/* * * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018 * * This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with * Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect * that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement * of any third-party rights. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For * details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * * You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, * EU, LV-1021. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. * * Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product * logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to * grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. * * All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as * well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the * Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License * terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode * */ /** * ReviewChanges.js * * View * * Created by Julia.Radzhabova on 05.08.15 * Copyright (c) 2018 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved. * */ if (Common === undefined) var Common = {}; Common.Views = Common.Views || {}; define([ 'text!common/main/lib/template/ReviewChangesPopover.template', 'common/main/lib/util/utils', 'common/main/lib/component/Button', 'common/main/lib/component/DataView', 'common/main/lib/component/Layout', 'common/main/lib/component/Window' ], function (popoverTemplate) { 'use strict'; Common.Views.ReviewChangesPopover = Common.UI.Window.extend({ // Window initialize : function (options) { var _options = {}; _.extend(_options, { closable : false, width : 265, height : 120, header : false, modal : false }, options); this.template = options.template || [ '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); this.store = options.store; this.delegate = options.delegate; _options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(_options); this.arrow = {margin: 20, width: 12, height: 34}; this.sdkBounds = {width: 0, height: 0, padding: 10, paddingTop: 20}; Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, _options); }, render: function () { Common.UI.Window.prototype.render.call(this); var me = this, t = this.delegate, window = this.$window; window.css({ height: '', minHeight: '', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', zIndex: '991' }); var body = window.find('.body'); if (body) { body.css('position', 'relative'); } window.on('click', function() { window.css({zIndex: '991'}); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('review:click'); }); Common.NotificationCenter.on('comments:click', function() { window.css({zIndex: '990'}); }); var PopoverDataView = Common.UI.DataView.extend((function() { var parentView = me; return { options : { handleSelect: false, scrollable: true, template: _.template('
'+ '
' + '
' + '
' ) } } })()); if (PopoverDataView) { if (this.reviewChangesView) { this.reviewChangesView.render($('#id-review-popover')); this.reviewChangesView.onResetItems(); } else { this.reviewChangesView = new PopoverDataView({ el: $('#id-review-popover'), store: me.store, itemTemplate: _.template(popoverTemplate) }); this.reviewChangesView.on('item:click', function (picker, item, record, e) { var btn = $(e.target); if (btn) { if (btn.hasClass('btn-accept')) { t.fireEvent('reviewchange:accept', [record.get('changedata')]); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-reject')) { t.fireEvent('reviewchange:reject', [record.get('changedata')]); } else if (btn.hasClass('btn-delete')) { t.fireEvent('reviewchange:delete', [record.get('changedata')]); } } }); } } }, show: function (animate, lock, lockuser) { this.options.animate = animate; var me = this; // this.calculateSizeOfContent(); Common.UI.Window.prototype.show.call(this); if (this.reviewChangesView.scroller) { this.reviewChangesView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); } this.reviewChangesView.cmpEl.find('.lock-area').toggleClass('hidden', !lock); this.reviewChangesView.cmpEl.find('.lock-author').toggleClass('hidden', !lock || _.isEmpty(lockuser)).text(lockuser); }, hide: function () { if (this.handlerHide) { this.handlerHide (); } Common.UI.Window.prototype.hide.call(this); if (!_.isUndefined(this.e) && this.e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC) { this.e.preventDefault(); this.e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.e = undefined; } }, update: function () { if (this.reviewChangesView && this.reviewChangesView.scroller) { this.reviewChangesView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true}); } }, isVisible: function () { return (this.$window && this.$window.is(':visible')); }, setLeftTop: function (posX, posY, leftX, loadInnerValues) { if (!this.$window) this.render(); if (loadInnerValues) { posX = this.arrowPosX; posY = this.arrowPosY; leftX = this.leftX; } if (_.isUndefined(posX) && _.isUndefined(posY)) return; this.arrowPosX = posX; this.arrowPosY = posY; this.leftX = leftX; var reviewChangesView = $('#id-review-popover'), arrowView = $('#id-review-arrow'), editorView = $('#editor_sdk'), editorBounds = null, sdkBoundsHeight = 0, sdkBoundsTop = 0, sdkBoundsLeft = 0, sdkPanelRight = '', sdkPanelRightWidth = 0, sdkPanelLeft = '', sdkPanelLeftWidth = 0, sdkPanelThumbs = '', // for PE sdkPanelThumbsWidth = 0, // for PE sdkPanelTop = '', sdkPanelHeight = 0, leftPos = 0, windowWidth = 0, outerHeight = 0, topPos = 0, sdkBoundsTopPos = 0; if (reviewChangesView && arrowView && editorView && editorView.get(0)) { editorBounds = editorView.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (editorBounds) { sdkBoundsHeight = editorBounds.height - this.sdkBounds.padding * 2; this.$window.css({maxHeight: sdkBoundsHeight + 'px'}); this.sdkBounds.width = editorBounds.width; this.sdkBounds.height = editorBounds.height; // LEFT CORNER if (!_.isUndefined(posX)) { sdkPanelRight = $('#id_vertical_scroll'); if (sdkPanelRight.length) { sdkPanelRightWidth = (sdkPanelRight.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelRight.width() : 0; } else { sdkPanelRight = $('#ws-v-scrollbar'); if (sdkPanelRight.length) { sdkPanelRightWidth = (sdkPanelRight.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelRight.width() : 0; } } this.sdkBounds.width -= sdkPanelRightWidth; sdkPanelLeft = $('#id_panel_left'); if (sdkPanelLeft.length) { sdkPanelLeftWidth = (sdkPanelLeft.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelLeft.width() : 0; } sdkPanelThumbs = $('#id_panel_thumbnails'); if (sdkPanelThumbs.length) { sdkPanelThumbsWidth = (sdkPanelThumbs.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelThumbs.width() : 0; this.sdkBounds.width -= sdkPanelThumbsWidth; } leftPos = Math.min(sdkBoundsLeft + posX + this.arrow.width, sdkBoundsLeft + this.sdkBounds.width - this.$window.outerWidth()); leftPos = Math.max(sdkBoundsLeft + sdkPanelLeftWidth + this.arrow.width, leftPos); arrowView.removeClass('right').addClass('left'); if (!_.isUndefined(leftX)) { windowWidth = this.$window.outerWidth(); if (windowWidth) { if ((posX + windowWidth > this.sdkBounds.width - this.arrow.width + 5) && (this.leftX > windowWidth)) { leftPos = this.leftX - windowWidth + sdkBoundsLeft - this.arrow.width; arrowView.removeClass('left').addClass('right'); } else { leftPos = sdkBoundsLeft + posX + this.arrow.width; } } } this.$window.css('left', leftPos + 'px'); } // TOP CORNER if (!_.isUndefined(posY)) { sdkPanelTop = $('#id_panel_top'); sdkBoundsTopPos = sdkBoundsTop; if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; sdkBoundsTopPos += this.sdkBounds.paddingTop; } else { sdkPanelTop = $('#ws-h-scrollbar'); if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; sdkBoundsTopPos -= this.sdkBounds.paddingTop; } } this.sdkBounds.height -= sdkPanelHeight; outerHeight = this.$window.outerHeight(); topPos = Math.min(sdkBoundsTop + sdkBoundsHeight - outerHeight, this.arrowPosY + sdkBoundsTop - this.arrow.height); topPos = Math.max(topPos, sdkBoundsTopPos); this.$window.css('top', topPos + 'px'); } } } this.calculateSizeOfContent(); }, calculateSizeOfContent: function (testVisible) { if (testVisible && !this.$window.is(':visible')) return; this.$window.css({overflow: 'hidden'}); var arrowView = $('#id-review-arrow'), reviewChangesView = $('#id-review-popover'), contentBounds = null, editorView = null, editorBounds = null, sdkBoundsHeight = 0, sdkBoundsTop = 0, sdkBoundsLeft = 0, sdkPanelTop = '', sdkPanelHeight = 0, arrowPosY = 0, windowHeight = 0, outerHeight = 0, topPos = 0, sdkBoundsTopPos = 0; if (reviewChangesView && arrowView && reviewChangesView.get(0)) { reviewChangesView.css({height: '100%'}); contentBounds = reviewChangesView.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (contentBounds) { editorView = $('#editor_sdk'); if (editorView && editorView.get(0)) { editorBounds = editorView.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); if (editorBounds) { sdkBoundsHeight = editorBounds.height - this.sdkBounds.padding * 2; sdkBoundsTopPos = sdkBoundsTop; windowHeight = this.