import { config } from 'dotenv'; config(); import logger from './bot/logger'; import AutomodClient, { login } from './struct/AutomodClient'; import MongoDB, { databaseMigrations } from './bot/db'; import DbUser from 'automod/dist/types/DbUser'; import ServerConfig from 'automod/dist/types/ServerConfig'; import Infraction from 'automod/dist/types/antispam/Infraction'; import PendingLogin from 'automod/dist/types/PendingLogin'; import TempBan from 'automod/dist/types/TempBan'; import { VoteEntry } from './bot/commands/moderation/votekick'; import BridgeRequest from 'automod/dist/types/BridgeRequest'; import BridgeConfig from 'automod/dist/types/BridgeConfig'; import BridgedMessage from 'automod/dist/types/BridgedMessage';'Initializing client'); let db = MongoDB(); let client = new AutomodClient({ // pongTimeout: 10, // onPongTimeout: 'RECONNECT', fixReplyCrash: true, messageTimeoutFix: true, apiURL: process.env.API_URL, messageRateLimiter: true, }, db); login(client); const dbs = { SERVERS: db.get('servers'), USERS: db.get('users'), INFRACTIONS: db.get('infractions'), PENDING_LOGINS: db.get('pending_logins'), SESSIONS: db.get('sessions'), TEMPBANS: db.get('tempbans'), VOTEKICKS: db.get('votekicks'), BRIDGE_CONFIG: db.get('bridge_config'), BRIDGED_MESSAGES: db.get('bridged_messages'), BRIDGE_REQUESTS: db.get('bridge_requests'), } export { client, dbs }`\ _ _ __ __ _ / \\ _ _| |_ ___ | \\/ | ___ __| | / _ \\ | | | | __|/ _ \\| |\\/| |/ _ \\ / _\` | / ___ \\| |_| | |_| (_) | | | | (_) | (_| | /_/ \\_\\\\__,_|\\__|\\___/|_| |_|\\___/ \\__,_| `); (async () => { // Wait for a database query to succeed before loading the rest'Connecting to database...'); await db.get('servers').findOne({}); logger.done('DB ready!');'Running database migrations...'); await databaseMigrations(); // Load modules import('./bot/modules/command_handler'); import('./bot/modules/mod_logs'); import('./bot/modules/event_handler'); import('./bot/modules/tempbans'); import('./bot/modules/api_communication'); import('./bot/modules/metrics'); import('./bot/modules/bot_status'); import('./bot/modules/fetch_all'); import('./bot/modules/raid_detection'); })();