using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using BurstLinq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Pool; using Jukebox; using HeavenStudio.Util; using HeavenStudio.Games; using HeavenStudio.Common; using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks; namespace HeavenStudio { public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour { const int SoundPoolSizeMin = 32; const int SoundPoolSizeMax = 32; [Header("Lists")] [NonSerialized] public RiqBeatmap Beatmap = new(); [NonSerialized] public ObjectPool<Sound> SoundObjects; [Header("Components")] [NonSerialized] public Camera GameCamera, CursorCam, OverlayCamera, StaticCamera; [NonSerialized] public CircleCursor CircleCursor; [NonSerialized] public GameObject GamesHolder; [NonSerialized] public Games.Global.Flash fade; [NonSerialized] public Games.Global.Filter filter; [Header("Games")] Coroutine currentGameSwitchIE; [NonSerialized] public int currentEvent, currentTempoEvent, currentVolumeEvent, currentSectionEvent, currentPreEvent, currentPreSwitch, currentPreSequence; public string currentGame { get; private set; } public GameObject minigameObj { get; private set; } public Minigame minigame { get; private set; } public RiqEntity lastSection { get; private set; } public RiqEntity currentSection { get; private set; } public double endBeat { get; private set; } public double startBeat { get; private set; } public double nextSectionBeat { get; private set; } public double SectionProgress { get; private set; } public float MarkerWeight { get; private set; } public int MarkerCategory { get; private set; } public bool playMode { get; private set; } public bool autoplay { get; private set; } public bool canInput { get; private set; } public bool GameHasSplitColours { get { var inf = GetGameInfo(currentGame); if (inf == null) return false; return inf.splitColorL != null && inf.splitColorR != null; } } bool AudioLoadDone; bool ChartLoadError; //bool exiting; Unused value - Marc List<double> eventBeats, preSequenceBeats, tempoBeats, volumeBeats, sectionBeats; List<RiqEntity> allGameSwitches; public event Action<double> onBeatChanged; public event Action<RiqEntity, RiqEntity> onSectionChange; public event Action<double> onBeatPulse; public event Action<double> onPlay; public event Action<double> onPause; public event Action<double> onUnPause; public int BeatmapEntities() { return Beatmap.Entities.Count + Beatmap.TempoChanges.Count + Beatmap.VolumeChanges.Count + Beatmap.SectionMarkers.Count; } public static GameManager instance { get; private set; } private EventCaller eventCaller; public Conductor conductor; // average input accuracy (msec) List<int> inputOffsetSamples = new List<int>(); float averageInputOffset = 0; public float AvgInputOffset { get { return averageInputOffset; } set { inputOffsetSamples.Add((int)value); averageInputOffset = (float)inputOffsetSamples.Average(); } } // input accuracy (%) bool skillStarCollected = false, noMiss = true; // cleared sections List<bool> clearedSections = new List<bool>(); public bool ClearedSection { set { clearedSections.Add(value); } } JudgementManager.JudgementInfo judgementInfo; private void Awake() { instance = this; //exiting = false; Unused value - Marc } public void Init(bool preLoaded = false) { AudioLoadDone = false; ChartLoadError = false; currentPreEvent = 0; currentPreSwitch = 0; currentPreSequence = 0; GameObject filter = new GameObject("filter"); this.filter = filter.AddComponent<Games.Global.Filter>(); eventCaller = this.gameObject.AddComponent<EventCaller>(); eventCaller.GamesHolder = GamesHolder.transform; eventCaller.Init(this); canInput = true; // note: serialize this shit in the inspector // GameObject textbox = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Common/Textbox")); = "Textbox"; GameObject timingDisp = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Common/Overlays/TimingAccuracy")); = "TimingDisplay"; GameObject skillStarDisp = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Common/Overlays/SkillStar")); = "SkillStar"; GameObject overlays = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Common/Overlays")); = "Overlays"; GoForAPerfect.instance.Disable(); ///// SoundByte.BasicCheck(); SoundObjects = new ObjectPool<Sound>(CreatePooledSound, OnTakePooledSound, OnReturnPooledSound, OnDestroyPooledSound, true, SoundPoolSizeMin, SoundPoolSizeMax); if (preLoaded) { LoadRemix(false); } else { RiqFileHandler.ClearCache(); NewRemix(); } SortEventsList(); conductor.SetBpm(Beatmap.TempoChanges[0]["tempo"]); conductor.SetVolume(Beatmap.VolumeChanges[0]["volume"]); conductor.firstBeatOffset =; if (!preLoaded) { if (Beatmap.Entities.Count == 0) { SetGame("noGame"); } else { SetCurrentEventToClosest(0, true); } } if (playMode) { StartCoroutine(WaitReadyAndPlayCo(startBeat, 1f)); } } Sound CreatePooledSound() { GameObject oneShot = new GameObject($"Pooled Scheduled Sound"); oneShot.transform.SetParent(transform); AudioSource audioSource = oneShot.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); audioSource.playOnAwake = false; Sound snd = oneShot.AddComponent<Sound>(); oneShot.SetActive(false); return snd; } // Called when an item is returned to the pool using Release void OnReturnPooledSound(Sound snd) { snd.Stop(); } // Called when an item is taken from the pool using Get void OnTakePooledSound(Sound snd) { snd.gameObject.SetActive(true); } // If the pool capacity is reached then any items returned will be destroyed. void OnDestroyPooledSound(Sound snd) { snd.Stop(); Destroy(snd.gameObject); } public void NewRemix() { AudioLoadDone = false; Beatmap = new("1", "HeavenStudio"); = new(Minigames.propertiesModel); RiqEntity t = Beatmap.AddNewTempoChange(0, 120f); t.CreateProperty("swingDivision", 1f); Beatmap.AddNewVolumeChange(0, 100f); = 0f; conductor.musicSource.clip = null; RiqFileHandler.WriteRiq(Beatmap); AudioLoadDone = true; } public IEnumerator LoadMusic() { ChartLoadError = false; IEnumerator load = RiqFileHandler.LoadSong(); while (true) { object current = load.Current; try { if (load.MoveNext() == false) { break; } current = load.Current; } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException f) { Debug.LogWarning("chart has no music: " + f.Message); conductor.musicSource.clip = null; AudioLoadDone = true; yield break; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to load music: {e.Message}"); GlobalGameManager.ShowErrorMessage("Error Loading Music", e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace); AudioLoadDone = true; ChartLoadError = true; yield break; } yield return current; } conductor.musicSource.clip = RiqFileHandler.StreamedAudioClip; AudioLoadDone = true; } public void LoadRemix(bool editor = false) { AudioLoadDone = false; ChartLoadError = false; try { Beatmap = RiqFileHandler.ReadRiq(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to load remix: {e.Message}"); GlobalGameManager.ShowErrorMessage("Error Loading RIQ", e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace); ChartLoadError = true; return; } if (!editor) StartCoroutine(LoadMusic()); SortEventsList(); conductor.SetBpm(Beatmap.TempoChanges[0]["tempo"]); conductor.SetVolume(Beatmap.VolumeChanges[0]["volume"]); conductor.firstBeatOffset =; if (!playMode) { Stop(0); } SetCurrentEventToClosest(0, true); if (editor) { if ( != "HeavenStudio") { string origin = ?? "Unknown Origin"; GlobalGameManager.ShowErrorMessage("Warning", $"This chart came from\n<alpha=#AA>{origin}</color>\nand uses content not included in Heaven Studio.\n\n<color=\"yellow\">You may be able to edit this chart in Heaven Studio to be used in its original program.</color>"); } } } public void ScoreInputAccuracy(double beat, double accuracy, bool late, double time, float weight = 1, bool doDisplay = true) { // push the hit event to the timing display if (doDisplay) TimingAccuracyDisplay.instance.MakeAccuracyVfx(time, late); if (weight > 0 && MarkerWeight > 0) { judgementInfo.inputs.Add(new JudgementManager.InputInfo { beat = beat, accuracyState = accuracy, timeOffset = time, weight = weight * MarkerWeight, category = MarkerCategory }); if (accuracy < Minigame.rankOkThreshold) { SkillStarManager.instance.KillStar(); GoForAPerfect.instance.Miss(); SectionMedalsManager.instance.MakeIneligible(); noMiss = false; } } if (SkillStarManager.instance.IsEligible && !skillStarCollected && accuracy >= 1f) { if (SkillStarManager.instance.DoStarJust()) skillStarCollected = true; } } public void DoSectionCompletion(double beat, bool clear, string name, double score) { judgementInfo.medals.Add(new JudgementManager.MedalInfo { beat = beat, cleared = clear }); } public List<Minigames.Minigame> SeekAheadAndPreload(double start, float seekTime = 8f) { List<Minigames.Minigame> gamesToPreload = new(); List<RiqEntity> entitiesAtSameBeat = ListPool<RiqEntity>.Get(); Minigames.Minigame inf; // seek ahead to preload games that have assetbundles if (currentPreSwitch < allGameSwitches.Count && currentPreSwitch >= 0) { if (start + seekTime >= allGameSwitches[currentPreSwitch].beat) { string gameName = allGameSwitches[currentPreSwitch].datamodel.Split('/')[2]; inf = GetGameInfo(gameName); if (inf != null && !(inf.inferred || inf.fxOnly)) { if (inf.UsesAssetBundle && !(inf.AssetsLoaded || inf.AlreadyLoading)) { gamesToPreload.Add(inf); Debug.Log($"ASYNC loading assetbundles for game {gameName}"); inf.LoadAssetsAsync().Forget(); } } currentPreSwitch++; } } //then check game entities if (currentPreEvent < Beatmap.Entities.Count && currentPreEvent >= 0) { if (start + seekTime >= eventBeats[currentPreEvent]) { foreach (RiqEntity entity in Beatmap.Entities) { if (entity.beat == Beatmap.Entities[currentPreEvent].beat && !EventCaller.FXOnlyGames().Contains(eventCaller.GetMinigame(entity.datamodel.Split('/')[0]))) { entitiesAtSameBeat.Add(entity); } } SortEventsByPriority(entitiesAtSameBeat); foreach (RiqEntity entity in entitiesAtSameBeat) { string gameName = entity.datamodel.Split('/')[0]; inf = GetGameInfo(gameName); if (inf != null && !(inf.inferred || inf.fxOnly)) { if (inf.UsesAssetBundle && !inf.AssetsLoaded) { gamesToPreload.Add(inf); Debug.Log($"ASYNC loading assetbundles for game {gameName}"); inf.LoadAssetsAsync().Forget(); } } currentPreEvent++; } } } ListPool<RiqEntity>.Release(entitiesAtSameBeat); return gamesToPreload; } public void SeekAheadAndDoPreEvent(double start) { if (currentPreSequence < Beatmap.Entities.Count && currentPreSequence >= 0) { List<RiqEntity> entitiesInRange = ListPool<RiqEntity>.Get(); while (currentPreSequence < preSequenceBeats.Count && start >= preSequenceBeats[currentPreSequence]) { entitiesInRange.Clear(); foreach (RiqEntity entity in Beatmap.Entities) { string[] entityDatamodel = entity.datamodel.Split('/'); double seekTime = eventCaller.GetGameAction(entityDatamodel[0], entityDatamodel[1]).preFunctionLength; if (entity.beat - seekTime == preSequenceBeats[currentPreSequence]) { entitiesInRange.Add(entity); } } SortEventsByPriority(entitiesInRange); foreach (RiqEntity entity in entitiesInRange) { eventCaller.CallPreEvent(entity); currentPreSequence++; } } ListPool<RiqEntity>.Release(entitiesInRange); } } private void Update() { if (BeatmapEntities() < 1) return; if (conductor.WaitingForDsp || !conductor.isPlaying) return; double clampedBeat = Math.Max(conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble, 0); if (currentTempoEvent < Beatmap.TempoChanges.Count && currentTempoEvent >= 0) { if (conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble >= tempoBeats[currentTempoEvent]) { conductor.SetBpm(Beatmap.TempoChanges[currentTempoEvent]["tempo"]); currentTempoEvent++; } } if (currentVolumeEvent < Beatmap.VolumeChanges.Count && currentVolumeEvent >= 0) { if (conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble >= volumeBeats[currentVolumeEvent]) { conductor.SetVolume(Beatmap.VolumeChanges[currentVolumeEvent]["volume"]); currentVolumeEvent++; } } if (currentSectionEvent < Beatmap.SectionMarkers.Count && currentSectionEvent >= 0) { if (conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble >= sectionBeats[currentSectionEvent]) { RiqEntity marker = Beatmap.SectionMarkers[currentSectionEvent]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(marker["sectionName"])) { Debug.Log("Section " + marker["sectionName"] + " started"); lastSection = currentSection; if (currentSectionEvent < Beatmap.SectionMarkers.Count) currentSection = marker; else currentSection = null; nextSectionBeat = endBeat; foreach (RiqEntity futureSection in Beatmap.SectionMarkers) { if (futureSection.beat < marker.beat) continue; if (futureSection == marker) continue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(futureSection["sectionName"])) { nextSectionBeat = futureSection.beat; break; } } onSectionChange?.Invoke(currentSection, lastSection); } if (OverlaysManager.OverlaysEnabled) { if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.perfectChallengeType != PersistentDataManager.PerfectChallengeType.Off) { if (marker["startPerfect"] && GoForAPerfect.instance != null && GoForAPerfect.instance.perfect && !GoForAPerfect.instance.gameObject.activeSelf) { GoForAPerfect.instance.Enable(marker.beat); } } } MarkerWeight = marker["weight"]; MarkerCategory = marker["category"]; currentSectionEvent++; } } if (conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble >= Math.Ceiling(_playStartBeat) + _pulseTally) { if (minigame != null) minigame.OnBeatPulse(Math.Ceiling(_playStartBeat) + _pulseTally); onBeatPulse?.Invoke(Math.Ceiling(_playStartBeat) + _pulseTally); _pulseTally++; } float seekTime = 8f; //seek ahead to preload games that have assetbundles SeekAheadAndPreload(clampedBeat, seekTime); SeekAheadAndDoPreEvent(clampedBeat); if (currentEvent < Beatmap.Entities.Count && currentEvent >= 0) { List<RiqEntity> entitiesInRange = ListPool<RiqEntity>.Get(); List<RiqEntity> fxEntities = ListPool<RiqEntity>.Get(); // allows for multiple events on the same beat to be executed on the same frame, so no more 1-frame delay while (currentEvent < eventBeats.Count && clampedBeat >= eventBeats[currentEvent] && this.conductor.isPlaying) { fxEntities.Clear(); entitiesInRange.Clear(); using (PooledObject<List<RiqEntity>> pool = ListPool<RiqEntity>.Get(out List<RiqEntity> currentBeatEntities)) { currentBeatEntities = Beatmap.Entities.FindAll(c => c.beat == eventBeats[currentEvent]); foreach (RiqEntity entity in currentBeatEntities) { if (EventCaller.FXOnlyGames().Contains(eventCaller.GetMinigame(entity.datamodel.Split('/')[0]))) { fxEntities.Add(entity); } else { entitiesInRange.Add(entity); } } } SortEventsByPriority(fxEntities); SortEventsByPriority(entitiesInRange); // FX entities should ALWAYS execute before gameplay entities foreach (RiqEntity entity in fxEntities) { eventCaller.CallEvent(entity, true); currentEvent++; } foreach (RiqEntity entity in entitiesInRange) { // if game isn't loaded, run inactive event if (entity.datamodel.Split('/')[0] != currentGame) { eventCaller.CallEvent(entity, false); } else { eventCaller.CallEvent(entity, true); } // Thank you to @shshwdr for bring this to my attention currentEvent++; } } ListPool<RiqEntity>.Release(entitiesInRange); ListPool<RiqEntity>.Release(fxEntities); } if (currentSection == null) { SectionProgress = 0; } else { double currectSectionStart = conductor.GetSongPosFromBeat(currentSection.beat); SectionProgress = (conductor.songPosition - currectSectionStart) / (conductor.GetSongPosFromBeat(nextSectionBeat) - currectSectionStart); } } private void LateUpdate() { OverlaysManager.instance.TogleOverlaysVisibility(Editor.Editor.instance == null || Editor.Editor.instance.fullscreen || ((PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.overlaysInEditor) && (!Editor.Editor.instance.fullscreen)) || HeavenStudio.Editor.GameSettings.InPreview); if (!conductor.isPlaying) return; if (conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble >= Math.Ceiling(_playStartBeat) + _latePulseTally) { if (minigame != null) minigame.OnLateBeatPulse(Math.Ceiling(_playStartBeat) + _latePulseTally); onBeatPulse?.Invoke(Math.Ceiling(_playStartBeat) + _latePulseTally); _latePulseTally++; } } public static void PlaySFXArbitrary(double beat, float length, string game, string name, float pitch, float volume, bool looping, int offset) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return; Sound sound; if (game == "common") { sound = SoundByte.PlayOneShot(name, beat, pitch, volume, looping, null, (offset / 1000f)); } else { SoundByte.PreloadGameAudioClips(game); sound = SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame(game + "/" + name, beat, pitch, volume, looping, true, (offset / 1000f)); } if (looping) { BeatAction.New(null, new() { new(beat + length, () => sound.KillLoop(0)), }); } } public void PlayAnimationArbitrary(string animator, string animation, float scale) { Transform animTrans = minigameObj.transform.Find(animator); if (animTrans != null && animTrans.TryGetComponent(out Animator anim)) { anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync(animation, scale); } } public void ToggleInputs(bool inputs) { canInput = inputs; } public void ToggleAutoplay(bool auto) { autoplay = auto; } public void TogglePlayMode(bool mode) { playMode = mode; } #region Play Events private double _playStartBeat = 0; private int _pulseTally = 0; private int _latePulseTally = 0; public void Play(double beat, float delay = 0f) { bool paused = conductor.isPaused; _playStartBeat = beat; _pulseTally = 0; _latePulseTally = 0; canInput = true; if (!paused) { inputOffsetSamples.Clear(); averageInputOffset = 0; TimingAccuracyDisplay.instance.ResetArrow(); SkillStarManager.instance.Reset(); skillStarCollected = false; noMiss = true; GoForAPerfect.instance.perfect = true; GoForAPerfect.instance.Disable(); SectionMedalsManager.instance.Reset(); clearedSections.Clear(); judgementInfo = new JudgementManager.JudgementInfo { inputs = new List<JudgementManager.InputInfo>(), medals = new List<JudgementManager.MedalInfo>() }; MarkerWeight = 1; MarkerCategory = 0; if (playMode && delay > 0) { GlobalGameManager.ForceFade(0, delay * 0.5f, delay * 0.5f); } } StartCoroutine(PlayCo(beat, delay)); //onBeatChanged?.Invoke(beat); } private IEnumerator PlayCo(double beat, float delay = 0f) { bool paused = conductor.isPaused; if (!paused) { conductor.SetBpm(Beatmap.TempoChanges[0]["tempo"]); conductor.SetVolume(Beatmap.VolumeChanges[0]["volume"]); conductor.firstBeatOffset =; conductor.PlaySetup(beat); SetCurrentEventToClosest(beat, true); Debug.Log("Playing at " + beat); KillAllSounds(); if (delay > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); } Minigame miniGame = null; if (minigameObj != null && minigameObj.TryGetComponent<Minigame>(out miniGame)) { if (miniGame != null) { miniGame.OnPlay(beat); } } onPlay?.Invoke(beat); bool hasStartPerfect = false; foreach (RiqEntity marker in Beatmap.SectionMarkers) { if (marker["startPerfect"]) { hasStartPerfect = true; break; } } if (OverlaysManager.OverlaysEnabled && !hasStartPerfect) { if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.perfectChallengeType != PersistentDataManager.PerfectChallengeType.Off) { GoForAPerfect.instance.Enable(0); } } } else { onUnPause?.Invoke(beat); } if (playMode) { CircleCursor.LockCursor(true); } Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; conductor.Play(beat); } public void Pause() { conductor.Pause(); Util.SoundByte.PauseOneShots(); onPause?.Invoke(conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble); canInput = false; } public void Stop(double beat, bool restart = false, float restartDelay = 0f) { // I feel like I should standardize the names if (conductor.isPlaying) { SkillStarManager.instance.KillStar(); TimingAccuracyDisplay.instance.StopStarFlash(); GoForAPerfect.instance.Disable(); SectionMedalsManager.instance.OnRemixEnd(endBeat, currentSection); } Minigame miniGame; if (minigameObj != null && minigameObj.TryGetComponent<Minigame>(out miniGame)) { if (miniGame != null) { miniGame.OnStop(beat); } } conductor.Stop(beat); conductor.SetBeat(beat); KillAllSounds(); if (restart) { Play(0, restartDelay); } else if (playMode) { //exiting = true; Unused value - Marc = skillStarCollected; judgementInfo.perfect = GoForAPerfect.instance.perfect; judgementInfo.noMiss = noMiss; judgementInfo.time = DateTime.Now; JudgementManager.SetPlayInfo(judgementInfo, Beatmap); GlobalGameManager.LoadScene("Judgement", 0.35f, 0f, DestroyGame); CircleCursor.LockCursor(false); } else { conductor.SetBeat(beat); } Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Normal; } public void SafePlay(double beat, float delay, bool discord) { StartCoroutine(WaitReadyAndPlayCo(beat, delay, discord)); } private IEnumerator WaitReadyAndPlayCo(double beat, float delay = 1f, bool discord = true) { SoundByte.UnloadAudioClips(); SoundByte.PreloadAudioClipAsync("skillStar"); SoundByte.PreloadAudioClipAsync("perfectMiss"); conductor.SetBeat(beat); WaitUntil yieldOverlays = new WaitUntil(() => OverlaysManager.OverlaysReady); WaitUntil yieldBeatmap = new WaitUntil(() => Beatmap != null && BeatmapEntities() > 0); WaitUntil yieldAudio = new WaitUntil(() => AudioLoadDone || (ChartLoadError && !GlobalGameManager.IsShowingDialog)); WaitUntil yieldGame = null; List<Minigames.Minigame> gamesToPreload = SetCurrentEventToClosest(beat, true); Debug.Log($"Preloading {gamesToPreload.Count} games"); if (gamesToPreload.Count > 0) { yieldGame = new WaitUntil(() => gamesToPreload.All(x => x.AssetsLoaded)); } // wait for overlays to be ready // Debug.Log("waiting for overlays"); yield return yieldOverlays; // wait for beatmap to be loaded // Debug.Log("waiting for beatmap"); yield return yieldBeatmap; //wait for audio clip to be loaded // Debug.Log("waiting for audio"); yield return yieldAudio; //wait for games to be loaded // Debug.Log("waiting for minigames"); if (yieldGame != null) yield return yieldGame; SkillStarManager.instance.KillStar(); TimingAccuracyDisplay.instance.StopStarFlash(); GoForAPerfect.instance.Disable(); SectionMedalsManager.instance?.Reset(); if (discord) { GlobalGameManager.UpdateDiscordStatus(Beatmap["remixtitle"].ToString(), false, true); } Play(beat, delay); yield break; } public void KillAllSounds() { // Debug.Log("Killing all sounds"); SoundObjects.Clear(); SoundByte.KillOneShots(); } #endregion #region List Functions public void SortEventsList() { Beatmap.Entities.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); Beatmap.TempoChanges.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); Beatmap.VolumeChanges.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); Beatmap.SectionMarkers.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); eventBeats = Beatmap.Entities.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); tempoBeats = Beatmap.TempoChanges.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); volumeBeats = Beatmap.VolumeChanges.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); sectionBeats = Beatmap.SectionMarkers.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(); allGameSwitches = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("gameManager", new string[] { "switchGame" }); preSequenceBeats = new List<double>(); string[] seekEntityDatamodel; foreach (RiqEntity entity in Beatmap.Entities) { seekEntityDatamodel = entity.datamodel.Split('/'); double seekTime = eventCaller.GetGameAction(seekEntityDatamodel[0], seekEntityDatamodel[1]).preFunctionLength; preSequenceBeats.Add(entity.beat - seekTime); } preSequenceBeats.Sort(); } void SortEventsByPriority(List<RiqEntity> entities) { string[] xDatamodel; string[] yDatamodel; entities.Sort((x, y) => { xDatamodel = x.datamodel.Split('/'); yDatamodel = y.datamodel.Split('/'); Minigames.GameAction xAction = eventCaller.GetGameAction(xDatamodel[0], xDatamodel[1]); Minigames.GameAction yAction = eventCaller.GetGameAction(yDatamodel[0], yDatamodel[1]); return yAction.priority.CompareTo(xAction.priority); }); } public static double GetClosestInList(List<double> list, double compareTo) { if (list.Count > 0) return list.Aggregate((x, y) => Math.Abs(x - compareTo) < Math.Abs(y - compareTo) ? x : y); else return double.MinValue; } public static int GetIndexAfter(List<double> list, double compareTo) { list.Sort(); if (list.Count > 0) { foreach (double item in list) { if (item >= compareTo) { return Math.Max(list.IndexOf(item), 0); } } return list.Count; } return 0; } public static int GetIndexBefore(List<double> list, double compareTo) { list.Sort(); if (list.Count > 0) { foreach (double item in list) { if (item >= compareTo) { return Math.Max(list.IndexOf(item) - 1, 0); } } return list.Count - 1; } return 0; } public List<Minigames.Minigame> SetCurrentEventToClosest(double beat, bool canPreload = false) { SortEventsList(); List<Minigames.Minigame> preload = new(); onBeatChanged?.Invoke(beat); if (Beatmap.Entities.Count > 0) { currentEvent = GetIndexAfter(eventBeats, beat); currentPreEvent = GetIndexAfter(eventBeats, beat); currentPreSequence = GetIndexAfter(eventBeats, beat); string newGame = Beatmap.Entities[Math.Min(currentEvent, eventBeats.Count - 1)].datamodel.Split(0); if (allGameSwitches.Count > 0) { int index = GetIndexBefore(allGameSwitches.Select(c => c.beat).ToList(), beat); currentPreSwitch = index; var closestGameSwitch = allGameSwitches[index]; if (closestGameSwitch.beat <= beat) { newGame = closestGameSwitch.datamodel.Split(2); } else if (closestGameSwitch.beat > beat) { if (index == 0) { newGame = Beatmap.Entities[0].datamodel.Split(0); } else { if (index - 1 >= 0) { newGame = allGameSwitches[index - 1].datamodel.Split(2); } else { newGame = Beatmap.Entities[Beatmap.Entities.IndexOf(closestGameSwitch) - 1].datamodel.Split(0); } } } } if (!GetGameInfo(newGame).fxOnly) { if (canPreload) { Minigames.Minigame inf = GetGameInfo(newGame); if (inf != null && inf.UsesAssetBundle && !inf.AssetsLoaded) { preload.Add(inf); } } StartCoroutine(WaitAndSetGame(newGame)); } List<RiqEntity> allEnds = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("gameManager", new string[] { "end" }); if (allEnds.Count > 0) endBeat = allEnds.Select(c => c.beat).Min(); else endBeat = conductor.SongLengthInBeatsAsDouble(); } else { SetGame("noGame"); endBeat = conductor.SongLengthInBeatsAsDouble(); } if (Beatmap.TempoChanges.Count > 0) { currentTempoEvent = 0; //for tempo changes, just go over all of em until the last one we pass for (int t = 0; t < tempoBeats.Count; t++) { // Debug.Log("checking tempo event " + t + " against beat " + beat + "( tc beat " + tempoChanges[t] + ")"); if (tempoBeats[t] > beat) { break; } currentTempoEvent = t; } // Debug.Log("currentTempoEvent is now " + currentTempoEvent); } if (Beatmap.VolumeChanges.Count > 0) { currentVolumeEvent = 0; for (int t = 0; t < volumeBeats.Count; t++) { if (volumeBeats[t] > beat) { break; } currentVolumeEvent = t; } } lastSection = null; currentSection = null; if (Beatmap.SectionMarkers.Count > 0) { currentSectionEvent = 0; for (int t = 0; t < sectionBeats.Count; t++) { if (sectionBeats[t] > beat) { break; } currentSectionEvent = t; } } onSectionChange?.Invoke(currentSection, lastSection); preload.AddRange(SeekAheadAndPreload(beat)); return preload; } #endregion /// <summary> /// While playing a chart, switches the currently active game /// Should only be called by chart entities /// </summary> /// <param name="game">name of the game to switch to</param> /// <param name="beat">beat of the chart entity calling the switch</param> /// <param name="flash">hide the screen during the switch</param> public void SwitchGame(string game, double beat, bool flash) { if (game != currentGame) { if (currentGameSwitchIE != null) StopCoroutine(currentGameSwitchIE); currentGameSwitchIE = StartCoroutine(SwitchGameIE(game, beat, flash)); } } IEnumerator SwitchGameIE(string game, double beat, bool flash) { if (flash) { HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.ToggleCanvasVisibility(false); } SetGame(game, false); Minigame miniGame; if (minigameObj != null && minigameObj.TryGetComponent<Minigame>(out miniGame)) { if (miniGame != null) { miniGame.OnGameSwitch(beat); } } while (conductor.GetUnSwungBeat(beat + 0.25) > Math.Max(conductor.unswungSongPositionInBeatsAsDouble, 0)) { if (!conductor.isPlaying) { HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.ToggleCanvasVisibility(true); SetAmbientGlowToCurrentMinigameColor(); StopCoroutine(currentGameSwitchIE); } yield return null; } HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.ToggleCanvasVisibility(true); SetAmbientGlowToCurrentMinigameColor(); } /// <summary> /// Immediately sets the current minigame to the specified game /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> /// <param name="useMinigameColor"></param> private void SetGame(string game, bool useMinigameColor = true) { ResetCamera(); // resetting camera before setting new minigame so minigames can set camera values in their awake call - Rasmus GameObject prefab = GetGamePrefab(game); if (prefab == null) return; Destroy(minigameObj); minigameObj = Instantiate(prefab); if (minigameObj.TryGetComponent<Minigame>(out var minigame)) { this.minigame = minigame; minigame.minigameName = game; minigame.gameManager = this; minigame.conductor = conductor; } Vector3 originalScale = minigameObj.transform.localScale; minigameObj.transform.parent = eventCaller.GamesHolder.transform; minigameObj.transform.localScale = originalScale; = game; SetCurrentGame(game, useMinigameColor); } string currentGameRequest = null; /// <summary> /// Waits for a given game to preload, then sets it as the current game /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> /// <param name="useMinigameColor"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator WaitAndSetGame(string game, bool useMinigameColor = true) { if (game == currentGameRequest) { yield break; } currentGameRequest = game; var inf = GetGameInfo(game); if (inf != null && inf.UsesAssetBundle) { if (!