/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha * street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * DocProtection.js * * Created by Julia Radzhabova on 21.09.2022 * Copyright (c) 2022 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ define([ 'core', 'common/main/lib/view/Protection', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/DocProtection', 'documenteditor/main/app/view/ProtectDialog' ], function () { 'use strict'; if (!Common.enumLock) Common.enumLock = {}; var enumLock = { docLockView: 'lock-mode-view', docLockForms: 'lock-mode-forms', docLockReview: 'lock-mode-review', docLockComments: 'lock-mode-comments', protectLock: 'protect-lock' }; for (var key in enumLock) { if (enumLock.hasOwnProperty(key)) { Common.enumLock[key] = enumLock[key]; } } DE.Controllers.DocProtection = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend({ models : [], collections : [ ], views : [ 'DocProtection' ], initialize: function () { this.addListeners({ 'DocProtection': { 'protect:document': _.bind(this.onProtectDocClick, this) } }); }, onLaunch: function () { this._state = {}; Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this)); }, setConfig: function (data, api) { this.setApi(api); }, setApi: function (api) { this.userCollection = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Users'); if (api) { this.api = api; this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onChangeDocumentProtection',_.bind(this.onChangeProtectDocument, this)); this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onLockDocumentProtection',_.bind(this.onLockDocumentProtection, this)); } }, setMode: function(mode) { this.appConfig = mode; this.currentUserId = mode.user.id; this.appConfig.isEdit && (this.view = this.createView('DocProtection', { mode: mode })); return this; }, createToolbarPanel: function() { if (this.view) return this.view.getPanel(); }, getView: function(name) { return !name && this.view ? this.view : Backbone.Controller.prototype.getView.call(this, name); }, onProtectDocClick: function(state) { this.view.btnProtectDoc.toggle(!state, true); if (state) { var me = this; me._docProtectDlg = new DE.Views.ProtectDialog({ props: me.appConfig, handler: function(result, value, props) { if (result == 'ok') { var protection = me.api.asc_getDocumentProtection() || new AscCommonWord.CDocProtect(); protection.asc_setEditType(props); protection.asc_setPassword(value); me.api.asc_setDocumentProtection(protection); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete'); } }).on('close', function() { me._docProtectDlg = undefined; }); me._docProtectDlg.show(); } else { var me = this, props = me.api.asc_getDocumentProtection(); if (props && props.asc_getIsPassword()) { var win = new Common.Views.OpenDialog({ title: me.view.txtUnlockTitle, closable: true, type: Common.Utils.importTextType.DRM, txtOpenFile: me.view.txtDocUnlockDescription, validatePwd: false, maxPasswordLength: 15, handler: function (result, value) { if (result == 'ok') { if (me.api) { props.asc_setEditType(Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.None); value && value.drmOptions && props.asc_setPassword(value.drmOptions.asc_getPassword()); me.api.asc_setDocumentProtection(props); } Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete'); } } }).on('close', function() { }); win.show(); } else { if (!props) props = new AscCommonWord.CDocProtect(); props.asc_setEditType(Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.None); me.api.asc_setDocumentProtection(props); } } }, onAppReady: function (config) { if (!this.api) return; var me = this; (new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(); })).then(function () { var props = me.api.asc_getDocumentProtection(), type = props ? props.asc_getEditType() : Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.None, isProtected = (type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.ReadOnly || type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Comments || type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.TrackedChanges || type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Forms); me.view && me.view.btnProtectDoc.toggle(!!isProtected, true); if (isProtected) { var str; switch (type) { case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.ReadOnly: str = me.txtIsProtectedView; break; case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Comments: str = me.txtIsProtectedComment; break; case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Forms: str = me.txtIsProtectedForms; break; case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.TrackedChanges: str = me.txtIsProtectedTrack; break; } me._protectionTip = new Common.UI.SynchronizeTip({ extCls: 'no-arrow', placement: 'bottom', target: $('.toolbar'), text: str, showLink: false, style: 'max-width: 400px;' }); me._protectionTip.on('closeclick', function () { this.close(); }).show(); } props && me.applyRestrictions(type); }); }, onChangeProtectDocument: function(userId) { if (this._protectionTip && this._protectionTip.isVisible()) { this._protectionTip.close(); this._protectionTip = undefined; } var props = this.getDocProps(true), isProtected = props && (props.isReadOnly || props.isCommentsOnly || props.isFormsOnly || props.isReviewOnly); this.view && this.view.btnProtectDoc.toggle(isProtected, true); // off preview forms var forms = this.getApplication().getController('FormsTab'); forms && forms.changeViewFormMode(false); // off preview review changes var review = this.getApplication().getController('Common.Controllers.ReviewChanges'); if (review && review.isPreviewChangesMode()) { var value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("de-review-mode-editor") || 'markup'; review.turnDisplayMode(value); review.view && review.view.turnDisplayMode(value); } props && this.applyRestrictions(props.type); if (this._docProtectDlg && this._docProtectDlg.isVisible()) this._docProtectDlg.SetDisabled(!!this._state.lockDocProtect || isProtected); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('protect:doclock', props); if (userId && this.userCollection) { var recUser = this.userCollection.findOriginalUser(userId); if (recUser && (recUser.get('idOriginal') !== this.currentUserId)) { var str = this.txtWasUnprotected; switch (this._state.docProtection.type) { case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.ReadOnly: str = this.txtWasProtectedView; break; case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Comments: str = this.txtWasProtectedComment; break; case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Forms: str = this.txtWasProtectedForms; break; case Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.TrackedChanges: str = this.txtWasProtectedTrack; break; } str && Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('showmessage', {msg: str}, {timeout: 5000, hideCloseTip: true}); } } }, getDocProps: function(update) { if (!this.appConfig || !this.appConfig.isEdit && !this.appConfig.isRestrictedEdit) return; if (update || !this._state.docProtection) { var props = this.api.asc_getDocumentProtection(), type = props ? props.asc_getEditType() : Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.None; this._state.docProtection = { type: type, isReadOnly: type===Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.ReadOnly, isCommentsOnly: type===Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Comments, isReviewOnly: type===Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.TrackedChanges, isFormsOnly: type===Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Forms }; } return this._state.docProtection; }, applyRestrictions: function(type) { if (type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.ReadOnly) { this.api.asc_setRestriction(Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.View); } else if (type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Comments) { this.api.asc_setRestriction(this.appConfig.canComments ? Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.OnlyComments : Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.View); } else if (type === Asc.c_oAscEDocProtect.Forms) { this.api.asc_setRestriction(this.appConfig.canFillForms ? Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.OnlyForms : Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.View); } else { // none or tracked changes if (this.appConfig.isRestrictedEdit) { this.appConfig.canComments && this.api.asc_setRestriction(Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.OnlyComments); this.appConfig.canFillForms && this.api.asc_setRestriction(Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.OnlyForms); } else this.api.asc_setRestriction(Asc.c_oAscRestrictionType.None); } this.view && this.view.updateProtectionTips(type); }, onLockDocumentProtection: function(state) { this._state.lockDocProtect = state; this.view && Common.Utils.lockControls(Common.enumLock.protectLock, state, {array: [this.view.btnProtectDoc]}); if (this._docProtectDlg && this._docProtectDlg.isVisible()) this._docProtectDlg.SetDisabled(state || this._state.docProtection && (this._state.docProtection.isReadOnly || this._state.docProtection.isFormsOnly || this._state.docProtection.isCommentsOnly || this._state.docProtection.isReviewOnly)); }, txtWasProtectedView: 'Document has been protected by another user.\nYou may only view this document.', txtWasProtectedTrack: 'Document has been protected by another user.\nYou may edit this document, but all changes will be tracked.', txtWasProtectedComment: 'Document has been protected by another user.\nYou may only insert comments to this document.', txtWasProtectedForms: 'Document has been protected by another user.\nYou may only fill in forms in this document.', txtWasUnprotected: 'Document has been unprotected.', txtIsProtectedView: 'Document is protected. You may only view this document.', txtIsProtectedTrack: 'Document is protected. You may edit this document, but all changes will be tracked.', txtIsProtectedComment: 'Document is protected. You may only insert comments to this document.', txtIsProtectedForms: 'Document is protected. You may only fill in forms in this document.' }, DE.Controllers.DocProtection || {})); });