/** * User: Julia.Radzhabova * Date: 05.03.15 * Time: 16:42 */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; Common.Models = Common.Models || {}; define([ 'underscore', 'backbone', 'common/main/lib/component/BaseView' ], function(_, Backbone){ 'use strict'; Common.Models.HistoryVersion = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: function() { return { version : 0, revision: 0, changeid : undefined, userid : undefined, username: 'Guest', usercolor: '#ff0000', created : undefined, id : Common.UI.getId(), // internal url : '', urlDiff : '', urlGetTime : '', docId: '', docIdPrev: '', arrColors: [], // array of user colors for all changes of current version markedAsVersion: false } } }); });