Insert and format autoshapes

Insert an autoshape

To add an autoshape in the Spreadsheet Editor,

  1. switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar,
  2. click the
    Shape icon on the top toolbar,
  3. select one of the available autoshape groups: basic shapes, figured arrows, math, charts, stars & ribbons, callouts, buttons, rectangles, lines,
  4. click the necessary autoshape within the selected group,
  5. place the mouse cursor where the shape sholud be added,
  6. once the autoshape is added, you can change its size and position as well as its settings.

Adjust the autoshape settings

Some of the autoshape settings can be changed using the Shape settings tab on the right sidebar that will open if you select the inserted autoshape with the mouse and click the Shape settings

icon. The following settings can be changed:

Adjust shape advanced settings

To change the advanced settings of the autoshape, use the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar. The 'Shape - Advanced Settings' window will open:

Shape - Advanced Settings

The Size tab contains the following parameters:

Shape - Advanced Settings

The Rotation tab contains the following parameters:

Shape - Advanced Settings

The Weights & Arrows tab contains the following parameters:

Shape - Advanced Settings

The Text Box tab allows you to Resize shape to fit text, Allow text to overflow shape or change the Top, Bottom, Left and Right internal margins of the autoshape (i.e. the distance between the text within the shape and the autoshape borders).

Note: this tab is only available if text is added within the autoshape, otherwise the tab is disabled.

Shape Properties - Columns tab

The Columns tab allows you to add columns of text within the autoshape specifying the necessary Number of columns (up to 16) and Spacing between columns. Once you click OK, the text that already exists or any other text you enter within the autoshape will appear in columns and will flow from one column to another one.

Shape - Advanced Settings: Cell Snapping

The Cell Snapping tab contains the following parameters:

Shape - Advanced Settings: Alternative Text

The Alternative Text tab allows you to specify the Title and Description which will be read to people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information the shape contains.

Insert and format text within the autoshape

To insert a text into the autoshape, select the shape with the mouse and start typing your text. The text will become part of the autoshape (when you move or rotate the shape, the text also moves or rotates with it).

All the formatting options you can apply to the text within the autoshape are listed here.

Join autoshapes using connectors

You can connect autoshapes using lines with connection points to demonstrate dependencies between the objects (e.g. if you want to create a flowchart). To do that,

  1. click the
    Shape icon on the Insert tab of the top toolbar,
  2. select the Lines group from the menu,

    Shapes - Lines

  3. click the necessary shape within the selected group (excepting the last three shapes which are not connectors, namely Curve, Scribble and Freeform),
  4. hover the mouse cursor over the first autoshape and click one of the connection points
    that appear on the shape outline,

  5. drag the mouse cursor towards the second autoshape and click the necessary connection point on its outline.

If you move the joined autoshapes, the connector remains attached to the shapes and moves together with them.

You can also detach the connector from the shapes and then attach it to any other connection points.

Assign a Macro to a Shape

You can provide a quick and easy access to a macro within a spreadsheet by assigning a macro to any shape. Once you assign a macro, the shape appears as a button control and you can run the macro whenever you click it.

To assign a macro: