using UnityEngine; using System; namespace HeavenStudio.Util { public static class AnimationHelpers { public static bool IsAnimationNotPlaying(this Animator anim) { if (anim == null) return true; var stateInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); return (stateInfo.normalizedTime >= stateInfo.speed || stateInfo.loop) && !anim.IsInTransition(0); } public static bool IsAnimationNotPlaying(this Animator anim, int layer) { if (anim == null) return true; var stateInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer); return (stateInfo.normalizedTime >= stateInfo.speed || stateInfo.loop) && !anim.IsInTransition(layer); } /// /// Returns true if animName is currently playing on animator /// /// Animator to check /// name(s) of animation to look out for public static bool IsPlayingAnimationNames(this Animator anim, params string[] animNames) { if (anim == null) return false; var stateInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); var isPlaying = Array.Exists(animNames, animName => stateInfo.IsName(animName)); return (stateInfo.normalizedTime < stateInfo.speed || stateInfo.loop) && isPlaying; } /// /// Returns true if animName is currently playing on animator on a specific layer /// /// Animator to check /// name(s) of animation to look out for public static bool IsPlayingAnimationNames(this Animator anim, int layer, params string[] animNames) { if (anim == null) return false; var stateInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer); var isPlaying = Array.Exists(animNames, animName => stateInfo.IsName(animName)); return (stateInfo.normalizedTime < stateInfo.speed || stateInfo.loop) && isPlaying; } /// /// Sets animator's progress on an animation based on current song beat between startTime and length /// function must be called in actor's Update loop to update properly /// /// Animator to update /// name of animation to play /// reference start time of animation (progress 0.0) /// duration of animation (progress 1.0) /// multiplier for animation progress (smaller values make animation slower) /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoScaledAnimation(this Animator anim, string animName, double startTime, double length = 1, float timeScale = 1f, int animLayer = -1, bool clamp = false, bool ignoreSwing = true) { if (anim == null) return; float pos = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(startTime, length, ignoreSwing: ignoreSwing) * timeScale; if (clamp) pos = Mathf.Clamp01(pos); anim.Play(animName, animLayer, pos); anim.speed = 1f; //not 0 so these can still play their script events } /// /// Sets animator's progress on a state based on current song beat between startTime and length /// function must be called in actor's Update loop to update properly /// also sets the speed of the state 1x speed /// Animator must have a float parameter named "{state}_Speed" for this to work, and have the state's speed multiplier mapped to that parameter in the state tree /// /// Animator to update /// name of animation to play /// reference start time of animation (progress 0.0) /// duration of animation (progress 1.0) /// multiplier for animation progress (smaller values make animation slower) /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoScaledState(this Animator anim, string state, double startTime, double length = 1, float timeScale = 1f, int animLayer = -1, bool clamp = false, bool ignoreSwing = true) { if (anim == null) return; float pos = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(startTime, length, ignoreSwing: ignoreSwing) * timeScale; if (clamp) pos = Mathf.Clamp01(pos); anim.Play(state, animLayer, pos); anim.SetFloat($"{state}_Speed", 1); } /// /// Sets animator progress on an animation according to pos /// /// Animator to update /// name of animation to play /// position to set animation progress to (0.0 - 1.0) /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoNormalizedAnimation(this Animator anim, string animName, float pos = 0f, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; anim.Play(animName, animLayer, pos); anim.speed = 1f; } /// /// Plays animation on animator, scaling speed to song BPM /// call this function once, when playing an animation /// /// Animator to play animation on /// name of animation to play /// multiplier for animation speed /// beat that this animation would start on /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoScaledAnimationFromBeatAsync(this Animator anim, string animName, float timeScale = 1f, double startBeat = 0, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; float pos = 0; if (!double.IsNaN(startBeat)) { var cond = Conductor.instance; var animClip = Array.Find(anim.runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips, x => == animName); double animLength = cond.SecsToBeats(animClip.length, cond.GetBpmAtBeat(startBeat)); pos = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(startBeat, animLength) * timeScale; } else { Debug.LogWarning("DoScaledAnimationFromBeatAsync()'s startBeat was NaN; using DoScaledAnimationAsync() instead."); } anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync(animName, timeScale, pos, animLayer); } /// /// Sets the speed of an animation state on an animator, scaled to the BPM, then plays it /// Animator must have a float parameter named "{state}Speed" for this to work, and have the state's speed multiplier mapped to that parameter in the state tree /// /// Animator to play animation on /// name of animation to play /// multiplier for animation speed /// beat that this animation would start on /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoScaledStateFromBeatAsync(this Animator anim, string animName, float timeScale = 1f, double startBeat = 0, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; float pos = 0; if (!double.IsNaN(startBeat)) { var cond = Conductor.instance; var animClip = Array.Find(anim.runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips, x => == animName); if (animClip == null) { Debug.LogError("Animation clip " + animName + " not found!"); return; } double animLength = cond.SecsToBeats(animClip.length, cond.GetBpmAtBeat(startBeat)); pos = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(startBeat, animLength) * timeScale; } else { Debug.LogWarning("DoScaledAnimationFromBeatAsync()'s startBeat was NaN; using DoScaledAnimationAsync() instead."); } anim.DoScaledStateAsync(animName, timeScale, pos, animLayer); } /// /// Plays animation on animator, scaling speed to song BPM /// call this function once, when playing an animation /// /// Animator to play animation on /// name of animation to play /// multiplier for animation speed /// starting progress of animation /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoScaledAnimationAsync(this Animator anim, string animName, float timeScale = 1f, float startPos = 0f, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; anim.Play(animName, animLayer, startPos); anim.speed = (1f / Conductor.instance.pitchedSecPerBeat) * timeScale; } /// /// Sets the speed of an animation state on an animator, scaled to the BPM, then plays it /// Animator must have a float parameter named "{state}Speed" for this to work, and have the state's speed multiplier mapped to that parameter in the state tree /// /// Animator to play animation on /// name of animation to play /// multiplier for animation speed /// starting progress of animation /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoScaledStateAsync(this Animator anim, string state, float timeScale = 1f, float startPos = 0f, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; anim.PlayStateAtSpeed(state, (1f / Conductor.instance.pitchedSecPerBeat) * timeScale, startPos, animLayer); } public static void SetScaledAnimationSpeed(this Animator anim, float timeScale = 0.5f) { if (anim == null) return; anim.speed = (1f / Conductor.instance.pitchedSecPerBeat) * timeScale; } /// /// Plays animation on animator, at default speed /// this is the least nessecary function here lol /// /// Animator to play animation on /// name of animation to play /// starting progress of animation /// animator layer to play animation on public static void DoUnscaledAnimation(this Animator anim, string animName, float startPos = 0f, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; anim.Play(animName, animLayer, startPos); anim.speed = 1f; } /// /// Sets the speed of an animation state on an animator, then plays it /// Animator must have a float parameter named "{state}_Speed" for this to work, and have the state's speed multiplier mapped to that parameter in the state tree /// /// Animator to play animation on /// name of animation to play /// multiplier for animation speed /// starting progress of animation /// animator layer to play animation on public static void PlayStateAtSpeed(this Animator anim, string state, float timeScale = 1f, float startPos = 0f, int animLayer = -1) { if (anim == null) return; anim.SetFloat($"{state}_Speed", timeScale); anim.Play(state, animLayer, startPos); } } }