$window.outerHeight(); // TOP CORNER sdkPanelTop = $('#id_panel_top'); if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; sdkBoundsTopPos += this.sdkBounds.paddingTop; } else { sdkPanelTop = $('#ws-h-scrollbar'); if (sdkPanelTop.length) { sdkPanelHeight = (sdkPanelTop.css('display') !== 'none') ? sdkPanelTop.height() : 0; sdkBoundsTopPos -= this.sdkBounds.paddingTop; } } outerHeight = Math.max(reviewChangesView.outerHeight(), this.$window.outerHeight()); if (sdkBoundsHeight <= outerHeight) { this.$window.css({ maxHeight: sdkBoundsHeight - sdkPanelHeight + 'px', top: sdkBoundsTop + sdkPanelHeight + 'px'}); reviewChangesView.css({height: sdkBoundsHeight - sdkPanelHeight - 3 + 'px'}); // arrowPosY = Math.max(this.arrow.margin, this.arrowPosY - sdkPanelHeight - this.arrow.width); arrowPosY = Math.min(arrowPosY, sdkBoundsHeight - (sdkPanelHeight + this.arrow.margin + this.arrow.width)); arrowView.css({top: arrowPosY + 'px'}); } else { outerHeight = windowHeight; if (outerHeight > 0) { if (contentBounds.top + outerHeight > sdkBoundsHeight + sdkBoundsTop || contentBounds.height === 0) { topPos = Math.min(sdkBoundsTop + sdkBoundsHeight - outerHeight, this.arrowPosY + sdkBoundsTop - this.arrow.height); topPos = Math.max(topPos, sdkBoundsTopPos); this.$window.css({top: topPos + 'px'}); } } arrowPosY = Math.max(this.arrow.margin, this.arrowPosY - (sdkBoundsHeight - outerHeight) - this.arrow.width); arrowPosY = Math.min(arrowPosY, outerHeight - this.arrow.margin - this.arrow.width); arrowView.css({top: arrowPosY + 'px'}); } } } } } this.$window.css({overflow: ''}); } }); Common.Views.ReviewChanges = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend((function(){ var template = '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
'; function _click_turnpreview(btn, e) { if (this.appConfig.canReview) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('reviewchanges:turn', btn.pressed ? 'on' : 'off'); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete'); } }; function setEvents() { var me = this; if ( me.appConfig.canReview ) { this.btnPrev.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:preview', [me.btnPrev, 'prev']); }); this.btnNext.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:preview', [me.btnNext, 'next']); }); this.btnAccept.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:accept', [me.btnAccept, 'current']); }); this.btnAccept.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:accept', [menu, item]); }); this.btnReject.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:reject', [me.btnReject, 'current']); }); this.btnReject.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:reject', [menu, item]); }); this.btnsTurnReview.forEach(function (button) { button.on('click', _click_turnpreview.bind(me)); }); this.btnReviewView.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchanges:view', [menu, item]); }); } this.btnsSpelling.forEach(function(button) { button.on('click', function (b, e) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('spelling:turn', b.pressed ? 'on' : 'off'); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me); }); }); this.btnsDocLang.forEach(function(button) { button.on('click', function (b, e) { me.fireEvent('lang:document', this); }); }); this.btnSharing && this.btnSharing.on('click', function (btn, e) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('collaboration:sharing'); }); this.btnCoAuthMode && this.btnCoAuthMode.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) { me.fireEvent('collaboration:coauthmode', [menu, item]); }); this.btnHistory && this.btnHistory.on('click', function (btn, e) { Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('collaboration:history'); }); this.btnChat && this.btnChat.on('click', function (btn, e) { me.fireEvent('collaboration:chat', [btn.pressed]); }); } return { // el: '#review-changes-panel', options: {}, initialize: function (options) { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); // this.store = this.options.store; // this.popoverChanges = this.options.popoverChanges; this.appConfig = options.mode; if ( this.appConfig.canReview ) { this.btnPrev = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'review-prev', caption: this.txtPrev }); this.btnNext = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'review-next', caption: this.txtNext }); this.btnAccept = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', caption: this.txtAccept, split: true, iconCls: 'review-save' }); this.btnReject = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', caption: this.txtReject, split: true, iconCls: 'review-deny' }); this.btnTurnOn = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'btn-ic-review', caption: this.txtTurnon, enableToggle: true }); this.btnsTurnReview = [this.btnTurnOn]; this.btnReviewView = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'btn-ic-reviewview', caption: this.txtView, menu: true }); } if (!!this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && this.appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length && this._readonlyRights!==true) { this.btnSharing = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'btn-ic-sharing', caption: this.txtSharing }); } if (!this.appConfig.isOffline && this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring) { this.btnCoAuthMode = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'btn-ic-coedit', caption: this.txtCoAuthMode, menu: true }); } this.btnsSpelling = []; this.btnsDocLang = []; if (this.appConfig.canUseHistory && !this.appConfig.isDisconnected) { this.btnHistory = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'btn-ic-history', caption: this.txtHistory }); } if (this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring && this.appConfig.canChat) { this.btnChat = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top', iconCls: 'btn-ic-chat', caption: this.txtChat, enableToggle: true }); } var filter = Common.localStorage.getKeysFilter(); this.appPrefix = (filter && filter.length) ? filter.split(',')[0] : ''; Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this)); }, render: function (el) { this.boxSdk = $('#editor_sdk'); if ( el ) el.html( this.getPanel() ); return this; }, onAppReady: function (config) { var me = this; (new Promise(function (accept, reject) { accept(); })).then(function(){ var menuTemplate = _.template('
<%= caption %>
' + '<% if (options.description !== null) { %>' + '<% } %>
'); if ( config.canReview ) { me.btnPrev.updateHint(me.hintPrev); me.btnNext.updateHint(me.hintNext); me.btnTurnOn.updateHint(me.tipReview); me.btnAccept.setMenu( new Common.UI.Menu({ items: [ { caption: me.txtAcceptCurrent, value: 'current' }, { caption: me.txtAcceptAll, value: 'all' } ] }) ); me.btnAccept.updateHint([me.tipAcceptCurrent, me.txtAcceptChanges]); me.btnReject.setMenu( new Common.UI.Menu({ items: [ { caption: me.txtRejectCurrent, value: 'current' }, { caption: me.txtRejectAll, value: 'all' } ] }) ); me.btnReject.updateHint([me.tipRejectCurrent, me.txtRejectChanges]); me.btnReviewView.setMenu( new Common.UI.Menu({ cls: 'ppm-toolbar', items: [ { caption: me.txtMarkupCap, checkable: true, toggleGroup: 'menuReviewView', checked: true, value: 'markup', template: menuTemplate, description: me.txtMarkup }, { caption: me.txtFinalCap, checkable: true, toggleGroup: 'menuReviewView', checked: false, template: menuTemplate, description: me.txtFinal, value: 'final' }, { caption: me.txtOriginalCap, checkable: true, toggleGroup: 'menuReviewView', checked: false, template: menuTemplate, description: me.txtOriginal, value: 'original' } ] })); me.btnReviewView.updateHint(me.tipReviewView); me.btnAccept.setDisabled(config.isReviewOnly); me.btnReject.setDisabled(config.isReviewOnly); } me.btnSharing && me.btnSharing.updateHint(me.tipSharing); me.btnHistory && me.btnHistory.updateHint(me.tipHistory); me.btnChat && me.btnChat.updateHint(me.txtChat + Common.Utils.String.platformKey('Alt+Q')); if (me.btnCoAuthMode) { me.btnCoAuthMode.setMenu( new Common.UI.Menu({ cls: 'ppm-toolbar', style: 'max-width: 220px;', items: [ { caption: me.strFast, checkable: true, toggleGroup: 'menuCoauthMode', checked: true, template: menuTemplate, description: me.strFastDesc, value: 1 }, { caption: me.strStrict, checkable: true, toggleGroup: 'menuCoauthMode', checked: false, template: menuTemplate, description: me.strStrictDesc, value: 0 } ] })); me.btnCoAuthMode.updateHint(me.tipCoAuthMode); var value = Common.localStorage.getItem(me.appPrefix + "settings-coauthmode"); if (value===null && !Common.localStorage.itemExists(me.appPrefix + "settings-autosave") && config.customization && config.customization.autosave===false) { value = 0; // use customization.autosave only when de-settings-coauthmode and de-settings-autosave are null } me.turnCoAuthMode((value===null || parseInt(value) == 1) && !(config.isDesktopApp && config.isOffline) && config.canCoAuthoring); } var separator_sharing = !(me.btnSharing || me.btnCoAuthMode) ? me.$el.find('.separator.sharing') : '.separator.sharing', separator_comments = !