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--- !u!1 &7720499959914799361
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--- !u!1 &9208581106298752702
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m_AnchorMax: {x: 0, y: 0}
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview.ogg differ
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new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/gleeClub/WailPreview.wav b/Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/gleeClub/WailPreview.wav
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Resources/Sfx/games/gleeClub/WailPreview.wav differ
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@@ -23060,6 +23060,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
gridGameSelector: {fileID: 1154875947}
IntegerP: {fileID: 2061329665160180680, guid: fe16d477643f72b44b519c07a3012363, type: 3}
FloatP: {fileID: 872153477128913846, guid: 59791cf2ac17a4e4989da45598fa57dc, type: 3}
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ButtonP: {fileID: 161819469546819110, guid: 950cb35d8fa268649aa7dd8f2eee60ad, type: 3}
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DropdownP: {fileID: 6474185410112721777, guid: d001cda1595359b4994b07211f2bc938, type: 3}
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/BonOdori/BonOdori.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/BonOdori/BonOdori.cs
index 423debc6d..250e0a26a 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/BonOdori/BonOdori.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/BonOdori/BonOdori.cs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("variationPa", BonOdori.variationPa.PaG, "Pa Type", "Set the variation of the voice line."),
new Param("variationPa_n", BonOdori.variationPa_n.Pa_nA , "Pa-n Type", "Set the variation of the voice line."),
new Param("clapType", BonOdori.typeClap.SideClap, "Clap Type", "Set the type of clap."),
- new Param("semitone", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitone", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semitone", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Semitone", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("variationDon", BonOdori.variationDon.DonA, "Don Type", "Set the variation of the voice line."),
new Param("variationDo", BonOdori.variationDo.DoC, "Do Type", "Set the variation of the voice line."),
new Param("variationDo_n", BonOdori.variationDo_n.Do_nA, "Do-n Type", "Set the variation of the voice line."),
- new Param("semitone", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitone", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semitone", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Semitone", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs
index 09fcdd71b..7854ab72c 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/BuiltToScaleDS/BuiltToScaleDS.cs
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param.CollapseParam((x, _) => !(bool)x, new string[] { "note1", "note2", "note3", "note4", "note5", "note6"})
- new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "1st note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 2), "2nd note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 4), "3rd note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 5), "4th note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 7), "5th note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched. This note plays together with the 6th note."),
- new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 12), "6th note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched. This note plays together with the 5th note."),
+ new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "1st note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 2, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "2nd note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 4, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "3rd note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 5, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "4th note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 7, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "5th note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched. This note plays together with the 6th note."),
+ new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 12, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "6th note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched. This note plays together with the 5th note."),
new GameAction("play piano", "Play Note")
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
resizable = true,
parameters = new List()
- new Param("type", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched.")
+ new Param("type", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 3, 4, "builtToScaleDS/PianoPreview"), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched.")
new GameAction("color", "Color Palette")
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/GleeClub/GleeClub.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/GleeClub/GleeClub.cs
index f87744499..f9e6334d1 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/GleeClub/GleeClub.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/GleeClub/GleeClub.cs
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
resizable = true,
parameters = new List()
- new Param("semiTones", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -5), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTones1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "Semitones (Next)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTonesPlayer", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 2), "Semitones (Player)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTones", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -5, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTones1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Next)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTonesPlayer", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 2, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Player)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
new Param("close", GleeClub.MouthOpenClose.Both, "Close/Open Mouth", "Choose if the chorus kids should close or open their mouth."),
new Param("repeat", false, "Repeating", "Toggle if the left and middle chorus kid should repeat this singing cue.", new List()
new Param.CollapseParam((x, _) => (bool)x, new string[] { "semiTonesLeft2", "semiTonesLeft3", "semiTonesMiddle2" })
- new Param("semiTonesLeft2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones (Repeat Left First)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTonesLeft3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones (Repeat Left Last)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTonesMiddle2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones (Repeat Middle)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTonesLeft2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Repeat Left First)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTonesLeft3", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Repeat Left Last)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTonesMiddle2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Repeat Middle)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
new GameAction("baton", "Baton")
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
defaultLength = 4f,
parameters = new List()
- new Param("semiTones", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTones1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 4), "Semitones (Next)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTonesPlayer", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 10), "Semitones (Player)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTones", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTones1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 4, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Next)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTonesPlayer", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 10, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Player)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
new Param("pitch", new EntityTypes.Float(0f, 5f, 1f), "Conductor Voice Pitch", "Choose the pitch of the conductor's voice. 1 is normal pitch.")
