Insert charts

Insert a chart

To insert a chart into the speadsheet,

  1. Select the cell range that contain the data you wish to use for the chart,
  2. switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar,
  3. Click the Chart icon Chart icon on the top toolbar,
  4. Select a chart Type you wish to insert: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY (Scatter), or Stock.

    Note: for Column, Line, Pie, or Bar charts, a 3D format is also available.

After that the chart will be added to the worksheet.

Adjust the chart settings

Now you can change the settings of the inserted chart. To change the chart type,

  1. select the chart with the mouse,
  2. click the Chart settings Chart settings icon icon on the right sidebar,

    Chart Settings Right-Side Panel window

  3. open the Type drop-down list and select the type you need,
  4. open the Style drop-down list below and select the style which suits you best.

The selected chart type and style will be changed.

To edit chart data:

  1. Click the Select Data button on the right-side panel.
  2. Use the Chart Data dialog to manage Chart Data Range, Legend Entries (Series), Horizontal (Category) Axis Label and Switch Row/Column.

    Chart Data window

    • Chart Data Range - select data for your chart.
      • Click the Source data range icon icon on the right of the Chart data range box to select data range.

        Select Data Range window

    • Legend Entries (Series) - add, edit, or remove legend entries. Type or select series name for legend entries.
      • In Legend Entries (Series), click Add button.
      • In Edit Series, type a new legend entry or click the Source data range icon icon on the right of the Select name box.

        Edit Series window

    • Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels - change text for category labels.
      • In Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, click Edit.
      • In Axis label range, type the labels you want to add or click the Source data range icon icon on the right of the Axis label range box to select data range.

        Axis Labels window

    • Switch Row/Column - rearrange the worksheet data that is configured in the chart not in the way that you want it. Switch rows to columns to display data on a different axis.
  3. Click OK button to apply the changes and close the window.

Click Show Advanced Settings to change other settings such as Layout, Vertical Axis, Horizontal Axis, Cell Snapping and Alternative Text.

The Layout tab allows you to change the layout of chart elements.

Chart - Advanced Settings

Note: the Vertical/Horizontal Axis tabs will be disabled for Pie charts since charts of this type have no axes.

The Vertical Axis tab allows you to change the parameters of the vertical axis (also referred to as the values axis or y-axis) which displays numeric values. Note that the vertical axis will be the category axis which displays text labels for the Bar charts, therefore in this case the Vertical Axis tab options will correspond to the ones described in the next section. For the XY (Scatter) charts, both axes are value axes.

Chart - Advanced Settings

The Horizontal Axis tab allows you to change the parameters of the horizontal axis also referred to as the categories axis or x-axis which displays text labels. Note that the horizontal axis will be the value axis which displays numeric values for the Bar charts, therefore in this case the Horizontal Axis tab options will correspond to the ones described in the previous section. For the XY (Scatter) charts, both axes are value axes.

Chart - Advanced Settings

The Cell Snapping tab contains the following parameters:

Chart - Advanced Settings: Cell Snapping

The Alternative Text tab allows to specify the Title and the Description which will be read to people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information the chart contains.

Chart - Advanced Settings

Edit chart elements

To edit the chart Title, select the default text with the mouse and type in your own one instead.

To change the font formatting within text elements, such as the chart title, axes titles, legend entries, data labels etc., select the necessary text element by left-clicking it. Then use icons on the Home tab of the top toolbar to change the font type, style, size, or color.

When the chart is selected, the Shape settings Shape settings icon icon is also available on the right, since the shape is used as a background for the chart. You can click this icon to open the Shape Settings tab on the right sidebar and adjust the shape Fill and Stroke. Note that you cannot change the shape type.

Using the Shape Settings tab on the right panel you can not only adjust the chart area itself, but also change the chart elements, such as the plot area, data series, chart title, legend, etc. and apply different fill types to them. Select the chart element by clicking it with the left mouse button and choose the preferred fill type: solid color, gradient, texture or picture, pattern. Specify the fill parameters and set the Opacity level if necessary. When you select a vertical or horizontal axis or gridlines, the stroke settings are only available on the Shape Settings tab: color, width and type. For more details on how to work with shape colors, fills and stroke, please refer to this page.

Note: the Show shadow option is also available on the Shape settings tab, but it is disabled for chart elements.

If you need to resize chart elements, left-click to select the needed element and drag one of 8 white squares Square icon located along the perimeter of the element.

Resize chart elements

To change the position of the element, left-click on it, make sure your cursor changed to Arrow, hold the left mouse button and drag the element to the needed position.

Move chart elements

To delete a chart element, select it by left-clicking and press the Delete key on the keyboard.

You can also rotate 3D charts using the mouse. Left-click within the plot area and hold the mouse button. Drag the cursor without releasing the mouse button to change the 3D chart orientation.

3D chart

If necessary, you can change the chart size and position.

To delete the inserted chart, click it and press the Delete key.

Edit sparklines

Sparkline is a little chart that fits in one cell. Sparklines can be useful if you want to visually represent information for each row or column in large data sets. This makes it easier to show trends in multiple data series.

If your spreadsheet already contains sparklines created with another application, you can change the sparkline properties. To do that, select the cell that contains a sparkline with the mouse and click the Chart settings Chart settings icon icon on the right sidebar. If the selected sparkline is included into a sparkline group, the changes will be applied to all sparklines in the group.

Chart Settings Right-Side Panel window

Click the Show advanced settings link situated on the right-side panel to open the Sparkline - Advanced Settings window.

Sparkline Advanced Settings window

The Type & Data tab allows you to change the sparkline Type and Style as well as specify the Hidden and Empty cells display settings:

Sparkline Advanced Settings window

The Axis Options tab allows you to specify the following Horizontal/Vertical Axis parameters: