using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using Starpelly; using Newtonsoft.Json; using HeavenStudio.Games; namespace HeavenStudio { public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Lists")] public DynamicBeatmap Beatmap = new DynamicBeatmap(); [HideInInspector] public List<DynamicBeatmap.DynamicEntity> playerEntities = new List<DynamicBeatmap.DynamicEntity>(); private List<GameObject> preloadedGames = new List<GameObject>(); public List<GameObject> SoundObjects = new List<GameObject>(); [Header("Components")] public TextAsset txt; public Camera GameCamera, CursorCam, OverlayCamera; public CircleCursor CircleCursor; [HideInInspector] public GameObject GamesHolder; public Games.Global.Flash fade; public GameObject textbox; [Header("Games")] public string currentGame; Coroutine currentGameSwitchIE; [Header("Properties")] public int currentEvent, currentTempoEvent, currentPreEvent, currentPreSwitch; public float startOffset; public bool playOnStart; public float startBeat; [NonSerialized] public GameObject currentGameO; public bool autoplay; public bool canInput = true; public event Action<float> onBeatChanged; public int BeatmapEntities() { return Beatmap.entities.Count + Beatmap.tempoChanges.Count; } public static GameManager instance { get; private set; } private EventCaller eventCaller; private void Awake() { // autoplay = true; instance = this; } public void Init() { currentPreEvent= 0; currentPreSwitch = 0; this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(30000000, 30000000); SpriteRenderer sp = this.gameObject.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); sp.enabled = false; sp.color =; sp.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Sprites/GeneralPurpose/Square"); sp.sortingOrder = 30000; gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Flash"); GameObject fade = new GameObject(); this.fade = fade.AddComponent<Games.Global.Flash>(); if (txt != null) { string json = txt.text; Beatmap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DynamicBeatmap>(json); } else { NewRemix(); } SortEventsList(); GlobalGameManager.Init(); eventCaller = this.gameObject.AddComponent<EventCaller>(); eventCaller.GamesHolder = GamesHolder.transform; eventCaller.Init(); Conductor.instance.SetBpm(Beatmap.bpm); Conductor.instance.SetVolume(Beatmap.musicVolume); Conductor.instance.firstBeatOffset = Beatmap.firstBeatOffset; GameObject textbox = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Common/Textbox")); = "Textbox"; if (playOnStart) { Play(startBeat); } // SetCurrentGame(eventCaller.GamesHolder.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()[1].name); if (Beatmap.entities.Count >= 1) { SetCurrentGame(Beatmap.entities[0].datamodel.Split(0)); SetGame(Beatmap.entities[0].datamodel.Split(0)); } else { SetGame("noGame"); } } public void NewRemix() { Beatmap = new DynamicBeatmap(); Beatmap.bpm = 120f; Beatmap.musicVolume = 100; Beatmap.firstBeatOffset = 0f; Conductor.instance.musicSource.clip = null; } public void LoadRemix(string json = "", string type = "riq", int version = 0) { if (json != "") { switch (type) { case "tengoku": case "rhmania": Beatmap toConvert = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Beatmap>(json); Beatmap = DynamicBeatmap.BeatmapConverter(toConvert); break; case "riq": Beatmap = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DynamicBeatmap>(json); Beatmap.PostProcess(); break; default: NewRemix(); break; } } else { NewRemix(); } SortEventsList(); Conductor.instance.SetBpm(Beatmap.bpm); Conductor.instance.SetVolume(Beatmap.musicVolume); Conductor.instance.firstBeatOffset = Beatmap.firstBeatOffset; Stop(0); SetCurrentEventToClosest(0); if (Beatmap.entities.Count >= 1) { SetCurrentGame(Beatmap.entities[0].datamodel.Split(0)); SetGame(Beatmap.entities[0].datamodel.Split(0)); } else { SetGame("noGame"); } } public void SeekAheadAndPreload(float start, float seekTime = 8f) { //seek ahead to preload games that have assetbundles //check game switches first var gameSwitchs = Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => c.datamodel.Split(1) == "switchGame"); if (currentPreSwitch < gameSwitchs.Count && currentPreSwitch >= 0) { if (start + seekTime >= gameSwitchs[currentPreSwitch].beat) { string gameName = gameSwitchs[currentPreSwitch].datamodel.Split(2); var inf = GetGameInfo(gameName); if (inf.usesAssetBundle && !inf.AssetsLoaded) { Debug.Log("ASYNC loading assetbundle for game " + gameName); StartCoroutine(inf.LoadCommonAssetBundleAsync()); StartCoroutine(inf.LoadLocalizedAssetBundleAsync()); } currentPreSwitch++; } } //then check game entities List<float> entities = Beatmap.entities.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); if (currentPreEvent < Beatmap.entities.Count && currentPreEvent >= 0) { if (start + seekTime >= entities[currentPreEvent]) { var entitiesAtSameBeat = Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => c.beat == Beatmap.entities[currentPreEvent].beat && !EventCaller.FXOnlyGames().Contains(EventCaller.instance.GetMinigame(c.datamodel.Split('/')[0]))); for (int i = 0; i < entitiesAtSameBeat.Count; i++) { string gameName = entitiesAtSameBeat[i].datamodel.Split('/')[0]; var inf = GetGameInfo(gameName); if (inf.usesAssetBundle && !inf.AssetsLoaded) { Debug.Log("ASYNC loading assetbundle for game " + gameName); StartCoroutine(inf.LoadCommonAssetBundleAsync()); StartCoroutine(inf.LoadLocalizedAssetBundleAsync()); } } currentPreEvent++; } } } // LateUpdate works a bit better(?) but causes some bugs (like issues with bop animations). private void Update() { PlayerInput.UpdateInputControllers(); if (BeatmapEntities() < 1) //bruh really you forgot to ckeck tempo changes return; if (!Conductor.instance.isPlaying) return; List<float> entities = Beatmap.entities.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); List<float> tempoChanges = Beatmap.tempoChanges.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); if (currentTempoEvent < Beatmap.tempoChanges.Count && currentTempoEvent >= 0) { // Debug.Log("Checking Tempo Change at " + tempoChanges[currentTempoEvent] + ", current beat " + Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats); if (Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= tempoChanges[currentTempoEvent]) { // Debug.Log("Tempo Change at " + Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats + " of bpm " + DynamicBeatmap.tempoChanges[currentTempoEvent].tempo); Conductor.instance.SetBpm(Beatmap.tempoChanges[currentTempoEvent].tempo); Conductor.instance.timeSinceLastTempoChange = Time.time; currentTempoEvent++; } } float seekTime = 8f; //seek ahead to preload games that have assetbundles SeekAheadAndPreload(Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats, seekTime); if (currentEvent < Beatmap.entities.Count && currentEvent >= 0) { if (Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= entities[currentEvent] /*&& SongPosLessThanClipLength(Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats)*/) { // allows for multiple events on the same beat to be executed on the same frame, so no more 1-frame delay var entitiesAtSameBeat = Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => c.beat == Beatmap.entities[currentEvent].beat && !EventCaller.FXOnlyGames().Contains(EventCaller.instance.GetMinigame(c.datamodel.Split('/')[0]))); var fxEntities = Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => c.beat == Beatmap.entities[currentEvent].beat && EventCaller.FXOnlyGames().Contains(EventCaller.instance.GetMinigame(c.datamodel.Split('/')[0]))); // FX entities should ALWAYS execute before gameplay entities for (int i = 0; i < fxEntities.Count; i++) { eventCaller.CallEvent(fxEntities[i], true); currentEvent++; } for (int i = 0; i < entitiesAtSameBeat.Count; i++) { var entity = entitiesAtSameBeat[i]; // if game isn't loaded, preload game so whatever event that would be called will still run outside if needed if (entitiesAtSameBeat[i].datamodel.Split('/')[0] != currentGame && !preloadedGames.Contains(preloadedGames.Find(c => == entitiesAtSameBeat[i].datamodel.Split('/')[0]))) { eventCaller.CallEvent(entitiesAtSameBeat[i], false); } else { eventCaller.CallEvent(entitiesAtSameBeat[i], true); } // Thank you to @shshwdr for bring this to my attention currentEvent++; } // currentEvent += gameManagerEntities.Count; } } } public void ToggleInputs(bool inputs) { canInput = inputs; } #region Play Events public void Play(float beat) { canInput = true; StartCoroutine(PlayCo(beat)); onBeatChanged?.Invoke(beat); } private IEnumerator PlayCo(float beat) { yield return null; bool paused = Conductor.instance.isPaused; Conductor.instance.SetBpm(Beatmap.bpm); Conductor.instance.SetVolume(Beatmap.musicVolume); Conductor.instance.firstBeatOffset = Beatmap.firstBeatOffset; Conductor.instance.Play(beat); if (!paused) { SetCurrentEventToClosest(beat); } KillAllSounds(); } public void Pause() { Conductor.instance.Pause(); KillAllSounds(); } public void Stop(float beat) { Conductor.instance.Stop(beat); SetCurrentEventToClosest(beat); onBeatChanged?.Invoke(beat); KillAllSounds(); } public void KillAllSounds() { for (int i = 0; i < SoundObjects.Count; i++) Destroy(SoundObjects[i].gameObject); SoundObjects.Clear(); } #endregion #region List Functions public void SortEventsList() { Beatmap.entities.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); Beatmap.tempoChanges.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); Beatmap.volumeChanges.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); } public void SetCurrentEventToClosest(float beat) { SortEventsList(); onBeatChanged?.Invoke(beat); if (Beatmap.entities.Count > 0) { List<float> entities = Beatmap.entities.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); currentEvent = entities.IndexOf(Mathp.GetClosestInList(entities, beat)); currentPreEvent = entities.IndexOf(Mathp.GetClosestInList(entities, beat)); var gameSwitchs = Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => c.datamodel.Split(1) == "switchGame"); string newGame = Beatmap.entities[currentEvent].datamodel.Split(0); if (gameSwitchs.Count > 0) { int index = gameSwitchs.FindIndex(c => c.beat == Mathp.GetClosestInList(gameSwitchs.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(), beat)); currentPreSwitch = index; var closestGameSwitch = gameSwitchs[index]; if (closestGameSwitch.beat <= beat) { newGame = closestGameSwitch.datamodel.Split(2); } else if (closestGameSwitch.beat > beat) { if (index == 0) { newGame = Beatmap.entities[0].datamodel.Split(0); } else { if (index - 1 >= 0) { newGame = gameSwitchs[index - 1].datamodel.Split(2); } else { newGame = Beatmap.entities[Beatmap.entities.IndexOf(closestGameSwitch) - 1].datamodel.Split(0); } } } // newGame = gameSwitchs[gameSwitchs.IndexOf(gameSwitchs.Find(c => c.beat == Mathp.GetClosestInList(gameSwitchs.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(), beat)))].datamodel.Split(2); } if (!GetGameInfo(newGame).fxOnly) { SetGame(newGame); } } else { SetGame("noGame"); } if (Beatmap.tempoChanges.Count > 0) { currentTempoEvent = 0; List<float> tempoChanges = Beatmap.tempoChanges.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); //for tempo changes, just go over all of em until the last one we pass for (int t = 0; t < tempoChanges.Count; t++) { // Debug.Log("checking tempo event " + t + " against beat " + beat + "( tc beat " + tempoChanges[t] + ")"); if (tempoChanges[t] > beat) { break; } currentTempoEvent = t; } // Debug.Log("currentTempoEvent is now " + currentTempoEvent); } SeekAheadAndPreload(beat); } #endregion public void SwitchGame(string game, float beat) { if (game != currentGame) { if (currentGameSwitchIE != null) StopCoroutine(currentGameSwitchIE); currentGameSwitchIE = StartCoroutine(SwitchGameIE(game, beat)); } } IEnumerator SwitchGameIE(string game, float beat) { this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true; SetGame(game); Minigame miniGame = currentGameO.GetComponent<Minigame>(); if (miniGame != null) miniGame.OnGameSwitch(beat); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; } private void SetGame(string game) { Destroy(currentGameO); var instantiate = true; if (preloadedGames.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < preloadedGames.Count; i++) { if (preloadedGames[i].gameObject != null) { if (preloadedGames[i] == game) { preloadedGames[i].SetActive(true); currentGameO = preloadedGames[i]; preloadedGames.Remove(preloadedGames[i]); instantiate = false; } } } } if (instantiate) { currentGameO = Instantiate(GetGame(game)); currentGameO.transform.parent = eventCaller.GamesHolder.transform; = game; } SetCurrentGame(game); ResetCamera(); } private void PreloadGame(string game) { if (preloadedGames.Contains(preloadedGames.Find(c => == game))) return; var g = Instantiate(GetGame(game)); g.transform.parent = eventCaller.GamesHolder.transform; g.SetActive(false); = game; preloadedGames.Add(g); } public GameObject GetGame(string name) { var gameInfo = GetGameInfo(name); if (gameInfo != null) { if (gameInfo.fxOnly) { name = Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => { var gameName = c.datamodel.Split(0); var newGameInfo = GetGameInfo(gameName); if (newGameInfo == null) return false; else return !newGameInfo.fxOnly; }).ToList()[0].datamodel.Split(0); } else { if (gameInfo.usesAssetBundle) { //game is packed in an assetbundle, load from that instead return gameInfo.GetCommonAssetBundle().LoadAsset<GameObject>(name); } } } return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/{name}"); } public Minigames.Minigame GetGameInfo(string name) { return EventCaller.instance.minigames.Find(c => == name); } public void SetCurrentGame(string game) { currentGame = game; if (GetGameInfo(currentGame) != null) CircleCursor.InnerCircle.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = Colors.Hex2RGB(GetGameInfo(currentGame).color); else CircleCursor.InnerCircle.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.white; } private bool SongPosLessThanClipLength(float t) { if (Conductor.instance.musicSource.clip != null) return Conductor.instance.GetSongPosFromBeat(t) < Conductor.instance.musicSource.clip.length; else return true; } public void ResetCamera() { HeavenStudio.GameCamera.ResetAdditionalTransforms(); } } }