(config.canComments && config.canCoAuthoring) ? me.$el.find('.separator.comments') : '.separator.comments', separator_review = !config.canReview ? me.$el.find('.separator.review') : '.separator.review', separator_chat = !me.btnChat ? me.$el.find('.separator.chat') : '.separator.chat', separator_last; if (typeof separator_sharing == 'object') separator_sharing.hide().prev('.group').hide(); else separator_last = separator_sharing; if (typeof separator_comments == 'object') separator_comments.hide().prev('.group').hide(); else separator_last = separator_comments; if (typeof separator_review == 'object') separator_review.hide().prevUntil('.separator.comments').hide(); else separator_last = separator_review; if (typeof separator_chat == 'object') separator_chat.hide().prev('.group').hide(); else separator_last = separator_chat; if (!me.btnHistory && separator_last) me.$el.find(separator_last).hide(); Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'review', true); setEvents.call(me); }); }, getPanel: function () { this.$el = $(_.template(template)( {} )); if ( this.appConfig.canReview ) { this.btnPrev.render(this.$el.find('#btn-change-prev')); this.btnNext.render(this.$el.find('#btn-change-next')); this.btnAccept.render(this.$el.find('#btn-change-accept')); this.btnReject.render(this.$el.find('#btn-change-reject')); this.btnTurnOn.render(this.$el.find('#btn-review-on')); this.btnReviewView.render(this.$el.find('#btn-review-view')); } this.btnSharing && this.btnSharing.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-sharing')); this.btnCoAuthMode && this.btnCoAuthMode.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-coauthmode')); this.btnHistory && this.btnHistory.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-history')); this.btnChat && this.btnChat.render(this.$el.find('#slot-btn-chat')); return this.$el; }, show: function () { Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.show.call(this); this.fireEvent('show', this); }, getPopover: function (sdkViewName) { if (this.appConfig.canReview && _.isUndefined(this.popover)) { this.popover = new Common.Views.ReviewChangesPopover({ store: this.options.popoverChanges, delegate: this, renderTo: sdkViewName }); } return this.popover; }, getButton: function(type, parent) { if ( type == 'turn' && parent == 'statusbar' ) { var button = new Common.UI.Button({ cls : 'btn-toolbar', iconCls : 'btn-ic-review', hintAnchor : 'top', hint : this.tipReview, enableToggle: true }); this.btnsTurnReview.push(button); return button; } else if ( type == 'spelling' ) { button = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar', iconCls: 'btn-ic-docspell', hintAnchor : 'top', hint: this.tipSetSpelling, enableToggle: true }); this.btnsSpelling.push(button); return button; } else if (type == 'doclang' && parent == 'statusbar' ) { button = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'btn-toolbar', iconCls: 'btn-ic-doclang', hintAnchor : 'top', hint: this.tipSetDocLang, disabled: true }); this.btnsDocLang.push(button); return button; } }, getUserName: function (username) { return Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(username); }, turnChanges: function(state) { this.btnsTurnReview.forEach(function(button) { if ( button && button.pressed != state ) { button.toggle(state, true); } }, this); }, markChanges: function(status) { this.btnsTurnReview.forEach(function(button) { if ( button ) { var _icon_el = $('.icon', button.cmpEl); _icon_el[status ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('btn-ic-changes'); } }, this); }, turnSpelling: function (state) { this.btnsSpelling.forEach(function(button) { if ( button && button.pressed != state ) { button.toggle(state, true); } }, this); }, turnCoAuthMode: function (fast) { if (this.btnCoAuthMode) { this.btnCoAuthMode.menu.items[0].setChecked(fast, true); this.btnCoAuthMode.menu.items[1].setChecked(!fast, true); } }, turnChat: function (state) { this.btnChat && this.btnChat.toggle(state, true); }, SetDisabled: function (state, langs) { this.btnsSpelling && this.btnsSpelling.forEach(function(button) { if ( button ) { button.setDisabled(state); } }, this); this.btnsDocLang && this.btnsDocLang.forEach(function(button) { if ( button ) { button.setDisabled(state || langs && langs.length<1); } }, this); this.btnsTurnReview && this.btnsTurnReview.forEach(function(button) { if ( button ) { button.setDisabled(state); } }, this); this.btnChat && this.btnChat.setDisabled(state); }, onLostEditRights: function() { this._readonlyRights = true; if (!this.rendered) return; this.btnSharing && this.btnSharing.setDisabled(true); }, txtAccept: 'Accept', txtAcceptCurrent: 'Accept current Changes', txtAcceptAll: 'Accept all Changes', txtReject: 'Reject', txtRejectCurrent: 'Reject current Changes', txtRejectAll: 'Reject all Changes', hintNext: 'To Next Change', hintPrev: 'To Previous Change', txtPrev: 'Previous', txtNext: 'Next', txtTurnon: 'Turn On', txtSpelling: 'Spell checking', txtDocLang: 'Language', tipSetDocLang: 'Set Document Language', tipSetSpelling: 'Spell checking', tipReview: 'Review', txtAcceptChanges: 'Accept Changes', txtRejectChanges: 'Reject Changes', txtView: 'Display Mode', txtMarkup: 'Text with changes (Editing)', txtFinal: 'All changes like accept (Preview)', txtOriginal: 'Text without changes (Preview)', tipReviewView: 'Select the way you want the changes to be displayed', tipAcceptCurrent: 'Accept current changes', tipRejectCurrent: 'Reject current changes', txtSharing: 'Sharing', tipSharing: 'Manage document access rights', txtCoAuthMode: 'Co-editing Mode', tipCoAuthMode: 'Set co-editing mode', strFast: 'Fast', strStrict: 'Strict', txtHistory: 'Version History', tipHistory: 'Show version history', txtChat: 'Chat', txtMarkupCap: 'Markup', txtFinalCap: 'Final', txtOriginalCap: 'Original', strFastDesc: 'Real-time co-editing. All changes are saved automatically.', strStrictDesc: 'Use the \'Save\' button to sync the changes you and others make.' } }()), Common.Views.ReviewChanges || {})); Common.Views.ReviewChangesDialog = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({ options: { width : 283, height : 90, title : 'Review Changes', modal : false, cls : 'review-changes modal-dlg', alias : 'Common.Views.ReviewChangesDialog' }, initialize : function(options) { _.extend(this.options, options || {}); this.template = [ '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options); this.popoverChanges = this.options.popoverChanges; this.mode = this.options.mode; Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options); }, render: function() { Common.UI.Window.prototype.render.call(this); this.btnPrev = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: 'dlg-btn iconic', iconCls: 'img-commonctrl prev', hint: this.txtPrev, hintAnchor: 'top' }); this.btnPrev.render( this.$window.find('#id-review-button-prev')); this.btnNext = new Common.UI.Button({ cls: ' dlg-btn iconic', iconCls: 'img-commonctrl next', hint: this.txtNext, hintAnchor: 'top' }); this.btnNext.render( this.$window.find('#id-review-button-next')); this.btnAccept = new Common.UI.Button({ cls : 'btn-toolbar', caption : this.txtAccept, split : true, disabled : this.mode.isReviewOnly, menu : new Common.UI.Menu({ items: [ this.mnuAcceptCurrent = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ caption: this.txtAcceptCurrent, value: 'current' }), this.mnuAcceptAll = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ caption: this.txtAcceptAll, value: 'all' }) ] }) }); this.btnAccept.render(this.$window.find('#id-review-button-accept')); this.btnReject = new Common.UI.Button({ cls : 'btn-toolbar', caption : this.txtReject, split : true, disabled : this.mode.isReviewOnly, menu : new Common.UI.Menu({ items: [ this.mnuRejectCurrent = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ caption: this.txtRejectCurrent, value: 'current' }), this.mnuRejectAll = new Common.UI.MenuItem({ caption: this.txtRejectAll, value: 'all' }) ] }) }); this.btnReject.render(this.$window.find('#id-review-button-reject')); var me = this; this.btnPrev.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:preview', [me.btnPrev, 'prev']); }); this.btnNext.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:preview', [me.btnNext, 'next']); }); this.btnAccept.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:accept', [me.btnAccept, 'current']); }); this.btnAccept.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:accept', [menu, item]); }); this.btnReject.on('click', function (e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:reject', [me.btnReject, 'current']); }); this.btnReject.menu.on('item:click', function (menu, item, e) { me.fireEvent('reviewchange:reject', [menu, item]); }); return this; }, textTitle: 'Review Changes', txtPrev: 'To previous change', txtNext: 'To next change', txtAccept: 'Accept', txtAcceptCurrent: 'Accept Current Change', txtAcceptAll: 'Accept All Changes', txtReject: 'Reject', txtRejectCurrent: 'Reject Current Change', txtRejectAll: 'Reject All Changes' }, Common.Views.ReviewChangesDialog || {})); });