diff --git a/bot/owo.json b/bot/owo.json index bc5264d..947531d 100644 --- a/bot/owo.json +++ b/bot/owo.json @@ -63,6 +63,46 @@ }, "ban": { "user_banned": "### Usew banned :3\nInfwaction ID: `{{id}}`\nUsew: `{{user}}`\nWeason: {{reason}}\nBan expiry: {{expires}}\nInfwaction nyumber: **{{count}}**" + }, + "timeout": { + "title": "Twimeowt", + "title_clear": "Clwear twimeowt" + }, + "infractions": { + "embed_header_zero": "Thewe awe nwo infwactiowns stowred for {{username}}.", + "title": "Uwser iwnfwawtions", + "embed_header_one": "### Owne infwaction stwored for {{username}}. ( .w.)", + "embed_header_other": "#### {{count}} infwactwions stwored for {{username}}", + "more_infractions_one": "###### (Owone mwore - wiew [hwere]({{url}}))", + "more_infractions_other": "###### ({{count}} mwore - wiew [hwere]({{url}})", + "user_not_found_one": "A pwovwided user cwould nwot be fwond! ( ;w;)", + "user_not_found_other": "( ;w;){{count}} of thwe prwovwided uwsers cwould be found!", + "no_permission": "Swowwy, owly mowdewatows cwan dwo dis.", + "members_cant_view_infractions": "Twis swerwer hwas disabled the abiwity fwor swerver wembers to wiew infwactwions.", + "infraction_does_not_exist": "I cwan't fwind any infwactwion with an ID of ` {{id}}` in thwis swerver.", + "unknown_action": "I'm nwot swure whwat you mwean by \"{{action}}\". Awalable optwions awe \"edit\", \"revoke\" or \"show\".", + "cant_edit_revoked": "Twis infwaction hwas bween rewokwed, awnd cwan no wonger be edwided.", + "revoke_confirmed": "Rewoked infwactwion `{{id}}`!", + "revoke_cancelled": "Gwot it, infwaction will nwot be wewoked.", + "edit_new_reason": "New rweason: {{reason}}", + "edit_confirmed": "Cwanged rweason of infwactwion `{{id}}`!", + "details": { + "header": "#### Infwactwion: `{{id}}`", + "target": "Uswer: {{username}}", + "moderator": "Modwewator: {{username}}", + "created": "Cweatwed: {{ts}} ({{tsRelative}})", + "context": "Cwontwext: [hwere]({{url}})", + "type": "Awtion: {{type}}", + "reason": "Rweason: {{reason}}", + "revoked": "> **Wewoked:** This infwactwion has been wewoked by a mwodewator." + }, + "details_hint": "To wiew or wanage a spwecific infwactwion, run\n`{{prefix}}infractions #0000 [view | edit | revoke]`", + "members_can_only_view_own": "Twis swerwer ownly awwows ywou to wiew ywour own indwactwions.", + "already_revoked": "( >w<) Twis infwactwion hwas alweady beeen rewoked!", + "no_new_reason": "Pwease pwovide twe new infwactwion reawson aftwer \"{{command}}\"!", + "revoke_confirm": "Awe ywou swure you want to wewoke infwactwion `{{id}}`?", + "edit_confirm": "Awe you swure you want to cwange thwe reaswon of infwactwion `{{id}}`?", + "edit_cancelled": "Gwot it, infwactwion rweason will nwot bwe edited." } }, "test": "Test message in Engwish",