    "test": "Test message in English",
    "i18n_test": "They shat themselves",
    "i18n_test_f": "She shat herself",
    "i18n_test_m": "He shat himself",
    "commands": {
        "ping": {
            "title": "Latency",
            "body": "WebSocket: {{latency.ws}}\nRound trip: {{latency.roundtrip}}"
        "config": {
            "title": "Configuration",
            "unknown_setting": "Unknown setting \"{{setting}}\"",
            "usage_hint": "Use **{{command}} <option> <new value>** to change a setting, or use **clear** as value to reset it.",
            "setting_info": {
                "title": "Setting: {{setting}}",
                "type": "Type: {{type}}",
                "current": "Current value: {{value}}",
                "options": "Available options: {{options}}"
            "invalid_value": "The value you provided is not applicable to this option.\nAllowed values are: {{values}}",
            "setting_updated": "Setting {{setting}} has been changed from {{old}} to {{value}}.",
            "setting_unchanged": "Setting {{setting}} is already set to {{value}}.",
            "needs_server": "This setting can only be changed in a server.",
            "no_permission": "You don't have permission to change this server's configuration."
        "whois": {
            "title": "User info",
            "title_member": "Member info",
            "not_found": "Cannot find the requested user.",
            "data": {
                "id": "User ID: `{{id}}`",
                "username": "Username: `{{username}}`",
                "created": "Account created: <t:{{ts}}:R> (<t:{{ts}}:F>)",
                "flags": "User Flags: {{flags}} (`{{flagsNum}}`)",
                "badges": "Badges: {{badges}} (`{{badgesNum}}`)",
                "icons": {
                    "text": "Avatar: {{links}}",
                    "global": "Global",
                    "server": "Server",
                    "banner": "Banner"
                "privileged": "🔨 This user is **privileged** and has a global permission override",
                "nickname": "Nickname: `{{nickname}}`",
                "colour": "Role colour: `{{colour}}`",
                "ranking": "Role ranking: `{{rank}}` (Yours: `{{own_rank}}`)",
                "roles": "Roles: {{roles}}",
                "owner": "🦞 **Server owner**",
                "inferior": "⬇️ This user is ranked lower than you",
                "superior": "⬆️ This user is ranked higher than you"
    "command_failed": {
        "title": "Command execution failed",
        "bug_report": "File a bug report",
        "support_server": "Join support server"