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
defaultLength = 0.5f,
parameters = new List()
- new Param("semiTones", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTones1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones (Next)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("semiTonesPlayer", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones (Player)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTones", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTones1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Next)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("semiTonesPlayer", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 4, 5, "gleeClub/WailPreview"), "Semitones (Player)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
new GameAction("presence", "Toggle Chorus Kids")
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/LaunchParty/LaunchParty.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/LaunchParty/LaunchParty.cs
index 27dc03f83..23c51b48a 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/LaunchParty/LaunchParty.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/LaunchParty/LaunchParty.cs
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
parameters = new List()
new Param("offset", new EntityTypes.Float(-1, 2, -1), "Spawn Offset", "Set when the rocket should rise up."),
- new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 2), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 4), "2nd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 5), "3rd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 7), "4th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched.")
+ new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 2, 0,4, "launchParty/rocket_note"), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 4, 0,4, "launchParty/rocket_note"), "2nd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 5, 0,4, "launchParty/rocket_note"), "3rd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 7, 0,4, "launchParty/rocket_note"), "4th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched.")
new GameAction("partyCracker", "Party-Popper")
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
parameters = new List()
new Param("offset", new EntityTypes.Float(-1, 1, -1), "Spawn Offset", "Set when the rocket should rise up."),
- new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 4), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 5), "2nd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 7), "3rd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 9), "4th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 11), "5th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 12), "6th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched.")
+ new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 4, 0, 4, "launchParty/popper_note"), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 5, 0, 4, "launchParty/popper_note"), "2nd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 7, 0, 4, "launchParty/popper_note"), "3rd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 9, 0, 4, "launchParty/popper_note"), "4th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 11, 0, 4, "launchParty/popper_note"), "5th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 12, 0, 4, "launchParty/popper_note"), "6th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched.")
new GameAction("bell", "Bell")
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
parameters = new List()
new Param("offset", new EntityTypes.Float(-1, 1, -1), "Spawn Offset", "Set when the rocket should rise up."),
- new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 2), "2nd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 4), "3rd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 5), "4th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 7), "5th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 9), "6th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note7", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 11), "7th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note8", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 12), "8th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note9", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "9th Note (Launch)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_note"), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 2, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "2nd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 4, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "3rd Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 5, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "4th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 7, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "5th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 9, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "6th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note7", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 11, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "7th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note8", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 12, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_short"), "8th Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note9", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/bell_blast"), "9th Note (Launch)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
new GameAction("bowlingPin", "Bowling Pin")
@@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
parameters = new List()
new Param("offset", new EntityTypes.Float(-1, 1, -1), "Spawn Offset", "Set when the rocket should rise up."),
- new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 5), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "2nd Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "3rd Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "4th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "5th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "6th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note7", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "7th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note8", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "8th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note9", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "9th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note10", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "10th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note11", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "11th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note12", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, -1), "12th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note13", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "13th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note14", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 7), "14th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
- new Param("note15", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 7), "15th Note", "The number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched")
+ new Param("note1", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 5, 0, 4, "launchParty/pin"), "1st Note", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note2", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "2nd Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note3", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "3rd Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note4", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "4th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note5", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "5th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note6", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "6th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note7", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "7th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note8", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "8th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note9", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "9th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note10", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "10th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note11", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "11th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note12", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, -1, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "12th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note13", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "13th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note14", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 7, 0, 4, "launchParty/flute"), "14th Note (Flute)", "Set the number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched."),
+ new Param("note15", new EntityTypes.Note(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 7, 0, 4, "launchParty/pin"), "15th Note", "The number of semitones up or down this note should be pitched")
new GameAction("posMove", "Change Launch Pad Position")
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Rockers/Rockers.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Rockers/Rockers.cs
index fb10c438c..63b77e791 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Games/Rockers/Rockers.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/Rockers/Rockers.cs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("5JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "B3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("6JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E4 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("sampleJJ", Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, "Premade Sample (JJ)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."),
- new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("gcJJ", false, "Glee Club Guitar (JJ)", "Toggle if JJ should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS."),
new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("2S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "A2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("5S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "B3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("6S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E4 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("sampleS", Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, "Premade Sample (Soshi)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."),
- new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("gcS", false, "Glee Club Guitar (Soshi)", "Toggle if Soshi should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS.")
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
parameters = new List()
new Param("respond", true, "Respond", "Toggle if this guitar bend will have to be responded to by Soshi (the player)."),
- new Param("1JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 1), "Pitch Bend (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current riff will be pitchbent."),
- new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 1), "Pitch Bend (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current riff will be pitchbent."),
+ new Param("1JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 1), "Pitch Bend (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current riff will be pitchbent."),
+ new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 1), "Pitch Bend (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current riff will be pitchbent."),
new GameAction("prepare", "Prepare")
@@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to the middle."),
new Param("JJ1", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG5, "Premade Sample 1 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."),
- new Param("pJJ1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("JJ2", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG5, "Premade Sample 2 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."),
- new Param("pJJ2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("JJ3", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG5, "Premade Sample 3 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 3rd riff."),
- new Param("pJJ3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("JJ4", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordA, "Premade Sample 4 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."),
- new Param("pJJ4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 4 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 4 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S1", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG, "Premade Sample 1 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."),
- new Param("pS1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S2", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG, "Premade Sample 2 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."),
- new Param("pS2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S3", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG, "Premade Sample 3 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 3rd riff."),
- new Param("pS3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S4", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordA, "Premade Sample 4 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."),
- new Param("pS4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 4 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS4", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 4 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new GameAction("lastOne", "Last One!")
@@ -172,17 +172,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to the middle."),
new Param("JJ1", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, "Premade Sample 1 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."),
- new Param("pJJ1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("JJ2", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, "Premade Sample 2 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."),
- new Param("pJJ2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("JJ3", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, "Premade Sample 3 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."),
- new Param("pJJ3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pJJ3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S1", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, "Premade Sample 1 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."),
- new Param("pS1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS1", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 1 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S2", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, "Premade Sample 2 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."),
- new Param("pS2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS2", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 2 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("S3", Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, "Premade Sample 3 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."),
- new Param("pS3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pS3", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones 3 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new GameAction("count", "Count")
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("5JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "B3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("6JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E4 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("sampleJJ", Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, "Premade Sample (JJ)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."),
- new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("gcJJ", false, "Glee Club Guitar (JJ)", "Toggle if JJ should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS."),
new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("2S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "A2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("5S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "B3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("6S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E4 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("sampleS", Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, "Premade Sample (Soshi)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."),
- new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("gcS", false, "Glee Club Guitar (Soshi)", "Toggle if Soshi should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS.")
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("5JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "B3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("6JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E4 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("sampleJJ", Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, "Premade Sample (JJ)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."),
- new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("gcJJ", false, "Glee Club Guitar (JJ)", "Toggle if JJ should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS."),
new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("2S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "A2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("5S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "B3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("6S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-1, 24, 0), "E4 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."),
new Param("sampleS", Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, "Premade Sample (Soshi)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."),
- new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
+ new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."),
new Param("gcS", false, "Glee Club Guitar (Soshi)", "Toggle if Soshi should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS.")
