/** * Sencha Blink * @author Jacky Nguyen <jacky@sencha.com> */ (function(global) { var emptyFn = function(){}, callbacks = [], doc = global.document, head = doc.head, addWindowListener = global.addEventListener, removeWindowListener = global.removeEventListener, jsonParse = JSON.parse, a = doc.createElement('a'), documentLocation = doc.location, documentUri = documentLocation.protocol + '//' + documentLocation.hostname + documentLocation.pathname + documentLocation.search, manifestFile = 'app.json', isRefreshing = false, activeManifest, appCache, storage; try { storage = global.localStorage; appCache = global.applicationCache; } catch(e) {} function getManifestStorageKey(id) { return id + '-' + documentUri + manifestFile; } function Manifest(manifest) { var manifestContent; if (typeof manifest == 'string') { manifestContent = manifest; manifest = jsonParse(manifestContent); } else { manifestContent = JSON.stringify(manifest); } var applicationId = manifest.id, key = getManifestStorageKey(applicationId), assetMap = {}; function processAsset(asset) { var uri; if (typeof asset == 'string') { asset = { path: asset }; } if (asset.shared) { asset.version = asset.shared; uri = asset.shared + asset.path; } else { uri = toAbsoluteUri(asset.path); } asset.uri = uri; asset.key = applicationId + '-' + uri; assetMap[uri] = asset; return asset; } function processAssets(assets, type) { var ln = assets.length, i, asset; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { asset = assets[i]; assets[i] = asset = processAsset(asset); asset.type = type; asset.index = i; asset.collection = assets; asset.ready = false; asset.evaluated = false; } return assets; } this.key = key; this.css = processAssets(manifest.css, 'css'); this.js = processAssets(manifest.js, 'js'); Ext.microloaded = true; var filterPlatform = window.Ext.filterPlatform = function(platform) { var profileMatch = false, ua = navigator.userAgent, j, jln; platform = [].concat(platform); function isPhone(ua) { var isMobile = /Mobile(\/|\s)/.test(ua); // Either: // - iOS but not iPad // - Android 2 // - Android with "Mobile" in the UA return /(iPhone|iPod)/.test(ua) || (!/(Silk)/.test(ua) && (/(Android)/.test(ua) && (/(Android 2)/.test(ua) || isMobile))) || (/(BlackBerry|BB)/.test(ua) && isMobile) || /(Windows Phone)/.test(ua); } function isTablet(ua) { return !isPhone(ua) && (/iPad/.test(ua) || /Android|Silk/.test(ua) || /(RIM Tablet OS)/.test(ua) || (/MSIE 10/.test(ua) && /; Touch/.test(ua))); } // Check if the ?platform parameter is set in the URL var paramsString = window.location.search.substr(1), paramsArray = paramsString.split("&"), params = {}, testPlatform, i; for (i = 0; i < paramsArray.length; i++) { var tmpArray = paramsArray[i].split("="); params[tmpArray[0]] = tmpArray[1]; } testPlatform = params.platform; if (testPlatform) { return platform.indexOf(testPlatform) != -1; } for (j = 0, jln = platform.length; j < jln; j++) { switch (platform[j]) { case 'phone': profileMatch = isPhone(ua); break; case 'tablet': profileMatch = isTablet(ua); break; case 'desktop': profileMatch = !isPhone(ua) && !isTablet(ua); break; case 'ios': profileMatch = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/.test(ua); break; case 'android': profileMatch = /(Android|Silk)/.test(ua); break; case 'blackberry': profileMatch = /(BlackBerry|BB)/.test(ua); break; case 'safari': profileMatch = /Safari/.test(ua) && !(/(BlackBerry|BB)/.test(ua)); break; case 'chrome': profileMatch = /Chrome/.test(ua); break; case 'ie10': profileMatch = /MSIE 10/.test(ua); break; case 'windows': profileMatch = /MSIE 10/.test(ua) || /Trident/.test(ua); break; case 'tizen': profileMatch = /Tizen/.test(ua); break; case 'firefox': profileMatch = /Firefox/.test(ua); } if (profileMatch) { return true; } } return false; }; this.css = this.css.filter(function(css) { var platform = css.platform, exclude = css.exclude; if (platform) { if (filterPlatform(platform) && !filterPlatform(exclude)) { Ext.theme = { name: css.theme || 'Default' }; return true; } css.filtered = true; return false; } return true; }); this.js = this.js.filter(function(js) { var platform = js.platform, exclude = js.exclude; if (platform) { if (filterPlatform(platform) && !filterPlatform(exclude)) { return true; } else { js.filtered = true; return false; } } return true; }); this.assets = this.css.concat(this.js); this.getAsset = function(uri) { return assetMap[uri]; }; this.store = function() { store(key, manifestContent); }; } if (typeof global.Ext === 'undefined') { var Ext = global.Ext = {}; } function toAbsoluteUri(uri) { a.href = uri; return a.href; } function addMeta(name, content) { var meta = document.createElement('meta'); meta.setAttribute('name', name); meta.setAttribute('content', content); head.appendChild(meta); } function request(uri, isShared, onSuccess, onFailure) { (isShared ? requestIframe : requestXhr)(uri, onSuccess, onFailure); } function requestXhr(uri, onSuccess, onFailure) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); onFailure = onFailure || emptyFn; uri = uri + ((uri.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&') + Date.now(); try { xhr.open('GET', uri, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { var status = xhr.status, content = xhr.responseText; if ((status >= 200 && status < 300) || status == 304 || (status == 0 && content.length > 0)) { onSuccess(content); } else { onFailure(); } } }; xhr.send(null); } catch (e) { onFailure(); } } function requestIframe(uri, onSuccess) { var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe'); callbacks.push({ iframe: iframe, callback: onSuccess }); iframe.src = uri + '.html'; iframe.style.cssText = 'width:0;height:0;border:0;position:absolute;z-index:-999;visibility:hidden'; doc.body.appendChild(iframe); } function requestAsset(asset, onSuccess, onFailure) { var isRemote = !!asset.remote, isShared = !!asset.shared; if (isRemote) { onSuccess(''); return; } if (!isShared) { var onRequestSuccess = onSuccess, version = asset.version, versionLn = version.length, checksumFail, checksumType; onSuccess = function(content) { checksumType = content.substring(0, 1); if (checksumType == '/') { if (content.substring(2, versionLn + 2) !== version) { checksumFail = true; } } else if (checksumType == 'f') { if (content.substring(9, versionLn + 9) !== version) { checksumFail = true; } } else if (checksumType == '.') { if (content.substring(1, versionLn + 1) !== version) { checksumFail = true; } } if (checksumFail === true) { if (confirm("Requested: '" + asset.uri + " seems to have been changed. Attempt to refresh the application?")) { refresh(); } return; } onRequestSuccess(content); }; } request(asset.uri, isShared, onSuccess, onFailure); } function onMessage(e) { var data = e.data, sourceWindow = e.source.window, i, ln, callback, iframe; for (i = 0, ln = callbacks.length; i < ln; i++) { callback = callbacks[i]; iframe = callback.iframe; if (iframe.contentWindow === sourceWindow) { callback.callback(data); doc.body.removeChild(iframe); callbacks.splice(i, 1); return; } } } function patch(content, delta) { var output = [], chunk, i, ln; if (delta.length === 0) { return content; } for (i = 0,ln = delta.length; i < ln; i++) { chunk = delta[i]; if (typeof chunk === 'number') { output.push(content.substring(chunk, chunk + delta[++i])); } else { output.push(chunk); } } return output.join(''); } function log(message) { if (typeof console != 'undefined') { (console.error || console.log).call(console, message); } } function store(key, value) { try { storage.setItem(key, value); } catch (e) { if (storage && e.code == e.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && activeManifest) { log("LocalStorage Quota exceeded, cannot store " + key + " locally"); // Quota exceeded, clean up unused items // var items = activeManifest.assets.map(function(asset) { // return asset.key; // }), // i = 0, // ln = storage.length, // cleaned = false, // item; // // items.push(activeManifest.key); // // while (i <= ln - 1) { // item = storage.key(i); // // if (items.indexOf(item) == -1) { // storage.removeItem(item); // cleaned = true; // ln--; // } // else { // i++; // } // } // Done cleaning up, attempt to store the value again // If there's still not enough space, no other choice // but to skip this item from being stored // if (cleaned) { // store(key, value); // } } } } function retrieve(key) { try { return storage.getItem(key); } catch (e) { // Private browsing mode return null; } } function retrieveAsset(asset) { return retrieve(asset.key); } function storeAsset(asset, content) { return store(asset.key, content); } function refresh() { if (!isRefreshing) { isRefreshing = true; requestXhr(manifestFile, function(content) { new Manifest(content).store(); global.location.reload(); }); } } function blink(currentManifest) { var currentAssets = currentManifest.assets, assetsCount = currentAssets.length, newManifest; activeManifest = currentManifest; addWindowListener('message', onMessage, false); function onAssetReady(asset, content) { var assets = asset.collection, index = asset.index, ln = assets.length, i; asset.ready = true; asset.content = content; for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { asset = assets[i]; if (!asset.filtered && (!asset.ready || !asset.evaluated)) { return; } } for (i = index; i < ln; i++) { asset = assets[i]; if (asset.ready) { if (!asset.evaluated) { evaluateAsset(asset); } } else { return; } } } function evaluateAsset(asset) { asset.evaluated = true; if (asset.type == 'js') { try { eval(asset.content); } catch (e) { log("Error evaluating " + asset.uri + " with message: " + e); } } else { var style = doc.createElement('style'), base; style.type = 'text/css'; style.textContent = asset.content; if ('id' in asset) { style.id = asset.id; } if ('disabled' in asset) { style.disabled = asset.disabled; } base = document.createElement('base'); base.href = asset.path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/'); head.appendChild(base); head.appendChild(style); head.removeChild(base); } delete asset.content; if (--assetsCount == 0) { onReady(); } } function onReady() { var updatingAssets = [], appCacheReady = false, onAppCacheIdle = function() {}, onAppCacheReady = function() { appCache.swapCache(); appCacheReady = true; onAppCacheIdle(); }, updatingCount; removeWindowListener('message', onMessage, false); if (appCache.status == appCache.UPDATEREADY) { onAppCacheReady(); } else if (appCache.status == appCache.CHECKING || appCache.status == appCache.DOWNLOADING) { appCache.onupdateready = onAppCacheReady; appCache.onnoupdate = appCache.onobsolete = function() { onAppCacheIdle(); }; } function notifyUpdateIfAppCacheReady() { if (appCacheReady) { notifyUpdate(); } } function notifyUpdate() { var updatedCallback = Ext.onUpdated || emptyFn; if ('onSetup' in Ext) { Ext.onSetup(updatedCallback); } else { updatedCallback(); } } function doUpdate() { newManifest.store(); updatingAssets.forEach(function(asset) { storeAsset(asset, asset.content); }); notifyUpdate(); } function onAssetUpdated(asset, content) { asset.content = content; if (--updatingCount == 0) { if (appCache.status == appCache.IDLE) { doUpdate(); } else { onAppCacheIdle = doUpdate; } } } function checkForUpdate() { removeWindowListener('online', checkForUpdate, false); requestXhr(manifestFile, function(manifestContent) { activeManifest = newManifest = new Manifest(manifestContent); var assets = newManifest.assets, currentAsset; assets.forEach(function(asset) { currentAsset = currentManifest.getAsset(asset.uri); if (!currentAsset || asset.version !== currentAsset.version) { updatingAssets.push(asset); } }); updatingCount = updatingAssets.length; if (updatingCount == 0) { if (appCache.status == appCache.IDLE) { notifyUpdateIfAppCacheReady(); } else { onAppCacheIdle = notifyUpdateIfAppCacheReady; } return; } updatingAssets.forEach(function(asset) { var currentAsset = currentManifest.getAsset(asset.uri), path = asset.path, update = asset.update; function updateFull() { requestAsset(asset, function(content) { onAssetUpdated(asset, content); }); } // New asset (never used before) // OR Shared from CDN // OR Missing local storage // OR Full update if (!currentAsset || !update || retrieveAsset(asset) === null || update != 'delta') { updateFull(); } else { requestXhr('deltas/' + path + '/' + currentAsset.version + '.json', function(content) { try { onAssetUpdated(asset, patch(retrieveAsset(asset), jsonParse(content))); } catch (e) { log("Malformed delta content received for " + asset.uri); } }, updateFull ); } }) }); } if (navigator.onLine !== false) { checkForUpdate(); } else { addWindowListener('online', checkForUpdate, false); } } if (assetsCount == 0) { onReady(); return; } currentAssets.forEach(function(asset) { var content = retrieveAsset(asset); if (content === null) { requestAsset(asset, function(content) { if (!asset.remote) { storeAsset(asset, content); } onAssetReady(asset, content); }, function() { onAssetReady(asset, ''); }); } else { onAssetReady(asset, content); } }); } function blinkOnDomReady(manifest) { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile\/10\.0/)) { var msViewportStyle = document.createElement("style"); msViewportStyle.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "@media screen and (orientation: portrait) {" + "@-ms-viewport {width: 320px !important;}" + "}" + "@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {" + "@-ms-viewport {width: 560px !important;}" + "}" ) ); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(msViewportStyle); } var readyStateRe = (/MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? /complete|loaded/ : /interactive|complete|loaded/; if (doc.readyState.match(readyStateRe) !== null) { blink(manifest); } else { addWindowListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { if (navigator.standalone) { // When running from Home Screen, the splash screen will not disappear until all // external resource requests finish. // The first timeout clears the splash screen // The second timeout allows inital HTML content to be displayed setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { blink(manifest); }, 1); }, 1); } else { setTimeout(function() { blink(manifest); }, 1); } }, false); } } Ext.blink = function(manifest) { var manifestContent = retrieve(getManifestStorageKey(manifest.id)); addMeta('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'); addMeta('apple-mobile-web-app-capable', 'yes'); addMeta('apple-touch-fullscreen', 'yes'); if (manifestContent) { manifest = new Manifest(manifestContent); blinkOnDomReady(manifest); } else { requestXhr(manifestFile, function(content) { manifest = new Manifest(content); manifest.store(); blinkOnDomReady(manifest); }); } }; })(this);