#!/bin/bash # Fail on any error. set -e # Debug mode for diagnosing issues. # Setup first before other operations. debug="${2}" test "${debug}" = "true" && set -x # Include library. script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")" source "${script_dir}/lib.sh" # Directory that holds the cached packages. cache_dir="${1}" # List of the packages to use. input_packages="${@:3}" if ! apt-fast --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then log "Installing apt-fast for optimized installs..." # Install apt-fast for optimized installs. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -sL https://git.io/vokNn)" log "done" log_empty_line fi log "Updating APT package list..." if [[ -z "$(find -H /var/lib/apt/lists -maxdepth 0 -mmin -5)" ]]; then sudo apt-fast update > /dev/null log "done" else log "skipped (fresh within at least 5 minutes)" fi log_empty_line packages="$(get_normalized_package_list "${input_packages}")" package_count=$(wc -w <<< "${packages}") log "Clean installing and caching ${package_count} package(s)." log_empty_line manifest_main="" log "Package list:" for package in ${packages}; do manifest_main="${manifest_main}${package}," log "- ${package}" done write_manifest "main" "${manifest_main}" "${cache_dir}/manifest_main.log" log_empty_line # Strictly contains the requested packages. manifest_main="" # Contains all packages including dependencies. manifest_all="" install_log_filepath="${cache_dir}/install.log" log "Clean installing ${package_count} packages..." # Zero interaction while installing or upgrading the system via apt. sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-fast --yes install ${packages} > "${install_log_filepath}" log "done" log "Installation log written to ${install_log_filepath}" log_empty_line installed_packages=$(get_installed_packages "${install_log_filepath}") log "Installed package list:" for installed_package in ${installed_packages}; do # Reformat for human friendly reading. log "- $(echo ${installed_package} | awk -F\= '{print $1" ("$2")"}')" done log_empty_line installed_packages_count=$(wc -w <<< "${installed_packages}") log "Caching ${installed_packages_count} installed packages..." for installed_package in ${installed_packages}; do cache_filepath="${cache_dir}/${installed_package}.tar" # Sanity test in case APT enumerates duplicates. if test ! -f "${cache_filepath}"; then read package_name package_ver < <(get_package_name_ver "${installed_package}") log " * Caching ${package_name} to ${cache_filepath}..." # Pipe all package files (no folders) and installation control data to Tar. tar -cf "${cache_filepath}" -C / --verbatim-files-from --files-from <( { dpkg -L "${package_name}" && get_install_script_filepath "" "${package_name}" "preinst" && get_install_script_filepath "" "${package_name}" "postinst" ;} | while IFS= read -r f; do test -f "${f}" -o -L "${f}" && get_tar_relpath "${f}"; done ) log " done (compressed size $(du -h "${cache_filepath}" | cut -f1))." fi # Comma delimited name:ver pairs in the all packages manifest. manifest_all="${manifest_all}${package_name}=${package_ver}," done log "done (total cache size $(du -h ${cache_dir} | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'))" log_empty_line write_manifest "all" "${manifest_all}" "${cache_dir}/manifest_all.log"