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/EventParameterManager.cs b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/EventParameterManager.cs
index c16c75c98..3058a2da1 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/EventParameterManager.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/EventParameterManager.cs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
[Header("Property Prefabs")]
[SerializeField] private GameObject IntegerP;
[SerializeField] private GameObject FloatP;
+ [SerializeField] private GameObject NoteP;
[SerializeField] private GameObject ButtonP;
[SerializeField] private GameObject BooleanP;
[SerializeField] private GameObject DropdownP;
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
PropertyPrefabs = new() {
{ typeof(Integer), IntegerP },
{ typeof(Float), FloatP },
+ { typeof(Note), NoteP },
{ typeof(Dropdown), DropdownP },
{ typeof(Button), ButtonP },
{ typeof(Color), ColorP },
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NotePropertyPrefab.cs b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NotePropertyPrefab.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fe9c63e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NotePropertyPrefab.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using HeavenStudio;
+using HeavenStudio.Common;
+using HeavenStudio.Editor;
+using HeavenStudio.Util;
+using TMPro;
+using UnityEngine;
+public class NotePropertyPrefab : NumberPropertyPrefab
+ public TMP_Text noteLabel;
+ private Sound previewAudioSource;
+ private EntityTypes.Note note;
+ private int offsetFromC;
+ public override void SetProperties(string propertyName, object type, string caption)
+ {
+ base.SetProperties(propertyName, type, caption);
+ note = (EntityTypes.Note)type;
+ slider.minValue = note.min;
+ slider.maxValue = note.max;
+ slider.wholeNumbers = true;
+ offsetFromC = 3 - note.sampleNote;
+ slider.value = Convert.ToSingle(parameterManager.entity[propertyName]) - offsetFromC;
+ _defaultValue = slider.value;
+ inputField.text = slider.value.ToString();
+ noteLabel.text = GetNoteText(note, (int)slider.value + offsetFromC);
+ slider.onValueChanged.AddListener(
+ _ =>
+ {
+ int trueSemitones = (int)slider.value + offsetFromC;
+ inputField.text = slider.value.ToString();
+ parameterManager.entity[propertyName] = trueSemitones;
+ if (slider.value != _defaultValue)
+ {
+ this.caption.text = _captionText + "*";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.caption.text = _captionText;
+ }
+ noteLabel.text = GetNoteText(note, trueSemitones);
+ PlayPreview(note, trueSemitones);
+ }
+ );
+ inputField.onSelect.AddListener(
+ _ =>
+ Editor.instance.editingInputField = true
+ );
+ inputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(
+ _ =>
+ {
+ int trueSemitones = (int)slider.value + offsetFromC;
+ slider.value = Convert.ToSingle(inputField.text);
+ parameterManager.entity[propertyName] = trueSemitones;
+ Editor.instance.editingInputField = false;
+ if (slider.value != _defaultValue)
+ {
+ this.caption.text = _captionText + "*";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.caption.text = _captionText;
+ }
+ noteLabel.text = GetNoteText(note, trueSemitones);
+ PlayPreview(note, trueSemitones);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ public void OnSelectSliderHandle()
+ {
+ PlayPreview(note, (int)slider.value + offsetFromC);
+ }
+ private void PlayPreview(EntityTypes.Note note, int currentSemitones)
+ {
+ if (note.sampleName.Equals("") || !PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.previewNoteSounds) return;
+ if (previewAudioSource != null)
+ {
+ previewAudioSource.Stop(true);
+ previewAudioSource = null;
+ }
+ float pitch = SoundByte.GetPitchFromSemiTones(currentSemitones, true);
+ previewAudioSource = SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame(note.sampleName, pitch: pitch, volume: 0.75f, forcePlay: true, ignoreConductorPause: true);
+ }
+ private static readonly string[] notes = { "A", "A#", "B", "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#" };
+ private static string GetNoteText(EntityTypes.Note note, int currentSemitones)
+ {
+ int noteIndex = (note.sampleNote + currentSemitones) % 12;
+ if (noteIndex < 0)
+ {
+ noteIndex += 12;
+ }
+ int octaveOffset = (note.sampleNote + currentSemitones) / 12;
+ int octave = note.sampleOctave + octaveOffset;
+ if ((note.sampleNote + currentSemitones) % 12 < 0)
+ {
+ octave--;
+ }
+ return notes[noteIndex] + octave;
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NotePropertyPrefab.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NotePropertyPrefab.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f88007ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NotePropertyPrefab.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3d8108e287994e145a3ca0b3d19e40c8
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NumberPropertyPrefab.cs b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NumberPropertyPrefab.cs
index 25b0f80d9..b2a82b4f6 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NumberPropertyPrefab.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/EventSelector/PropertyPrefabs/NumberPropertyPrefab.cs
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
public Slider slider;
public TMP_InputField inputField;
- private float _defaultValue;
+ protected float _defaultValue;
public override void SetProperties(string propertyName, object type, string caption)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
case EntityTypes.Float fl:
slider.minValue = fl.min;
slider.maxValue = fl.max;
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
+ case EntityTypes.Note: break;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
nameof(type), type, "I don't know how to make a property of this type!"
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
switch (type)
- case EntityTypes.Integer integer:
+ case EntityTypes.Integer or EntityTypes.Note:
slider.onValueChanged.AddListener(_ => UpdateCollapse((int)slider.value));
inputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(_ => UpdateCollapse((int)slider.value));
@@ -143,19 +145,41 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
- case EntityTypes.Float fl:
+ case EntityTypes.Float:
slider.onValueChanged.AddListener(newVal => UpdateCollapse((float)Math.Round(newVal, 4)));
inputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(_ => UpdateCollapse(slider.value));
UpdateCollapse((float)Math.Round(slider.value, 4));
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
nameof(type), type, "I don't know how to make a property of this type!"
+ private static readonly string[] notes = {
+ "A", "A#", "B", "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#"
+ };
+ private static string GetNoteText(EntityTypes.Note note, int newSemitones)
+ {
+ int noteIndex = (note.sampleNote + newSemitones) % 12;
+ if (noteIndex < 0) {
+ noteIndex += 12;
+ }
+ int octaveOffset = (note.sampleNote + newSemitones) / 12;
+ int octave = note.sampleOctave + octaveOffset;
+ if ((note.sampleNote + newSemitones) % 12 < 0)
+ {
+ octave--;
+ }
+ return notes[noteIndex] + octave;
+ }
private void Update()
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/Timeline/Timeline.cs b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/Timeline/Timeline.cs
index f6543a3ef..d4b825261 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/Timeline/Timeline.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/LevelEditor/Timeline/Timeline.cs
@@ -890,6 +890,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
object returnVal = ep[i].parameter switch {
EntityTypes.Integer intVal => intVal.val,
+ EntityTypes.Note noteVal => noteVal.val,
EntityTypes.Float floatVal => floatVal.val,
EntityTypes.Button buttonVal => buttonVal.defaultLabel,
EntityTypes.Dropdown ddVal => new EntityTypes.DropdownObj(ddVal),
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Minigames.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Minigames.cs
index bda685143..b0e7d28d3 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Minigames.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Minigames.cs
@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
e.dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, ((EntityTypes.Integer)param.parameter).val);
else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Float))
e.dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, ((EntityTypes.Float)param.parameter).val);
+ else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Note))
+ e.dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, ((EntityTypes.Note)param.parameter).val);
else if (type.IsEnum)
e.dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (int)param.parameter);
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
- if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Integer))
+ if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Integer) || type == typeof(EntityTypes.Note))
e.dynamicData[param.propertyName] = (int)e[param.propertyName];
else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Float))
e.dynamicData[param.propertyName] = (float)e[param.propertyName];
@@ -295,6 +297,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
// use default value
if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Integer))
e.dynamicData[param.propertyName] = ((EntityTypes.Integer)param.parameter).val;
+ else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Note))
+ e.dynamicData[param.propertyName] = ((EntityTypes.Note)param.parameter).val;
else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Float))
e.dynamicData[param.propertyName] = ((EntityTypes.Float)param.parameter).val;
else if (type.IsEnum && param.propertyName != "ease")
@@ -1368,7 +1372,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
new((x, e) => (bool)x, "semitones", "cents"),
new((x, e) => !(bool)x, "pitch"),
- new Param("semitones", new EntityTypes.Integer(-24, 24, 0), "Semitones", "The semitones of the sfx."),
+ new Param("semitones", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 0), "Semitones", "The semitones of the sfx."),
new Param("cents", new EntityTypes.Integer(-100, 100, 0), "Cents", "The cents of the sfx."),
new Param("pitch", new EntityTypes.Float(0, 5, 1), "Pitch", "The pitch of the sfx."),
new Param("volume", new EntityTypes.Float(0, 2, 1), "Volume", "The volume of the sfx."),
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/PersistentDataManager.cs b/Assets/Scripts/PersistentDataManager.cs
index a0206c126..a47e27a4a 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/PersistentDataManager.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/PersistentDataManager.cs
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Common
