diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Games/builtToScaleDS.prefab b/Assets/Resources/Games/builtToScaleDS.prefab index 1ced1d4f1..844401fe3 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Games/builtToScaleDS.prefab +++ b/Assets/Resources/Games/builtToScaleDS.prefab @@ -1470,6 +1470,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: camPos: {fileID: 90712470157425058} cameraFoV: 13 environmentRenderer: {fileID: 3593377758750892331} + elevatorRenderer: {fileID: 4969674003393652015} flyingRodBase: {fileID: 4881628242623067222} movingBlocksBase: {fileID: 6531576029795059484} hitPartsBase: {fileID: 1518590174126965879} @@ -1478,6 +1479,10 @@ MonoBehaviour: blocksHolder: {fileID: 835389391171181030} shooterAnim: {fileID: 327112291406064303} elevatorAnim: {fileID: 1613410199122163856} + shooterMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8, type: 2} + objectMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 05418807da86e2146bc9e10ad24a33aa, type: 2} + gridPlaneMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 3df450e97190f504d9ac4f14283b2e0a, type: 2} + elevatorMaterial: {fileID: 0} beltSpeed: 4.33 --- !u!1 &8373923870426321472 GameObject: @@ -1987,23 +1992,23 @@ PrefabInstance: - target: {fileID: 6244928046365892280, guid: 26c46c4ecd6e69145a6e971ac2cf6dcf, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Materials.Array.data[0] value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 05418807da86e2146bc9e10ad24a33aa, type: 2} + objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8, type: 2} - target: {fileID: 6244928046365892280, guid: 26c46c4ecd6e69145a6e971ac2cf6dcf, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Materials.Array.data[1] value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 05418807da86e2146bc9e10ad24a33aa, type: 2} + objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8, type: 2} - target: {fileID: 6244928046365892280, guid: 26c46c4ecd6e69145a6e971ac2cf6dcf, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Materials.Array.data[2] value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 05418807da86e2146bc9e10ad24a33aa, type: 2} + objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8, type: 2} - target: {fileID: 6244928046365892280, guid: 26c46c4ecd6e69145a6e971ac2cf6dcf, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Materials.Array.data[3] value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 05418807da86e2146bc9e10ad24a33aa, type: 2} + objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8, type: 2} - target: {fileID: 6244928046365892280, guid: 26c46c4ecd6e69145a6e971ac2cf6dcf, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Materials.Array.data[4] value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 05418807da86e2146bc9e10ad24a33aa, type: 2} + objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8, type: 2} - target: {fileID: 6261893698081059527, guid: 26c46c4ecd6e69145a6e971ac2cf6dcf, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Layer value: 0 @@ -2570,17 +2575,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 14f44ccc2c565b14781c7f959aeef848, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - inList: 0 - state: - gameObject: {fileID: 0} - early: 0 - perfect: 0 - late: 0 - createBeat: 0 - eligibleHitsList: [] - aceTimes: 0 - isEligible: 0 - triggersAutoplay: 1 createBeat: 0 createLength: 0 anim: {fileID: 7940570394249237327} @@ -2865,6 +2859,11 @@ PrefabInstance: objectReference: {fileID: 0} m_RemovedComponents: [] m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: 266571bf0a87816428e18a51e3c57d0f, type: 3} +--- !u!137 &4969674003393652015 stripped +SkinnedMeshRenderer: + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 3783149753680359203, guid: 266571bf0a87816428e18a51e3c57d0f, type: 3} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 8104129143664069132} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} --- !u!4 &6995055239062017402 stripped Transform: m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: -7970022061681008778, guid: 266571bf0a87816428e18a51e3c57d0f, type: 3} diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Games/catchyTune.prefab b/Assets/Resources/Games/catchyTune.prefab index 49898cff2..814d9ea1e 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Games/catchyTune.prefab +++ b/Assets/Resources/Games/catchyTune.prefab @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 4976976016058505189} - {fileID: 6445294836560446336} @@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -6.6, y: 3.05, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1427332994302006950} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -143,6 +146,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -12.33, y: -7.35, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6690079335274169642} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -3.6845303, y: 0.28929138, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 7 @@ -272,6 +278,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 5 @@ -287,6 +294,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -354,6 +362,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0.8811703, w: 0.47279906} m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.2700129, y: -2.860015, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8242410538167019657} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -369,6 +378,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -436,6 +446,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 3, y: 3.5, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2317409129615573584} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -451,6 +462,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -518,6 +530,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -14.5, y: 1.18, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 4 @@ -533,6 +546,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -573,122 +587,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &481978755838746196 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 1948136839171880844} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: bushes - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &1948136839171880844 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 481978755838746196} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.13968104, y: -0.8158385, z: -1.5719726} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 5893190684751633455} - - {fileID: 2876524333770789479} - - {fileID: 7757364036831879104} - - {fileID: 1072319492898306883} - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 8 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!1 &529710703506237078 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 7134196757420681388} - - component: {fileID: 3680830165256732138} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: 2 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &7134196757420681388 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 529710703506237078} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.713, y: -0.89, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 3733815032802626758} - m_RootOrder: 2 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &3680830165256732138 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 529710703506237078} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 3 - m_Sprite: {fileID: 8551619928452317254, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1.26, y: 0.55} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &535035709263705827 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -716,6 +614,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.83, y: 0.22, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6565487590473367326} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -731,6 +630,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -797,46 +697,13 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.21, y: 0.87, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 2598385184184571312} - {fileID: 2343923251983769356} m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} m_RootOrder: 6 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!1 &801887564292033294 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 4539480620997984081} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: steps (1) - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &4539480620997984081 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 801887564292033294} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 6160362159954759031} - - {fileID: 518097343450489475} - - {fileID: 6527180184848471658} - - {fileID: 216580763215713641} - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 6 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &824941327890221189 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -863,6 +730,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.13360786, y: 4, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 5763429355570557770} - {fileID: 7755897724210467891} @@ -896,6 +764,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -3.9553828, y: -6.551852, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 8 @@ -943,6 +812,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0.6427876, w: 0.7660445} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.64, y: -0.08, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 3.800834, y: 3.800834, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7769477953622641110} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -958,6 +828,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1025,6 +896,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 16.95, y: 7.06, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -1040,6 +912,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1107,6 +980,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.75, y: -5.2, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -0.6, y: 0.6, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 8062936329508607461} - {fileID: 2317409129615573584} @@ -1119,11 +993,11 @@ Transform: - {fileID: 3752477502864886478} - {fileID: 8242410538167019657} m_Father: {fileID: 5813499711186931250} - m_RootOrder: 5 + m_RootOrder: 4 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!95 &1484131320285530606 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -1136,10 +1010,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &1047687784999566691 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1167,6 +1043,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -3.6845303, y: 0.28929138, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 7 @@ -1187,45 +1064,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: handleType: 0 leftHandleLocalPosition: {x: 0.0045700073, y: 0.5571195, z: 0} rightHandleLocalPosition: {x: -0.0045700073, y: -0.5571195, z: -0} ---- !u!1 &1047720305277754645 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: Background 1 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 0 ---- !u!4 &2926650863297674356 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1047720305277754645} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 3.5, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 4, y: 4, z: 1} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 5086130063447781930} - - {fileID: 866294499126238382} - - {fileID: 3329274010253469979} - - {fileID: 359990829416785198} - - {fileID: 7364317380235700810} - - {fileID: 3733815032802626758} - - {fileID: 4539480620997984081} - - {fileID: 1797520038752265924} - - {fileID: 1948136839171880844} - m_Father: {fileID: 5813499711186931250} - m_RootOrder: 2 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &1092535801845779444 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1252,6 +1090,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: -1.28, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.4, y: 0.4, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 3625692263213433683} - {fileID: 2749182321186523807} @@ -1265,7 +1104,7 @@ Transform: - {fileID: 4743912152687258260} - {fileID: 5947007090207551916} m_Father: {fileID: 5813499711186931250} - m_RootOrder: 3 + m_RootOrder: 2 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &1432730967382262759 GameObject: @@ -1295,6 +1134,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6149625177916396044} - {fileID: 6926617530872349909} @@ -1313,17 +1153,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 5b9d796f35f4e624089f267d51df9223, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - inList: 0 - state: - gameObject: {fileID: 0} - early: 0 - perfect: 0 - late: 0 - createBeat: 0 - eligibleHitsList: [] - aceTimes: 0 - isEligible: 0 - triggersAutoplay: 1 isPineapple: 1 startBeat: 0 anim: {fileID: 5454801828579266373} @@ -1333,7 +1162,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: endSmile: 0 --- !u!95 &5454801828579266373 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -1346,10 +1175,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &1582171584667705509 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1377,6 +1208,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.4553857, y: 5.7815695, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -1424,6 +1256,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -15.87, y: 4.11, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -1439,6 +1272,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1479,88 +1313,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &1798254681156461784 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 3154703433145930804} - - component: {fileID: 6732805965823471947} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: 1 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &3154703433145930804 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1798254681156461784} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.479, y: -0.538, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 3733815032802626758} - m_RootOrder: 3 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &6732805965823471947 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1798254681156461784} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 1 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -1384196080759313857, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1, y: 0.38} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &2062387586724855347 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1588,6 +1340,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.22, y: 8.64, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1.6666665, y: 1.666667, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5255010178246812078} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -1603,6 +1356,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1669,6 +1423,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 8782242816967034865} - {fileID: 2782166267725029782} @@ -1702,6 +1457,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1536500030606335694} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -1717,6 +1473,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1784,6 +1541,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5617671031744150413} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -1799,6 +1557,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1839,88 +1598,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &2376913116868855069 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 5086130063447781930} - - component: {fileID: 2516668325933121135} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: railing - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &5086130063447781930 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2376913116868855069} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.484, y: -1.218, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 0 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &2516668325933121135 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2376913116868855069} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 0 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -6910056341323621295, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1.63, y: 1.86} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &2382611454316750874 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1948,6 +1625,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -6.6, y: 3.05, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6690079335274169642} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -1963,6 +1641,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2030,6 +1709,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5255010178246812078} m_RootOrder: 5 @@ -2045,6 +1725,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2085,170 +1766,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &2411518779984461909 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 1797520038752265924} - - component: {fileID: 65505612707560353} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: railing (1) - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &1797520038752265924 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2411518779984461909} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.484, y: -1.218, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 7 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &65505612707560353 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2411518779984461909} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 0 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -6910056341323621295, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1.63, y: 1.86} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &2416657469364867299 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 3329274010253469979} - - component: {fileID: 6482331824178762534} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: wall_right - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &3329274010253469979 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2416657469364867299} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.44, y: -0.513, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 2 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &6482331824178762534 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2416657469364867299} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: -1 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -8978056839401596231, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1.71, y: 2.02} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &2484225054314494442 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -2276,6 +1793,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -5.355367, y: -3.1883602, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 416398961399175260} m_Father: {fileID: 5255010178246812078} @@ -2292,6 +1810,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2359,6 +1878,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.8152832, y: 0.6116966, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -2406,6 +1926,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.83, y: 0.22, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1536500030606335694} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -2421,6 +1942,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2488,6 +2010,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -3.9553828, y: -6.551852, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 8 @@ -2535,6 +2058,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 3, y: 3.5, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2601583618998177825} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -2550,6 +2074,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2590,88 +2115,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &2691362404348975458 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 359990829416785198} - - component: {fileID: 7883007082632646955} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: background - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &359990829416785198 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2691362404348975458} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.018, y: 0.011, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 3 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &7883007082632646955 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2691362404348975458} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: -2 - m_Sprite: {fileID: 2660714774583826263, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1.78, y: 0.93} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &2811116221280878316 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -2699,6 +2142,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 4797431964762108354} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -2714,6 +2158,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2782,6 +2227,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 8518177951533700098} - {fileID: 3398571405580641110} @@ -2800,17 +2246,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 5b9d796f35f4e624089f267d51df9223, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - inList: 0 - state: - gameObject: {fileID: 0} - early: 0 - perfect: 0 - late: 0 - createBeat: 0 - eligibleHitsList: [] - aceTimes: 0 - isEligible: 0 - triggersAutoplay: 1 isPineapple: 0 startBeat: 0 anim: {fileID: 3687550532664276802} @@ -2820,7 +2255,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: endSmile: 0 --- !u!95 &3687550532664276802 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -2833,10 +2268,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &3040870552526288192 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -2864,6 +2301,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0.8811703, w: 0.47279906} m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.2700129, y: -2.860015, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 3733534293348500293} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -2879,6 +2317,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -2946,6 +2385,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.4879655, y: 9.964973, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -2961,6 +2401,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3027,9 +2468,10 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5813499711186931250} - m_RootOrder: 6 + m_RootOrder: 5 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &3118191516329761400 GameObject: @@ -3058,6 +2500,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.08, y: 3, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2601583618998177825} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -3073,6 +2516,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3113,88 +2557,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &3126892981753011118 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 5521367189063823657} - - component: {fileID: 8568523630354032128} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: 2 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &5521367189063823657 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 3126892981753011118} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.012, y: -0.863, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 7364317380235700810} - m_RootOrder: 3 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &8568523630354032128 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 3126892981753011118} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 4 - m_Sprite: {fileID: 512922757993462878, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 0.38, y: 0.56} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &3193600085334960788 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -3222,6 +2584,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -14.345367, y: 10.03164, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5255010178246812078} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -3237,6 +2600,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3304,6 +2668,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -17.47, y: 10.01, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 8 @@ -3319,6 +2684,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3385,6 +2751,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.13360786, y: 4, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 7510477693701372425} - {fileID: 3384747326115176706} @@ -3418,6 +2785,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.597414, y: 3.5091205, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -3465,6 +2833,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.399434, y: 1.6398358, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -3512,6 +2881,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.6633329, y: 6.5133333, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.8333332, y: 0.8333332, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 5567719733966892520} - {fileID: 9015579661037346370} @@ -3531,6 +2901,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3598,6 +2969,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -3.1087022, y: 1.7733566, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 6 @@ -3645,6 +3017,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -11.02, y: 10.35, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -0.75, y: 0.75, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 10 @@ -3660,6 +3033,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3727,6 +3101,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -5.355367, y: -3.1883602, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 9074200806664322515} m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} @@ -3743,6 +3118,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3810,6 +3186,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -14.345367, y: 10.03164, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5255010178246812078} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -3825,6 +3202,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3892,6 +3270,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} m_RootOrder: 5 @@ -3907,6 +3286,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -3974,6 +3354,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.98, y: 6.58, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6690079335274169642} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -3989,6 +3370,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4056,6 +3438,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 4933654246236624798} - {fileID: 4287934893173859168} @@ -4122,94 +3505,13 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 5617671031744150413} - {fileID: 7769477953622641110} m_Father: {fileID: 5813499711186931250} m_RootOrder: 0 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!1 &4055029634504825009 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 7473893350591654512} - - component: {fileID: 7005381112851628935} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: 1 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &7473893350591654512 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4055029634504825009} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.019, y: -0.517, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 7364317380235700810} - m_RootOrder: 2 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &7005381112851628935 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4055029634504825009} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 2 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -7474107639191118679, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 0.28, y: 0.39} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &4113280612571681180 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -4237,6 +3539,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.0274622, y: 3.0196939, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 4 @@ -4257,40 +3560,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: handleType: 0 leftHandleLocalPosition: {x: 0.28144193, y: 0.011372805, z: -0} rightHandleLocalPosition: {x: -0.28144193, y: -0.011372805, z: 0} ---- !u!1 &4126705888714017932 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 7364317380235700810} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: middle - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &7364317380235700810 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4126705888714017932} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 5326924487236148198} - - {fileID: 2176133433124212322} - - {fileID: 7473893350591654512} - - {fileID: 5521367189063823657} - m_Father: {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - m_RootOrder: 4 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &4182589544140134642 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -4318,6 +3587,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0.93324107, w: 0.35925063} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.74, y: -3.16, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 3752477502864886478} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -4333,6 +3603,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4400,6 +3671,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0.6427876, w: 0.7660445} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.64, y: -0.08, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 3.800834, y: 3.800834, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 5617671031744150413} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -4415,6 +3687,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4482,6 +3755,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0.93507385, w: 0.35445306} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.6, y: 3.66, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 4075394242682232020} m_Father: {fileID: 5255010178246812078} @@ -4498,6 +3772,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4565,6 +3840,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -15.17, y: 6.58, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -0.83333325, y: 0.83333325, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 5452984279545556910} - {fileID: 2553763761696457796} @@ -4584,6 +3860,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4624,88 +3901,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &4450060987284092151 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - 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- m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 1 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -1384196080759313857, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1, y: 0.38} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &4453950342962366191 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -4733,6 +3928,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6565487590473367326} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -4748,6 +3944,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4815,6 +4012,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -12.33, y: -7.35, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1427332994302006950} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -4830,6 +4028,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -4896,6 +4095,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.21, y: 0.87, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 2697895304291564350} - {fileID: 6392985126056854645} @@ -4929,6 +4129,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 14.5, y: 1.18, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -4944,6 +4145,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -5011,6 +4213,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.18, y: 11.575, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -6.236953, y: 1.8949397, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 9 @@ -5026,6 +4229,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -5093,6 +4297,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.0274622, y: 3.0196939, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 4 @@ -5140,6 +4345,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.98, y: 6.58, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1427332994302006950} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -5155,6 +4361,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -5222,6 +4429,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -15.833332, y: -0.066666596, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} m_RootOrder: 7 @@ -5237,6 +4445,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -5304,6 +4513,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0.93324107, w: 0.35925063} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.74, y: -3.16, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 752060619203519241} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -5319,6 +4529,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -5359,170 +4570,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- 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m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &5791527313558235674 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -5808,6 +4777,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.4553857, y: 5.7815695, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8782242816967034865} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -5855,10 +4825,10 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: -0.2, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 716902796083954310} - {fileID: 8746993661413993986} - - {fileID: 2926650863297674356} - {fileID: 6981496981697649368} - {fileID: 7997575977314638224} - {fileID: 5255010178246812078} @@ -5889,172 +4859,8 @@ MonoBehaviour: pineappleBase: {fileID: 1432730967382262759} fruitHolder: {fileID: 7132931890004463583} heartMessage: {fileID: 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-6504,11 +5069,11 @@ Transform: - {fileID: 752060619203519241} - {fileID: 3733534293348500293} m_Father: {fileID: 5813499711186931250} - m_RootOrder: 4 + m_RootOrder: 3 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!95 &2714918693410431372 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -6521,10 +5086,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &6698011944947127285 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -6552,6 +5119,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0.93507385, w: 0.35445306} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.6, y: 3.66, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - 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m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 6527180184848471658} - - component: {fileID: 9156205127684170628} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: 2 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &6527180184848471658 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 7360824918351816126} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.713, y: -0.89, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 4539480620997984081} - m_RootOrder: 2 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &9156205127684170628 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 7360824918351816126} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 3 - m_Sprite: {fileID: 8551619928452317254, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 1.26, y: 0.55} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &7377974248485721782 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -7162,6 +5541,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.597414, y: 3.5091205, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -7209,6 +5589,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.6603394, y: -1.2598727, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 5 @@ -7256,6 +5637,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -9.14, y: -2.21, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6690079335274169642} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -7271,6 +5653,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -7311,88 +5694,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &7868970665211708602 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 7757364036831879104} - - component: {fileID: 909896224536871153} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: bush2 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &7757364036831879104 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 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-7467,6 +5769,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 0.02117849, w: 0.9997757} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: -0.06, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 4797431964762108354} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -7482,6 +5785,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -7522,88 +5826,6 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 ---- !u!1 &8062451851649843751 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 1072319492898306883} - - component: {fileID: 5212638828047754994} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: bush1 - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!4 &1072319492898306883 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 8062451851649843751} - m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.13068104, y: -1.249, z: 1.5719726} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 1948136839171880844} - m_RootOrder: 3 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!212 &5212638828047754994 -SpriteRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 8062451851649843751} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_CastShadows: 0 - m_ReceiveShadows: 0 - m_DynamicOccludee: 1 - m_MotionVectors: 1 - m_LightProbeUsage: 1 - m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 - m_RayTracingMode: 0 - m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 - m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 - m_RendererPriority: 0 - m_Materials: - - {fileID: 10754, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_StaticBatchInfo: - firstSubMesh: 0 - subMeshCount: 0 - m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} - m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} - m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} - m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 - m_ReceiveGI: 1 - m_PreserveUVs: 0 - m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 - m_ImportantGI: 0 - m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 - m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 0 - m_MinimumChartSize: 4 - m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 - m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingLayer: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 9 - m_Sprite: {fileID: -1684713392742537253, guid: 0abb2a0b4ce32484088bd67150cc20ef, type: 3} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_FlipX: 0 - m_FlipY: 0 - m_DrawMode: 0 - m_Size: {x: 0.69, y: 0.78} - m_AdaptiveModeThreshold: 0.5 - m_SpriteTileMode: 0 - m_WasSpriteAssigned: 1 - m_MaskInteraction: 0 - m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!1 &8155935565179482982 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -7630,6 +5852,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 1394922485936049736} - {fileID: 2398842279063248496} @@ -7665,6 +5888,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -13.943333, y: 8.783333, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -2, y: 2, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -7680,6 +5904,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -7747,6 +5972,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 3.92, y: -2.1799998, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2601583618998177825} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -7762,6 +5988,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -7829,6 +6056,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -14.345367, y: 10.03164, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7997575977314638224} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -7844,6 +6072,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -7911,6 +6140,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.399434, y: 1.6398358, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2782166267725029782} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -7958,6 +6188,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0.53999996, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2058883252999579002} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -7973,6 +6204,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -8040,6 +6272,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: -1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 429545903733920269} - {fileID: 3039454810200464023} @@ -8107,6 +6340,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -6.42, y: 16.02, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6981496981697649368} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -8122,6 +6356,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -8189,6 +6424,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7009696120969573463} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -8204,6 +6440,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -8271,6 +6508,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 7769477953622641110} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -8286,6 +6524,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -8353,6 +6592,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.08, y: 3, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 2317409129615573584} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -8368,6 +6608,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Games/ringside.prefab b/Assets/Resources/Games/ringside.prefab index 2340f72dc..ee1eed262 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Games/ringside.prefab +++ b/Assets/Resources/Games/ringside.prefab @@ -5588,6 +5588,7 @@ GameObject: m_Component: - component: {fileID: 1260199467373772929} - component: {fileID: 7604629278988158414} + - component: {fileID: 4336159175150130} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Wrestler m_TagString: Untagged @@ -5644,6 +5645,17 @@ Animator: m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 +--- !u!210 &4336159175150130 +SortingGroup: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 3970161046200975285} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 --- !u!1 &3978447576222901827 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -5906,6 +5918,7 @@ GameObject: m_Component: - component: {fileID: 6047925687552533486} - component: {fileID: 236637703450929012} + - component: {fileID: 243308089420204307} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Audience m_TagString: Untagged @@ -5957,6 +5970,17 @@ Animator: m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 +--- !u!210 &243308089420204307 +SortingGroup: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4027633158746793122} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 2 --- !u!1 &4043660164824168224 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -13803,6 +13827,7 @@ GameObject: m_Component: - component: {fileID: 4587579683068271383} - component: {fileID: 7025224658307706580} + - component: {fileID: 1162145027587709431} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Reporter m_TagString: Untagged @@ -13854,6 +13879,17 @@ Animator: m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 +--- !u!210 &1162145027587709431 +SortingGroup: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5893917310037722026} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 1 --- !u!1 &5899198963558737307 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Games/spaceball.prefab b/Assets/Resources/Games/spaceball.prefab index 51e012639..20b0c2e64 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Games/spaceball.prefab +++ b/Assets/Resources/Games/spaceball.prefab @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 2159106789646509327} - {fileID: 2496997678085052051} @@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.027, y: 0.1056, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.448189, y: 0.448189, z: 1.0423} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080175284542} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -162,6 +165,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.17, y: -1.62, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 3618073390637757210} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -177,6 +181,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -244,6 +249,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.54, y: 1.689, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.5014899, y: 0.50148994, z: 0.5014899} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078536302871} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -259,6 +265,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -325,6 +332,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.03, y: 3.54, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.50675774, y: 0.50675774, z: 0.50675774} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 7020342202770453466} m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078536302871} @@ -357,6 +365,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6791134234577142964} - {fileID: 703368382576345401} @@ -410,6 +419,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.0021, y: 1.0895, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1.8092515, y: 1.8092515, z: 1.8092515} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078536302871} m_RootOrder: 4 @@ -425,6 +435,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -492,6 +503,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.0023, y: 4.0373, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.346, y: 0.358, z: 1.7214477} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942079035923115} m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080380634556} @@ -508,6 +520,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -574,6 +587,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -73.27, y: -2.5, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942080017117850} m_Father: {fileID: 6584942079543401344} @@ -607,6 +621,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942080188713331} - {fileID: 9114271592571838295} @@ -650,7 +665,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: - {fileID: -8354058639768066091, guid: 9e3ca5a05349f104d929e2a3ac05c163, type: 3} --- !u!95 &6584942078536302865 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -663,10 +678,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &6584942078977133660 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -695,6 +712,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.041, y: -3.48, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080380634556} m_RootOrder: 4 @@ -710,6 +728,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -752,7 +771,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_SpriteSortPoint: 0 --- !u!95 &6584942078977133657 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -765,10 +784,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &6584942078979342758 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -796,6 +817,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.25, y: 0.25, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080017117850} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -811,6 +833,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -878,6 +901,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.708, y: -0.901, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 19.236889, y: 33.827877, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078368530673} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -893,6 +917,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -959,6 +984,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942079543401344} m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080380634556} @@ -991,6 +1017,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942078379596564} m_Father: {fileID: 6584942079139059256} @@ -1008,17 +1035,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 49dd9168d46a2ad41a47802c26b5dbb3, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - inList: 0 - state: - gameObject: {fileID: 0} - early: 0 - perfect: 0 - late: 0 - createBeat: 0 - eligibleHitsList: [] - aceTimes: 0 - isEligible: 0 - triggersAutoplay: 1 startBeat: 0 high: 0 isTacobell: 0 @@ -1053,6 +1069,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.012, y: 0.1056, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.448189, y: 0.448189, z: 1.0423} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080175284542} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -1068,6 +1085,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1135,6 +1153,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: -1.345, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.2, y: 0.2, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942079671387199} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -1150,6 +1169,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1218,6 +1238,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942080127174526} - {fileID: 6584942079642008611} @@ -1238,7 +1259,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_EditorClassIdentifier: --- !u!95 &6584942079671387198 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -1251,10 +1272,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!1 &6584942079812452162 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1282,6 +1305,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.6536, y: -4.0545, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.18780647, y: 0.19245788, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080380634556} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -1297,6 +1321,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1363,6 +1388,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942078979342753} m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078379596564} @@ -1395,6 +1421,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.499, y: -4.191, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 2.473244} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078536302871} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -1410,6 +1437,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1477,6 +1505,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 600, y: 600, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080380634556} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -1492,6 +1521,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1559,6 +1589,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.046, y: -0.142, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.25, y: 0.25, z: 0.24} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942079671387199} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -1574,6 +1605,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -1642,6 +1674,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.66, y: -3.37, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942079616426637} - {fileID: 3451485474163571101} @@ -1650,7 +1683,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!95 &6584942080175284537 Animator: - serializedVersion: 3 + serializedVersion: 5 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -1663,10 +1696,12 @@ Animator: m_UpdateMode: 0 m_ApplyRootMotion: 0 m_LinearVelocityBlending: 0 + m_StabilizeFeet: 0 m_WarningMessage: m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 - m_KeepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable: 0 + m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 --- !u!114 &6584942080175284536 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1707,6 +1742,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -1, z: -0, w: 0.00000058114523} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 107.6984} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942080380634556} m_RootOrder: 7 @@ -1718,19 +1754,19 @@ ParticleSystem: m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 6584942080175385960} - serializedVersion: 7 + serializedVersion: 8 lengthInSec: 5 simulationSpeed: 1 stopAction: 0 cullingMode: 0 ringBufferMode: 0 ringBufferLoopRange: {x: 0, y: 1} + emitterVelocityMode: 1 looping: 1 prewarm: 1 playOnAwake: 1 useUnscaledTime: 0 autoRandomSeed: 1 - useRigidbodyForVelocity: 1 startDelay: serializedVersion: 2 minMaxState: 0 @@ -2280,6 +2316,7 @@ ParticleSystem: m_RotationOrder: 4 randomizeRotationDirection: 0 maxNumParticles: 1000 + customEmitterVelocity: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} size3D: 0 rotation3D: 0 gravityModifier: @@ -6429,6 +6466,7 @@ ParticleSystemRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 0 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 0 @@ -6459,6 +6497,7 @@ ParticleSystemRenderer: m_SortingLayer: 0 m_SortingOrder: -300 m_RenderMode: 0 + m_MeshDistribution: 0 m_SortMode: 0 m_MinParticleSize: 0 m_MaxParticleSize: 0.5 @@ -6482,6 +6521,10 @@ ParticleSystemRenderer: m_Mesh1: {fileID: 0} m_Mesh2: {fileID: 0} m_Mesh3: {fileID: 0} + m_MeshWeighting: 1 + m_MeshWeighting1: 1 + m_MeshWeighting2: 1 + m_MeshWeighting3: 1 m_MaskInteraction: 0 --- !u!1 &6584942080188713328 GameObject: @@ -6510,6 +6553,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.394, y: -0.458, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.5014899, y: 0.50148994, z: 0.5014899} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6584942078536302871} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -6525,6 +6569,7 @@ SpriteRenderer: m_CastShadows: 0 m_ReceiveShadows: 0 m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 m_MotionVectors: 1 m_LightProbeUsage: 1 m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 @@ -6592,6 +6637,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 6584942080059084140} - {fileID: 6584942078368530673} @@ -6664,6 +6710,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.015887, y: -1.8464606, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6111058361661289777} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -6711,6 +6758,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.5709953, y: -3.5697224, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 6111058361661289777} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -6758,6 +6806,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.015887, y: -1.8464606, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8970620852123039940} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -6805,6 +6854,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 1.5709953, y: -3.5697224, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 8970620852123039940} m_RootOrder: 1 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Object.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Object.mat index ad597ab72..55b1189b6 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Object.mat +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Object.mat @@ -2,14 +2,16 @@ %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: Object m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_ValidKeywords: + - _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: [] m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _AdditionalLightIgnoreCelShade: 0.9 - _AlphaClip: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Shooter.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Shooter.mat new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94b52f167 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Shooter.mat @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!21 &2100000 +Material: + serializedVersion: 8 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Shooter + m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} + m_ValidKeywords: [] + m_InvalidKeywords: [] + m_LightmapFlags: 4 + m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 + m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 + m_CustomRenderQueue: -1 + stringTagMap: {} + disabledShaderPasses: [] + m_SavedProperties: + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TexEnvs: + - _BumpMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _DetailAlbedoMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _DetailMask: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _DetailNormalMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _EmissionMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _MainTex: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _MetallicGlossMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _OcclusionMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _ParallaxMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] + m_Floats: + - _BumpScale: 1 + - _Cutoff: 0.5 + - _DetailNormalMapScale: 1 + - _DstBlend: 0 + - _GlossMapScale: 1 + - _Glossiness: 0.5 + - _GlossyReflections: 1 + - _Metallic: 0 + - _Mode: 0 + - _OcclusionStrength: 1 + - _Parallax: 0.02 + - _SmoothnessTextureChannel: 0 + - _SpecularHighlights: 1 + - _SrcBlend: 1 + - _UVSec: 0 + - _ZWrite: 1 + m_Colors: + - _Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} + - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} + m_BuildTextureStacks: [] diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Shooter.mat.meta b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Shooter.mat.meta new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f543e75ce --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/Shooter.mat.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 97aebf98db2a0bb4a974fbbbbf03fda8 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 2100000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff 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m_Floats: - _AlphaClip: 0 - _Blend: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/GridPlane.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/GridPlane.mat index 2ce303973..2f5e10587 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/GridPlane.mat +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/GridPlane.mat @@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: version: 4 --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: GridPlane m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF + m_ValidKeywords: + - _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: + - _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _AlphaClip: 0 - _Blend: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 1.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 1.mat index 50e7577bf..65327de3f 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 1.mat +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 1.mat @@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: version: 4 --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: Lights 1 m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF + m_ValidKeywords: + - _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: + - _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _AlphaClip: 0 - _Blend: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 2.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 2.mat index e83ead9ec..f5d88e807 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 2.mat +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 2.mat @@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: version: 4 --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: Lights 2 m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF + m_ValidKeywords: + - _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: + - _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _AlphaClip: 0 - _Blend: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 3.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 3.mat index c2699d9d0..b3aceb703 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 3.mat +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights 3.mat @@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: version: 4 --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: Lights 3 m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF + m_ValidKeywords: + - _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: + - _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _AlphaClip: 0 - _Blend: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights.mat b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights.mat index 1390b4f04..712c96802 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights.mat +++ b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/Materials/World/Lights.mat @@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: version: 4 --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: Lights m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF + m_ValidKeywords: + - _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: + - _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _AlphaClip: 0 - _Blend: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BlinkReporter.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BlinkReporter.anim index f1abc5554..987c8a9f6 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BlinkReporter.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BlinkReporter.anim @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Bop.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Bop.anim index 6297c0fcc..5f923f7a5 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Bop.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Bop.anim @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BopPec.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BopPec.anim index 8024cbf11..46819f618 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BopPec.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/BopPec.anim @@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Cough.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Cough.anim index 67a7115b3..4e40fc29c 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Cough.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Cough.anim @@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Idle.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Idle.anim index a79b18978..24d5cd562 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Idle.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Idle.anim @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/IdleAudience.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/IdleAudience.anim index 42f82a13e..1d9e58048 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/IdleAudience.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/IdleAudience.anim @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss1Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss1Newspaper.anim index d62a0fa75..8643403a2 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss1Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss1Newspaper.anim @@ -1287,6 +1287,291 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -1785,6 +2070,111 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -4952,6 +5342,291 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss2Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss2Newspaper.anim index e4a02326a..3bac1f151 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss2Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss2Newspaper.anim @@ -1341,6 +1341,291 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -1853,6 +2138,111 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -5122,6 +5512,291 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss3Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss3Newspaper.anim index 0aee2b081..99b0367ce 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss3Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss3Newspaper.anim @@ -1459,6 +1459,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -1999,6 +2246,97 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 26 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -5642,6 +5980,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss4Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss4Newspaper.anim index 4f0eb6f14..91b8949da 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss4Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss4Newspaper.anim @@ -1513,6 +1513,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -2067,6 +2314,97 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 26 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -5812,6 +6150,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss5Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss5Newspaper.anim index 5103abed7..2e39d5b29 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss5Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss5Newspaper.anim @@ -1703,6 +1703,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -2327,6 +2574,97 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 26 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -6262,6 +6600,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss6Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss6Newspaper.anim index afc7e7c7d..45729eba5 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss6Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Miss6Newspaper.anim @@ -1703,6 +1703,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -2327,6 +2574,97 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 26 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -6262,6 +6600,253 @@ AnimationClip: path: Smear (2) classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose1Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose1Newspaper.anim index b084c4a5f..2112871eb 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose1Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose1Newspaper.anim @@ -959,6 +959,329 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -1345,6 +1668,125 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3681713970 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1998749998 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 1595386340 attribute: 0 @@ -3592,6 +4034,329 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose2Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose2Newspaper.anim index dbf224f21..e1ad582e9 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose2Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose2Newspaper.anim @@ -221,6 +221,500 @@ AnimationClip: path: Body/LeftBody classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -313,6 +807,188 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 26 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2652732565 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3077675329 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3681713970 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1998749998 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3966552696 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1932540155 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3962420100 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4276017713 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3576016821 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 666383887 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 283636409 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 1595386340 attribute: 0 @@ -912,6 +1588,500 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 4 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: [] m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0 m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose3Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose3Newspaper.anim index 3612ec514..552b2288e 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose3Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose3Newspaper.anim @@ -128,7 +128,539 @@ AnimationClip: m_RotationOrder: 4 path: LegRight/Boot m_ScaleCurves: [] - m_FloatCurves: [] + m_FloatCurves: + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/Mouth + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -172,6 +704,202 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 4 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2652732565 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3077675329 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3681713970 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1998749998 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3966552696 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1932540155 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3962420100 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4276017713 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3576016821 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 666383887 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1356974673 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 283636409 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2597845609 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 2597845609 attribute: 0 @@ -652,6 +1380,538 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 4 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/Mouth + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: [] m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0 m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose4Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose4Newspaper.anim index 87e3f423a..66892f3ad 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose4Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose4Newspaper.anim @@ -577,6 +577,424 @@ AnimationClip: path: Body/Head/HeadLeft/Eye classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/Mouth + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -788,6 +1206,160 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2652732565 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3077675329 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3681713970 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1998749998 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3966552696 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1932540155 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3962420100 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 666383887 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1356974673 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 283636409 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2597845609 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 2462922743 attribute: 0 @@ -2212,6 +2784,424 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 4 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/Mouth + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: [] m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0 m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose5Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose5Newspaper.anim index b7dc0fe34..175adf212 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose5Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose5Newspaper.anim @@ -1216,6 +1216,329 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -1693,6 +2016,125 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3681713970 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1998749998 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2801345913 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 3576016821 attribute: 0 @@ -4357,6 +4799,329 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose6Newspaper.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose6Newspaper.anim index d2f9f8ffd..072854fd3 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose6Newspaper.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Pose6Newspaper.anim @@ -463,6 +463,481 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -660,6 +1135,181 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 212 customType: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3282421041 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2652732565 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3566358801 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1838151645 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 165884633 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3077675329 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3681713970 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1998749998 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1185063966 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3966552696 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1932540155 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1468185619 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 583950618 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4265776566 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4139121414 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4230754021 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3962420100 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 4276017713 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 3576016821 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1605997919 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 284689304 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2462922743 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 666383887 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 1595386340 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 283636409 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 2801345913 attribute: 0 @@ -1897,6 +2547,481 @@ AnimationClip: path: LegRight/Boot classID: 212 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Impact + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (1) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (5) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmUpperRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (2) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/BodySide + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmPunchLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (6) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmStraightRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftHand + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/ArmLowerRight + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (3) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Smear (4) + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/AbLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/RightBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/Head/HeadLeft + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Body/LeftBody + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Reporter.controller b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Reporter.controller index 2dd9fb6c9..25b6b4986 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Reporter.controller +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Reporter.controller @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ AnimatorStateMachine: m_Position: {x: 350, y: 130, z: 0} - serializedVersion: 1 m_State: {fileID: -159930746047570831} - m_Position: {x: 390, y: 40, z: 0} + m_Position: {x: 530, y: -20, z: 0} - serializedVersion: 1 m_State: {fileID: -4893984749411605251} m_Position: {x: 340, y: 260, z: 0} @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ AnimatorState: m_Speed: 1 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_Transitions: - - {fileID: 182361044322718817} + - {fileID: 3926240120701630972} m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} m_IKOnFeet: 0 @@ -354,28 +354,6 @@ AnimatorController: m_IKPass: 0 m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} ---- !u!1101 &182361044322718817 -AnimatorStateTransition: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: - m_Conditions: [] - m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} - m_DstState: {fileID: -3676335142680708292} - m_Solo: 0 - m_Mute: 0 - m_IsExit: 0 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TransitionDuration: 0 - m_TransitionOffset: 0 - m_ExitTime: 1 - m_HasExitTime: 1 - m_HasFixedDuration: 1 - m_InterruptionSource: 0 - m_OrderedInterruption: 1 - m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 --- !u!1102 &347566925559597939 AnimatorState: serializedVersion: 6 @@ -528,6 +506,28 @@ AnimatorState: m_MirrorParameter: m_CycleOffsetParameter: m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1101 &3926240120701630972 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: [] + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: -3676335142680708292} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 1 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 --- !u!1102 &6198450147489489719 AnimatorState: serializedVersion: 6 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Wrestler.controller b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Wrestler.controller index ce778d3f4..9fd241314 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Wrestler.controller +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/Wrestler.controller @@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ AnimatorState: m_Name: Ye m_Speed: 1 m_CycleOffset: 0 - m_Transitions: - - {fileID: -2111341759457472617} + m_Transitions: [] m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} m_IKOnFeet: 0 @@ -262,8 +261,7 @@ AnimatorState: m_Name: Bop m_Speed: 1 m_CycleOffset: 0 - m_Transitions: - - {fileID: 7512923569407395602} + m_Transitions: [] m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} m_IKOnFeet: 0 @@ -305,28 +303,6 @@ AnimatorState: m_MirrorParameter: m_CycleOffsetParameter: m_TimeParameter: ---- !u!1101 &-2398263880597823293 -AnimatorStateTransition: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: - m_Conditions: [] - m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} - m_DstState: {fileID: 3631453947030324824} - m_Solo: 0 - m_Mute: 0 - m_IsExit: 0 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TransitionDuration: 0 - m_TransitionOffset: 0 - m_ExitTime: 1 - m_HasExitTime: 1 - m_HasFixedDuration: 1 - m_InterruptionSource: 0 - m_OrderedInterruption: 1 - m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 --- !u!1102 &-2267878896623700911 AnimatorState: serializedVersion: 6 @@ -353,28 +329,6 @@ AnimatorState: m_MirrorParameter: m_CycleOffsetParameter: m_TimeParameter: ---- !u!1101 &-2111341759457472617 -AnimatorStateTransition: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: - m_Conditions: [] - m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} - m_DstState: {fileID: 3631453947030324824} - m_Solo: 0 - m_Mute: 0 - m_IsExit: 0 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TransitionDuration: 0 - m_TransitionOffset: 0 - m_ExitTime: 1 - m_HasExitTime: 1 - m_HasFixedDuration: 1 - m_InterruptionSource: 0 - m_OrderedInterruption: 1 - m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 --- !u!1102 &-1782370688114121934 AnimatorState: serializedVersion: 6 @@ -498,28 +452,6 @@ AnimatorController: m_IKPass: 0 m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} ---- !u!1101 &124523106053497258 -AnimatorStateTransition: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: - m_Conditions: [] - m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} - m_DstState: {fileID: 3631453947030324824} - m_Solo: 0 - m_Mute: 0 - m_IsExit: 0 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TransitionDuration: 0 - m_TransitionOffset: 0 - m_ExitTime: 1 - m_HasExitTime: 1 - m_HasFixedDuration: 1 - m_InterruptionSource: 0 - m_OrderedInterruption: 1 - m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 --- !u!1102 &210538014853458015 AnimatorState: serializedVersion: 6 @@ -608,8 +540,7 @@ AnimatorState: m_Name: Cough m_Speed: 1 m_CycleOffset: 0 - m_Transitions: - - {fileID: 7194717503009880442} + m_Transitions: [] m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} m_IKOnFeet: 0 @@ -661,8 +592,7 @@ AnimatorState: m_Name: BopPec m_Speed: 1 m_CycleOffset: 0 - m_Transitions: - - {fileID: 124523106053497258} + m_Transitions: [] m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} m_IKOnFeet: 0 @@ -763,8 +693,7 @@ AnimatorState: m_Name: YeMiss m_Speed: 1 m_CycleOffset: 0 - m_Transitions: - - {fileID: -2398263880597823293} + m_Transitions: [] m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} m_IKOnFeet: 0 @@ -832,50 +761,6 @@ AnimatorState: m_MirrorParameter: m_CycleOffsetParameter: m_TimeParameter: ---- !u!1101 &7194717503009880442 -AnimatorStateTransition: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: - m_Conditions: [] - m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} - m_DstState: {fileID: 3631453947030324824} - m_Solo: 0 - m_Mute: 0 - m_IsExit: 0 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TransitionDuration: 0 - m_TransitionOffset: 0 - m_ExitTime: 1 - m_HasExitTime: 1 - m_HasFixedDuration: 1 - m_InterruptionSource: 0 - m_OrderedInterruption: 1 - m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 ---- !u!1101 &7512923569407395602 -AnimatorStateTransition: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: - m_Conditions: [] - m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} - m_DstState: {fileID: 3631453947030324824} - m_Solo: 0 - m_Mute: 0 - m_IsExit: 0 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TransitionDuration: 0 - m_TransitionOffset: 0 - m_ExitTime: 1 - m_HasExitTime: 1 - m_HasFixedDuration: 1 - m_InterruptionSource: 0 - m_OrderedInterruption: 1 - m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 --- !u!1101 &7790485336350945392 AnimatorStateTransition: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/YeMiss.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/YeMiss.anim index ed806cae1..a6db26b18 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/YeMiss.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Ringside/Animations/YeMiss.anim @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ AnimationClip: m_Level: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0 m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 - m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopTime: 0 m_LoopBlend: 0 m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/Alien.controller b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/Alien.controller index f54d40961..826bb236c 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/Alien.controller +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/Alien.controller @@ -74,6 +74,32 @@ AnimatorController: m_IKPass: 0 m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} +--- !u!1102 &2753022498925236282 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: AlienHide + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: [] + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 7400000, guid: 775f615e28551da43a9eeec8242b1fe0, type: 2} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: --- !u!1107 &2832590496160857996 AnimatorStateMachine: serializedVersion: 6 @@ -92,6 +118,9 @@ AnimatorStateMachine: - serializedVersion: 1 m_State: {fileID: -2632137863610277329} m_Position: {x: 270, y: 130, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 2753022498925236282} + m_Position: {x: 305, y: 195, z: 0} m_ChildStateMachines: [] m_AnyStateTransitions: [] m_EntryTransitions: [] diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6ae14761 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!74 &7400000 +AnimationClip: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: AlienHide + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Legacy: 0 + m_Compressed: 0 + m_UseHighQualityCurve: 1 + m_RotationCurves: [] + m_CompressedRotationCurves: [] + m_EulerCurves: [] + m_PositionCurves: [] + m_ScaleCurves: [] + m_FloatCurves: + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + m_PPtrCurves: [] + m_SampleRate: 60 + m_WrapMode: 0 + m_Bounds: + m_Center: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_Extent: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_ClipBindingConstant: + genericBindings: + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2107769343 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 850496168 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + pptrCurveMapping: [] + m_AnimationClipSettings: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_AdditiveReferencePoseClip: {fileID: 0} + m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0 + m_StartTime: 0 + m_StopTime: 0 + m_OrientationOffsetY: 0 + m_Level: 0 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_HasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + m_LoopTime: 1 + m_LoopBlend: 0 + m_LoopBlendOrientation: 0 + m_LoopBlendPositionY: 0 + m_LoopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + m_KeepOriginalOrientation: 0 + m_KeepOriginalPositionY: 1 + m_KeepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + m_HeightFromFeet: 0 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_EditorCurves: + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 0 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + m_EulerEditorCurves: [] + m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0 + m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0 + m_Events: [] diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim.meta b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim.meta new file mode 100644 index 000000000..add0642c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 775f615e28551da43a9eeec8242b1fe0 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 7400000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienIdle.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienIdle.anim index e7c03ff6b..cba5296db 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienIdle.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienIdle.anim @@ -32,7 +32,45 @@ AnimationClip: path: Sprite m_PositionCurves: [] m_ScaleCurves: [] - m_FloatCurves: [] + m_FloatCurves: + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -48,6 +86,20 @@ AnimationClip: m_Extent: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_ClipBindingConstant: genericBindings: + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2107769343 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 850496168 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 850496168 attribute: 0 @@ -142,6 +194,44 @@ AnimationClip: path: Sprite classID: 4 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienShow.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienShow.anim index 83db67acd..7e449762b 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienShow.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienShow.anim @@ -75,7 +75,45 @@ AnimationClip: m_RotationOrder: 4 path: Sprite m_ScaleCurves: [] - m_FloatCurves: [] + m_FloatCurves: + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: - curve: - time: 0 @@ -111,6 +149,20 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 4 customType: 4 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2107769343 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 850496168 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 path: 850496168 attribute: 0 @@ -339,6 +391,44 @@ AnimationClip: path: Sprite classID: 4 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienSwing.anim b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienSwing.anim index 3ae9e8d9c..257bbaf8b 100644 --- a/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienSwing.anim +++ b/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienSwing.anim @@ -201,7 +201,45 @@ AnimationClip: m_RotationOrder: 4 path: Sprite m_ScaleCurves: [] - m_FloatCurves: [] + m_FloatCurves: + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_PPtrCurves: [] m_SampleRate: 60 m_WrapMode: 0 @@ -224,6 +262,20 @@ AnimationClip: typeID: 4 customType: 4 isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 2107769343 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + path: 850496168 + attribute: 2086281974 + script: {fileID: 0} + typeID: 1 + customType: 0 + isPPtrCurve: 0 pptrCurveMapping: [] m_AnimationClipSettings: serializedVersion: 2 @@ -819,6 +871,44 @@ AnimationClip: path: Sprite classID: 4 script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: alien_shadow + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} + - curve: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Curve: + - serializedVersion: 3 + time: 0 + value: 1 + inSlope: Infinity + outSlope: Infinity + tangentMode: 103 + weightedMode: 0 + inWeight: 0 + outWeight: 0 + m_PreInfinity: 2 + m_PostInfinity: 2 + m_RotationOrder: 4 + attribute: m_IsActive + path: Sprite + classID: 1 + script: {fileID: 0} m_EulerEditorCurves: - curve: serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs index 22ffc371f..9edd4328e 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs @@ -32,18 +32,36 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders }, new GameAction("play piano", "Play Note") { - function = delegate { BuiltToScaleDS.instance.PlayPiano(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, eventCaller.currentEntity.length, eventCaller.currentEntity["type"]); }, - resizable = true, - parameters = new List() + function = delegate { BuiltToScaleDS.instance.PlayPiano(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, eventCaller.currentEntity.length, eventCaller.currentEntity["type"]); }, + resizable = true, + parameters = new List() { new Param("type", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones", "The number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched") }, }, - }, - new List() {"ntr", "normal"}, - "ntrassembly", "en", - new List() {} - ); + new GameAction("color", "Color Palette") + { + function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; BuiltToScaleDS.instance.UpdateMappingColors(e["object"], e["shooter"], e["bg"]); }, + defaultLength = 0.5f, + parameters = new List() + { + new Param("object", Color.white, "Object Color"), + new Param("shooter", Color.white, "Shooter Color"), + new Param("bg", new Color(0, 1, 0, 1), "Environment Color") + } + }, + new GameAction("lights", "Lights") + { + function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; BuiltToScaleDS.instance.Lights(e.beat, e.length, e["auto"], e["light"] && !e["auto"]); }, + defaultLength = 4f, + resizable = true, + parameters = new List() + { + new Param("auto", true, "Lights (Auto)", "Should the lights auto light?"), + new Param("light", false, "Lights", "Should the lights light?") + } + } + }, new List() { "ntr", "normal" }, "ntrassembly", "en", new List() { }); } } } @@ -62,6 +80,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games [Header("References")] [SerializeField] SkinnedMeshRenderer environmentRenderer; + [SerializeField] SkinnedMeshRenderer elevatorRenderer; public GameObject flyingRodBase; public GameObject movingBlocksBase; public GameObject hitPartsBase; @@ -71,27 +90,87 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games public Animator shooterAnim; public Animator elevatorAnim; + [SerializeField] private Material shooterMaterial; + [SerializeField] private Material objectMaterial; + [SerializeField] private Material gridPlaneMaterial; + private Material elevatorMaterial; + private Material[] gridMaterials; + private Material[] firstPatternLights; + private Material[] secondPatternLights; + [Header("Properties")] [SerializeField] float beltSpeed = 1f; private Material beltMaterial; private Material[] environmentMaterials; + private Material[] elevatorMaterials; private float currentBeltOffset; + private bool lighting = false; + private bool autoLight = false; + private bool firstLight = true; [NonSerialized] public bool shootingThisFrame; [NonSerialized] public bool lastShotOut = false; + private static Color currentObjectColor = Color.white; + private static Color currentShooterColor = Color.white; + private static Color currentEnvironmentColor = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1); public static BuiltToScaleDS instance; + private GameEvent lightBeat = new GameEvent(); + private void Awake() { instance = this; environmentMaterials = environmentRenderer.materials; + elevatorMaterials = elevatorRenderer.materials; beltMaterial = Instantiate(environmentMaterials[8]); environmentMaterials[8] = beltMaterial; + elevatorMaterial = Instantiate(elevatorMaterials[3]); + elevatorMaterials[3] = elevatorMaterial; + gridMaterials = new Material[] + { + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[9]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[11]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[12]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[13]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[14]), + }; + environmentMaterials[9] = gridMaterials[0]; + environmentMaterials[11] = gridMaterials[1]; + environmentMaterials[12] = gridMaterials[2]; + environmentMaterials[13] = gridMaterials[3]; + environmentMaterials[14] = gridMaterials[4]; + + firstPatternLights = new Material[] + { + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[1]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[2]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[4]), + }; + environmentMaterials[1] = firstPatternLights[0]; + environmentMaterials[2] = firstPatternLights[1]; + environmentMaterials[4] = firstPatternLights[2]; + + secondPatternLights = new Material[] + { + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[0]), + Instantiate(environmentMaterials[3]) + }; + environmentMaterials[0] = secondPatternLights[0]; + environmentMaterials[3] = secondPatternLights[1]; elevatorAnim.Play("MakeRod", 0, 1f); + UpdateColors(); + } + + private void OnDestroy() + { + currentObjectColor = Color.white; + currentShooterColor = Color.white; + currentEnvironmentColor = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1); + UpdateColors(); } private void Start() @@ -101,6 +180,38 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games GameCamera.additionalFoV = cameraFoV; } + public void UpdateMappingColors(Color objectColor, Color shooterColor, Color environmentColor) + { + currentObjectColor = objectColor; + currentShooterColor = shooterColor; + currentEnvironmentColor = environmentColor; + UpdateColors(); + } + + private void UpdateColors() + { + objectMaterial.SetColor("_Color", currentObjectColor); + shooterMaterial.SetColor("_Color", currentShooterColor); + beltMaterial.SetColor("_Color", currentEnvironmentColor); + gridPlaneMaterial.SetColor("_Color", currentEnvironmentColor); + elevatorMaterial.SetColor("_Color", currentEnvironmentColor); + foreach (var mat in gridMaterials) + { + mat.SetColor("_Color", currentEnvironmentColor); + } + if (!lighting) + { + foreach (var mat in firstPatternLights) + { + mat.SetColor("_Color", currentEnvironmentColor); + } + foreach (var mat in secondPatternLights) + { + mat.SetColor("_Color", currentEnvironmentColor); + } + } + } + List spawnedBlockEvents = new List(); void Update() { @@ -124,9 +235,15 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games } } + if (Conductor.instance.ReportBeat(ref lightBeat.lastReportedBeat, lightBeat.startBeat % 1) && autoLight) + { + HandleLights(); + } + currentBeltOffset = (currentBeltOffset + Time.deltaTime * -beltSpeed) % 1f; beltMaterial.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(0f, currentBeltOffset); environmentRenderer.materials = environmentMaterials; + elevatorRenderer.materials = elevatorMaterials; } void LateUpdate() @@ -157,6 +274,75 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games shootingThisFrame = false; } + public void Lights(float beat, float length, bool autoLights, bool shouldLights) + { + autoLight = autoLights; + lighting = autoLights || shouldLights; + if (shouldLights) + { + List actions = new List(); + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) + { + actions.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate { HandleLights(); })); + } + if (!autoLights) + { + lighting = false; + actions.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + length, delegate + { + foreach (var lightMat in firstPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(currentEnvironmentColor, 0.2f); + } + foreach (var lightMat in secondPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(currentEnvironmentColor, 0.2f); + } + })); + } + BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, actions); + } + if (!autoLights && !shouldLights) + { + lighting = false; + foreach (var lightMat in firstPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(currentEnvironmentColor, 0.2f); + } + foreach (var lightMat in secondPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(currentEnvironmentColor, 0.2f); + } + } + } + + private void HandleLights() + { + if (firstLight) + { + foreach (var lightMat in firstPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(Color.white, 0.2f); + } + foreach (var lightMat in secondPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(currentEnvironmentColor, 0.2f); + } + } + else + { + foreach (var lightMat in firstPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(currentEnvironmentColor, 0.2f); + } + foreach (var lightMat in secondPatternLights) + { + lightMat.DOColor(Color.white, 0.2f); + } + } + firstLight = !firstLight; + } + public void SpawnBlocks(float beat, float length) { var newBlocks = GameObject.Instantiate(movingBlocksBase, blocksHolder).GetComponent(); diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/CatchyTune/CatchyTune.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/CatchyTune/CatchyTune.cs index 9adfff50b..f78e34ddd 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/CatchyTune/CatchyTune.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/CatchyTune/CatchyTune.cs @@ -47,15 +47,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders new Param("bop", CatchyTune.WhoBops.Both, "Bop", "Should Plalin and Alalin bop?"), new Param("bopAuto", CatchyTune.WhoBops.None, "Bop", "Should Plalin and Alalin auto bop?"), }, - }, - new GameAction("background", "Background") - { - function = delegate {var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; CatchyTune.instance.changeBG(e["BG"]); }, - defaultLength = 0.5f, - parameters = new List() - { - new Param("BG", CatchyTune.Background.Long, "BG", "The background to change to") - }, } }, new List() {"ctr", "normal"}, @@ -104,8 +95,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games public GameObject pineappleBase; public Transform fruitHolder; public GameObject heartMessage; - - public GameObject bg1; public GameObject bg2; // when to stop playing the catch animation @@ -320,20 +309,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games } } - public void changeBG(int bg) - { - if (bg == 0) - { - bg1.SetActive(true); - bg2.SetActive(false); - } - else - { - bg1.SetActive(false); - bg2.SetActive(true); - } - } - public void catchSuccess(bool side, bool isPineapple, bool smile, float beat, float endSmile) { string anim = isPineapple ? "catchPineapple" : "catchOrange"; diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrio.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrio.cs index 54f285e2f..1ac48ac09 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrio.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrio.cs @@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games private int clapIndex; private ClappyTrioPlayer ClappyTrioPlayer; - - public bool playerHitLast = false; - public bool missed; + public int misses; bool shouldBop; bool doEmotion = true; public int emoCounter; @@ -186,7 +184,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games ClappyTrioPlayer.clapStarted = true; ClappyTrioPlayer.canHit = true; // this is technically a lie, this just restores the ability to hit - playerHitLast = false; isClapping = true; // makes the other lions clap @@ -221,15 +218,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games shouldBop = autoBop; if (startBop) { + List bops = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i == 0 && startBop && autoBop) continue; float spawnBeat = beat + i; - BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, new List() + bops.Add(new BeatAction.Action(spawnBeat, delegate { Bop(spawnBeat); })); + if (i == length - 1) { - new BeatAction.Action(spawnBeat, delegate { Bop(spawnBeat); }) - }); + bops.Add(new BeatAction.Action(spawnBeat, delegate { misses = 0; })); + } } + if (bops.Count > 0) BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, bops); } } @@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games { if (doEmotion && emoCounter > 0) { - if (playerHitLast) + if (misses == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Lion.Count; i++) { SetFace(i, 1); } } - else if (missed) + else if (misses > 0) { var a = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("clappyTrio", new string[] { "clap" }); var b = a.FindAll(c => c.beat < beat); diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrioPlayer.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrioPlayer.cs index a7a705778..595730af8 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrioPlayer.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/ClappyTrio/ClappyTrioPlayer.cs @@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_ClappyTrio } private void Miss(PlayerActionEvent caller) { - game.playerHitLast = false; - game.missed = true; + game.misses++; game.emoCounter = 2; if (clapStarted) @@ -71,16 +70,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_ClappyTrio { clapEffect.SetActive(true); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("clappyTrio/rightClap"); - - if (this.canHit) - game.playerHitLast = true; } else { clapEffect.SetActive(false); Jukebox.PlayOneShot("miss"); - game.playerHitLast = false; - game.missed = true; + game.misses++; if (clapStarted) this.canHit = false; diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/QuizShow/QuizShow.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/QuizShow/QuizShow.cs index c8377b409..816a9adad 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/QuizShow/QuizShow.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/QuizShow/QuizShow.cs @@ -525,7 +525,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games } if (pressCount == countToMatch) { - GameProfiler.instance.IncreaseScore(); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("quizShow/correct"); contesteeHead.Play("ContesteeSmile", -1, 0); hostHead.Play("HostSmile", -1, 0); diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Ringside/Ringside.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Ringside/Ringside.cs index 94c5daa6b..1aa0943a2 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Ringside/Ringside.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Ringside/Ringside.cs @@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games private Sound kidsLaugh; private int currentPose; private EasingFunction.Ease lastEase; + private GameObject currentNewspaper; private int currentZoomIndex; @@ -186,8 +187,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games allCameraEvents = tempEvents; UpdateCameraZoom(); - shouldNotInput = false; - shouldBop = true; + wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 1); + ReporterBlink(); } void Update() @@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games { if (cond.ReportBeat(ref bop.lastReportedBeat, bop.startBeat % 1)) { - if ((wrestlerAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Idle") || wrestlerAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("BopPec") || wrestlerAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Bop")) && shouldBop) + if (wrestlerAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() && shouldBop) { if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 18) == 1) { @@ -233,7 +234,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games new BeatAction.Action(cond.songPositionInBeats + 0.1f, delegate { wrestlerTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); }), }); } - ReporterBlink(); } if (allCameraEvents.Count > 0) { @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games { new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate { - if ((wrestlerAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Idle") || wrestlerAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("BopPec") || wrestlerAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Bop"))) + if (wrestlerAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying()) { if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 18) == 1) { @@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate {wrestlerAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("PreparePose", 0.25f); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate {shouldBop = false; }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1, delegate { PoseCheck(beat); }), - new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.99f, delegate { wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 0); }), - new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.99f, delegate { reporterAnim.Play("IdleReporter", 0, 0); }), + new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.99f, delegate { wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 1); }), + new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.99f, delegate { reporterAnim.DoUnscaledAnimation("IdleReporter"); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.99f, delegate { shouldNotInput = false; }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.99f, delegate { shouldBop = true; }), }); @@ -475,14 +475,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games { keepZoomOut = true; blackVoid.color = Color.black; - newspaper.SetActive(true); + GameObject spawnedNewsPaper = Instantiate(newspaper, transform); + spawnedNewsPaper.SetActive(true); + currentNewspaper = spawnedNewsPaper; + wrestlerNewspaperAnim = spawnedNewsPaper.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent(); + reporterNewspaperAnim = spawnedNewsPaper.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent(); if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) == 1) { - newspaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnter", 0, 0); + spawnedNewsPaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnter", 0, 0); } else { - newspaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnterRight", 0, 0); + spawnedNewsPaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnterRight", 0, 0); } if (!hitPose) { @@ -500,7 +504,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3f + newspaperBeats, delegate { blackVoid.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0); - newspaper.SetActive(false); + Destroy(currentNewspaper); currentNewspaper = null; lastCamPos = new Vector3(0, 0, -10); Jukebox.KillLoop(kidsLaugh, 0.25f); keepZoomOut = false; @@ -537,14 +541,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3f, delegate { blackVoid.color = Color.black; - newspaper.SetActive(true); + GameObject spawnedNewsPaper = Instantiate(newspaper, transform); + spawnedNewsPaper.SetActive(true); + currentNewspaper = spawnedNewsPaper; + wrestlerNewspaperAnim = spawnedNewsPaper.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent(); + reporterNewspaperAnim = spawnedNewsPaper.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent(); if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3) == 1) { - newspaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnter", 0, 0); + spawnedNewsPaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnter", 0, 0); } else { - newspaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnterRight", 0, 0); + spawnedNewsPaper.GetComponent().Play("NewspaperEnterRight", 0, 0); } if (!hitPose) { @@ -562,7 +570,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3f + newspaperBeats, delegate { blackVoid.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0); - newspaper.SetActive(false); + Destroy(currentNewspaper); currentNewspaper = null; Jukebox.KillLoop(kidsLaugh, 0.25f); }) }); @@ -633,14 +641,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games public void ReporterBlink() { - int randomNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 200); - if (randomNumber == 1) + if (reporterAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("IdleReporter")) { - if (reporterAnim.IsPlayingAnimationName("IdleReporter")) - { - reporterAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("BlinkReporter", 0.5f); - } + reporterAnim.DoUnscaledAnimation("BlinkReporter"); } + float randomTime = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.3f, 1.8f); + Invoke("ReporterBlink", randomTime); } public void JustQuestion(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) @@ -721,7 +727,24 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games } BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, new List() { - new BeatAction.Action(caller.startBeat + caller.timer + 0.9f, delegate { wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 0); }), + new BeatAction.Action(caller.startBeat + caller.timer + 1f, delegate + { + if (shouldBop) + { + if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 18) == 1) + { + wrestlerAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("BopPec"); + } + else + { + wrestlerAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop"); + } + } + else + { + wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 1); + } + }), }); return; } @@ -756,7 +779,24 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games } BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, new List() { - new BeatAction.Action(caller.startBeat + caller.timer + 0.9f, delegate { wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 0); }), + new BeatAction.Action(caller.startBeat + caller.timer + 1f, delegate + { + if (shouldBop) + { + if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 18) == 1) + { + wrestlerAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("BopPec"); + } + else + { + wrestlerAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop"); + } + } + else + { + wrestlerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 1); + } + }), }); } diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Alien.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Alien.cs index 1a6f6c779..50ba2191f 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Alien.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Alien.cs @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_Spaceball private float showBeat = 0; private bool isShowing = false; + private bool isHiding = false; const string IdleAnim = "AlienIdle"; const string SwingAnim = "AlienSwing"; @@ -21,12 +22,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_Spaceball private void Update() { - if (Conductor.instance.isPlaying && !isShowing) + if (Conductor.instance.isPlaying && !isShowing && !isHiding) { anim.Play(SwingAnim, 0, Conductor.instance.GetLoopPositionFromBeat(0, 1f)); anim.speed = 0; } - else if (!Conductor.instance.isPlaying) + else if (!Conductor.instance.isPlaying && !isHiding) { anim.Play(IdleAnim, 0, 0); } @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_Spaceball if (isShowing) { float normalizedBeat = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(showBeat, 1f); - anim.Play(ShowAnim, 0, normalizedBeat); + if (!isHiding) anim.Play(ShowAnim, 0, normalizedBeat); anim.speed = 0; if (normalizedBeat >= 2) @@ -44,10 +45,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_Spaceball } } - public void Show(float showBeat) + public void Show(float showBeat, bool hide) { isShowing = true; this.showBeat = showBeat; + isHiding = hide; + if (hide) anim.Play("AlienHide", 0, 0); } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Spaceball.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Spaceball.cs index e58f97159..84ba85dc9 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Spaceball.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Spaceball/Spaceball.cs @@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders }, new GameAction("alien", "Show Alien") { - function = delegate { Spaceball.instance.alien.Show(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat); } + function = delegate { Spaceball.instance.alien.Show(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, eventCaller.currentEntity["hide"]); }, + parameters = new List() + { + new Param("hide", false, "Hide", "Should the alien be hidden?") + } }, new GameAction("camera", "Zoom Camera") { diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/TossBoys/TossBoys.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/TossBoys/TossBoys.cs index 93bfe0632..6e3c4a452 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/TossBoys/TossBoys.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/TossBoys/TossBoys.cs @@ -842,22 +842,22 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games switch (last + current) { case "redBlue": - currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.RedBlueDual, beat); + currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.RedBlueDual, beat, currentEventLength / 2); break; case "blueYellow": - currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.BlueYellowDual, beat); + currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.BlueYellowDual, beat, currentEventLength / 2); break; case "yellowBlue": - currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.YellowBlueDual, beat); + currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.YellowBlueDual, beat, currentEventLength / 2); break; case "blueRed": - currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.BlueRedDual, beat); + currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.BlueRedDual, beat, currentEventLength / 2); break; case "yellowRed": - currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.YellowRedDual, beat); + currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.YellowRedDual, beat, currentEventLength / 2); break; case "redYellow": - currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.RedYellowDual, beat); + currentBall.SetState(TossBoysBall.State.RedYellowDual, beat, currentEventLength / 2); break; default: break; diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/WizardsWaltz/WizardsWaltz.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/WizardsWaltz/WizardsWaltz.cs index ce8cfbee3..0ae342628 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/WizardsWaltz/WizardsWaltz.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/WizardsWaltz/WizardsWaltz.cs @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games public GameObject fxBase; private int timer = 0; - public float beatInterval = 4f; + public float beatInterval = 6f; float intervalStartBeat; bool intervalStarted; public float wizardBeatOffset = 0f; diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets b/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets index 656cf4666..74c730f0f 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets.manifest index ff492329e..004bdf0c4 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/StreamingAssets.manifest @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 2298529911 +CRC: 3964113850 AssetBundleManifest: AssetBundleInfos: Info_0: - Name: karate/common + Name: ctrpillow/common Dependencies: {} Info_1: - Name: ntridol/common + Name: karate/common Dependencies: {} Info_2: Name: agbmarcher/common Dependencies: {} Info_3: - Name: ctrcatchy/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_4: Name: ntrdj/common Dependencies: Dependency_0: rvldate/common - Info_5: + Info_4: Name: ctrpillow/locale.en Dependencies: {} + Info_5: + Name: ntrsamurai/common + Dependencies: {} Info_6: - Name: ctrpillow/common + Name: ntridol/common Dependencies: {} Info_7: Name: rvlbooks/locale.en @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ AssetBundleManifest: Name: rvlbooks/common Dependencies: {} Info_10: - Name: ntrsamurai/common + Name: ctrcatchy/common Dependencies: {} Info_11: Name: agbmarcher/locale.en @@ -58,162 +58,162 @@ AssetBundleManifest: Name: ntrsamurai/locale.en Dependencies: {} Info_18: - Name: rvlbadminton/common + Name: ntrsoccer/common Dependencies: {} Info_19: - Name: rvlbadminton/locale.en + Name: rvlfork/common Dependencies: {} Info_20: - Name: ctrbear/common + Name: rvlseal/locale.en Dependencies: {} Info_21: - Name: rvlrotation/common + Name: agbspacedance/locale.jp Dependencies: {} Info_22: - Name: rvlrotation/locale.en + Name: rvlseal/common Dependencies: {} Info_23: - Name: ntrassembly/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_24: Name: agbclap/common Dependencies: {} - Info_25: - Name: ntrstomp/common + Info_24: + Name: ntrshugyo/locale.en Dependencies: {} - Info_26: + Info_25: Name: ntrninja/common Dependencies: {} - Info_27: - Name: rvldate/common + Info_26: + Name: agbbatter/common Dependencies: - Dependency_0: ntrdj/common + Dependency_0: karate/common + Info_27: + Name: pcomeat/common + Dependencies: {} Info_28: - Name: ctrintro/common + Name: rvldough/common Dependencies: {} Info_29: - Name: agbexplode/common + Name: rvlrocket/common Dependencies: {} Info_30: Name: ctrinterpreter/common Dependencies: {} Info_31: - Name: rvlseal/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_32: - Name: rvlseal/locale.en - Dependencies: {} - Info_33: - Name: rvlfork/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_34: - Name: ntrchorus/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_35: - Name: ntrchorus/locale.en - Dependencies: {} - Info_36: - Name: ctrteppan/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_37: - Name: rvlrocket/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_38: - Name: ntrbackbeat/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_39: - Name: pcomeat/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_40: - Name: agboffbeat/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_41: - Name: ntrshugyo/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_42: - Name: ntrshugyo/locale.en - Dependencies: {} - Info_43: - Name: agbquiz/common - Dependencies: - Dependency_0: karate/common - Info_44: - Name: ntrpingpong/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_45: - Name: pcosomen/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_46: - Name: agbhair/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_47: - Name: rvlinterview/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_48: - Name: rvlinterview/locale.en - Dependencies: {} - Info_49: - Name: rvlseesaw/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_50: Name: rvlseesaw/locale.en Dependencies: {} - Info_51: - Name: agbghost/common + Info_32: + Name: rvlseesaw/common Dependencies: {} - Info_52: - Name: agbbatter/common - Dependencies: - Dependency_0: karate/common - Info_53: - Name: agbspacedance/common + Info_33: + Name: agbwizard/common Dependencies: {} - Info_54: - Name: agbspacedance/locale.jp - Dependencies: {} - Info_55: - Name: ntrsoccer/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_56: - Name: ntrsoccer/locale.en - Dependencies: {} - Info_57: + Info_34: Name: rvldrum/common Dependencies: {} - Info_58: + Info_35: + Name: agbtoss/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_36: + Name: rvlinterview/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_37: + Name: ntrbackbeat/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_38: + Name: rvlinterview/locale.en + Dependencies: {} + Info_39: + Name: agbexplode/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_40: + Name: rvlrotation/locale.en + Dependencies: {} + Info_41: + Name: ctrteppan/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_42: + Name: ctrbear/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_43: + Name: ntrboxshow/locale.en + Dependencies: {} + Info_44: + Name: agbhair/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_45: + Name: rvlbadminton/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_46: + Name: rvllegs/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_47: + Name: rvlbadminton/locale.en + Dependencies: {} + Info_48: Name: agbtap/common Dependencies: Dependency_0: ntridol/common - Info_59: - Name: rvllegs/common + Info_49: + Name: ntrchorus/locale.en Dependencies: {} - Info_60: - Name: rvllegs/locale.en + Info_50: + Name: agbspacedance/common Dependencies: {} - Info_61: + Info_51: + Name: rvldate/common + Dependencies: + Dependency_0: ntrdj/common + Info_52: + Name: rvlrotation/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_53: Name: ntrboxshow/common Dependencies: {} - Info_62: - Name: ntrboxshow/locale.en + Info_54: + Name: ntrassembly/common Dependencies: {} - Info_63: - Name: agbtoss/common + Info_55: + Name: ntrpingpong/common Dependencies: {} - Info_64: + Info_56: + Name: agbquiz/common + Dependencies: + Dependency_0: karate/common + Info_57: + Name: ctrintro/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_58: + Name: agboffbeat/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_59: Name: mobtrick/common Dependencies: {} - Info_65: - Name: ntrtunnel/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_66: - Name: ntrtunnel/locale.en - Dependencies: {} - Info_67: - Name: agbwizard/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_68: - Name: rvldough/common - Dependencies: {} - Info_69: + Info_60: Name: ntrcork/common Dependencies: {} + Info_61: + Name: ntrchorus/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_62: + Name: rvllegs/locale.en + Dependencies: {} + Info_63: + Name: ntrshugyo/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_64: + Name: pcosomen/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_65: + Name: ntrstomp/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_66: + Name: agbghost/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_67: + Name: ntrtunnel/locale.en + Dependencies: {} + Info_68: + Name: ntrtunnel/common + Dependencies: {} + Info_69: + Name: ntrsoccer/locale.en + Dependencies: {} diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common index 86be8e061..7b27f10b9 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common.manifest index f71a23aea..66b776950 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbbatter/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 1841924840 +CRC: 1387178105 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: b59a2bf0b67aed1bba17ac289fcad0c7 + Hash: b7f85f77b7808e7620bb5adb51da46af TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 3c21c7b04832853cd27601d2dee6bffc @@ -90,9 +90,10 @@ Assets: - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/alien_shadow.png - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Spaceball_Player_3.png - Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/spaceball/longShoot.ogg +- Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/AlienHide.anim - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Spaceball_Player_1.png - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/Dust.anim - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/baseball.png - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/Spaceball/Animations/Idle.anim Dependencies: -- C:/Users/mathi/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HeavenStudio/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common +- C:/Users/rasmu/OneDrive/Dokumenter/GitHub/HeavenStudio/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common index d9978eaaa..acc8e0259 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common.manifest index 8ba0eff0a..4a3859072 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbclap/common.manifest @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 905209000 +CRC: 4055765763 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: bceaa2b1ca6055443853f087627622cd + Hash: 33f0474953641354c81c369c6cd3901c TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: ba734b6fb40353046fd5ae1229b4a1b2 + Hash: b1e8bb68d3d87d505cf1e976704538c6 HashAppended: 0 ClassTypes: - Class: 1 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common index 762cce7b7..21a9de1aa 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common.manifest index 794aafd2a..bfda73ba2 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbexplode/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 1380240849 +CRC: 3324159491 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 1a88cbf293566f99e0591e8d25131cb6 + Hash: 72a371fc0b53bde1da06f7c2fc0cbfca TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: b681174b78f64dbae951d5d59b41274e diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbghost/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbghost/common.manifest index be6f212cf..c3b736257 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbghost/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbghost/common.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 3687159172 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 517fcb3e490b89810b445948257698e4 + Hash: 0c901a5316eada2aa40e333299f46024 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 8590c8f725cd7164594330ed95ce7efe diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common index c61f40246..a86ca480b 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common.manifest index 5b8adc1e3..6b1b13c57 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbhair/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 982138086 +CRC: 258364707 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: c57aa8b1ac6b815d804b7560f2301aed + Hash: e14327a2173b91b4a2a5522ec870bd5b TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: ac80f714e5bc98fbcf2462d906bb0a0d diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common index 92d6a2bb8..c5c44af46 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common.manifest index 3437625dc..c9a34f638 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbmarcher/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 1086654757 +CRC: 1384349698 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 1fd23e306050475e2902b2ab8ab3499f + Hash: e97c62358b178eca025a56591cc2bf92 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 66d7bc0128dfa9bd2a6d8ac797c3d10f diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common index 864e17072..e6f1d5dab 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common.manifest index c3a7bac39..7032a9c21 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agboffbeat/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 4204433912 +CRC: 898096632 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 097c0984f2d914db70914f14ac684d05 + Hash: d598e0b6105ee0ddea1306ecb64ba97e TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 34ccacf681bd423b54afdcbd80572bc4 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbquiz/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbquiz/common.manifest index 6b79467dd..775265a8e 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbquiz/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbquiz/common.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 2776406185 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: f473651458cd3b9031589e2620a79e18 + Hash: 2e302cf48b40bc531bd32b21fc9e3dc2 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 78b02268f01f8b6a77a608289ecb9d38 @@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ Assets: - Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/quizShow/hostDPad.ogg - Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/quizShow/hostExplode.ogg Dependencies: -- C:/Users/mathi/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HeavenStudio/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common +- C:/Users/rasmu/OneDrive/Dokumenter/GitHub/HeavenStudio/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common index e4e88d3aa..73a41cdd8 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common.manifest index 1452b5114..1e09c8b8e 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 2337966658 +CRC: 3400926083 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 6c5f305d121e5648db2d26e2bfb35658 + Hash: 0dcee12a501424298becdd4a029a9e81 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 666e1c934de72fd88bc6cb4f5baa3a36 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/locale.jp.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/locale.jp.manifest index 248caaab5..47942dc54 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/locale.jp.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbspacedance/locale.jp.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 3292081599 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: e481c3d6f945f9af594e89482cdbb74f + Hash: a6e195e8a02dd1668c351c9555a10e68 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 9a2ca7bdbd1871f7131daf57de908e0c diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common index 36735f1a1..011d03bd5 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common.manifest index fd1ebf142..7f8cbc3bc 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtap/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 505957087 +CRC: 212326892 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 53c37427d24d759a3400b167436074f2 + Hash: 40765276bb575635d5e750e671fe00ad TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 19ee8e0c3590503ff1703e27669b9083 @@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ Assets: - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/TapTrial/Animations/Giraffe/Giraffe.controller - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/TapTrial/Animations/girl_bop/Bop.anim Dependencies: -- C:/Users/mathi/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/HeavenStudio/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntridol/common +- C:/Users/rasmu/OneDrive/Dokumenter/GitHub/HeavenStudio/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntridol/common diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common index 99d182c1b..653615bcf 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common.manifest index 34e86f0a8..9a474a64e 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbtoss/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 2656273758 +CRC: 2283269108 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 230853e9ab4e9b35f71b7f39f64a9667 + Hash: bb54fc1d73dc1a84c27dae5905a5cc81 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 545a4a8276e4957bfa14c0b989e80093 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbwizard/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbwizard/common.manifest index 098780c48..d484b73aa 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbwizard/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/agbwizard/common.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 2637298535 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 3b70b5aef93c9b72d54014aa548f1fa0 + Hash: bc847f2bb2ca95a8382c8603da0c7aca TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 67d39c717ebaf88d640de17235703b84 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common index 5ead48815..9d0c00f66 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common.manifest index e44c39ec2..8e05d1abe 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrbear/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 3248289930 +CRC: 2289962648 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 6510c8d33668744fc46c0f87797e55bf + Hash: 88b8ff1c79354272416de55f3268cbce TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: d644181980f918186081c0bac0c321f4 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common index 7cef47773..ce0d4273c 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common.manifest index 9f3a24394..e79c87a2f 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrcatchy/common.manifest @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 117698657 +CRC: 700093499 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: d60b647a5686db868e222da7fc48ae3b + Hash: fbcf23058543d115ae6930c002ae033c TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 2f2dfb64e3399603a2022dc302504427 + Hash: d133cd3f87321d37165bad4fb3b17216 HashAppended: 0 ClassTypes: - Class: 1 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common index d37cd3ada..bd7d9018b 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common.manifest index f52edfb8a..9dd9e4ac9 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrinterpreter/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 410474102 +CRC: 2199654320 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 7ba998bb40fb8ee0c4dc5eae430d7ded + Hash: 3df64602dae1644c40a73e63047b5d91 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 6a87535638e108a5e3588d5397c1cf0a diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common index 922fdb06f..b90beb75a 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common.manifest index bd176866a..342efb480 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrintro/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 3626501956 +CRC: 2468459598 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 2591643ee438f0e8759a3b4354ffa935 + Hash: 3022cc7faf913fff20ee843534f71dd0 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 9882fa2f26ef5be324432a0a3acd846e diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common index a4ee2c89e..be81b67bd 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common.manifest index 129a08e88..7840fec27 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrpillow/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 2206423376 +CRC: 603531861 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: d91f25db6a72e2d54c14febfe519d4d3 + Hash: 43643198b112932a4fdf0b1da91e8a08 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: a7c568f5d3a8f80a33b7dd26fe5a006a diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common index d42593ded..8274a2306 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common.manifest index 4a4b6d7b8..989e6b58c 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ctrteppan/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 1678427662 +CRC: 3225447570 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 75efa2aa5db4dbf83d9ff761464b1093 + Hash: 61fc8edb7d12ddb21197f9f6d61e6618 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 460be591ec703ee0603b7b23c7810e85 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common index 4b7f621c8..875469e6a 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common.manifest index 9723aebe6..45f360622 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/karate/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 3996369618 +CRC: 989978678 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - 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Hash: a797017a073e6ffbf65fc5ee9edb172d + Hash: abd7163861ddadc823c360495cc7a8fb TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 974ea934299ce5c71bcd7b9022e14cb9 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/common.manifest index 290552df3..ad7b05661 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/common.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 2859427142 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 0f90339d4a8a70c513ccfd303ca2d596 + Hash: 248d70b7b10682c27677084cd15177ba TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: b34bf4f4a153c821f231d97d8dbb17bf diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/locale.en.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/locale.en.manifest index a56579650..c796bc8e5 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/locale.en.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrsamurai/locale.en.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 3939051657 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: ce985f100d2f5d0940fb613bd86f4f91 + Hash: d7238faee24ab1af3a24e18f7d48b444 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: c21d61fe394c58399df3c6fb5c7c99b3 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common index d54354170..b834ab5b2 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common.manifest index 46066d068..d2ccca951 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/ntrshugyo/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 3280799345 +CRC: 425298165 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - 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Hash: 51f65c7362629db2e4d0fa4804d806b8 + Hash: 66dfc92a596424905b5c760ad439dc18 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 96a5a577eabf548f980146be7c5c5dfa diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common index 4a92b6e13..c32e10f06 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common.manifest index 778db8bf5..1a252a804 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 657630586 +CRC: 433932746 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: d6d9e6762bf47d04bb730f3320f14788 + Hash: fb9f8bcbdccbaeedccf7f3030752edda TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 227a86ac9715dddef278f0490af191fe diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/locale.en.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/locale.en.manifest index e2d0791d9..b9ac0a399 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/locale.en.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlbadminton/locale.en.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 3860623843 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - 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Class: 1 @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ ClassTypes: Script: {instanceID: 0} - Class: 199 Script: {instanceID: 0} +- Class: 210 + Script: {instanceID: 0} - Class: 212 Script: {instanceID: 0} - Class: 213 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlinterview/locale.en.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlinterview/locale.en.manifest index faca47a02..30f6f9175 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlinterview/locale.en.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlinterview/locale.en.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 543707746 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 7acf4439fe4b22572cab53a765597a83 + Hash: 462c77a31f01e88e6be5f4a5108fd275 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 9a2ca7bdbd1871f7131daf57de908e0c diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common index aa7c7a55c..2e63e84b5 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common.manifest index 7093ec6ee..cd2ce5cd4 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvllegs/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 3025961969 +CRC: 3683042999 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - 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Hash: 822f018092320da9974c9f66f994e672 + Hash: 790ff64aa78d4bafcd56143473bbb083 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 1700dff61e9a39c2f981a91472deb25e diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseal/locale.en.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseal/locale.en.manifest index 833145a55..30ffe7647 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseal/locale.en.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseal/locale.en.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 1560317691 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: d1ecdd62d776713f6c2b69f398f669b9 + Hash: fbfc5feabc6811e05216f6f4f9185dd6 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 9a2ca7bdbd1871f7131daf57de908e0c diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common index e9a56fafa..f8d997abb 100644 Binary files a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common and b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common differ diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common.manifest index 70db309d8..572fba78a 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/common.manifest @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ ManifestFileVersion: 0 -CRC: 145033593 +CRC: 1066493538 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: 541234f2f5937ffd32e5659d67a9ce5c + Hash: e5813385a0b9b59819c85887beaca3dc TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 6ddefc915b4006f12246ed1f50bf5b87 diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/locale.en.manifest b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/locale.en.manifest index 00fae58c4..31ad9357a 100644 --- a/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/locale.en.manifest +++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/rvlseesaw/locale.en.manifest @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ CRC: 457193976 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 - Hash: a4b1cbad9c79384d3b4c4a5ba0f7ef36 + Hash: e77eea804891da591ecd1c6878ba0704 TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: 9a2ca7bdbd1871f7131daf57de908e0c