_getColor() : null, date : this.dateToLocaleTimeString(date), reply : data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getText(), time : date.getTime() }); } } return replies; }, readSDKComment: function(id, data) { var date = (data.asc_getOnlyOfficeTime()) ? new Date(this.stringOOToLocalDate(data.asc_getOnlyOfficeTime())) : ((data.asc_getTime() == '') ? new Date() : new Date(this.stringUtcToLocalDate(data.asc_getTime()))); var user = _.findWhere(editUsers, {idOriginal: data.asc_getUserId()}), groupname = id.substr(0, id.lastIndexOf('_')+1).match(/^(doc|sheet[0-9_]+)_/); var comment = { uid : id, userid : data.asc_getUserId(), username : data.asc_getUserName(), usercolor : (user) ? user.asc_getColor() : null, date : this.dateToLocaleTimeString(date), quote : data.asc_getQuoteText(), comment : data.asc_getText(), resolved : data.asc_getSolved(), unattached : !_.isUndefined(data.asc_getDocumentFlag) ? data.asc_getDocumentFlag() : false, time : date.getTime(), replys : [], groupName : (groupname && groupname.length>1) ? groupname[1] : null } if (comment) { var replies = this.readSDKReplies(data); if (replies.length) { comment.replys = replies; } } return comment; }, onApiChangeCommentData: function(id, data) { var me = this, i = 0, date = null, replies = null, repliesCount = 0, dateReply = null, comment = _.findWhere(me.collectionComments, {uid: id}) || this.findCommentInGroup(id); if (comment) { date = (data.asc_getOnlyOfficeTime()) ? new Date(this.stringOOToLocalDate(data.asc_getOnlyOfficeTime())) : ((data.asc_getTime() == '') ? new Date() : new Date(this.stringUtcToLocalDate(data.asc_getTime()))); var user = _.findWhere(editUsers, {idOriginal: data.asc_getUserId()}); comment.comment = data.asc_getText(); comment.userid = data.asc_getUserId(); comment.username = data.asc_getUserName(); comment.usercolor = (user) ? user.asc_getColor() : null; comment.resolved = data.asc_getSolved(); comment.quote = data.asc_getQuoteText(); comment.time = date.getTime(); comment.date = me.dateToLocaleTimeString(date); replies = _.clone(comment.replys); replies.length = 0; repliesCount = data.asc_getRepliesCount(); for (i = 0; i < repliesCount; ++i) { dateReply = (data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getOnlyOfficeTime()) ? new Date(this.stringOOToLocalDate(data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getOnlyOfficeTime())) : ((data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getTime() == '') ? new Date() : new Date(this.stringUtcToLocalDate(data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getTime()))); user = _.findWhere(editUsers, {idOriginal: data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getUserId()}); replies.push({ userid : data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getUserId(), username : data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getUserName(), usercolor : (user) ? user.asc_getColor() : null, date : me.dateToLocaleTimeString(dateReply), reply : data.asc_getReply(i).asc_getText(), time : dateReply.getTime() }); } comment.replys = replies; if($('.page-comments').length > 0) { this.initComments(); } } }, onApiAddComment: function (id, data) { var comment = this.readSDKComment(id, data); if (comment) { comment.groupName ? this.addCommentToGroupCollection(comment) : this.collectionComments.push(comment); } if($('.page-comments').length > 0) { this.initComments(); } }, onApiAddComments: function (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { var comment = this.readSDKComment(data[i].asc_getId(), data[i]); comment.groupName ? this.addCommentToGroupCollection(comment) : this.collectionComments.push(comment); } if($('.page-comments').length > 0) { this.initComments(); } }, stringOOToLocalDate: function (date) { if (typeof date === 'string') return parseInt(date); return 0; }, addCommentToGroupCollection: function (comment) { var groupname = comment.groupName; if (!this.groupCollectionComments[groupname]) this.groupCollectionComments[groupname] = []; this.groupCollectionComments[groupname].push(comment); if (this.filter.indexOf(groupname) != -1) { this.groupCollectionFilter.push(comment); } }, findCommentInGroup: function (id) { for (var name in this.groupCollectionComments) { var store = this.groupCollectionComments[name], model = _.findWhere(store, {uid: id}); if (model) return model; } }, onApiRemoveComment: function (id) { function remove (collection, key) { if(collection instanceof Array) { var index = collection.indexOf(key); if(index != -1) { collection.splice(index, 1); } } } if (this.groupCollectionComments) { for (var name in this.groupCollectionComments) { var store = this.groupCollectionComments[name], comment = _.findWhere(store, {uid: id}); if (comment) { remove(this.groupCollectionComments[name], comment); if (this.filter.indexOf(name) != -1) { remove(this.groupCollectionFilter, comment); } } } } if (this.collectionComments.length > 0) { var comment = _.findWhere(this.collectionComments, {uid: id}); if (comment) { remove(this.collectionComments, comment); } } if($('.page-comments').length > 0) { this.initComments(); } }, onFilterChange: function (filter) { if (filter) { var me = this, comments = []; this.filter = filter; filter.forEach(function(item){ if (!me.groupCollectionComments[item]) me.groupCollectionComments[item] = []; comments = comments.concat(me.groupCollectionComments[item]); }); this.groupCollectionFilter = comments; } }, onSelectComment: function (e) { var id = $(e.currentTarget).data('id'); this.api.asc_selectComment(id); }, textInserted: 'Inserted:', textDeleted: 'Deleted:', textParaInserted: 'Paragraph Inserted ', textParaDeleted: 'Paragraph Deleted ', textFormatted: 'Formatted', textParaFormatted: 'Paragraph Formatted', textNot: 'Not ', textBold: 'Bold', textItalic: 'Italic', textStrikeout: 'Strikeout', textUnderline: 'Underline', textColor: 'Font color', textBaseline: 'Baseline', textSuperScript: 'Superscript', textSubScript: 'Subscript', textHighlight: 'Highlight color', textSpacing: 'Spacing', textDStrikeout: 'Double strikeout', textCaps: 'All caps', textSmallCaps: 'Small caps', textPosition: 'Position', textShd: 'Background color', textContextual: 'Don\'t add interval between paragraphs of the same style', textNoContextual: 'Add interval between paragraphs of the same style', textIndentLeft: 'Indent left', textIndentRight: 'Indent right', textFirstLine: 'First line', textRight: 'Align right', textLeft: 'Align left', textCenter: 'Align center', textJustify: 'Align justify', textBreakBefore: 'Page break before', textKeepNext: 'Keep with next', textKeepLines: 'Keep lines together', textNoBreakBefore: 'No page break before', textNoKeepNext: 'Don\'t keep with next', textNoKeepLines: 'Don\'t keep lines together', textLineSpacing: 'Line Spacing: ', textMultiple: 'multiple', textAtLeast: 'at least', textExact: 'exactly', textSpacingBefore: 'Spacing before', textSpacingAfter: 'Spacing after', textAuto: 'auto', textWidow: 'Widow control', textNoWidow: 'No widow control', textTabs: 'Change tabs', textNum: 'Change numbering', textEquation: 'Equation', textImage: 'Image', textChart: 'Chart', textShape: 'Shape', textTableChanged: 'Table Settings Changed', textTableRowsAdd: 'Table Rows Added', textTableRowsDel: 'Table Rows Deleted', textParaMoveTo: 'Moved:', textParaMoveFromUp: 'Moved Up:', textParaMoveFromDown: 'Moved Down:', textEditUser: 'Document is currently being edited by several users.' } })(), Common.Controllers.Collaboration || {})) });