bool letterboxFxEnable = true,
int editorScale = 0,
bool scaleWScreenSize = false,
- bool showParamTooltips = true
+ bool showParamTooltips = true,
+ bool previewNoteSounds = true
this.showSplash = showSplash;
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Common
this.editorScale = editorScale;
this.scaleWScreenSize = scaleWScreenSize;
this.showParamTooltips = showParamTooltips;
+ this.previewNoteSounds = previewNoteSounds;
this.perfectChallengeType = perfectChallengeType;
this.isMedalOn = isMedalOn;
@@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Common
public int editorScale;
public bool scaleWScreenSize;
public bool showParamTooltips;
+ public bool previewNoteSounds;
// public bool showCornerTooltips;
// Gameplay Settings
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/UI/LeftClickEvent.cs b/Assets/Scripts/UI/LeftClickEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eafdaa098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/UI/LeftClickEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Events;
+using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
+using UnityEngine.UI;
+public class LeftClickEvent : Selectable
+ public UnityEvent OnLeftClick;
+ public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
+ {
+ base.OnPointerDown(eventData);
+ if(eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left) return;
+ OnLeftClick?.Invoke();
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/UI/LeftClickEvent.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/UI/LeftClickEvent.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b65fdcf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/UI/LeftClickEvent.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: e365c37b20b7e15458fab7eef4b17449
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/UI/SettingsDialog/Tabs/EditorSettings.cs b/Assets/Scripts/UI/SettingsDialog/Tabs/EditorSettings.cs
index e07593791..92d9d28fb 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/UI/SettingsDialog/Tabs/EditorSettings.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/UI/SettingsDialog/Tabs/EditorSettings.cs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
[SerializeField] Button editorScaleDecre, editorScaleIncre;
[SerializeField] Toggle scaleWSS;
[SerializeField] Toggle paramTooltipsToggle;
+ [SerializeField] Toggle previewNoteSoundsToggle;
// [SerializeField] Toggle cornerTooltipsToggle;
private void Start()
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
discordRPCCheckbox.isOn = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.discordRPCEnable;
scaleWSS.isOn = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.scaleWScreenSize;
paramTooltipsToggle.isOn = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.showParamTooltips;
+ previewNoteSoundsToggle.isOn = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.previewNoteSounds;
@@ -61,6 +63,11 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.showParamTooltips = paramTooltipsToggle.isOn;
+ public void OnPreviewNoteSoundsChanged()
+ {
+ PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.previewNoteSounds = previewNoteSoundsToggle.isOn;
+ }
// public void OnCornerTooltipsChanged()
// {
// PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.showParamTooltips = cornerTooltipsToggle.isOn;
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Util/EntityTypes.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Util/EntityTypes.cs
index be539739a..b51045c36 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Util/EntityTypes.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Util/EntityTypes.cs
@@ -22,7 +22,29 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
this.max = max;
+ public struct Note
+ {
+ public static int maxSemitones = 36;
+ public int min;
+ public int val;
+ public int max;
+ public int sampleNote;
+ public int sampleOctave;
+ public string sampleName;
+ public Note(int min, int max, int val = 0, int sampleNote = 0, int sampleOctave = 0, string sampleName = "")
+ {
+ this.min = min;
+ this.val = val;
+ this.max = max;
+ this.sampleNote = sampleNote;
+ this.sampleOctave = sampleOctave;
+ this.sampleName = sampleName;
+ }
+ }
public struct Float
public float min;
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Util/Sound.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Util/Sound.cs
index 21586f46a..791732999 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Util/Sound.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Util/Sound.cs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
private AudioSource audioSource;
private Conductor cond;
+ public bool ignoreConductorPause = false;
private double startTime;
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
double dspTime = AudioSettings.dspTime;
if (!(available || played))
- if (!(cond.isPlaying || cond.isPaused))
+ if (!ignoreConductorPause && !(cond.isPlaying || cond.isPaused))
