using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using HeavenStudio.Util; using HeavenStudio.Common; using HeavenStudio.InputSystem; using System; using System.Linq; using BurstLinq; using Jukebox; namespace HeavenStudio.Games { public class Minigame : MonoBehaviour { // root timing window values public static double ngEarlyTimeBase = 0.1, justEarlyTimeBase = 0.05, aceEarlyTimeBase = 0.01, aceLateTimeBase = 0.01, justLateTimeBase = 0.05, ngLateTimeBase = 0.1; // recommended added margin for release inputs public static double releaseMargin = 0.01; public static double rankHiThreshold = 0.8, rankOkThreshold = 0.6; public static double ngEarlyTime => ngEarlyTimeBase * Conductor.instance?.SongPitch ?? 1; public static double justEarlyTime => justEarlyTimeBase * Conductor.instance?.SongPitch ?? 1; public static double aceEarlyTime => aceEarlyTimeBase * Conductor.instance?.SongPitch ?? 1; public static double aceLateTime => aceLateTimeBase * Conductor.instance?.SongPitch ?? 1; public static double justLateTime => justLateTimeBase * Conductor.instance?.SongPitch ?? 1; public static double ngLateTime => ngLateTimeBase * Conductor.instance?.SongPitch ?? 1; [SerializeField] public SoundSequence.SequenceKeyValue[] SoundSequences; [NonSerialized] public string minigameName; [NonSerialized] public GameManager gameManager; [NonSerialized] public Conductor conductor; #region Premade Input Actions protected const int IAEmptyCat = -1; protected const int IAPressCat = 0; protected const int IAReleaseCat = 1; protected const int IAPressingCat = 2; protected const int IAFlickCat = 3; protected const int IAMAXCAT = 4; protected static bool IA_Empty(out double dt) { dt = 0; return false; } protected static bool IA_PadBasicPress(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.East, out dt); } protected static bool IA_TouchBasicPress(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap, out dt); } protected static bool IA_BatonBasicPress(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetBatonDown(InputController.ActionsBaton.Face, out dt); } protected static bool IA_PadBasicRelease(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.East, out dt); } protected static bool IA_TouchBasicRelease(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetTouchUp(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap, out dt) && !PlayerInput.GetFlick(out _); } protected static bool IA_BatonBasicRelease(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetBatonUp(InputController.ActionsBaton.Face, out dt); } protected static bool IA_PadBasicPressing(out double dt) { dt = 0; return PlayerInput.GetPad(InputController.ActionsPad.East); } protected static bool IA_TouchBasicPressing(out double dt) { dt = 0; return PlayerInput.GetTouch(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap); } protected static bool IA_BatonBasicPressing(out double dt) { dt = 0; return PlayerInput.GetBaton(InputController.ActionsBaton.Face); } protected static bool IA_TouchFlick(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetFlick(out dt); } public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_BasicPress = new("BasicPress", new int[] { IAPressCat, IAPressCat, IAPressCat }, IA_PadBasicPress, IA_TouchBasicPress, IA_BatonBasicPress); public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_BasicRelease = new("BasicRelease", new int[] { IAReleaseCat, IAReleaseCat, IAReleaseCat }, IA_PadBasicRelease, IA_TouchBasicRelease, IA_BatonBasicRelease); public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_BasicPressing = new("BasicRelease", new int[] { IAReleaseCat, IAReleaseCat, IAReleaseCat }, IA_PadBasicPressing, IA_TouchBasicPressing, IA_BatonBasicPressing); public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_FlickPress = new("FlickPress", new int[] { IAPressCat, IAFlickCat, IAPressCat }, IA_PadBasicPress, IA_TouchFlick, IA_BatonBasicPress); public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_FlickRelease = new("FlickRelease", new int[] { IAReleaseCat, IAFlickCat, IAReleaseCat }, IA_PadBasicRelease, IA_TouchFlick, IA_BatonBasicRelease); #endregion [NonSerialized] public List scheduledInputs = new List(); /// /// Schedule an Input for a later time in the minigame. Executes the methods put in parameters /// /// When the scheduling started (in beats) /// How many beats later should the input be expected /// The input action that's expected /// Method to run if the Input has been Hit /// Method to run if the Input has been Missed /// Method to run whenever there's an Input while this is Scheduled (Shouldn't be used too much) /// Pretty much what it says on the tin, ignores swing when active. This'll probably end up being used for a whole one game lmao /// public PlayerActionEvent ScheduleInput( double startBeat, double timer, PlayerInput.InputAction inputAction, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallbackState OnHit, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnMiss, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnBlank, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventHittableQuery HittableQuery = null, bool ignoreSwing = false ) { // List gameSwitches = GameManager.instance.Beatmap.Entities.FindAll(c => c.beat <= startBeat + timer && c.datamodel.Split("/")[0] == "switchGame"); // if (gameSwitches != null && gameSwitches[^1].datamodel.Split("/")[1] != // { // return null; // } GameObject evtObj = new("ActionEvent" + (startBeat + timer)); PlayerActionEvent evt = evtObj.AddComponent(); if (ignoreSwing) evt.startBeat = Conductor.instance.GetSwungBeat(startBeat); else evt.startBeat = startBeat; evt.timer = timer; evt.InputAction = inputAction; evt.OnHit = OnHit; evt.OnMiss = OnMiss; evt.OnBlank = OnBlank; evt.IsHittable = HittableQuery; evt.OnDestroy = RemoveScheduledInput; evt.canHit = true; evt.enabled = true; evt.transform.parent = this.transform.parent; evt.minigame = minigameName; evtObj.SetActive(true); scheduledInputs.Add(evt); return evt; } public PlayerActionEvent ScheduleInput( double startBeat, double timer, double margin, PlayerInput.InputAction inputAction, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallbackState OnHit, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnMiss, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnBlank, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventHittableQuery HittableQuery = null ) { PlayerActionEvent evt = ScheduleInput(startBeat, timer, inputAction, OnHit, OnMiss, OnBlank, HittableQuery); evt.margin = margin; return evt; } public PlayerActionEvent ScheduleAutoplayInput(double startBeat, double timer, PlayerInput.InputAction inputAction, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallbackState OnHit, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnMiss, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnBlank) { PlayerActionEvent evt = ScheduleInput(startBeat, timer, inputAction, OnHit, OnMiss, OnBlank); evt.autoplayOnly = true; evt.minigame = minigameName; return evt; } public PlayerActionEvent ScheduleUserInput(double startBeat, double timer, PlayerInput.InputAction inputAction, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallbackState OnHit, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnMiss, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventCallback OnBlank, PlayerActionEvent.ActionEventHittableQuery HittableQuery = null) { PlayerActionEvent evt = ScheduleInput(startBeat, timer, inputAction, OnHit, OnMiss, OnBlank, HittableQuery); evt.noAutoplay = true; evt.minigame = minigameName; return evt; } //Clean up method used whenever a PlayerActionEvent has finished public void RemoveScheduledInput(PlayerActionEvent evt) { scheduledInputs.Remove(evt); } public PlayerActionEvent GetClosestScheduledInput(int[] actionCats) { int catIdx = (int)PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle; int cat = actionCats[catIdx]; PlayerActionEvent closest = null; foreach (PlayerActionEvent toCompare in scheduledInputs) { // ignore inputs that are for sequencing in autoplay if (toCompare.autoplayOnly) continue; if (toCompare.InputAction == null) continue; if (closest == null) { if (toCompare.InputAction.inputLockCategory[catIdx] == cat) closest = toCompare; } else { double t1 = closest.startBeat + closest.timer; double t2 = toCompare.startBeat + toCompare.timer; if (t2 < t1) { if (toCompare.InputAction.inputLockCategory[catIdx] == cat) closest = toCompare; } } } return closest; } public bool IsExpectingInputNow(int[] wantActionCategory) { PlayerActionEvent input = GetClosestScheduledInput(wantActionCategory); if (input == null) return false; return input.IsExpectingInputNow(conductor); } public bool IsExpectingInputNow(PlayerInput.InputAction wantAction) { return IsExpectingInputNow(wantAction.inputLockCategory); } // now should fix the fast bpm problem public static double NgEarlyTime(float pitch = -1, double margin = 0) { if (pitch < 0) return 1 - (ngEarlyTime + margin); return 1 - ((ngEarlyTime + margin) * pitch); } public static double NgLateTime(float pitch = -1, double margin = 0) { if (pitch < 0) return 1 + (ngLateTime + margin); return 1 + ((ngLateTime + margin) * pitch); } public static double JustEarlyTime(float pitch = -1, double margin = 0) { if (pitch < 0) return 1 - (justEarlyTime + margin); return 1 - ((justEarlyTime + margin) * pitch); } public static double JustLateTime(float pitch = -1, double margin = 0) { if (pitch < 0) return 1 + (justLateTime + margin); return 1 + ((justLateTime + margin) * pitch); } public static double AceEarlyTime(float pitch = -1, double margin = 0) { if (pitch < 0) return 1 - (aceEarlyTime + margin); return 1 - ((aceEarlyTime + margin) * pitch); } public static double AceLateTime(float pitch = -1, double margin = 0) { if (pitch < 0) return 1 + (aceLateTime + margin); return 1 + ((aceLateTime + margin) * pitch); } public virtual void OnGameSwitch(double beat) { } public virtual void OnTimeChange() { } public virtual void OnPlay(double beat) { } public virtual void OnStop(double beat) { foreach (var evt in scheduledInputs) { evt.Disable(); } } // mainly for bopping logic public virtual void OnBeatPulse(double beat) { } // added because OnBeatPulse had some animation issues going on // if your bopping overlaps with other animations, use this instead public virtual void OnLateBeatPulse(double beat) { } public static MultiSound PlaySoundSequence(string game, string name, double startBeat, params SoundSequence.SequenceParams[] args) { Minigames.Minigame gameInfo = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(game); foreach (SoundSequence.SequenceKeyValue pair in gameInfo.LoadedSoundSequences) { if ( == name) { // Debug.Log($"Playing sound sequence {} at beat {startBeat}"); return pair.sequence.Play(startBeat); } } Debug.LogWarning($"Sound sequence {name} not found in game {game} (did you build AssetBundles?)"); return null; } public void ScoreMiss(float weight = 1f) { double beat = Conductor.instance?.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble ?? -1; GameManager.instance.ScoreInputAccuracy(beat, 0, true, NgLateTime(), weight: weight, doDisplay: false); } public void ToggleSplitColoursDisplay(bool on) { } #region Bop protected enum DefaultBopEnum { Off = 0, On = 1, } protected Dictionary bopRegion = new(); public bool BeatIsInBopRegion(double beat) { if (bopRegion.Count == 0) return true; int bop = 0; foreach (var item in bopRegion) { if (beat < item.Key) break; if (beat >= item.Key) bop = item.Value; } return (DefaultBopEnum)bop == DefaultBopEnum.On; } public int BeatIsInBopRegionInt(double beat) { if (bopRegion.Count == 0) return 0; int bop = 0; foreach (var item in bopRegion) { if (beat < item.Key) break; if (beat >= item.Key) bop = item.Value; } return bop; } protected void SetupBopRegion(string gameName, string eventName, string toggleName, bool isBool = true) { var allEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList(gameName, new string[] { eventName }); if (allEvents.Count == 0) return; allEvents.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); foreach (var e in allEvents) { if (bopRegion.ContainsKey(e.beat)) { // Debug.Log("Two bops on the same beat, ignoring this one"); continue; } if (isBool) { bopRegion.Add(e.beat, e[toggleName] ? 1 : 0); } else { bopRegion.Add(e.beat, e[toggleName]); } } } protected void AddBopRegionEvents(string gameName, string eventName, bool allowBop) { var allEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList(gameName, new string[] { eventName }); foreach (var e in allEvents) { bopRegion.Add(e.beat, allowBop ? 1 : 0); } bopRegion = bopRegion.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); } protected void AddBopRegionEventsInt(string gameName, string eventName, int allowBop) { var allEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList(gameName, new string[] { eventName }); foreach (var e in allEvents) { bopRegion.Add(e.beat, allowBop); } bopRegion = bopRegion.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); } #endregion #region Color // truly a moment in history. documentation in heaven studio :) public class ColorEase { /// /// Gets the eased color from the variables inside a ColorEase.
/// Use this in Update(). ///
/// A new color, based on startColor and endColor. public Color GetColor() => MakeNewColor(startBeat, length, startColor, endColor, easeFunc); public static Color MakeNewColor(double beat, float length, Color start, Color end, Util.EasingFunction.Function func) { if (length != 0) { float normalizedBeat = length == 0 ? 1 : Mathf.Clamp01(Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(beat, length)); float newR = func(start.r, end.r, normalizedBeat); float newG = func(start.g, end.g, normalizedBeat); float newB = func(start.b, end.b, normalizedBeat); return new Color(newR, newG, newB); } else { return end; } } public double startBeat = 0; public float length = 0; public Color startColor, endColor = Color.white; public Util.EasingFunction.Ease ease = Util.EasingFunction.Ease.Instant; public readonly Util.EasingFunction.Function easeFunc; /// /// The constructor to use when constructing a ColorEase from a block. /// /// The start beat of the ease. /// The length of the ease. /// The beginning color of the ease. /// The end color of the ease. /// /// The ease to use to transition between and .
/// Should be derived from Util.EasingFunction.Ease, /// public ColorEase(double startBeat, float length, Color startColor, Color endColor, int ease) { this.startBeat = startBeat; this.length = length; (this.startColor, this.endColor) = (startColor, endColor); this.ease = (Util.EasingFunction.Ease)ease; this.easeFunc = Util.EasingFunction.GetEasingFunction(this.ease); } /// /// The constructor to use when initializing the ColorEase variable. /// /// The default color to initialize with. public ColorEase(Color? defaultColor = null) { startColor = endColor = defaultColor ?? Color.white; easeFunc = Util.EasingFunction.Instant; } } #endregion private void OnDestroy() { foreach (var evt in scheduledInputs) { evt.Disable(); } } protected void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color = Color.magenta; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, new Vector3(17.77695f, 10, 0)); } } }