(inf.AssetsLoaded || inf.AlreadyLoading)) { // Debug.Log($"ASYNC loading assetbundles for game {game}"); inf.LoadAssetsAsync().Forget(); yield return new WaitUntil(() => inf.AssetsLoaded); } SetGame(game, useMinigameColor); currentGameRequest = null; } else { SetGame(game, useMinigameColor); currentGameRequest = null; } } public void DestroyGame() { SoundByte.UnloadAudioClips(); SetGame("noGame"); } /// <summary> /// Get the game prefab for a given game name /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public GameObject GetGamePrefab(string name) { if (name is null or "" or "noGame") { return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } Minigames.Minigame gameInfo = GetGameInfo(name); if (gameInfo != null) { if (gameInfo.inferred) { return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } if (gameInfo.fxOnly) { var gameInfos = Beatmap.Entities .Select(x => x.datamodel.Split(0)) .Select(x => GetGameInfo(x)) .Where(x => x != null) .Where(x => !x.fxOnly) .Where(x => x.LoadableName is not "noGame" or "" or null); if (gameInfos.Count() > 0) { gameInfo = gameInfos.FirstOrDefault(); if (gameInfo == null) return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } else { return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } } GameObject prefab; if (gameInfo.UsesAssetBundle) { //game is packed in an assetbundle, load from that instead if (gameInfo.AssetsLoaded && gameInfo.LoadedPrefab != null) return gameInfo.LoadedPrefab; // couldn't load cached prefab, try loading from resources (usually indev games with mispacked assetbundles) Debug.LogWarning($"Failed to load prefab for game {name} from assetbundle, trying Resources..."); prefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/{name}"); if (prefab != null) { return prefab; } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Game {name} not found, using noGame"); return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } } // games with no assetbundle (usually indev games) prefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/{name}"); if (prefab != null) { return prefab; } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Game {name} not found, using noGame"); return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Game {name} not found, using noGame"); return Resources.Load<GameObject>($"Games/noGame"); } } public Minigames.Minigame GetGameInfo(string name) { return eventCaller.GetMinigame(name); } public bool TryGetMinigame<T>(out T mg) where T : Minigame { if (minigame is T tempMinigame) { mg = tempMinigame; return true; } else { mg = null; return false; } } Color colMain; public void SetCurrentGame(string game, bool useMinigameColor = true) { currentGame = game; if (GetGameInfo(currentGame) != null) { colMain = StringUtils.Hex2RGB(GetGameInfo(currentGame).color); CircleCursor.SetCursorColors(colMain, StringUtils.Hex2RGB(GetGameInfo(currentGame).splitColorL), StringUtils.Hex2RGB(GetGameInfo(currentGame).splitColorR)); if (useMinigameColor) HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.SetAmbientGlowColour(colMain, true); else HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.SetAmbientGlowColour(, false); } else { CircleCursor.SetCursorColors(Color.white, Color.white, Color.white); HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.SetAmbientGlowColour(, false); } CircleCursor.ClearTrail(false); } private void SetAmbientGlowToCurrentMinigameColor() { if (GetGameInfo(currentGame) != null) HeavenStudio.StaticCamera.instance.SetAmbientGlowColour(StringUtils.Hex2RGB(GetGameInfo(currentGame).color), true); } private bool SongPosLessThanClipLength(float t) { if (conductor.musicSource.clip != null) return conductor.GetSongPosFromBeat(t) < conductor.musicSource.clip.length; else return true; } public void ResetCamera() { HeavenStudio.GameCamera.ResetAdditionalTransforms(); } } }