Insert images

In Document Editor, you can insert images in the most popular formats into your document. The following image formats are supported: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG.

Insert an image

To insert an image into the document text,

  1. place the cursor where you want the image to be put,
  2. click the Insert Image Insert Image icon icon at the top toolbar,
  3. select one of the following options to load the image:
    • the Picture from File option will open the standard Windows dialog window for file selection. Browse your computer hard disk drive for the necessary file and click the Open button
    • the Picture from URL option will open the window where you can enter the necessary image web address and click the OK button
  4. once the image is added you can change its size, properties, and position.

Move and resize images

Moving imageTo change the image size, drag small squares Square icon situated on its edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected image while resizing, hold down the Shift key and drag one of the corner icons.

To alter the image position, use the Arrow icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the image. Drag the image to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button.

When you move the image, guide lines are displayed to help you position the object on the page precisely (if a wrapping style other than inline is selected).

To rotate the image, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle Rotation handle and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the Shift key while rotating.

Adjust image settings

Image Settings tabSome of the image settings can be altered using the Image Settings tab of the right sidebar. To activate it click the image and choose the Image Settings Image Settings icon icon on the right. Here you can change the following properties:

Some of these options you can also find in the right-click menu. The menu options are:

To change its advanced settings, click the image with the right mouse button and select Advanced Settings from the right-click menu or just click the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar. The image properties window will open:

Image - Advanced Settings: Size

The Size tab contains the following parameters:

Image - Advanced Settings: Text Wrapping

The Text Wrapping tab contains the following parameters:

If you select the square, tight, through, or top and bottom style, you will be able to set up some additional parameters - distance from text at all sides (top, bottom, left, right).

Image - Advanced Settings: Position

The Position tab is available only if you select a wrapping style other than inline. This tab contains the following parameters that vary depending on the selected wrapping style: