#!/bin/bash # Fail on any error. set -e # Include library. script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")" source "${script_dir}/lib.sh" # Directory that holds the cached packages. cache_dir="${1}" # Root directory to untar the cached packages to. # Typically filesystem root '/' but can be changed for testing. cache_restore_root="${2}" # Indicates that the cache was found. cache_hit="${3}" # List of the packages to use. packages="${@:4}" script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")" if [ "$cache_hit" == true ]; then ${script_dir}/restore_pkgs.sh ~/cache-apt-pkgs "${cache_restore_root}" else ${script_dir}/install_and_cache_pkgs.sh ~/cache-apt-pkgs ${packages} fi echo ""