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
if (played)
- if (!(cond.isPlaying || cond.isPaused))
+ if (!ignoreConductorPause && !(cond.isPlaying || cond.isPaused))
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
- if (cond.isPaused || cond.SongPitch == 0)
+ if ((!ignoreConductorPause && cond.isPaused) || cond.SongPitch == 0)
if (!paused)
@@ -233,8 +234,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
- public void Stop()
+ public void Stop(bool releaseToPool = false)
+ if(releaseToPool && audioSource.isPlaying)
+ {
+ GameManager.instance.SoundObjects.Release(this);
+ }
available = true;
played = false;
paused = false;
@@ -246,6 +252,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
loopEndBeat = -1;
loopDone = false;
startTime = 0;
+ ignoreConductorPause = false;
audioSource.loop = false;
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Util/SoundByte.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Util/SoundByte.cs
index 51b7981ee..5236b3a29 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Util/SoundByte.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Util/SoundByte.cs
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
/// Unpitched, non-scheduled, non-looping sounds are played using a global One-Shot audio source that doesn't create a Sound object.
/// Looped sounds return their created Sound object so they can be canceled after creation.
- public static Sound PlayOneShot(string name, double beat = -1, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, string game = null, double offset = 0f)
+ public static Sound PlayOneShot(string name, double beat = -1, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, string game = null, double offset = 0f, bool ignoreConductorPause = false)
AudioClip clip = null;
string soundName = name.Split('/')[^1];
@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
snd.volume = volume;
snd.looping = looping;
snd.offset = offset;
+ snd.ignoreConductorPause = ignoreConductorPause;
return snd;
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
/// Schedules a sound to be played at a specific time in seconds.
- public static Sound PlayOneShotScheduled(string name, double targetTime, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, string game = null)
+ public static Sound PlayOneShotScheduled(string name, double targetTime, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, string game = null, bool ignoreConductorPause = false)
Sound snd = GetAvailableScheduledSound();
AudioClip clip = null;
@@ -405,6 +406,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
snd.scheduled = true;
snd.scheduledTime = targetTime;
+ snd.ignoreConductorPause = ignoreConductorPause;
return snd;
@@ -415,13 +417,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
/// Unpitched, non-scheduled, non-looping sounds are played using a global One-Shot audio source that doesn't create a Sound object.
/// Looped sounds return their created Sound object so they can be canceled after creation.
- public static Sound PlayOneShotGame(string name, double beat = -1, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, bool forcePlay = false, double offset = 0f)
+ public static Sound PlayOneShotGame(string name, double beat = -1, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, bool forcePlay = false, double offset = 0f, bool ignoreConductorPause = false)
string gameName = name.Split('/')[0];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(gameName);
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame == gameName || forcePlay)
- return PlayOneShot($"games/{name}", beat, pitch, volume, looping, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null, offset);
+ return PlayOneShot($"games/{name}", beat, pitch, volume, looping, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null, offset, ignoreConductorPause);
return null;
@@ -431,13 +433,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Util
/// Schedules a sound to be played at a specific time in seconds.
/// Audio clip is fetched from minigame resources
- public static Sound PlayOneShotScheduledGame(string name, double targetTime, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, bool forcePlay = false)
+ public static Sound PlayOneShotScheduledGame(string name, double targetTime, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, bool forcePlay = false, bool ignoreConductorPause = false)
string gameName = name.Split('/')[0];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(gameName);
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame == gameName || forcePlay)
- return PlayOneShotScheduled($"games/{name}", targetTime, pitch, volume, looping, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null);
+ return PlayOneShotScheduled($"games/{name}", targetTime, pitch, volume, looping, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null, ignoreConductorPause);
return null;